#ETA: originally had the artwork posted on this
shastafirecracker · 1 year
For previous context, see @mydetheturk‘s post about Vash fearing Knives & the violation of Vash’s autonomy, and the followup Stampede-specific post by @pancake-breakfast about that Vash‘s relationship with guns.
Now for my ramblings, which are ALL SPOILERS ALL THE TIME for all versions of Trigun but particularly the manga - so please be mindful if you’re doing book club and don’t want to know things before you get to them!!
ETA I made a couple of edits because I didn’t realize I copy pasted the pre-proofreading version of my doc, lol my brain is fried like an egg (it’s feels-like-110F outside rn)
So I tagblogged before but I'll own my shit this time: I wanna talk about Vash-as-gun. Vash's three guns move from external to his body (revolver) to implanted foreign object in his body (gun arm) to literally part of his cellular structure (angel arm). His reluctance to reveal each one steps up in magnitude. His angel arm is the primary reason he sees himself as monstrous.
Pancake’s analysis of Stampede is fantastic and I just want to loop in the other two versions because I have had the brainrot for decades and adore them all. First, it's really interesting to me that what pancake said about Knives giving or creating the conditions for all of his weapons is also explicitly true of the 98 anime but not of the original source material - it seems like adaptations really like to source Vash's access to weapons and/or ability to use weapons back to his brother, "the violent one," positioning Vash as almost ontologically nonviolent. But I want to look at Maximum for a minute because the difference there is absolutely fascinating to me.
In 98 and Stampede, Vash shoots Knives with a gun Knives gave him. In Maximum, the flashback where he loses his arm, Vash simply picks up a gun that was nearby - specifically a gun that belonged to a human who was brutalizing him, and whom Knives had just murdered in order to rescue Vash from harm. Vash doesn't need to be handed a tool of violence; he doesn't have that moment that he has in both 98 and Stamp where he looks at it in shock, as if he'd never considered touching such a thing. No Vash is easy to anger, but Maximum Vash is the only one, upon feeling extreme anger, to immediately turn to the nearest option for retaliation. In Max we also never see how Vash got The revolver - it isn't special, it doesn't have a backstory or a secret extra purpose, it's just a gun. Just a gun that Vash has trained himself to be very, very skilled at using, presumably one in a long line of guns he has trained with.
Something I was talking about on Discord recently with some folks is that Maximum Vash is extremely willing to hurt people. He does not kill, but he does not shy away from committing violent acts, and it is much more clear through the artwork and expressions that when he shoots people, it fucking hurts them. 98 Vash retains his willingness to shoot basically anyone, but sanitizes it somewhat - his shots to the shoulders, hands, legs, etc all just get an "augh!" voice beat and someone falling over. Obviously there's real-world reasons (rating, distribution, animation style) for the lack of blood and for simplifying artwork; this is not a criticism. 98 is more cartoonish all around and I adore it and want to squish its little cheeks. BUT, back on topic: in the cases of both 98 and Maximum, we see Vash very willing to shoot people nonlethally, to subdue them - but nonlethal gunshot wounds are still an extreme physical trauma! Everyone Vash shoots suffers for it. They will have pain, possibly surgery, they'll need recovery time, they'll need medicines that might be limited in availability, they may lose function in parts of their bodies. Maximum I think invites the reader the most explicitly to think about these things, as a couple of times we see goons post-fighting-Vash in hospitals (right? I think that's true).
Stampede is fascinating in that it's chosen to make almost all of Vash's nonlethal, subduing combat moves based around using his gun as a cudgel. He smacks people unconscious all the time. And that's not to say that concussions don't have their own long term consequences, but his unwillingness to pull the trigger is part of that whole this-is-a-younger-Vash thing. I do wonder how much more willing to fire he will be in season 2. Anyway.
I'm going to gloss past his prosthetic for the moment because I haven't fully formulated my thoughts about it yet - something something body horror, something something self destructive choices made while depressed, the use of grindhouse aesthetic, the complex set of social dynamic & psychological differences between open carry and concealed carry, idk idk more other thinky thoughts I haven't thought yet.
I want to return to the angel arm though because the thing I restrained myself from saying in the book club tag due to spoilers is that: this is a gun only Knives and Vash can fire. For the first ~massive number of pages of the manga, only Knives ever fires an angel arm, and he always only fires Vash's angel arm. Knives is also perfectly capable of summoning the same sort of vast destructive potential, though in the manga his takes the form of giant blades instead of a gun (whooooole other post about bringing a gun to a swordfight & vice versa, please refer to volume 14 of Maximum). But he desires to access Vash's destructive potential instead of his own. Knives' motivations are also a whole other post. The point I wanted to make was this:
Vash voluntarily fires his own angel arm ONCE, as far as I can recall. Correct me if I'm wrong. But the only time he fully generates the arm under his own power, in his right mind, of his own volition, is to escape the Ark. He has just emerged from the most oppressive and gruesome violation of his bodily autonomy he's ever experienced and, as far as we know, ever will. He has no other weapons available to him, barely even any clothes: all he has access to is his body, so he uses it. Knives shows clear shock and rage, potentially at Vash using a power Knives has come to feel belongs to Knives. Shock and rage at Vash reclaiming not only his body but the part of his biological identity that Knives knows Vash has been trying to excise for their whole lives. This may be the single most psychologically impactful moment of defiance towards Knives that Vash has ever shown, except for one other, which I will get to.
Not only does Vash fire the arm, he displays a shocking mastery of it. Somehow by putting him in a pressure cooker for months Knives has turned coal to diamond here: Vash went from unable to access his own latent power to, from then on, exhibiting comfort and even finesse with using it. He generates the arm on the Ark oriented to fire at Knives, and then effortlessly reverses the orientation to fire behind himself to make an emergency exit. Later, when Vash accesses his power again, he is able to use tiny, controlled bursts of it to not only destroy things but to load other objects (bullets) with unreleased power which he can activate at his choosing. That is a truly bonkers shift in skill and I love how the manga underplays it, because Vash so rarely says anything about how he feels about his own relationship with power, so you have to take these readings from his actions.
The other impactful moment of defiance I mentioned above is related to that total mastery of the angel arm/gate: Vash ultimately brings his trio of guns full circle by imparting the inherent quality of himself-as-gun into the most external of his guns, the original revolver. [Tangent: It's a neat visual in Stampede that they had him making gate bullets in the final showdown in episode 12, but I kind of dislike its placement in the narrative, because to me Vash's gate-bullets from the very end of the manga are a powerful symbol of his journey through his abilities. Maybe Stampede is suggesting that being plugged into the matrix and like, turning inside out through his gate or whatever in ep 11 did the same thing as the pressure cooker of the Ark in the manga, idk, we need season 2.] He makes the gate bullets for his final fight with Knives for perfectly valid strategic reasons (total control over his energy expenditure so he doesn't risk burning out by miscalculating mid-fight) but beyond strategy, there's just the fact that he's truly spitting in Knives' face by putting Plant/Gate power into a human tool. In Knives' eyes, the tool of their oppressors.
Vash melds the tool of the self with the tool of the oppressor to defy both. To prove that power is just power, it's all malleable and interchangeable, and that what matters is what you choose to do with it. Vash epitomizes "guns don't kill people, people do." (Another tangent to say that I'm not expressing my personal beliefs here; I'm sketching out stuff I'm reading into the narrative of a story, not writing a manifesto. Character study doesn't mean agreeing with or lauding everything a character stands for.)
Anyway. Vash's ultimate victory comes from two distinct ways that he chooses to use his inhumanity: first, he externalizes his destructive potential by placing it into a human-made, nonliving tool - essentially, finally able to excise from himself the part of being a Plant that had always felt monstrous to him. Second, he finally fully internalizes the part of being a Plant that he had rejected out of fear and self-disgust: intergenerational communication. He wins by talking to his sisters. He wins by allowing his selfhood to be subsumed by the collective and by trusting his own kind to love him and listen to him and not try to take away his hard-fought sense of self (all things that Knives did to him multiple times). His sisters listen to him and then they let him return to himself. I don't think he'd ever felt safe talking to them before - maybe guilty and scared, that by so thoroughly rejecting his own species, they would reject him right back. Along with the trauma reactions Knives caused, of course.
I think that's all I had at the moment about Vash-as-gun in the manga... I might return some time to the prosthetic, or go back to the other versions for more thinky noodling. But yeah! More meta plz! Delicious Trigun meta in the year of our lord 2k 23 absolutely unbelievable, we are feasting well.
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leupagus · 2 years
Anything involving Mary meeting Ed. I am but a weak Claudia O'Doherty fan.
Inspired by this glorious artwork:
If really pressed to think on it, Doug probably would have admitted that he considered Stede Bonnet a bit mad. In a genteel sort of way, although he'd never quite understood the chatter in town about how Stede was harmless. Sometimes Doug fancied he could still feel the bite of metal against his neck, Stede hissing down at him with the blank fury of someone who could do something very rash indeed.
The first time Stede died, Doug had rather thought that Mary and the children were avoiding his name as if they might summon him back into their lives, the way his grandmother never spoke of sea-monsters while his grandfather was out on the water. Which had given Doug a rather bleak view of what kind of husband and father Stede might have been, though it turned out that their misery was more akin to a canvas stretched badly on a frame unsuited to bear its tension; you could paint what you liked on its surface, but the picture itself would never hold fast.
But when Stede had died again, riding off with nothing more than half of Alma's orange, the remains of his family mentioned him freely, even fondly; his penchant for storytelling that would often give Louis nightmares and give Alma ideas; his high clear voice that would lead them in song at church, sometimes warbling a bit to make the children giggle when the service dragged on; his fumbling kindness that they knew was borne of love, but a stifled, miserable sort that could never find the right words. A dreamer, longing for something over the horizon, but anchored to a place that he could never call home.
So, yes, a bit mad, to want to leave Mary and Alma and Louis for the sea; but Doug wanted to leave his studio and his work for Mary and Alma and Louis, so perhaps all men were mad, in the end.
Then Doug realized what madness truly looked like.
"You would think, wouldn't you," said Edward "Blackbeard" Teach, terror of the West Indies, brigand and murderer, wanted by every navy in the civilized world, "You would think that the bastard would have the, the, the guts to sit down and tell you what he's feeling, wouldn't you?" He slammed his hand on the table, making his empty glass jump and tumble sideways. “Be a bit fucking emotionally available!”
"You would!" exclaimed Mary, righting and refilling it with whatever vile liquid was in that bottle Blackbeard had brought with him. One of the bottles, at least — Blackbeard had brought a lot of bottles, when he'd washed up at the Bonnet estate a few hours ago, a muddled mess of black leather and ash and hair, demanding to be taken to Stede Bonnet's grave so he could piss on it.
"Or cry, that's still possible," he'd admitted, swaying slightly on Mary's doorstep. Doug and Mary had reached out to catch him — but Stede, hurrying up from God only knew where, had beaten them to it.
"You can cry or relieve yourself on it if you like, but I’d rather you didn’t vomit on it," he'd huffed, slinging Blackbeard's arm around his shoulder with the ease of what looked like long practice. "Mary, my apologies for this, but he really kept insisting that he'd only forgive my corpse, and I thought this might be a good compromise."
"I've done the first two myself," Mary had said, holding the door open. “Haven’t tried the vomiting, though. Might help.”
Blackbeard had squinted muzzily at her. "I love you," he said, with the air of someone making a profound discovery.
Now, Stede and Doug were banished to the parlor while Blackbeard and Mary shouted gleefully at each other in the salon, though occasionally Doug peered through the doorway to see how things were progressing. There hadn't been any talk of going out to the gravesite yet, at least, and no one had vomited or relieved themselves. There had been a bit of crying.
"I'm sure Mary's just humoring him," Doug told Stede, wondering if he should pat him on the back. Blackbeard was roaring something about Stede's huge...solutions, or something.
Stede sighed, clutching at the tray of water glasses. “No, no,” he said, “I deserve this.” And in a show of bravery fit to rival any of the stories he’d told of derring-do on the high seas, he lifted his chin and said, “Refreshments, anyone?” as he ventured into the salon.
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makeste · 3 years
an index of Horikoshi Kouhei interviews
these are organized by date, oldest to newest, and I’m including a brief bullet-point summary of each to make it easier to look up specific interviews by content.
also, please note that although I haven’t spoiler tagged this post, the interviews from roughly 2019 onwards include some spoilers, so please watch out for those if you’re anime-only or otherwise not caught up with the manga. that said, the other interviews I think are all good.
putting this below a cut to keep things tidy.
interview with Horikoshi Kouhei and Kishimoto Masashi, May 2015
(note: this is not the actual interview word-for-word, but includes the highlights)
Horikoshi talks about being a fan of Naruto when he was growing up
Horikoshi says he was inspired by the way Kishimoto shows emotion through drawing hands, and that he loves drawing hands thanks to Naruto
Horikoshi mentions that Gaara is his favorite character and that he really liked the Chuunin Exam arc
Kishimoto praises BnHA and says he knew it would be a hit when he read the second chapter
they talk a bit about the worldbuilding and the process of creating a story where 80% of the population has superpowers
they discuss Naruto and Sasuke’s rivalry and Horikoshi mentions that he found it “frustrating” and that he really liked the Valley of the End and thought it would be the end of the series. he says it was very emotional
they talk a little about the stress of writing manga and about the toll it takes on mental health
pre-anime interview, April 2016
talks about his reaction when he found out BnHA was getting an anime
talks about how the series originally came about
says that BnHA is the story of Izuku and All Might and that their story is the “vertical axis” which runs through the main story
says there is also a “horizontal axis”, which is the side characters and quirks and all of the other elements that he considers to be the “fun part” of the story which mellows out the darker aspects of the vertical axis
mentions that he really likes drawing and writing Bakugou
mentions Deku vs Kacchan 1 as one of the early highlights in the series for him
talks about Ochako being someone who has a more cheerful relationship with Deku, which balances out some of the heavier aspects of Deku and Katsuki’s relationship (again, horizontal vs vertical axis)
mentions that if he could pick any quirk he’d pick a “no need for sleep” quirk
talks about reading Dragon Ball as a child
mentions that he really likes American comic book heroes, especially Spider-Man
mentions Goku and Spider-Man as the two that come to mind when he thinks about heroes and what it means to be a hero (specifically, that Goku is the “win” aspect and that he brings reassurance to everyone, while Spider-Man is the “save” aspect who helps other people)
talks about hearing Deku and Bakugou’s voices in the anime for the first time, as well as Ochako, Iida, and All Might’s voices
another pre-anime interview with konomanga.jp, April 2016
(note: this interview is in Japanese, but Google translate does a servicable job with it)
talks more about Spider-Man, including his favorite costumes and comic artists
gives some American comic book recs
mentions that he likes Godzilla and Gamera and always goes to see those movies
talks about his Star Wars influences
talks about his favorite manga as a child -- Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Naruto
talks about becoming a manga artist, and about some of his influences
says that he likes drawing monsters, creatures, and villains, and says that he really liked drawing the panel where Tomura made his first appearance at USJ
talks a little about composition and frame movement in his work, and about the challenges of drawing a weekly manga
mentions that he knows what the story ending will be, but hasn’t yet figured out how to connect the dots to that point
interview with Horikoshi Kouhei and Umakoshi Yoshihiko in BnHA: Ultra Archive, May 2016
(note: Umakoshi is the anime character designer for BnHA. also, this interview was part of the Ultra Archive character book, so you’ll have to scroll a bit through its other contents in order to get to the interview.)
they talk about the process of creating the BnHA anime and sketching out all of the character designs. Horikoshi says the anime character model sheets look just like how he draws them
they talk about Horikoshi’s obsession with drawing hands lol. Horikoshi mentions that the way Mike Mignola (the creator of Hellboy) draws hands was a big influence
they talk a lot about art and drawing in general
Horikoshi talks about Ochako’s character design a bit
they talk about the differences between drawing manga and doing animation
Umakoshi talks about his first impressions of BnHA
Horikoshi mentions that he still has a lot of ideas for characters and quirks that he hasn’t been able to implement yet
they talk about the different character designs and which ones they find easy, difficult, and fun to draw
they talk for a fair amount of time about Iida’s character design
Umakoshi talks a bit about other anime he’s worked on
they talk about the character of All Might, and Horikoshi ominously says that All Might’s future will be “a fairly sad affair”
interview with Natalie Comics, June 2018
talks about the 4th anniversary of BnHA, and the release of BnHA: Two Heroes
talks about the Basement internship arc and mentions that it was challenging for him to write
talks about the question “what is a hero?” and how he defines heroes
mentions Mina, Sero, and Shouji as characters he would like to/plans to feature in the future, and mentions that he already has a story planned featuring Shouji
talks about the popularity of the series
talks a little about Koike-san, his first editor
talks about Two Heroes and its development and story
talks about club activities at U.A., and which clubs Deku and Katsuki would be in
talks about his mom and about some of his childhood experiences which inspired scenes in the manga
talks about why he became a mangaka
talks about what percentage of the series is completed, mentions the original planned length was about 30 volumes but that it has obviously surpassed that
mentions that he has an idea of how the last arc will be planned out
interview with Horikoshi and Eiichiro Oda, August 2018
Horikoshi talks about being a fan of One Piece and mentions he even sent artwork to Oda which was included in one of Oda’s galleries
they talk more about OP and about favorite arcs and how it’s influenced Horikoshi’s work
Oda compliments Horikoshi’s art and they talk about cover artwork and coloring (Horikoshi mentions he uses Photoshop)
Horikoshi talks a bit about BnHA Two Heroes
Horikoshi again mentions that he originally thought BnHA would be about 30 volumes (Oda says he should shoot for 50 but Horikoshi laughs and says he’s not sure he can do ten years)
they talk about how fucking long OP is and how manga stories tend to expand once the story starts taking off
Interview with Anime News Network at SDCC, August 2018
talks about his love of American comics, especially Spider-Man, and says that American comics are a lot more mainstream in Japan nowadays thanks to all the superhero movies
talks about how he got started as a manga creator
talks about being inspired by Dragon Ball, and that All Might in particular was inspired by Goku
talks a bit about the process of creating characters
talks about Bakugou’s popularity and that it took him by surprise at first
mentions that he doesn’t have the stamina for BnHA to be a long series like One Piece
interview with Cinema Today Japan, December 2019
(update: here is the link to @hanashimas​‘ translation which is more accurate)
talks about Deku and Bakugou’s characters and their attributes
mentions that at the start of the story Bakugou thinks Deku is above him, so he tries to act intimidating and superior to overtake him
(ETA: apparently this is a mistranslation; he actually says that he intended for Bakugou to be a character who was “above” Deku so to speak, who Deku would eventually surpass. he then goes on to talk about his realization that Bakugou could actually have a much more interesting character arc, which of course we have since seen play out.)
mentions that he planned to have Bakugou and Deku improve on two separate vectors as they entered U.A.
mentions Deku vs Kacchan 1 as a turning point where he had some realizations about Bakugou’s character that humanized him for him
mentions that he always knew Bakugou wouldn’t turn evil and “would never lose to the darkness”
says the scene where Katsuki takes Kirishima’s hand at Kamino was bittersweet because it showed Bakugou’s growth, but also showed the ongoing gulf between him and Deku because Deku knew that Katsuki wouldn’t take his hand
mentions that Bakugou still needs to apologize to Deku
says that Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mina are among the easiest characters for him to draw because they take the initiative and get the other characters excited and help pull the story forward
mentions that he always hears Nobu’s voice in his head now when writing Bakugou
talks about the characters being high school kids still, and that when he expanded on their families he was conscious of that -- “I wanted to show that these protagonists are still children after all”
interview in Volume R (booklet that was released along with Heroes Rising), December 2019
talks again about his manga influences and what inspired him to become a mangaka
talks about the experience of getting his first manga published
talks about what inspired him to write BnHA
has an interesting quote where he talks about the vaguely desperate feeling of “trying one last time”, which was weighing on his mind when he created BnHA, and which also played into Deku’s motivations in the first chapter
mentions All Might as being a character that he’s attached to
talks about his reactions to the anime, the overseas popularity, and the first movie
talks about his heavy involvement in the production of Heroes Rising
talks about designing and creating the bad guys for Heroes Rising
talks about the creation and character design of Hawks and mentions that the original character design was going to have a bird head lol
mentions that Hawks will have a relatively big influence on the story in the future
talks about how the ending of Heroes Rising was his original planned ending for the series
talks about Bakugou’s character development which leads up to that moment
talks about the conclusion of the series, and that all of the characters will come together in the end
interview with all of the past editors of the BnHA manga, March 2021
(note: this is another interview that’s not translated word for word, but summarized. also this interview was with just the editors, not Horikoshi himself.)
they talk about the early reception to the manga, and Horikoshi’s reactions
they talk about the individual moments early on when they realized that the series would be “amazing”
Yoritomi mentions that Horikoshi came up with the designs for most of the Billboard Top 10 pro heroes at the last minute lol
including Hawks (all Horikoshi had decided on prior was that he was going to be “cool” and would be a spy)
everyone praises Horikoshi’s character designs in general
they talk about the start of the anime and that whole process
they mention that Horikoshi cried watching both of the movies
they talk about the overseas popularity of the series
each editor lists their favorite episode of the anime
they talk about Horikoshi sacrificing his original manga ending to be used in Heroes Rising
they talk about that one ending theme song in season 4 that showed the pro heroes’ childhoods, and that Horikoshi had the anime team change Hawks’s to match the backstory he had planned
they talk about the upcoming season 5 and send final messages to the fans
interview in the MHA Drawing Smash Exhibition Pamphlet, April 2021
Horikoshi talks about the art in the exhibition and about the process of creating the artwork
he mentions that the piece with Deku rescuing a falling Ochako took the longest to draw
he says the drawing of All Might was the most fun to draw for him
that’s pretty much it, this one is very short lol
interview in Jump GIGA Spring 2021, April 2021
talks about which characters will play an important role in the final act. specifically mentions Hawks, Ochako, Shouji, Shinsou, Monoma, and Sero
“many characters’ actions will converge into a single one, so maybe the best way to say it would be ‘keep an eye on all of them!’“
says that for Hawks’s flashbacks and the Todoroki family’s past, he was influenced by Sion Sono’s works
mentions that the drawing of Deku and Ochako from the MHA Drawing Smash exhibit isn’t directly related to the main story, but that while drawing it he kept in mind how their relationship would develop if he explored it deeper
says he had the final act (or at least the chapter 306 reveal part of it) vaguely planned for a long time, but started to think about the specifics in volume 21 during the Endeavor vs High-End fight
says he’s already decided on the ending, and that “the path to it has been longer than I initially expected, but the main elements that I’ve decided before starting the series are still the same”
Q&A trivia from Vol. W World Heroes’ Mission, August 2021
(and alternate translation by aitaikimochi)
talks about All Might not having many friends among the pro heroes (but says he’s become “slightly attached” to Aizawa since he started teaching at U.A.)
describes what Bakugou, Tsuyu, and Mineta’s rooms look like
talks about Jirou and Momo’s relationship and the kind of things they like to talk about when they hang out together
says that Shouji’s face will eventually be revealed, and that he is “not sure” about Hagakure’s :’)
talks about the types of YouTube videos Shouto watches (pretty insightful answer which is equal parts sweet and sad)
says that Midnight’s classes were the most popular among the students
says U.A.’s robots once rebelled against their creators (lol wtf)
says his three favorite movies are Akira, The Ring, and Spider-Man: Far From Home. he says Akira in particular is his bible
and that’s it for now, but I will update this post with future interviews as they are posted, and if anyone has links to an interview I’ve missed please let me know.
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bedlamsbard · 4 years
Putting aside aesthetics and characterization (inasmuch as I can), I have been trying to logic out why Mando Ahsoka feels so different from Rebels Ahsoka (to me, personally; I know many other people feel fine about it), especially in terms of having a character who’s known in Rebels for her “I am no Jedi” line going to a character who is specifically introduced as “The Jedi” in The Mandalorian.  (And who is identified as “Ahsoka Tano, Jedi Knight” on merch -- merch is merch, it’s essentially meaningless, but it’s still a choice that was made somewhere along the line.)
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“Shroud of Darkness,” Rebels 2.17
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“Twilight of the Apprentice,” Rebels 2.21
This is strictly Doylist and not Watsonian; I don’t care what went on in the character’s life in between Rebels and Mando; I’m trying to guess what was happening in the writers room.
I was noodling through this on Twitter, in case it looks familiar.
My first thought was Dave taking a cut scene from Rebels as canon going into Mando, something he shared on Twitter back in the lead-up to S4.  Looking at this again I’m not sure this was a cut scene or a scene that he wrote that never made it into the actual script. (Certainly I can’t see how it would have fit into the episode.)
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Here Bendu specifically identifies Ahsoka as “former Jedi Knight.”  This is also obviously not canon, because Twitter posts aren’t canon, Dave.  (Though that doesn’t mean that he might have taken it as part of his working backstory for the character anyway.)
I was then thinking about TCW and the unused TCW arcs as they existed in 2016 when this aired (with the rough guess that Rebels S2 was probably written in 2014).  There are three Ahsoka arcs that were written and existed in 2016 in some form (”scripts and some artwork” is what Pablo Hidalgo says, and some pre-viz and recordings from the original Walkabout arc that were shown at a couple Celebrations), but which hadn’t made it into S6 (which came out in 2014): Ahsoka’s Walkabout (in its original form with Nix Okami instead of the Martez sisters), the Siege of Mandalore, and an arc which would have taken place between those two, “Return to the Jedi.”  We know about these because of a panel from Star Wars Celebration Europe in 2016 called Ahsoka’s Untold Tales -- I was actually at this panel, but I haven’t thought about it in a while.  Here’s the SW.com liveblog of it; here’s the video.
I remember hearing somewhere that the TCW team had nine seasons or so written, but can’t find the source for that number now.  When S7 was made, there were obviously a lot of compromises made that we’ll never really know about, minus a tell-all memoir or documentary, which probably isn’t coming any time soon.  Knowing that this Return to the Jedi arc existed, I wondered if at one point Dave had tried to get all three Ahsoka arcs into S7 before having to give one up for the Bad Batch arc (especially as we now know there’s going to be a Bad Batch TV show); it’s also entirely possible that at one point in the production process there was the possibility of a full 22 episode season floated, which would have made three Ahsoka arcs in one season less unbalanced.
I went to go look up what the Return to the Jedi arc actually was, since 2016 was a long time ago and I haven’t really thought about this panel since.  My guess is that it had been intended for one Ahsoka arc per remaining season (7, 8, 9).  Pablo Hidalgo says that after the Walkabout arc, Ahsoka would have stayed on Coruscant as “an under-city vigilante of some degree, helping people who can’t help themselves,” and Dave points out that he talked about this with George Lucas, as well.  The Return of the Jedi arc would have involved Ahsoka finding out about a nefarious plot targeting Yoda and working with the Jedi to figure out what’s what with that -- this revealed that below the Jedi Temple was an ancient Sith shrine. (Some details of this were revealed at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim in 2015.)
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Ahsoka would have been protecting the holocron vault from Darth Sidious, putting her lightsaber blade through the door while Palps shoots Force lightning up the blade.
“The whole purpose of that particular arc would have been to bring Ahsoka back. She’s not a Jedi, she doesn’t change her decision, but she gets involved in Jedi business again.”
The next Ahsoka arc and the final arc of the series would have been the Siege of Mandalore arc, which “reunites Ahsoka with the clone troopers, with Anakin.”  My guess is that the end of the Return to the Jedi arc would have involved Ahsoka making the decision to go to Mandalore because the Jedi themselves couldn’t get involved in that conflict at the time (especially the emphasis in the panel that Pablo and Dave put on Ahsoka as being “a responsible person” who couldn’t ignore that the war was still going on, and because Ahsoka knew Satine).  (It would be interesting to know when if this arc would have fallen before or after the Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir comics, which are based off another unmade TCW arc.)  This would probably have put as much as a season between this arc and the final arc -- given TCW’s funky timeline that doesn’t mean much, but in terms of audience expectation it helps.
(also, damn, the context of the beginning of Siege of Mandalore in the original concept vs. how it actually happens in S7 is very different -- like, on the surface identical but the emotions involved are totally different.)
Before going into the next part of the panel (post-war), Pablo Hidalgo adds “We consider it to have happened and that’s how we inform the writing in Rebels, because that’s the history that these characters carry in their heads.”
So going into Rebels, the writing team was working with the background that Ahsoka had not only left the Jedi Order once, in “The Wrong Jedi,” but had reinforced her decision not to go back to the Jedi by not returning to the Order during the Return to the Jedi arc.  That explains why in Rebels she’s so adamant about not being a Jedi or being in the Order; it’s a decision that she has made not once, but twice.
Fast forward four years to 2020, where we have the Siege of Mandalore arc in S7.
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It’s heavily implied that Ahsoka was planning to go back to the Order after the end of the war, and in fact Yoda treats her as such.
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Now, there’s no way to know if this exchange was in the original Siege of Mandalore scripts short of those being released at some point (which is possible but seems unlikely when the character is still in play), but because of the way S7 plays out there is no way to put the Return to the Jedi arc back into the story, which means all the emotional context and Ahsoka doubling down on not returning to the Order is thrown out of the window.  That’s a fair chunk of backstory to take into the Rebels writers room.
(It should also be noted that presumably E.K. Johnston wrote the Ahsoka novel with the assumption that that arc was still part of Ahsoka’s working canon, though she may not have seen scripts for it; I feel like I read somewhere that she had seen scripts for the original version of the Siege of Mandalore, which changed quite a lot between original concept and the eventual 2020 version, as is evident from the novel vs the show.)
Going into The Mandalorian, then, Dave Filoni is not only working without a writers room (as Mando has only had two writers, Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau), but working with an entirely different continuity than what the Rebels writers room was working with.
Trying to backtrack when various scripts were written is an exercise in futility to some extent; I usually guess anywhere from a year to two years out from when the shows air.  (I seem to remember that around this time in 2016 it came out that Katee Sackhoff was doing something for Disney, which ended up being the recording for Bo-Katan in Rebels S4, which wouldn’t air for another year, but don’t quote me on these dates.)  Dave ends the panel by saying that “After the season 2 finale for Rebels I was very adamant that that was it for Ahsoka...in Rebels...but after this reaction it might just be possible...it might be possible to see her again. She might have something to do. Maybe.”  (For those trying to run dates in their heads: the con was in July 2016, the season 2 finale aired in March 2016, WBW aired in February 2018.)  My guess is that they hadn’t recorded for that part of S4 yet (and S4 is so weirdly paced that I have questions about how it was made), but that the initial scripts for S4 had already been written at this point.
Looking back at the Star Wars Celebration Chicago 2019 TCW panel where Ashley Eckstein talks about getting the news about TCW S7 from Dee Bradley Baker (rather than from Dave Filoni, and hoo boy is this uncomfortable to watch knowing that the script for “The Jedi” had almost certainly been written and Dave may have already made the decision not to talk to Ashley about it), there’s still not like...a clear way to tell when that happened.  Except that Dee talks about “wine tasting with the Rebels,” which likely puts it back when Rebels S4 was either still actively airing (2017-2018) or before it had wrapped filming (2017).  (I actually vaguely remember seeing pictures from this wine tasting but I can’t remember whose twitter it was on and going to look feels creepy.)  Probably the scripts weren’t fully revised at that point but they may have been -- still, this was certainly after S2 and could potentially be before S4 had been fully finalized.  We got the TCW renewal announcement in 2019, but the animation wasn’t fully completed yet so didn’t get more than that teaser trailer.  This is only important insofar as it involves which set of backstory was being used for WBW Ahsoka, an episode that Dave Filoni wrote and co-directed.  (Honestly? I think Mando Ahsoka matches okay with WBW Ahsoka but is a little off Rebels S2 Ahsoka, but that’s off my memory of WBW, an episode I refuse to rewatch.)  Certainly with the epilogue he knew he was setting up for something else.
ETA: I FORGOT AN IMPORTANT PART OF THIS TIMELINE AND THAT’S THE RISE OF SKYWALKER because I try not to think about TROS, frankly, but as we may remember Ahsoka is included in the “be with me” scene in the final confrontation.  This always struck me as weird given the “I am no Jedi” thing from Rebels, but she’s the most well-known female Force-user so I had just mentally written it off as easy shorthand and JJ Abrams being lazy about it. HOWEVER, presumably JJ talked to Dave about which prequel era Jedi to include (there’s a note in one of the previous SWC liveblogs about Rian Johnson being in the Rebels writers room at some point).  TROS came out in December 2019, I can’t recall exactly when they did the voiceovers for that scene (if anyone has ever mentioned it), but it was probably fairly late in the process since I believe that there were still edits being made up until fairly soon before the premiere.  (I have a completely different theory that the Lego Star Wars Holiday Special from this year was written off an earlier version of TROS.)  If Dave had already moved towards making Ahsoka more inclined towards the Jedi, with a full-on return to calling herself one regardless of the existence of the Order (as Mando implies), then her inclusion here makes a LOT more sense than it did a year ago.
Anyway this is all very conspiracy theorist, but it does explain something that was puzzling me: Rebels S2 Ahsoka and Mando Ahsoka (as well as TCW S7 Ahsoka and potentially Rebels S4 Ahsoka) were written off slightly different backstories which differed in one very key thing: how committed Ahsoka was to no longer being a Jedi.
Now, this sort of thing happens all the time in anything with an ongoing continuity; obviously TCW makes major changes to how viewers might read or write Obi-Wan and Anakin/Vader in RotS or the OT.  I was just trying to narrow it down in this particular case because until I started thinking about it I had assumed that it was all being written off the same assumed backstory. And many people read Ahsoka differently in Mando than I did or found her perfectly in character, this was for me to track references down about something that was bothering me in hopes of an explanation that would satisfy me.
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rushingheadlong · 5 years
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Another World Photoshoot
These photos were taken on El Hierro in the Canary Islands. Brian traveled there specifically to take photos in front of the sabina tree. In his own words:
The tree to me symbolises a way of thinking. It is one of a small group of sabinas ... which stand on an exposed headland, where they are constantly subjected to stiff winds off the Sea. In order to survive, they bend and sculpt themselves into strange gnarly shapes, in a way which allows them to 'go with the flow', rather than directly opposing the forces of Nature. ... While I was making the Another World album, I was in great personal crisis, and searching for a way to do something similar - find strength in bending rather than staying rigid in the face of insurmountable forces of change.
The photos were used for the album cover, booklet artwork, single releases, and tour promotion.
According to a 1998 interview, the album cover photo wasn’t planned - Brian was tired and had slumped forward, and the photographer captured the impromptu pose.
There’s a photo of Brian posing in front of a tree in a grey tank top which often gets included with Another World posts, but I don’t think it’s from this same photoshoot. For one thing, the tree looks different, but Brian has also specifically said, “... when we were out there capturing my meeting with the tree on camera, felt a profound respect for it, and never touched one twig of it.” So while I don’t know where that photo comes from, I’m pretty confident that it’s not the sabina tree that he’s leaning against.
Thanks to @tenderbri​ for the scan of the 5th image from the album booklet and finding the 3rd image without text, and to @maryf.26 on instagram for posting a version of the 3rd image which sparked the hunt for the “full set”. The other images are pulled from discogs.com and brianmay.com. All have been slightly edited by me.
If you find any more photos, please add them to this post!
ETA: Original photos credited to Richard Gray.
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becausewerehere · 5 years
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Hello! I thought I’d write something for tumblr, as it’s been a couple of months now. Even around the time I was posting semi-regularly on twitter (circa the Act II release in Sept), I wasn’t always posting here as well - and I feel like I should try to rectify that! It’s nice to have a devlog.
So, here’s an extremely general BWH update! I mean, I’ve not got a huge amount to say. And I’m aware that’s a pretty bad start to an update post! But I really must stress that if you want to enjoy this post to its fullest, it’s very important that you immediately please lower your expectations. Have you done it? Are they low? I’m going to trust you! If they’re sky-high, I’m going to be livid.
This isn’t a 100% exhaustive list of current BWH developments, by the way! There are one or two things I’m saving for their own post sometime soonish~
Act III Development Update!
Act III is going swimmingly! I took a little time away from BWH after the exhausting last couple of months of Act II’s development, and it was nice to come back with a fresh perspective on Act III. It’s very handy to take a step back and look at it all from a distance! As you may know, the entire BWH story was planned out in 2015, but there were still a handful of plot elements that I’d drafted in that period that I really wasn’t happy with, so I wanted to make sure I’d managed to fix them before starting on the nitty gritty of the actual script. And I’m very happy to have done so - that ought to be the ‘plotline revisions’ stage of Act III sorted now, and it’s definitely much better for it. (Parts of Act II had the same journey! And parts of Act IV definitely will as well, ha.)
So I’ve now started on the script itself! I was very curious to open up the files again - the last time I’d touched the draft was early 2018 (i.e. before BWH went episodic) so it was a bit of a shock to see just *how* rough a lot of it was, hahaha. But it’s nice to finally be fixing it all up into something real, after it’s spent so long as a cluster of chaotic shorthand~
I’ve also been talking to some of the game’s various artists, and I’m very excited to see the new artwork for Act III! Some of it’s arrived already and it’s excellent. But, as always, a huge amount of it is currently top secret. ;)
So I’m happy with how everything’s coming together! As I said on the Steam forums recently - I’m not really giving estimated release dates for Act III because I’ve learned my lesson after my optimistic ETAs for Act II kept being pushed back!! But, extremely unofficially, I’d be very surprised if it wasn’t in 2020, and most likely at a similar time of year to the past two acts~
Minor Updates to Acts I + II
I’m working on these right now! They should be up before too long. They don’t change a massive amount, but just do a little bit of tidying. The Act II one is slightly bigger - I was playing through it again and I’ve found quite a few lines of dialogue I thought could be sharpened up. And they’re generally concentrated in the same scenes! So it’s not a huge overhaul or anything, but still, if you were planning on starting Act II soon, I’d hold off for a very short while until v1.3 is out.
Revamping Publicity
I’ve been fixing up the Itch/Steam pages over the past couple of weeks! I’m not sure they’ll look much different if you’ve not looked at them in a while, but there have been lots of small changes, and hopefully they give off a better first impression now. I’ve also been making new versions of the Character Profiles here on the devlog! They were a little ugly before, but I think they look quite nice now. And a lot of them have been rewritten, to get rid of slightly clunky phrasing from when I originally wrote the descriptions. Check them out!
And Remember! We have a Discord!
A timely reminder about the existence of Windmill Corner, the Because We’re Here Discord! I hadn’t previously linked it on the Itch page / the devlog sidebar - but I realised I should, uh, probably do that. So take a look if you haven’t already! It’s a very nice community, and it’d be great to get some fresh members. (And I’ll post it on the Steam forum near to Act III’s release, I think!)
So! That’s it!
I’ll try not to leave it so long before the next update! But there’s not much to say in the long periods where I’m just working on stuff. Especially as the further BWH progresses, the more spoileriffic the screenshots and artwork become! So there’ll likely be a lot of nice Act II art used for social media over the next few months and precious little from Act III, haha. Anyway, thanks for reading this absolute marathon of a post! You are cool and decent.
Because We’re Here is a bittersweet otome visual novel in an unforgiving WW1-inspired setting.
Acts I + II are out now on itch.io and Steam!
You can also support Studio Elfriede on Ko-Fi! You’ll help towards the cost of the new Act III artwork, and get in the Special Thanks if you’re not already~
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lokilickedme · 5 years
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Oh yeah - while I’m thinking about it...I finished this a couple of weeks ago and forgot to post it after I mentioned it (sorry).
Above is the official cover for the surprise project I’ve been working on.  I watercolored my charcoal drawing (never was happy with it but I sorta like it with the colorwash) and now I’ve just got to finish retooling the fic that goes with it.  
Some of you who’ve been here for years will remember this as something I wrote back in 2015 and always wanted to rewrite.  Bigger, better, with a more satisfying ending.  That time has finally come and Whisper is going to see the light of day with an expanded story :D
Once the fic has been turned into a novella it’ll be on Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats.
(Yes it’s Loki - but the face inspiration for the painting is half Hozier, who more closely resembles the one I had in my head until Hiddleston played the role, and half Hiddleston...with maybe just a little bit of someone from inside my head who doesn’t have a name)
This cover is the second that’s been made from my original artwork (the first was The Carmichael Addendum, which is a handpainted watercolor painting).  This one is charcoal on 11x8 heavy duty sketch stock paper with a watercolor wash over the final drawing.
No ETA for the release on this one yet, I’m still in the rewriting stage.
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jeannereames · 5 years
Could you comment on kasta tomb? Is the excavation still ongoing? Has there been new discovery/hypothesis/debate? For a while it was all over the news then it fizzled out. Google searche only surfaces old articles. What's the academic consensus, if any, regarding whether it was a dedication to Hephaistion?
 Okay, so, for the TL;DR crowd:
1)    The excavation is more-or-less on hold due to lackof funding (like a lot of excavations in Greece).
2)    No new discoveries for reason 1, plus the usualquagmire in Greek archaeology of access to a site and turf wars. But, thesethings also take time.
3)    It wasn’t a dedication to Hephaistion. I don’tknow an academic (outside the excavator’s team) who genuinely believes it was. Attachingit to H. (or any other major figure at ATG’s court) is part of the usualattempt to get media attention (and funding).
Let’s start with #3, which will in turn answer #s 1 and 2.
First rule of archaeology: gold and famous names raise money.It doesn’t matter how important one’s discoveries actually are for the field,it matters how well the lead archaeologists can market what they’re finding topeople/gov’t with funds. Sometimes really good (non-gold) artwork also can beused for attention.
Witness how the archaeologists at Bethsaida (Israel) havehandled the finding of an iron-age stele w the image of the moon god in a “highplace” in the gate. This is *really cool*, given the date (900s?). But do theytalk about its rarity, etc.? Oh, hell, no. The email I got from Rami pointing to anarticle about the find from Israel’s Jerusalem Post announces, “Archaeologists identify citygate from time of King David.”
Famous name! Especially in Israel.
Now, compare: “Large Looted Tomb from Hellenistic Period Foundin Northern Greece,” or “Archaeologists Report they may have Found the Tomb ofAlexander the Great’s Mother/Best Friend/General…etc.” Now, which of those isgoing to get anybody to read the article? :-D
That’s how you get media attention (and hopefully, money tokeep digging, as archaeology is EXPENSIVE). Yet if the claim turns out to bebogus/unsupported, the media attention goes away or can even turn against theexcavator. If/when the first goes down, sometimes the team tries to come upwith other exaggerated explanations to maintain that spotlight, but this canjust dig the grave deeper.
So, why couldn’t this tomb be Hephaistion’s?
First, there are other burials in it—five people to be exact.Were it a monument for Hephaistion, it would be a cenotaph, not a tomb (hisbody was burned in Babylon), and it would be solo, not have other people there.Macedonian Tombs come in two basic types: solo and family. We do have otherfamily tombs (most famously, the Tomb of Lyson and Kallikles, excavated byStella Miller-Collett), and this appears to be similar to that. So attachingthis tomb to Hephaistion faces the immediate problem of, “Uh…other people?”
(Couldn’t they be his surviving family? Well, maybe, but it’sstill really weird. Trying to argue such a thing would be better called “reaching.”*grin*)
The presence of an older woman in (if I recall right) her60s, led some to propose it was Olympias in there—except, again, other people,plus we know (from ancient testimony) that Olympias was buried in Pydna (whereshe was murdered on Kassandros’s orders). So it’s also not Olympias. BothOlympias and Hephaistion are important enough that they’d have merited a solo,not family, tomb. (And most all of Olympias’s family were killed and buriedelsewhere.)
Another name put forward is Nearkhos, one of Alexander’sgenerals, who had land in the Amphipolis area. At least he is a possible candidate,although the tomb might be too late for him (but he sure as hell would have hadthe money for it). Like our Macedonian soldiers, Lyson and Kallikles, Nearkhosmight have sought to establish a family tomb. Again, it’s a reasonablepossibility, just a question of whether the tomb is too late.
Back to Hephaistion (and why it’s not him)…
The argument that it is rests on the presence of some graffiti on stones. First, the graffiti does NOT name Hephaistion (that’s an interpretationby Peristeri and her team). Second, if this were a tomb memorializing such animportant person, why on earth would it be indicated by graffiti?
The graffiti says “arelabon” followed by the letters Eta andPhi (and maybe a sigma?). Peristeri has turned that into “parelabon” and “Hephaistion”:received by Hephaistion. Problem: “arelabon” appears twice, missing thenecessary “pi” in both cases. While missing letters in inscriptions is hardlyunusual, missing the same one in two different places is odd. I’m not going toplay with that further, just leave it for true epigraphers. (I’m aprosopographer, so I deal with epigraphy only occasionally and largely withnames.) What I really want to kick to the curb is the idea that the letters area monogram for “our” Hephaistion.
My current research work involves epigraphical occurrences ofHephaistion, as well as other Hephais-based names in both their Attic-Ionic andDoric forms. Trust me, there are a LOT of names that start with Eta-Phi, evenbeyond Hephais-based names. But even if this meant “Hephaistion” the nature ofthe graffiti itself suggests somebody working on the tomb: an architect,mason, or other craftsman—not the person for whom it was made. We find suchcrafters marks on pottery, bronze, etc. (We also find such etched names on dedicationsin temples, but I don’t think that applies here.)
I think if this was really referencing Hephaistion Amyntoroshis full name would have been given (not a monogram), and it would be a lotmore prominent within in the tomb.
Furthermore—and one of our eternal problems with IDingMacedonian tombs—is that, unlike many figured tombstones (stele), Macedoniantombs usually DON’T name the dead person buried there, even when we suspect theymay portray the dead persons image (like the Tomb of Judgement at Lefkadia).The Tomb of Lyson and Kallikles is unusual. Instead, we get names like the Tombof Judgement, or the Tomb of the Palmettes. The Tomb of Eurydike was calledthat by later archaeologists; there’s absolutely no indication that it belongedto Philip’s mother. It’s almost certainly a woman’s tomb, but that’s about allwe know.
And oh dear, wouldn’t the whole Royal Tomb II at Verginadebate be SO much simpler if there was actually a flippin’ name on the tomb?!There’s not.
Identifying who’s buried in a tomb is REALLY HARD. Itdepends on dating, objects, and probabilities.
So yeah, some craftman’s graffito on the Kasta Tomb means zilch,except that he got his wish and has been spoken of by posterity.
So…trying to turn this into a cenotaph or tomb ofHephaistion is a pile of …wishful thinking. 😉  It’d be cool if it was…but it’s going to takea LOT more evidence to make that claim (not to mention explaining the 5 peoplein there).
Another problem is trying to DATE this sucker.
Those who want to tie it to Alexander more directly are desperateto make it early Hellenistic, despite clues to the contrary ranging fromarchitecture to the gown style of the Karatids. I’m not an art historian, so Iwon’t dig into that. I’ll simply point to one thing I found extremely curiousbut have not seen anyone (yet) address: the use of blue in the mosaic.
Now first, no silliness please about the Greeks not “seeing”blue; that was going around the internets for a while. Yes, they saw blue! Butthe color palette common to painters like Apelles in the late Classical period weremore earth tones. (Again, not an expert. I’m just gonna point to the word ofOlga Palagia, et al. Go and read Olga.) We find these colors in the pebblemosaics at Aegae (Aigai) and Pella, as well as Dion, et al. Even in thebeautiful Persephone painting in Tomb I and Aegae/Vergina.
The first time I saw that BLUE in the Kasta Tomb mosaic, itreally struck me. Unfortunately, art historians tend to catalogue mosaicsby how they’re made, not the colors in them, so I haven’t been able to track thisdown further, except to say that I, personally, have not seen an early Hellenisticpebble mosaic in Macedonia that used blue pebbles. Maybe there’s one hiding ina museum basement somewhere, but these mosaics are pretty spectacular and tendto be shown off. Blue as a color in mosaics is later, showing Egyptian influence.It’s also seen more in tessera mosaics than pebble, which were going out ofstyle by the Roman era. (I think the last datable pebble mosaic is from Delos,1st century BCE—again, Olga.)
So given the use of blue in that mosaic, I’d prefer to see adate that’s mid-Hellenstic at the earliest.
Ergo, we’re probably looking at the family tomb of animportant Hetairos during the Antigonid Dynasty. That’s my best guess.
Incidentally, pointing to the 4th century AmphipolisLion and saying, “Well, it was on top, so the tomb must be 4thcentury!” is horrible methodology. Something stuck on the top of thetomb (which may or may not have been there originally) does not date the tomb. Evenif the lion had been inside, that doesn’t help. Let me explain with an example:
Just because you want to be buried with your great-aunt Bertha’sWWII WAVE wings does not mean that *you* fought in WWII. 😉 It means you were buried with an antique. Sothe presence of the lion means only that the tomb probably can’t date BEFOREthe 4th century lion. That doesn’t mean it can’t date afterit. In fancy archaeologist-speak, the Amphipolis Lion provides only a “terminuspost quem” (earliest date for X), not a “terminus ante quem” (latest date for X).
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carleencl · 5 years
Carleen Goes to Taiwan: Day 1 (Taichung)
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Taiwan – the first country to explore this 2019! It is the country known for tourist spots’ such as the 91-floor Taipei 101, different memorial halls and parks, shopping districts, night markets, and more. It is also the origin of everyone’s favorite drink - Milk Tea!
My travel experience in Taiwan will be divided per day with our itinerary and expenses. At the end of each post will be my vlog. My blog and vlog will go hand in hand since some information and visuals will be on my blog but not on my vlog and vice versa. So I recommend for you to read my blog and watch my vlog to know my adventures in Taiwan.
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Our flight to Taipei, Taiwan was last May 22, 2019 via Cebu Pacific and was originally scheduled at 10:35pm. It was delayed by an hour and we boarded at around 11:30pm. We arrived at Taipei at around 01:30 in the morning.
After landing, we went to the immigration, grab our luggage and claimed our sim card. We bought our sim card via Klook which costs PHP 377 each. (Tip: Double check if the claiming counters are open 24 hours especially if you have an early morning flight. Some options in Klook have counters open from 7am – 11pm only).
Since we arrived in early morning, we rode a taxi going to our hotel in Ximen named, Diary of Ximen Hotel. The taxi fare was NT$ 1,100 (PHP 1,870) good for 4 people with 4 luggage. It was an hour travel time from Taoyuan International Airport to our hotel and we arrived at around 03:30am.
Diary of Ximen Hotel is situated near Exit 6 of MRT Ximen Station which was a very good location. Also, the hotel is located in a building with other hotels too. We really did like the hotel since it was very near the Ximending night market, staff were very accommodation and nice, and bottled waters were given daily. There was also free flowing juice, tea, and coffee on the hotel’s reception. We booked our hotel via Agoda and no breakfast was included. If you would like to avail their breakfast buffet, it will be NT$ 100 (PHP 170) per person.
DAY 1 MAY 23, 2019
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First day in Taiwan and we were greeted by the drizzling rain.
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1st day’s itinerary was to go to the province of Taichung, Taiwan. We went there by riding the MRT first from Ximen Station to Taipei Main Station then transferred from MRT Taipei Main Station to HSR Taichung Station.
We preferred to ride their High Speed Rail (HSR) since it will only take 45 minutes to 1 hour from Taipei to Taichung. Other cheaper options were the bus  with 3-4 hours travel time, and the Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) with 1-2 hours travel time. However, during that time, Klook has a promo of Buy One, Get One for HSR going from Taipei to other locations that costs PHP 945 (PHP 472.50/each). For our way back, we also chose the HSR but got the original price of PHP 886 each via Klook also.
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Riding the HSR was actually comfortable. There were toilets, and vending machines in the train. WiFi was also available and each seat has a fold able tables similar to airplanes.
Upon arriving at HSR Taichung Station, we decided to grab a taxi going to Rainbow Village. Our taxi driver was very nice and friendly and suggested if we would want to avail his service to drive us around Taichung for NT$ 3500 (PHP 5,950) for 8 hours. At first we were hesitant but we compared prices in Uber and it was indeed cheaper to avail his service. We compared and saw that one way going to Rainbow Village is almost NT$900, which we computed with the other destination we would be paying either the same price or higher.
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Seeing Rainbow Village was literally colorful like the rainbow. There was no charge upon entering the site.
Rainbow Village is located at 408, Nantun District, Taichung City, Taiwan is open daily from 8am - 6pm.
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The village was originally for demolition however, Rainbow Grandpa painted the houses and saved it from being demolished. The village was originally the place soldiers stayed at before. Neighboring houses were sold but Rainbow Grandpa remained.
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At the end of the village is a room about its history and some information about Rainbow Grandpa.
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I actually felt happy being in Rainbow Village. The colorful artworks brings so much joy.
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Zhongshe Flower Market was next on our itinerary. This is widely popular because of the beautiful flowers you will be surrounded at.
It is located at No. 333, Section 5, Sanfeng Road, Houli District, Taichung City, Taiwan.
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The Flower Market is open daily from 8am to 6pm and there is an entrance fee of NT$120 (PHP 204) for adults and NT$60 (PHP 102) for children.
Even though it as muddy during that day, we actually enjoyed having photos with the lovely flowers. Below were the photos from the flower market:
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We asked our driver to bring us to Chun Shui Tang since it is a well known milk tea place in Taichung. We were dropped at the West District if I’m not mistaken.
Before trying the milk tea, we looked for a place first where we could have lunch.
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We saw a small restaurant and tried it. Name of the restaurant is in Chinese and that explains why I didn’t include the name here. 😅
The staff only speaks Chinese thus, we had a little difficulty ordering. However, there was a very nice customer of theirs that knows how to speak English. I think she noticed we had trouble ordering and helped us. The customer was the one translating, for us to order. We didn’t got her name, but to the lady who was in this restaurant last May 23, 2019 around 1-2pm, thank you for helping for us! 🤗
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It was passed lunch time and the only choices they have were Chicken Curry Rice and Pork Noodle Soup. I’m not a fan of curry, so I ordered their Pork Noodle Soup which costs NT$ 100 (PHP 170).
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Our first milk tea in Taiwan!
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Serving was so large that one glass is good for 1-2 people. The glass is bigger than my hand and same size as my face! 😂
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Both the original pearl milk tea and oreo milk tea tastes good! However, when the milk tea is compared here in Manila, our is way way sweeter even at 50% sugar. It seems that milk tea from Taiwan is not that sweet.
A medium Pearl Milk Tea costs NT$130 (PHP 221), and medium Oreo Milk Tea costs NT$ 120 (PHP 204).
I wasn’t able to have photo from the night  market in Taichung. However, I had some videos of it on my vlog. 😊
Fengjia Night Market is similar with Ximending Night Market. Both has shops for clothes and skin care. They also have street foods left and right.
I was able to try the Fried Chicken from Angel’s that costs NT$ 70 (PHP 119). I really do like the fried chicken since it was not dry and very tasty!
Afterwards, we actually went home already since our 8-hour trip with our driver is almost ending. We bought extra food before heading back to out hotel at Ximending Night Market
So that’s day 1 of our Taiwan trip. Next Taiwan posts, soon!
To see more of what we saw in Taichung, you may watch my vlog below:
Below was our itinerary and expenses. Hope this will help you to be able to plan your travels to Taiwan.
DAY 1 Part 1: May 22-23, 2019 (Wed/Thurs) 07:00 pm - Meet-up at NAIA Terminal 3 10:35 pm - ETD from Manila 12:55 am - ETA to Taipei (Taoyuan International Airport, Terminal 1) 01:00 am - Immigration, Get Luggage & Sim Card 02:00 am - Go to the hotel 03:00 am - Check-in at Diary of Ximen Hotel
DAY 1 Part 2: May 23, 2019 (Thursday) 07:00 am - Wake-Up 08:00 am - BREAKFAST 09:00 am - Leave for Taichung 09:15 am - ETD:  MRT Ximen Station to Taipei Main Station 09:20 am - ETA:  MRT Taipei Main Station 09:30 am - Taipei to Taichung via High Speed Rail 10:30 am - Arrival Taichung Station 10:45 am - To Rainbow Village 11:15 pm - ETA:  Rainbow Village (Caihongjuan Village) 12:15 pm - Leave for Zhongshe Flower Market 12:30 pm - Zhongshe Flower Market 02:00 pm - LUNCH 04:00 pm - Fengjia Night Market 06:00 pm - Go back to Taipei Main Station 07:30 pm - Ximending Night Market 08:30 pm - Back to hotel
SIM Card (Klook) - PHP 377 Taxi (Airport to Hotel) - NT$1, 100 (PHP 1, 870; PHP467.50/ea) Breakfast at 7/11
Chicken Teriyaki Rice Meal - NT$89 (PHP 151.30)
HSR Taipei to Taichung (Klook) - PHP 945 (Buy one get one; PHP 472.50/ea) HSR Taichung to Taipei (Klook) - PHP 886/ea Taxi in Taichung (8 hours) - NT$3, 500 (PHP 5, 950; PHP1, 487.50/ea) Rainbow Village: Free Flower Market: - NT$120 (PHP 204) LUNCH
Pork Noodle Soup - NT$100 (PHP 170)
Milk Tea at Chun Shui Tang (PHP106.25/ea)
Original Pearl Milk Tea (Medium) - NT$130 (PHP221)
Oreo Milk Tea (Medium) - NT$120 (PHP204)
Fengjia Night Market: Chicken - NT$70 (PHP119) Ximending Night Market
Fried Chicken - NT$120 (PHP204; PHP51/ea)
Family Mart (Bulgogi) - NT$65 (PHP 110.50)
Family Mart (Milk tea) - NT$28 (PHP47.60)
Total: PHP4, 650.15
*Items from Klook were paid in advanced
*Conversion of NT$ to PHP are rounded and used NT$ 1 = PHP 1.70
Other blog post related to Taiwan below: 🔗 TAIWAN DAY 2 BLOG POST
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mariaslozak · 6 years
Elements Tag
Tagged by: @pollyssecretlibrary. Thank you for thinking of me, dear Paula, it made me smile. And I’m intrigued to learn you experience emotions as colours! (Her post is here.) [ETA 8 May:] I was also tagged by the darling @helloafflatus, whose original invitation had accidentally been saved in my drafts instead of in my queue, as I discovered today. Apologies for the oversight; I’ve now queued your own post for reblogging tomorrow <3
Rules: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then @ nine people.
I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organized sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midday most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors, not words
I wear glasses/contacts • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued adviser to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally.
Quite a few of the categorizations puzzled me, and it’s doubtful I’d ever consider air as my element, but this was nevertheless amusing. I’m working my way through an embarrassing backlog of things I have been tagged for, so posts like this will be cropping up a lot this month. If anyone reading this feels like it, please consider yourself tagged.
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skinnyloves-blog · 5 years
William Lee Demo Reel Aug 2010
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Demo Reel Credit List:
Character Rigs for class animation exercise: Andy Rig Blake Rig Max Rig
Thesis Project: Cave Modeling – Kim Raichstat Cave Lighting – Chris Napolitano Bug Textures – Bryan Waddell
Voice Clip – “Serenity” copyright Universal Studios, 2005
Background Music – “F.A.V.” by Cosmic Gate
My Full Resume is listed Below.
for further inquiries, email: [email protected]
Software Proficiencies: Maya, Photoshop, After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Flash, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, GoLive
Work History
CG Intern – Click 3x, October 2010 – Present Modeled various elements, and created both character and camera animations for commercials using Maya.
3D Artist – Desco Services, January 2010-Present Modeled, lit and animated industrial garage door simulations for online training programs using Maya. Created training video elements using After Effects.
Graphic Designer – NYU Office of Student Activities, January 2009 – May 2009 Worked directly with students and faculty advisors to design original posters and flyers for a variety of student events, including Women’s History Month, Strawberry Fest, and Civic Camp. Created designs using Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator, then converted designs to pdfs and sent them to print shop for production.
Production Artist – Times Newsweekly Newspaper, June 2007 – August 2008 Retouched and cleaned up photos for the paper using Photoshop. Designed and edited customers’ ads using Quark and Photoshop. Laid out the paper for production using Quark. Worked under a strict deadline, as all materials had to be completed by Wednesday to be converted to pdf format and sent to the printing press.
Graphic Designer – The Creative Group Staffing Firm, August 2006 – June 2007 Completed temporary assignments in the field as a graphic designer, including:
• Ovation In-Store, Maspeth N.Y., February 2007 – June 2007 Edited product videos and DVD assets using Adobe Premiere, After Effects and Flash. Created product renderings using Photoshop. Edited display and packaging artwork, then placed artwork into dye lines for production using Photoshop and Illustrator. Created instruction manuals for various point of purchase displays using Photoshop and InDesign. Worked alongside several other designers and learned to coordinate as a team.
• Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center, East Hills, N.Y., August 2006 – December 2006 Designed and edited a variety of print materials, including flyers, brochures, posters, handouts, direct mail campaign elements, and booklets while using InDesign, Quark, Photoshop and Microsoft Publisher. Was responsible for working with all the Center’s departments, and learned how to tailor projects to the specific needs and tastes of each individual director.
Freelance Designer, January 2003- Present • Advanced Fireplace Design, Bayside, N.Y. Designed DVD cover and product line mascot using Photoshop and Maya. Edited promotional videos using Final Cut Pro and After Effects. Designed logos, packaging artwork (layout and design), and various print media for new products using Illustrator and Photoshop. Developed company website using Flash, Dreamweaver and Fireworks. Designed graphics for trade show displays, such as banners and signs, using Photoshop and Illustrator. Designed PowerPoint Presentations using PowerPoint and Photoshop.
• Bite the Bullet Band, New York, N.Y. Story-boarded, filmed and edited a full length music video for promotional campaign using Final Cut Pro, Adobe After Effects, Premiere and Flash.
• NYC T-Shirt Factory, New York, N.Y. Designed T-Shirt artwork using Illustrator and Photoshop.
• Veronica’s Custom Dolls Inc., Huntington, N.Y. Designed packaging artwork for various products using Photoshop and Illustrator.
• Icon Entertainment Group, Astoria, N.Y. Designed logo and business cards using Photoshop. Created company website using Dreamweaver, Photoshop and Flash while incorporating elements such as forms, spry validation fields, and advanced CSS. Designed ads for e-mail campaigns using Photoshop.
• Moulin Rouge Entertainment, Albany, N.Y. Designed logo and business cards using Photoshop and Illustrator. Created website using Dreamweaver, Photoshop and Flash.
• Atlantic Paper &Foil Co, Hauppauge N.Y. Designed and edited concepts for tissue box artwork using Photoshop and Illustrator, then placed artwork into dye lines. Communicated with print shop to ensure correctness and quality of final product.
• Fallon Safety Systems, Flushin¬¬g, N.Y. Designed logos and Flash videos to support presentations for business-to-business products using Photoshop and Flash. Designed PowerPoint presentation using pictures, artwork, and video insertions.
National Kidney Foundation, New York, N.Y. Summer 2005 Worked as an intern with in-house graphic artists to design and edit marketing and educational media, including CD covers, educational handouts, and magazine ads. Worked on layouts for brochures and booklets using Quark, Illustrator and Photoshop. Developed PowerPoint presentations, often incorporating backgrounds and graphics created in Photoshop and Illustrator into slides. Designed logos for PDA education programs. Worked with other graphic artists to prep files for printing.
Academic History Master’s Degree – New York University, New York, N.Y., 2010 Graduated with a Master’s of Science degree in Digital Imaging and Design. Completed courses that cover Maya and After Effects in-depth, as well as digital production as a whole and common industry standards and practices.
Brooklyn Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, N.Y. 2006 BEST Web Design Workshop: intensive workshop on HTML and Adobe GoLive.
Bachelor’s Degree – State University of New York, Oneonta, 2006 Graduated with a BA in Computer Art with Honors. Dual Minors: Business and Creative Writing. GPA: 3.57, Chancellor’s Award, Academic Scholarship, Deans List. Teachers Assistant in Karate: Instructed and motivated students in a class environment. Extracurricular Activities: • Vice President of Eta Kau Pi, Computer Art Club. Worked with club members to establish events and club procedures such as software training lectures for underclassmen. • Founding Brother of a nationally and university-recognized chapter of Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity Inc. Elected to positions of Secretary, Public Relations Chair and representative to Inter-Greek Council. Developed and implemented series of community service events. Developed application process with national organization, and prepared and presented proposal to school administration. Recognized by national and campus accreditation boards. Developed recruitment program 2003-2006. Designed promotional flyers for fraternity campus events. Designed chapter crest using Photoshop and Illustrator. Designed fraternity chapter site using Dreamweaver, Image Ready and Flash. • Fully trained DJ at WONY radio, the campus radio station. Active member of Public Relations department. Designed promotional flyers using Photoshop and Illustrator for radio station events: 2003-2006.
References: Available on request. Likes: 1 Viewed:
The post William Lee Demo Reel Aug 2010 appeared first on Good Info.
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artbybianchi · 7 years
Welcome & General Copyright Crap
Well hey there! Welcome! And all those other formalities and greetings... 
So, starting off, I just have a few orders of business I have to get this out of the way before I start posting anything... 
Firstly, bit about me. I’m really excited to finally be pursuing this after years of people telling me that art is a hobby, not a living. Art was my first true love and I finally have the support and outlets I need to be able to make this dream a reality. So I appreciate any and all support and critique that y’all are willing to offer. It’s going to be slow moving at first, but I have a ton of works in progress that I’m really excited to share. 
I’ve been drawing longer than I’ve been walking or talking... (Finger painting with baby food on my high chair counts, right?) No but really, I’ve wanted to be an artist for as long as I can remember. I filled up 90% of my high school and college schedule with art classes just so I’d never have to leave the studio... dedicating hundreds of hours to working on various art pieces, projects, collections, etc, and experimenting with various mediums and styles... Alllllll to end up with a desk job as a communications officer for emergency services... (I guess it’s true you never find a job in the field you studied...) Despite that giant setback in career choices, I love my job in communications and I’ve found an immense amount of inspiration in the great sacrifices of the brave men and women I work with daily, and have been using that to create some new paintings for the first time in a while.
Apart from my art obsession, I’m a crazy proud wife to an amazing man who has served as my greatest source of strength and inspiration for the past three years... We’re extremely excited that we’re about to become parents for the first time and I can’t wait to see what wonderful inspiration our little girl brings to my life and my work. I think that’s really it. The rest you’ll learn through my work or my posts or my other blogs.
Secondly, I’m really quite terrible about this blogging thing. I’ve tried to blog about many things previously and made it probably a grand total of 3 days on each before getting bored. My expertise with blogging basically extends to stalking other people’s blogs, favoriting posts excessively, and wishing I had the time and energy to make mine as successful. I’m very optimistic that this one will be different since it’s in relation to something I truly enjoy. It will be slow going at first as I get together the work I have already and finish up some of the ideas I have working now. I plan to start a daily art dump eventually... no ETA for that though, so your patience is appreciated! 
Thirdly, plain and simple guys... like, share, comment, critique my art all you want, but please don’t steal it and be sure to credit appropriately when you share. It’s hard enough to make it out there as an artist. Your support is very much appreciated!!! :) 
Thanks so much! I’m very excited to share my work with you all! 
~ S. Bianchi
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Everything on this blog is copyrighted unless otherwise noted. Copyright Law protects the Artists Copyright in their original artworks. All viewers should be aware that Copyright of the artworks located on this blog remain the exclusive property of the Artist.
Copyright is administered by Art by Bianchi, the Artist or her agents. Artworks may be viewed only for the purposes of buyer browsing, and may not be downloaded without express permission.
No reproduction may be made of any of the artworks from this website for commercial use for any reason without first receiving written permission from the Gallery, the Artists or their agents.
Under Copyright Law it is fair use to reproduce a single copy for personal or educational purposes, provided that no changes are made to the content and provided that a copyright notice accrediting the content is attached to the reproduction. Beyond that, no further copies of artworks from this website may be made or distributed without written authorization.
Art by Bianchi is the copyright owner for all other aspects of the blog including text, photographs, and other content unless otherwise stated.
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