#which. i think may be conveyed thru the length of my response LOL
upsidedowngrass · 1 year
I am going to talk about Bryce bc I think people only talk about him if he's The Support Guy. It's always Liam is Airy's fav or Amelia is Airy's fav but Bryce was REJOINED and Liam was an OPTION!! If it was solely to make the others feel better wouldn't Airy have picked the guy that was with them longer aka Liam? And WITH Bryce's info being so hard to find combined with the possibility of Airy watching him during the 7 month hiatus (assuming he found the phobia after the fact) (1/4)
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(put my response under a readmore bc oh my god this is a long response ??)
i think airy is DEF fascinated by bryce!!!! like on one hand he chooses to eliminate bryce before liam, so i think he does ALSO maybe have an interest in liam, and theres a chance he didnt have liam rejoin bc he was JUST eliminated, it wouldnt be interesting if he immediately brought him back! BUT its also like... he DEF has a fascination w bryce!!!!!! like the effort he wouldve had to go to just to get that img, and to figure out he has thalassophobia is like. i dont think he put nearly so much effort into finding out stuff abt the other characters. i think he likes to learn things about bryce and thinks hes interesting
the idea of airy killing charlie on purpse is a VERY interesting idea i havent considered before??? i will say that its incharacter for him to not put together how much risk hes putting other characters at, or to accidentally ignore them (what with the ending of one 17. he didnt even Acknowledge that none of the contestants were present where he was looking???), and it wouldnt be unrealistic for him to have said that and acted as if Oh im sure one of the adultsll move the baby or something. or he wont be in the way at all. its probably not very likely for him to be in the way anyway. hell be fine (he also seems to slowly adjust how he runs things, like teleporting tray off the pole before she falls after one contestant died and another broke a leg)
BUT also?? i think it being intentional is a super interesting read, bc it ALSO tracks. i dont think he likes killing the contestants, but he Does see it more as an inconvenience than an actual Problem, and if he only brought charlie for the purpose of showing everyone respawning it DOES impact how much he plans things and how its read how he feels abt the events in one. bc it WOULD track for airy to go like. well i dont want them to get hurt, but itll be quick, so it wont actually bother him. he probably wouldnt even remember it anyway. babies dont remember things that well right? hell be fine.
i think each season is more planned than the last BUT ur right!!!! within each season, the planning for contestants gradually gets more and more random!!! and as for it only taking a day for him to get the info on the s3 contestants, id guess it has smth to do with the fact that he already has a basis for them!!! whereas before, he was having to pick ppl he had Zero connection to, NOW hes picking characters he knows thru his previous contestants!! id imagine its easier to pick someone a person you ALREADY know abt knows and then find information on, than to pick a person out of billions of ppl and THEN find info on them
but yeah the decision to bring children into the competition is like. ABSURD to me. im glad he at least DIDNT bring another baby. but id think maybe airy picked kylie instead of brad bc it was easier to find info on her, but that OBVIOUSLY isnt the case for her image??? bradley HAS an image of himself on a computer????????? (and tbh brad def uses object facebook but thats neither here nor there) so maybe kylie was picked bccccc she interacted w bryce more often? maybe it was easier to find records of employees than bryces friend. if bryces only img was NOT a picture he took, maybe bryce isnt online much, so its hard to find out that he has a friend who is bradley, and easier to find out that he has a coworker??? DUNNO... at this pt im just throwing stuff out there
all of this DOES actually make me wonder, though, because all of hte contestants, in some way, MAY have friends and family, but theyre not especially prominent people (julien COULDVE been due to the nature of his work, but also a lot of artists arent very known, so its ambiguous. but either way, he def wasnt picked intentionally anyway so this doesnt rly apply to him)
bryce has like one friend and a coworker. liam has a friend that shows up but theres its unclear if theres anyone else, and if there IS, they dont show up at all. amelia explicitly mentions having friends and family who are probably worried about her, and charlotte has friends shown, and taylor has friends and family, and tomato has a mother, but even all these people still dont seem to have much in terms of being well known? it couldve just happened off screen, but these ppl disappearing (save for taylor and charlie, who were gone for a WAY shorter period) wasnt very. widely payed attention to
like most obviously it doesnt seem that ANYONE liam hitched a ride w recognized him. which wouldnt be super likely!! but it still makes me wonder if airy deliberately picked people who were like. VERY everyday ppl. people who wouldnt have it be ESP noticed if they disappeared. and if thats the case, i imagine it was a. no harm no foul type thing to him. have a fun game, send them home, nobody was even worried. this wouldnt change much but MAN am i thinkin abt it
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