#which isn't surprising because she's been faking it her whole life -- she a pro and can spot a fake from a mile away
ticklikeabomb · 5 years
The Language of Limbo - Part 2
Pairing : Chris Evans x Plus Size Reader ; Marvel Cast x Plus Size Reader
Warnings : Language
Word Count : 2.3k
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You've been preparing yourself for the past two months, each day getting more and more at ease with the movements of your fighting scenes. One of the highlights of one of your rehearsal session was the day where you met Evans for the first time.
You were currently finishing up the first half of the session and Mason granted you a break. You sat down, took a gulp of your water and noticed your shoelaces untied. You leaned down and were in the middle of tying them when a deep but calm voice spoke up beside you. "Hi there." You looked up and felt your heart beat faster than ever, due the fact that your celebrity crush stood in front of you. "Hein?", you breathed out, mesmerized by his handsome face and blue eyes. He chuckled and you looked elsewhere, your face flushed in embarrassment. You stood up and finally replied back with a shy smile, "Hi". "It was some cool moves you did back there", he commented.
"Thank you but the credit really goes to Mason, he's the real pro here", you chuckled and pointed towards your coach. "Perhaps but you did good, you deserve some credit too", he told you and slightly pumped his right shoulder against yours, which surprised you. A wide smile appeared on your face and thanked him again. "Are you casually training here or …", he asked intrigued. "I'm actually Marvel's new…", you started but then realized your mistake. "Oh shit", you covered your mouth. His eyes widened and his mouth opened in a 'oh' motion. "You're Y/C/N, aren't you?" You switched from leg to leg, uncomfortably for spoiling your arrival into the production. "Nope, don't know what you're talking about", you faked, heat invading your whole body. He laughed loudly before comforting you, "Hey don't worry I won't tell anybody. Your secret is safe with me."
"Oh God, I'm fucking it up already", you chuckled nervously. He laughed again but eventually calmed down. "Well nice to meet you. I'm Chris but something tells me you know that already", he whispered with a smug smile. You nodded and replied, "Yeah, nice to meet you too. I'm Y/N." He was called from the other end of the room and turned back at you to tell you goodbye. "I guess we'll see each other soon Y/N", winked and jogged towards his own coach. You face-palmed and cursed yourself for ruining your contract's confidentiality closure. "Y/N, are you ready?", asked Mason at your left. You jumped a little, not expecting him standing next to you and he laughed at the gesture, "Sorry". You shook your head, hand resting on your heart and affirmed him you were ready for the rest of the training.
It was now the day before the first table read and you were beyond nervous. You were unable to eat properly during the day, had trouble to focus on your lines and when you decided to go to bed early, you couldn't sleep. "Goddammit", you breathed out in frustration, your eyes glossy because of the stress that was invading you. "Deep breath, inhale, exhale", you repeated in the darkness of the room. Silent tears cascaded your face, the pressure too much to bear. You finally got a grip on your emotions and eventually fell asleep.
A couple of hours later and you definitely didn't woke up like this. You grumpily marched towards your bathroom and hopped in the shower, the warm water splash on your sore body. Half an hour later, you were showered and dressed. You took your script and grabbed your car keys, settling for the Studio's direction. You had 3 hours in front of you until the table read but because you couldn't sleep well, you decided to head early and grab a coffee on your way. You parked your car and walked to a close park, settled down with your script and looked at the sunrise shining in front of you, the small breeze refreshing you. You went over the script, reading it one more time and hoped for the best. Even if you were cast for the movie, the table read was a crucial step. If you didn't show professionalism right away, it wasn't uncommon for directors and producers to let go the person and recast someone else.
"Y/N?", you heard beside you. You turned around and saw Elizabeth Olson stand in front of you, confused on seeing you after so long. "Hey, Elizabeth how are you?", you stood up with a wide smile and hugged her. "I..I'm fine, what about you? What are you doing here?", she asked happily. You chuckled and simply replied you had a work meeting without revealing that it was for Marvel. "That's amazing. I'm so happy to see you again after what, 5 years?", she continued. You nodded, "Yeah sorry I know we were supposed to stay in contact after 'Godzilla' but life just got so crazy", you apologized to which she shook her head. "Tell me about it. When it's not filming, it's press touring. I know how that feels but I'm really glad I got to see you again. We'll have to go for lunch one time."
"I'm happy too and yes, we definitely have", you smiled widely. She checked on her watch and frowned, "I'm sorry but I have to go." "Of course, no problem", you reassured her. She hugged you goodbye and you smirked in anticipation, the surprise being totally unexpected. You checked your watch too and slowly made your way to the meeting point. When you arrived, you saw a line of A-list actors standing in front of you, their backs turned at you. You felt your body slowly begin to tremble in excitement and fear and took a deep breath to calm your nerves down. You bowed your head so that no one would pay attention to you and waited at the end of the group. No one seemed to notice you, each one of them focused on their respective conversation. There was laughter, friends happily chatting and reconnecting after months apart. "I know you missed me", giggled Robert Downey Junior. "How couldn't I", replied someone who's voice wasn't familiar to you.
"Who got to read the whole script this time?", asked Anthony Mackie. "I did", replied the original 6 Avengers (Evans, Scarlet, RDJ, Hemsworth, Ruffalo and Renner) simultaneously. "Lucky bastards", someone else joked. You chuckled slowly but was cut short when you heard someone mention your character's name. "We have no idea who it is", commented Mark Ruffalo to the rest of the audience. Your lifted your head cautiously to try to get their facial expressions when you made eye contact with Evans who was already looking at you. Your eyes widened and you immediately bowed down your head. The next thing heard among the blabbering was Chris' loud laugh. "What's so funny?", asked Scarlet in amusement. "Oh nothing, I'm sure whoever will play Y/C/N isn't very far."
It was at that precise moment when Kevin Feige, the Russo Brothers and the casting director entered the room, "Hello everybody and welcome back", greeted the Marvel Studios' president. "Here we go again for another 4 intense months", he continued to which everyone hollered in agreement. "As per usual only a few selected among you got the opportunity to read the whole script, such as the ones part of the original 6, Benedict Cumberbatch and Marvel's new addition." Your eyes almost popped out of your skull when you heard you actually had the true and whole script in your hands. You quickly figured out that they were testing you, seeing if your were trustworthy and what Feige mentioned next confirmed your suspicions. "Since there's no spoiler out there, I think we did the right choice in choosing Y/N Y/L/N to join the production." You heard someone gasp and recognized her voice. "No way?", exclaimed Elizabeth ecstatic. "Who?", asked RDJ confused. You had to chuckle at his puzzled face, being well aware that they had no idea who you were besides Elizabeth or maybe the ones who saw you as an extra or small role in a movie. "Where is she? Y/N?", called out Kevin Feige. You took a deep breath and raised your arm. "There she is. Will you step out of the shadows and come here, please?",he asked amused. You did as he said, crossing the assembly that had split in two just like the Red See, allowing you to step closer to the men in charge. "Hello, it's an honor to meet you", you said shyly towards them since you hadn't had the chance to meet them yet. They greeted you in return and you positioned yourself next to the casting director Mr Stewart who smiled widely and side hugged you eagerly, happy to see you again.
Everyone sat down and the table read began. You weren't really sure if you had to recite your lines with a neutral voice or already get into character. You already had done a table read before but never such an important one. You watched as the others actors around you sounded far more as their characters than themselves and decided to act along, your voice resonating the way you wanted for the character and your facial expressions matching the situations occurring in the script. You knew you had to prove that you were the right choice and felt everyones eyes burn your skin, whether in evaluating you, in concentration following the lines in front of them or just because they were intrigued by what you could bring to the dynamic already set in place.
"We're going to stop here people because the rest are quiet the spoilers for the rest of the cast and we wouldn't want that, would we", said Kevin Feige while ogling Tom Holland, making the young men shake his head in amusement. "Yeah, yeah I know, the Spoil-Machine right here", he joked. You chuckled along the rest of them and your eyes met Elizabeth's, who smiled while lifting her thumbs up and you smiled brightly at the gesture, happy to have at least an acquaintance on set. The Marvel Studios' president exited the room, leaving the Russo brothers and the actors behind. You felt a little tap on your shoulder and turned on your left side, coming face to face with Mark Ruffalo. "Hello there, I'm Mark", he said and you chuckled. "Hi, I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you." You caught Robert Downey Jr jog behind Mark until he stood beside him. He looked at you with a wide smirk and commented, "What do you think about the original science bros? Not bad right?" Your eyes widened and giggled nervously but before you could say anything, Elizabeth and Scarlet were beside you. "Don't scare the poor woman already, Downey", said Scarlet. Lizzie grabbed your attention by hugging you. "You sneaky little thing. I can't believe you didn't tell me when I saw you outside that you were casted. Wait does Aaron know?", she blabbered. You laughed at her enthusiasm, "I'm not allowed to say anything I'm sure you know what it is like and regarding Aaron, no not yet."
"Who's Aaron?", asked suddenly Chris Evans out of nowhere. Elizabeth rolled her eyes before telling him it was Aaron-Taylor Johnson, who's also part of Marvel's family and your best friend. Evans nodded attentively while you tried to calm your nerves down, feeling heat creep your body noticing that he was coming closer to where you stood. When his blue eyes locked with yours you were done. It took you a few seconds to realize that he was talking to you. "Excuse me, what?", you mumbled. He chuckled and replied while presenting his hand, "I'm happy to officially meet you Y/N". You shook his hand and had to control yourself to not smile, because he knew you were casted before anyone else, thanks to your clumsiness. "Nice to meet you too." "I'm looking forward to work with you", he commented and winked, before joining another group of actors. You swallowed harshly, took a deep breath and turned towards the people in front of you, who were smirking. "Hmm I can't wait to start the shooting", implied RDJ, mischief shinning in his eyes and voice. You nodded shyly, not able to look at him or the others in the eyes, still impressed to be standing next to so many talented people. "Do you have any ride for tonight?", asked Jeremy Renner. You frowned not really understanding his question. "Ride?"
"Yeah, all the actors are invited for dinner at the Russo's Restaurant", commented Hemsworth. "Oh I didn't know, I'm probably just gonna grab something and eat at home", you responded. "Nonsense, you're part of the team now, you're invited too", quickly said Joe Russo who caught the conversation. "Alright, thank you then’’, you said with a wide smile. "So, the ride?", said Renner again. "I came here with my car so if anyone needs a ride and besides I don't really know where the restaurant is", you blabbered. "Let's just split then, if that's ok with you", mentioned Scarlet. "No no problem at all." They gathered everyone and started to form small groups. You ended up taking Chris (Evans), Elizabeth, Scarlet and Jeremy in your car. You were marching towards the parking when you remembered that your car was garbage compared to the hot wheels they were used to drive. You chuckled nervously and declared, "Sorry it's not a Royce Rolls but it rolls". Sensing your nervous and cracking voice, Elizabeth calmed you down, "Don't worry Y/N." You clenched your jaw and gave her a small smile, not convinced and slightly ashamed. Having Chris sitting next to you wasn't helping you calm your nerves down. You connected your phone to the radio and decided to put on your favorite artist of the moment. You pressed play on and Lizzo's song Juice came on. You immediately felt the pressure release and began to mumble the words to yourself while focusing on the road. "This song is awesome, who is it?", asked Chris besides you. You told him more about Lizzo's music and saw glimpses of him attentively following you talking so passionately about the artist in question.
You soon arrived at your destination and entered the fancy place. During the evening the actors insisted on you switching places at every meal served, so that you could chat a little with everyone. "So anyone in your life, Y/N?", asked Mackie with a smug smirk. You almost chocked on your drink not expecting it and cleared your voice, "Nope not at the moment." "Hmm interesting", he feigned and looked at the others. You frowned but eventually shook your head in amusement. It was starting to get late and you decided to cut the night short, everyone getting where they were standing. You dropped the actors at the Studios where they had their cars but noticed that Chris had just a tab to much to drink. "Hey where do I drop you?", you asked him this time concerned. "What?" You chuckled and told him that you would give him a ride because you didn't want him to drive in his state. "Ohh I can hold my liquor", he arguments. "Come on, I won't be able to sleep peacefully knowing that you drove all the way and not knowing if you arrived safely. Let me take you." He raised one of his eyebrows, smirking when you realized how that may have sounded. "I mean…let me take you in like drop you at your place." He cracked up seeing you try to justify yourself before telling you the hotel he was staying. It wasn't far away from the Studios and told him goodnight. "You seem like a cool person. Goodnight Y/N, see you soon." You smiled and replied, "Thanks, you seem like a cool person yourself." You saw him walking inside the building and chuckled to yourself, "This man will be the death of me."
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*gif not mine, credit to owner*
PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr @francezka10 @titty-teetee
SERIES TAG LIST : @halee-bear @sanellv @alwaysenjoythelifeyoulive @teatimewithhiddles @mooniessuniverse @meggie-mouse-28
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