#TY FOR THE ASK this topic interests me a LOT
upsidedowngrass · 1 year
I am going to talk about Bryce bc I think people only talk about him if he's The Support Guy. It's always Liam is Airy's fav or Amelia is Airy's fav but Bryce was REJOINED and Liam was an OPTION!! If it was solely to make the others feel better wouldn't Airy have picked the guy that was with them longer aka Liam? And WITH Bryce's info being so hard to find combined with the possibility of Airy watching him during the 7 month hiatus (assuming he found the phobia after the fact) (1/4)
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(put my response under a readmore bc oh my god this is a long response ??)
i think airy is DEF fascinated by bryce!!!! like on one hand he chooses to eliminate bryce before liam, so i think he does ALSO maybe have an interest in liam, and theres a chance he didnt have liam rejoin bc he was JUST eliminated, it wouldnt be interesting if he immediately brought him back! BUT its also like... he DEF has a fascination w bryce!!!!!! like the effort he wouldve had to go to just to get that img, and to figure out he has thalassophobia is like. i dont think he put nearly so much effort into finding out stuff abt the other characters. i think he likes to learn things about bryce and thinks hes interesting
the idea of airy killing charlie on purpse is a VERY interesting idea i havent considered before??? i will say that its incharacter for him to not put together how much risk hes putting other characters at, or to accidentally ignore them (what with the ending of one 17. he didnt even Acknowledge that none of the contestants were present where he was looking???), and it wouldnt be unrealistic for him to have said that and acted as if Oh im sure one of the adultsll move the baby or something. or he wont be in the way at all. its probably not very likely for him to be in the way anyway. hell be fine (he also seems to slowly adjust how he runs things, like teleporting tray off the pole before she falls after one contestant died and another broke a leg)
BUT also?? i think it being intentional is a super interesting read, bc it ALSO tracks. i dont think he likes killing the contestants, but he Does see it more as an inconvenience than an actual Problem, and if he only brought charlie for the purpose of showing everyone respawning it DOES impact how much he plans things and how its read how he feels abt the events in one. bc it WOULD track for airy to go like. well i dont want them to get hurt, but itll be quick, so it wont actually bother him. he probably wouldnt even remember it anyway. babies dont remember things that well right? hell be fine.
i think each season is more planned than the last BUT ur right!!!! within each season, the planning for contestants gradually gets more and more random!!! and as for it only taking a day for him to get the info on the s3 contestants, id guess it has smth to do with the fact that he already has a basis for them!!! whereas before, he was having to pick ppl he had Zero connection to, NOW hes picking characters he knows thru his previous contestants!! id imagine its easier to pick someone a person you ALREADY know abt knows and then find information on, than to pick a person out of billions of ppl and THEN find info on them
but yeah the decision to bring children into the competition is like. ABSURD to me. im glad he at least DIDNT bring another baby. but id think maybe airy picked kylie instead of brad bc it was easier to find info on her, but that OBVIOUSLY isnt the case for her image??? bradley HAS an image of himself on a computer????????? (and tbh brad def uses object facebook but thats neither here nor there) so maybe kylie was picked bccccc she interacted w bryce more often? maybe it was easier to find records of employees than bryces friend. if bryces only img was NOT a picture he took, maybe bryce isnt online much, so its hard to find out that he has a friend who is bradley, and easier to find out that he has a coworker??? DUNNO... at this pt im just throwing stuff out there
all of this DOES actually make me wonder, though, because all of hte contestants, in some way, MAY have friends and family, but theyre not especially prominent people (julien COULDVE been due to the nature of his work, but also a lot of artists arent very known, so its ambiguous. but either way, he def wasnt picked intentionally anyway so this doesnt rly apply to him)
bryce has like one friend and a coworker. liam has a friend that shows up but theres its unclear if theres anyone else, and if there IS, they dont show up at all. amelia explicitly mentions having friends and family who are probably worried about her, and charlotte has friends shown, and taylor has friends and family, and tomato has a mother, but even all these people still dont seem to have much in terms of being well known? it couldve just happened off screen, but these ppl disappearing (save for taylor and charlie, who were gone for a WAY shorter period) wasnt very. widely payed attention to
like most obviously it doesnt seem that ANYONE liam hitched a ride w recognized him. which wouldnt be super likely!! but it still makes me wonder if airy deliberately picked people who were like. VERY everyday ppl. people who wouldnt have it be ESP noticed if they disappeared. and if thats the case, i imagine it was a. no harm no foul type thing to him. have a fun game, send them home, nobody was even worried. this wouldnt change much but MAN am i thinkin abt it
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artinandwritin · 6 months
(ask game) 14!
Ty sm for asking!! I just answered that one in a different post, lemme put a link here for you!!
Hope this helps!!! <333
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luveline · 4 months
more hotch with teacher!reader? maybe she’s trying to take a bunch of things into her classroom one morning and hotch jumps in to help (and flirt with) them :)) i adore you’re writing thank you for sharing sm with us lately!!!
you’re so welcome ily ty for requesting! <3 fem, 1k
Today, you and your class are going to make dioramas with a heavy focus on paper crafting. For the last few days, you’ve helped them make plans on what they want to create, and then you scoured the internet for origami and craft tutorials to suit. The only one you couldn’t find was for poor Jamie’s tractors. You’ll figure it out, you’re sure. 
You’ve been saving cardboard boxes, toilet roll inserts, and egg cartons for months. There’s a total mountain of things to bring in, so you’re here early. You figure if you carry huge armfuls, you can get everything inside in three trips. 
“Oh,” you say, as a cardboard box tumbles to the ground, and somehow doesn’t give you a clearer view, “whoops. I’ll pick that up. Jeez.” 
You step over it and almost slip. 
“Careful,” someone says. 
You jump and send an egg carton skittering across the floor. “Oh, gosh! You scared me!” You twist your head, the cardboard that had been resting on your face falling down into your collar. “Oh, Mr. Hotchner.” 
Of course it’s Mr. Hotchner. Aaron, predictably. 
“Aaron,” he says, leaning down to grab the things you’ve dropped, before he opens his arm toward you. You lean away from your tower, embarrassed but relieved when he takes the bulk of your tall tower from you. 
“Thank you, Aaron. I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here so early. Is everything okay?” 
“Let me help you with this.” 
Avoiding the question. You and Aaron carry your cardboard inside to the classroom, where you unlock your door (and you never would’ve been able to do without his rescue). He follows you to the arts and crafts table toward the back of the room, and you deposit your stock. 
“Thank you,” you say when he places his armful down. 
“It’s no problem. Can I help with the rest?” 
“Would you, please?” you ask. “It seemed a lot less before today.” 
You bring the rest back in. He’s the picture of a perfect gentleman and carries more than you each time, which isn’t to say you can’t have carried the same as he did, but it’s nice for once to be the one looked after. As a teacher, you get used to giving. 
He doesn’t make you ask him twice. “I’m here early because I wanted to talk with you if you’re free, before I head into the office.” 
“His Aunt is bringing him today?” you ask about Jack. 
“I didn’t manage to get home in time last night to see him, but I’ll be here at pick up time.” 
You nod, hyper aware that you’d swayed the conversation again. “Sorry, what were you saying?” 
“It’s about Jack. Well, it’s mostly about me. I’d like to ask you for a favour, if you’re willing.” 
“Oh, sure. Of course.” 
“You haven’t heard it yet.” 
You flush under the weight of his knowing smile. “No, I mean, I’m sure it’ll be fine. So…” 
“It’s hard sometimes to get Jack to tell me what you’re doing in school. I had no idea he’d be making dioramas today. And I don’t need your lesson plans, I’d never expect that of you, but I was hoping you could summarise the week for me on Fridays? Or whenever you can. I don’t need updates on how Jack is progressing, it could be a couple of words on the topics you’ve chosen, just so I know what he’s doing while I’m away.” 
You’ve never been asked to do it. Parents of kids in the second grade aren’t usually clocked in on what their kids are learning. School is still half fun at this age, your most important job is to make sure they can all read with acceptable fluency. And it’s hard because their parents don’t help, but it’s fine. You love teaching them something so important, and you’re ecstatic to meet someone who’s actually interested. 
You beam. “Yeah, of course I can. I can do that, I don’t mind. Nobody ever wants to know what we’re doing, which is such a shame! I mean, they’re so excited and of course their parents care, but if they have just a little bit of support it makes a huge difference. I can totally send you my lesson plans, Aaron. I’d like to.” You laugh to yourself smugly. “I never get to show them off. They’re extensive. And they take ages.” 
“You want to show them off?” he asks softly. 
His voice is velveteen. 
“Is that awful?” you ask.
“No, it makes sense. You really don’t have to if it’s too much trouble, but I… feel guilty, when I call him and ask how school was, and he can’t remember what happened.” 
“Don’t feel bad about that. The kids can’t remember what I told them ten minutes ago.” 
He isn’t like you, in that he’s very still. He doesn’t move or fidget, which makes his looking at you all the more obvious. “Thank you,” he says. 
“You’re welcome.” 
“Can I pay you back?” 
You catch one of your bracelets and twist it around your wrist. 
Aaron told you without hesitation that he profiles criminals. He can read their expressions, habits, and idiosyncrasies as thoughts and feelings. He can trace movement to the source. You’re positive he wouldn’t keep asking you such leading questions, or insist you call him by his first name every time you see him, if he didn’t already know that you find him attractive. 
“How would you do that?” you ask. 
“Is there anything else you… need help with?” 
A million things, but you’re no idiot. You can read subtlety too. 
“Well, I have a bunch of textbooks on the top shelf in the stockroom you could help me with.” You smile shyly. “It gets hot in there, though.” 
He begins taking off his suit jacket. “That,” he says, his gaze on you with all the tenderness and amusement of someone who’s known you longer, “won’t be a problem.” 
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clockwayswrites · 7 months
Masked in Amity
CW: Sam doesn't come off great in this, but not Sam bashing. She just has a lot of growing up to do still and knee jerk reacts badly. (I also don't want to listen to any Sam bashing please and ty.)
Sam’s room still looked the same as always. Danny supposed that’s what happened when someone moved out for college but still came home again— especially to a home like Sam’s. There were only a few posters, a few photos, and a knickknack or two that had changed between high school and now. Danny sat on the edge of the bed like always.
“So how’s school doing?” Danny asked into the awkward silence. Silences never used to be awkward between them, or was that just looking back with rose colored glasses?
“Ugh,” Sam gripped and flopped back onto her bed next to Danny. “Why would you even ask me that? You know I hate it.”
“Because it’s what you’re doing right now? It’s a huge part of your life, you can’t just… avoid it.”
“Watch me,” Sam said, bitterly. Her snarled lips looked weird without the dark purple lipstick. “I’m going to get my stupid law degree my parents are paying for and work at some stupid corporate firm Dad has connections at and when my trust fund has made enough in interest I’m going to quite and go open a non-profit and sue all those fuckers I was forced to work for over how they’ve fucked up the environment.”
“Okay,” Danny said. He didn’t want to argue about this. He just hoped this plan worked better than the last three Sam had had before her privilege knocked her down a peg.
“Can I ask about, I don’t know, your time in Chicago at least?”
“Chicago is amazing,” Sam said, wistfully. “Being in Chicago, I mean, I’m sure you know how it is, it really makes it clear how backwater Amity Park is. The things people worry about here are so small compared to what’s out there!”
Danny just hummed in response. He didn’t exactly know what to say to that. It didn’t feel completely wrong, but it wasn’t right either. Worries weren’t a competition like that.
“And the bands!” Sam continued, thankfully changing the topic. “I have got to see so many amazing bands. The local scene alone is amazing and no one knows about them so you can be right up close and a lot of times even talk to the band after. You should come for a show sometime.”
“I can try to,” Danny said. Sam’s music wasn’t usually his thing, but something like that might be fun. It would be different at least. Danny gave her a little smile. “Maybe Tucker could make it out too.”
Sam rolled her eyes. “You know he won’t. When was the last time you talked to him not on the computer or the phone? He’s only here at Christmas when you aren’t.”
“You know how I feel about Christmas, Sam,” Danny said, holding back a sigh. Sure Tucker had been busy lately and that had made him more distant, but he was still one of their trio. “And if we plan something then Tucker can schedule for it. Don’t count him out just because he’s busy.”
“Alright, fine, we can plan something for a bigger show with Tucker,” Sam agreed, “but you still need to come out to something local. They’re really better anyways. We’ll go out to eat first and hit up a bar or three after. I know some really great places— places like you’ve never seen.”
Sam reached up and wrapped her hands around Danny’s neck, pulling him down a little. “It can be a date.”
Something in Danny balked at that. It was an innocent enough comment. Sam and him had dated and then not and then dated again or just had fun together. They’d known each other so long that it was easy to just ebb and flow out of the different levels of a relationship like that.
This time, though, Danny found himself resisting the tide. “Or we can just hang out.”
The almost dreamy smile Sam had crumpled into a frown. “What? I mean, sure, it can, but why? Are you seeing someone?”
“Yes? No? I mean, I’ve been… sleeping with someone, but we’re not dating or anything.”
“That’s okay,” Sam said easily. “I’m not going to make you be exclusive. I don’t want to be either right now; we’re not around each other enough for that and You know that I’ve been sleeping with my roommate sometimes and I’ve met a cute person in study group now too with amazing fingers.”
“No, I know, just…” Danny gave a frustrated noise. Nightwing and him weren’t even close to being exclusive. Someone like Nightwing could have anyone they wanted and with how much he liked sex, Danny was pretty sure Nightwing did have whoever he wanted. Danny was just… convenient for the hero side and Danny didn’t begrudge the other that. It was convenient for Danny too. It was just…
Danny didn’t want to keep living the same cycle with Sam where he was her world for a few weeks or months and then just back to an occasional phone call. He didn’t want to keep being pulled back to Amity Park. Maybe meeting her in Chicago would be different enough, but Sam was still so tied to Amity and always would be by her parent’s money.
“Maybe we shouldn’t do this again,” Danny said slowly, feeling the words out as he said them. “Maybe it’s time just to leave us dating in the past?”
Sam dropped her hands and sat up. “Excuse me?”
Danny rubbed at the back of his neck. “Just, we’ve tried being together in a lot of different ways and we always end up in the same place.”
“So you want to leave me in the past?”
“No!” Danny said quickly, trying to get ahead of this before Sam spiraled too badly from making assumptions. “I’d love to come to Chicago and see a band with you! Just… not as a date.”
“Because you want to leave that in the past,” Sam snapped and got up off the bed.
Danny scrambled off also.
“That’s not a bad thing. I enjoyed it and I know you did too. Just more, okay, maybe that wasn’t the best phrase? I mean maybe we shouldn’t go down that road again when we know where it’s going to end.”
Sam crossed her arms. That was never a good sign. “Right, because I’m always going to be a dead end, is that it? Not like you who’s off playing hero with the big names?”
“What? What does me being a Titan have to do with this?”
“Don’t play dumb, Danny, we both know you’re not. You left to go be a famous hero and hardly looked back at Amity Park or me or Tucker or your parents. What if the town needed you?”
Danny threw his hands up in the air. “Why would they need me? I destroyed the portal, came to an agreement with Vlad, made sure my parents couldn’t build another working one— it fixed everything!”
“And then left.”
“So I could help other people!”
“Sure it wasn’t so that you could be famous?”
Danny closed his mouth with a clack.
Sam winced at her own words. “Danny…”
“No.” Danny backed up a few steps from her. “No. You don’t get to— you of all people don’t get to come at me like that! I never wanted to be a hero, Sam! You’re the one who said I needed to protect Amity and you were right, sure, but it’s never what I wanted! You wanted it!”
“Danny, no—” Sam reached out for him and Danny stepped back again, hitting the wall.
“Yes you did, Sam! You did or I never would have had to die a second time after your wish! I lost everything again! I don’t have a future like you and Tucker, I just have being a hero. I just have being dead.”
“Come on Danny,” Sam tried. She moved close again, slowly, like Danny was some sort of feral animal.
Maybe he really was just a caged beast.
“I’m just— I better go. I’m just going to go,” Danny said. In a flash of light he was back to being Phantom. He let himself tip back and phase through the wall.
As he left Amity Park behind, he couldn’t help but think it really said something that he was far more comfortable being Phantom these day than Danny.
AN: Here's yous all voted on treat for the day! This comes before Danny showing up at Dick's door, quite upset.
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ja3yun · 2 months
i am on a jay bender and have been obsessed more and more as the days go by. what do u think would he be like as a bf? 🥹
jay has been bias wrecking me like crazy and this will not be good for my health but lets go: again there is smut so mdni!!
jake vers. | sunghoon vers. | heeseung vers.
first and foremost, he is putting his soul effort into you from the moment of your first date. when he is looking for a girlfriend, its a long term deal, not a fling or a quick summer romance. jay dates to marry. it can come across a bit 'whoa' but listen, he wouldn't be overbearing about it! he just wants to know that when he finds a partner that the effort he puts in will be worth jt.
dates when you're in the talking stages/getting to know will be very thought out, each detail will be meticulously planned based on your interests. he would love taking you to museums, dinner, camping, i think any date in which he could sit down and speak to you would be ideal for him. jay values connection over everything else so getting to know you during these dates and momentsnare crucial.
once you are in a relationship he is all you could ever ask for!! he is supportive, loving, affectionate, headstrong, and everything in between. i can see him really working hard to maintain a positive and steady paced relationship. he won't rush into things, knowing that the relationship has infinite time to blossom and develop - it's like a good meal, you don't scoff it down but savour it.
although steady, he is affectionate and always with you any chance he gets. jay is sooo romantic, more romantic than any of the others. his heart is so big that he has infinite love to give you, he will work you around his schedule, no matter how tired, he will always make time out of his busy day to see you. if he is on tour or really can't see you for whatever reason, he is facetiming you or calling you.
more under cut
when he comes to visit you, this might be controversial bc a lot of people don't see him as a yapper but i think he tells you everything about his day, particularly how he felt about everything (tired, excited, whatever). i think he would feel so comfortable with you and trust you so much that he confides in you about everything. i do think he would hold some things back, just as a way not to worry you - like his knee, i think he would play it off as no big deal even if it hurt really bad that day; worrying you isn't on his list.
jay is so used to looking after others and independent that he is either going to go two ways: babying you or asking to be babied. if its the first one, i think it comes second nature to him, he would look after you and make a fuss, doing acts of service like tying your laces when they come undone, making sure you don't go overboard when drinking (i need him for that), and generally care about your well being. OR he is going to come to you to be looked after. he would want a partner sensitive to his feelings, someone who can have open conversations about them and validate him. something about him tells me that he likes to be pampered by his partner; sharing baths where you cuddle and wash him, massages, make him dinner when he has had a long schedule, i do think he would love a face mask night in w you. its all about give and take with him, but he definitely loves to give a lot more.
as i've mentioned, he is headstrong and has core values. if you don't allign, he will literally try and persuade you to see his side of things. he loves to argue and debate, not in a mean or offputting way but rather in a 'i have this opinion, tell me yours and we'll discuss it' kind of way. loves to learn and expand his mind regarding knowledge so if you are knowledgeable about the world or certain things, he would love to listen and learn, possibly going as far as researching the topic on his own time. again though, you aren't changing his mind on his values but he will understand your point if you share them in an articulate manner. if you respect his opinin, he will respect yours!
it is obvious but he is cooking for you!!! he will prepare your favourite meals and also let you venture something knew. he doesn't always like to do it on his own though and will set up fun little 'cooking classes' to teach you. he can be a bit bossy but it looks hot on him so you never mind it. you will buy him silly kitchen gags like 'kiss the chef' apron etc. which he hates but he wears because it makes you laugh.
will also play guitar on quiet nights in, just as backing music, not to impress you or gain attention. he would just strum the guitar while you read or whatever you like to do. it will be the backingtrack to your conversation and i think he would cherish the calm and easiness in the air.
you must get along with his family. no question about it, he is so close to them that if they didn't like you, it would really impact your relationship. i think he would try and persuade his parents and try his absolute hardest to help you all get along; he might plan meals or day trips with you all to bond you. same goes for your family, whatever parental/guardian/sibling you have, he wants to impress them and get along with them. he is a family man through and through.
speaking of which, would talk marriage and kids with you quite early on, just to establish if this is something you are wanting. i think for sure marriage has to be on the table but kids are a tricky one, i feel like he understands that it is you who would be carrying the child/or/adoption would always be a choice. it can't just be his decision, he loves you so much that he would settle for being an uncle rather than a dad if you truly didn't want children (please be real core <3)
kisses: i think he loves to kiss you but not randomly, like he won't grab your wrist and spin you around to lay a smooch, he is the type to nuzzle your nose and tell you how beautiful you look. his kisses are soft and gentle, his tongue tender against yours as he devours you completely. hands ALL OVER your body when he kisses, loves to feel you on his finger tips. secretly, along with quality time and gift giving, i think physical touch is a love language for him.
bowchikawowow: rough and sensual. jay is going to do everything you like because as your relationship grows, he is going to make sure that he knows every little pleasure point on your body. LOVES to hear you moan and encourages it. 'let me hear you, baby' and 'do you like that?' are constant sentences in the bedroom. doesn't do quickies, likes to go for as long as possible. he is terrible for edging you, pushing you to the edge of tears while he withdraws his touch, his smirk would be plastered on his face. he would tell you how good you are for him, 'just a little more, my baby can handle that, right?' and ofc you would say yes!! kisses all over your body, lips all over your chest and tummy, loves to just feel you (again, physical touch).
aftercare is so important to him but i think because he already likes to look after you, it would be so normal. makes you tea, kisses and cuddles, words of affection and admiration; whatever you need, he will do it!
again, these are my opinion and if you disagree you are more than welcome to let me know what you think!! i love hearing opinons 🙏🏻
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xzaddyzanakinx · 4 months
what do you think stalker!anis body count is?
i can’t work out if he’s had a “fuck everything that walks” phase or not
I’ve thought about this a lot actually, cause I’ve also had trouble deciding that lmao. I originally intended for stalker!ani to have BPD, but as he developed as a character I think antisocial personality disorder fits him much, much better. Both disorders experience hypersexuality.
In this essay I will…
Stalker!Anakin has never had a girlfriend before reader. Unfortunately he was painfully awkward and strange during his elementary school years:
Exhibit A: tying nettles together with worms (a beautiful bouquet if you ask me) and giving them to a girl he thought was pretty.
Exhibit B: staring and unapologetically eavesdropping on any conversation.
Exhibit C: starting conversations with “I am Anakin Skywalker, I am seven years old and I like to collect Hot Wheels. Do you like to collect Hot Wheels?” (Bc his therapist said he should try to be ‘relatable’ by finding people with similar interests. How is he expected to do that unless he systematically goes through his entire class list and initiates/interviews his classmates??)
Moving onto his middle school years were even worse bc he found out that girls are hot and hot girls make him horny. Everyone remembered him as the weird kid, told the other sixth graders and ruined his chances of winning people over with his new, carefully crafted personality/mask.
So when he asked his crush to the homecoming dance he bought real flowers (sans worms!!), and his mom helped him find a cute sign on Pinterest to copy… She refused the flowers and said “ew”, thinking there were prob bugs in it (she’d heard the gossip). Anakin unwrapped the flowers and shook them out to prove they were indeed wormless, made a joke and then the girl reconsidered her refusal and decided ‘hey maybe he’s not so bad, all kids are weird anyway so he’s probably fine now’.
Turns out he was in fact trying to be fine & normal. But ended up in a ‘Carrie at prom’ situation at the homecoming dance bc the guy who also liked Anakin’s date was there. Anakin ended up with a suspension and the other guy ended up with the girl.
Then the summer of 7th grade he wacked a grown man with a table.
That didn’t bode well for his highschool conquests of course! So he got his rocks off with the occasional use of the good ol’ ‘hide in the bushes with binoculars and hope Becky from Algebra changes in front of her window again’
Anakin got his first job at the Hot Topic when he was 17. This is where he tried out everything he’d learned over the years and he realized he was actually very decent at speaking to girls as long as he kept up his masked personality. Anakin stayed a virgin until a pretty girl with a nose ring (she worked at Claire’s, he was getting his ear pierced) complimented his Suicidal Tendencies t-shirt and he smooth talked his way into getting her in his car after his shift. Then… continued to do that for a while, strictly fucking. She thought it was strange that he never really wanted to talk before or after.
He was just trying to perfect his sex game and she was just a body. She wasn’t his dream gal, so she was perfect for making mistakes and learning from them. He didn’t have to worry about appearances or properly apologizing for accidentally not doing super great at something, he could just move on and keep going. After all, she was just a body to practice on.
Unfortunately for Anakin he had a brand new court appointed therapist at the time who didn’t think promiscuity was good for the healing and reconditioning process (it wasn’t).
So Anakin put a stop to fuckin’ the girl from Claire’s. He was very confused that she was so upset when he just completely ignored her. The next time they both worked, she waited at his truck like usual and he walked right past her and got in his truck, locked the door and backed out of the parking spot without waiting for her to move (she was fine just really mad).
Claire’s girl confronted him about it, thinking she’d done something to upset him and asked if that was his way of breaking up with her. Anakin’s like??? Break up?? We were never dating!!?? (This is how he found out that when you fuck someone weekly for over four months they will more than likely form an emotional attachment)
To avoid a repeat of that incident when he moved to the city for college (he dropped out obvi), he got a job as a bartender for the sole purpose of people watching for research and practicing being a normal dude. Being a normal dude includes learning how to pick up chicks, so I think he probably took a girl home once or twice a month just to keep sharp on his pretending and fucking skills so he’d be on his best game when he found the right girl.
So in conclusion, yes he did have a ‘fuck everything that walks’ phase. Just not for the sex. For research.
me reading the DSM-5 and diagnosing him. [im a doctor you can trust me]
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Any guide on Elle woods / hermione / rory coz I had no study motivation 😮‍💨
“she’s like a real life rory gilmore…”
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fictional study icons guide, part 1: rory gilmore
ty for the ask! i’m gonna make this multiple parts, next will be elle woods, i never read/ watched harry potter tho so idk about hermione 🫣 but if y’all want me to do other characters, feel free to send ideas!
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know your goals
rory had a clear idea of what she wanted for herself: to go to harvard & to become a journalist. when school & studying starts to feel tedious or difficult, having a strong “why” will keep you going. maybe you want to get into a certain school, you have a dream career path, or you want to become extra knowledgeable. never lose sight of your goal - surround yourself with reminders of it. rory had harvard memorabilia hanging in her room as a constant reminder of what she was working towards. you can create a vision board online, print pictures & hang them in your room, put notes up on your mirrors & walls. remember that classes, tests, & assignments are all leading you to a greater goal. studying is a means to an end and you deserve the best ending!
study a lot
rory prioritized her studies and spent a lot of her free time on schoolwork. the easiest way to succeed is to put in the time. don’t cut corners when it comes to your education - do your homework and assignments diligently, go through assigned readings & videos carefully, & if the teacher gives you optional/additional work, do it. remember tho, it’s important to study smarter, not harder. the most beneficial thing you can do is spend as much time as possible utilizing study methods that work for you. don’t waste time on study methods that aren’t effective for you. you can search my older posts for info about study styles or google learning styles & use that to help determine your best approach to schoolwork.
conquer challenges asap
when rory first started going to chilton, she unexpectedly got a bad grade on one of her first essays. she could have sat there and made excuses, felt sorry for herself and blamed the school/ teachers, but instead she worked extra hard to improve and overcome that poor grade. in the end she was valedictorian, showing that she was able to rise to the challenge and ultimately succeed. if you find yourself struggling with schoolwork, please take initiative asap and get whatever help you need. utilize all your resources - teachers, classmates, youtube video explanations, khan academy, tutors (if possible) - do not allow a dip in performance to be your norm. try to get to the bottom of why you’re struggling and then take care of whatever’s causing it. if you let yourself succumb to the struggle - telling yourself it’s because of bad teachers, the content is too hard, etc. - the only person who is gonna suffer in the long run is you. be proactive and take charge of your education.
take breaks
while rory did spend a lot of her time studying, it didn’t rule her whole life. she still made time for friends, family, and fun activities. life is about balance, and you don’t want to burn yourself out by spending every waking moment on school. take breaks for fun, to spend time with loved ones, to get fresh air & be active. give your mind breaks so that you can stay in top shape. that being said, make sure you strike a balance. don’t let your social life get in the way of your academics, but don’t let studying stop you from living life.
read a lot!
when i think of rory, i think of reading. she always has her nose in a book! she not only reads, but she reads books that are thought-provoking and intellectual - classics, non-fiction, and so on. reading is a wonderful hobby and it can also be a way to expand your mind. challenge yourself by reading books that are somewhat difficult to challenge yourself to read closely & dissect the content. find classics that genuinely interest you or non fiction on topics you enjoy. combine the fun of reading with the desire for intellectual growth. by reading more difficult books you can improve your vocabulary, build you reading comprehension skills, become better at analyzing literary devices, and overall become a more interesting person.
that’s all! have a great school year & best of luck with your studies! 🩷
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joocomics · 6 months
Hii can u do what XH likes to do or how they’ll act if they’re jealous? Thank you!
cw: none
a/n: this might be a little bit messy, but expressing my thoughts on more angsty topics like this isn’t my strongest point when it’s not a drabble oof i apologise in advance if this isn’t what you expected, anonie! even a bit over the place i still hope you enjoy the read. ty for stopping by 🫶🏼
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♡ gunil
i think he’d be good at hiding it, so if it happens a few times - most of them you might not notice that he’s being jealous until later. but it really depends on the situation and the person he’s being irritated by. i see him pretty protective as a boyfriend, and if someone is really getting on his nerves he might turn quiet and reserved; just thinking about how he wants to drag you out of the place with a hand on your waist cause he hates how they’re looking at you. after you’re finally left alone his feelings would immediately show, and he wouldn’t try to hide them; he couldn’t even if he tried. he’d sit down to talk to you about it, and after you assure him there’s nothing to worry about he’d calm down, and treat you like a princess till the rest of the night (he always treats you like that but when he’s jealous he really goes all out)
♡ jungsu
it’s a little bit difficult to put my thoughts together when it comes to him. on one side i see him get jealous easily, but then not so much. i see him being more vulnerable when it comes to this in the beginning stages of your to-be-relationship - when you’re in the talking stage, going on dates, but still haven’t talked about anything more than that. when he’s jealous he might overthink things a bit, and contemplate for a while if it’s something that he should bring up or not. that’s why i see him waiting to see if ‘this something’ happens again or grows into something bigger. if not, eventually he would just add it into the conversation lightly without any conflict in mind. when you show him he’s the only one you’re interested in, he most likely would double the physical contact while also putting his arm around you, and grabbing your hand more confidently in public
♡ jiseok/gaon
in a relationship i see him keeping his jealousy moments to himself, and i think those jealousy moments won’t be many tbh. he might even feel good if he catches guys checking you out, cause he knows you’re all his and you would never give those guys even a crumble of your attention. if someone tries to spark a conversation that rubs him the wrong way he’d be extra touchy with you or pull you on his lap, but he won’t feel the urge to bring it up after you’re left alone, cause in his mind that would be unnecessary. if you make him feel secure and loved, then i don’t see him paying too much attention to his temporary sparks of jealousy. he might even make a joke about it to make you laugh, “did you see that guy checking you out? in front of me?!”
♡ seungmin/o.de
i see him a mixture of jiseok and gunil. a part of him would feel good, proud even, that his gorgeous girlfriend is desired by people who can’t have her, but if someone tries to cross a boundary he’d hold you close and change the direction of the conversation. his body language when he’s with you would always be enough of a sign that you’re together, and there’s a chance depending on the situation he might get overprotective, but in a subtle way if that even makes sense? he wouldn’t want to ruin your mood on the spot or make you uncomfortable, so he would wait for you to get home and talk about it. the conversation would be chill and would end in a lot of soft kisses and i love you-s
♡ hyeongjun/junhan
oh he would be so obvious when he’s jealous. it won’t be difficult for you to catch him cause the emotions would be written all over his serious face. if you ask him about it he’d do his best to convince you he’s not jealous at all, cause he wouldn’t want to seem insecure in front of you. he’d laugh it off, but on the inside he’d be thinking about it all day, especially if you’re still not officially together; if you are it would fade down more quickly. he wouldn’t get extra touchy or something like that like the rest of the members, because he’d be too much in his head; he wouldn’t want anyone to notice (even though he suddenly goes quiet in the middle of the conversation?)
♡ jooyeon
i just have to bring up the perilla leaf debate here, and how quick he was with his answer - that his s/o will not help out his guy friend with separating those leaves. even if this clip didn’t exist i’d still be a firm believer that he’s the jealous type of boyfriend. he’d get jealous easily, and you’d always notice the subtle changes in his mood. he’d never do anything to frustrate you during the moment, and he’d try his best to be chatty and all with a hand on your thigh or around your shoulder. he’d play with your hair, with your hand, and he’d lean in your ear to whisper you things all of a sudden. people who know him well can always tell when he’s being jealous, but those who don’t wouldn’t notice a thing. he’d most likely be grumpy and extra affectionate after you get home
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btstulip · 2 months
They are together and want to be seen
Possible delulu time here, but I can't get over how GCF Tokyo keeps coming up in the promotion for Are You Sure?! Once in an article and now in this video... out of the boys mouths themselves... while clips are being shown! GCF has probably gone under the radar for a lot of people, so bringing it up now and tying it to the travel show is.... interesting.
Someone on Tumblr posted a fantastic breakdown of the BTS content levels and how the majority of people are not familiar with or consuming some of the less mainstream content. (I am bummed I couldn't find it, but if you know what I am talking about, share the link!) I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I think there are a lot of BTS fans out there that haven't explored enough content to see the GCF videos. There are a lot of people oblivious to the special bond Jikook share with each other. That's why I think it's so interesting to bring up GCF Tokyo.
It's an obvious consequence that referencing GCF Tokyo will cause new people to watch it, people interested in the travel show. I was shocked the first time I watched GCF Tokyo and I am sure others will be too. You can read my post about that experience here. Even people that don't know BTS think that video is about a romantic couple. Now there will be new people watching GCF Tokyo looking at Are You Sure?! through that lens. (or maybe viewers won't even need that lens to make Jikook look like a couple... we shall see)
I just can't help it... bringing up GCF Tokyo feels very loud to me. There is ZERO way they don't know how some people interpret GCF Tokyo. The only reason to bring that up is if they intentionally want to shine a light on that video AND link it to this new travel show. It feels to me that they are continuing navigate having plausible deniability to protect them from the hate while also wanting to been seen by the people willing to see and support their connection.
We see you boys and love you exactly as you are.
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And a fun post from @stormblessed95 about GCF Tokyo just because:
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thebestsetter · 4 months
Which Blue Lock character should you date based on your MBTI? + some relationship headcannons
~ A/n: this is TOTALLY based on my opinion about the characters' MBTIs. You can desagree with me and give me suggestions on how to do better in the next part! (Assuming there's gonna be a next part lol)
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Isagi Yoichi
◇ I feel like Isagi's an INFJ, since he's overall a selfless and kind person (off the field of course). He's also perceptive and creative to find solutions to his problems in the field and in life, but he may also end up overanalyzing and overthinking things a lot
◇ Based on that, Isagi would be attracted to someone with a great sense of humor and who would show interest in what he has to say about something, be it football or any other topic
◇ He would also enjoy being with someone lively and ambivert/extroverted, who would encourage him to be the best version of himself and would brighten up his days
◇ So, I think ENFJ and ENFP would work PERFECTLY with Isagi, since they tend to be more extroverted and care A LOT about their partners, and show it openly (something tells me Isagi would love to be babied by his partner)
◇ He would be one of the greatest Blue Lock boyfriends imo, a real sweetheart. He would 100% take you to the best dates ever and would probably ask his mother for advice about how to act around you☝️
◇ He would die for a supportive girlfriend who would cheer loudly for him during his games, he'd feel so appreciated!
◇ 10/10 boyfriend.
Karasu Tabito
◇ Karasu's 100% a ESTJ. Don't argue w/ me, you know I'm right.
◇ He's loyal, rational, objective, practical and responsible. He's also reliable and extroverted.
◇ Even with all these qualities, Karasu can act a little hasty and not be respectful when hearing opinions contrary to his own beliefs.
◇ In a relationship, he looks for someone who is supportive and respectful, patient and understanding
◇ He's a great boyfriend and brings out the best in his partner, helping them achieve their dreams and goals
◇ So, Karasu would have a great relationship with someone who would offer a balance to his somewhat "commanding" nature through a more sensitive and adaptable personality, such as an ISFP, or someone who would also be as methodical and rational as him, like an ISTJ
◇ He would LOVE if his partner watched his football games and, in return, he would watch theirs too, no matter what sport they played
◇ If you're an artist, he loves complimenting your art pieces and says you're like a modern-time Picasso (even though some of them may look like they were drawn by a 5 year old with crayons)
◇ Overall, the best boyfriend ever (literally the loml)
Rin Itoshi
◇ Rin's a very reserved introvert, for sure, but he's also very ambitious, determined and self-confident
◇ With that said, he would be an INTJ
◇ Imo, he would need someone to balance his "cold" personality with a cheerful and outgoing personality, like ESFPs or ENFPs, or a more reserved partner that's still a little ambiverted, like an ISFP
◇ To date an INTJ, you must understand that there are times when they just want their personal space and tranquility, which also applies to Rin
◇ He would try not to be so hard on you, but sometimes the feelings would "escape" (old habits die hard Ig) and he might come out as a little harsh. Don't yell at him, he would definitely regret it quickly! His ego is just too big to admit it sometimes....
◇ Not a bad boyfriend, just needs someone patient with him!!
◇ I think his love language would be acts of service, since he's a little shy about expressing his feeling with words
◇ So, your relationship with him would be based on "little things". Like grabing something you can reach from the top of a shelf or tying your shoelaces for you
◇ Overall a very good boyfriend!!!
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Pls someone tell me the easiest and quickest way to become an ISFP or ISTP 🙏😭
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 4 months
hiii sweetie💗. idk if you still take requests but i had a thing in my mind and also couldn’t find anyone who had write that down as a fic or headcanon how would tokyo revengers characters (especially i wonder about rindou and ran) would react if they met a person, a pretty little charming girls who they reject a long ago (classmate or friend you decide) but they kinda regret after. also i was wondering about readers glow up (in style, make up you decide) ty for attention love your works a lot…💗
Ah so them with someone they rejected when younger but then regret rejecting when they see them again later? Ok here's the Haitani brother's with that!
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It had been years since you'd seen them, the three of you all attended the same school and although you liked both brother's well enough, you were only smitten with one. You had spent years crushing on him, until one day you decided to confess to him. Only for him to immediately turn you down, he wasn't interested in you. Soon after that you had finished school and moved away, not seeing him and his brother again. Well not until now, here you are in their club and you just made eye contact with your old crush....
Gives you a flashy smile before approaching and shamelessly flirting with you. He thinks you're the prettiest girl he's seen and of course wants to make you his.
He actually doesn't recognise you though, not until you say your name. Then the memories come flashing back and he's left shocked. 
You're really the same girl? And he turned you down? Ran vaguely curses his past self for being an idiot.
Doesn't let it effect him when talking to you though, the only hint of surprise on his face is when his eyes slightly widened. He's still confident with you and shamelessly flirting.
Puts his number in your phone and says the two of you have a lot of catching up to do  
He remembers a lot more about you during the catch up which makes him regret his past actions even more. You were always so sweet. 
Spends a lot of the catch up teasing you and talking about light topics, until he suddenly gets a little tense. He tries to ask the question casually but he seems a little bit too interested in knowing your answer
"So are you dating anyone right now?"
When you say no, he acts mock hurt and claims he thought the two of you had been dating all these years. You can tell he's joking but decide to play along. "You rejected me, so we definitely aren't!" "Huh? I rejected a pretty little thing like you? Now why would I do that?" After a bit of back of forth, he surprises you by asking you out instead. 
Looking at you with a grin on his face but with a more unsure look in his eyes, he awaits your answer. Not wasting anytime you immediately reply with....
The second his eyes locked with yours he knew it was you. 
A mix of emotions run through him, he's definitely surprised but also embarrassed. He desperately wants to approach you but at the same time doesn't. Seeing you again just brought back so many memories for him.
He's surprised at how good you look now, even more surprised by how much he wants you. 
Spends a while trying to think of what to say to you before approaching. He half expects you to tell him to get lost after he rejected you all those years ago but is pleasantly surprised when you happily talk with him.
He smiles at you a lot, encouraging you to continue telling him about your life these past few years but inside he's scolding himself big time. How could he not realise how good you were for him back then???? 
Ran's the one who ends up breaking your conversation up, reminding Rindou that it's getting late and the club is about to close. Rindou hastily asks for your number, not wanting to lose you again. 
The two of you arrange a proper catch up, where you can talk as much as you like about old memories and more recent events.
He keeps tensing up, waiting for you to bring up the rejection. 
When it eventually does come up, he actually apologises over it. You tell him he doesn't need to since it was a long time ago but he still does.
Unlike Ran he doesn't ask you out, he wants to but figures it would be better to be friends first and get to know each other more. It has been a long time since you last saw each other after all. As he walks you home though, he does shrug off his jacket and puts it around your shoulder's. He says it's just because you seemed cold but the slight blush on his face and the warm weather says otherwise.
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falloutcoys · 2 months
hi, i wanna hear about your texlaw headcanons 👉👈
yayyyyyy thank you (also thank u @lazy-toad for asking too!!) okay here we go uhh this is gonna be so long and rambly
I'm gonna talk about this super specific thing I've built up around them that makes me insane, which is like about how they each had someone else at the compound and the way that relates to like iterative personhood and stuff
because like. Blue is the one who saved Tex. They clearly had a strong rapport, from everything that was happening in 93.
And Outlaw had his own Michael, whoever it was that inspired him to go rogue. We know a lot less about them but like, clearly they had a strong relationship too.
And if either of their views on iterative personhood were as strong as they say they are, it'd still be fairly interesting but not as compelling as I think it is. Because Tex would 'know' Outlaw isn't Blue, and Outlaw would 'know' that all the Michaels are the same person so he basically has his Michael back.
But they're both lying to themselves when they act like they know these things! They both show clear cognitive dissonance on their rigid views on this topic--basically all Mike Walters won't trust any Ty, including baby Ty who, to be clear, has not done anything to them. And if you think iterations are separate people, logically that means that the same person, separated by time, is not actually the same person anymore. Cognitive dissonance. And Tys treat different iterations differently. Hey Blue, you can't have a favorite Michael if you think they're all the same person! So both of them *actually* have a much more fuzzy view than they admit.
I just love thinking about how that would play out between them.
Like, Tys hurt Michaels. A lot. But Outlaw never hurt Tex. and so when Tex distrusts Outlaw at first (another hc but a reasonable one I think), thats another point in cognitive dissonance for him.
honestly even if Tex's beliefs were rigid, it has to be weird looking at the face of someone who you cared for, who is dead, but this isn't them actually. It's someone else. And to Outlaw, it is the same person. But is it? They have the same laugh, make the same jokes. There are the small differences though. Maybe Tex smiles brighter than Michael did. Maybe Outlaw takes his coffee black, where Blue always had his tea with lots of cream and sugar.
ANYWAYYYYY sorry I warned you it was gonna be long. I just can't stop thinking about them
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goth-pod · 8 months
Goth-Pod Ep 9: Robin
What is so wonderous about our Boy Wonder? Join Juda Boone near the end of goth-pods first season!
"Is Robin a Demon?" Gotham City Tonight Podcast: https://youtu.be/Nulf9VIjdpg?si=b4u9xMSNkwl-Szr6
[goth-pod is a fictional, in-universe podcast based on the DC comics universe. Juda Boone is an original fictional character, not based on any real person or known comic book character.]
Transcript under the cut
Hello everyone and welcome back! This is Goth-Pod, your Gotham based podcast. You're listening to your favorite Fill in the Blank Here and host, Juda Boone. 
Everyone, I want it to be known that I do try to keep most of my personal opinions out of our scripts. Even when I get off track, I try to offer a possible perspective, instead of what I perceive as 100% truth. 
However, there is one topic that I can not be objective on. 
I love Robin. I love Robin, he is our precious, tiny, baby, baby bird. He is a Joy and a Wonder. A Boy Wonder, if you will. He melts my heart every time I see any headline or blogpost or circulating photo.
He could be hog tying a man in an alleyway waiting for police pick up and I simply would want to pinch his cheek like an adoring relative. 
I think part of that is, I grew up with Robin. I was a kid when he first appeared at the Bat’s side. I got to grow up knowing that there was someone my size, someone small and young but still strong enough to fight for what was right. It inspired and shaped me in a lot of ways. 
But that’s the thing. I grew up. And from my memory, so did Robin. He got taller, he got stronger. Even in the shadowy pictures we have of the Bat and the Boy Wonder, there's a clear passage of time as the baby bird grows. 
And now, as I step into early adulthood… Robin is small again. He’s almost back to the size from his first appearance in Gotham. 
I find myself asking: Is Robin Immortal?
Is it a jellyfish situation? Did something stress out the young Robin so badly that he reverted to a younger stage of development? If that is the case, I do not want to know what could have been that bad. 
I saw another podcast touch on the topic a while back- The Gotham City Tonight Podcast. And to be clear, I do not support their connection with Lexcorp. They’re actually being investigated after the Riddler called out a shady deal of theirs on air. Only in Gotham. 
But, even with the clear slandering, we can pick through to something viable. I would never call Robin a demon, but the idea that he may be an entity specifically attached to Batman is an interesting thought. Robin protects Batman just as much as Batman protects Robin. Robins in nature are active during the day. And yet, here is our nocturnal bird, dutifully flying alongside a bat. Not of the same species, but of the same make.
Our precious oddity, remaining small so that another generation can grow up and know there is something that looks like them out there, keeping the city safe.
If you want to listen to the GCT podcast without supporting them, I’ll link a copy of the episode that was uploaded to the HiFinn channel. [Link: https://youtu.be/Nulf9VIjdpg?si=b4u9xMSNkwl-Szr6]
Thanks for joining. I’m Juda, you’re listening to Goth-Pod. Until next time, Stay Safe, Gotham.
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woodchipp · 5 months
You have a lot of thoughts about the topic, so what ideas/suggestions/other input (if any) do you have for an Omori rewrite?
Ideas? I have way too many. I've outlined some of them here and here (in a very disorganized manner), but I've thought up a lot of new ideas since then. I recommend to check the linked posts first, but I'll try my best to recap some of the ideas from the posts I've linked in this post, if you don't mind!
Long and most likely incoherent rant incoming.
1) Make Mari actually kill herself, of course. I really did like the game's initial premise of this young kid and his friends trying to deal with the loss of a beloved relative/friend before The Twist, so I'd cut The Twist and try to keep the story straightforward in that aspect. Perhaps that could've made Sunny a bit more sympathetic since he'd get to be the victim of circumstance the game evidently wanted people to see him as and allowed the story to explore Mari as a full character instead of reducing her to the typical saint for everyone to revere and cry over.
One could try to make the suicide itself the plot twist, though. Maybe the sight of Mari's hanged corpse could've been so incomprehensible to the 12-year-old Sunny he'd just pretend to have never seen it in the first place (his mind would block it out) and instead convince himself that Mari happily left for college with Hero. Maybe Sunny mentioning her to Hero or asking him about her after he comes back would make the latter pause and then change the subject of the conversation in a neat little bit of foreshadowing. Besides, a good chunk of the original game's foreshadowing for its twist already pointed to suicide, so why reinvent the wheel?
I insist on this idea in particular because it's tragic, it's horrifying and, most importantly, it's realistic - it's everything the game strove to be. Realism-induced horror is one of my favorite "genres" of horror, and I think OMORI could've had a great shot at exploiting said trope to its benefit were it not for The Twist.
The biggest problem with that sort of plotline, I think, would be Basil. His importance to the game's story relies on The Twist; without it, he has no reason to be there. I woudn't want to cut him altogether, but I can't think of an organic way to insert him into the "Mari kills herself" plotline either, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2) Make Sunny and Mari's home life horrible lmao. I've already talked about it here and in the first linked post, but I'll reiterate myself - you don't grow up into a strict perfectionist or with self-esteem as low as Sunny's (the game very clearly implies Sunny had self-esteem issues even before he killed Mari) by partying at your besties' birthdays and hugging plushies together. Problems like that tend to be caused by a dysfunctional home.
Yes, the "abusive parents" trope is rather overused nowadays, but I'd still consider it somewhat of an improvement over the complete lack of information about Sunny's family pre-Mari's death. I also think it'd have been quite interesting if the game explored how the toxic home environment the two were born into would inform their personalities. That way, the recital argument would be less "why is Mari so mean 2 me 💔" and more the result of their issues boiling over.
Tying into this idea is the next one.
3) Make Black Space a recollection of Sunny's backstory a la Time's Arrow. Long story short, Time's Arrow is an episode of a show called Bojack Horseman that stands out to me due to the way the featured character's trauma is subtly conveyed without sacrificing story - the flashbacks are mostly coherent, but filtered through the character's emotional perception of the events at the time. The best example of this is a formative memory from the character's childhood, in which she sees her father callously throw her beloved toy into the fireplace before warning her to keep her emotions in check and telling her not to cry. The fear she felt at the moment infuenced her memory of the event, represented by the aforementioned fireplace becoming a wall of hellfire.
I think such an approach would've been a great fit for Black Space as well. Not only would this allow the player to get some real insight into what made Sunny the way he is, his memories being filtered through his emotions would allow the game to characterize him (e.g. the sash bars on his house's windows could be made to look like the bars of a prison cell to imply he felt trapped in his own home). This could even allow the game to show us the big argument itself!
4) Make Kel, Aubrey, Basil and Hero characters instead of props for Sunny to interact with. The story should've examined their issues too. Hero and Kel have some workings of interesting conflicts (e.g. Hero's outburst and how it affected Kel, Hero struggling with relating to the friend group only as their "dad", Kel's status as the unfavorite sibling), as do Basil (his parents and the abandonment issues stemming from them, his general relationship with his grandma) and Aubrey (see the second linked post), but none of that is elaborated on by the game in favor of focusing on Sunny and his (w)angst. Delving into their issues would've been way more interesting for me than listening to them go "man I miss my wife Tails Mari ;A;" over and over again, at least.
5) Make the game's timespan longer. 5 or 10 days instead of 3 would allow the game more room to get through the other characters' arcs before shifting focus to Sunny for the finale, I think.
6) Make Faraway Town a bit larger. Make it wackier, too. There's four streets, a church, a park and a supermarket. There's nothing to do in this town at all, which isn't good since it's where the player spends a good chunk of the plot in. The NPCs and their sidequests are equally cookie-cutter - buy a grandma her medication, tutor some kids, play hide-and-seek with the twins...
It'd have been nice if the main story's subject matter was juxtaposed with the sidequests being as batshit insane as realistically possible. "Realistic" doesn't have to mean "boring", IMO. Real life can be fun!
Tying into this idea is the next one.
7) Lock the good ending behind 100% completion of all the Faraway sidequests, probably...? It's one of my weirder ideas, and I don't know whether it'd be feasible since I'm not a game developer lol. But I think the game could've tried to make some sort of point about how Sunny managed to make headway in working on his issues only because he made the effort to socialize with people who weren't his comfortable circle of friends.
I don't know what to do with Headspace. Really. The general concept of a saccharine dream world created to avoid reality is nice on paper, but it's a big tumor on the plot - it contributes next to nothing to the player's understanding of Sunny or his friends and becomes entirely irrelevant halfway through the game. I guess I'd make it shorter?
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luvv4j4ybe11 · 9 months
Felt the need to come have a wee chat to you in your inbox 🩷 wondered if you had any advice for me as I'm trying to start writing for the avatar fandom here and there? Ive already done a couple of pieces but 🤷 any advice would be greatly appreciated 🙏 also constructive criticism if you happen to take a look at what I've done (tho you absolutely do not have to ofccc) Ty babes have the loveliest day/night
I would say the best thing to do is read other people’s pieces so you have more info for your fic, and then just start writing! Just let everything flow together. And if you get stuck with something I’m always happy to help. Because when I posted my first fic I was anxious asfff but I asked my some of my mutuals to give me advice and proofread it and that’s exactly what they did! So I’m glad you reached out to me of all people like🥹 you’re the sweetest frl🩷🩷
Here are some more of my tips bc I didn’t say a lot in this ⬆️:
- when you read other people’s fics, make sure it’s the same topic as yours (so like smut,fluff, angst)
- try to avoid usin the word “said” or “says”, I usually will look up other words on safari or Pinterest bc they always help me out. But also it’s not the end of the world if you do use them, just don’t make it a habit ofc.
- make sure you put warnings, a summary(if you want), and translation(if you want), but warnings are the most important! Just to make sure people know wtf they ab to read😭
- in your fics make sure to talk about their tails and ears, bc i always do that since i like the visual it gives (especially if you’re writing a smutty story 😩)
- add periods and comas in the right places. And I know that seems obvious but I always forget to do it, even after I’ve proofread 3 times😭
- and adding to this ⬆️ when the character your writing for calls reader a pet name or vise versa, always put a coma before or after the pet name, depending on what your writing. So like: “what’s up, baby?” Or “mama, come here.”
- when you write dialogue, putting an action before the talking is what I like to do best. Idk why but it just flows better for me and I just like it. So for example:
“You brushed the two braids that hung infront of his face behind his ear. Catching his attention quickly as he looked at you with pretty amber eyes filled with confusion, brows furrowed together. “Come on, yawntu, I wanna show you something.” You purr before grabbing his hand and tugging him up, both of you racing to the forest together.”
- don’t forget capitals and punctuation! I do that a lot in my fics, that’s why proofreading is so important.
- adding to this ⬆️ tho, PROOFREADDD!! It’ll save you from embarrassment I promise 😭 I’ll always catch a word I spelled wrong or I’ll add something in or take something out and just fix my fic to my liking. But even if you don’t that’s fine!! People on this side of tumblr are always here to help with little mistakes made in your fics or they’ll just ignore it and fill it in mentally, bc we all know what you’re tryna say.
- also when you’re trying to focus on a character’s emotions, try to describe it with their speech and expressions. Example:
With expressions: “You threw your things down and sat on the bed with a huff. Brows knit tightly together and lips curled up in anger.”
With speech:“Leave me alone, *name*! I don’t wanna talk right now!” You shout at your mate, guilt slowly pooling into your stomach when you see his ears pin to his head, tail swaying behind him sadly. Causing your expression to soften as you walk over to him.”
- use italics,colors, and bold to make the story more interesting and dramatic. (A personal favorite of mine)
“He picks you up swiftly, saying a quick goodbye to his friends before storming to your shared hut. “You just love making me mad, don’t you, babygirl?” He growls, the anger radiating off of him making you stay silent. “Answer me.” He says sternly as he slaps your thigh. Hard. “Y..yes..” tone barely above a whisper, but it was loud enough for him to pick up on. Making a pleased smirk appear on his face before he opens the flaps to your hut.”
- the most important of all is to have fun!! Don’t overthink anythin and js let everything flow naturally. You got this baby<33
Here are some of the people whose fics I’ve read and learned from! I hope they help you out as much as they did for me🩷: @pandorxxx @pandorxxx @plooto @sweethoneycn @tiredmamaissy @teyamsatan @tallulah477 @tiyawnyana @teymars @hotdsworld @blue-slxt @neteyamssyulang @neteyamswillow @neteyamkink @neteyamsyawntu @atxxokirina @sulieykte @wheneclipsefalls @eyweveng @zafrinaxyz @inlovewithpandora @iseeyou-neteyam
I hope this helped you out! And my dms are open if you need any more help from me<33
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mayisgoingnuts · 5 months
Hi can I infodump about Roy and my interpretation w/ him when it comes to coping mechanism regards sexual abuse to you?
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To be honest I don't think he'll leave the more ""stereotypical"" type of victim bubble since 1- He's not a big focus in the show and 2- It's quite complicated and I don't know if Sr Pelo and the team would go that deep, but I like to overanalyze things. With that being said:
It feels off for me when he's shown as easily affected whenever his uncle is mentioned. I personally don't see it as HIM.
It's vague and anyone can see it whatever they like, it's 100% fine, but Roy is just... stubborn and ignorant. Those are two of his biggest traits and it's impossible for it not to affect how he deals with that trauma; he already has to deal with arrogant parents (mostly mother), not being himself even if he wants to (what pretty much hurts his natural ego), so being aware that even ANOTHER member of your family took advantage of you in even worst ways is basically a shot straight to the head. He's fighting something already and he'll definitely be in denial with a second one, not to mention that if people actually began to act all "soft" after finding that out IT'D MAKE THINGS WORSE.
It's literally the same as going to someone who wants to be seen as superior and mock him by treating them like a baby. It'll just make him try harder and harder to be taken seriously, including trying to ignore the trauma more and more.
And to be honest, even if he told his parents he'd stay in denial. Carmen and Richard are questionable parents but they're not monsters like some people think they are, they'd offer help and ask him what they want and need to know, but it changes nothing on how they treated him before nor his personality will suddenly change. I also have a lot to talk about his relationship with his parents, but that's for another one if I feel like it.
Now coming back to the beginning, when I mention that he doesn't get triggered when his uncle is the topic, I see it like that because his mind couldn't properly see the uncle as an enemy. He knows that what happened is wrong and that he's an asshole, but I'm talking about something more personal. A poor example for the sensation itself: You eat in a restaurant, and weeks later you find out that the waiter spit in your food. Will you come back? No. Are you also full MAD at him? Also no. You got angry in the first moments, sometimes still do, but you didn't even saw anything wrong with your food back then. You recognized it, but your brain didn't.
Now, when it's the sexual abuse itself, it affects him way more mostly because it makes him feel stupid, paranoid and dare I say disgusted maybe. I admit, that part is mostly me projecting, but it still makes sense in a way. It's more of a internal change instead of an external one (are those the right words?), since the consequences isn't as obvious and explicit if you did recognized the scene as a trauma at the time. You may not be against physical touch, but you may struggle interacting nicely afraid that you'll mess up again. I hope I didn't messed up on that part, or any at all--
ALRIGHT, briefly, Roy don't want sympathy, but he needs empathy, just like his friends are doing. They know what Roy goes through and still won't let him do whatever he wants, don't try babysitting him nor desperately tries to search for help right away like that. He's focused on his parents and can't handle even more trauma right now, and if he does start to try helping himself it'll be when he's older and don't have as much ego as he does now.
Ty for reading and I am SO SO sorry if I said anything shitty, sexual abuse is a topic that I always had some sort of interest on (studying and talking about), so I tend to think about it a lot specially when a hyperfixation is included.
EDIT: Just wanted to add that Roy's anger issues are also a nice response to everything I just said (nice in a "it connects" way, not good), someone as low-tempered as himself wouldn't be able to handle with the pressure of "You need to vent" without "exploding", thinking that his abuse consequently made him weaker and less worth of respect; "That shit just makes everything worse, so it's easier if I just ignore it!"
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