#while im talking about gay sex santa claus
seventeendeer · 6 months
merry almost christmas, remember that holiday movie Klaus that came out some years back with the gorgeous hybrid 2D-3D animation and the revolutionary lighting techniques and the varied and interesting character designs and the beautiful environments and the stellar cinematography, that no one ever talks about or even seems to remember anymore because the writing was so devastatingly 2000's direct-to-dvd disney sequel it somehow dragged the quality of this potential masterpiece down to "just kind of mid"
just watched it again, actually significantly more fun/coherent if you turn it off halfway through and imagine it's all just healthy community building and gay sex from that point on
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minatodilf · 5 years
i was tagged by @teojida thank u king 🙌🏽
What was your last
Drink: vanilla coke 🙌🏽
Last phone call: work....
Last text: to my older sister, asking her to pick up food on her way home but she hasn’t responded so looks bleak kings
Last song you listened to: my brothers watching nge out in the family room and I’ve been hearing the theme song play a lot longer than it should be so i guess cruel angels thesis
Last time you cried: hmmm maybe a month ago? i don’t remember these things lol
Have you ever dated someone: unfortunately! i never listened to my friends when they told me he was shitty and creepy, wish I had!
Been cheated on: el em aye oh yeah!
Kissed someone and regretted it: big time, my dude
Lost someone special: not really
Been drunk and thrown up: yes
List three fave colors: yellow, red, orange! (Ok me too king)
In the last year have you…
Made a new friend: yeah!
Fallen out of love: yes!
Laughed until you cried: yeah
Met someone that changed you: yeah I guess u grow from ur mistakes so yeah?
Found out who your true friends are: idk maybe?
Found out someone was talking about you: lmaoo yeah
Kissed someone on your FB friends list: yeah I don’t have facebook
How many people on your FB friends list do you know irl: don’t have fb
Do you have any pets: we have two cats! Salem is a black cat and yeah he’s named after the one from Sabrina, my older sisters named him. and the other is bean, idk cat breeds but he’s pretty 😔 my brother had a blue budgie, his name was sasuke. yeah I know...it was embarrassing for a while ahdjshsj he got old and passed away recently tho
Do you want to change your name: i do, probably not to ash though. ill keep that as a nickname, idk what I’d change my name to
What did you do for your last birthday: euheheh my birthday was January, i went out clubbing with a group of friends for my 18th
What time did you wake up today: a little after 8:30am. Bc its school break rn it’s just me and my brother at home, our parents leave early for work and come home late so he woke me up to go get breakfast from McDonald’s. i had a sausage and egg mcmuffin with the hash brown and juice and it was soooooo good.
What were you doing at midnight last night: playing Final Fantasy X on the switch
Name something you CANNOT wait for: OHHH DUDE NEW ANIMAL CROSSING!!
Last time you saw your mother: uhh last night I think, i was still asleep when she left for work this morning
What is one thing you wish you could change about life: i wish my family was well off. i wish I could afford to pay next semesters uni fee to continue my degree, and my parents didn’t have to worry about it so much.
What are you listening to right now: the sound of nge from the other room and my brother occasionally yelling at the tv
Have you ever talked to a person with the name Tom: you know what, i don’t think I ever have
What’s getting on your nerves: thinking about money and the lack thereof lol
Most visited website: tumblr + youtube
Nickname: ash! my parents call me shortened versions of my actual name sometimes, but ash really click with everyone. Even my parents use it sometimes.
Relationship status: single 🤟🏽 recently broke up with my shit hole ex and whew who knew i was so blind and stupid!
Zodiac sign: aquarius
Pronouns: he/him
Fave tv shows: I don’t really watch tv but I like naruto so.
Hair color: it’s naturally black, i tried dying it blonde a while ago but it looked fucked so I dyed it back to black omg
Long or short: on myself I prefer short I guess? but just long enough for me to still look like a sasuke kinnie
Height: hnnhghgh 5’0
Do you have a crush on someone: mr minato the dilf supreme
What do you like about yourself: oh yeah being gay and trans is Super Sexy of me
Tattoos: oof yeah I got some but my parents still don’t know about them, the adrenaline keeps me going. I’d like a few more tho 👀
Righty or Lefty: righty!
First surgery: im pretty hardy i haven’t been to the hospital
First piercing: first was my ear lobes, i now have a lot more all in my ears tho. I’d like a couple more.
First best friend: we aren’t friends anymore. I used my sisters Facebook to look her up recently and she’s very openly homophobic so glad I dodged that bullet lmao
First sport you joined: yeah i was a ballet child, then i moved on to volleyball and then track briefly in high school
First pair of trainers: huh? What?
Right now
Eating: nongshim onion ring snacks, I’m a frequent at the asian market bc im always buying my onion flavoured ring snacks
Drinking: I had a bottle of water on my bed but I can’t locate it atm...
Listening to: bts’s idol and I’ve run out of skips on my free version of Spotify so I guess that
Want kids: not at the moment
Career: i would love to be an artist or a writer, something creative but like that’ll never happen lmao
Which is better:
Lips or eyes: hmm idk lips ig
Hugs or kissed: hugs
Shorter or taller: i kinda...like...being smaller so..
Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
Nice stomach or nice arms: yeah tummy is the best!
Sensitive or loud: hmmm I’m already very loud so maybe sensitive, we need a balance
Hook up or relationship: hook up bro I’m over relationships
Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger: yes
Drank hard liquor: yes
Lost glasses/contacts: yes
Sex on a first date: yea
Broke someone’s heart: not that I’m aware of lol
Had your own heart broken: man idk.
Been arrested: very close call but ultimately no
Turned someone down: yep
Cried when someone died: ye
Fallen for a friend: oh briefly back in high school but he was straight and made some homophobic jokes so like. I had no taste.
Do you believe in:
Yourself: hhhh he’s trying!
Miracles: mmmmmm no
Love at first sight: ehhhh yeah ok
Santa Claus: nope. My sister ruined it all for me early so.
Kiss on the first date: yea
Angels: ehhhhh idk...
i tag: @nbsoras @bosstheme @cishethiruzen @bayonettamutual @ochaiko @thelegendoftwink @dykexion
i know this is VERY long so of course u don’t have to do it if u don’t wanna ✌🏽
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wiener-blut · 6 years
i was tagged by my bb @babypaulchen ages ago and now the time has come to finally do this shit!! i told u i was gonna do it Brig!!
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people (i wont tag anyone bc im doubting i even know 20 ppl on here lmao)
— what was your last…
1. drink: peach flavoured ice tea 2. phone call: my mom bc i asked her if shes interested in some hyacinth bulbs for her garden since the ones that stood in my room decayed 3. text message: to my cousin, setting a time where we can call and chat 4. song you listened to: actual surprise - its not Rammstein *ooohs and aaahs fly through the crowd* it was “The Schuyler Sisters” from Hamilton 5. time you cried: yesterday bc i had the worst fucking headache ever and i was being a whiny bitch
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: uhh no? 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yes, multiple times and ive come to the conclusion that throwing up makes me feel better afterwards like im back to being able to actually perveice my environment again lmao
— fave colours
12. black 13. pastel pink 14. actually i kinda love all colours idk
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yes! 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yes, multiple times, good 18. found out someone was talking about you: like uh shittalking? idk so i guess not 19. met someone who changed you: uhhh kinda? 20. found out who your friends are: um well i found out that my friends are good friends and that i love them and that i dont want to miss any of them 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: what? u can “kiss” someone on facebook? lmao i didnt take a look on facebook for literally years .......man i had a massive brainlag here. i thought u can now “kiss” ppl on facebook like u can “poke” ppl on facebook and it didnt come to my mind this could mean “irl” lmao bury me IF it means irl tho, then yes
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: pff idk man who the fuck still uses that shithole of a site anyways
23. do you have any pets: no but i had a super cute and fluffy bunny and i still miss him and think about him everyday also i plan on having half a farm and half a zoo in the future
24. do you want to change your name: not anymore; i used to hate my name bc its so outdated and the only answer i ever got on introducing myself was “hey my grandma has the same name isnt that funny” but then more and more people told me my name was pretty and unique and well now that im older (sounds like im 40 lmao) im even kinda fond of it
25. what did you do for your last birthday: umm uhh i guess i was studying for my exams lol but i remember my gf cooking an amazing dinner for me 💖
26. what time did you wake up today: uhhhhhh smth around 9am i think
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: actually sleeping for once bc that headache knocked me out completely
28. what is something you can’t wait for: fucking going to fucking Hamburg in fucking five fucking days
30. what are you listening to right now: the birds chirping outside
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes i had a classmate named Tom........he was a bit strange tho.......
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: i cant think of anything rn
33. most visited website: Tumblr and Youtube
34. hair colour: natural? blonde / current? dyed it pink two weeks ago
35. long or short hair: long ass hair and i mean, literally, they reach all the way down to my hips
36. do you have a crush on someone: ohhhahahaha so, so many, one - and maybe the king of em all - being Christoph Schneider (not obvious at all cough cough)
37. what do you like about yourself: uhhhhhhhhhhh.........;;;;; i guess... uh... *insert more unintelligent noises* maybe my legs?
38. want any piercings: no, except for maybe some on my ear
39. blood type: 0 positive, i think
40. nicknames: Lily
41. relationship status: super duper gay af with @haifisch-ohne-traenen
42. sign: officially capricorn (i like to say “the last capricorn” bc it sounds like “the last unicorn” and well my birthday is on the last day that still counts as capricorn), but honestly im more of an aquarius
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv show: i recently watched Grimm and the story was okay but the cast was like super adorable and i fell in love with every single one of them
45. tattoos: none. YET. i have plans for so much i just am very bad at deciding
46. right or left handed: right handed 47: ever had surgery: okay, small story time. there are these childrens books by german illustrator and author “Janosch” in which a tiger and a bear are best friends and i used to love those books. so once, tiger got ill (his stripes slipped out of place) and he needed to see the doctor. and the exact line was “soothing small shot, blue dream, surgery over, noticed nothing, tiger healthy”. and i once was in the hospital bc there was something wrong my nose (i dont remember what it was tho) and so they anaesthetized me (and my fav stuffie which i brough with me for mental support) and afterwards i told everyone of my “blue dream” and everyone was like ????? wtf kid bc they didnt know what i was talking about and it was just some months ago when i finally found out that a narcosis isnt called a “blue dream” and that i just knew this bc of this books which i adored and tbh i was like MY WHOLE LIFE IS A LIE “BLUE DREAM” IS AN ADORABLE TERM FOR IT 48. piercings: none 49. sport: i did ballet for 15 years and i still love to dance around the house and the mother of my best friend once called me cute bc i cant stand still and always spin around or stretch my toes while lifting my leg or do some pliés and tbh i wasnt even aware of that
50. vacation: uh...i love? lmao
51. trainers: umm like my shoes? mostly wearing my black doc martens
— more general
52. eating: i love me some good salad with tomatoes, mozzarella and tuna but ngl a pizza margherita could beat that salad any time. or a nice ragout fin. or mac’n’cheese. i love food in general, okay
53. drinking: i’d kill for a tequila rn. but like non-alcoholic beverage - plain water, yes thank u
54. i’m about to watch: some movie with my gf which we havent decided on yet
55. waiting for: my gf to return home from work so i can smooch her pretty face
56. want: to cuddle honestly
57. get married: since its legal in germany for some months now... idk tbh, its not smth i debate about on a daily basis
58. career: um i have a vague plan for becoming a speech pathologist but yea... its very vague
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs
60. lips or eyes: gotta say eyes
61. shorter or taller: i dont care actually
62. older or younger: um sweats loudly...... older (fun fact i recently calculated the average age of my celebrity crushes....yes i was bored.... and it resulted in 50.... well.....)
63. nice arms or stomach: arms, fucc me up
64. hookup or relationships: relationships
65. troublemaker or hesitant: me? kinda both
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: no 67. drank hard liquor: yes 68. turned someone down: not really?
69. sex on first date: nope
70: broken someone’s heart: probably
71. had your heart broken: uh yea...kinda
72. been arrested: no
73. cried when someone died: yes, im a whiny bitch so i cry easily
74. fallen for a friend: yeah binch im dating that lovely ho right now... im gonna leave Brig’s answer here bc its perf and same here
— do you believe in
75. yourself: ugh
76. miracles: i want to
77. love at first sight: no
78. santa claus: i want to lol but no
79. angels: fuck yes
— misc
80. eye colour: blue-gray-green-ish mud 81. best friend’s name: Dana
82. favourite movie: so? much? i cant decide, really
83. favourite actor: Tom Hiddleston, i love this british dork, lemme tell u
84. favourite cartoon: phuh, idk i dont really watch cartoons
85. favourite teacher’s name: SWEATS LOUDLY AND AGGRESIVELY i had two massive teacher crushes back in my school days and that makes me a bit biased but im gonna say Herr Wolf was a great teacher bc he always said “hey, astronomy’s a minor subject, the test won’t be hard and i wont give u homework, u guys concentrate on math, german and english” and tbh we need more teachers like that
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alien-bodies · 6 years
Oversharing Time!!!
(i just made that title up that’s not the official title I’m just Like That)
Ok so @frogyell​ tagged my main account (I am BLEST) but that’s for Refined Star Trek Content and this one’s for excellent moodboard content and garbage so here’s the garbage!!! I’m putting it under a cut bc it manipulates your brain to want to read through 85 fuckin facts about me more wow I love science
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. last drink: Water! off to a great start
2. last phone call: my local Hot Topic. I feel like I should also mention I work there. But if you don’t know that and steal my phone you’ll see I have a contact named Hot Topic
3. last text message: Google sent me a verification code, but the last one I sent was to my brother it says “k”
4. last song you listened to: It’s called The Horror Of Your Love by Ludo, if I had to delete all but one song on my 121-song Best Enemies playlist I’d keep this one it’s Peak and kinda has vore but it’s metaphorical. metavoreical, if you will
5. time you cried: during my latest EMDR sesh! I was in Wales and everything it was a Lot I got ice cream after
6. dated someone twice? Big No
7. kissed someone and regretted it? Not really?
8. been cheated on? my ex had 16 anime dating sims downloaded at one point while we were dating does that count
9. lost someone special? yea
10. been depressed? hella
11. gotten drunk and thrown up? I’ve been drunk 1 time and it was when I was playing English handbells at my dad’s church’s wassail night but I did not throw up no
fave colors
12. Black
13. Lavendar
14. Light blue
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends? Hell Yell!!
16. fallen out of love? k i n d a ? ?
17. laughed until you cried? oh absolutely
18. found out someone was talking about you? OH BOY YUP YUP
19. met someone who changed you? yes! she managed to physically alter my hippocampus without touching it how fuckign whack is that
20. found out who your friends are? It’s always the same miraculous group chat
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list? sure have
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl? I keep it nice and refined so all of them. My old account is another story
23. do you have any pets? one beautiful and talented cat named Moriarty. A good description is she’s got puppy software on cat hardware.
24. do you want to change your name? listen I’ve been through 4.5 of these fuckers, I like Nate, I’m Quite Finished
25. what did you do for your last birthday? invited 2 pals over, I remember one of them suddenly whipped out I Am The Doctor and the Dr Who theme on the piano out of fuckin nowhere and I was like “Daniel what the hell you’re so talented” and then I hardcore dissociated the rest of the day
26. what time did you wake up today? 10:00
27. what were you doing at midnight last night? chatting w @houseofoakdown​ and also editing my monstrosity of a fanfiction
28. what is something you cant wait for? Going back to school! then I can graduate in my pajamas and eat creamed corn in celebration
30. what are you listening to right now? the same goddamn playlist, this one’s called Battle Cry by The Family Crest, i cri erytiem
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom? probably???
32. something thats getting on your nerves? my brother vaping in the bathroom with the fan on at 12:30am
33. most visited website: tungle dot hell
34. hair color: I started out blonde af now I’m less blonde but still blonde.
35. long or short hair: short
36. do you have a crush on someone: :[] yes
37. what do you like about yourself: i’m hella smart, my moodboards are bangin, my writing is cool af, I’m well-hydrated at all times
38. want any piercings? Big No
39. blood type: A+!!!!! thats me!!!!!
40. nicknames: my brother calls me a goon sometimes
41. relationship status: im married to my laptop
42. zodiac: I was born on the last day of Taurus so I’m a definite Taurus/Gemini power combo
43. pronouns: they/them, tho in some places I use he/him bc The Dysphoria got hog wild enough I decided to pretend to be a trans guy so ppl would take me seriously, but I’m moving more towards they/them everywhere now. 
44. fave tv shows: Dr Fuck, Sherlock (I’m armed with a pitchfork and an arsenal of beefed up tv & film knowledge come on fight me), DOWNTON ABBEY
45. tattoos: in August I will get a bee on my right arm and probably a Secret Word in Gallifreyan on my left it’ll say fuck
46. right or left handed: one time I was bored in grade 10 and tried to make myself ambidextrous but that was a hassle so I’m firmly right handed. Except in archery.
47. ever had surgery: got all 4 wisom teeth out not long ago! I still need to squirt water in my gum holes so I get all the mushy food out :{
48. piercings: I used to have my ears pierced but they’re grown tf over now!
49. sport: first of all what the hell is this question looking for second of all I have a red belt (which is 2 below black belt) in Taekwondo. I really need to do that again hhhhhh
50. vacation: i went to England and France in the summer with my family as a “””grad trip”””, it was lots of fun but my collection of sensory issues extended to chomping and I dissociated so intensely in The Louvre my mom told me to go back outside so I wrote fanfiction while listening to 21 Pilots and chatting w my imaginary friends and it took me like 18 hours to process I’d seen The Mona Lisa with mine own 2 eyes. Also the plane was delayed twice bc we used Air Canada for some godforsaken reason and I had 0 hours of sleep when I went to the Sherlock Holmes museum and I started talkin to this bust of Sherlock Holmes and then I hadn’t eaten enough and we were walking to this bookstore and I said “I need food!” and my dad said “We’ll get it AFTER” then I shouted “I’M GONNA DIE” so I got a BLT from Tesco. 
51. trainers: h
more general
52. eating: the last thing I ate was chocolate chips straight out of the bag
53. drinking: I got another cup of water
54. im about to watch: my entire fanfiction to take 3000 notes on consistency. and by watch I mean read
55. waiting for: my brother (not vaping) to get out of the bathroom so I can PEE
56. want: Orphan Black to be on Netflix so I can actually binge watch it then call my grandma about it
57. get married: idk I didn’t think I was a get married person but since realizing I’m a lesbian it seems like a good idea!
58. career: nurse and a writer. I might just move to London and work double time to write enough scripts I have some street cred then pitch a TV adaptation of Faction Paradox to the BBC and win
which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs bc it means my friends are in my vicinity not Toronto
60. lips or eyes: uh. eyes???????????
61. shorter or taller: i’m 5′3″ and I would love a tol partner
62. older or younger: i don’t think I care
63. nice arms or stomach: what fresh hell does this mean. I’d like a nice stomach free of gastrointestinal issues and acid reflux. not that I have either of those but just in case
64. hookup or relationship: I have 300 many self-esteem issues so imma say relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant: AU where I don’t have anxiety and I’m a trouble maker
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: noop
67. drank hard liquor: I PUT RUM IN THE WASSAIL HELL YEAH also once someone bought me a shot at a queer dance thing bc it was payday and my friend told me to gulp the WHOLE SHOT and then the lemonade so I don’t barf and I was like “brah this is too high-stakes” so I poured the vodka in the lemonade and took sips and everyone stared at me
68. lost glasses: in grade 6 and then my mom threatened to make me wear one of those granny glasses chains so I never lost them again
69. turned someone down: ya this kid Cyrus used to chase me around in grade 5 and I’d run away always he was weird af one time he made out with a folder right in front of me in the middle of class
70. sex on first date: probs not at this point but I’m not opposed to the general idea when I’m less w h a c k e d  u p
71. broken someones heart: Not that I know of?
72. had your heart broken: c o n s i s t e n t l y in the most fricked up ways god
73. been arrested: no but once I booed at the police bc the local nazis (yeah) were gonna have a rally so we had a counter-rally and I dropped in but there were no nazis except one old dude in a MAGA hat showed up 2 hours late lmao
74. cried when someone died: oui
75. fallen for a friend: Big Lesbian Mood
do you believe in
76. yourself: YA BB
77. miracles: not as such
78. love at first sight: nah
79. santa claus: I wasn’t allowed to believe in Santa as a child bc he was “too much like God” sad
80. kiss on a first date: ye!
81. angels: big no
82. best friend’s name: I don’t exactly have a proper best friend but I’m goin with Liam
83. eye colour: blue/grey
84. fave movie: either The Force Awakens (bc I love bb8 and I’m gay 4 Rey) or Interstellar shut up
85. fave actor: uh idk let’s go with my brother
WOW THAT WAS LONG JEE🅱️US. I’m tagging @houseofoakdown @spoonietimelordy @gemvictorfromtheponyverse @spockswhales @raesand and that exhausts the ppl I know but you’re all worth quadruple in my heart 💖
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xanaxtheclown · 6 years
Rules: Answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
i made @coffeeandcabeswater​ tag me in this hope you enjoy 
also realise some of these replies sound like they came from an 8 ball so you’re welcome
— What was your last…
1. Drink: water 
2. Phone call: dont call people but i face timed my mum and dad
3. Text message: Now? x (confirming said face time with my mum)
4. Song you listened to: just a stranger by kali uchis feat steve lacy 
5.Time you cried: not for a while so i can’t actually remember 
— Have you ever…
6. Dated someone twice: nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: dont think so
8. Been cheated on: cant be cheated on if you dont date my guy
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: oh all the time 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: unfortunately
— Fave colours
12. navy blue
13. burgundy
14. gold 
— In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: yep
16. Fallen out of love: something like that 
17. Laughed until you cried: i think so
18. Found out someone was talking about you: its the teenage experience
19. Met someone who changed you: most of the important people in my life have changed me for the good so yes
20. Found out who your friends are: kind of but i run a tight ship anyway
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list: yep
— General
22. How many your Facebook friends do you know irl: all of them apart from randoms i met drunk
24. Do you want to change your name: not at all i like my first name
25. What did you do for your last birthday: had a house party with friends from back home 
26. What time did you wake up today: 1 cause my sleep schedule is terrible
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: not to be boring but probably revision
28. What is something you can’t wait for: just finishing my exams which will be on the 9th may 
29. What is your favourite animal: im gonna say dogs as i own two and am therefore biased
30. What are you listening to right now: say you love me by nakala
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: well i work with one lmao
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: working myself up about my exam tomorrow 
33. Most visited website: tumblr or youtube i guess
34. Hair colour: dark brown/auburn its been dyed a few times
35. Long or short hair: very long as im growing it out
36. Do you have a crush on someone: um whos asking
37. What do you like about yourself: i want to say im compassionate
38. Want any piercings: some more in my ear maybe a cartilage piercing 
39. Blood type: A+ 
40. Nicknames: millie or mills sometimes em
41. Relationship status: single
42. Sign: cancer 
43. Pronouns: she/her
44. Fave tv show: i dont watch many but maybe sense8
45. Tattoos: nope
46. Right or left handed: right
47. Ever had surgery: hand surgery a month ago 
48. Piercings: just one piercing in each ear 
49. Sport: yeah i dont fuck with that sorry
50. Vacation: maybe japan?
51. Trainers: i usually wear old skool vans or scuffed adidas trainers its a look
— More General
52. Eating: chocolate cause im stress eating
53. Drinking: still water 
54. I’m about watch: whatevers in my subscriptions
55. Waiting for: this academic year to finally end
56. Want: to work on my mental health 
57. Get married: i think so
58. Career: i couldnt say to be honest perhaps an author 
— Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses: im indifferent 
60. Lips or eyes: you know what both
61. Taller or shorter: probably shorter im 5′8
62. Older or younger: i think older but im not bothered
63. Nice arms or stomach: arms
64. Hookups or relationships: relationship
65. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant? troublemaker if prompted
— Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger: no
67. Drank hard liquor: yikes lol
68. Turned someone down: yeah
69. Sex on first date: unlikely but if the situation arises 
70. Broken someone’s heart: probably not
71. Had your heart broken: no
72. Been arrested: not yet 
73. Cried when someone died: yes
74. Fallen for a friend: im gay so inevitably
— Do you believe in
75. Yourself: hey im trying 
76. Miracles: dont think so
77. Love at first sight: i think you can be infatuated with someone at first sight but im a realist so yeah
78. Santa Claus: im 19 its just not realistic
79. Angels: perhaps
— Misc
80. Eye colour: light green
81. Best friend’s name: hannah lydia and alanna to name a few
82. Favourite movie: i flit through them a lot and will probably kick myself later but atomic blonde because i like charlize theron and the 80s
83. Favourite actor: john boyega probably
84. Favourite cartoon: its an anime but i do enjoy some sailor moon
85. Favourite teacher’s name: im in uni and i barely show up to class so like
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i was tagged by @2kgayteen
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1.      last drink: C O F F E E E E E E (i drink way too much)
2.     last phone call: my dad
3.     last text message: idk when my last text was but the last message i sent was to my bff on discord
4.     last song you listened to: gotta go my own way (still hits me in the feels)
5.     last time you cried: like 5 minutes ago reading a fic and being assaulted by all these sad songs playing on shuffle on spotify (r00d)
6.     dated someone twice? honey, i haven’t even dated someone once
7.     kissed someone and regretted it? nope
8.     been cheated on? hell nah
9.     lost someone special? yeah :/
10.   been depressed? fuck yeah, im depressed right now! have been for nearly two months! :))
11.   gotten drunk and thrown up? i’ve been drunk, yeah, but not enough to throw up…yet
fave colours:
12.   green
13.   blue
14.   red
in the last year have you…
15.   made new friends? yes! a few, surprisingly
16.   fallen out of love? what is love? i don’t know her
17.   laughed until you cried? so fucking much
18.   found out someone was talking about you? …not that i know of? im not worth talking about tbh
19.   met someone who changed you? kind of? i mean, she kinda inspires me to start believing in myself and to stop being so negative all the time? it’s a work in progress.
20.  found out who your friends are? yeah
21.   kissed someone on your facebook friends list? lmao i’ve never been kissed, so that’s a HELL NO
22.  how many of your facebook friends do you know irl? most of them, since they’re classmates…and then there’s, like, one online friend
23.  do you have any pets? a DOGGO called texas which??? is a v weird name for an italian greyhound??? but he belongs to my sister, so, yeah, that makes sense
24.  do you want to change your name? no thanks
25.  what did you do for your last birthday? i had an ASSESSMENT on my last birthday and it was the first day back at school after the holidays. so i spent the morning at home memorising my speech (it was about how we shouldn’t have a plebiscite for gay marriage) and then in the afternoon i gave my speech and i fucking nailed it (all those hours crying and stressing wasted, apparently). then in the evening dad and i watched skam s3 while drinking champagne and getting emo. good times.
26.  what time did you wake up today? like 6:30
27.  what were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping. how boring. just like me :D
28.  what is something you cant wait for?
29.  what are you listening to right now? shuffle just started playing NOW OR NEVER from HSM3��my favourite song :)
30.  have you ever talked to a person named tom? yeah. my uncle, one of my dad’s friends, and then a family friend’s son: all toms.
31.   something that’s getting on your nerves? my writing :))
32.  most visited website: AO3 and imgur—fanfic and memes are the loves of my life
33.  hair colour: brown
34.  long or short hair: short
35.  do you have a crush on someone? what’s a crush? idk her
36.  what do you like about yourself? my bizarre sense of humour bc that’s the only reason i have any friends rn. other than that, don’t think i’ve got too much going for me lol
37.  want any piercings? nope. im way too chicken for that stuff.
38.  blood type: i…have no idea.
39.  nicknames: sass/sassy, super sassy, sassy sausage, the crumbler, and my personal fave: special fred
40.  relationship status: SINGLE would rather not mingle thnaks
41.   zodiac: cancer
42.  pronouns: she/her
43.  fave tv shows: skam, bones, game of thrones, stranger things, avatar: the last airbender, buffy the vampire slayer, angel, star wars: the clone wars, outlander
44.  tattoos: don’t have any, would love a darth vader one though ksdjfkdjsf
45.  right or left handed: right
46.  ever had surgery: nope
47.  piercings: none
48.  sport: dancing (ballet) for most of my childhood, and hockey for like one year.
49.  vacation: i really wanna go to norway (the dream) and scotland and go to america again
50.  trainers: ???
more general
51.   eating: rn? chocolate. specifically toblerone. a huge block. probably not helping me lose weight but oh well.
52.  drinking: C O F F E E E E E E (i need help)
53.  im about to watch: im probably going to rewatch some shane dawson videos. my fave thing to do when im depressed. i love shane.
54.  waiting for: CLASSES TO START bc im going a creative writing degree and a part-time acting course and im so fucking excited it’s gonna be good
55.  want: to lose some weight, to get my shit together, to be more confident in my writing
56.  get married: yike. no thnaks :/
57.  career: the dream would be as an actress. or just anything in the entertainment industry. i fucking love performing arts.
which is better
58.  hugs or kisses: hugs!
59.  lips or eyes: eyes
60.  shorter or taller: either
61.   older or younger: im…assuming this is for dating, so both, i guess? depends how much older/younger
62.  nice arms or stomach: arms all the way
63.  hookup or relationship: :/ not really keen on either…
64.  troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant, i guess
have you ever:
65.  kissed a stranger: no
66.  drank hard liquor: ohhh yes
67.  lost glasses: …yep
68.  turned someone down: lmao no bc no one is interested in me :))
69.  sex on first date: nope
70.  broken someone’s heart: don’t think so.
71.   had your heart broken: yeah :/
72.  been arrested: no
73.  cried when someone died: yeah
74.  fallen for a friend: yes
do you believe in:
75.  yourself: lol no :/ but im trying
76.  miracles: no
77.  love at first sight: no
78.  santa claus: definitely not
79.  kiss on a first date: sure
80.  angels: yes, i believe in tarjei sandvik moe
81.   best friend’s name: MACK
82.  eye colour: hazel
83.  fave movie: SPACEBALLS
84.  fave actor: i have a whole laundry list of actors i love, but my absolute faves are tarjei sandvik moe and henrik holm!
im gonna tag: @evensdramaticshenanigans @vildenooras @u-pside-d-own @valtermeme 
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maireep · 7 years
WAS TAGGED BY: @lavabait
TAGGING: i tag no one its like 4 in the morning
1. DRINK: diet coke (forgive me lord) 2. PHONE CALL: a missed call from my friend jules rip :(  3. TEXT MESSAGE: i texted a meme to my coworkers’ groupchat 4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: kill of the night by gin wigmore 5. TIME YOU CRIED: like maybe a week ago? im a cry baby 6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE: a mistake a while ago but yes 7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: ye 8. BEEN CHEATED ON: yup 9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: yes 10. BEEN DEPRESSED: i am right now!!!!!!! BAZINGA!!!!!!! 11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: all the time! my stomach is weak on drinks :<
12. sunflower yellow 13. seafoam 14. navy
15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: yes ;w; <3 i love them!!! 16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: yes 17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: i laugh until i pee all the fucking time 18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: ugh yeah but idk if it was a good/bad thing 19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: yes ;w; rolls around happily 20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: :> this year has been a good year for finding out true friends 21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: yea
22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: 75% of it! but like 25% not yet :(  23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: DOBBY my cute little boy with his fluffy ears 24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: all the time 25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: nothing like i do every year bc no one is around to celebrate with me 26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: 8:50ish ! i had work at 10 even though i was out drinking till 4 lol 27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: i was at the second house party of the night, drinking heavily in honor of coming back to school 28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: posting updates for my fics! and posting my spy au eventually!!!  29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: like 5 hours ago 32. HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: my dad’s name is tom  33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: the fact that my back is hurting :(  34. MOST VISITED WEBSITE: tumblr? youtube????? maybe gmail...  35. HAIR COLOUR: an ugly pink-blonde 36. LONG OR SHORT HAIR: i like short hair a lot!  37. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: mmhm 38. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: can i say nothing? ummm maybe my thighs? 39. PIERCINGS: four dermal hip piercings, six ear piercings and im hoping to get four more ear piercings and a lip one! 40. BLOOD TYPE: O i think 41. NICKNAME: mai, mar, marbles, maimai 42. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: we’re on a break for school time :>  43. ZODIAC: capricorn! 44. PRONOUNS: she/her 45. FAVOURITE TV SHOW: 3d tv show? game of thrones! its the only one i watch regularly ;w;  46. TATTOOS: a horrifying gang tattoo, my star and my voltron tattoo! im gonna get a gorillaz one soon! 47. RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED: right handed! 48. SURGERY: tonsil removal :3c 50. SPORT:  soccer! hockey! i watch a lot of baseball surprisingly  51. VACATION: do i want one? yes!!! is that the question? is it my favorite vacation? might be the last one i went on; ireland! i also liked going to connecticut :>  52. PAIR OF TRAINERS:  converse~ and vans :3c i think i look cool in them 
53. EATING: nothin 54. DRINKING: water now :> 55. I’M ABOUT TO: finish this and then maybe sleep? finally?  56. WAITING FOR: my back to stop hurting... or maybe for me to finish writing this first part of the spy auuuu  57. WANT: wings......or chocolate cake pls :9 or a fuckin aleve for my aching jooooints 58. GET MARRIED: one day <3 59. CAREER: pls god let me a freelance artist... or a major illustrator! or a tattoo artist 60. HUGS OR KISSES: i love kissing so much.... i do like cuddles more than anything though 61. LIPS OR EYES: both! im gay 62. SHORTER OR TALLER: either :>  63. OLDER OR YOUNGER:  either again wheeheee 64. NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: fuckin bOTH god im just... everything is bueno 65. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship 66. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: im a troublemaker tbh
67. KISSED A STRANGER: yes ugh 68. DRANK HARD LIQUOR:  ya  69. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: yeS i dropped my glasses on a rollercoaster once 70. TURNED SOMEONE DOWN:  yeah 71. SEX ON THE FIRST DATE:  yes ugh unfortunately 72. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: i dunno probably not that important for that  73. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: yes
74. BEEN ARRESTED: almost 75. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: yes 76. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: yes!! im demi
77. YOURSELF:  sometimes?  78. MIRACLES: no 79. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: kinda 80. SANTA CLAUS: no
81. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: if it feels right!
82. ANGELS:  in a sense
84. EYE COLOUR:  blue 85. FAVOURITE MOVIE: thatS SO HARDDDDD ugh probably princess mononoke 
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al1studies · 7 years
question tag
hey!! i was tagged by @sakura-studyblr to answer these questions about myself <3 under the cut!
i’m tagging some new mutuals who i’d love to get to know, but of course you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to! (and if you’ve done it already, send me the link!) @martiestudies @fsstudies @m1n4 @babypandii-studyblr @astrnomy
1. Drink: decaf mocha frap
2. Phone call: o wow i don’t even know? probably my doctor. i don’t make a lot of phone calls
3. Text message: the soonseok net group chat
4. Song you listened to: aju nice by seventeen :’))) i was having a throwback party while i was driving lmao and that was the first song i ever listened to by them!
5. Time you cried: last monday or tuesday? i’d reached out to an old good friend of mine after we ended on questionable terms 4 years ago and she responded and i sobbed for 45 minutes sdjfsjd (and we’ve been talking every day since)
6. Dated someone twice: i’ve never dated but tbh i’d probably do this bc i’m a gemini
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: i’ve never kissed someone! 0:
8. Been cheated on: soonseok cheat on me with each other every day
9. Lost someone special: yeah
10. Been depressed: bitch i’m depressed all day every day
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope!
12. hmmm, light blue, millennial pink, and bright yellow!
13. o frick i did this wrong
14. ^
15. Made new friends: yes!
16. Fallen out of love: i fall in and out of love every single day at least once blame it on the cancer moon, gemini sun combo
17. Laughed until you cried: ya my dude
18. Found out someone was talking about you: not exactly but me and the captain of my mock trial team found out these members were talking shit abt how we were running things and the cap called them out y*kes
19. Met someone who changed you: of course!
20. Found out who your friends are: this is too deep, pls it’s 1:23 p.m.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope!
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i don’t use fb anymore so idk
23. Do you have any pets: yes! i have a shih-tzu called cupcake and a cat called riesling and i love them with all my heart
24. Do you want to change your name: mmmm kind of, i love my name but sometimes it’s not gender neutral enough for me
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: my best friends threw me a surprise party and we watched john tucker must die :’)
26. What time did you wake up: i woke up once at 7 then went back to sleep for another 3 hours
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: i was reading fanfiction i think???
28. Name something you can’t wait for: SEVENTEEN IN CHICAGO
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 20 minutes ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my birthday. listen i know that’s weird but listen, if The Mother would’ve just held it in for another 16 hours, i would share a birthday with KWON SOONYOUNG instead of donald trump.
31. What are you listening to right now: nothing, cafe sounds around me i guess lol
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i live in The Rurals, of course i have
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: humans
34. Most visited websites: ao3, tumblr, twitter, google drive
35. Mole/s: ya
36. Mark/s: a ton! i’m freckled as frick, n i have this cute mark on the side of my wrist and one on my right boob l o l
37. Childhood dream: i wanted to be a vet for a long time but then it switched to writer
38. Hair color: dark, almost-black brown
39. Long or short hair: neither?? it’s like a little past my shoulders
40. Do you have a crush on someone: no comment
41. What do you like about yourself: im gay
42. Piercings: just the standard ear ones!
43. Blood type: i don’t know djfdjsfajd
44. Nickname: cam, cami, millie
45. Relationship status: in love with lee seokmin
46. Zodiac: gem sun, cancer moon, cancer rising, cancer dominant
47. Pronouns: they/she, i fluctuate b/w what i prefer a lot so they/them is probably safe but if we’re good friends you can use she/her!
48. Favorite TV show: stranger things, scream mtv, how to get away with murder
49. Tattoos: none but i might get one that says “As Hasari” (to heal) in victoria schwab’s handwriting on my wrist!
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: do wisdom teeth count
52. Hair dyed in different color: nope
53. Sport: i don’t play but i watch a lot of tennis. serena, venus, and muguruza are my queens
54. same
55. Vacation: philippines :( the motherland
56. Pair of trainers: i’m wearing adidas gazelles rn
57. Eating: a bagel with creme cheese
58. Drinking: coffee atm but i’d rather be drinking tea
59. I’m about to: get shit done at the bookstore café
61. Waiting for: my depression to take a frickin hike
62. Want: seventeen hitouch tickets
63. Get married: yes!!! one day, and this song will be my first dance
64. Career: i don’t really want to do just one thing! i’d like to be an editor for a publishing company at some point, but i’d also love to teach english abroad (asia, preferably PH bc i want to give back to my mother country) or work in google’s secret lab where i know they’re making that shit you only see in sci-fi movies
65. Hugs or kisses: both!!
66. Lips or eyes: sdjfasjdfjdfj lips tbh. i love a man/woman with nice lips
67. Shorter or taller: taller!
68. Older or younger: older just bc i’m 18 and would never date a minor or someone in high school lol
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: dksfsjdf i don’t really know but i love soft tummies and soft arms?? i’m not rly into super ripped/muscly guys (girls, on the other hand...)
71. Sensitive or loud: i mean u can be both
72. Hook up or relationship: i would say hook up but i know i would catch feelings so .. relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: ehhh for a significant other?? not really either, i wouldn’t date someone who gets me into too much trouble but i also wouldn’t date someone who can’t live a little
74. Kissed a Stranger: no!
75. Drank hard liquor: nope
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: lmao every day my dude
77. Turned someone down: yes
78. Sex on the first date: i probably would, but i haven’t
79. Broken someone’s heart: i hope not??? djfjasdf
80. Had your heart broken: nope, i’m dead inside
81. Been arrested: no thank god, i’d probably have a nervous breakdown, not because of the police, but because my filipino mother would skin me alive
82. Cried when someone died: yeah
83. Fallen for a friend: NO DHJFAHSDFHSHF
84. Yourself: i mean .. sometimes
85. Miracles: yes
86. Love at first sight: ehhh no
87. Santa Claus: no
88. Kiss on the first date: yea, that’s how you know whether or not to keep them (i’m mostly joking but also kind of not)
90. Current best friend name: megan, emily, zoe
91. Eye color: brown, basically black
92. Favorite movie: inside out and crazy stupid love :(( i can’t decide !!
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37h4n0l · 7 years
Tagged by: @bluetheon​ Thank you, my dude <3
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
1. drink: Mineral water, as is the case 90% of the time 2. phone call: To my aunt about the public transport strike, damn this company honestly, they keep happening exactly when I have to go somewhere 3. text message: To my aunt, about the same thing as above 4. song you listened to: Sleep inside by Lilium 5. time you cried: A serious amount and not just shedding a tear or so? A few weeks ago, alone and at home fortunately, and I don’t remember what it was about. One of my internal hissyfits, probably. Imagine being able to rile yourself up on your own so much that you cry. Just end me hahahha. 6. dated someone twice: I’m not sure how to interpret the question; I haven’t gotten in and out of a relationship with anyone, but I’ve been on multiple dates in my current one. 7. kissed someone and regretted it: Middle school something something bottle game something. 8. been cheated on: No, but I’ve been bamboozled and fucked over already, I don’t know which is preferable among the two. 9. lost someone special: I think this is about death, so no. Some people around me have died but no one special. 10. been depressed: Hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhaha 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Several times, and since then I don’t drink heavy liquor. 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. Bordeaux 13. Purple 14. Olive green
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. made new friends: I make friends online pretty frequently; not irl though.  16. fallen out of love: Like 3 times or so? 17. laughed until you cried: The opposite is more frequent, sometimes it happens that I’m crying or am about to cry and just summarizing the situation in my head and thinking about the fact that I’ll come out of it gets me a rush of happiness? I kept wondering what this was for a long time and now I’ve finally read about it, it’s a sort of self-instigation of your brain’s gratification centre and a lot of people can do it, nuns in particular when they show a spontaneous joy for God when asked. Random fact of the day. 18. found out someone was talking about you: I found implications of people talking about me in a very creepy and stalkerish fashion, which I didn’t appreciate. Weren’t talking smack at least...
19. met someone who changed you: No. 20. found out who your friends are: I found out that my online friends are important if that counts <3 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: My gf. GENERAL 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Almost of them, I’m wary of adding unknown people on fb. There are a few internet friends though. 23. do you have any pets: A cat but it doesn’t live with me :c 24. do you want to change your name: It’d be too hard to get used to even though I don’t like the current one. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Had lunch with my family lmao. 26. what time did you wake up:  Around 8:20. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Reading. 28. name something you can’t wait for: The next con maybe? 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: About 1-2 months ago. 31. what are you listening to right now: The obnoxious sound of cars and motorbikes outside my window. 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: He was the prof who prepared me for the SAT which I had to take for absolutely no reason; we had political disagreements but he was nice overall. Said he’d give me a B if I was in his class, but I’m not a native speaker so I get a free pass. 33. something that is getting on your nerves: Do you really need the complete list? People who thrive on ruining things for no reason Postmodernism. I am talking about postmodernism. People who insist too much when you already told them not to Book critics who review books the subject matter of which they don’t understand One person in particular People who wake you up or try to talk to you while you’re reading or listening to music 34. most visited website: This garbage site probably lmao. 35. hair colour: Blonde 36. long or short hair: Right now it’s a bad, undefinable mid-length but I might grow it out, we’ll see. 37. do you have a crush on someone: I have a girlfriend. 38. what do you like about yourself: This was a particularly tough one but probably the fact that I’m not a postmodernist. 39. want any piercings: Nah. I have two holes in one of my ears already though. 40. blood type: I don’t know the AB classification (and literally no one in my family does either) but I know it’s Rh negative. 41. nickname: Edge 42. relationship status: Taken 43. zodiac: Cancer. It’s a sign I hate, by the way. 44. pronouns: She/her 45. favourite tv show: If anime counts; 91 Days. If it doesn; ATLA. 46. tattoos: As if I need one more unchangeable thing in my life that I’m gonna take to the grave when blank slate theory has been disproven... 47. right or left handed: Right 48. surgery: Had birthmarks removed since they could become cancerous. 49. piercing: See above. 50. sport: I normally jog, I’m just slacking now in the last days of vacation. 51. vacation: Anywhere interesting? I don’t really have preferences, it just needs to be comfortable. 52. pair of trainers: I have 4 pairs of usable shoes, the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Flip-flops for home, sandals for wherever as long as it’s hot, a cheap pair Chinese of leather (?) shoes for when it’s too cold for sandals or I have to walk a lot and boots for winter. The only trainers I have are the ones for jogging, I don’t wear them outside.  MORE GENERAL 53. eating: Nothing but will soon. 54. drinking: W a t e r 55. im about to: Eat.
56. waiting for: Food. 57. want: A lot more books, a lot more time, and the one single volume of Devilman I can’t find anywhere. 58. get married: Perhaps? 59. career: No clue yet, I just hope my life won’t be insignificant and monotonous.
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: Why do I have to choose?
61. lips or eyes: Both? 62. shorter or taller: I’m irritated by people who are too tall; shorter and same height is alright. 63. older or younger: Younger 64. nice arms or nice stomach: These don’t even register as sexual body parts to me. I’m gay. 65. hook up or relationship: Relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: Depends on the situation and the amount of conviction. HAVE YOU EVER 67. kissed a stranger: Nope. 68. drank hard liquor: Yes, and I don’t anymore. 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Multiple times. 70. turned someone down: I can’t count it on one hand. 71. sex on the first date: Nope. 72. broken someone’s heart: I have no idea, if I have they haven’t told me. 73. had your heart broken: A long time ago, maybe. 74. been arrested: Nope. 75. cried when someone died: Nope. 76. fallen for a friend: 1.5 times. I won’t go into explaining why ‘half’. 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 77. yourself: I fucking wish fam. 78. miracles: Coincidences, maybe.  79. love at first sight: I know it’s a thing that happens with a biological basis. Hasn’t happened to me though. I need to know I can trust people first.  80. santa claus: I AM Santa Claus. 81. kiss on the first date: Can’t see the reason why since you don’t even really know the person yet... Why not though. 82. angels: Not really. OTHER 83. current best friends name: Everyone I’m close to on Discord and none of them is prioritized over the others. 84. eye colour: Greyish blue-something. 85. favorite movie: Either The Prestige or Memento.
I don’t really have time to tag so I’ll just throw the usual homies in here. Not gonna be 20 though. @fallingintheblue @chvvva @suicidefordummies @g0re-whore @cinnanami 
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starrykiwis · 7 years
i was tagged by @thepinkufo to answer this 92 truths thingy thank uuuu agatha my love,, well i did it quite a while ago but here i am again. hope u had a nice day.

[1] drink: water

[2] phone call: my sister i guess

[3] text message: my sister

[4] song you listened to: landslide by fleetwood mac thank u agatha for sending me that audio i loved it

[5] time you cried: like... a month ago or a few weeks ago

 [6] dated someone twice: nope

[7] been cheated on: nah

[8] kissed someone and regretted it: i havent reaaally kissed anyone... ever

[9] lost someone special: yep

[10] been depressed: idk tbh i’d say . . .almost or maybe

[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: no omg i h8 throwing up ugh,,, not to be random but i recently found out i like beer.. .  no one asked but i’m saying it anyway bye

[12] purple

[13] yellow

[14] orange

[15] made new friends: i did i’m happy bout it

[16] fallen out of love: noooo  oo 

[17] laughed until you cried: thanks lord i have it’s gr8

[18] found out someone was talking about you: idk really idc

[19] met someone who changed you: yeah i guess so

[20] found out who your true friends are: hm no

[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: again, no

[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: basically everyone i don’t have too many people on my fb

[23] do you have any pets: one dog, my angel

[24] do you want to change your name: no i don’t

[25] what did you do for your last birthday: hm i watched the olympics on tv and yeah spent the day with my family at home doing nothing at all i don’t really like birthdays tbh

[26] what time did you wake up: today at 10am i’ve been sleeping a lot lately

[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping

[28] name something you cannot wait for: finding myself somehow? also coming out as a lesbian (i guess?) bc i’m fucking claustrophobic in this closet binch narnia can choke bye

[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: i live w her and she’s in the same room as me <3

[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: not a lot actually? it’s not abt my life at all, it’s me ..my life is okay

[31] what are you listening to right now: the tv but i’m not paying attention as usual

[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: i don’t think so lol

[33] something that is getting on your nerves: myself (leaving agatha’s answer here)

[34] most visited website: lately i’d say youtube and tio google mesmo

[35] elementary: nice

[36] high school: it was okay a bit messy but okay

[37] college: i’m about to start uni next month send me good vibes

[38] hair colour: brown

[40] do you have a crush on someone: atm i don’t think so (((and btw agatha i love u)))

[41] what do you like about yourself? i can easily see beauty in stuff

[42] piercings: just the ears and i dont like it but it wasnt my choice

[43] blood type: A+ (i spent a lot time thinking it was O+ wtf)

[44] nickname: isa, ing, indie

[45] relationship status: *sighs* i’m single and gay

[46] zodiac sign: leo don’t judge me

[47] pronouns: she/her

[48] fav tv show(s): everything and every type of stuff? okay then pll, criminal minds, madeline, friends, fresh prince of bel air, voltron. . .idk i forgot something whats my name where am i oh hi

[49] tattoos: i want flowers!!! but i have none atm rip

[50] right or left handed: right handed

[51] surgery: i took some teeth out

[52] piercing: ears

[53] best friend: julia i guess she was my neighbour

[54] sport: swimming

[55] vacation: i cant rmr rn lol

[56] pair of trainers: cant rmr

[57] eating: hm i guess fruits

[58] drinking: milk from my mother surely (leaving agatha’s answer again)

[59] i’m about to: sigh

[60] listening: nothing specific

[61] waiting for: watch dunkirk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11khkshjskfhdjJHSKJASHKJ

[62] want: to meet the sea again during the night and feel the fresh wind in my face and the sand through my toessss

[63] get married: i don’t plan on that & can’t really see this happening

[64] career: well idk??? but.. . probably a librarian

[65] hugs or kisses: idk hugs i guess maybe both

[66] lips or eyes: idk??yeah

[67] shorter or taller: idc

[68] older or younger: my age or older

[69] romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous

[70] nice arms or nice stomach: idc

[71] sensitive or loud: hm idk whaTAT

[72] hook up or relationship: probs relationships?? idk

[73] troublemaker or hesitant: idk.. . man these were hard i’m telling you

[74] kissed a stranger? no

[75] drank hard liquor? yeah

[76] lost glasses/contact lenses? no i dont wear them

[77] turned someone down? yep

[78] sex on first date? nein

[79] broken someone’s heart? i hope not :// idk

[80] had your own heart broken? no wow

[81] been arrested? oh no

[82] cried when someone died? yes

[83] fallen for a friend: nevah

[84] yourself? sometimes...

[85] miracles? hmmm...maybe

[86] love at first sight? não

[87] santa claus? i never really did

[88] kiss on the first date? ?? w?w?it happens??obvs

[89] angels? i do

[90] current best friend’s name: i don’t have a “main” best friend. my friends are the best people ever i love them

[91] eye colour: brown

[92] favourite movies: oh omg idk im lazy rn bye!!!!
idk who to tag so yeah i’ll do it randomly @walkingintheamm @fairylightsstyles @harrystylesgotmefuckedup @magic-view @stardustsharry @harrysera @androgynoustyles (i hope u come back soon) @cheshirepuddin @eyy-jenny @mizpahes @latelatestyles @sweetcreatured ignore it if you don’t want to do this! hope yall had a nice day
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gallaxygay · 7 years
85 things
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
I was tagged by @lonerofshalott​ (thanks ash !! i fuckin love talking abt myself) 
(this is a long post, feel free to press j and just skip to the end of it) 
The Last 1. drink - orange juice (don’t let this fool u, i do not like orange juice) 2. phone call - my best friend  3. text message - ITS SO NICE AND COOL (was talking abt being back inside of canada)  4. song you listened to - little lion man by mumford & sons  5. time you cried - sometime last week when i sprained my toe 6. dated somebody twice - nope 7. kissed somebody and regretted it - Nope 8. have been cheated on - NOpe  9. lost someone special - yeah but it was a while go 10. been depressed - Here i am, in my house, being, attacked  11. gotten drunk and thrown up  - i’m, uh, 15
Favorite Colors… 12. to wear - black, blue, white 13. all shades of blue - i like really dark, almost purple blues  14. pink - uh cool so i dont know what types of pink there r i’m not to keen on any but pastel pink is sometimes ok I Guess
In The Last Year Have You 15. made new friends - yeah mate  16. fallen out of love - NOPe 17. laughed until you cried - ?? don’t think so ?  18. found out somebody was talking about you - yeah AND IT WAS MY GIRLFRIEND VAUGING ABT HER CRUSH ON ME  19. met somebody who changed you - yeP  20. found out who your friends are - maybe ? 21. kissed somebody on your Facebook list - i’m 15 yall, i don’t have facebook
General 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life - it’s me the 15 year old, 15 years, with no facebook 23. do you have any pets- i don’t im so sad i’m allergic to everything i have plants though  24. do you want to change your name - kind of don’t like my name, not enough to wish to change it  25. what did you do for your last birthday - watched a movie with some friends  26. what time did you wake up - 9:45 (i got back to canada at like, 2 in the morning)  27. what were you doing at midnight - on an airplane 28. name something you can’t wait for - the next time i see my girlfriend  29. when was the last time you saw your mom - literally like, just now  30. what are you listening to right now - a fucking jacksepticeye video I Know  31. have you ever talked to somebody named Tom - nope  32. something that is getting on your nerves - just this one kid, just him 33. most visited website - tumblr 34. hair color - black n blue (but it’s gonna be purple soon so) 35. long or short hair - i really like long hair !! 36. do you have a crush on somebody - my ? girlfriend ??? 37. what do you like about yourself - i like that im GAY (thats it)  38. piercings - ears, yo  39. blood type - dunno  40. nickname - one person in the entire world calls me jordie. i Resent  41. relationship status - in a relationship  43. zodiac - sag (i don’t know how to spell it Whoops)  44. pronouns - she/her 45. favorite tv shows - currently: voltron, rick n morty, sense8 and a couple others 46. tattoos - 15 years old  47. right or left handed - leftie  48. surgery - NOPE 49. piercing - (this ? repeated?) ears  50. sport - Nothing  51. vacation - um i was just in texas and maimi for two weeks  52. pair of trainers - just black, uniform ones for school  53. eating - um well i had pancakes for breakfast ?? 54. fav drink - i lovelovelovelove peach juice  55. what you’re up to - i’m doing this ? and just resting  56. waiting for - idk man 57. want - another plant  58. get married - do i wanna get married ? cause like yeah, that’s the plan 59. career - i wanna go into law for now, but also im 15 60. hugs or kisses: hm i like being hugged more i think 61. lips or eyes - Eyes My Dudes 62. shorter or taller - doesn’t matter ! 63. older or younger - preferably the same age  64. nice arms or nice stomach - doesn’t really matter  65. hook up or relationship - relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant - im a hesitant piece of trash so probably of troublemaker  67. kissed a stranger - ive kissed one person, ever  68. drank hard liquor - 15 Years Old  69. lost glasses/contact lenses - i fuckin drop my contacts all the time where do they go ive never found any theyre all just gone  70. turned someone down - Nah 71. sex on first date - 15 years old, is my age  72. broken someone’s heart - Nope 73. had your heart broken - Nope 74. been arrested - Nope 75. cried when someone died - Nope (hasn’t happened to anyone close to me)  76. fallen for a friend - Yeah Man (im mostly unable to distinguish the difference between platonic and romantic love) 
Do You Believe In 77. yourself -  this is a loaded one eh i’m just gonna like, leave it right where it belongs  78. miracles - sort of. i would never say that there’s just no explanation for a good thing (even if it’s sometimes nicer to have random, great things)  79. love at first sight - nah i just think that’s infatuation 80. Santa Claus - if i like, did believe in santa, then this would put a real Big question in my mind  81. kiss on the first date - i think it just depends on what youre emotionally ok with, it’s probably not for me though  82. angels - no 
Other 83. current best friends names - rebecca, peyton 84. eye color - brown !  85. favorite movie - i really liked baby driver ? probably not my favourite ever tho
ok ok ok i’m gonna tag some peeps but don’t feel any pressure to do it ! (i’d love to see ur responses tho!!) 
@novocainekneesocks @yuckierfish6 @heytheredali @mostrecentfantasy @gghastly
or just fuckin Do It and tag me 
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christenpressing · 7 years
91 Question Tag
thanks to @vanillabeanniall and @selkatha for tagging me :)
 1. Drink: Water

2. Phone call: my friend Sarah who happens to call me randomly like everyday
3. Text message: my sister- “yep” in response to my mom asking if we were okay
4. Song I listened to: Sledgehammer by Fifth Harmony (always a bop)
5. Time you cried: last monday 
 6. Dated someone twice: kind of?
7. Been cheated on: i mean not technically but my ex did flirt with someone else while we were together
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: i just don’t like spin the bottle
9. Lost someone special: yeahhh
10. Been depressed: ohhhhh boyyyyyyyy
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
 12. pastel pink
13. lavender
14. darker shades of red
 15. Made new friends: oh for sure. they’re super great and nice and i love and support them
16. Fallen out of love: never love
17. Laughed until you cried: one time in history class and bunch of my friends and i just watched a bunch of marching band fails and i died
18. Found out someone was talking about you: hahahaha yes
19. Met someone who changed you: yeah, a couple people

20. Found out who your true friends were: i believe so
 21. Kissed someone on your facebook? nope
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? a lot
23. Do you have any pets? three golden retriever rescues (comet, cinnamon, london) & four horses (scooter, eli, benny, calvin) & two betta fish (circe, rhea)
24. Do you want to change your name? i dont think so
25. What did you do on your last birthday? i went to this really nice italian restaurant with my family cause my grandma’s birthday is like right after mine so we did a combined thing
26. What time did you wake up? 10:30 which is like the first time i’ve gotten to sleep in this summer
27. What were you doing at midnight? watching phineas and ferb
28. Name something you can’t wait for: to go to north carolina to see my girlfriend and for my best friend to come home
29. When was the last time you saw your mother? yesterday

30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? i wish my girlfriend could live in my town
31. What are you listening to right now? my fan
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? yep
33. Something that is getting on your nerves? my mother trying to dictate my own relationship????
34. Most visited site: tumblr lmao
 35. Elementary: okay heres the thing i went to a private school for a long time and skipped 3rd grade BUT THEN when i transferred to public school i had to do 4th grade over again so i was with people my age again BUT THE JOKES ON THEM cause i knew everything and i was the smartest kid in the class
36. Middle: 6th grade was a nightmare i try to forget about but we did a 180 in 7th grade and i was popular (probably cause of my track career which lasted all of one year) and then 8th grade was a mess and i thought i was bi but i was actually gay so theres that
37. High: so far so good except for some drama last year but thats over with and im ready to embrace the junior year death this year (bonus: im playing soccer this year and im so out of shape lmao)
38. College: i really want to go to school up in the portland area but who knows??? major in english/education so i can be an english&creative writing teacher who also writes on their own time on the side
ME – 
 39. Hair color: brownnn but i have natural highlights so thats neat
40. Long or short hair? its long rn but imma cut it soon
41. Do you have a crush on someone? my girlfriend i guess?
42. What do you like about yourself? i ride horses really well and i never give up on things and im passionate at what i do
43. Piercings? just my ears
44. Blood type: who tf knows
45. Nickname: jules is a common one

46. Relationship status: taken by the greatest girl ever
47. Zodiac sign: capricorn
48. Pronouns: she/her
49. Favorite TV show(s): phineas and ferb, supergirl, pretty little liars (rip), girl meets world, miraculous ladybug (oops), b99
50. Tattoos: not yet but one day!!
51. Right, ambidextrous, or left-handed? right 
 52. Surgery: i had one on my pelvis in 2013? i think
53. Piercing: ears
54. Sport: i mean i’ve been around horses my whole life but didn’t start seriously riding till after i started soccer
55. Vacation: god idk i don’t even remember the first time i was on a plane. maybe disney world?
56. Pair of trainers: i dont know????
 57. Eating: nothing

58. Drinking: nothing

59. I’m about to: finish these questions
60. Listening to: my fan
 61. Waiting for: my girlfriend and i to be in the same area for once
62. Want: a successful career and a wonderful wife and daughter

63. Married: oh for sure
64. Career: teacher
 65. Hugs or kisses? depends on my mood
66. Lips or eyes? i think you can tell a lot about someone from their eyes
67. Shorter or taller? taller cause it makes me feel more safe i think
68. Older or younger? probably older but i’m good with both
69. Nice arms or nice stomach? both are wonderful
70. Sensitive or loud? i cannot STAND loud people

71. Hook-up or relationship? relationship definitely
72. Troublemaker or hesitant? hesitant i am literally the most timid person on earth
73. Kissed a stranger? nope

74. Drank hard liquor? nope

75. Lost contact lenses/glasses? i dont have either

76. Turned someone down? okay okay okay sooooo i may or may not have initially turned down my current girlfriend but i quickly changed my mind and now here we are
77. Sex on first date? depends how well you know the person
78. Broken someone’s heart? i wouldn’t say thattt but you’d have to ask my girlfriend
79. Had your heart broken? no thank god
80. Been arrested? i am a child of god
81. Cried when someone died? when i was at nationals in 2014 a horse got so freaked out when they were putting roses (the prize for winning) on him that he reared up and flipped over himself with the rider still on him (somehow she managed not to get crushed) but the horse snapped his neck once he hit the ground and died instantly and it was so awful to see and i cried for at least an hour and im still scarred
82. Fallen for a friend? a couple times
 83. Yourself? not reallyyy
84. Miracles? listen a couple happened to me last week 
85. Love at first sight? i dont think so
86. Santa Claus? no

87. Kiss on first date? oh yes
88. Angels? nah
 89. Current best friend’s name: vasi
90. Eye color: brown

91. Favorite movie: aladdin, jurassic world, the lego batman movie, beauty and the beast
i tag @kellexohara @spnife @atypicaltomato cause you guys are nerds
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cutekookie · 7 years
oh hecking heck it's been a while
an actual angel @kookminau has tagged me in a tag game thing. thank u bby 😇❤️ 
 1. drink: ribena my baby my smollest child 2. phone call: my mum bc she was tryna work out how to use facetime lmao 
3. text message: “i just woke up” classic 
4. song you listened to: look here - bangtan 5. time you cried: yesterday after i saw jm and jk in the bon voyage episode hahaha kill me 
6. dated someone twice: no thank god 7. kissed someone and regretted it: ye o boi 8. been cheated on: nah 9. lost someone special: who hasn’t 10. been depressed: ye 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: every time cries
 12-14. gold, red and pink!!!!!!
 15. made new friends: yeye❤️❤️❤️ 16. fallen out of love: on reflection p sure it was just infatuation but maybe?? 17. laughed until you cried: yeah omg 
18. found out someone was talking about you: lmao yes always 19. met someone who changed you: yes!
 20. found out who your friends are: hahaha oh boy yes!!! 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: a few actually Y I K E S
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them!! like 97% hahah 
23. do you have any pets: 3 annoying as heck but adorable doggos! 24. do you want to change your name: last name hell yeah 25. what did you do for your last birthday: i got drunk w some cool cats n had ice cream cake quality 26. what time did you wake up: 10am oops 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: i was asleep LMAO but the night before i was reading this rly angsty drarry fic bless 28. name something you can’t wait for: bts to return to aus pls and thank u.. also jikook coming out video lol i h8 myself 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like 20 mins ago ahah 
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my height :((( and my head to stop being so hecked up lmao 31. what are you listening to right now: nothing actually haha 
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: unfortunately
 33. something that is getting on your nerves: a teacher at my school who thinks ive ‘skipped’ school the past few days (side note: NOT MY CHOICE! I HAVE HECKING GASTRO!!!!!) 
34. most visited website: tumblr.com/search/jikook (and fb n shit i guess) 
35. mole/s:one on my neck and one on my cheek ?? i think??but they tiny so not sure if the class as moles lmao 36. mark/s: some faint scars on my knees and face from operations and also a birthmark on my toe! 
37. childhood dream: to be a palleingtologist .. fuck i cant even spell it now. the one where you dig up dinosaurs and shit.  
38. hair colour: black kms school wont let me have bright red.. the second ive graduated tho ill be a firetruck again 39. long or short hair: rn its short as but im tryna grow it out 
40. do you have a crush on someone: yes ❤️ 41. what do you like about yourself: my lips/teeth?? sounds strange but idk i have kinda nice lips n my teeth are p bright n straight so?? 42. piercings: oh god okay bear w me: four on each earlobe, rook, cartlidge, lip. had a second cartilidge, but it fell out. had a second lip piercing, but it fell out. had a septum but then i didnt like it anymore lmao 
43. blood type: no clue tbh 
44. nickname: bumblebee/bee 
45. relationship status: i have a gf kinda not officially 
but p much?? 46. zodiac: capricorn 
47. pronouns: she/her 
 48. favourite tv show: ooo theres a lot. i rly like Shadowhunters and trashy reality stuff tho ;; 
49. tattoos: not yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
50. right or left handed: right handed 
51. surgery: knee, tonsils removed, and lip bc i managed to split it open when i was 2 lmao,, wild 52. piercing: im like at least 99.9% sure this was already a q 53. sport: swimming and dancing are the only ones i like participating in, but tennis is cool to watch!! 55. vacation: just went to the usa which was amazing, but have been to fiji, bali, italy, and usa (2 times now) 
56. pair of trainers: i mean the pair of shoes ive owned the longest is a pair of high top red converse lmao come at me joon 
57. eating: chips lmao 
58. drinking: nothing 
59. i’m about to: probably read smth idk 
61. waiting for: bedtime im so tired rip 62. want: be happy and also get a photo with jeon jeongguk before i die 63. get married: well @ government make it legal for gays to marry then maybe i can lmao 64. career: maybe a teacher?? idk 65. hugs or kisses: both !!!! i love affection in all forms 66. lips or eyes: usually eyes 
67. shorter or taller: usually taller but my current gf-not-gf is TINY and shes the cutest omg 
68. older or younger: doesnt matter just not a big gap lmao 
70. nice arms or nice stomach: ???? nice heart 
71. sensitive or loud: i mean loud bc same but sensitive bc thats cool too idk??
72. hook up or relationship: relationship for sure 
73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant lmao
 74. kissed a stranger: yeah, back when i was tryna prove i was a Heterosexual 
75. drank hard liquor: every time a massive mistake 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: yes :((( but they always turn up eventually 77. turned someone down: yeah 78. sex on the first date: idk depends on the person?? 79. broken someone’s heart: 
yeah 80. had your heart broken: yeppo 
81. been arrested: nah im a cry baby and terrified of getting in trouble lol 
82. cried when someone died: of course 
83. fallen for a friend: certainly crushed on a friend idk bout fallen tho
 84. yourself: eh *vague hand gestures* 
85. miracles: maybe,,,, idk 86. love at first sight: nah. i believe in infatuation at first site, and great affection or attraction at first site, but not love. 87. santa claus: i want to in my child heart but nah hhaha. believed until i was 12 tho lmao 
88. kiss on the first date: if ur both down yeah sure why not 89. angels: park jimin exists, so... but yeah maybe?? idk
90. current best friend’s name: roman n jay god bless 91. eye colour: hazel leaning more on the brown side 92. favourite movie: oh gosh um???? a lot???? few faves are train to busan (killed me), moana, aladdin, mulan, ummmm idk disney and superhero movies and sometimes horrors haha
I TAG: @mindyourfuckinglanguage & @satansgaypornblog p certain jay doesnt even use this any more but fuck it lmao. also @inbts bc u were in my activity also i dont know how else to say hi but by tagging u in a post... so hi!❤️
thank u goodnight as usual feel free to do it if i didnt tag u live ur dreams have fun bye jikook is real
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spacefuneral · 7 years
92 Questions Tag
Tagged by @marshcrone (thank uuuuuuu <3)
Answer the questions and tag 20 people.
I don’t normally tag ppl on this blog but like: @spacetacular, @webkitten, @vullok, @bonusdisk, @tra-law, @i-say-spooky-you-say-scary, @impaxt uhhh that’s about all i can think of rn but if anyone wants to do it just tag me~
THE LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: my mom and i talked about financial woes 3. Text message: i think dub sent me a text to come downstairs lmfao 4. Song you listened to: to be alone with you by sufjan stevens 5. Time you cried: i cried yesterday in the shower lol im a crybaby HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: no 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: yes and i still hate him! (~: 8. Been cheated on: probably 9. Lost someone special: yah kinda it’s whatever 10. Been depressed: chronically my dude 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yknow i dont think ive ever puked while drunk LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. uhhh in no particularly order i guess: mint 13. pastel pink or purple 14. soft orange hues IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yah 16. Fallen out of love: hmmm with something im sure. waka flocka maybe 17. Laughed until you cried: probably im a chuckle fuck 18. Found out someone was talking about you: uh idr 19. Met someone who changed you: i dont think so lol 20. Found out who your friends are: i know my pals 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: i kiss someone on my fb list everyday my dude she’s called My Girlf GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: probably like all of them save for a few old rp pals 24. Do you want to change your name: i wanna change my last name for sure 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: i went to my parents’ i think and ate w/e steak at a Joe Crabshack-esque Maine specific food place but it was fun 26. What time did you wake up: 1pm bc i got up at 9am and was like Nope 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: going 2 bed but i think dub and i talked about fucked up animals for a while 28. Name something you can’t wait for: dinner 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: my birthday last year lol 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: no more sad 31. What are you listening right now: dub’s lil star wars game that’s impossible to pay attention to bc they speak alien and the text is so small i need 2 wear my glasses 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ??? yes?????? why do you know all of them? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: atm? nothin’ 34. Most visited Website: probably tunglr LOST QUESTIONS 35. Mole/s: i have a bazillion freckles and moles 36. Mark/s: i have just under a bazillion scars 37. Childhood dream: pop star. or a doctor. 38. Haircolour: i have no idea it’s confused 39. Long or short hair: lol i cut my hair like one of my ocs, that is 2 say it’s short and p gay 40. Do you have a crush on someone: how doesn’t?? but i will not turn into an owl and fly away from love 41. What do you like about yourself: gets drunk and doesnt get hungover 42. Piercings: nah 43. Bloodtype: A+ 44. Nickname: fish tropical fish fish tropical fish fish 45. Relationship status: dating an emo lead singer from 2008 46. Zodiac: libra 47. Pronouns: like whatever 48. Favourite TV Show: uhhhh well ive been watching a lot of Downton Abbey but idk if it’s my fave. I kinda stand by Bee & Puppycat even if it never updates. 49. Tattoos: nope 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: yah i’ve been fucked up a lot in the past from like a dog and my own stupidity and stuff u kno 52. Hair dyed in different color: ive had red, orange, and green tho the green was supposed to be more blue but nah it was green and i luved it 53. Sport: baseball 55. Vacation: beach or snow 56. Pair of trainers: im w/ kieren idk what this means?? u mean my favorite pair of shoes??? them’s my boots
57. Eating: i wish 58. Drinking: water 59. I’m about to: this 61. Waiting for: dub to say she wants to get food 62. Want: food god damn it i am a simple man 63. Get married: LOL idk maybe......................... 64. Career: im gonna be a book editor yeehaw WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: nothin’ better than a good hug 66. Lips or eyes: how cna i pickt heyre both delicious. 67. Shorter or taller: idgaf 68. Older or younger: i have limits on both ends but idc otherwise 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: i love me a tummy 71. Sensitive or loud: idc 72. Hook up or relationship: im married leave me and my wife alone 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: a lil bit of hesitant but probably a huge dollop of troublemaker HAVE YOU EVER:
74. Kissed a stranger: nah 75. Drank hard liquor: yah 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: not permanently 77. Turned someone down: yeh 78. Sex in the first date: yah i guess technically idk if it was a date but sure 79. Broken someone’s heart: idk like they can say that all they want but i dont believe my presence was ever permanent enough to actually break their heart 80. Had your heart broken: you know what no, not really, bc everything’s always worked out in the end by some miracle 81. Been arrested: nope 82. Cried when someone died: noooo. i went to a celebratory wake and got drunk off of alcoholic sherbet tho. 83. Fallen for a friend: yah both the ppl i’ve loved were my friends prior DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: lol 85. Miracles: i suppose! in some form, sure 86. Love at first sight: eh 87. Santa Claus: what....... where’s my free presents and/or coal then 88. Kiss on the first date: yah i think ive kissed mostly everyone ive kissed like immediately 89. Angels: i dont know lol that’s not something i can pretend i know anything about OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: i got a whole crew of best friends 91. Eyecolour: why is this here. i got fish eyes 92. Favorite movie: anna karenina i guess!!!
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I was tagged by @kfloser and @deliabubsy​  The last: 1. drink: Water 2. phone call: Idk I hate phones, probably to my mother 3. text message: I sent “I made meatballs with beans and rice” and got “omw” 4. song you listened to: Liability by Lorde 5. time you cried: Idk I don’t cry a lot but I got a bit teary eyed when a dog got better on the amazing dr Pol Have you ever: 6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: ya 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no 3 favorite colors: 12.  Lilac 13.  Burgundy 14.  Pink In the last year have you: 15. made new friends: Yes!! 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yes  18. found out someone was talking about you: Don’t think so  19. met someone who changed you: kinda  20. found out who your friends are:  uh yeah? Not in a horrible way  21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: No General: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them 23. do you have any pets: I have one rabbit called Ronja 24. do you want to change your name: No 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Just a family get together kinda thing 26. what time did you wake up: 11:00am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Sorting my music files  28. name something you can’t wait for: Uni, meeting my future gf 31. what are you listening to right now: Praying by Kesha 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yeah I had a Tom in my primary school class 33. something that is getting on your nerves: Job searching, Uni decisions  34. most visited website: Tumblr 35. hair colour: Naturally dark blonde/ Gold brown but i dyed it ginger 36. long or short hair: Long 39. piercings: just my ears 40. blood type: Don’t know havent been tested,  41. nicknames: Elsie, Els, Sylvia, Dankjewelsie,  42. relationship status: Single 43. zodiac: Aries 44. pronouns: she/her 
 45. favourite tv show: Call the midwife, supergirl, anything gay, gilmore girls, house md, grey’s anatomy, rizzoli and isles,  46. tattoos: No 47. right or left handed: Right 48. surgery: I got  Tympanostomy tubes placed as a kid but idk if that counts 49. piercing: only my ears but i never wear earrings 50. sport: I did speedskating, kickboxing, trampoline athletics, and self defence for a while each 51. vacation: i just came back from france and am going to paris with my cousin in a few weeks, ( HYPE)  52. pair of trainers: …….sure More general: 53. eating: not atm but i just had dinner,  54. drinking: same 55. i’m about to: watch gilmore girls some more 56. waiting for: everything to begin 57. want: comfort 58. get married:  with the right person sure 59. career: i want to become an art restorer  60. hugs or kisses: why not both 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: either but i’m pretty tall so  63. older or younger:
 near my own age idealy  64. nice arms or nice stomach: doesnt matter 65. hook up or relationship: depends on the sistuation but relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: im so hesitant omg
Have you ever: 67. kissed a stranger: no 68. drank hard liquor: no 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: no  70. turned someone down: no 71. sex on the first date: no  72. broken someone’s heart: not that i know of   73. had your heart broken: dont think so  74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: when i was small yeah  76. fallen for a friend: not really  Do you believe in: 77. yourself: sometimes 78. miracles: no 79. love at first sight: not love but i think you can know   80. santa claus: …. no?  81. kiss on the first date:  sure 82. angels: not in the biblical sense no Other: 83. current best friend’s name: I don’t have just one BEST friend  84. eye colour: blue 85. favourite movie: PRIDE  I tag : @lorelaislatte @sapphic-cupcakes @iredreamer @beziquefennelll@hermoninee-granger(you guys don’t have to but) 
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ollie-otter1 · 7 years
1) Drink: Water ofc
2) Phone call: Idk it must have been like years ago I actually made a call, texting am I right
3) Text message: To my boi Joshua Smailes <3
4) Song listened to: Elvis isn’t dead jfc thats like the best song to ever exist 
5) Time you cried: Like 20 mins ago when I saw my cat for the first time after two days
6) Dated somebody twice: Not even once, yay
7) Been cheated on: Pretty hard to when ur single all the time
8) Kissed someone and regretted it: My cats breath was pretty bad that time
9) Lost someone special: Great grandparents
10) depressed: Seasonal depression oh boy
11) Gotten drunk and puked: I don’t throw up rly when drunk I just fall asleep unless im doing more shots
Fave 3 colours:
12) Black
13) White
14) Like some sort of nice purple thats almost black and starts arguments because you cant tell if its purple or black
15) Made new friends: Well like 2 is more than 1 yay
16) Fallen out of love: Well I’m over that 4ish year crush on this straight guy (finnaly) so yeah
17) Laughed until you cried: Like all the time tbh
18) Found out someone was gossiping about you: No I’m friends with ppl who can actually keep secrets so if it happens (probs all the time because they hate me) I would never find out
19) Met someone who changed your life: Literally everyone, I could have just met you and would change my life course to live together in alaska or some gay shit
20) Found out who your true friends are: Well I got my Bro AARON and my Boi JOSH ayyyyyy
21) Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Lmao who would want this tho
(no btw)
22) Facebook friends: 210 but I accept everyone so I only talk to like 3 tops
23) Pets: I had a dog that my shitty stepdad stole, A cat that ran away but will totally come back I love you Booth pls do, and another cat that stays loyal unlike my other cat
24) Want to change your name: Like the idea but wouldnt like the change tbh
25) Did I get for my birthday: Money for driving lessons and that was literally it and I hate driving kill me
26) Time I woke up: 6:50 because the straight guys in the dorm I was in wouldnt shut the fuck up omg I hate u if ur reading this 
27) Were you doing at midnight: Trying to sleep buy ayy these straight boys kys
28) Can’t you wait for: A relationship (im so lonely)
29) Was the last time you saw your mom: Like 10 seconds ago
30) Was something you wish you could change about your life: The fact im retarded, have no social skills and spend all my free time staring at walls as I descend into my depression instead of preparing for uni
31) Are you listening to right now: Dan and Phil... yeah
33) Talked to a person named Tom: I have an uncle called tom but we dont talk
34) Is your most visited website: Probs facebook to spy on everybodies lives and why theyre better than me
35) Elementary school/primary school: Coningsby St Michaels, a bigger waste of time than my life
36) High School: went to a grammar school called Qegs can I hear a hell yeah (I fucking hate this school)
37) College: Sixth form I guess, I dont get ur american shit tbh
38) Hair colour: Gonna dye it black soon but brown rn
39) Long/short hair: Short but might grow longer for emo tbh
40) Crush: Literally a new crush every day I might be asexual but everyone can just fuck me pls
41) Do you like about yourself: I’m learning to like my body I guess but still hate everything else lol
42) Piercings: Industrial, my nose between the nostrils I cant think of the name rn, and two lobes on the same ear
43) Blood type: Wtf
44) Nickname: Ollie I guess, or O-O for my cousins
45) Relationship status: single and wanting to die
46) Zodiac: Cancer, just like what my life is
47) Pronouns: Idc tbh call be cunt for all I care
49) Tattoos: Want but no :(
50) Left or right handed: right
51) Surgery: Nearly had like 5 surgeries but dodges them all yay for body health
52) Piercings: First was the industrial, not at all painful
53) Best friend: My boi AARON CAN I HEAR A WHAT WHAT
54) Sport: Lol probs country dancing or some gay shit I did at primary because football was too straight for me
55) Vacation: Like my grandmas or something? We dont get out much
56) Pair of shoes: I still actually have my baby shoes tbh, well at least the right one, theyre so cute as well
57) Eating: Dinners ready soon idk what it is but im so hungry
58) Drinking: Water <3
59) I am about to: Games to avoid responsibility
60) Listening to: OMG I’m listening to Elvis isn’t dead ofc for like the 200th time today <3
61) Waiting for: Either death or a relationship, but we all know which will happen first (death)
62) Want to see: Alaska omg I love the geology and its so nice over there <3
63) Want to get married: If my significant other does idc either way the wedding vowes and speaches would be far too awks for me to handle
64) Career: I’d love to be a secondry school or college teacher and become poorer than I am now yay
66) Lips/eyes: Probs lips, I never remember eye color and whatnot so its probs not that important for me
67) Taller/shorter: Taller ofc
68) Younger/older: If it was a dude older ofc, if it was a chick then defo younger
69) Romantic/spontaneous: Romantic all the way, I’d love a dude to lift me by my feet and kiss me... I watch too many romantic films tbh
70) Nice arms/nice stomach: There is not better quality for a man than a cute lil beer belly omg, but for chicks nice arms are cool
71) Sensitive/loud: Sensitive, bc loud can get a bit too annoying after a while
72) Hookup/relationship: I would hate to hookup with people bc sex is just so overated 
73) Troublemaker/hesitant: Either tbh im not too bothered about this
74) Kissed a stranger: Lol nope stranger danger and whatnot
75) Drank hard liquor: Probably, I never remember what I drink
76) Lost glasses/contact lenses: I never buy new pairs, I loose them and are forced to buy another
77) Turned someone down: The one guy who had a crush on me I turned down because it was a lil too weird for me why am I like this literally the one person to ever like me
78) Canoodling on a first date: If by canoodling you mean reading the bible can I get an amen
79) Broken someone’s heart: I guess that one guy but who would want me enough to have their heart broken lmao
80) Had your own heart broken: Literally all the time omg why are straight guys so fucking hot :///////
81) Been arrested: nope im too pure
82) Cried when someone died: I dont rly think death is anything too be sad about tbh its something everyone experiences and shouldnt be something to hold you back, for all you know they might have wanted it or prefer it to living??? if ur into religion and all that
83) Fallen for a friend: Literally all the time, for an asexual im such a whore
84) Yourself: Literally never
85) Miracles: If someone asks me out for the second time, then yeah sure
86) Santa Claus: I did until mother fucked that over for me :’(
87) Kisses on a first date: I’d need a date for there to be a kiss tbh
88) Angels: Nope
89) Love at first sight: Well thats me in a nutshell so yeah basically
90) Best friend’s name: AARON (Anna (tee hee))
91) Eye colour: Like some green blue combo idk like I said Idc about eye colour
92) Favourite movie: honestly I hate this question, I love literally every movie I watch so how can I rank them? at least ask for a fave genre, that would make it easier 
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