#which saddens Akari because Giratina is not like that at all
waywardstation · 2 years
For the recent thanksgiving blog:
I jokingly thought of mixing both, but my idea does not feel like a thanksgiving prompt though. It's more of a crackfic, so you can randomly read this idea for the lols.
Basically the stories and events of the Red sky have been passed down through generations till someone (in the present time) finally came up with the idea to make a play based on it.
After returning to the future, Akari and Ingo decided to drag Emmet and Elesa to this play and watch. At first, Akari and Ingo were excited to see themselves in the story, Emmet and Elesa were just there to learn more about their life in Hisui.
But just like history, it can have its inaccuracies of the actual events. So it's just Akari being absolutely pissed at how inaccurate the play is- wait, nO she did NOT forgive Kamado for everything THAT easily! And wait- did they just mistaken Akari for Rei-
Ingo's just as annoyed. What do you mean he had a weird love story with Lady Sneasler!? No, his warden ceremony was not a wedding ceremony! Where did that come from!?
Meanwhile Emmet and Elesa are just flipping cackling as they watch the two angrily (but silently) criticising the play. What a fun night out.
(Short answer: Basically, it's a PLA play, but Ember Island players style. 👍)
In regards to this post
I think I might actually end up mixing both! There’s a lot of suggestions to do that I see, and I like the idea a lot!!
It won’t end up like this, but your concept is really entertaining!! Akari and Ingo would be very frustrated, Emmet and Elesa would be having the time of their lives.
Imagine seeing someone come out on stage trying to characterize your twin brother/one of your best friends, but the only surviving concept of him they could work off of was that he was a scraggly mountain hermit, so they really play it up, and that’s all he is haha.
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