#which yttd fics kind of lacks
dyingturn · 11 months
Time travel au where at chapter 2, shin gets voted at the main game and wakes up in his highschool body. And he does everything he can to avoid sou to not get involved with the death game.
Alright, to be honest all I know is that shin met sou at his highschool, thought he was student, realized he wasn't. But they somehow became friends, (or he saw midori as a brother figure?).
I just think it would be funny how shin would react just from going back to class, seeing these people he forgot the names of, and studying... again. Of course he wasn't paying attention to that at all, he's confused, he was literally just fighting for his life to make the Joe ai work before he dies and now he's here?? What if this wasn't even real.
Anyways, he walks down to the hallway, and he sees it. A familiar green rat tailed hair, who's just smiling at him. No- he's dead. But...
Sou approaches him with that eerie smile of his and tries to have a small talk. Instead of answering he just ignores him, and when he pesters him long enough he just glares at him, before running off.
I'm thinking this would probably intrigue sou because shin isn't really acting like his past self and is wondering what event led to this drastic personality change and behaviour. And observes him even more. (Imagine if one day, sou actually transfers to the school just to do that, I know he can't but just imagine--)
(Because if he does, he would be able to pry more information from shin and shin would sometimes slip up when agitated/over confident like what happened at the main game, and sou was able to put together that shin either a) knows about asunaro therefore him b) pretty far fetched but time travel or something similar like false memories c) knows about the death game )
I have no clue how to end this, I'm not thinking of this au as a ship but more of a trying to avoid death flag kind of thing. Maybe he achieves avoiding sou and now lives a pretty normal life, hears about the news of Alice going to prison, not his problem but it Is concerning. And then wakes up at the death game, and was like "not again", but surprisingly, his percentage is different now.
Or maybe y'know, he meets or sees the other participants. The whiplash he gets when he sees keiji without his piss hair, sees q-taro in the television, passing by a delinquent looking mishima or something, I have no clue.
That's basically it. I'm sleeping early today, yeyy.
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sou-ver-2-0 · 4 years
Hi, if you would like to learn about my opinions on shipping, I strongly recommend reading this article by the Prostasia Foundation. Prostasia is an organization which does the hard work of combating child sexual abuse. 
The long and short of it is that there is absolutely no scientific evidence that shipping fictional characters causes or invites real world sexual abuse. Additionally, the people who are frequently targeted and dog-piled by anti-shippers are often queer people, women, and abuse survivors. Not actual dangerous people.
If you would like to learn more about the history of shipping and anti-shipping, this article by fandom historian Sean Z is a good read: Toxic Fandom: When Criticism and Entitlement Go Too Far.
I also wanted to link to a post by a wonderfully intelligent person I follow on tumblr who writes beautifully about feelings on fictional characters and the way we relate to them, and how frightening it is when people make snap judgments about other fans for relating to fictional characters differently. However, I admit that I am worried about linking to other tumblr users, since... I have a stalker now, wow.
There is a lot more I could say. I have so many thoughts in my head. I want to write more about my feelings about these characters, because it is obviously something I feel very passionate about. And I feel very awful that impressionable kids are getting this warped perception of me based on fanfiction I liked privately, and coming away with the lesson that it is okay to stalk someone, if that person enjoys dark fanfiction.
There is a lot I could say about dark fic, and shipping, and kink, and the illusion of lack of consent, and... I want to be brave and eloquent and write about these things, because I love writing. And I want to write about these ideas in ways that kids can understand. Because I worry a lot about the kids that follow me, and I want them to feel safe and comfortable.
But I also feel very vulnerable and exposed right now, with many people ogling me, and these topics are difficult, and I feel rushed and unprepared. It is especially difficult when I am dealing with people who quickly resort to violence instead of nuanced discussion. People who think they understand critical thinking, but they don’t understand compassion, and they don’t feel any curiosity about why people would be interested in dark fictional content, and maybe, maybe it is not for terrible evil reasons??
The reason I have “Secretary of the Kanna Protection Squad” at the top of my blog isn’t just because I’m a fan of Kanna’s character and the Emotion Route in YTTD. It’s because I see my own little sisters in Kanna, and if it came down to it, I would do anything to save my sisters, even sacrifice myself. That’s why I love Shin Tsukimi so much, because I want to believe I could be as brave as he was.
However, I still have a save file in which Sara voted to kill Kanna, because this is a fictional story, and I want to see what awful fictional things might happen, because it is fictional and safe to explore dark topics like that. If Shin and Kanna were real people, I could never kill Kanna. I would absolutely kill Shin instead, even though I love him more than anyone else in that cast.
That callout post of me does not accurately reflect everything that I am. It says a lot more about the person who stalked me. If you believe I am a terrible person based on what fanfiction I read--fanfiction I wouldn’t recommend to kids--then please block me and leave me alone. It hurts to be judged for my propensity to want to support authors on Ao3, because I am honestly very self-conscious about my own writing, so it means a lot to me when people leave me encouraging comments. Leaving kudos and writing comments is an important personal moral value to me, so I always try to do that if the fanfiction makes me feel something.
That’s all I have the energy to say for now. I’ve lowered my queue to one post per day so this blog might be quiet for a while. Please everyone be gentle and kind to each other.
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