#while Doug is all :D and Stede is all D:
leupagus · 2 years
Anything involving Mary meeting Ed. I am but a weak Claudia O'Doherty fan.
Inspired by this glorious artwork:
If really pressed to think on it, Doug probably would have admitted that he considered Stede Bonnet a bit mad. In a genteel sort of way, although he'd never quite understood the chatter in town about how Stede was harmless. Sometimes Doug fancied he could still feel the bite of metal against his neck, Stede hissing down at him with the blank fury of someone who could do something very rash indeed.
The first time Stede died, Doug had rather thought that Mary and the children were avoiding his name as if they might summon him back into their lives, the way his grandmother never spoke of sea-monsters while his grandfather was out on the water. Which had given Doug a rather bleak view of what kind of husband and father Stede might have been, though it turned out that their misery was more akin to a canvas stretched badly on a frame unsuited to bear its tension; you could paint what you liked on its surface, but the picture itself would never hold fast.
But when Stede had died again, riding off with nothing more than half of Alma's orange, the remains of his family mentioned him freely, even fondly; his penchant for storytelling that would often give Louis nightmares and give Alma ideas; his high clear voice that would lead them in song at church, sometimes warbling a bit to make the children giggle when the service dragged on; his fumbling kindness that they knew was borne of love, but a stifled, miserable sort that could never find the right words. A dreamer, longing for something over the horizon, but anchored to a place that he could never call home.
So, yes, a bit mad, to want to leave Mary and Alma and Louis for the sea; but Doug wanted to leave his studio and his work for Mary and Alma and Louis, so perhaps all men were mad, in the end.
Then Doug realized what madness truly looked like.
"You would think, wouldn't you," said Edward "Blackbeard" Teach, terror of the West Indies, brigand and murderer, wanted by every navy in the civilized world, "You would think that the bastard would have the, the, the guts to sit down and tell you what he's feeling, wouldn't you?" He slammed his hand on the table, making his empty glass jump and tumble sideways. “Be a bit fucking emotionally available!”
"You would!" exclaimed Mary, righting and refilling it with whatever vile liquid was in that bottle Blackbeard had brought with him. One of the bottles, at least — Blackbeard had brought a lot of bottles, when he'd washed up at the Bonnet estate a few hours ago, a muddled mess of black leather and ash and hair, demanding to be taken to Stede Bonnet's grave so he could piss on it.
"Or cry, that's still possible," he'd admitted, swaying slightly on Mary's doorstep. Doug and Mary had reached out to catch him — but Stede, hurrying up from God only knew where, had beaten them to it.
"You can cry or relieve yourself on it if you like, but I’d rather you didn’t vomit on it," he'd huffed, slinging Blackbeard's arm around his shoulder with the ease of what looked like long practice. "Mary, my apologies for this, but he really kept insisting that he'd only forgive my corpse, and I thought this might be a good compromise."
"I've done the first two myself," Mary had said, holding the door open. “Haven’t tried the vomiting, though. Might help.”
Blackbeard had squinted muzzily at her. "I love you," he said, with the air of someone making a profound discovery.
Now, Stede and Doug were banished to the parlor while Blackbeard and Mary shouted gleefully at each other in the salon, though occasionally Doug peered through the doorway to see how things were progressing. There hadn't been any talk of going out to the gravesite yet, at least, and no one had vomited or relieved themselves. There had been a bit of crying.
"I'm sure Mary's just humoring him," Doug told Stede, wondering if he should pat him on the back. Blackbeard was roaring something about Stede's huge...solutions, or something.
Stede sighed, clutching at the tray of water glasses. “No, no,” he said, “I deserve this.” And in a show of bravery fit to rival any of the stories he’d told of derring-do on the high seas, he lifted his chin and said, “Refreshments, anyone?” as he ventured into the salon.
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octoberobserver · 2 years
Hello! :3
I am fine, but in need of a good book to read :D
You seem very busy between your job and the fics (i have read both! very good, tell you more later), so i hope you are having a blast and a bit of rest from time to time :)
I know, the sun makes everything better ;)
I am actually rewatching OFMD bc the first time it didn't have subtitles and i understood like half of it. But it is still very good and i like the symbolism of the kraken and the lighthouse. Just using The chain in the soundtrack means this series is wonderful ;D
I thinki too they did the whole cast justice, everyone is recognizable and has a specific quirk/story even when they haven't a proper storyline. And they really give off the we live together and know each other (not like the avengers who are strangers to each other when they don't openly hate everyone else).
I really called the Mary storyline! I am so happy for her, she has her personality, her future and her passion (and her Doug too!). Very very happy with it.
I cal it blackbonnet bc it's cute but i have seen others with your same doubt.
Oh, you know more about the past of Peacemaker than I! XD I watched the Harley Quinn movie (a lot of fun, Sionis and Victor best villains ever) and the batman (not a fan of the character in general, nice but too long). You will love Vigilante, he is the best.<3
I laughed hard when they clapped the hands together while csi the girl's room! :) but yes, they totally cleaned it like that.
I really don't know what to expect from the next season of the Gemstones, it is always so bonkers that i just go with the flow!
I was a bit sad that they didn't show how Jesse and his wife reconcilated but probably a mix of pressure and true love (i don't really know how she can stay with him).
Yeah, the thing with Keeley seemed a bit random? Even more bc i didn't see the chat with the teacher as flirting (not in a real way, you don't have to say everything to everyone) and Jamie apologized and practically told that it was a funeral thing.
I really like Ted and Rebecca together, they are a good time and good friends, i will bet the show is heading that way, but i love trent and Ted dynamic and i want more of it, even just in fanfiction ;D
I usually fi on a character and then explore their relationships with others, so multishipping is very easy for me! ;D
Wolfstar is a classic, albeit i don't think i ever read anything about them at all.
I had a classmate who watched SPN but here it wasn't a big phenomenon. On Tumblr it's everyhere, even just bc of the gifs.
I read the mandalorian fics bc the characters are interesting but i don't watch it. I tried the book of boba fett bc it seemed cool but it was a mess, without an heart and really i could use my time better watching the paint dry. Usually SW isn't in my radar, i don't have a big interest in it but Grogu is very very cute and the possibilities are endless.
Now, about your fics... first of all, thank you so much for your writing and for sharing them with us! I hope you are receiving lots of lovely comments :)
LCC is very realistic, i can see Kelvin eventually coming around about his sexuality but for now he isnt't ready and he is honest about it with Keefe. Love that Joe Jones wants a piece of Keefe too and i really hope Levi and his friend will find their happy ending too :)
I read TFMM just this afternoon and i loved the misunderstanding about the new pirate friend, i think Izzy was so happy to stir shit! Very cute the part about Stede changing his surname <3
I would love to keep writing but for now i am so tired, i really need my bed :(
Have a wonderful day :)
Hi 💫Anon!
Ah good, I’m glad to hear you’re well. I sadly don’t have any book recommendations at the moment as I haven’t had much time to read and when I do, it’s a quick fic here and there lol. But if I think of any, I’ll let you know 😊
Aw, thanks so much, I’m really glad you liked my fics. They were fun to write! I adored OFMD, re-watched it too and it’s just so much fun. I cannot wait for (hopefully) s2! Mary’s storyline was really cool too, I’m glad that they both got to be happy and that conversation between her and Stede, where they talk about love is just 😍 Blackbonnet is a sweet ship name, I use both that and Blackstede. Maybe Taika and Rhys will pick one?!
Oooh cool yeah I’ll definitely add Peacemaker to my to-watch list so. It looks like a rollercoaster lol.
Yeah I agree, I’m not sure where they’re gonna go in s3 for The Righteous Gemstones. I half expected them to be swindled out of their money and have a “going broke” story before building themselves back up? But that might be too much. All I know is, that whatever they do, it’ll be hilarious. I haven’t laughed as hard as I have at some of the Gemstone antics in a long time 🤣 And yeah, I agree. I felt the Jesse and Amber conflict was kind of brushed under the rug a bit? I think their issues are going to continue to fester. I think they do love each other, but are in need of the marriage counseling that they give other people 😅
What storyline do you think they’ll go with for Keefe and Kelvin in s3? The youth squad is a fun idea, but I wonder what personal stuff they’ll deal with? I’d love to see Keefe’s life before Kelvin and then now, with Kelvin. I wonder what his family is like? Does he have any other friends or siblings, etc.? Do you think we’ll get closer to a confirmed pining from both sides kinda deal?
OMG I love Trent ‘Independent’ from Ted Lasso 😊 I’ve watched the actor in a few British shows before, and he’s great. His and Ted’s dynamic is hilarious and I’m hoping maybe he’ll become more involved with the Club now that he’s out of a job. Maybe their press official or something? And yeah, I agree. I was thrown off a bit by the confession from Jamie. I don’t think they’re going to revisit that with him and Keeley, I think Jamie needs to find someone who helps ground him. I didn’t see the Irish teacher and Roy convo like that really either. I do love the actress and hope we see more of her - maybe as a new love interest for Beard? God knows he needs somebody a bit less intense 😅
Aw, thanks so much for your kind words about my fics. I agree, I do think Kelvin is very much not ready to admit anything yet. I think he’ll have to go on that journey himself at some point. And I really liked writing Blackbonnet fic and hope to write more in the future. I just want to fix our (and Ed’s) broken hearts! 😢
Hope you’re having a good week!😊
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