#which makes his jealousy even funnier because he wants to hate her but he truly can't
onlyallytothesun · 8 months
An underrated love triangle rivalry that nobody acknowledges is Joker/Batman/Catwoman.
Joker obviously likes her but he has other women syndrome, so her proximity to Batman will forever have him biting his nails in jealousy. Catwoman is chill about it, because she knows she already won. So these two keep a fruitful friendship layered with one sided tension and it's so fun to read.
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yesimwriting · 3 years
The Promise of Rain, Blurb 3
Technically the third in a blurb-ish series (though this is kinda long for a blurb lol) but can technically be read as a stand alone, but i think the other parts make this seem more significant lol
A/n kinda angsty, not sure if i loveeee this but i haven’t posted a fic in such a long time bc of graduation chaos but now it’s summer and i’m working on a lot of requests/stories :))
Summary: jealousy is out of place when there’s no real warrant for it, and sometimes it’s okay to be content--to not need the rain to make you promises. 
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x sunshine-y! reader
Tiredness dulls the part of me that craves the rambunctious, but I’m still positive. I smile when someone does something only the truly inebriated find comical. I laugh when something somewhat actually funny happens, and I let the world around me drink. Twenty minutes--in twenty minutes I will claim a headache and go upstairs. 
“You okay, y/n?” Jesper’s concern would border on genuinely considerate if it wasn’t for the slightest hint of slur in his words. Nights in which he consols himself after losing game after game are when he’s the friendliest. “You’re strangely quiet--you’re never quiet.” 
I press my lips together oddly, smiling in a way that finally reaches my eyes. Jesper’s nice in an oddly particular way when he’s tipsy. Overly observant and careful. “Just a little tired,” I shift in my seat, leaning back against the plush seat in Kaz’s office, “I wish Kaz would just get here and dismiss us so I can go to bed.” 
Jesper smiles, lifting his arm slightly and causing his glass to sway. Kaz is not going to take it well when he realizes that Jesper was extremely involved in the downstairs celebration. He turns ungracefully, moving to sit next to me with no warning. I half-heartedly glare as he takes up most of the small couch. 
“You’re grumpy when you’re tired,” Jesper hums, stretching his casually. 
I sigh once, but it lacks any bite. “I do not.” 
He smiles easily, tilting his head so far to the side that it falls against the back of the seat, “No...but I know the real reason you’re grumpy.” 
Rolling my eyes, I suppress my instinctual reaction. That would only expose his words as true. “I am not grumpy, there is no reason--” 
“You know he hated it.” 
I exhale, tired and slowly losing my fragine hold on fake tranquility. “Yeah.” That should make it  better. “I know.” It doesn’t--it doesn’t make anything better. 
So the contact we so desperately needed on our side took to flirting with Kaz. It was an uncomfortable situation because of its precariousness and I was worried because I know about his issues with touch. But it’s not like I care about the flirting part. No. It was unprofessional and so easily turned messy--that’s what my problem was.
Jesper sighs, stretching even more. I let him stretch his legs over me, too tired to push him off. I sigh, setting my chin on his bent knees. “What’s with the face, l/n?” 
I roll my eyes again. Sometimes having someone care about you is annoying. I take back all of my positive thoughts about him--Jesper Fahey is an annoying drunk. 
“There’s no face,” despite my words, I feel my expression sour even further. Jesper’s expression shifts from that of gentle worry to teasing pride. “And if there was one, it wouldn’t be because of Kaz Brekker.”
Jesper’s lips twitch upwards, something strange tainting his tipsy grin. “I never said a name.” 
“One more condescending comment, and I’m shoving you off this damn couch.” 
He laughs flatly, shifting closer and making himself more comfortable. Drunk and touchy--anyone else would have been slapped by now. “You’re nicer after some of this.” 
He holds his glass out towards me casually, amber liquid sloshing slightly. I blink at the liquid with slight disinterest. I’m not exactly in the drinking mood...but I’m not exactly in the mood for any of this. The sound of the door opening doesn’t phase me--it’s not Inej, because she never lets herself be heard. Kaz doesn’t say anything, taking one dull step and then another, footsteps leaching the room of any warmth. The coldness he exudes so easily as a mask is strong tonight, I haven’t even looked at him and I can feel it. 
Maybe I do need a drink. 
I take the glass from Jesper, taking a quick and shallow sip of the liquid. It’s offensive in smell, taste, and the way it spills down my throat. The taste is much more intense than expected, some of the liquid slips past the corner of my mouth. Somehow more bitter than this moment, the liquid leaves me ready to splutter like a child. I exhale, pushing through the burning. Jesper moves his hand forward absentmindedly, wiping a single drop of liquid from my chin carelessly. The gesture would be sweet if my throat burned less. 
“Jesper,” the warmth of the alcohol takes root in my chest, “That’s--” He laughs at my reaction, coaxing a smile from me. “Like literally the worst--why do you even have this?” If this is served in the Crow Club, I’ve never heard of it, this is the kind of under the counter alcohol that isn’t mass produced. 
He laughs a little more freely. “Won it off of someone passing through--I don’t always lose.” 
I wrinkle my nose, “An outlier shouldn’t be--” 
“Oh, shut up.” Jesper laughs again. 
“Both of you ‘shut up’,” Kaz sighs, stepping further into the room, “If you need to drink, at least wait until after my meeting.” I frown, ignoring Kaz’s lingering and sharp gaze, “You should all follow Inej’s example.” 
“We can’t even see Inej.” 
Kaz raises an eyebrow, but he regards me with nothing but voidness. He’s never exactly emotive, but normally in moments like this something I can never interpret touches his expression, coloring it human. “Exactly.” 
“You’re funnier than people give you credit for.” The comment isn’t exactly sarcastic, but it’s something lighter than I should be offering. It’s an attempt at peace, the slight stiffness between us is starting to bother me. Our usual dynamic isn’t exactly friendly, but it’s more than this. Kaz glares. “But not tonight.” 
His expression hardens. “Business is business. It’s not humor, it’s not whatever you try to make it.” Right. Just like it was business when that girl spent more time hitting on him than actually revealing real information. The thought leaves my expression tight as I swallow back my instinctual words. “It’s not whatever you’re currently doing.” 
It takes me longer than it should to realize he’s referring to the position Jesper and I are in. Can he relax? It’s not my fault Jesper is tipsy and touchy. 
“Kaz,” Inej’s voice is soft yet determined as she emerges from the shadows. It’s a miracle the way she’s nothing more than a shadow until she chooses not to be. “What’s our next job?” 
Prompting Kaz in order to prevent a fight--Inej, always the closest thing to a mom available. I give her a partial smile, glad that she’s wedging herself between us and the tension, preventing conflict I’m too tired to follow through on.
“A merchant’s house,” he begins slowly, “We’ll be searching a merchant’s house but I’m seeking evidence more than property.” Jesper swings his legs off the couch with no warning. My head falls. I glare at Jesper who offers me a slightly apologetic tsk before dropping his head on my shoulder. Kaz must note the exchange because something in his expression tightens. He’s extra irritable today. “I’ll disclose more tomorrow,” he sighs once, already turning away, “Most of you are beyond listening tonight anyways.” 
He’s at the door before I can tell him that I’m not drunk. The door opens and closes, but Kaz’s heaviness lingers like led. I frown, letting my head fall to the side, resting on Jesper’s.
“He’s weird today,” I mumble, unsure if I want a reply. 
“He’s always like that,” Jesper breathes, “You’re losing your novelty, y/n--he always learns to harden himself against anything bright.” 
The words leave me even more tired. “I don’t think I’m particularly bright.” 
“Kaz does,” Inej replies, “And it has nothing to do with ‘novelty’, Jesper’s just cynical when he drinks.” I don’t know if I believe her, but I like knowing that Inej thinks that. “And Kaz can’t harden himself against you, and he hates that.” 
I press my lips together, straightening my spine. “I’m not that great, and whatever Kaz does or doesn’t harden himself against doesn’t affect me at all.” My nails press into the plush seat. “I don’t even know why we’re talking about this because whatever he does or doesn’t feel doesn’t matter to me.” I force myself up, doing all I can to seem perfectly calm. “All I care about is going to bed.”
Turning my head, I start to approach the door. Kaz has been strangely cold all night, and while I’m used to his moods, he hasn’t exactly directed them at me so fully since the day he caught me waiting for him to wake up after he almost died. If he wants to go back to how it used to be, then it can. Maybe I’ll care in the morning, when the growing weight of my eyelids is no longer a distraction.
“Sometimes the two of you confuse me,” Inej begins, “And sometimes I see you try to deal with emotion and I see the common ground.” 
The words leave me cold. I don’t think being compared to Kaz is an insult, not when there’s so much it could mean. He’s much more complex than he wants to be. There is goodness within him, gilding the parts of him that are more shards than anything else.  
I exhale, refusing to turn. Inej is too observant for her own good. “There is no emotion.” 
“I’m not going to waste my time arguing over that because I know it’s a waste of time.” She pauses and I consider turning around in hopes of reading something less honest from her expression. “I’m just telling you as a friend that one of you needs to be mature and talk to the other tonight before the tension gets worse and that it’s not going to be him.” 
She’s right. I exhale, “Do you think I should let him go?” Even just saying that leaves my heart aching. I know instantly that that’s not what I want, but it might be what he wants--it might be the best option. I might have the strength to let him go if I work at it. “I don’t--that’s not what I want and I’m not sure I could, but maybe that’s selfish of me.” 
“Y/n.” I turn slowly, but I purposefully avoid her gaze, keeping my head down. “I know that I’ve known Kaz longer than you, and I know that when he’s getting along with you he’s,” she trails off, uncertain, “More him, in a good way.” 
My heart swells, and with that comes feelings of panic. I never wanted to change him--to make him better or worse or anything; all I’ve ever wanted is to know him and to maybe help him with his burden. And to hear that maybe I’ve done that from someone so close to him--someone so observant and aware. That’s everything. And that terrifies me. Nothing good can last; nothing that seems to be all you could ever want actually is. I know that from life before the Crows, before I ran away from the castle I called home.
“I think he does the same for you.” I’ve never really thought about Kaz’s effect on me outside of the fact that he makes me feel warm in small moments and painfully seen in large ones. 
I smile because she’s trying and she’s given me something. “I’d say I’d tell you when I make my decision, but something tells me you’ll know.” 
She nods, expression shifting to something kind. “Goodnight, y/n.” 
Jesper stretches out on the couch, settling himself comfortably, “Night, y/n.”
“Goodnight, guys.” I disappear past the door easily, heading towards my room.
I haven’t decided whether or not I’m going to look for Kaz tonight. How much damage could be done in one night? Maybe he needs space. Maybe seeking him out now will make things worse. I exhale, opening the door to my room easily. I’ll decide before going to sleep.
When I step into the room, everything is in place. Everything is fine--but something about it feels off. The light is on. I didn’t leave the light on. Nothing else raises any red flags, so I continue into the room calmly, examining everything carefully. Nothing feels out of place as I further enter the room. I take in my bed, my dresser, and lastly my nightstand. 
My heart swells all over again, but this time it feels even heavier than before. On the center of my nightstand, in perfect condition, is a copy of Pride and Prejudice. The same book I told Kaz about, the one thing besides clothing I took from the palace. I told him it was my mother’s favorite and then he asked me to read it to him. 
I can’t picture him seeing this and thinking of me. I can’t picture him thinking of me--but no one else knew about my attachment to the book. I need to find him. I need to--to see him, to speak to him. To look him in the eye and see something I only ever see when we’re alone. Maybe he won’t have that look this time, but that’s okay. 
I can’t expect to always understand him, but that does not mean I don’t know him. 
The thought leaves me feeling a little more settled within the boundaries of my skin, but I don’t ease entirely. The good is more frightening than the bad. My fear of happiness is a benign secret I haven’t had to worry about in years. I don’t know enough about it to know how to deal with it let alone mention it to Kaz. Not that it’s his problem. 
I squeeze the book to my stomach. Swallowing pride is a difficult thing, but I’m used to it with him. It’s usually worth it with Kaz because sometimes when I try he tries in his own way. I should find him. He’s not awfully creative about where he goes when he wants to be alone because people know better than to bother him. Kaz is probably in his attic or getting air outside or…
The lights were on when I came in. I’m an idiot. I didn’t feel weird when I walked into the room because of the book. Someone’s in here. He’s in here. 
Setting the book down like I should have never touched it, I let out a sigh. “Lurking is unbecoming.” 
“It’s also unbecoming to work for me and be so easily distracted by a book.” His voice reveals nothing as he emerges from the shadows. “I could have killed you with how long it took for you to notice my presence.” He pauses, eyebrows drawing together. “The light was on.” 
Normally I’d have some kind of comment, some kind of joke that offers a more peaceful situation. “I know.” It’s a flat response. “I think on some subconscious level I knew,” I drop my gaze away from him, “I knew I was okay.” That sounds dumb. “I mean...I think I knew it was you so I knew I was okay.” Yeah, that wasn’t anymore eloquent. “That doesn’t make sense, but if you get to be confusing, I do too.”
“Confusing? There’s nothing to understand.” Curt. Simple. Dismissive. 
I frown. ‘Nothing to understand’. Right, because there’s nothing confusing about how quickly he decided to dismiss me just to bring me some obscenely sentimental gift. “If you’re mad at me, you should at least tell me why.” I press my lips together. “At least that way I’ll know if I need to apologize or kick your ass.” 
At that, he presses his lips together, corner of his mouth threatening to tilt upwards. “You would kick my ass?”
Great, even when he’s easing he has to be annoying. “I could.” There is no universe in which I could take him in a physical fight. “On a good day.” I let out a breath, doing all I can to not focus on his expression. Awkwardness settles in my chest as my eyes land on my bed. I sit down, trying not to let my shoulders slump tiredly as I stretch my legs across my bed. “You’re not having a good day.” 
“My day is fine, I’m just not naively cheerful like you,” his words turn sharp, “Or Jesper.” 
Weird addition. “Jesper’s not cheerful, he’s just drunk.” I let go of the ‘naive’ part, deciding to focus on the bigger picture. “And I’m not as naive or joyful as you think I am.” I’m not sure if I mean that as a rebuttal or just a fact. “I have bad days too.” This isn’t the kind of conversation I should have while this tired. “I could be less cheerful if you’d like.” 
He’s so silent I momentarily wonder if he’s left. “No.” It’s not much, but I take it. Straightening my back, I pull my legs beneath me, intentionally creating space. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
Ah, blatant rejection. It would sting if I was less in the right. “Maybe you’ll be less weird then.” 
“I am not being weird.” At least I’m getting some kind of reaction from him. “You’re the one who--” 
“Who what?” Finally--progress. 
Kaz sighs, turning slightly. “You’re the one who decided to ignore me after we met with the contact.” I part my lips, ready to retort, but no words come. He did pick up on my slight annoyance, and he reciprocated it in a much larger way. 
He can never know that this all came from some ridiculous, territorial--partial jealousy. “I didn’t mean to ignore you,” partial lie, “I’m just kind of in a weird place today, I’m tired.” 
“Not too tired for Jesper, it seems.” 
What? Is that what this is about? “What? All I did was sit there--he’s a touchy drunk and I just happened to be next to him.” 
“You laugh with him,” he says this blankly, “You can touch him.” 
The edge of unsafe territory cuts into me at an odd angle. Is this about him? Is he really tormenting himself over something so asinine to me when it comes to him? I’d rather have him than all the physical touch in the world. The book on the nightstand feels closer to me, growing by the prospect of its significance alone. That gesture, that’s more intimate than anything Jesper and I did downstairs. 
“So?” I straighten my back slightly. “It doesn’t mean anything.” 
He presses his lips together. “That’s the problem--anyone can manage meaningless contact…” The silence is louder than the words that came before it. Oh. I guess I’m not the only one who gets just a little jealous in an unwarranted way. “What if you were hurt? What if you were hurt and we were alone and you needed someone to help you and I couldn’t?” He lets out a sigh, a sound too tired for me to associate with him. “You say you don’t care now, but you’ll grow tired of it--the only life I can offer.” 
Inej’s words about the similarities between Kaz and I echo in my mind. “Sometimes I don’t like when things are going well because I don’t know how to be truly content, fully happy.” Saying this twists my stomach. “I don’t know how to trust good things, so whenever there are good things I think about all the ways I could ruin something and then I do.” I take a breath. “I’m not saying that things are particularly good for you or that you’re happy, but I am saying that maybe you shouldn’t think three steps ahead when there’s nothing to think ahead about.” I regard his expression carefully, but nothing has changed. “I told you the only thing I want is to know you, and that’s not going to change.”
“Y/n,” his voice is low, “I am not rain--I can’t promise you anything.” 
I scratch my knee, dropping my gaze. “For once I don’t want rain.” 
Kaz sighs. “Get some sleep.” Something about the way he’s speaking is authoritative but it lacks any weight. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
I frown freely, “Kaz--” 
“You look tired,” he mumbles, “You need rest.” He’s using this as an excuse to escape his feelings, but he’s already given me more than I expected. Greed ruins things, but then again, so does selflessness. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“For the job?”
Something strange crosses his features as his expression teeters on shifting. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he repeats, a little more certain.
The response doesn’t satiate me. “Kaz--” 
“I may not be the rain, but I’m capable of making promises as well.” There’s something final about the way he says this, but it doesn’t feel cruel. 
Maybe I’d protest if my eyelids were less weighted. “Goodnight, Kaz.” 
My head falls against the pillow. I’m not sure if he replies, too lost in the drawl of sleep before he can even close the door. 
General taglist: @theincredibledeadlyviper, @grishaverse7 @benbarnes-supremacy  @tranquilitymoon @kaitlyn2907 @lunamyangel @christinawxxx @deceivedeer @real-mbappe @tonks33
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bouwrites · 4 years
Maribat March 2020 Prompt: Time Travel
Week 4, Day 6.
Maribat March 2020 Calendar.
Day 1: Sweetheart’s Dance, Day 5: Fake dating, Day 7: High School.
2913 words. Story under read-more.
There are three things which Marinette knows with absolute certainty. The first is that time is stupid and, despite not getting paid for her heroics, Bunnyx deserves a raise. A substantial one.
The second is that her love for Adrien, if it comes to them actually dating, inevitably results in not only her death, but also Hawk Moth’s, all of Paris’, and given the state of things, most likely the entire planet’s. Or, apparently, alternatively, an equally ruinous future with slightly different details. Thanks for the reminder, Time.
The third, and most important, is that Marinette has just completely, utterly, royally messed up.
All three things being only tangentially related, of course.
In her defense, Marinette never purposefully looks around Bunnyx’s burrow. No, she had her run of curiosity the first time and got scolded as she deserved, and she knows just how stupid it would be to know her future. Just how dangerous it is.
Bunnyx is kind to her the first time – another reason she’s a good hero, Marinette supposes – talking of things like learning her next birthday presents to deter her from looking around instead of objectively more important things like looking for the moment she, or someone she loves, dies. And no matter how much it irks Marinette not to get the information that could solve everything, she appreciates and trusts that Bunnyx knows what she’s doing by keeping Hawk Moth’s identity hidden. If she does indeed even know it.
There’s a time for everything and time is a fragile thing. Ironically, that’s at the crux of Marinette’s problem. So is the other thing Bunnyx tells her, that what’s seen can’t be unseen.
With how the afterimage of that damn window in time is seared onto the insides of her eyelids, that’s surely the truth.
On the bright side, her most recent escapade into time has cleared up a few things she’s been pondering since the whole “Chat Blanc” fiasco. First and foremost, it’s not Chat that she has to worry about. Despite the identity weirdness that went on in Chat Blanc’s timeline, Marinette is sure that the most recent tragedy has nothing to do with secret identities, but as she was apparently dating Adrien in that future and she knows for a fact that she’ll tell Chat Noir when she has a boyfriend and Chat wasn’t the one akumatized this time, it’s not simple jealousy that almost caused the end of the world that one time. It’s good to know that Chat’s crush isn’t that bad.
On the darker side, that does mean that the inevitable end of the world is linked wholly and totally to her dating Adrien. So, that’s less good to know. Also, Marinette is a truly frightening akuma.
Another thing cleared up by this whole business is that time is stupid, and Marinette is glad she’s not Bunnyx. Yes, the burrow is cool as all get out, but one slip, one massive tremor caused by a potentially world-ending event, and all of a sudden Marinette has the rug pulled out from under her and she can’t unsee that stupid window.
She knows she should forget it. She’s trying to forget it. But how on Earth is she supposed to get the image of her kissing a stranger out of her head? It’s stuck in there like it’s branded onto her brain. She doesn’t get a good enough look to make out the details, but she knows for sure that the boy holding her is no one she knows.
The first, and most striking thing, about the image, the thing that draws her eye in the first place, is the guy’s dark hair. Dark. As in, not blonde. Marinette would even say his hair is black. Which is just about as far from blonde as he can get. And no obvious dye, either, so unless Adrien decides to go black-haired for some reason or Luka somehow decides he hates the color in his hair all of a sudden, that already eliminates every one of her obvious options.
And, to be fair, those scenarios can happen, though the idea of Adrien being allowed to dye his hair is… yeah. But it can happen, except that the next thing she notices about the image is the boy’s ragged, worn, patched-up, absolutely ancient-looking flannel shirt. Marinette is certain he must have inherited it from his grandfather or something, because there’s no good reason anyone should wear flannel so often that it gets to that state of wear. Not even in a lifetime. It’s not falling apart, thankfully, but still.
It’s probably really soft, though.
Not that she’s imagining how it feels, or anything. She just knows Adrien isn’t allowed to breathe the scent of flannel, so no hair-dye shenanigans there, and Luka? The flannel doesn’t necessarily exclude Luka, but the color scheme? Bright, warm-colored shirt and white-washed blue-jeans? Not Luka at all.
Besides, Marinette may not get a good look at the guy’s face, but she can recognize Adrien and Luka at a glance from miles away. No, this guy is a complete stranger.
That raises… a lot more questions. Questions like, if her dating Adrien ends in disaster, is she truly not supposed to be with him? Is she supposed to be with this other boy? Who is this other boy? How do they meet? How do they fall in love? Will Marinette fall at first sight and stumble over her introduction? Will he teasingly call her “Ma-Ma-Marinette” because she can’t get words right? Will she hate him at first, making wrong assumptions about him based on circumstance?
What kind of person is he? Will he sweep her off her feet with kind gestures, gentle smiles, bright, sunshine giggles at every little thing she says? Will he be more cold? Maybe he’ll have a tough exterior, and the flannel is more of a grunge aesthetic, if a bright one, and he’s rebellious and loud and fun. Maybe he’s a musician just like her last two crushes, maybe he’s not. Maybe he’s an athlete. Maybe he’s a hero.
Will he polish those glasses of his when he’s frustrated like Max does? Will he grab the ends of his flannel overshirt and wrap it tight around her, trapping her with him like Alya does? Will he listen patiently and let her cry and offer soft, kind words and empathy like Luka? Or a cheerier camaraderie and humor to lift her spirits like Adrien?
When Marinette closes her eyes, she can see him. He’s a transfer student, coming from rural America (his style is so classic Hallmark movie she’s not sure whether to laugh or vomit, but somehow when he wears it it’s cute), he barely speaks French, and when he does it’s with a thick accent, so Marinette does her duty as class president to help him keep up. They talk and joke with each other and he’s funnier than she expects but he has such strange sayings that she can’t quite understand but at face value they all make her laugh. She just spends so much time helping him, because he’s still learning the language, that she falls for him, not even realizing she falls out of love with Adrien in the meanwhile.
Or maybe she goes to him. He’s still American, because again, that style, but this time she’s on a class trip to some city. New York, or somewhere smaller, or, no, it’s a big city. He’s come to the city, too, and they bump into each other while both trying to ask for directions to completely different places. They hit it off and he asks for her number before some kind passerby gives them the directions they both need.
Or maybe he’s a city native, and he has some time on his hands, so he guides her personally to where she needs to be. He sticks with her longer than he really needs to, and Marinette can’t bring herself to complain.
Or maybe some twist of fate lands her in the back end of nowhere, just somewhere in America. A dusty old diner with hardly anything of note nearby, like in the movies, and he’s there waiting tables. He’s so charming that she can’t resist writing her number on his copy of the receipt. Or he takes a dive like she does so often and spills something on her. She won’t be mad. She knows how hard putting one foot in front of the other can be.
Maybe Marinette succeeds at forgetting him. Maybe she doesn’t, and they never meet after all. Maybe every one of these daydreams only happen to some other Marinette. There’s just no way to tell. Marinette is really starting to hate time. It’s ridiculous, utterly so, how that one stupid image affects her.
It’s there, though. There in her head, and in Bunnyx’s burrow, and Bunnyx isn’t breaking down her door so time must be alright, which means… that kiss will happen.
But just because she sees something in time, does that mean she ought to do it? Will refusing break something? She never knew that signing her gift would lead to Adrien figuring her out and Chat Noir getting akumatized. She never knew that dating Adrien while keeping her secret identity would lead to her own akumatization. So, she can change the way things are meant to be without even knowing it.
But, knowing it, ought she? Will her loving this boy be so hollow as simply fulfilling a prophecy she never means to see? So hollow as finding someone to fill in the hole left by her doomed romance with Adrien?
And that’s the worst part. That she knows she has a chance. She knows that she can ask Adrien out and she’ll get the date she wants. But if she does… calamity. How is she supposed to move on from a love like this?
When she imagines this boy, though, this dark-haired, flannel-wearing stranger, she can imagine. She can trace so many paths, so many roads, leading to her loving him. She can write stories and songs about their love. She just can’t convince herself that it’s real. It seems so far away, and far too strange.
After a month, Marinette still can’t stop thinking about him. She tries hard not to give him too much credence, to not give him anything that makes him more… real. She doesn’t give him a name, not even a nickname. She can’t stop herself from imagining what he’s like, but she switches it up as often as she can, discarding all assumptions based on his appearance. She doesn’t want to get her hopes up and, if he does really exist and they really are going to meet someday, she doesn’t want to place those expectations on him. He doesn’t deserve that. No one does. Keeping his personality inconsistent also means that he won’t solidify in her mind. He doesn’t have anything solid except his hair and that flannel. He’s not real.
“Are you ready for this, Marinette?!”
Marinette is startled, too much so, by Alya grabbing her to ask her that. “For… what, again?”
Alya sighs, affectionately shaking her head. “I know you’ve been out of it recently, girl, but come on! Today’s the day you ask Adrien out!”
“Ask out…” Marinette follows Alya’s suggestive gaze to the other side of the courtyard where Adrien is talking to Nino. Nino’s glance over and small smile isn’t lost on her. “Oh.”
She feels like something is withering inside her. Maybe it’s her heart. She can’t ask him out. She knows how that ends. She can’t, whether she’s capable of it or not. Whether she wants to or not. Do I want to? Marinette’s gut flips at the thought. She’s spending a lot of time daydreaming, but… “Focus, girl!” Marinette blinks at Alya’s hand in front of her face. “Come on, all you have to do is go over there and tell him how you feel!”
Marinette frowns. “I’m… not sure how I feel.”
The collective gasp around her draws her attention to the fact that the rest of the girls are with her as well. Great. “Wha- What do you mean by that?” Alya recoils. “You’ve been in love with Adrien since you met! Now all of a sudden you don’t know how you feel? Are you sick?” Marinette feels Alya’s hand on her forehead, but only rolls her eyes and grumbles in response. “You don’t feel sick. Is this why you’ve been so quiet recently? I thought you just had a lot on your plate. Come on, girl, talk to me.”
Marinette breathes in deeply and lets it all out in a huge sigh. “I don’t know. I was busy, but… I guess I just got distracted. I haven’t been paying as much attention to him and now I… I’m not sure.”
Alya purses her lips, hands on her hips like she’s planning something, and then Marinette is being dragged over to Nino and Adrien. “Come on, Marinette. I want to test something.” She murmurs. As they approach, she raises her voice to yell to the boys. “Hey! What’re we talking about?”
“Just the test.” Nino says. “Brutal, right?”
Alya laughs. “Ugh, don’t remind me. But if it isn’t anything important, Adrien, you don’t mind if I steal Nino for a bit, do you? I’ll trade you Marinette.”
Adrien looks to Marinette and smiles brightly. “I don’t mind! I love spending time with Marinette!”
Marinette can feel Alya’s eyes on her as she smiles in return. “They’re never going to stop ditching us, are they?”
“Hey!” Alya protests.
Adrien laughs. “Who are we to stand in the way of true love?”
Marinette chuckles. “I suppose you have a point.” Seeing that Alya is still standing there, she turns to her best friend. “Didn’t you want to talk to Nino?”
Marinette spends the next few months half afraid she’s permanently damaged the timeline – with each passing day she’s simultaneously more certain that nothing is wrong, but also that something is terribly wrong and they’re just out of time to stop it (Marinette really hates time) – and half afraid of what Alya’s next matchmaking move is going to be. Once Alya convinces herself that Marinette is over her crush on Adrien, something even Marinette isn’t a hundred percent certain on, she starts trying to get her with Luka. But funnily enough, daydreaming about a dark-haired, flannel-wearing stranger is also enough to wear down whatever was going on between her and Luka, so that ends in a flop, too.
As time passes and Marinette just doesn’t show any interest in anyone, the girls accept their new normal. Marinette isn’t the one with the unrequited crush anymore. She’s not in love at all. Sort of like Alix. (Is time turning her into Alix? That’s just stupid enough to be believable.)
She does still get odd looks from time to time, and more than a few times Alya grills her about the mystery person she must be in love with. Wistful sighs and daydreaming are a big tell, apparently, but even that fades as Marinette eventually puts the stranger behind her. She’ll thank him for the role he played in her life, helping her move on from Adrien, even if only in her dreams, but she still has no idea who he is, or if he even exists. She moves on, and eventually the daydreams become more infrequent. She stops thinking about him. She thinks maybe the timeline is alright, and what she saw in that window can safely be just a distant memory.
Alya is excited about some new development. International reporters coming for some reason or another. Marinette is pretty sure it’s not to do with Hawk Moth, though it might have something to do with Ladybug and Chat Noir. Considering Alya is so excited that Marinette can’t even understand her, she has to assume it does. Though considering how excited she is, it probably also has to do with her journalism heroes.
Heroes of two of her loves coming together in one place? That would explain how she’s bouncing off the walls.
Marinette doesn’t have the heart to deny Alya when she’s asked to come along to the big event. She tags along, happy to support Alya, even if everything her friend is saying goes right over her head.
It’s with one arm being jostled up and down and mid roll of her eyes that Marinette catches sight of a boy separated a bit from the people Alya is so excited to meet. A boy with dark hair and a tattered flannel sitting impishly and grinning at the whole affair. Even from this distance, Marinette can see the pride on his face as he watches the stars of the show.
As if sensing her, he turns his head and looks straight at her. He doesn’t recognize her – how could he? – but she gets a bright grin and a wave regardless. Marinette struggles to calm her racing heart as she waves back.
“Are you listening, Marinette? Who’re you waving t- Oh my god! That’s Jonathan Kent! That’s Clark and Lois’ son! And he’s waving at you!”
Jonathan Kent, huh? Marinette feels herself blush, and she knows Alya picks up on it, and she can feel the schemes already, but none of that matters right now. Now it’s just the staccato beating of her heart and that beaming smile he keeps sending her way.
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polar-stars · 5 years
Sooooo.... Yasu 2 3 6 7 9 10 11 14 15 19 23 25 27 28 31 36 40 :)
Sorry, that it took so long ;W; It’s just that this is quite a lot to answer and when I did start, I did it in chunks but my computer crashed at some point and everything was gone, which greatly demotivated me
But here you go ;w;
2. Can your oc play any instruments? Have they ever wanted to learn how to play any? Why?
Yes, Yasu can play flute. He wanted to learn it at a young age because he always liked it’s calming effect and thought it sounds beautifully.
3. If you were to choose another name for your oc, what do you think it would be? Did you choose it for how it sounds or for its meaning?
“Haruka” possibly. It can mean “distant, remote”, which Yasu tends to be. “Yasu” means “peace, quiet” by the way which I chose because Yasu is a peaceful forest child, who does value quietness. 
6. What was your oc’s relationship with their parents like? If they didn’t have any parents/didn’t know them, who in their life was the closest to a parent to them?
Yasu has a good relationship to both of his parents, but he is ultimately a bit closer to Ryoko. She always has an open ear for him and is also a lot more eager to dish out compliments. She makes sure, that he knows that she knows that he’s doing his best and that she is proud of him just for that. 
Shun is not as vocal about is pride for his son, despite defiantly being proud of him. Also he tends to have more on his attention on Yasu’s little sister Kasumi, which tends to make him think he prefers her over him. He’s greatly afraid of disappointing Shun and is very eager to show him his progress whenever he comes back from Totsuki. However, the two most defiantly find things to bond about, mainly smoking and wood-carving and all that. 
Yasu all around loves his parents a ton and it’s one of his greatest fears to ever bring dishonor on them.
7. Does your oc have any allergies, intolerances, or other sensitivities? How dangerous is it? Does this affect their daily life in any way?
No, he’s pretty healthy. 
9. How easily does your oc make friends? Do they have difficulty talking to new people? Why?
Yasu is not often the one to approach people first, which is a thing that holds him back in friends-making. Usually in his life, he had Chieko around him anyway which didn’t really make him see a need in approaching new people. 
Sometimes his politeness pushes him to approach people, like when he offers Kimiko rice juice on her first night in Polar Star for example though. Or his mother encourages him.
When that happens, or when someone approaches him instead his polite and gentleness usually makes the other person like him, so he has not much problem gaining sympathy. He’s usually quick to get on friendly terms with people, what truly takes long for him is to completely open up to persons. 
10. How open is your oc to trying new things? Are they the adventurous sort, or would they rather stay in their comfort zone? Why?
I’d say it depends. He’s quite open to new ideas, especially when it comes to cooking. However there are things, where he does prefer to stay in his comfort zone. 
11. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to your oc?  Do they still feel ashamed for it? Were there any witnesses?
Oh, believe me. We’ll get to something pretty humiliating in the actual fanfiction.
14. What is your oc’s vision like? Do they require glasses, are they completely blind, or do they have 20/20 vision? Does this have an effect on their life?
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He doesn’t sees anything lol. 
Okay, for real. He has pretty good eyesight. He doesn’t need glasses or contacts or anything!
15. What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time?
Very early morning. He’s one of the earliest raisers in Polar Star and it’s a time where everything is still quiet and he’s generally alone and in peace. He’s usually awake this early to go produce smoke wood or going into the forest, chopping some trees. 
19. If your oc were to be arrested for something, what would it be for? For being too kind, for a legitimate crime?
Any crime that Yasu could ever commit would most likely be related to his jealousy or protectiveness. If it boils really dangerously high, he might actually get into a fight and be arrested for that possibly. 
But the chance for that happening is not very high. 
23. How difficult is it for your oc to get to sleep? Do they fall asleep the moment they hit the pillow, or do they have insomnia? Any reason why?
Yasu thinks about a lot of stuff when laying in bed and about to sleep, because it’s quiet and he’s with himself. So it really depends on what’s on his mind at the moment. 
If he had a normal day, he’ll most likely just think about some philosophical questions and how the day’s been and just fall into slumber at some point. If it’s at a point where his life is a bit more complicated, his mind will try to figure his current situation out and analyze every piece of it making it harder to fall asleep.
25. How does your oc handle being sick? Do they pretend not to be? Do they complain a lot? How susceptible to getting sick are they?
He can take care of himself. He���s rarely ever sick and when he is, he knows what to do. He sleeps a lot and he cooks himself soup. He actually insists on doing all the comfort-work, like soup-cooking, himself and hates to push his sickness on others. 
Chieko usually has none of that though and just makes him tea and soups while advising him to stay in bed. 
27. What’s your oc’s preferred mode of transportation? Walking, vehicle, (or in a sci-fi/magic setting) teleportation?
Walking. He just prefers to truly be the one in control over his movements even if it’s slow. 
28. Is your oc always late, always early, or always right on time? Is there any reason for this?
He’s usually a bit early, but not as early that it’s ridiculous. It comes down to him being raised as a polite and well-mannered young man. Also he wakes up early anyway, so sleeping in is not something he has to worry about.
31. What is your oc’s sense of humour like? What do they find funny? Do they try to be funny? Are they actually?
Surprisingly, Yasu’s humor can get a bit dark sometimes actually. Not pitch-black dark but a little dark still. He generally finds thing a bit more intelligent and smarter than basic slapstick funnier. 
36. What is your oc’s ideal night out like? Or would they rather spend it at home?
Yasu’s ideal night out is quite simply the parties in Polar Star. They’re not huge and loud things, he’s in a comforting place and with people he knows and cares about instead of a tons of strangers. 
40. How humble is your oc? Or are they closer to royal in their self-perception? Why? Is this obvious to others?
Yasu is pretty confident in his skills but not in anyway full-on arrogant. He still worries sometimes to possibly disappoint his parents after all. It’s kind off a middle ground. 
Yasu doesn’t drowns in self-hate (at least not on a normal basis) but he also doesn’t think he’s a god walking earth. He understands and knows he’s skillful and capable of much, but still has a few insecurities and is also pretty self-critical. 
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miraakhan · 6 years
10 reasons why Thugs of Hindostan failed
This is not a film review. This is a critique of all the unwarranted criticism Thugs has garnered, which has been so extreme that part of me wonders if it’s all somewhat premeditated. But conspiracy theories aside, nothing evokes such vitriolic more than challenging the Indian people’s implicit prejudices. Which ones? Well, where do I even start. Here are just the top 10 prejudices reasons why this perfectly acceptable movie is getting unacceptable levels of hate...
1.       Because Indians are racists
How many Pirates of the Caribbean movies did they make again? And how many of them flopped at the Indian box office? I assure you, nobody was complaining about ‘illogical’ stuff in those movies. Why, because those movies were made by white and not brown people? Mind you the same junta will go watch Guy Ritchie’s Robin Hood this weekend and come out all praise for its fantastical, logic-defying action sequences. But since he’s a gora, well.. as Khudabaksh Jahazi says – “Ek Hindustani ka sabse bada dushman ek Hindustani hi hota hai.” 
2.       Because Indians are sexists
There are two female protagonists in the movie. And needless to say that is just two too many for the patriarchal junta of India. How dare they have a female character who is not a damsel in distress, but instead is a terrific archer and kicks total ass?!? To top that, how dare they have the other one be a prostitute with clear agency over her body, a rebellious mind of her own, and wield actual power over her male patrons? Nope, that’s just too much for desi pricks to handle, isn’t it? Also, given Aamir’s very vocal support of the #MeToo movement in India, I won’t be surprised if the social media attack on the movie was an orchestrated effort to hurt him for it.
3.       Because Indians are ageists
This is a country that clearly still idolizes youth and still hasn’t seen life expectancy go up like in the developed world. So how ridiculous to have a septuagenarian play one of the leading heroes, isn’t it?!? How utterly unbelievable to have said man look his exact age too, maybe even older. Mind you this is the country that happily sits through heavy-duty special effects just to have Rajni in a movie look half his age, because who the hell would ever come to theaters to watch Rajni the way he truly looks like now? 
4.       Because Indians are casteists
I hadn’t thought of this myself until an article in the Indian Express pointed it out. Firangi Malhar – Aamir’s character is clearly what one would call a ‘low-born’ hailing from an oppressed social and economic background. But that simply won’t do, will it? Did the movie makers really expect Indians to root for a… a Dalit? How dare they force us to confront our deep-rooted casteist prejudices like that, when all we want to do is enjoy a movie on a long weekend?
5.       Because Indians are religious bigots
And let’s not forget the other sacrilegious decision the movie makers now live to regret… to have three out of the four main protagonists be Muslim?! Oh my God. Literally. Keep in mind who this country voted into power five years ago and probably will again next year – a Hindu fundamentalist wannabe-dictator with a track record of supporting communalist elements in his own party. Here’s what’s funnier but also sad: the villains are more secular than the audiences of this movie. The British are actually celebrating Dussehra, and even if it’s nothing more than cultural appropriation, it’s still more religiously tolerant than Indians these days. 
6.       Because Indians are self-righteous hypocrites
The self-righteousness dripping from some of the reviews I read online is both laughable and infuriating. What about the word “Thugs” did these apparently literate guys not understand? Protagonists can be regular people too you know, and regular people are not perfect. The heroes in this story aren’t trying to be heroes, nor do they claim to want anything more than their very deeply personal objectives – revenge, resolving internalized guilt etc. In fact, the only person who ends up risking everything without any personal agenda, is Suraiyya Jaan. But does the desi audience appreciate the multidimensional complexities of these very human characters? Noooo. In a period movie set during the colonial era, desi heroes better be a sati savitri, or sata savitra, or they might as well be villains.
 7.       Because Indians are stereotypers
So if the Indian audience is to be believed, stereotyping morons that they are, Aamir Khan should only do movies with a social message in them and nothing else. He’s an actor for god’s sake, why can’t he just do a movie for the sheer entertainment value of it? He has repeatedly said so in his interviews, to the very same media people who now completely choose to ignore his pleas to just let him be an artist. The fact that he is socially responsible is a huge bonus that we should all be bloody grateful for, not use it to put him in a box that restricts his creative instincts. (And if some of you are now arguing that I’m doing the same thing, stereotyping all Indians as the same, well I’m sorry. I know I’m doing it, but at least now you know how it feels.)
8.       Because Indians are ungrateful
How quickly everyone seems to have forgotten the immense contributions Aamir and Mr. Bachchan have made to Bollywood. And this isn’t unique to the film industry. Indians are just as ungrateful to their sports idols, refusing to acknowledge that sportspeople, like actors, are only human. Everyone is bound to have bad days. So what if Yuvi doesn’t perform today, why let it erase the memory of the six sixes he hit in Durban ten years ago? How is it okay to insult and deride this man who is trying his best? It’s especially hurtful when it happens to Aamir because he’s been incredibly selfless in his attempts to improve quality of life in India. Sadly, Aamir, this society does not appreciate, let alone be grateful for, your activism, or your artistry.
9.       Because Indians are group-thinking morons
I don’t know if this is particularly true for desis or just a human trait in general. But it’s particularly hilarious to see it play out on social media. The lack of individual thought is sorely evident in all the reviews and trolls I read online. Also, newsflash, if all you do is retweet, reblog, and forward, you might as well be a mindless bot spreading fake news but adding no value to the discourse whatsoever. If you have a contrarian opinion (like maybe you actually liked the movie) but are too afraid to share it, why have a social media page at all? And for God’s sake, if you never saw the movie, shut the fuck up.
10.   Because Indians are trolls
Years of repression is likely responsible for this surge in social media trolling in India, but come on, you can only understand and excuse this behavior for so long. These trolls seem to have taken special interest in bringing down our biggest heroes and mind you, Aamir truly is a hero in real life – the kind we sorely need. And yet, for the very same reasons, he seems to have a target on his back, especially on the internet where cowards attack him while hiding behind anonymity. No matter what their agenda (jealousy, SRK stans, an episode of SMJ hit too close to home), they seem intent on holding Aamir personally responsible for shortcomings of the movie. I’ll admit Thugs isn’t perfect but none of its faults are the actors’ fault. Either way, I don’t think they’re doing it mindlessly. Like I said before, I strongly suspect an orchestrated conspiracy to bring the movie down. Why? Well, take your pick. Aamir has definitely pissed off a lot of people who want to keep the status quo. 
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lovexdejun · 6 years
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🖤NCT Boyfriend Series🖤
- [🌅]Kun
>>no warnings; just super long because i really liked this scenario >>also, kun with kids is a whole concept
•a responsible one •we’re gonna pretend like kun has a lot of family in this even tho he’s an only child bc it works with the storyline and i can see kun being a huge family man •he’s your best friends older brother (let’s make it by like 3 years), so of course you’ve known him all your life •to your mortification, he’d witnessed you go through all your awkward phases •especially the one when you were 13 and had a massive crush on him •it was at his youngest sister’s birthday party that you realized you never truly grew out of it like you thought •he had been living quite a ways away for college, so you lost touch for a couple years due to conflicting schedules •you were so unprepared when he busted through the front door with a “surprise!” •when he wasn’t being bombarded with questions by his family, he was practically interrogating you •”when did you end up leaving the emo thing behind?” •”you gotten accepted to any colleges yet?” •”are you still seeing that douche bag from st. charles?” •during the party, you’ll watch each other play with all the little ones •the way he picks up the little girl who tripped and wipes her tears away just makes you mELT •and kun seeing you hold his cousin’s baby would make him want to see you with HIS baby •the whole family ships you guys already •bc he’s been attached to your hip ever since the party started and the they can’t help noticing the way he looks at you •the next few weeks after that are full of him subtly hitting on you •so subtly that you don’t notice •and you’re best friend has shipped it since middle school so she’s actually dying •you get frustrated when he gets jealous because you don’t realize it IS jealousy •one day you come into the kitchen while he’s cooking and for some reason he’s being really short with you •so you, finally fed up, confront him about it •which turns into a full blown argument until you accidentally slam your hand onto a hot burner •he doesn’t think he’s ever heard such a high pitch sounding his life •immediately flies into parent mode •while your sitting there with tears running down your face, he’s wiping them away and wrapping up your hand simultaneously •”yah, i said it was hot when you came in” •which just makes you cry more so he begins to coo over you like an actual mom •once you’ve finally calmed down, you guys are just staring at each other for a minute •then he’s kissing you •and that’s how you ended up dating your best friend’s brother •he cares about you sO MUCH •an actual father •like, being with this man would give you a serious case of baby fever •he keeps you grounded while your head’s in the clouds •you keep him on his toes •you have to yell at him sometimes for subconsciously treating you like a child •but in his defense, you have the tendency to act like one •he would rather study that cuddle •but when he would rather cuddle, you weren’t going anywhere any time soon •you’d have to seduce him to get him in bed if you’re in the mood •if he’s in the mood •again, you won’t be going anywhere any time soon •a reoccurring event of you giving him head out of the blue while he’s studying or trying to do something productive •he would cook for you •you’d steal his clothes all the time •you’d be his solace when he’s stressed •when you’re upset/angry/stressed, he’s the only one who can calm you down •loves that fact that you get so amazed by his magic tricks bc you’re an actual child •you roast him 24/7 •pathetically tries to roast you back •he’s funnier when he isn’t trying •you like when he gets jealous because then he gets clingy •he hates when you get jealous because you give him the cold shoulder •when he goes back for college you feel like you’re dying •like you used to spend every ounce of your free time stuck up his ass and now he’s just gone •so surprise him in his dorm at the most random times •you’re the first person he wants to see when he comes home •once he’s graduated, you guys move into your own house together •you’ve asked him to marry you about six times already •but he always says no •then one day, you’re sitting on the kitchen counter while he’s cooking, just showering him with compliments of being a good cook, a good bf, handsome etc… •he drops what he’s doing all of the sudden, sighs, and you think he’s gonna get mad bc you’re distracting him •but he just kinda looks at you with this weird expression •”let’s just get married already so you can annoy me like this for the rest of our lives.” •when you realize he’s serious… •you love him more than you ever thought you could love someone in your entire life •so of course it’s a yes for you •a relationship with kun would have both of you testing your limits, and you would probably get irritated with each other quite a bit, but a love like yours only comes around once in a life time •i would throw kun in with the relationship lines opposites attract, responsible, and old married couple.
>>kun isn’t just a boyfriend,, he’s a wholeass husband. he was super easy to find pics for and he just looks so natural in all of them
A/N: sorry i’m so late again!! i got called into work early😅
A/Nx2: this was probably the most fun to write so far!! i feel like i could have written a novel out of this lol love you guys and enjoy!!
nct | requests are always open!!
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dancingships · 7 years
Regina’s friendship VS Killian’s love  - Part 1
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I hate it when people try to tell me CS is toxic and abusive yet ship Emma with a woman that has often belittled her. I get Hook was a villain. But even as a villain, he believed in her. And now as a changed man, I can’t fathom ANYONE being more supportive of Emma.
Lets start out reviewing just how *great* of a friend Regina is after she is supposedly redeemed.
Regina is emotionally abusive to Emma
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Season 5 - Using the dagger on her
This has got to be one of the most sickening episodes between Emma and Regina.
During the scene at Merlin’s tree (5x02), Regina takes away Emma’s agency when King Arthur asks who the savior is. Regina stops Emma from answering then assumes her identity. It’s cloaked in a “I did it for you” dialog but her body language and actions suggest otherwise.
However, you can’t ignore fact. And fact is, Regina liked controlling Emma. She didn’t even apologize for it.
Regina: Shut up and listen! Emma: ::struggles to speak:: Regina: Oh I could get used to this.
Her response to Emma’s distress was “whatever”. Regina showed 0 sympathy that her actions, whether incidental or not, were hurting Emma. She simply didn’t care because she was enjoying it.
Thank goodness the woman didn’t become the Dark One. They’d all have been dead by now.
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Then the most sickening part of all was when Emma had to thank her for her abuse. And then *truly* thank Regina for her abuse.
Regina sure let her stolen identity as the savior go to her head super quick, didn’t she? REGINA is going to figure everything out, eh? But hey, this is the woman who views Emma as a waste of an ability so what else do you expect?
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Regina: I can use the dagger to make you do this, but I’m not. I’m asking you!
So if Emma refused, she would have used the dagger on Emma which could have the real possibility of sending her over the edge and into darkness? Interesting...
This is basically emotional blackmail.
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Regina was ready to use force. She was actually going to use the dagger on Emma despite already knowing how much being controlled distresses her.
Killian refused to let the dagger be used on Emma.
Killian: We can’t do that. This has to be her choice.
Truth be told, he didn’t need to use the dagger. His love for her reached her. His belief in her reached through the darkness. He didn’t need force. He used love.
Season 6 - torturing Emma
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Killian went to NYC to help Emma regain her memories. He attempted a true love kiss (just like Charming did, by the way) which didn’t work (neither did Charming’s). So what did he do? He opened up to her, he let Emma see who he was. Told her to use her super power. And it worked. And he didn’t need to murder her parents in cold blood.
Regina on the other hand murders Emma’s parents right in front of her.
It was cruel. Also, Regina just got to live out one of her life’s goals; she got to kill the Charmings in cold blood.
The fact that Emma THANKED Regina for that is absolutely horrifying. But that’s the one problem with Emma. For the sake of Henry, she has stopped standing up to Regina. And that is SAD.
Also she murdered Wish Snowing for no reason. I thought she was supposed to be redeemed? Mmmmhmm.
Season 4 - Bring out power
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Killian has brought out her magic through love. Regina nearly killed her on a bridge.
Season 3 & 4 - Using Henry
Season 3 incident is with Pan masquerading as Henry. Regina refuses to acknowledge Emma’s worries (which turns out to be true - this is touched on more below).
But in S4, Regina actually refuses to let Emma take care of Henry when Regina knows Emma is immune to the curse. Emma would in fact be his best chance since Regina was about to return to her mass murdering ways. But hey, no one argues with Regina, right? Even while she’s undermining Emma’s capabilities!
Regina is verbally abusive
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Season 1 - Can’t even accept Emma saving her life.
Regina: Set me down gently!
Season 3 - Henry/Pan
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Emma: I know. He just doesn’t seem quite himself. Regina: Really? You mean because he asked for me? Emma: No, I didn’t. I didn’t mean- Regina: That’s exactly what you meant. You cant face the fact that I am his mother too. And maybe, just maybe, he wants me when he’s frightened. You forget - I have ten years of soothing his nightmares under my belt. He’s fine. Emma: It’s not about you, Regina, I just have a gut feeling. Regina: Well, maybe you can use that gut feeling to find the Shadow instead of obsessing over who’s going to comfort our son.
Regina’s first instinct is to lash out at Emma instead of listening to her. Her jealousy almost caused all of them to lose their lives to Peter Pan.
Season 4 - Marian
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Regina: Ms. Swan, what an unpleasant surprise
Regina: I’ve been busy working on Marian, on the problem you created.
Regina: You’re never thinking of consequences
Regina: You’ve never had my back
Regina: Seems like the savior needs saving these days
Emma: I’m an idiot Regina: Finally something we can agree on
Regina: Does it matter if I mind? If I say no, you’ll just come anyway.
Regina: And then what? Complimenting my outfits? Giving me a makeover? Braiding my hair? Calling Robin Hood and hanging up? You’re trying to win me over so I can assuage your guilt intentionally or not, Ms. Swan, you brought Marian back. You ruined my life. And there is no coming back from that.
Emma did not know who she was bringing back from the Enchanted Forest. The only thing she was concerned about was saving a woman’s life. Regina? She could care less about a woman’s life because it inconvenienced her.  Funny, this life that Emma saved was a life Regina was about to snuff out (and did in the original timeline) and happened to be married to Regina’s boyfriend. Even funnier, Regina was looking for ways to have Marian killed again but gave up because it would look too obvious.
Regina’s redemption is a joke.
Because I know you think you didn’t mean to, but you hurt someone. So do as I do and learn to live with it. Welcome to my world.
She dares compare her murderous rampages that caused the death of women and children to that of Emma “breaking her heart."
What is more important here? A woman’s life or Regina’s broken heart? Apparently Regina believes her broken heart matters more. Spoken like the true evil queen that she is.
By the way, Killian would have never agreed with Emma about being an idiot. Because our Killian has never put Emma down. Even sadder, Emma was trying to be Regina’s friend.
Season 5 - Saving Hook vs Saving Robin
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Regina: And you didn’t think of the consequences for everyone else?
Funny how Regina never stopped to think about the consequences for Emma when she begged her to save Robin’s life. But Regina is above consequences. Isn’t she? However, she is all about tearing Emma down for decisions she’s made.
She BEGGED Emma to save Robin.  But when it came time to save Killian? Would Regina show any support for Emma? No. Not a bit!
Season 5 - Hypocrite
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Regina: You’re just saying that because you feel bad about ripping her heart (Violet’s) out in Camelot.
First she has to throw something Dark One Swan did that would release Merlin from the tree, something that also hurt Emma. Why isn’t all of the things Regina did to Henry (which were ten times worse) ever thrown back in her face? What right does she have really?
But lets look at what prompts her to verbally attack Emma.
Emma knows about Henry and Violet’s song. Regina doesn’t. Henry has flourished under Emma’s parenting. He was able to make friends in NY whereas in Storybrooke with Regina he had zero and now he’s able to talk about his teenage crushes with Emma. Not Regina.
Why is that, you think?
Because Emma is always supporting Henry & was encouraging his relationships with others whereas Regina has selfishly wanted Henry to “be mine” as she would always say.
Just look how pissed Regina is at witnessing her teenage son kissing his girlfriend.
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Whose the better mom again? But I digress. EvilRegal is just as abusive as SwanQueen.
Season 5 episode 22
Emma: He tried to wipe the search history clean. Luckily I can get it back. Regina: I won’t hold my breath
Once again, you’d never hear Killian Jones doubting Emma Swan’s capabilities.
People claim this is just Regina’s “sass”. Except her sass isn’t said out of jest. She truly means it. She’s rude and obnoxious. It was funny back when she was a villain but she isn’t supposed to be that person anymore.
Regina belittles Emma’s relationships
A good is supportive. Regina? Not so much.
Regina: And you think it’s the best plan because your boyfriend came up with it?
Every time Regain has referred to Killian as Captain Guyliner.
Or made fun of his disability
The time she wanted to rip his throat out.
Regina is physically abusive
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Regina tried to murder Emma as a baby.
Influenced Sydney to try to murder Emma.
Regina tried to kill her with an apple.
Regina tried to kill Emma, the Charmings and the rest of the town in season 2.
Oh wait, I can’t use references from S1 & S2 when Regina wasn’t redeemed but you can of villain Hook & DO Hook? Leave your hypocrisy at the door. Thanks.
Season 4 - Shattered Sight
She was technically cursed but her true feelings for Emma were once again revealed.
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Weren’t those bracelets bound by true love? Hmmm.
Regina would destroy her own friend’s life
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Regina: Yeah, there's one problem with that. I did cast a curse that devastated an entire population. I have tortured and murdered. I've done some terrible things. I should be overflowing with regret, but... I'm *not*. Because it got me my son.
So basically, despite being Emma’s bestie, Regina would orphan Emma all over again and destroy her life all for her own personal gain.
What an awesome friend! Where can I find one?
To be continued in part 2
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