#Unova friendsgiving
waywardstation · 2 years
I’m trying to decide between two concepts for the thanksgiving fic:
Now both of these would be more like Friendsgiving; just a time for friends to come together and share a big meal.
The first one is based off of this fake fic title concept; it would be a lot like this prompt, except I’d add in an accompanying feast the clans would put together with the festivities.
The second one would be Post-Hisui. It would have Ingo and Emmet, Elesa, Akari/Dawn, Johanna, Drayden, Iris…just everyone’s families back together and preparing a Friendsgiving dinner.
Present-Hisui is more likely to be longer than Post-Hisui, but you never know with my fics anymore haha.
Is there any bias towards one or the other?
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charcherry-weekly · 10 months
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 173
Hello everyone, Mage of Light Nick Card here. Been having a tough time since a certain extra dimensional divine figure kidnapped someone from this fair village for seemingly cruel reasons. Let's get to the news though.
This week was the week of Brae Emit's annual friendsgiving dinner. Unfortunately, there was one of the dungeon crashers in particular who was unable to attend, due to being abducted earlier this week. The person in question is Mage of Life Blaze.
Because of evidence gathered by investigative reporter Aeons Edgeworth, it has been concluded that the one responsible for the abduction was a version of Arceus from a cursed timeline in the pokemon world. It is also assumed from relayed legend that the whole reason that timeline was cursed was because of retaliatory actions taken by that particular version of Arceus, after an artifact, the jewel of life, was stolen and supposedly never returned.
I have been informed that this is part of the plot of the 12th pokemon movie, and that it may be of priority to watch that movie for reference on the matter. Your dear newsletter writer has been unable to find time to watch movies however.
Regardless, the evidence for this includes a magically changing note that turned into a photograph, which had been found on Mysri Stage. Another piece of evidence is correspondences from a chittr account known as @ArcPhone3. An important note about that account is that most messages that are encased in brackets are posted in English (or perhaps it just looks like it is? it's hard to tell), while unbracketed messages are posted in Japanese. these two posting styles are significantly different in tone, which makes it all but confirmed that the messages are being posted by two different individuals. The bracketed messages are often rude and vindictive, while the unbracketed ones seem mostly typical for one sent on a Hisuian isekai trip, though without previous memory, and with hints that there is something very wrong, considering report of at least one pokemon casualty in battle. The remaining evidence is testimony from the individual who appeared a few days later at Mysri Stage, BLAZE. They had provided context regarding the cursed nature of the world they came from, where it appears that nuzlocke rules are natural law. It is assumed that BLAZE was sent here in Blaze's place, as the rules of the cursed world and it's corrupted god appear consistent. It has also been claimed by BLAZE that the version of Arceus from their timeline is known to have the telltale markings of an advanced shadow pokemon.
As a note, no other versions of The Original One have voiced an opinion regarding Their particularly dark avatar from that timeline, though has been shown to be aware of them. Further questioning is necessary on that matter, as this is an extremely important matter.
As an added note, Brae Emit has taken it upon herself to complete her own journey across Hisui (in a less cursed timeline) to potentially obtain the answers and results (getting Blaze back, among other things) that she seeks.
The dinner itself was thankfully a nice occasion. I got to see a number of friends, including one that I'm sure needed some social support. Most who showed up managed to bring a dish of some sort. Even Rogue of Heart Charles, who had to take a trip back to Unova for their own important reasons, managed to bring something (12 castelia cones, which I assume is the bulk limit someone can get from the ice cream stand in castelia city on short notice). Desertian President Katyleen Kitten and her wife, Samus Kitten, had managed to recover in time to show up. Despite obligations in having to address the Korosian public in regards to their own annual feast date, now dubbed The Feast of Rememberance, Korosian Present Thoren Emit was also present, as well as all of their household.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
Katie’s potion stand (*CaFAI filling in for Katie when unavailable)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand (ran by Rufus)
calculator stand
(there are currently no stands from Plit this week due to a minor incident involving last week's stand selection)
That about covers things. I've been in a rut trying to get things done lately, but I am trying. As a note, voidco has an account on chittr, so be mindful about what is posted there, and block as necessary. https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/408/charcherry-weekly-issue-173
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waywardstation · 2 years
At the Unovan family dinner, Akari/Dawn and Emmet start telling funny stories about Ingo to tease him and get to know each other better (especially if they hadn't interacted too often before), and then it becomes a full fledged "Who can tell the funniest, most embarrassing story about Ingo?" contest. Ingo is mortified. Akari/Dawn apologizes later by giving him a little extra pie. Emmet does not apologize. Cain instinct baby! (Also, if Ingo has a crush on Johanna at all here, that makes the embarrassing stories even worse, lol X3)
Akari would get it started, Emmet would absolutely fan the flames, and Iris and Elesa would think it’s hilarious. Drayden’s just trying to eat while Ingo’s doing his best to explain and excuse, and Johanna’s probably the only one who has any sympathy haha
This is a humorous take, but it actually is a stronger segue than what I already had into why Akari might start recounting the events of the Hisui festival in the first place haha. I might use this!!
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waywardstation · 2 years
Since you've mentioned that you want the friendsgiving/harvest festival story idea to take place in Unova, my brain has been wandering around just trying to think of how to make the two ideas mix together harmoniously... And this is what my brain came up with!
Every year on the same day, the Pokemon League members all get together for some kind of autumn-themed party/all day event thing. They've been doing this for as long as anyone remembers, and it's just a special day to spend time with friends and loved ones. This year Drayden, Elesa, Iris, Clay (whom I like to imagine was an old mentor of theirs), among others (I like to imagine that the Subway bros are friends with Roxie too) are INSISTING that Ingo and Emmet come to the party this year and bring some loved ones along too!
There's a lot of weird traditions at this party that no one quite understands what they're for or where they came from, but they're here nevertheless. Slowly as the day goes on Ingo and Akari feel that something about all of this is familiar and Johanna points out the similarities between what they're doing here and a festival that is celebrated in Sinnoh. While they're doing these things, Ingo and Akari are telling stories about this disastrous festival with a play that they had back in Hisui. Eventually they make the connection that the festival-play thing that Ingo and Akari did eventually became the holiday that is still celebrated in Sinnoh today. But why is there this bastardized version being celebrated here in Unova by the Pokemon League members?
At the end of the day, it's revealed that Clay was actually the one to start whole thing. Back when he first became a Gym Leader, he wasn't able to go home to celebrate this holiday that was so important to his family. Clay goes on at length about how important this holiday was to his family, and especially to his great grand pappy who always had the wildest stories to tell about this day and who was insistent on always spending this day with loved ones. And so instead of sitting at home and feeling bad about himself, he decided to start spending this holiday with his new family- the rest of the Unovan Pokemon League. So sure, the traditions he tried to show his friends may have gotten lost in communication and became some weird mutated variant of what they were originally supposed to be, but the most important thing is to spend this time with the people you love and care about- your clan. It also turns out that Clay's great grand pappy was Lian. And while the festival as they celebrated it back in Hisui that first time was kinda a huge disaster, that day ended up becoming something genuinely important and meaningful to Lian, continuing to be important to him for the rest of his life. So much so that its importance was passed down to Clay who then spread this tradition to everyone he cares about in Unova too.
Ohh OP this is a great concept!! This ties up a lot of things together super well, and the connection with Clay and Lian is perfect ;w;
What a great connection!! I really like this mixture of the two; this might influence my fic a little if that’s ok!
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waywardstation · 2 years
I'm sorry I know you said yer not partial to shipping asks, but imagine Drayden kinda side eyeing Ingo and Johanna's interactions with his fingers crossed hoping it develops. This results in a much more extravagent Friendsgiving than usual.
Johanna: asks Ingo if he can pass her the pepper
Drayden, from the other end of the table:
Tumblr media
Drayden just really wants his nephews to find people that will make them happy, if that’s what they’re looking for. He can’t help it if he involves himself a little haha.
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waywardstation · 2 years
For the recent thanksgiving blog:
I jokingly thought of mixing both, but my idea does not feel like a thanksgiving prompt though. It's more of a crackfic, so you can randomly read this idea for the lols.
Basically the stories and events of the Red sky have been passed down through generations till someone (in the present time) finally came up with the idea to make a play based on it.
After returning to the future, Akari and Ingo decided to drag Emmet and Elesa to this play and watch. At first, Akari and Ingo were excited to see themselves in the story, Emmet and Elesa were just there to learn more about their life in Hisui.
But just like history, it can have its inaccuracies of the actual events. So it's just Akari being absolutely pissed at how inaccurate the play is- wait, nO she did NOT forgive Kamado for everything THAT easily! And wait- did they just mistaken Akari for Rei-
Ingo's just as annoyed. What do you mean he had a weird love story with Lady Sneasler!? No, his warden ceremony was not a wedding ceremony! Where did that come from!?
Meanwhile Emmet and Elesa are just flipping cackling as they watch the two angrily (but silently) criticising the play. What a fun night out.
(Short answer: Basically, it's a PLA play, but Ember Island players style. 👍)
In regards to this post
I think I might actually end up mixing both! There’s a lot of suggestions to do that I see, and I like the idea a lot!!
It won’t end up like this, but your concept is really entertaining!! Akari and Ingo would be very frustrated, Emmet and Elesa would be having the time of their lives.
Imagine seeing someone come out on stage trying to characterize your twin brother/one of your best friends, but the only surviving concept of him they could work off of was that he was a scraggly mountain hermit, so they really play it up, and that’s all he is haha.
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waywardstation · 2 years
Tbh I love both ideas 😂
Like, imagine the distorted result of the play transforming into a completed unrelated story over time, which Akari/dawn only rembers after the back.
Buuut the post Hisui has the fun of it potentially being the first time dawn and Johanna meet Ingos family/friends (including champion iris!) and their somewhat flashier personalities and styles. They would try so so hard to impress the two tho. Too hard. To the point of hilarity. I'm talking Emmets nice clothes ruined, flaming turkeys, some third thing. Ending with everyone watching the fire (there's fire for some reason) and roasting marshmallows as a makeshift family. The good stuff
In regards to this post
If records of the play survived to modern day I’m sure it would definitely become misconstrued haha.
I plan to write an immediate sequel to Let’s Get You Back To Her, where Johanna would get more familiar with Ingo (and perhaps meet Emmet, maybe Elesa at the end?) but this would be a chance for both Dawn/Akari and Johanna to get to know everyone better, and meet some new people for the first time (Drayden, Iris, etc.)
And yes, some people probably will try too hard! There will be food stains on clothes, and people better keep a very close eye on how that turkey (Turkey? What is the Pokémon equivalent of Turkey? Unfezant?) is being prepared haha.
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waywardstation · 2 years
Considering how Santa (and by extension Christmas) are canon to the Pokémon Anime, a variant of Thanksgiving could easily exist in the Pokémon universe. (Laventon might even recognize it-yes, he's Galarian, but he's still probably heard of Unova's odd holidays from his colleagues who went there to study Pokémon.)
Yes! As an anon pointed out earlier, it could be related to Landorus, as they’re the legendary connected with land and harvests - seeing as how Landorus is in Hisui, I’d like to think there is some relation there. Maybe Laventon isn’t the only one familiar with it, because of that. Perhaps it would simply be about celebrating the last of Landorus’ harvest before the winter months come?
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waywardstation · 2 years
thanksgiving is out, fall harvest celebrations are IN!
It’s all about celebrating time with your loved ones during a great time of the year!!!
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waywardstation · 2 years
Maybe Unova and sinnoh andsome other regions have a thanksgiving-esque equivalent holiday related to, like, pokemon related to bounty. Like Landorus (because of the bountiful crop relation). Tho the specific pokemon may vary region to region due to different traditions, etc.
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Ohh I really like that thought Anon! Good concept; I like the idea of linking it to Landorus due to its connection with the land and agriculture. (And I like that it’s also a Pokémon that appears in Hisui)
Love it; I’d like to think on this and figure out a way to incorporate it, should it even come up. Thanks Anon!!
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waywardstation · 2 years
Lol I'm imagining Melli having the part of, like, a tree or something in the play that hes trying to extend.
In regards to this fake fic title prompt that might be incorporated into an upcoming fic.
Ha! Melli definitely would not be happy with that…but then again I think he’d be unhappy with any part in the production; no matter what, it’ll never give him and his involvement enough spotlight!
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waywardstation · 2 years
Lol okay but, like, in regards to the friendsgiving idea I kinda wonder where its hosted? I mean do all these overseas celebs just show up in little twinleaf town to be hosted by Johanna?
In regards to this post
I was assuming it would be held in Unova (partially because of this, but also because the majority of people involved will already be in Unova)
I headcanon that Johanna used to go to Nimbasa City for Pokémon contests when she was a competitor, as in the city they have a Pokémon Music Hall for musical competitions. (This was the reason why Johanna and Dawn/Akari were in Nimbasa in Let’s Get You Back to Her) so I imagine it more like Dawn and Johanna would be going to Unova for this.
I also headcanon that Ingo and Emmet have a smaller apartment, so it’s most likely going to be hosted at Drayden’s home.
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