#which one of you will get the circus au that I've been kicking around in my mind for months now
theladyofrosewater · 1 month
If any of you guys have read my fic "He Never Did" on AO3, then you might be familiar with this idea but I've decided to expand on it with a new au.
(More art at the end by the way)
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The first big difference between this AU and canon is that Charlie never died, she never got locked out of her party and William never killed her. Her parents divorced when she was around 10 and her mom took Sammy in the divorce while Henry got Charlie.
Also side note but like standard FNAF content warning because I know a big chunk of my followers dont care about fnaf.
Basic backstory is in 1982 William gets springlocked but survives which sets him on the path of searching for some form of immortality, after this incident he starts acting colder to his family which causes Michael to start acting out and later leads to the prank that goes wrong and kills his younger brother in 1983 with the bite. This leads to the family further falling apart, especially when William starts his experiments which of course leads to Elizabeth's death and the Missing Children's Incident in 1985. Unfortunately, just like how we see in Sister Location the animatronics and the ghosts inside of them are mistreated terribly and without the Puppet being there to calm them down or at least direct the anger towards just adults. They start behaving a lot more dangerously and maiming and evening killing a few people, with the Bite of '87 instead being an incident where several people were killed instead of just a brain injury (don't worry even though he's not featured in this au Jeremy was relatively fine besides the whole frontal lobe thing). Henry is freaking out over all of this while getting most of the blame, while William uses this opportunity to do more experiments. Henry then closes Freddy's for a few years, with the promise it will reopen in a few years once everything has been resolved. William gets pissed and they get into a huge argument afterward Henry kicks him from the company and William opens Circus Baby's Rentals to continue his work. After a few years he gets a breakthrough with remnant but ruins into a huge problem.
In my AU remnant isn't exactly a cure all. It's absolutely TERRIBLE at de-aging someone unless you literally have gallons of the stuff, and even remaining at your current age take a lot in addition to the fact that until you wait for it to disperse into your bloodstream and get absorbed, a person becomes highly flammable and you have to deal with bouts of nausea and vomiting unless you find a good doner match if you consume large amounts. Something important to note is it's similar to blood in my rewrite with a WAY longer regeneration time, like 6-12 months compared to blood's few weeks, but killing someone violently or drawing it out gets you a higher yield
So, William hits a wall in terms of his research that until remembers that he still has (at least in this AU) two kids left alive, Michael and Vanessa. Now right now Vanessa is about 5 and William tested both her and Michael and found that Vanessa would be a terrible match for him but a decent match for any of her siblings, both the live one and the dead ones, so he notes that down but basically ignores her. Not Michael though, he unfortunately could provide a similar enough template to William that any experiments performed on Michael would roughly have the same outcome if performed on William. So, like in canon he convinces Michael to work at Circus Baby's so he can experiment on Michael in secret and if Michael dies, see if he can be brought back. Unfortunately, while William is out of state dealing with investors and some of his other testing grounds, Michael gets scooped and after Ennard leaves him for dead, he wanders around until he finds his way to where Charlie lives because Michael thinks he is well DYING and A. needs someone to know his sister doesn't have anyone to take care of her and B. This is a Marlie AU and if Michael is going to die, he's at least going to tell the girl that he likes how he feels before he kicks the bucket. So, he does and then immediately falls into a coma because he's like super weak and Charlie is freaking out because oh my god what else would you do. She's freaking out on her porch when who shows up but William. What happens next is basically what happens in the fic I wrote. He basically tells Charlie "Hey Michael is basically going to be a suffering mess in constant pain forever unless you help me murder people so we can fix him and if you say no, I may just murder you instead" So Charlie agrees and after about two months, they have hypothetically "fixed" Michael, but he still hasn't woken up yet. William then hands Charlie a case of remnant and tells her to use it on Michael until its gone and then he'll wake up. William then disappears! and yes, he does abandon 5-year-old Vanessa, but don't worry she still has Charlie. So, Charlie does as she's instructed but here comes the issue. Michael never wakes up, no matter how much Charlie waits, in fact he stops even breathing and goes in a rigor mortis like state. Charlie is heartbroken and one night during a thunderstorm she gets a really fucked up idea.
She needs more remnant.
Specifically, she saw and read Williams notes about remnant compatibility and knows that both William and Vanessa have a high compatibility with Michael. Now she's obviously not going to hurt Vanessa, so Charlie goes to the Afton house to try and get answers from William but again he's not there, what Charlie does find is a taunting note and some VERY unsettling records of all the child murder, so Charlie then decides to hunt him down. Obviously, she can't just abandon Vanessa alone with her comatose/possibly dead brother so she heads home to plan. The first thing she does is empty out a freezer in her garage and she sticks Michael in there after giving him another dose of remnant just in case and gathers up all of Vanessa's things and drops her off at Jessica's house, She tells Jessica she has to be gone for a little bit but promises she'll be back as soon as she can and even puts a wad of cash into her best friend's hands as she runs off. Jessica is a little pissed but mostly worried, so she waits exactly a week before she decides to go check on Charlie. Instead of finding Charlie however, she finds an equally confused and concerned Henry because he'd been calling Charlie's house phone and there had been no response. After Jessica tells him how weird Charlie the last time was she saw her, the two decide to enter the house and grow increasingly more concerned as they see that the house is a mess and find more and more concerning notes and papers. Side note Jessica took Vanessa with her because she wasn't going to leave the kid alone. The tour of the house gets worse when they end up in the garage and when Henry is freaking out and little baby Vanessa asks him to be quiet because "Mikey's sleeping right now" and points to the freezer. Que the abject horror of Jessica and Henry as they open the freezer and find what they think is Michael's corpse, which looks like someone has performed surgery on and he's missing an arm which was replaced by a modified endoskeleton hand. Henry and Jessica then rush out of the room, with Jessica dragging Vanessa out with her. They then start freaking out and due to shenanigans Vanessa somehow manages to electrocute Michael because "that's what they do in cartoons." and they start freaking out even MORE when Michael actual wakes up very confused to why he's not dead. Eventually once everyone calms down and talks it out, they realize they need to find Charlie and probably also William.
The main plot of this AU will follow Charlie hunting down William while she frees the spirits she finds along the way. Henry, Jessica and Michael with little Vanessa tagging along have to find Charlie and William to prevent any future possible murders.
If you've made it this far down, Congrats! feel free to send in an ask about the au if you're curious about anything!
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hyperfanfictions · 9 months
Yet another TADC fic, and right before the new year!
There is no au, just good old canon royalteeth! Let's jump back for a moment, when Kinger first arrived...
Fic is under the cut!
The circus was bare and empty. It's only inhabitant: The Ringleader and his assistant.
Caine paced around the stage anxiously, talking to himself. Bubble merely floated above him, watching him pace.
"Hey boss, why are you so nervous?" Bubble asked curiously, flying down. Caine stopped pacing and crossed his arms. "Well, I'm worried all of my work to accommodate people will go to waste! If no one joins the circus, then what will we do?"
"We could trash the place! Making a mess is always fun!" Bubble let their tongue flop from their mouth. Caine stepped back in mild disgust. "I'd rather not make a mess." He went back to pacing, only to be interrupted by Bubble once more.
"What if we played games? Games are super cool, and they'll keep us entertained!"
"Any game with you would go terribly."
"Well you could have been gentler- Hey look!" Bubble grinned widely. Caine turned his head to the walls, seeing a confused chess piece shake in fear.
Caine, now properly encouraged, jumped down from the stage and ran to the stranger. "Hello there, human! Welcome to the Amazing Digital Circus! My name is Caine!" Bubble followed suit.
The stranger, who wore a purple robe adorned with soft, white fluff, started at Caine with large blue eyes. "Wha-Where am I? Who are you?"
"I just said that-"
"How do I get out of here? What is this place?!" The stranger fell to his knees, suddenly sobbing his eyes out. Bubble took the chance to slide out until they were called, leaving Caine alone with a bawling stranger.
"Um, uh... There there?" Caine stiffly patted the stranger, unsure of what to do. "D-Don't cry, sir! I can assure you, you'll be okay here in the circus!" The sobbing didn't stop. Caine rubbed his sleeve nervously. In a moment of confusion, Caine removed his hat and pulled out a random object, which just so happened to be a beetle pillow, and handed it to the stranger. "There you go, sir! Will that make you feel better?"
Surprisingly, the sobbing stopped.
The stranger stared at the pillow in confusion, then contentment as he held it close. "Thank you." He muttered. Caine lit up. "Well, you're welcome, stranger! Now, what's your name?"
"My name? It's, uh... Um..." The stranger gripped the pillow. Caine jumped to give him a name. "Why don't I just call you Kinger! It fits your new body!"
"It does? Am I a chess piece?" Upon looking down at the reflective floor, he saw the wooden cross upon his head. Caine sat down next to him eagerly. Kinger leaned against the wall. "Oh boy... How long am I going to be here?"
Caine crossed his arms nervously. "Is forever a good answer?" Kinger turned to him in surprise, but relaxed. "Well... Maybe I'll be okay if you're here."
Caine brightened at the words like a lightbulb. "You mean it? Oh boy, I've got a friend!" He kicked his legs excitedly. Kinger chuckled softly, watching with tired eyes. "Maybe this place won't be so bad."
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iboatedhere · 2 years
October FicFest
Taking a little break from writing longer fics to fill some autumn themed prompts for the month of October. Pick a number from this prompt list , send it in, and I'll do my best to come up with something fun.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Can I just say that I am in love with your UCN AU (I know it's probably been awhile since you did anything for it but still). That being said, I've recently watched j-gems' "Ventilation Altercation" animation and I was wondering if you could write a little scenario where Ennard and Molten end up getting stuck in the same vent shaft while trying to jumpscare the reader and, as a result, get up tangled up in each other and need to go to the reader for assistance in getting un-tangled.
Aw thanks! I haven’t revisited this AU in ages! I love that video too haha.
"Molten, move over!! Your wires are getting tangled with ours!!"
"It's not m-m-my fault! There's barely any room in here!!"
"That’s okay. Take your time. I got all night.”
As they struggled to stick their heads out of the front vent shaft, Molten Freddy and Ennard saw you sitting there with your hand on the monitor, a smirk on your face as you watched them fight each other. 
Ennard was only able to bring out one of Ballora's eyes. Given the glare she was sending you, she wasn’t pleased to be the one taunted. It should be the other way around, but you’re used to the animatronics’ antics so it doesn’t faze you anymore.
“Don’t get mad at me. That’s your own fault. I could be worse-”
“How can this possibly get any worse?” Ballora, via Ennard, questioned.
“You could have Chica, Mangle, or Springtrap stuck with you.”
“NO!! I would hate that! Especially..him-m-m.” Molten grumbled as he managed to stick both of his paws out, letting them hang out of the vent. “I hate that stupid old man for what he did to us.”
“Well at least we agree on something..now MOVE.” Ennard’s patience was running thin and they tried forcing themselves free.
Which ended with the two amalgamations tumbling to the floor in a heap of wires and robot eyes, still stuck together. They continued to struggle and fuss like two children before they saw you slam the monitor down, finally fed up with their behavior.
“Oh no...now you’ve done it!! [Y/n] is ma-a-a-ad!!” Molten groaned.
“Yes, mad at you. Who gave you control over us anyway?! Circus Baby wouldn’t agree to this!”
“Well it’s too bad we kicked her out for being so bossy!”
“You WHAT-?!”
“Shut up. Both of you.”
Your stone-cold tone made the pair cease their arguing once more, as they looked towards you. Seeing that they’re finally listening, you sighed before venturing to the desk for some tools. Something that could help you free them from their entanglement.
Molten’s eyes widened upon seeing you take out a large pair of--
“Molten, relax. They won’t hurt you.” You took the cutters and approached the two, wondering where you were gonna start. But it was hard to figure that out when the rusted bear was panicking and flailing his limbs. “Hold still please-”
“You guys can’t feel pain here. Plus you got burnt and you’re perfectly fine..sorta.”
“Oh...that’s right. I forgot!” He cackled, before quieting down with a small “sorry”.
Ennard rolled their many eyes, but stayed quiet as they wanted to be freed as soon as possible. With much effort, you managed to get them all untangled so they could separate. They immediately scurried to opposite sides of the room and stared at each other, before looking back at you.
Now what do they do? They both entered the office at the same exact time.
Though you were saved by the bell chiming 6AM, so they didn’t have the chance to scare you as they intended to.
But before they could leave, you told them to work out some compromise: to take turns trying to reach you through the vent and not get so impatient. With so many animatronics melded into them, they were bound to get antsy.
Hopefully they learned their lesson.
Especially now that Molten is deathly afraid of wire cutters.
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vizowrites · 3 years
More realistic soulmate AU for blitzstrike: imps have a special mark on there body and there soulmate will have the same mark aswell, blitz has a mark but hasn't found his soulmate AU until the sexy wall pin striker does. He sees a weird mark just like his on his neck, barely showing..
Ohohohoh I love the idea of this and for slightly devious reasons. If I may:
I feel like everyone--myself included for about 5 seconds until my brain kicked in and was like Wait--makes the mistake of thinking that the heart shape mark on Blitz's forehead is his soulmate mark.
Blitz's mark is actually around the spot where the top of his chest meets the base of his neck, usually doubly covered up by his high collar and that little skill bow/pin/cravat thing. It's the one marked instance where he doesn't freely advertise--in fact, when people ask him "Is that your soulmate mark??" and point to the center of his forehead, he immediately and without hesitation answers: "YEPPERS! IT SURE iS!!" :D
Is he lying?
The answer is, of course: Yes and No.
Yes he IS technically lying because his natural born birthmark is in the spot that he keeps hidden from view beneath that little skull pin, and it's honestly of a more typical size for a soulmate mark than the much larger heart shape that he has on his forehead. However, what he ISN'T lying quite as much about, is the fact that he does see the forehead mark as a soulmate mark--just not THE soulmate mark.
It's a mark that he shares with his twin sister, Barbie Wire.
You see, when they were growing up, they both were obsessed with finding their soulmates. They would spend hours talking about who they thought their soulmates would be, what they would look like, what they would be like, and all the while psyching the other one up to go out there and find them. But as they got older, and life did as life often does--hits you hard and fast--they started feeling more and more discouraged about the probability of actually finding The One for them. It started getting really bad for Blitz, who being as in love with the idea of having someone who loves him as he is, really started taking it hard when time after time his relationships sparked and fell apart.
So one night, which they didn't know it at the time was one of the last nights they would spend together in a long time, while they were sitting up on the suspended hoop rings underneath their circus tent, Barbie casually remarked:
"You know.....maybe this whole idea of romantic soulmates is overrated anyway." Her gaze flicked sideways to her twin, offering him the slightest hint of a playful smile, only for it to grow when she noticed him looking back at her curiously in return. "I mean, who really needs someone to shove fingers in your holes for you? We have toys for that now that can do it better anyway."
She tilted her head slightly in the easy, carefree way of hers that always had the tension loosening a bit in Blitz's shoulders--knowing that if his sister was feeling this at ease with the world, there had to be something right happening in it.
"So fuck finding the one to smash faces with for the rest of forever," she said, her smile finally curving into a full grin as she reached out and lightly booped Blitz on the center of his forehead. "I know you better than any fucker down here in Hell ever will anyway, AND I've known you for a hell of a lot longer than they're ever going to be able to. And, I mean.....I love you or whatever. I'm always going to be there for you. We can be each other's soulmates."
It honestly wasn't what Blitz had been expecting, and he would've been lying if he said that it completely filled the void in him that still wanted so badly to find the person who had a mark that matched the one on the base of his neck.....but maybe Barbie was right and that romance was overrated anyway. He still had someone who knew him like the back of her hand, someone who accepted him and understood him on a level that not a single other being in Hell did.
Maybe that, in and of itself, could be it's own kind of soulmate.
".....Alright," he said, finally offering a softer and more sincere smile--one that made her entire face light up, which only made him smile more. "But ONLY if you promise to let me loudly announce that we're soulmates everywhere we go just to make people freak the fuck out."
"How about we do one better--" Barbie grinned, offering her hand to Blitz as she gripped at the silver hoop in a clear sign that she was preparing to dismount. "Let's go get tattoos of what WE want our soulmate marks to be.  Right in the middle of our faces!"
Blitz doesn't really try to think back on memories like that too much, but he kind of can't help it after seeing what he saw on Striker's neck when he pinned him to the wall. Now he just feels frozen there, staring, as the memories come flooding back--ironically drying out his throat so much that he finds it hard to swallow. He manages after a moment, but he can tell that it gave something away as Striker's expression changes from confident seduction to something more akin to......worry? No, that's too strong of a word--maybe confusion?
Blitz doesn't fucking know, reading people's faces has never been his strong suit.
"You alright there, Blitz?" Striker's voice hasn't quite lost it's edge, but it's definitely softened from what it was before. Those glowing eyes flick across his face, searching for something that he can't quite seem to find.
This is good.  Striker clearly doesn’t know what’s going on so Blitz can totally still make this work in his favor.
“What’s that mark on your neck?” he blurts out, followed very closely by an explosive, “Fuck”
Striker blinks once, his surprise strong enough that it causes him to straighten a little, taking him back a touch further from Blitz’s personal space than where he’d been before, but still very much keeping Blitz pinned up against that wall.  He doesn’t answer the question at first, his expression taking a turn for the unreadable, but the second that Blitz goes to open his mouth to try and bullshit his way out of this--Striker finally speaks: 
“You never seen a soulmate mark before?”  He asks the question with the faintest drawl of skepticism, covering up something much deeper in his voice that’s harder to name.  “Then again, I suppose that would make some sense in your case seein’ as how yours is in the middle of your forehead.”  
Those green-gold eyes flicked up once, a split second glance up above his eyes, before his gaze once more lowered to meet Blitz’s directly.
“I’ve seen mine before,” Blitz said more honestly than he’d meant to, his back pressing slightly further against the wall as he braced himself for whatever stupid thing was going to fly out of his mouth next.  “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” 
Striker’s eyebrow quirked a fraction at that, the skepticism showing more plainly on his face as he once again glanced up at the mark on Blitz’s forehead before looking back down, before the slightest twitch of a smile crossed his lips.  He shook his head slightly, as if he didn’t know why he was humoring this, before reaching up to tug his bandana down enough to expose the mark on his neck to the other imp.
The sight of it made Blitz’s heart stop.  
“I feel like this isn’t much of a fair trade,” Striker was saying, mistaking the wide-eyed look that spread across Blitz’s face.  “But I guess you did technically show me yours first so.....Blitz..?”  
It didn’t take him very long to realize his mistake when he watched as Blitz’s expression turned from shock into something like fear.  
For a split [stupid] second, Striker turned his head back towards the window--half expecting to see a very pissed Goetian Prince perched there and ready to tear his eyes out with his talons for trying to assasinate him.  Instead, when he found nothing there but the curtains gently shifting in the breeze, he turned back to look at Blitz--and felt himself tense when he saw that the fear was still there.
“What?  What’s wrong?” 
The answer was there on the tip of his tongue, locked and loaded for him to blurt out as recklessly as everything else he’d been saying.  But--as was often the case when the words were written too close to his heart--Blitz suddenly was incapable of letting them fly.  So instead he did the only thing he’d ever learned to do in times like this: 
He bolted out the open door. :)
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Fnaf AU Facts☆
You might not have picked up of it yet, but they've been a lot of changes to my current Fnaf AU(s). To think I've had story and never thought of on altering it, but then watch content creators on YouTube talk about their AUs and feel upset cause theirs are so better much than mine. It always been like that, till today, I'm learning from mistakes and have new Fnaf AU, fresh out the oven🍞
Circus Baby's Pizza
Plot: We're sticking to the idea that due to certain events, Baby's Rental Service and Pizza was shut down and later in life brought back in a new light. With the remodeling and rebuilding of the old Circus Baby animatronics
(This takes place the same canon as my two other AUs, which we'll get to later)
☆ Both the rental service and the animatronics are owned Emma's Father, Drake, a man who runs another business, Funtime Chica's Pizza World, a town over
☆ Emma and her family has been ocs for the longest time and I can imagine people not liking Emma, she's annoying and weird; so let's fix that.
☆ Since Drake technically owns half the business, the family gets free access and low prices on everything. So it's safe to assume where Emma spends her days
☆ The restaurant is huge, it's big enough to be a mini Pizza Plex. Baby's Pizza is separated into 4 floors, each having an activity and section made for the animatronics; Baby's section is on the first floor with the stage and main restaurant area; Funtime Freddy's on the second floor with a diner type ice cream parlor; Funtime Foxy's on the third floor with a colorful arcade; and Ballora's on the fourth and final floor with a night club/restaurant
☆ Each animatronic was made for an age group; Baby works with kids, Freddy, Foxy, and Bonbon work with preteens and teenagers, and Ballora works with young adults. Ironic considering, all the animatronics, not counting Bonbon, love kids
☆ In addition to being used for a certain age group, each has their own act. Baby is a popstar, Freddy is a bartender/comedian, Foxy is game show host, and Ballora is a ballerina and jazz/blues singer
☆ Baby's Pizza applys for both kids and adults. In the ice cream parlor, there's a few spiked drink options for milkshakes, and let's not forget the nightclub
☆Of course, the nightclub area on the forth and final floor is area made for adults, so no kids allowed. Based off jazz theme nightclubs in NY, the place is filled with bright lights and beautiful decor. It even has it's own jazz band, who consistent of staff bots, similar to the ones in security breach
☆ The arcade on the third floor is based off casinos from Las Vegas, think instead gambling machines, they have arcade games. At it's that, there's Foxy stage where he does his game show; people can sign up for it and win of tickets to exchange for prizes
☆ Based off diners in the 50s, the ice cream parlor on the second floor is where Freddy and Bonbon do their comedic routine, making story's that'll have the whole crowd laughing. Despite being known for its ice cream, there's an all you eat buffet of desserts and sweets to pick out. From cake to brownies, candy, even fruit if people are interested
☆ Then there's the main, family-friendly restaurant area and stage. Very much based off the restaurant area in Chucky Cheese, Baby performs on stage, singing pop and indie songs. They also have a rock band, which yes also consists of staff bots
☆ Kids are wonder the place freely till the third floor
☆ New technicians and mechanics are trained by Lolbit and Yenno, two animatronics programmed to masters in technology and mechanical engineering. The other animatronics don't see them often because their so busy and jump around businesses alot
☆ Both Circus Baby's Pizza and Funtime Chica's Pizza World have a strict "no being mean to animatronics" rule. If you break it, you will get kicked out
Emma and The Animatronics
☆ Emma is definition of a brownie. Really sweet and filled with sugar. She's also extremely close to all the animatronics and since she was born an only child, views them as family
☆ Ballora's eyes are sensitive to bright lights, so she much prefers preforming at nighttime when it's darker and the lights aren't as bright
☆ Freddy makes the best milkshakes. He often creates his own flavors and has the kids taste test them
☆ Out of everyone in the group, Foxy's probably the best most competitive when videos are involved. You can tell right way he rages
☆ Because of more interaction between the two, Emma is extremely close with Baby
☆ Despite viewing Baby as her favorite, she also favors Bonbon. Which shocks alot of people considering that Bonbon is massive brat and complete b#tch to everyone. But Emma's like 6, so does it matter?
☆ Speaking of Bonbon, she's extremely possessive and overprotective of Freddy, cause they're overall extremely close and spend so much together
☆ When playing arcade games, Foxy will help Emma with most difficult ones, but never lets her get a high score for "important" reasons
☆ Foxy and Lolbit are siblings(so no shipping). They have a alright relationship and thanks to them, he knows most cheats on the arcade games. Saying "most" cause Lolbit has a habit of figuring out cheats and not telling him, just so they beat him in said games
☆ Lolbit's also an amazing roller skater. It's especially helpful for chases and easy escape
☆ Lolbit's comfortable with being called all pronouns but the ones they gets called most often are "she/her" and "they/them"
☆ Due to regulations and obvious rules, Drake doesn't let Emma enter the nightclub during work hours, she can only visit Ballora before opening or after closing. When Emma does visit, Ballora enjoys braiding or just playing with her hair, when she can see of course
☆ Emma has two human friends, one is Tyler, his dad works bouncer-type for body guard for Baby's Pizza, mostly the for the nightclub, so they to play alot. Unlike Emma, Tyler is more on the timid side and fears all the animatronics. Fortunately, she tells him there's nothing to worry about
☆ Bonbon doesn't like it when Freddy spends time with Emma or other kids, again standing into the possessive category. However, her relationship with Emma seems decent
☆ Bonnet and Bonbon are sisters(again, no shipping) they get along most the time. Emphasis on "most"
☆ Lolbit has both physical and digital body. They have own form of "astro-projection" where she can leave they physical body and create a digital avatar of themselves, they use this form to travel through and control different electronics
☆ Baby acts as a older sister to children. Especially with Emma and the younger animatronics
☆ Even with the perfect hourglass body, Ballora still doesn't understand why men hit on her
Minireenas and Bidybaps☆
☆ Groups of both animatronics consists of twins. Both of which are the same gender
☆ The Bidybaps, Benny and Billy, are much more mischievous and love to cause trouble, unlike the common minireenas, Holly and Molly, who are made toned down and mature
☆ Benny and Billy are entertainers, made to preform as acrobats or stunt professionals alongside Baby
☆ As for the two girls, they work waitresses in both the main restaurant and the ice cream parlor on the second floor, taking orders and serving milkshakes
☆ For easy transportation from table and table, Holly and Molly use rollerskates, of course they were tot by Lolbit
☆ Benny and Billy, mostly Benny, have a habit of pulling "harmless" pranks on the oth animatronics, even guests. Spoiler alert, half of those pranks aren't so harmless
☆ It's hard to say what the Minireenas do outside of work. What's seen is that they wonder the building freely and have an interest in coloring and dolls, very generic "little girl" activities
☆ Emma doesn't hang with the Bidybaps and Minireenas as much as the other animatronics, but whatever she's does, there's always something that goes down. For starters, she would get involved in one of Benny and Billy's pranks. But overall, Emma has a good relationship with those four
Funtime Chica's Pizza World☆
☆ Just a town over, is Funtime Chica's Pizza World, a type open mic type restaurant, ran by, you guested it, Funtime Chica
☆ Chica is extremely sweet and act as a nanny towards children. Only issues are she's wee overprotective and gets attached easily.
☆ Times 10x when the younger animatronics or Emma gets put under her care
☆ Both her and Baby think they know what is best for the group, causing to fight for control
☆ Those two, Chica and Baby, yeah, they're dating. It may not look like it but they are
☆ As for the restaurant itself, it's an open mic cafe with a very calm aesthetic with pastel colors
☆ Unlike Yenno and Lolbit who bounce around the businesses, Bonnet lives with Chica. She views her as a mother figure and inspires to be her
Ennard and Michael ☆
☆ Ennard was experimental, a fusion of Baby's Rental Service old animatronics becoming a separate entity
☆ Ennard lives in the sewers of the town Baby's Pizza is located, but settled in the large sewer tunnels near the establishment
☆ Many are threatened by Ennard's appearance; can you blame them? For context, Ennard is just half the size of an electrical pole and looks as if a spaghetti monster went to a circus
☆ Despite this, they're a gentle giant who wouldn't hurt a fly
☆ For some time, Ennard did use Michael's body as an endoskeleton before escaping into sewer. Speaking of Michael, he was one to design and drew out the blueprints for the animatronics, more on that next
☆Not like his father, he wants this new animatronics to be used for good, advancing their AI so they protect children instead of killing him
☆ Michael is a mix between a "spirit" and "rotting corpse". He does have organs, it just that most are either rotting or don't work
☆ The guys working in robotic engineering and inventor, experimenting with his father's old projects and creating new
Afton Kids☆
☆ More on the Afton kids, they live in a shack-like house, very old and on the outskirts of town
☆This can't be a series without some sort of antagonist, who's that? None other than Lizzie herself
☆ Short on her personality, think Darla Dimple for "Cats Don't Dance" but British and daddy issues. She also obsessed with Baby, don't if it make's better or worse
☆ Liz thinks Emma has the perfect life; a father who pays attention to her, two brotherly figures who never fight, and a former animatronics as her best friend. Meanwhile, Liz's life, or life before death was the complete opposite, making her envious when they first met
☆ Whenever she can around, Liz will find ways to "ruin" or "steal" Emma's life for herself, which's really just her trying take core aspects from her life. All the while Emma is obvious while being nice to her
☆ And as a spirit it's not possible, at least without Michael's invention of the "Illusion Disk"
☆ Seen in other AUs, the illusion disk is sticker-like device which disguise the spiritual form, in addition to blending in normal society, but rather it being some obvious sticker on their face, it disguises itself as a mark on skin. For example, Elizabeth has a heart-shaped "birthmark" on her eyelid
☆ Liz uses her illusion disk the most often, Michael doesn't need nor want to use one. Evan just stays home during the day
☆ I sadly haven't down much thinking for Evan, but I've conjured a few facts about him. Evan is as you expect it to be, a very introverted yet sweet that was secretly favored by the mother, Ms. Afton. He has a festination with "nighttime," ironic considering he never got sleep when has alive
☆ Michael on other hand, is more down-to-earth. He always acts busy, the type to not make small talk. Because of not-so great parenting, he was made to grow up quickly to raise his siblings
☆ Thankfully, he's not alone, romantically that is. Phoenix, his smoking wife, is bratty and entitled but not in a bad way.
Overall, a good person and finds Michael as intriguing and mysterious, one of the core reasons she married him. She has her own place but likes to sleep at his, becoming the mother figure of this broken yet functioning household
Very simple series. Emma and her friends go on adventures. Over time, learning the many mysteries and secrets of the old child entertainment franchise, "Fazbear Entertainment"; the company which was bankrupted and unfortunately shut down long ago
With these results, we can end it there. Sadly, like the Winchester mansion and my other AUs, it will never be done. Millions of other plot points I want to include in this passage but couldn't because I didn't know where they'd fit into the story. But like every unsolved mystery, I'll figure something out along the way
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blackenedinsomnia · 6 years
The Runaway Circus
Hey, it’s me again. I’ve just finished this chapter for this Victorian/Mystical Kirimina AU. As always I've had a delight writing this I hope you all enjoy! 
Most of my inspiration came from @skeletordraws picture: http://skeletordraws.tumblr.com/post/177491877978/its-timmmeeee-its-kirimina-appreciation-day
And some inspiration from my story that I’ve been writing as well. 
Waves crashed on the murky docks, orange lanterns illuminated the streets as the sun arose from the clouds. Kirishima laid there on his bed, the white creased sheets slung over his body. His head buried in his left pillow, saliva patches covering the other pillow. The wind howled and barrelled through the cracked and broken window, sending the thin curtains flapping frantically. His floor covered with bottles of rum and ale, whistled as wind skipped on the neck of the bottle.
A foghorn had blasted through the harbour, knocking over bottles; Kirishima leapt up out of his bed. His mind ringing and his senses rattling around like a broken toy. Falling out of his bed he slowly shuffled his way to his bathroom and clicked on the light.
Using the sink he hoisted himself onto his legs he took a thorough look at his groggy appearance. His white shirt he was wearing was drenched in grease, oil and vomit. His eyes were black rimmed and a five o’clock was ever present. “What the hell happened last night?” he whispered as the overhead light flickered on and off. “Well at least I have today off” he smiled with a hint of regret from the previous night.
With a change of clothing, he sat down on the chair; it creaking with his weight. He sat there as his clock chimed to the eighth hour of the morning, his teeth biting into the stale bread that was his breakfast with a hard crunch. He unravelled the newspaper and started to read the headlines. They ranged from a masked vigilant hanging people in the streets from the streetlamps, the latest football scores or even advertisements for a travelling circus.
His morning routine was interrupted by a knock on his apartment door. “Come in, the lock is already broken anyway” Kirishima yelled. The door slowly creaked open and a sluggish, rough looking man came walking inside. He had a black waistcoat and a white shirt on, with dark navy trousers and mucky Oxfords.
“So, you got home all right then?” TetsuTetsu exclaimed
“Of course, I did, I’ve been through worse” he chomped down on the last bit of his morning meal. “So, what brings you to my humble abode” he gestured his hands stretching out around his apartment.
“Well it’s your free day you up to anything?” he asked pulling the other chair out and slipping into it.
“You assumed I would be?” he chuckled, folding his paper up and slapping it on the table.
“Well I was thinking of going to the Circus later on?” he asked taking out a pocket knife and orange from his trouser pocket and started to peel it.
Kirishima sat there for a moment and rubbed his beard “It does seem to pique my interest, but I think I’ll need another thing….”
“They’ll have beer there!” TetsuTetsu squelched eating his orange slices.
“Okay I’m sold, when is the event taking place?” Kirishima grinned
“The Circus will be in town at seven at night and then the main event will be starting at ten.” TetsuTetsu lifted himself out of his chair. “So, you’ll have some time to kill my friend,” he said throwing Kirishima another orange out of his pocket. “I’ll meet you outside of the Circus’s entrance, don’t be late” he yelled walking toward Kirishima’s apartment door.
“See you there buddy!” he cheered back.
Time passed throughout the day, and the night was finally upon Kirishima; nine o’clock. He walked down the cobbled street in brown oxfords, almost as similar as TetsuTetsu. With that, he wore maroon tartan trousers with a white shirt accompanied with a red tie.
The centre of the street was buzzing with stores selling unique and exotic foods. Whale burger, frog legs, toffee apples, all the vendors were yelling for their time in the spotlight.
The echo’s of flutes, trumpets and drums came from the glowing orange brilliance of the Circus.
Kirishima got closer to the entrance of the venue and stood there in awe. Acrobats spun sparkling rings interchanging between their arms to their legs, to their heads to their hips. Muscular me stood on a podium flexing their muscles with pride, as flamboyant dances handed out alcohol and food to all the patrons in the venue.
“Well, well I thought I was going to be the one that was late!” TetsuTetsu yelled
“Thought I would surprise you” he laughed back, hugging his best friend.
“Now we have an hour to spare what do you want to do?” TetsuTetsu said pulling in his friend closer, moving closer into the mouth of the circus.
“How about a drink? Some food?” Kirishima asked pushing him away “Do you think we have time for both?” he smiled
“Maybe…” TetsuTetsu grinned. Half an hour had passed, and they were separated. Kirishima was lost in a crowd of colours and entertainers. His head was a little dazed from the drinks he had beforehand.
“You look lost mister, you need some help?” a female voice whispered in his ear. A scent of strawberries wafted passed him as the women spun around him, in an elegant and seductive dance. The woman had a veil covering her hair and her mouth. She was wearing dancers dress, ribbons were attached to her wrists and her waist; they seemed to move in unison with her dancing.
“Yeah I was looking for where the event is?” his eyes fixated on this woman.
“If you just keep walking straight, you’ll find the tent honey…” she stopped talking and dancing all together. “Oh, you like what you see mister?” she grabbed his tie and pulled him in closer to her “Say you don’t look too shabby yourself” Kirishima blushed almost redder than his hair. “Well you know where I will be…” she whispered
“Wait what’s your name?” he stuttered as she gently pushed him away.
“My name is the “Pink Succubus, I’ll see you at the show” she giggled blowing a pink cloud of smoke onto Kirishima’s face. He wafted away the smoke from his face, and she was gone.
“What a weird woman” he whispered under his breath walking toward the tent.
He clambered his way to the tent, people were funnelled in through the two spinning gates as workers handed out tickets. “Hey, Kirishima!” TetsuTetsu yelled, one hand in the air and the other a stein of beer; it’s head overflowing, spilling onto the ground.
“Ah, thank god…” he exhaled meeting up with his friend in the line, his cut in was met with drunken heckling and disgruntled looks. “I thought I would get lost here,” he said supporting his weight on his shoulder.
“Hey buddy you don’t look too great, booze not going down too well?” TetsuTetsu
“No TetsuTetsu, a woman with gorgeous pink skin and she smelled like strawberries and she was dressed like this dancer.” Kirishima stopped with TetsuTetsu putting his hand over his mouth.
“It’s the booze” he groaned.
They finally entered the red and white striped tent; the tension was rising as well as the excitement. Four rows of red leather chairs wrapped around the stadium. The arena’s ground was covered in sand and a red podium sat there illuminated in a spotlight, another span of light came from where the entertainers would enter the stage from. The two men sat down in their seats, trying to get comfy.
The light in the middle had dimmed and a voice boomed over the speakers attached to the support beams. “Ladies and Gentlemen, what you’re ‘bout to see will fill your mind with spectacle and wonder!” the man boomed; smoke filling the arena’s centre. “Prepare to feast your eyes on air defying acrobatics, wondrous creatures and daring devils! I welcome you!” a flash of light filled the centre blinding the audience as the smoke shot up into the air forming into a dragon-like shape.
The dragon hung from the roof of the tent, it’s talons gripping into the support beams, the wood cracking, splinters falling from it. An ear-piercing roar, its eyes and the open mouth glowed a malice red., shook the tent to its core.  The dragon released its grip and crashed down into the floor a cascading wave of wind and dissipated away.
There stood a muscular man in a red jacket, under that was a cream waistcoat and white shirt. Black trousers and a black top hat also accompanied the outfit. He had jet black hair with a rugged face with a scraggly beard. He wore a devious smile which looked like an alligator’ and a black eyepatch covered his right eye.
“To your night of Hell!” he cackled fire erupting from the entrance. Dancers ran out onto the performance grounds and started to get into position. A marching band followed soon after playing an intense tune, firing up the crowd. Kirishima was fired up, he had never felt like this for years; a burning passion was awoken.
The performance had finished a couple of minutes, it felt like a flash and bang of pure ecstasy. Trapeze artists followed next, then fire breathers and then it happened. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you have a wonderful time, I know I have” he chuckled, his grin still sharp as a knife.
“Here is a lil’ demon I found a while back that was just a paper on the streets.” Smoke started to slowly crawl its way towards the stage. “A sublime, delicious, supple young thang; that’ll leave you begging for more” a black silhouette emerged from the smoke. Kirishima’s eyes opened, and the woman waltzed out.
Her face was still covered by a black and red kabuki mask. Two horns extended from the mask and it had a devious grin; it is bearing its teeth. She wore a full black dress; red dancing shoes and red arm high gloves finished the dress. “I introduce to you, The Pink Succubus!” the ring leader yelled.
Her feet were dragging along the sand, her thighs moving side-to-side. Her body was like a well-oiled machine as she found her rhythm. She was a natural, like a bird taking flight she glided through the stage, kicking up sand with her toes; exaggerating her movements even more.
The smoke started to form into a stringy wisp-like creature and started to weave in and around her body adding to the performance. She came closer and closer to Kirishima’s side, still dumbfounded by her beauty.
Her tracks were halted by his flamboyant red hair. She paused for a moment, everything seemed to slow down. Her body now shrouded in smoke, she studied him; staring at her. She slightly removed her mask, her amber iris pierced him. Kirishima started to sweat, his gaze fixated on her visible eye.
His reaction making her chuckle, placing the mask back on her face the smoke enveloped her entirely. Smoke moved back into the middle and started to fill the room again. Kirishima frantically scanned the area for the woman, she couldn’t be seen.
The music started to pick-up and rise in intensity. Suddenly out of the smoke two big, beady, orange eyes with black slits for pupils; stared back at the crowd. A thunderous roar blew the smoke away, stood in the middle of the stage was a wondrous creature. A head of a lion, the wings of a bat and the tail of a scorpion. The pink girl sat on top of the creature stroking its mane.
“Hiya!” she yelled cracking the reigns on the creature, its wing spanned and flapped majestically; sending clouds of sand scattering everywhere around the stage. Kirishima covered his eyes as he watched the beast fly up into the air. They reached the top of the tent at their top of a loop. The girl let go of the rains and blew a kiss with both of her hands. Suddenly with a snap of her fingers, they dissipated into pink rose petals.
The crowd cheered and applauded, some even tried to grab the petals. Kirishima was still stunned, he looked at his trousers petals covered them as well as the floor. Brushing the petals off, he noticed a piece of purple card on his leg. He turned it over and read it. “Come and find me” signed off with a heart. Kirishima looked to his right and saw his friend snoozing in his chair.
“Man, even with all that noise he didn’t wake up, he must really like sleeping” Kirishima joked to himself. And with that, he got up his seat and went for the backstage area.
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