#which megatron is not a seeker - so she wasn't ever used to that
bucketwingthoughts · 8 months
Lesbian megastar where starscream is a hyper femme she/he lesbian and megatron is a she/her (occasionally they) butch but will occasionally be femme leaning because starscream encourages her and makes her feel like it's okay to explore that part of her.
But overall she likes being butch and that's what she's most comfortable and ofc starscream is fine with that he loves Megatron regardless of how she presents
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scribe-of-hael · 10 days
Tell me about Jett!
Oh boy,  where do I start !
Well Jennette Jasper,  aka Jett Jasper, before anything to do with Cybertronians or the war. Was raised by her grandparents on a farm after her parents went through a nasty divorce. Neither parent was capable of taking care of her, so her grandparents adopted her.
During her younger years, around 20 when she joined the air force being apart of ROTC . She saw the conflict happening with the Cybertronian war (i imagine they have been on earth for quite a while) and wanted to help.
Jett showed skills of a very intelligent/skilled  pilot they only down side was she wasn't very kin on orders. In the air Jett could see opportunities that on ground wouldn't be seen. This lead to her almost being dishonorable discharge do to "negligence" and " endangerment" of herself and fellow pilots. She was stubborn but good at what she did .
This caught the attention of none other Than Optimus Prime who had been trying have collaborations with the government. At the time where the only Air support they had was Jetfire (cause I added him in here) and he wanted to add to that to help distract the seekers. (He didn't want them to combat but at least lure them away from the fight) .
Despite the warnings from her commanders Optimus insisted to at least give her an opportunity to which she accepted. This lead to a human driven Autobot Flight Support Squadron.
Now Jett is a stubborn woman always has been and has never ever been afraid of Bots no matter how big or scary. That I included Jetfire who she bumped heads with alot because at the time Jetfire was expected to lead this squad. They didn't always see eye to eye. But this bitterness and frankly rivalry,  turned into a understanding and Friendship. You could say Jetfire and Jett are Amica by the time the war ends!
But all this and where is Starscream? Well, being autobot air support means encounters with the seekers. At first Optimus wanted them to just lire them away, but that wanst going to happen. Tye seekers are elite flyers with millions of year worth of experience. That is why when a mere human challenges the GREAT Starscream he takes offense. "How could a human keep up with me?!". But because Starscream had underestimated her she was able to doop him ALOT. She didn't fly like a human pilot she was unpredictable with her movements after Starscream felt he knew all the capabilities of a human pilot and their machines. But she was pushing limit of herself and the plane just to get shots in.
Their Dog fights were intense and Starscream became more and more furious that a human was keeping up with him. They were also equals. She'd get him down, he'd get her down. It came to a point out of emotional outrage that Starscream would abandon whatever fight he was having just to go attack her because he knew if he didn't someone was going to mess up.
Now Jett is called Jett because that's her Call sign, but Starscream had a call sign for her of his own. J-Bird. More of a mocking because of how small she was and how defenseless she would be without her "wings".
Come down he did knock her out of the sky, they finally got to see each other face to face. Starscream was intrigued and amazed she showed zero signs if fear depsite being injured. This was his opponent and she didn't back down.
It runs into the classic trope. Yeah Jett has been yonked by Decepticon a few times. Bot for spy work and just purely by accident because they wanted to use her for information or as a hostage. When this happened she got more of a glimpse into their world. Oddly enough depsite the military aspect , she saw they were …People. just people following orders, just like her, just like the autobots.
The more time she spent combating them the more she got to know them indirectly. That included Starscream and witnessing first hand Megatron's abuse towards him and other bots.
So much so, one day it earned her looking at the end of a barrel of Megatron's fusion Canon. All because she called the leader of the Decpeticons out infront of all of them that he was striaght up, a bully to people only trying to help him. It took Starscream to persuad him that they need her to information did he hesitate.
Jett's bias aginst Megatron only grows when a special plot point happens called the Artic Attack.
Tldr: they both crash, they both almost die and they only had each other. Words were exchanged, hopes, dreams, philosophy,  life and even ideology.  A conversation in so many year aof fighting each other never heard. While both survived and no one knows what they talked about but them. There was clearly somthing different. To where the two started to actively avoid each other in combat or make hits that only temporarily incapacitated.  This lead to having conversation in no man's land behind both their backs of their leaders. And a conversation of both trying to convince the other to either stand down or join the opposing side. Neither of these things happened.
Jett became a commander of a base, with he releite Squadron. Taking the freidnshio of Dorothy, who later down the line after the fight of the battle of the bay brought Megatron who had decided to join forces with The Autobots.
This, pissed Jett of to no end. Depsite the help he'd bring this war was as much his fault as it was the Autobot. Needless to say for years Megatron knows Jett doesn't like him and its VERY clear why. ALOT more stuff happens that is Pre-Earthspark. So if you'd like to ask more you can - i just feel like this is alot to read AHHHH.
But I am currently writing a Pre-squeal Story called Transformers: AllSpark that involves Jett, building the world, exploring the fights and leading into Earthspark! Which I am doing a re-write called TF: Earthspark Ignited ! Which redose s2 and add some new characters,  some we know, some we don't!
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spiritofdragonfire · 2 years
My thoughts on Transformers: Earthspark Episodes 11-18
Absolutely PHENOMENAL!!!
Truly outstanding!
So happy to see more of the new Terrans (aka the new precious cinnamon rolls of the Malto family) learning more about each of them
It was cool to see new characters such as Tarantulas, Breakdown, Shockwave, & Grimlock! Though I'm surprised we didn't see more of Optimus & Starscream in this new set of episodes.
Hashtag & Nightshade's new designs & alt modes are so cool & fit them perfectly! I thought Jawbreaker would finally find his alt mode by the end of season, but it looks like we'll have to wait until next time
Hashtag's GHOST surveillance van alt mode, ability to connect to the Internet, and love for cinema & technology is pretty neat & suits her character.
Nightshade's owl form suits them as they needed a form as interesting & unique as they are. Such a sweet little scientist! The bond they formed with Tarantulas was sweet! Hope Tarantulas was able to escape from GHOST & we see more of him in the future & he eventually reunites with Nightshade.
Jawbreaker is just downright precious & all his moments on screen are nothing short of adorable! Eager to see what alt mode he ultimately chooses for himself. He is the definition of a gentle giant!
So sweet to see Twitch, Thrash, & the Malto kids take on big sibling roles & look out for their new younger Terran siblings!
Dorthy continues being the best, most badass mom ever! Definitely one of my favorite human characters of any Transformers series!
Bumblebee being friends with Stunticon Breakdown was interesting. Seeing him sacrifice himself to GHOST so that Bumblebee could escape after both of them were exposed was so sad. Then Bumblebee was forced to leave in order to keep the Terrans & Malto family safe while being hunted down by GHOST which made this episode even sadder!
I like how they showed how the final battle that ended the war went down in the memorial episode. Megatron taking the Malto kids & young Terrans there to teach them about the history & help set them on the right path to a better, brighter future in that episode was so beautifully done!
Definitely loved that they elaborated on Megatron's redemption arc. So sweet that he said it was Dorthy that caused him to have a change of spark & join Optimus. Not only that, it was when she & her squadron were attacked by Decepticon seekers that Megatron proved he had truly changed by choosing an Earth alt mode to protect them (mainly her)!
I definitely want a flashback episode of when Megatron & Dorthy first met & how they became friends! I desperately need this episode to happen!!!
Special Agent Schloder & Executive Agent Croft being brother & sister was both both unexpected & interesting. I knew there was something off about her! He seems like a pretty decent guy who wants to do the right thing, while she is a conniving, shady bitch!
I knew Mandroid wasn't dead! No body, no confirmed kill! Should have known that he would end up conspiring with Croft to do more shady shit to Cybertronians! This is one dangerous pairing!
GHOST is even more shady than I initially thought! Torturing captive Decepticons & Croft allowing Mandroid to use them as his test subjects is downright despicable! Also, what is up with all the toxic GHOST boxes just being left in the woods to infect & mutate the wildlife seemingly at random & how were they able to make a device capable of erasing the memories of Cybertronians? (Also did the mutated bear remind anyone else of the Krang aliens from TMNT?)
Also did the part when Shockwave scanned Thrash to see his memories remind anyone else of when Transformers Prime Shockwave would use the cordical psychic patch to see into the memories of other Cybertronians?
Can't wait for more episodes! Can't get enough of this great show!
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paranoidpoltergeist · 2 years
I was so scared at first, leading up to the show and even during the first episode I was a little skeptical, but I really ended up liking it. Imma talk about the things I didn't like first so I can get to the multitudes of stuff I liked. There wasn't a whole lot I disliked other than Optimus horrifying face which actually ended up kinda growing on me a little. It took a bit for me to get used to the cyber-sleeves(? I think that's what they're called) but they ended up being pretty interesting. I wasn't a huge fan of Wheeljacks design but it was ok. The one thing that kinda bothered me was them constantly introducing a character just for them to get 5 minutes of screen time and never to be seen again but I'm hoping that was just a "lets introduce our main cast kinda quickly and expand in later seasons" Now for the things I did like.
I saw ravage and got excited,(well actually Bumblebee said "Soundwave" and "cassette" and I got excited💀) I saw Laserbeak paused texted my friend and went "Man I hope we actually get Rumble and Frenzy" AND BAM FRENZY! I was ELATED to see them even if it wasn't both one is way better than nothing. I also LOVED SOUNDWAVE! He was super cool and his design is just great.
On the note about seekers Nova Storm was also very cool but that 5 second cameo of Starscream was great. He looked. SO COOL! Love him can't wait to see whose life he's gonna ruin💀 I also loved Megatron who was out here making AMAZING points for the entirety of Decoy. Swindle was cool, I LOVED Arcee's altmode. Wish we saw more of her and Elita but from what we did see they were great. I also LOVED the parents they were great and just so enjoyable to watch. They didn't try too hard on any of the female characters so they just felt like people (AS THEY SHOULD) and it extremely refreshing.
Ok for this next part you've gotta understand little 5 year old me would get up at 5am every single morning to watch G1 Transformers before school. I've grown up on this show. It was something my parents grew up on, something they'd watch with me, so I'm not ashamed to say I cried when Nightshades pronouns got introduced. It's something so bare minimum that means so much. Seeing someone like me makes it all feel more real. So to accidentally end this on a more somber note I really really liked this show It was interesting and I feel like it has so much potential. If you haven't yet and are reading this for whatever reason WATCH IT! It's great 9/10
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Just Like Old Times
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Part 4 now. I hope you are liking this series so far.
Steelclaw looked at her chest-plates in the mirror of her brand new berthroom. The Decepticon insignia was plastered directly in the center, just above her spark. Knockout welded it to her plates that very same day. She also got a few upgrades. Now she carried two swords on her hip-plating, she was able to produce two smaller blades from her forearm plating (like Arcee), her board was mounted on her backstruts as well, she had a visor which snapped over the top half of her faceplate and could switch out her servos for blasters. Knockout -being the Con he is- also buffed out all of the scratches she had on her armour and gave her new coats of paint to bring out the once dull colours. That and he helped her find a vehicle mode. She chose an Audi R8. Now completely ready for her new role, she headed to Darkmount, her ears twitching and her tail swaying with every step she took. She walked straight up to the throne upon which seeing Megatron sat there. She went on one knee, putting a hand to her chest and bowing. "Steelclaw, welcome back. I hope you have everything sorted out," Megatron said as she slowly got up. "Of course, my liege," she said. "Please, we've know each other far too long for titles to matter," Megatron said dismissively. "I admit, this is a rather...... interesting change for me," Steelclaw said, looking at her shiny form. "It's something you shall get used to. Now, how good is your fighting?" Megatron asked, standing up. "Not as good as you. But I've had time to practice on Cybertron," she said. He looked at her; raising an optic ridge. "What? Just because I was neutral back then didn't mean I couldn't fight. I ended up fighting a few Eradicons because they got feisty," she said, shrugging a little. "How is your boarding?" he questioned. Steelclaw smirked, looking at him, walking backwards until she reached the edge. "Do you really need to ask?" she asked, her visor snapping into place.
Keeping the smirk on her face, she did a backflip over the edge. Megatron ran forward, jumping also and transforming mid-air. But Steelclaw, she whistled loudly and her board popped off her back-struts and attached to her peds. When she got close to the ground, she pulled up and did a few somersaults and tricks. Megatron flew alongside her, making sure she didn't hurt herself. To finish off, she launched herself high into the air, her peds detaching from the board. She did many spirals before diving back to the ground. However, as she got closer, she front flipped and landed back on her board. She skidded to a halt in front of Starscream, Shockwave, Soundwave and Knockout.
All of which were stunned. Well, Soundwave saw it before, but was still surprised despite his lack of emotion. Same with Shockwave. Steelclaw laughed loudly, hopping off her board as it popped back onto her back-struts. Megatron also transformed, laughing with her. But it wasn't an evil one. "You proved me wrong yet again, old friend," he said, a servo on her shoulder-plating. "My liege, what is this mutt doing?" Starscream asked, practically screeching off everyone's audio receptors. Megatron growled, about to give the seeker a punch. But Steelclaw put a servo on his chassis, giving him the look saying 'I'll-deal-with-this'. "Listen here, Screamer. I've known Megatron probably longer than Soundwave and if there's one thing he's taught me, is to never let insignificant, entitled pieces of scrap talk to me in such a way. I am a Wolfcon and I can and will tear you apart and distribute your limbs across the world until the Autobots find you if you call me a mutt ever again. Are. We. Clear?" Steelclaw growled, the seeker cowering beneath her rage. Everyone was amazed. Megatron looked shocked and proud, Soundwave was speechless -more than he was already- and Knockout was making notes to never get on her bad side.
Shockwave, however, didn't know what to say. He had never seen Steelclaw like that before. Her authority and dominance was attractive to say the least. On top of all that, her skill and gracefulness when on the board was enough to take his nonexistent breath away. Starscream nodded frantically as Steelclaw bared her sharp denta at him, a growl resonating in her chassis. "Great. Now, scram," she snarled. The power in her voice..... Shockwave knew then and there why he stuck by her for so long.......
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