#which isnt really a reward its just something that will make his life easier so he isnt burning through cookies every week
beelzebubsis · 6 months
the last three streams have honestly been so good recently
im always a sucker for bbh and eggs cause the interactions are always so sweet but bbh has also had like really positive interactions with the other streamers too. like forever, aypierre and antoine were all so nice and excited about his puzzle rooms. the whole night he spent with dapper and richas was just so cozy and good and tonight's stream with pomme and pepito was just so cute. im really enjoy pomme and pepito's dynamic cause i think pomme likes being a protector and is enjoying being an older sister.
im just saying let bbh hang out with more eggs he deserves it
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fieldofgreengrass · 2 months
O M G okay in the way that lulu idolizes nunki and sees him as an angel from actual heaven LOWKEYYY like the knight she used to dream about coming to save and protect her and guide her etc etc i think she would come to love kissu as not only a friend but as a protector seeing as she cannot fight for SHIT which resolves in her being a passive fighter utilizing traps and such. i think kissu being an in your face active predator when it comes to fighting and terrorizing would make her feel simultaneously safe and fearful bc she would feel like she never had to be scared of getting hurt with someone like him around while also getting huge stomach aches and bouts of stress and anxiety from the inherit wrongness of it all. MUCH TO PONDERRRRR sorry for word vom EEEEK
ohh my god LUXX ;; 🖤 PLEASE never apologize for telling me your thoughts, you don't understand how excited i got receiving this and knowing yu enjoy them so much + talking with me about them uaa i love you and i love your writing and this is making me batshit insane.. ohh WOW it's just so sweet! and beautiful! and so immensely twisted! because kissu doesn't abide by his own morals, just his ideology that nothing stays, so it's natural to hurt, get hurt, and lose everything. and then you wake up another day and move on. he knows the pain he causes and he enjoys it, when asked why he does it its just "because i'm with my friend," or "because i was tasked to do it, and i want to do a good job. i don't want to disappoint someone waiting for me." he finds the fact that people are so caught up on it amusing. he thinks about them, you live in a plentiful world, you have chances at life you don't deserve, you have a natural system that rewards you with blessings, why do you complain? why can't you accept it? he looks at peoples' grieved houses and bleeding pets and says, why can't you rebuild it? why can't you just have a good time rebuilding it, too? he knows exactly why they're upset, but he mocks them regardless. because her way of living prevents her from getting hurt. she's neck deep in it. and she views everything as a wonderment with so much happiness to glean. her priorities of connection, affection, friendship are so much higher than things like life and trauma and guilt. if you hold close to your heart that doctrine that everything changes, and that everything can change in a moment, maybe you're living on a constant line but it's comfortable.
if anyone close to her asks her why she's so awful in her methods.. she smiles at them and says "because they can do the same to me. i'm not stopping them, see? they're stopped by their own teeth." and once, she promises that if someone retaliates or gets revenge later, she won't fight back at all. she'll let nature take its course. she starts walking out in the open where anyone can kill her with a projectile. when too much time passes, she tries to make it happen by finding a previous target and dropping her chisels in earnest. only nothing happens, because they're stricken with fear, and for just one moment their fear was wrong and unfounded. how would they know that? to them, kissu is simply humiliating them and exercising power in a sick way. and she is.
so.. she really cares for lulu, and she really doesnt view anything luxx does as immoral. shes willing to protect her, make things easier for her, and show them both a good time. i think she'd be pleased lulu would trust her in that way.. shes not so ignorant to believe luxx isnt afraid, its only natural, but something deep within her wishes for her to let go of fear, too.. i think paralleling luxx's idolatry of nunki to how she views kissu is soo amazing, and it speaks to how theyre so different but so influential on her psyche... it must hurt so much but bring a sense of security all the same. aaaaaaahh
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double-daredevil · 4 years
folklore ; chapter one
Tumblr media
din djarin x reader (no y/n)
words: 6.2k
rating: T for swearing i guess. its a slow burn there isnt anything sexii yet lol
themes: slow burn (like y’all its so SLOW lol), eventual angst, no Y/N, eventual smut, eventual EVERYTHING this is like the establishing shot of a movie its gonna be a FIC lmfao. dont get attached the end is already planned.
notes: set before the tv series. canon doesn’t exist anymore. i make the rules here pals. yes it is named after the tswift album so that gives you some fuckin HINTS 
Pretty much everything that happened to you happened by accident, but you weren't one to complain. Without much control over your life for your adolescent years, seeing as you were raised as an Imperial trooper and just followed orders, you happily let yourself float along in life whichever way the forces led you. 
That doesn't mean you don't have, say, a moral guideline.
It's difficult to explain to people once they get to know you better and eventually squeeze out of you that yes, you were trained Imperial. Details are not awarded to most people, in fact— you’re not sure anyone except one of your commanding officers in the rebellion knew that you were a clone. 
You have spent countless hours trying to transition from regret to simply shame. After all, how is it your fault you did what you were told? If you didn’t, you would have been executed. Tossed to the trash like a faulty toy. The greatest decision in your life was the first decision you, personally, got to make— to run. It took you a few years to plan the scheme, but you defected successfully. Your moral issues were simply too strong to subvert, and you had to leave. So you did. That's all. You don't like to talk about it much.
After you mustered up some vengeance by joining the rebellion, you had to find a living once the major fighting died down for a while. With your particular skills— too deadly to be a simple security guard, or any occupation that doesn't involve tactical warfare, you settled on hoarding money through bounties. Not quite professed in the field of bounty hunting, you would latch on to more experienced hunters and offer to split rewards 20-80 for your help. The meager money filled your pocket enough for food and lodging while you learned the ways of the trade and, subsequently, your new way of life.
That's how you met your first Mandalorian. 
A mutual acquaintance from the Guild had a heavy quarry, a difficult one that he had trouble passing off. Too complex and detailed for just you, your acquaintance told you that when he found a suitable hunter to take the lead, he'd hail you to tag along. A week after the quarry was first put on the table, a renowned bounty hunter— this Mandalorian, rolled into town to collect the tracking fob. Part of the agreement was to take you along. The Mandalorian agreed. A brief encounter mediated by your mutual acquaintance and you were following the beskar-clad hunter to his ship, which you’ve come to know as the Razor Crest. A dingy, huge hunk of metal that could use a good list of upgrades, but you quickly grew accustomed to the flying garbage can. 
And somehow, after that singular bounty hunt, where you actually got to assist in the capture and the shoving of the unruly quarry into the carbonite, Mando offered you constant refuge aboard his ship in return for some pay and help on his harder bounties. That conversation, so far, has been the longest exchange of words between you and him, and it only lasted maybe five minutes. That’s all. You’re not one that aches for human interaction, having been commanded all your life by others, so you almost welcome the silence.
Officially, you have been a part of Mando’s crew for nearing six months.
You hear metal clanging against metal, and you glance over your shoulder to see him climbing down from the cockpit. “Are we headed to the next quarry?” You ask.
“Yes,” comes through the vocoder. “Carajam.”
“Oh lovely,” you say, voice dripping with sarcasm as you focus on polishing the trigger of the blaster in your hands. “Another desert planet in the Outer Rim.”
“Our favorite,” Mando deadpans as he walks over, sitting across from you at the janky table. 
Once you were an official employee of his, you spent your first few payday collections on your own blasters. In all honesty, weapons never made you nervous, as you grew up in a space station that was literally just a giant weapon, but owning your own seemed… different. Blasters are weapons made just to kill, and you are allowed to have that power again. But, anyway, most of your money goes to savings so you can buy a house to retire to one day. One day. 
The Mandalorian rolls his shoulders back to adjust his cape out of the way of his hands as he starts to dismantle the blaster that’s usually holstered at his hip. Piece by piece, he sets his blaster on the table like a new jigsaw puzzle, and you’ve just finished polishing the little blaster you’ve decided to keep stashed in your boot.
“How long until we arrive?” You ask.
His visor is focused downwards, at the metal pieces on the table, his right gloved hand hovering over the pieces like an excited child in a candy shop trying to pick his favorite one. “Not long,” he replies, picking up the barrel and beginning to wipe it clean with a cloth. “We will arrive once it becomes night on the planet. Cooler temps.”
You nod, letting out an appreciative sigh. That meant you had a night’s rest before the hunt began. As he finished up with the barrel of his blaster, you removed your longer, daily use blaster and began dismantling. You two stay like that, at a dimly lit table cleaning the blasters, until the ship notified that it was about to drop out of hyperdrive. 
Mando quickly reassembled his blaster, slipping the completed gun back into its holster as he stood and hustles over to the cockpit. Following suit, you dusted off any last specs of dirt on yours and planted your feet firmly against the floor, as the ship dropped out of its easy glide through the stars and into the gravity pull of Carajam. The Razor Crest isn’t the smoothest rig, but you’re still very appreciative. And, you like to think you have good balance, so it’s not a hard task to stay stable.
You want to say that Mando is a good pilot, and you really think he is, but you can’t help but miss the sheer amount of credits that the Empire was able to spend on simple luxuries to make their lives easier, like enhanced stabilization in and out of hyperdrive, cleaner hyperdrives, even, and— 
The Razor Crest lands and you shake those dark thoughts out of your head, reassembling your blaster but with clearly less finesse than Mando. Stars, are weapons actually part of his religion, or was that a joke as well? It’s quite the challenge to pick up on the subtleties of somebody who wears intense armor literally every waking moment, but you’ve grown accustomed (more or less) to the separate circles of things that Mando talks about. Those circles are: one, things he says and means, two, things he says as a joke, and three, the gray, shadowy area where those two circles meet and you’re still deciphering what brief conversations and quick remarks belong there. 
As the ship starts to rest, expelling various airs and sighs itself as the sheer weight settles on the landing gear, you clear off the table and slip your smaller blaster back into your boot, and your other into your holster that’s banded to your right thigh. The Mandalorian comes down the cockpit ladder soon enough and goes to stand at the main ship door. You hop up from your seat and stand next to him, as he punches something into the control pad on the archway and the large door hisses and starts to lower. The first glimpse of the planet you get is the peak of the spectacular night sky, and eventually the ramp meets the sand on the ground and you see it all. Mando struts down the ramp to go and meet the landing dock manager and pay for the spot here in this spaceport Danan Karr, but you wait aboard still, leaning against the open doorway and gazing out into the night. Planets are always easier for you at night, as they were calmer— at least, those that don’t have an avid nightlife. A few that you and Mando have stopped at have been busier in the dark hours than the light, but it was always fitting. 
The breeze of the desert planet comes sifting around you, caressing your cheeks with warm air and particles of sand, but you don’t mind. Raised in space, you have an affinity for the ground and real, non-recycled air. Although it’s never any trouble for you to stay inside a ship for however long, there is always something alluring about fresh air. Plus, this planet in the Outer Rim isn’t exactly prime vacationing, so there is nearly no light pollution. It was almost hard to wrench your eyes away from the bright stars speckling the dark blanket of the sky. 
You almost don’t notice when Mando comes walking back up the ramp, too busy basking in the breeze to notice the beskar-clad hunter. He stands at the top of the ramp, slightly in front of you, for a good few seconds as you look straight over his head.
“Hey,” he calls for your attention, and you look down at his face. Or, well, the specific area in the T of his visor where you’re pretty sure his eyes are. He tilts his helmet to the side and you know he’s begun to worry about you.
So you flash him a smile. “I just love the air here,” you say, and turn around to step back inside the ship. Mando walks the rest of the way up the ramp and inside, pressing a button to raise the ramp.
“Rest tonight,” he starts. “Tomorrow we go on the hunt.”
“Yes, sir,” you reply, going back to sit at the janky table to clean one more blaster before retreating to your bunk.
The Mandalorian sits at the table as well, after having taken his ambam rifle out of storage for a quick clean. In silence you two work on your respective blasters, caring for them as they are just as important to the job as the tracking fob. Perhaps an hour or so went by, and as you were putting your blaster back together piece by piece, the comfortable silence was broken. But this time— not by you.
“What did you say about the air?”
You look up from your blaster and see that Mando isn’t looking at you, but still at his rifle. The fact that he’s trying to start casual conversation accidentally makes a smile appear on your face. You quickly look back down at your blaster, but your smile still remains.
“I said that I loved it,” you reply. “Because the air here is very fresh. Even though there’s like, no trees, there’s almost no people. No pollution.”
He hums in understanding and continues cleaning. 
Back to the comfortable silence. 
The Razor Crest looks large from the outside, but it’s pretty cramped inside. The majority of its bulk is for it’s engines and practical components— hyperdrive, fuel tanks, cooling systems and whatnot. It was once a gunship, and that fact does put you on edge. Ships like this used to transport troops and drop them in combat. So, there is a large portion of the ship’s cargo bay that remains unused, as Mando doesn’t usually transport large quarries. The living space, or at least that’s what you’ve called it in your head, consists of an open area with a small but sturdy table, a few stools to sit on, and various crates that contain meal rations and tools and various trinkets. You’re almost one hundred percent sure that this ship was never meant to be lived in. You estimate that maybe four or five people could stay on the ship before everyone felt claustrophobic. 
There used to be only one cot hidden in the walls, you’d knocked against one of the panels and the door would swoosh away, revealing a simple bed and just enough room to roll around to attempt to be comfortable. The night after the first bounty you helped Mando with, he let you sleep some in the hidden nook as he piloted you two back to Nevarro. While you were standing outside the ramp and helping unload bounties, the Mandalorian inquired whether or not you would want to join him on future bounties. With an assurance that you would get your own cot, you obliged. 
The bounty that you two are hunting on Carajam, the lovely desert planet, is hiding somewhere in the caves and cliffs a few klicks east of the space port that you are staying in. From the info you’ve picked up talking with a few locals, the quarry likes to hide in the sand caves because he has no friends. Well, actually it’s because he’s murdered about a person per household out of everyone who still lives on the desert planet. You thank the locals for their information with a few credits and a jug of desirable water.
You make your way to the only cantina on the planet, and by cantina you mean what is quite literally a bar top and six stools outside the shop of a local mechanic. The Mandalorian is sitting, waiting, on the last stool, facing the expanse of the desert that is a mere fifty feet from the edge of the little star port. You swiftly occupy the stool next to him.
“So,” you start, and he swivels in his stool to face you. You brace your elbows on the table. “About seven klicks east towards the main expanse of cliffs, and then about two more klicks north to the caves. One of the caves will look obviously occupied, trash and debris and whatnot. That’s what I’ve gathered.”
“Good work,” comes through the vocoder. “Are you ready to head out?”
“Yes, sir,” you smile, adjusting the straps of the small backpack you have. “After your lead.”
He swivels again and hops off his stool, and waits a moment until he hears you following him before beelining to the edge of town. You follow, obedient, as he weaves through the sparse crowd to another shop, lined with speederbikes and a few larger landcrafts. The Mandalorian walks up to the shop owner and exchanges a few words, and a few credits, and then moves to two of the speederbikes. 
“You know how to ride?” He asks you, as you stand beside one and he the other. 
“Yes, actually,” you say, always having a soft spot for fast land vehicles. You briefly wonder that, if you had said no, would he have made you sit behind him on one bike? The thought makes you smile, bashful, and you wait until he mounts his bike before climbing onto yours.
“Seven klicks east,” Mando says, repeating your earlier words and firing up his bike.
You turn yours on as well, and grab a pair of goggles from your backpack. You pull up the bandana you keep around your neck to cover your mouth, and then put on the goggles. You give a thumbs up to Mando, who was glancing over his shoulder to wait for your cue.
And then he zooms off. And you diligently follow.
You two reach the caves in a quick hour, specifically saving some hours of daylight just in case this job takes a turn. The two of you park your speederbikes about half a klick downwind of the cave, just in case. You keep your goggles on and bandana over your mouth, as the wind out here doesn’t seem to want to settle. Dust and sand weave around your feet like a clingy pet as you scale the short cliffside after your Mandalorian, following him quickly toward the cave. 
You hover around the mouth of the cave as Mando stalks in, somehow still quiet despite his sturdy boots against the rock. To see down inside was near impossible, even as you took off your goggles. You hear some sort of scuffle, a few clatters, and then Mando is shoving a handcuffed quarry your direction. You reach up and steady the quarry, your hands on the man’s shoulders. Stars, he was a large man, so you assume that Mando only managed to shackle him due to surprise. 
“Let go of me, you kriffing bitch,” the quarry seethes at you and aggressively shrugs his shoulders to loosen your grip. Mando takes a step towards him, you imagine he’s reacting to the derogatory term thrown your way, but you beat him to it— 
You release your grip on the quarry, and while he’s stunned for a moment from it, you kick his foot out from underneath him. He falls hard on his ass and plops to the side, unable to stifle his fall due to being cuffed. With a slight smile, you watch him struggle on the ground.
“F-fuckin’ bitch,” he groans out, trying to roll over to a kneeling position. Once he manages that, Mando comes and grips the man’s shirt— lifting him inches off of the ground towards his helmet. 
“Watch your mouth.”
And then Mando drops him. 
The quarry gasps at the contact back on the ground and groans, almost falling over again. You go up behind him and grab the cuffs, wrenching him upwards and forcing him to stand. You grip the cuffs tightly in your left hand, and hold your blaster to the quarry’s back with your right.
“Let’s go, then,” you say. 
The Mandalorian leads the way back towards the speeders.
After tying up the quarry to transport him on the back of Mando’s speederbike, you settle nicely back inside the Razor Crest. Mando already froze the quarry after he wouldn’t stop blubbering about how sorry he was for mindlessly murdering the people in port— he couldn’t help himself, apparently. 
“Nobody is born a killer,” the Mandalorian tells the quarry before freezing him.
You avert your gaze away from him once the carbonite process is finished, allowing him to believe he had privacy with the quarry during their discussion. You had tucked yourself around a corner to avoid letting him know you like listening to the Mandalorian’s stern and assertive remarks to unruly quarries. You take mental notes on the way he talks, mostly to figure out what he believes in. A Mandalorian follows a creed, and your Mandalorian hasn’t mentioned a single thing about it since you’ve met him. By now, after half a cycle, you’ve figured out the basics. And the bottom line is that Mando is generally a good guy— a moral guy, you guess. Kind of like a vigilante who upholds his own justice, but a good guy nonetheless. If Mandalorians picked sides besides their own people, you think he would’ve joined the rebellion. 
“I’ve set us on course back to Nevarro,” you offer as Mando walks back through to the main area of the ship and raises the ramp. You lean against the metal wall in one corner, watching him fulfil his routine.
“Good,” he says, appreciative in his own way that you know that he likes to be constantly on the move. “What’s the ETA?”
“Only a few hours,” you say, pushing yourself off of the wall and going to the ladder to the cockpit. The ramp closes as you grab the rungs, looking back to Mando as he shadows you at the ladder. “You should get some rest before we arrive,” you offer.
He’s silent a moment while you face back to the ladder and start ascending. You hear him mutter a ‘okay, thank you,’ through his helmet before you climb your way fully into the cockpit. Once you’ve ascended, you don’t hesitate to go and sit in the pilot’s chair. Although you’re not the best pilot, favoring studying combat and languages instead of flight and mechanics, you manage. 
You settle in the seat and grab the flight controls, and hear Mando stepping onto the floor of the cockpit. You flick up a few switches and start the ship, letting her rumble to life while you look back over your shoulder at your Mandalorian.
“Sleep well,” you say with a hint of a smile.
He gives you a nod, hesitates, and then opens the door on the wall behind the cockpit, leading to the captain’s quarters. Once you hear his door swoosh close after his retreating footsteps, you let out a breath and encourage yourself, grabbing tightly onto the handles. 
Just get it into the sky, and the autopilot gets you there, you tell yourself, forcing the Razor Crest into the air. She succeeds in ascending, and you raise the landing gear and disarm any land security protocols. Following a mental list, you do exactly as you’ve seen Mando, and get the ship into space in no time. A little shaky, sure, but you don’t think it was enough to stir the captain out of bed.
One cycle.
You two take a brief break. There aren’t any bounties worthy of your time, anyway.
The smoke crawls up your wrist, wrapping around your forearm before dissipating into the air. You hold the ornate stem of the smoking pipe to your lips, inhaling shallowly, and let your arm drop as you try to breathe the smoke in deeper. A heavy sigh and the smoke passes back out of your lungs, past your lips, forming a cloud in front of your face. You wait, still holding the pipe, and look expectantly at your hosts.
Upon landing on this planet, at what seems to be the only one semi-decent town, the Razor Crest was surrounded by the inhabitants. Seemingly human-esque, you and the Mandalorian walked out of the ship with no weapons in your hands, ready to barter for some fuel and lodging for the night. The people of the planet, through an interpreter, were more than happy to allow you to stay.
Under one condition; uphold their welcoming traditions and take a huge hit off of the pipe the dude who seemed to be the chief was eagerly thrusting towards you two. 
Startled at the proposition, and more so by the growing ruckus of the onlooking crowd the longer Mando tried to deny the offer, you grabbed the pipe. The chief smiled widely and the crowd calmed, but Mando whipped his head towards you.
“Don’t smoke that,” he said. “You have no idea what it is.”
The interpreter tried to reassure you that it was safe, it was fine, a common plant that everyone on the planet enjoys. The longer you held the pipe without smoking it, the smaller the smile of the chief was and the more and more the rest of the people stirred. Eventually, it did devolve into a shouting match between Mando, the interpreter, the chief, and a few people in the crowd who were brandishing weapons. 
So you smoked it.
You’ve smoked a few things before in your experience, not a lot. Drinking was always more your thing, knowing that once the liquid passes through you it will be gone from your system. Inhalants? You could never be sure. But you would be a bad sidekick to the Mandalorian if you didn’t sacrifice your lungs for ease of service.
After the first inhale, the chief smiled again, and gestured for you to smoke some more. Ignoring the verbal protest of Mando, you brought the pipe back up to your mouth and puffed again. A bit bigger of a hit this time.
Well, much bigger, judging by the size of the cloud you just breathed out. Surprised, you let out a chuckle, but the irritation in your throat causes your laugh to turn into a hearty cough.
And the crowd cheered.
The chief took the pipe from you and draped his arm over your shoulders, guiding you and Mando behind you into the town. It’s a little town tucked into a small clearing beside a freshwater river and a thick grove of forest, tall and green trees that seem to tower over everything— perhaps the tallest trees you think you have ever seen. On this planet, there are three suns, and they are constantly setting in succession. So, it’s never really nighttime. 
And it seems like these people take advantage of that.
As the chief leads you and your Mandalorian through the stone streets lined with dark, muddy brick houses, your head starts to get light. Like, the tension in your neck loosens and your shoulders go slack. It’s nice— well, it would be, if you didn’t quickly associate it with whatever the chief insisted you smoke. The chief’s arm was still draped over your shoulders and he excitedly explained, in his native tongue, what you assume to be a detailed history of the town. All you could do was feign a smile, probably looking a bit dumb considered you don’t know if your cheeks are numb or just used to your wide grin by now, and nod in fake understanding. The Mandalorian is exactly three and a half paces behind you.
The interpreter is walking beside Mando, re-explaining everything the chief is saying. You aren’t able to listen to both the chief and the interpreter, somehow lacking the mental capacity to focus back and forth between the two, now. The crowd of people disappeared once you smoked from the fancy pipe, save for a handful that you assume are the chief’s servants, so the little troop led by you and the chief eventually hits the end of the main street. 
The chief removes his arm from your shoulders and gives you a nice, hard slap on the back. He says something, while gesturing to a small cottage that bookends the houses lining the road. You’re too busy staring off in the distance, past the green grass that traces the treeline and river. One of the suns is setting, casting a mesmerizing red haze over the tips of the trees, painting the freshwater of the river golden. 
You hear the Mandalorian call your name, and turn to face him.
And he’s standing there, at the door of the cottage the chief is letting you two use for the night, practically glowing with how the setting sun is glinting off of his beskar. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, a second time, but you didn’t hear the first.
You cannot help the unabashed grin that swallows your face, and stumble over to the door. “Never better. Everything is great. You should’ve smoked that shit, too.”
You hear him sigh and he opens the door for you, stepping back so you can walk in first. So you meander in, hand lightly following the wall because you’re suddenly doubting your balance. You find a seat at the small table that’s placed in the middle of the room, and you still can’t stop yourself from smiling. 
The Mandalorian drops a bag at the foot of one of the cots that he must’ve gone back to the Crest to get, but you don’t remember him doing that. And then he drops your night bag at the foot of the other cot, and you wonder when he went and got your bag.
“Thanks,” you croak out, still smiley, and brace your elbows on the table. “D’you have any idea what I smoked?”
“No,” he admits, voice monotone as usual through the vocoder. He pulls out the second chair and sits across from you. The cottage, small but spacious enough for two people to not knock elbows, was alight with soft sunshine filtering in through the numerous windows. Who needs light on a planet that is constantly day?
“How do you feel?” He asks, visor intent on staring you down. 
“Spectacular,” you reply, staring back at the visor. You used to wear a gaudy helmet when you were a trooper, so you’re pretty damn sure you know exactly where his eyes are behind that mask. 
“You look drunk.”
Your smile, instead of faltering, is drawn a little wider and your elbows slip forward on the table until your chest is pressed up against the wood, your chin almost touching the tabletop but your cheeks are squished by your hands, keeping your head up. “I feel like it, too. But, different at the same time, y’know?” 
“No, I don’t know,” the Mandalorian says as he leans back in his chair. His hands are flat against his thighs, and you’re 99% sure he is simply watching you. Out of worry or annoyance, of course you can’t tell, but you’re leaning towards annoyance.
So you tilt your head to the side, staring back, trying your fucking hardest to stifle the stupid smile on your face but you just can’t. “Want me to tell you what you’re missin’?”
Surprisingly, the Mandalorian tilts his head as well, mimicking you. “Enlighten me.”
“Have y’ever got so drunk that you just had to sit there and wait ‘til the booze gets filtered out of your system?” You start, letting your head— so heavy— fall further to the side and land on the table, a nice foundation to ground you. You’re so slumped in your chair your legs are straight, sticking out of the sides underneath the table as you stretch your arms to dangle off of the table. “And yet it’s like, the best part of bein’ sloshed is comin’ up so you don’t want to sober up and y’just— just— sit there, stewing.” 
He lets out a hum, letting you know he’s still politely listening to your ramblings.
Any thoughts in your head blur, images and words swishing around behind your eyes as you try to focus on what you were saying. “And nothin’ hurts or aches and you get to forget ‘bout everything bad you did that day and just look at the stars. Y’get to look at them, and for the first time you see them, see the life they hold and foster and you feel special knowin’ you’re a part of it all.”
There is a moment of silence, or— you think so, but your breathing is a little heavier than usual. The moment draws out, longer, and you’re beginning to wonder if you actually said that stuff out loud or if you simply thought it.
You bolt upright in your chair, cheeks red with embarrassment— but the fucking smile is still on your stupid face. 
“I don’t know what’s up with me right now,” you admit, eyes focused on one of the windowsills off near the door, so you don’t have to look at that helmet and feel the stare behind it. “The chief said that they smoke this stuff all the time and don’t sleep a wink, but I feel super tired.”
In your peripheral vision you see the dreaded helmet glint in the sunlight. He’s looking at you, quizzically. “What do you mean?” He asks. “The interpreter didn’t say that.”
“No,” you agree, looking back at him. You try to focus where you know a face is behind the helmet, but you can’t get the image to clear in your head. It’s all a little blurry at the edges, and your Mandalorian is all edges. “I said the chief said that.” 
“He didn’t speak any Galactic Basic. When did you hear him say that?”
The edges blur some more. “He said it when we were all walking, I dunno. He just said it.”
The Mandalorian looks toward the door, thinking. 
“It must be the ganja,” you offer.
He looks back. “The what?”
“The offering. That’s what the chief called it. But, well, I dunno if that’s what it’s actually named or what they call it,” you say, unable to look at the sharpness and crisp lines that make up the beskar armor. What’s going on with you? You weren’t concerned until now, reaching a hand up to trace your bottom lip and finding that you have control over your face again. No more creepy smiling. “I feel fine, though. From smoking.”
You steal a glance at him and find that he is still, predictably, staring at you. Your cheeks grow hot again, suddenly feeling like a burden to your employer. He is not a babysitter, and you don’t want him to feel like he has to watch over you as you ride this high.
“Really,” you add. “I feel fine. Things look weird, right now, and my head is fuzzy, but it feels good.”
He stares, and you bitterly wonder if that’s all he’s good for.
So you stand up, eyes scanning the room and you notice the heavy curtains tied neatly above each window. “Guess we should sleep,” you say, stepping towards one of the windows to let the curtains down to block out the never-ending sunlight.
But, your ankles feel a little weak, and your balance falters. 
Before your hazy head even registers that you’ve lost your footing, the Mandalorian is at your side, his right arm tucked behind your back, his right hand firmly on your right hip. His left hand is grasping your left upper arm tight enough to bruise, but without his strong grip, you would have crumbled to the floor like a tossed blanket. 
“Are you okay?” He asks immediately, and holds you tighter and hauls you up back onto your unsteady feet. Once the words finally registered in your brain, you briefly thought that he really did sound concerned— masked voice a little higher in pitch than usual.
Your fuzzy head decides the best thing to do in response is laugh as you stood up back on your own. “I’m okay,” you assure, a hint of laughter still in your voice, and you raise your hand to lightly shove him away, not needing his support anymore.
But, since he’s solid as a fucking rock, your hand just brushes against the beskar chestplate uselessly. That causes you to laugh a little more, and he lets go of you once he’s sure you can stand solidly on your own.
“Are you sure?” He asks, still with that higher pitch that the vocoder almost hides. He’s hovering close to your side, ready to catch you again if he has to. 
Curious, you raise your hand and tap your knuckles against his chestplate, and the resounding thud thud makes you smile. “Fuckin’ hardcore, Mando. I’m so jealous of your armor.”
“Yeah, you’re not okay,” he says, but you swear you hear a lilt in his voice, as though he finds you amusing. “You should try to sleep it off.”
He gestures towards one of the beds but you don’t look over to it. Instead, you tap your knuckles against one of his pauldrons. Tink tink. 
“Really,” he insists, and you for sure hear the smile on his face in that one word. “You need some sleep.” He grabs your shoulders and turns you around, slowly, so that you’re facing the bed. 
“Would you close the blinds?” You ask, stumbling forward to the bed. You flounce on top of the blanket, as this planet is quite comfortably warm— or are you just warm? — and let out a heavy sigh. A real bed.
“Of course,” Mando replies, strutting to each of the five windows in this small, quaint cottage and letting down each of the curtains. In the back of your hazy mind, you know he can see in the dark with the HUD in his helmet. The thought makes you slightly jealous, and you wonder if, as you turn to lay on your back in the blackness, if he may be looking at you. You blame the ganja for the fuzziness that overtakes you at the thought.
“Thank you,” you call into the darkness.
You hear his friendly hum somewhere in the room, and hear him sit down at the table again. Truly, the inhabitants of this planet know how to utilize the sun, and how to hide from it, as you open your eyes to stare at the ceiling and see nothing. It is completely pitch black, and you’re impressed.
The feeling of the mattress underneath you is almost too soft. You can’t remember the last time you were able to sleep on a real bed— if you ever had the pleasure. It reminds you of floating in deep salt water, the effort of staying afloat taken away from you as you just let it happen. Currently, you’re not sure if your eyes are open or closed, as it makes no difference. Your breathing is stable, and the haze in your head is tolerable. You must be coming down from the peak, and it’s making you tired.
Quietly, you hear the Mandalorian’s gloved hands grasp metal, but you’re not sure what. You hear something slightly heavy placed on the table.
He calls your name, softly, and unfiltered. 
“Yes?” You reply, breathless. Did he take his helmet off?
“Go to sleep,” he says. His usually gruff voice sounds gentle without the vocoder.
“Okay,” you say, and you do indeed need to close your eyes. The blackness behind your eyelids seems almost darker than the darkness of the room. Unbeknownst to you, you must’ve been extremely tired, because you pass out almost immediately.
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squishysvt · 6 years
Best Friend! Yuta
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Word Count: 3.1k
A/N i havent posted in like 5 years and i have no excuse and this wasnt even requested but there is an extreme lack of yuta content and i decided to make it myself smh ANYWAYS i liked writing this a lot and feedback is encouraged!!! lov u lil squishies muah <33 -Admin Madi
ALSO this was inspired by this post from @xuxi-rolls and this post from @youaremychwingum which are both amazingly cute blogs and people so go check them out!
Backstory first! You two met in the 3rd grade when he was deep in his anime phase and you were obsessed with collecting erasers that were shaped like weird things such as lipstick tubes and paintbrushes
Yuta stole the paintbrush one and started using it like a sword like a character from his fav anime and boy when you saw him do that were you were like “im gonna do it. Im gonna kill him”
You literally stomped your lil sketcher clad feet over to his desk and YANKED that shit from his chubby fingers with zero remorse
And he started crying and you felt bad and were like “well fine you can have it i guess”
And he immediately stops his FAKE crying bc hes a snake and sticks his tongue out at you as he snatches the eraser back
And you went into full Attack Mode and you two got into a small fist fight and the teacher had to break it up it was nasty
Anyways after you two went through the next year having some major beef, yuta apologised bc he’s a gentleman and even bought you a new eraser!
It was shaped like a dinosaur and you loved it so much that you instantly forgave him bc you didnt have an eraser in that shape yet!!
And he was beaming after seeing ur face light up like that and proudly pulled a matching dino eraser from his back pocket and was like “we match!! We can be best friends now!”
And you Loved that idea you were like yes okay first order of business: more erasers
Anyways you two just instantly clicked bc ur sense of humor was v v similar and life became so much more enjoyable with having him there to share the experience with you
Throughout ur many years of friendship, Yuta had always wanted nothing more than for your friendship to be comfortable, honest and loving
You’re the one that he rants to, gushes to and confides to so your friendship to him is so precious
And as you grew older and gained more freedom, both of you started to do more things outside of school like go on late night drives, go to the movies, amusements parks and out to eat every other day
And it became natural and routinely that going days without one another felt weird??
And you and yuta have discussed the idea of maybe you two being soul mates, but in a completely platonic way
Like you were two halves meant to come together
And yuta liked to reinforce this idea bc when it comes to being lovers, you shouldn’t be looking for your other half, but rather looking for the person who already makes you feel whole
And so when y’all graduated from high school you immediately got an apartment together!
It’s definitely not very fancy or anything since you both only had part time jobs here and there during the school years and summers, but it’s better than nothing!
And although yuta and you are similar, your styles are where you really begin to differ
While he wants to have pictures of mountains and gardens hanging on the living room walls, you would rather have mirrors shaped like suns and fairy lights behind the couch
And obviously after some friendly banter, you come to an agreement that a painting of pretty outside scenery at night would look great with some fairy lights to compliment it!!
And so your apartment quickly becomes a mesh of your style with his and it’s oddly nice?? Like who would’ve thought that yuta’s knick knacks from japan would look so cute next to your family photos
It’s a two bedroom apartment but you both end up sleeping on the couch in a heap more often than you’d like to admit
You’re both in uni doing ur own things so when its time to come home and relax, you’ll find yourself curled up next to him on the couch with your laptop open and writing a paper while he’s munching on some snacks and watching a game of soccer he missed bc of classes
And you’ll quickly fall asleep bc papers are boring!! And yuta doesnt want to move bc your laying on him and doesnt want to disturb you so he’ll just quietly cheer to himself when his team scores and eventually falls asleep
But sometimes he has no problem lightly shoving you off and going to his own bed bc the couch isnt really that comfortable and hurts his back after awhile, but he brings your duvet out so its more comfortable for you at least
And although you two are pretty much joint at the hip, your bedrooms are private from one another
Like its nice being with yuta, but its also very important that you have time to yourself and so neither of you are intrusive when the other person is in their room with the door shut
If either of you need anything you’ll just shoot each other a text or quietly knock on the door rather than just barging in which is something that both of you really appreciate
And you obviously have other friends besides yuta that you love dearly! And you make sure that you get to see them often and that yuta goes out with his friends too bc its easy to get sick of each other no matter how much you love one another
And this makes for your friendship to be healthy! Which is like, the most important thing bc being your own person is important and having close relationships/friendships is also important! But its easy to get too attached and end up hurting yourself down the road
And yuta is aware of this as well and so it makes things a lot easier bc he knows when you need your space and when to distance himself if he needs it too
But living with yuta is a lot of fun!
He likes to cook sometimes so you’ll always have a full tummy with yuta around!! And if he's not in the mood for slaving over the stove, he’ll just make some instant noodles and call it a day
He really tries to make as many traditional japanese dishes as he can so he can have a slice of his home whenever he’s feeling down, and he just really enjoys sharing that part of his life with you too
Undoubtedly his favorite part is when he gets to hand feed you with a spoon and witness the look on your face as you chew bc it’s really rewarding for him
Sometimes your schedules kind of clash on days so whenever he’s home and you’re in class, he’ll make food for himself and leave you tupperware containers of food in the fridge for you to heat up when you get back bc he knows you’ll just crash and not eat which is really bad
And yuta cares about ur health!!! He’s attentive as heck!!
But you’ll do the same thing for him, and even if you aren't a world renowned chef, you’ll lay cash on the counter for him to call in a pizza or something quick
If you know he’s been craving something then you’ll leave the number for the place next to the money you leave so it makes ordering a bit easier for him!
Also, yuta is very organized! Sometimes he’ll throw his jacket here and there or have some things where they shouldn’t be, but yuta really likes having a clean and tidy apartment!
He hates doing the dishes, but he’ll literally do anything else
He likes to vacuum for some reason you dont know but you’re like okay have at it! One less thing i gotta do! And he’s really happy once he’s done bc BAM you have clean floors
And you’ll just be sarcastic about it but in a loving way and he laps that shit up bc sarcasm!!! His second language <333
You two have a nightly routine that ensues when neither of you are busy the next day so  you’ll watch a movie on netflix you’ve been eyeing together and crash
Sometimes when yuta gets home on these nights you’ll still be in the shower or getting ready for bed, and yuta will come in and sit on the counter and you’ll talk about your day and just chill while shampooing ur hair (which yuta is obsessed with btw..he loves touching and playing with it)
But he’ll just be there,,listening closely and telling you about his own day while drawing squiggly images on the mirror like hearts and stick figures holding hands (its always you and him, but when you ask, he insists its him and winwin)
And you laugh bc boy does ur bff ever have a massive crush on sicheng!!
But yuta is just cute and likes your platonicness with him
Bc he really does love you! People often ask you two if you’re dating and you can see why people would ask that bc you and yuta are super close, but it’s also kind of an odd thought to both of you bc yeah you love each other but,,,not as lovers
And so you’ll laugh it off and talk about it afterwards bc you really cant see each other in that light because you tried dating in high school and it just felt kind of weird
Yuta loves to tease and joke around with you, sometimes be a little (read; lot) sarcastic with his jokes but he really does care about u and thats how he shows his affection!!
He’ll hold ur hand when ur out at the grocery store or shopping together and likes to pat your head and plays with your ears but thats about it for physical affection!
You’re emotionally bonded more so than physically which is not a bad thing uwu
Yuta finds it kind of hard to openly joke around to the same extent with others as he does to you and knowing this makes you feel really special
Like yeah!! Thats right!!! Im his best friend!!
Yuta also LOVES to dance with you
It doesn’t matter if it’s serious or not, he will not hesitate to pull you up onto ur feet and have you dancing with him
ESP to sistars shake it! Y’all have so much fun when that song comes on
At first this was embarrassing but then yuta would just NOT stop shaking his butt so you were like oh well lets both look cutely dumb i guess
And you’ll get noise complaints a lot bc the walls are thin and you’re moving around, creating a lot of noise and you feel especially bad when this is all happening at like,,,3am
Anyways you live kind of a fast pace life so whenever you gotta be somewhere you kinda fly out the door with ur feet shoved into ur shoes with the backs down and yuta will silently come behind you and remind you to slow down and will bend down and personally make sure they’re on properly so you don’t trip and die
It annoys him sometimes bc you should be taking better care of yourself and he’s not always going to be there to look after you and that worries him!!!
To allow him to sleep a little better at night, he bought you slide on shoes that you can easily shove on and fly out the door so he won’t have a heart attack at the thought of you falling down some stairs due to the hastiness of which you put your sneakers on improperly
And he’s also the one who is like “hey its been a couple of months so i bought you a new toothbrush bc dental hygiene is important” and you’re like “okay nice i just bought some new toothpaste on sale the other day, it’s minty so i think you’ll like it”
And this is how you two co-exist in ur shitty lil apartment
Yuta is also into soccer so you always make sure to go and support him at his games! Even if they’re just practices or whatnot, you’ll always be on the bleachers cheering for him!
Which yuta LOVES because he’ll point you out to his teammates and be like “thats my best friend, ugly, right?” and they’ll just laugh bc of his teasing and they can tell you two really get along
And yuta is uwu x100 at this
Anyways yuta likes to show off and do fancy tricks like sliding on the grass to get the ball and he’s all dirty when you get back to ur apartment together and you wont let him touch anything bc that means more cleaning which neither of u have the energy for
So you’ll basically make him take VERY large and wide steps towards the bathroom so he can shower and leave minimal dirt behind as he does so
And then he’ll come out of the shower with wet hair and clean up the tracks he left with a paper towel but he’ll go in circles for a good 30 seconds wiping up dirt and then water from his wet hair
And you’ll observe him and laugh for a bit before you’ll drape a fluffy towel over his head and he’ll pretend to be scared and ask who turned off the lights
To which you nudge him and call him a dork, but when he takes the towel off and get to look at his face, you tell him he did a great job at the game and his eyes will change from playful teasing to filled with genuine love in .5 seconds and he’ll instantly wrap you in his arms
And you’ll find warmth in his embrace and wonder why he smells so good and then you’ll realize he’s using your shampoo
You’re like okay well, sigh, whatever its okay bc hes cute i guess so we can share
And then yuta will pull away, give your head an affectionate pat and go work on a paper or something due for school
Which you both do a lot of late night paper writing sessions and so when he tells you he’s retreating to his room for the night you’ll go and cut up some fruit and gather some snacks he likes and bring them to him before he becomes too absorbed in schoolwork
And he does the same to you except he brings you a lot of water since its “important to stay hydrated~!” and will cover you in his favorite blanket bc he claims it “helps you write better papers”
And you arent allowed to refuse bc one time you tried to and yuta was like “okay well i guess i’ll be moving out then” and you’re like okay i know you’re joking but its hot in here i dont want to have a blanket on me
And yuta starts to dramatically pick things off of shelves until he’s saying things like “i’ll be out by morning since im not appreciated” and you’re rolling your eyes so hard you think they’ll go to the back of your head but its like okay fine thank you for your magic blanket houdini
Yuta just winks at you and does a theatrical bow before putting everything back and leaving you to write your magical paper
ANYWAYS thats what most nights are like, full of playful banter and fun talks
You also both THRIVE off the dollar store which is literally everything bc you two get so excited going in there!
They have everything so its like?? This place is my Second Home and i Love it Dearly
And yuta likes to buy candy there since its so cheap and one time when you were looking for a new broom, he wanders off and comes back with his hands behind his back and is like “guess what i found!!!”
And this is nothing new because yuta gets excited about the cutest things so you’re like “gum?”
And his smile gets all wide and bright like i KNOW you know the one im talking about, it’s literally kept me alive for the past 18 years
And you just want to CRY bc thats literally the sole being of your friendship in his HANDS!
Yuta is proud as heck and buys two matching ones for you two and they’re of paintbrushes in honor of the one he snatched in the third grade!
Which makes your heart so happy and content
But thats the effect yuta has on you! Someone who always manages to have you smiling and happy with life
But he does end up buying candy bc its basically your duty as a human to buy some expired candy from the local dollar store
And yuta really loves the flavor blue raspberry, esp if its sour and he finds a bag of sour jolly ranchers and goes nuts
And he picks out and religiously eats only the blue ones, a red one makes the cut here and there, but you’re like?? Yuta?? Can i atleast have ONE? And he rarely ever shares but its like okay whatever enjoy your cavities heathen
And you’ll clown the shit out of him bc his tongue is blue, his teeth are blue and the area around his mouth is blue and you cant just let that pass
And he’ll laugh when you try and come up with palpable things to call him, and when you’re both giggling uncontrollably, he’ll try to kiss your cheek bc he’s all sticky and he knows that would drive you mad
And its the same with his fingers bc theyre all blue and sticky too and he’ll hold your hand so hard that your fingers stick together and youre like yuta!!!! But you really secretly enjoy it
And then you’ll go home with bags full of god knows what and struggle to find places for everything but its okay bc the memories that come with the plastic bags and erasers from your childhood remind you why you love yuta as much as you do
Can you tell i love yuta yet or is this au too vague <3333
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shioune · 7 years
tagged by @nekopri, @dreamsinparadise and @suzunesays. thank you!! omg 33 questions wish me luck
pt. 1 nekopri
What’s your favourite time of day? i personally like early mornings but i usually find it easier to stay up late then wake up early lol
Milk based ice-cream or a fruit based one? MILK BASED i’m 100% milk bb
3 things you think of when you wake up? urgh here it goes again, noooo, damnit.
Latest shower thought? coding stuffs like i really wonder how they make those diagonal things y’know? i figured it out. thanks, shower-chan.
Would you rather the temperature be 40 °C  or -20 °C ? OOOO -20 but without wind, i can tolerate that eyeing you urbana wtf is up with -20 with wind and snow huh? fu rly
The weirdest thing you have ever eaten on a whim? nothing i eat is every weird really if it’s real food, though in college we there’s this one time my housemates and i tried the orange juice with rice thing? that’s fucked up.
Are you more comfortable showing affection verbally or physically? both! although when it comes to real life, i do find it hard to say words of love, i even find it hard to say “i love you” to my mom or my lover which is why i usually am more inclined to a more physical approach.
What’s your default sleeping pose? the fetus position
What’s your ideal pet? dOG??? i had a dog, i love dogs, i live for dogs. just!!! DOGS!!!!
Favourite scene from a book/movie/tv show? all time favorite is whenever yang and grey told each other that they’re their person. also love it when the chevalier told athénaïs that she reminds him of a swan, “graceful on top but underneath, two fat flippers just trashing away” BURN!!!
Prettiest cow bread? I am serious IDK WHAT COW BREAD IS LMAO so i googled it and im not angry at the result
pt. 2, dreamsinparadise
When was the last time you cried, and why? probably yesterday? i was watching was nützt die liebe in gedanken again knowing full well what it does to me.
Do you prefer staying at home or hanging out at your friends’s place? oh man, i love both. can i not choose both? that’s not called choosing i guess, but i do love both c:
If you were in a situation where your fav SLBP character and your 10 yrs old child with him are at the brink of death. You are given the chance to save only one of them. Who would you choose? WTF okay first of all this vahjayjay will not give birth to any parasites called babies in the first place, so ofc I’d save my hide. child doesn’t even exist.
Its your first night with your SLBP bae, who’s gonna be dom and who’s gonna be sub? i’m probably gon be sub first time, dom when i’m not being a lazy af piece of crap.
What would you give to your SLBP bae as a memento if they are going to war? a charm. for protection, something i’ve prayed with for weeks maybe every night in a row. may the force prayer be with you.
Your bae had struck a faustian contract with (demon!au) you for the price of his soul and you finished your services after some time. If you chose not to consume him after the contract, it would cost you your life but he would live, while if you consume him his soul would be with you forever in your body (but you can never touch him or hear him again). Which would you prefer? Why? i probably would not consume him and not for some cheesy schmessy reasons like “oh, hes the love of my life” either but really i just am not comfortable with the idea that someone will be living inside me? i don’t mind losing the bae, i can always find another bae but the thought that he’s inside me and can communicate to me and living inside me LOL no. my body and mind and soul is mine alone. i’d die, but i’d die my own person (my own demon? lmao).
What kind of wedding would you like with your bae? simple. i never like big weddings surrounded by people i don’t even know or care about. i’ve always liked the idea of an outdoors wedding as well, been to a few of those and loved it. i’d get married in amy pond’s wedding dress since it’s been my dream since forever but also not bc i cant see myself marrying anyone.
If you were to adopt one of the SLBP guys as your children, who would it be? sakon is my child. don’t even with me. he’s my precious baby boo. also yasu and mitsun.
What do you think of me; @dreamsinparadise? i actually really really enjoy the times when i catch you on my dash, which is really not very often seeing the colossal amount of blogs i’m following, but i do like it and reading your things esp thoughts on slbp LOL let’s talk anime too but i’m so awkward lmao creeps back to my cave
Give 3 words to describe your 2D man teasing wicked smile *wink* this applies to most of my 2S baes LMAO
Are these questions fun, heartbreaking or humoring for you? Did you enjoy them?? i enjoy them actually! i have a lot of fun answering these! the situations and everything gives me muse to write? lmao stop me. i love them baby, thank you for tagging me!
pt. 3, suzunesays
Fuck, Marry, Kill - The Magistrate, Masamune’s Mother, Retainer #2 hmmmm marry masamune’s mother and show her that the real deal is with girls, no wonder you’re not happy, you’re surrounded by males sighs (jk but lmao), kill the magistrate, maybe fuck retainer #2. don’t really see it happening as i have rly low libido, probs close to ace rly, but hey if i have to choose.
What’s your favorite dessert?  i have too many hdu make me choose ggrrrrrr, recently i’ve been into pineapple cakes (nastar), and strawberry shortcake i also adore any red bean based desserts. my grandma makes the best.
Your favorite lord poofs into existence before you! What happens next? omg, hide????? i’d tackle him into a hug and just spend hours cuddling and sleeping tbh. i love cuddles, i live for cuddles.
Do you paint your nails? What color are they now? nah, they’re clear now but i usually paint them in warm hues. or cherry red (real cherries, the one thats dark af not )
What’s something you bought recently that you really shouldn’t have? :ccccccccccc reward points on several shades of sadism :ccccccc
Do you have any pets? i had 3 rabbits and a dog, they ded. old age and sick.
How long have you been playing SLBP? i honestly don’t remember? this is like, a question i can never answer bc i have rly whacked up sense of time LMAO
If you could go on vacation to any destination in the world, where would you go? lucca, italy. LOL. i know it’s very specific but i really love lucca. also where else can u see gemma galgani?
Would you let your favorite lord do your hair and makeup for you (you’d have to wear it out in public)?  yessss, i trust hide tbh LOL, he wouldn’t go anywhere really crazy. and he’d put us in consideration when choosing. and did you read his birthday story, he has great tastes.
Who has a better butt - you or Mitsunari? me. (im laughing at how quick i come to this answer). idk i work out daily. but probs mitsunari, he does too. idk i havent seen his butt. i need to see his butt. someone send me the butt.
If you could travel into the SLPB universe to have an amazing makeout session with one lord and one lord only, who would it be? do you really need to ask? there’s only hide for me ˉ̞̭(′͈∨‵͈♡)˄̻ ̊
Now, my questions.
Do you ship yourself with any of the voltage men? Or do you have any favorite, who?
Would you really date them if they exist in your life and is interested in you?
Your top three SLBP lords. Or any game from your choosing. But you can only choose three guys from one title.
Now, fuck marry kill from those choices : ) I’m satan incarnate, y’know.
What’s the last thing you daydream about?
Do you prefer hugs or kisses and are you the kind of person who would initiate them?
A song you’re really into these days and a song you associate to your fav lord/prince/character (idk, i mean what if slbp isnt ur fav game, im giving you options here bc im a sainttan)
Do you love Oyamada Nobushige?
What's your favorite food and to what length will you go to get it?
If you can time travel to any period and any country, where would you go? Why that period/country?
And lastly would you consider donating pearls to me? LOL NO IM JOKING last question is, late at night and you’ve been feeling out of it for a while and your bae (your 2D bae ofc) text messages you. Who’s your bae and what does the message say?
That’s it i guess. Yeah. imma tag some people that pops up in my pea-sized memory and you can do it or you just say “fuq u fron” and just ignore it. no worries. @shigetsugu, @yasu-masa, @amigoingbananas, @whiskasgirl, @otomesanada, @laurifakristalina, @blessthechipmonk, @cottonballwithmustache, @daeva-agas, @shedreamsfiction, @nikkihime, @rainbowatnight, @little-lady-mimi, @minminami, @wizardesslover, @mistakenmessenger, @noomsu, @thexgoddessxofxfate
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There's a man at the gas station i go to infrequently but frequently enough. One of my preferred
And usually he says something about being gay and usually i say i won't come often enough to make him nervous
But now two weeks in a row he has to say something about it. And i tell him changing and working our minds to reality isn't easy and it takes time and we allow for that to occur on it's own.
So he confesses he doesn't want to leave his husband and take a test because his soulmate is in captivity and wishes someone would hurry and release her so he could take a test.
She hasn't been released nor has his husband's
And that's often. Many people seek people in Similar situations as that. Sometimes or usually it's unconscious or subconscious.
Were in the first trimester of this baby world and it's a mess of labor!
So no foul to any one
I told him the gay and the alien that is at home because i work from home. Out and about its normal nothing but doing what we do but live in the world as it is.
I find problems such as his. We can connect and find his girl faster and easier and see what we miss
I find human trafficking and all kinds so it's not that i don't work out of home but I'm only connecting to find problems to fix.
I call the enforcement. And things like divorces and all that is a lot and i allow people to take as much time as necessary.
People want to be loved most and soulmates do love each other most and their kids and family and those who care of their soulmates while they're away.
In his case sure there will be jealousy from the women but he says "save her so i can take that test in a hurry"
Otherwise he will check it every 5 minutes and damage himself. So if he waits when he knows shes got it he won't trick himself
So hes smart and has a good plan.
There ARE notifications but for him to miss one he would be broken hearted.
So hes a good plan.
And then to get her right away and all and should be no jealousy. She will have a sensitive support system she can ask advice from. Like if he has a weird mood or short temper his husband will explain why.
So everyone is different and like my ex no way would he help. I never allowed him to know me well enough. But my soulmate already knows my moods.
So that's how i did mine.
It wasn't fair but...
My cousin she still calls her ex if she gets scared and goes out with him and her soul mate is 100% about it. And they're all friends.
So it does work and i do like that best.
But also I like that they get away from toxic environments.
So whatever is necessary and however long it takes.
Its 2 - 4 years before any one will say anything about it. And it won't be before human trafficking is done and the dead resurrect.
So there's plenty of time and we prefer family and friends to hold hands and encourage and stay by their friends and family side during the changes.
And one thing about gay is that the man isnt with a woman so he can tell his soulmate you're the only girl i want to be with.
So there may be some insecurity but that's simple -- like no alone time with the other guy now ex lover.
Which is simple because you wanna be with your soul mate like crazy bad.
So communication and honest follow through.
I expect times of failures but STOP. BREATHE. we all love each other and aren't meaning to hurt. So date night. Together. Like the movies. So you forget about everyone else.
The two fighting sit next to each other and their lovers on the other side.
Just time to sink in. Everything is Okay. I am Safe. I can trust.
I have to do it and i am a Goddess. So i know all us humans have to.
And Its okay. Its okay.
We are super wired to treat our soulmate best.
Girls because of the womb need more compassion and understanding from the men. More words and explainations of who what why and where.
Because we as women are wired to love the world best and keep things sacred for our men. We typically ask permission in our relationships.
But we love the world equally. Because we understand another mom's difficulty and so we're just wired different.
Not saying men are cold and can't care. Because they do!!! Most of our Abu are men and see their sisters as someone's soulmate and they know they must protect them. And other men as brothers
Lines just end up being blurred when it comes to love and we feel threatened and the need to fight.
But that is why we came up with the DNA tests also. So we can say "legally I am yours and I'm not gonna fuck that up and have you taken away because I cheat or whatever" it's a binding legal agreement
Of course some people try living together and need more space and live seperate. And that's great too because they date and get to know each other.
So there's no 1 rule that fits.
Sometimes youll break up. So the stronger one needs to give Chase. Sometimes it's giving space. Then truth. Or whatever.
I get mad and need space an hour or 5 days. It depends. But what i need is truth and the ability to accept it the most.
Im a fighter y'all know so. Hopefully that helps y'all.
I need to know i can trust so i can be free to love.
That said mark and i had a lovely day with him not having to work!! And. Be away from me!! 98% of all law enforcement have practiced and gotten to work. So we were actually able to hang out for the first time in months!!!
He's working on finding these two girls in particular an finding these he missed and I'm out with my kid. So.
We'll find them.
Actually they're being evacuated now. They were on a barge.
So we also found more. So my gas station will have a reward when Saint Luches gets to that.
I love them people there!
And we didn't find his girl cause hes gay but he asked us to hurry and we should already had found her so we had a problem there.
Like i said some brains need some rewiring as some people are homosexual for different reasons
We don't expect people to wake up not gay. Some will. But we know the heart needs extra caution and care.
This is why i really haven't pressured or said much about LGQTB+ I know they have their own support community also and they won't pressure either.
I've supported LGTBQ+ My whole life Just as with prostitutes. So in their time. They will do what they need to do at the speed and way which is best for them
They have been through a lot of prejudice also
And so that is why i have not said anything much. Because i believe them to be wise. Kind and indpendent
And with this gay guy we see i have been correct.
So thank you.
I pray you are all kind and understanding with yourselves.
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48theophilus48-blog · 7 years
THEOPHILUS is “BORN” the “ALPHA” and the “OMEGA”
As you think, so shall you become.
As you think, so shall you become.
John 10; 10The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness
Our natural drive toward the aesthetically pleasing indicates beauty is inarguably one of the most gratifying features of the human experience. From things as commercialized as fine art to popular culture, beauty practically always takes first place. Needless to say, countless people owe their professional and financial success to their charmingly good looks – it’s a well known fact that being attractive gets you through the door in most social settings.
Bruce Lee, the world renown martial artist, said, “As you think, so shall you become.”
BEAUTY is brought about by faith so you have to exercise and get your body to your satisfaction before your beauty comes upon you you're what YOU think if you think and settle for how you are well then nothing's is going to change but if you just think I'm going to change and REALLY want to change with my interpretation of grace lil by lil so small it's barely noticeable but not to the impatient human eye
Romance 11; 6And if it is by grace, then it is no longer by works. Otherwise, grace would no longer be grace
James 2; 17Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.
Romans 12:1-2 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, ""which is your spiritual worship. ""
patience is a great trait to learn and a must-have for gods grace so here it is you HAVE to WANT to do it because WE are impatient to start it will better you the only power the devil has in the long run is creating problems and trials to make you wait so you have patience and ALL JOY sure will have to deal with the problems and trials which are TEMPORARY PAIN/SADNESS
what you do is everytime your gonna wash your hands barely turn the water on start off with low wash hands with that for week then lower that just barely if you need a lil more MAKE it happen dont forget YOUR in charge go a couple weeks like that then just go ahead and lower it as you wish get it down to just before the drips is where i am at dont forget this WILL better your life and if someone needs to use restroom oh well lol j/k turn it up for that one time
Think big if you want to be big
You have to believe your something greater if you are unhappy with your current situation and want to be a brand new man or a GOD
2 Corinthians 5; 17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away;JOE behold, new things have come THEOPHILUS
Joe is dead, transformed, and gone
Before I used to think well if we are born of men and are men shouldn't we be God's by are faith then after my crash God showed me this
Psalm 82;6 I said, "You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High.
Hebrews 11; 6But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God ""MUST"" believe that HE IS, and that he is a REWARDER of them that diligently seek him.
When I first read this I was like that is me :p
It's like when I woke from my coma and my family and gf were all telling me I could beat this and and I never give up just telling me how I was and I REALLY didn't remember so I was going to be the man that they said I was lol
Romans 8; 24For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? OR WHO THEY ALREADY ARE25But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it
What if someone DREAMED of becoming something other then what society intended aspiring something GREATER EST
John 14; 12 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.
Does Your Heavenly Father Desire to Teach You To Become the Best Like Him & Be Thrilled Silly if You could only Dare to be Proud enough to Desire Surpassing The Heavenly Teacher. GREATEREST “WORKS” [DEVINE POWER]
taught me the excersize for patience GREATER'EST" WORKS i havent seen anybody with a six pack abbs "a real person with a 9-5 job cant afford ttrainers or were there life isnt at a gym 24/7 " esspecially for me a CRIPLE you would think it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to have muscles at all but "I [WILL] HAVE HUGE ARMS MEDIUM CHEST 6 PACK ABBS"
John 10;31The Jews picked up stones again to stone Him. 32Jesus answered them, “I showed you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me?” 33The Jews answered Him, “For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy; and because You, being a man, make Yourself out to be God.” 34Jesus answered them, “Has it not been written in your Law, ‘I SAID, YOU ARE GODS’? 35“If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken)
Think big if you want to be big
John 3;29... So this JOY of mine has been made full. 30“He must increase,THEOPHILUS but I must decrease.JOE
Romans 6;22But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the fruit you reap leads to holiness, and the outcome is ETERNAL LIFE.
expect nothing, prepare for everything
Yesterday is a promise that you've broken
Don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes
This is your life and today is all you've got now
Yeah, and today is all you'll ever have
Don't close your eyes
Don't close your eyes
This is your life, are you who you want to be?
its NEVER TO LATE TO CHANGE just gets harder or more time PATIENCE
2 Peter 3; 9The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is PATIENT toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.
When I first started this JOURNEY I was stuck in my bed only leaving to get HELPED/ PICKED UP AND PUT IN MY CHAIR and to PUSHED to get FED or to be GIVEN a shower and that was my LIFE I didn't see it getting any better so I had ears to hear and was looking for AND WOULD "TRY ANYTHING" SO I WAS READING MY BIBLE after I heard Ecclesiastes 11;9 on my DVD Bible Jon bought me I would listen to it before bed and I woke to it on that Scripture I think I just paused it woke up looked up that Scripture WOW then I read that if it is his grace it's no longer on a basis of works and around that time the lord is teaching me about patience
just start getting up with intentions to go running or lift some weights and next month you get up start just getting dressed like if you were gonna exersise GRACE STEPS smaller then baby steps ;p and when were PATIENT and PERSISTENT we get to were we are going ;p
James 1; 12Blessed is a man who PERSEVERES under trial; for once he has been approved,PATIENCE he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him
2 Peter 3; 9The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is PATIENT toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.
Romance 11; 6And if it is by grace, then it is no longer by works. Otherwise, grace would no longer be grace
When you are working out if you are lifting one weight for a while it gets EASIER instead of progressing right away you wait be PATIENT
God told me just start getting up and rolling around your room a little longer each week I was all that is going to take FOREVER and then after that I will just be able to walk around in my chair my standard of life goes up then I start to seek my independance then God told me say it takes me 10 years lol back then that was a long time 13 YEARS AGO lol he told me 10 years from now you're going to look back on this time and think if I would of just started TRYING I could've been walking but instead I decided to just live life and GIVE UP "if you ain't first your last" if you're not trying to get ahead be the GOD'S that we are your GIVING UP and it has been 13 years I CAN WALK a little by Myself and can and DO eat by Myself ALL DAY LOL I take showers Myself wash and dry and hang my clothes they put my hanging shelf at my level so I can hang clothes and get dressed MYSELF and all this from getting up and walking around my room in my wheelchair for 10 minutes to start
So just start DOING something it doesn't matter how little or insignificant it seems PATIENCE and PERSISTENCE wins the race and LIFE
Start working on the yard 5 minutes a day do that every day for a month then work for 6 minutes every day no excuses do that until you feel comfortable than up it another minute and continue with that until your yard is clean then move on to your body
James 1; 12Blessed is a man who PERSEVERES under trial; for once he has been approved,PATIENCE he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him
NO EXCUSES once you give in to one excuse it becomes easier to give in to the next one and so on until you've completely STOPPED
Lord, the feelings are not the same,
I guess I'm older, I guess I've changed.
And how I wish it had been explained, that as you're growing you must remember,
That nothing lasts, except the grace of God, by which I stand, in Jesus.
I know that I would surely fall away, except for grace, by which I'm saved
That nothing lasts, except the grace of God, by which I stand, in Jesus
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