#whew that was long but fun
Whats the order of hierarchy in this au? Who's the most powerful to least powerful?
(also op that art where zoth and abducius are dancing together make me so insane/pos)
GLAD YOU LIKE THAT ONE. They have a few other things they do together too...But that's for other times 😅
These Tierlists should sum up the question. Defense Levels and Power Levels:
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Then, under this cut, I'm putting the details as to why they're ordered like this! I'm also adding much needed details to be known about all these characters!
Hierarchy List (and facts)
Considering both Strength and Defense.
• Yan Luo Wang Diyu: Princess of Death. Astral Life Reaper. Brings Death. She holds complete power over her respective astral circle. All events that happen within are all orchestrated and catered by her.
• Drugia Fleuretty: Nightmare Designer. Humans have assumed that she designs clothes in the nightmare, but this is not the case. Drugia's talent is creating and designing eldritch monstrosities that reside in the Astral Circle. These creatures of fear and suffering, created by her hands (and sometimes Izanami's) send irreparable dread into many that witness them. Along with her dreadful ability, she too is rendered nearly immortal, with no known weakness. Some say that, with her knowledge and talent, she can someday destroy other Astral Circles nearby with an army of beasts from realms unknown.
• Quachil Uttaus: Misfortion Bringer. Astral Guardian. Due to their abilities, none can best them. Their misfortune is deadly, as it causes attacks to miss, injuries to become more fatal, and human organs to fail to function properly (sudden ailments such as heart attacks, strokes, etc.). Due to this, fortune absent for their opponents, Quachil's success rate for winning in a battle is set in stone as 100%. This power of Quachil's is also able to protect residents of their Astral Circle, bringing misfortune to anyone that attempts to harm any of them. As long as Quachil is aware of said confrontation. They often are, but rare cases can occur where they are fixated solely on one task.
• Chaugnar Faugn: Occultist. He controls cults circled around Yao Luo. He commands groups of her worshippers, which is already a high priviledge, yet alongside that, his defense and power are close to infinite. His weakness is undiscovered. It is said that only the Princess of Death herself can cease his life. Of course, she never will. So he reigns alongside her and is able to command her followers to defend her, himself, and her partner Orcus.
• Shub Niggurath: Famine Bringer. She is able to cause crops to be unable to grow and livestock to become malnourished and ill. Her famines can devastate entire continents of humans, and sometimes even other residents of the Astral Plane as a whole. In these cases, humans brought to the Astral Plane for soul and bodily consumption will also wither away as livestock would. Even beyond planet Earth, she is feared. Though it is believed she does have a weakness: To be decapitated by a golden axe blessed by either a god of war or a goddess of fertility and bounty. It is said however that, even if she is somehow slayed, remnants of her soul may last and continue to spawn random bouts of drought and famine.
• Zoth Ommog: Ritual Leader. Similar to the past Astral entities, Zoth is akin to a hellish god. The rituals he conducts provide many effects, defects, abilities, and assistance. Centuries ago, this sinful, lustful monstrosity was imprisoned by gods. However, Yao Luo successfully planned and initiated tactics to free him. He has since honored her and resided in her Astral Circle, providing her and her fellow residents much from his rituals. Considered the most vile entity amongst the Princess' domain, most fear him, aside from a select few admirers and slaves, whom of which Zoth marks with special sigils and engages in heretical acts with. It is said that he does have a weakness: being pierced in the heart with any golden object that has been blessed by a god of purity. This however may still prove impossible, as his heart rests within his throat, which is shielded by the very collar the gods had imprisoned him with. That, and runes he created beneath his flesh grant him many defenses.
• Teutates Taranis: Annihilator. Considered the most proficient and deadly combatant in the Princess' Astral Circle, it is said that Teutates can best any that cross his path. He, like a few other Astral Residents, has his own select group of humans and beasts that obey his commands. His subjects are marked with specific tattoos and all go through a blood pact with him. His skill in battle and talent for both swift kills and agonizing annihilations make him a formidable challenge in battle, even against other higher demonic entities. Some theorize that he has a weakness: stabbing out his eyes. Others, however, say that he is able to sense foes without sight and that this is no weakness of his. But recently, some have thought about another possible weakness of the annihilator: shooting him between the eyes with an arrow coated in a sedative. Something powerful enough to alter his brain function.
• Anazareth Anazarel: Curse Creator. After having practiced under the guidance of Yan Luo herself, Anazareth has mastered many terrible and effective curses fit for many situations. She also has a sigil bestowed upon her by Zoth in Yan Luo's will that not only increases the potency of her curses compared to others, but gave her the ability to effect even those that use magic to protect them from said curses. This sigil in turn granted her other moderate demonic powers and altered her appearance, giving her horns. She is in high enough authority to have her own followers like Zoth, Abducius, and Teutates. Her owned subjects have special tattoos on their collarbones, cheeks, or backs, and all have at least one horn as a result of them. Some say that cutting off her horns is her weakness. Other say that you must specifically burn the base of the horns after cutting them off, otherwise they may grow back. This proves difficult in idea, as she must be completely still for this to be done properly.
• Ishtar Ereskigal: Pestbringer. Similar to Shub in the aspect of affecting entire populations with food-stunting issues. Her pests range from cockroaches to rats to locusts and even mosquitos plagued with disease. Ticks, fleas, and bedbugs aren't even out of the equation. While she too can hinder farms, she can also infect households and wild environments. Her ability to devastate wildlife as well has granted her a vile, disgusting reputation. She may also use pests to assist in torture methods. It is said that her weakness is submerging her in holy water, which is already difficult to aquire in the Astral Circle. And even from Earth, it must be a decent amount.
• Abducius Morail: Mutilator. Though not as high up on the hierarchy ladder, the Mad Mutilator is heavily feared by many in the Princess' Astral Circle. His taste for agony and screams of pain lead him to be as torturous as Exael Lanithro with nearly as much battle prowess as Teutates Taranis. He takes intense euphoria and ecstasy in performing near-deadly operations and Frankenstein-esque crafts on living victims with no sedation. Even other higher-ups show slight repulsion towards him. He has some disfigured followers of his own, each one mutilated and/or branded in various ways. From skinned body parts to burned or exposed bones to body parts and organs of different animals. He has no specific weakness as he is closer to a human, but his own modifications to his body grand him decent defense, both physically and magically.
• Barbatos Barrabam: Human Hunter. Assigned an important job that benefits the Princess, Barbatos is well respected among his peers and superiors. He both speaks and acts straight to the point, always set on completing his goals with accuracy and no wasted time. Others may play with their prey, but Barbatos plays no games. They say he can see through walls. It is theorized that only being fully crushed beneath unbearable weight is enough to hault him and end his streak of humans hunted.
• Ah Puch Xilbalbá: Bone Breaker. Usually tortures mortals and disobedient slaves alongside Exael. He also often assists Abducius in breaking bones in victims in order to encourage their bones to heal improperly and become disfigured for Abducius' own enjoyment. In battle, every crunch of bones fuels him to become more violent, and once his opponent can no longer move, he may simply rip their bones out completely.
• Exael Lanithro: Torturer. Owning more twisted instruments and machines than any Astral Resident, Exael rarely runs out of torture methods for his unlucky victims. While some prefer to inflict harsh violence against their select subjects, Exael prefers more psychological and lengthy approaches, from water torture to slowly pumping victims with poison to using machines to stretch and rip victims apart. It is unknown if he takes satisfaction from his job though, as his expression rarely changes from his usual, somber look.
• Nyogtha Z'mog: Gravedigger. Though she is never often seen fighting, most if not all around her respect her. Sometimes, even humans captured and brought to the Astral Circle have minimum qualms with her. Harm against her, whether successfully applied or not, calls for instant torture. Though she has never truly proven herself in a fight, some say that she has swiftly ended the lives of those near-death with the shovel she often uses. She has also been seen using electricity to charge herself, leading to her never needing any rest, which even some superiors of hers indulge in. Her dedication to her job grant's her protection directly ordered by Yan Luo, and none dare to test to see if she is truly able to slaughter efficiently.
• Orcus Dis Pater: Skin Collector. Although nowhere near as high on the social ladder as Yan Luo, he is kept in close company to her. None have ever figured out why she keeps him so close. Orcus himself rarely speaks to others outside of the Princess' chambers, but when he does speak, those around him listen intently. Eagerly. It is said that skins he wears come from slain victims in the Astral Arena, and others have caught wind of Yan Luo working on a cloak for him. One made of 1000 skins.
• Lilith Lilitu Lilit: Witch. Brought into this Astral Circle by her best friend Anazareth. Though she has no specific assignments, she has never crossed nor annoyed the Princess, and therefore is allowed to spectate. However, recently in the past 100 years or so, she has taught herself more spells, and plans to ask for tutoring from Yan Luo, as Anazareth got.
• Izanami Yomi: Face Deformer. Her title may seem weak compared to others, but her worth comes from the fear she garners from those subjected to her ability. Her deformation powers can greatly affect the outcome of different gastly creations made by others. Whether it be carving faces for Drugia's monstrosities, sculpting faces of horror in Abducius' creations, or simply weakening an opponent by disfiguring their facial features, she has proven to not be as useless as her title makes her seem.
• Yog Sothoth: Vampire. Previously nameless before he was named by the Princess herself. He was accepted into her Astral Circle as long as he performed his designated job loyaly. His job requires him to tread between the boundaries of humans and the Astral Realm and use his looks and charisma to lure humans into being captured by his co-worker of sorts, Barbatos. It is well known that his looks are not completely of his own free will, but designed by Drugia and Anazareth as means of making him more appealing to humankind.
• Xezbet Xerbeth: Soul Eater. Xezbet shows little to no participation in Yan Luo's events. Little to nothing is known about his existence and why he has not been sent elsewhere. Some say it is because of his ability to unnerve mortals into submitting, while other say that he is only kept here to someday be harvested of all souls he has devoured.
• Dagda Crom Cruach: Soul Scarecrow. Little is known about Dagda as a whole. From his existence to his appearances in the Princess' domain. Like Xezbet, one can only hypothesize why this strange entity lurks about.
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ranchthoughts · 1 year
Another Update on the GMMTV Kissing Multiverse
Hello everyone! Back again with another update on the GMMTV Kissing Multiverse.
The first version is here, second version here.
EDIT: New update is here, the tag for future updates is here.
Must have visible lip to lip contact
Must be shown on screen in a GMMTV tv series (no kisses from ads, promotional content, etc.)
Breakdown by Show
I have analyzed 61 shows so far:
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(full list in alt text)
Breakdown By Actor
I have analyzed 112 actors so far:
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(full lists in alt text)
Results and Discussion
Most Kissing Pairs Per Show
The shows with the most different kissing pairs are:
Warp Effect (15 different pairs)
Friendzone (11 different pairs)
U-Prince (9 different pairs)
The Player and The Jungle (7 different pairs each)
Only Friends (5 different pairs)
Not Me and 3 Will Be Free have 4 each, then Mama Gogo, Moonlight Chicken, P.S. I Hate You, Theory of Love, and Three Gentlebros have 3 different kissing pairs each.
The Power of Jojo
As discovered in the first iteration, Jojo has an outsized impact on the number of kissing pairs.
He directed roughly 13% of all the shows analyzed but his shows contain about 33% of kisses present in the data set. Jojo also directed 4 of the top 6 shows with the most different kissing pairs (and 6 of the top 13).
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The median number of "different kissing pairs per show" of a Jojo show is 6.0, compared to a median of only 1.8 "different kissing pairs per show" in non-Jojo shows.
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(note: I am just looking at kissing pair iterations here not at unique kissing pairs, e.g., Phuwin/Pond are a pair in two shows (once in a Jojo show and once in a non-Jojo show), so they are counted twice.)
Most Kissing Partners
There has been a shift in the rankings... Welcome Joss to the top!
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Top ranked are Joss with 10 different kissing partners, then Lee and Namtan with 9 different kissing partners each, then Ohm and Nanon with 7 each.
Next are Gigie and Singto with 6 kissing partners each, then Bright, Film, First, Fluke Pusit, Jan, Krist, Mild, New, and Off with 5 each. Finally, Drake, Fah, Neo, Plustor, Tay, and Win have 4 each.
The average number of kissing partners per actor is 2.3.
Most Kissing Partners in One Show
We have four people tied for "Most Kissing Partners in One Show," and they are from only two different shows. A round of applause for Plustor (4 different kissing partners in Friendzone) and for Fluke Pusit, Gigie, and New (each with 4 different kissing partners in Warp Effect)!
Honorable mentions to: Joss (3 in The Player AND 3 in 3 Will Be Free), Namtan (3 in The Player), Neo (3 in Only Friends), and Singto (3 in Friendzone).
Please note all of these shows are Jojo shows.
The Kiss Web
Behold... the Kiss Web:
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I made this to better visualize the intertwined who-kisses-who situation going on. It's, uh... a lot.
I also made some fun visual breakdowns to help sort through the mess of the Web:
First image below highlights "kissing triangles" and "squares" (shout out to the 3 Will Be Free trio of Joss, Mild, and Tay; the Friendzone trio of Nat, Plustor, and Singto; and the Warp Effect triangle of Fluke Pusit, Gigie, and New and square of Fah, Gigie, Joong, and New, all of which were established over the course of one show each - yes these are all Jojo shows).
The second image highlights the reach of the top 5 kissers.
The third image shows the incredible kissing webs of Warp Effect (in red) and Friendzone (in blue), the two shows with the most kissing pairs.
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Unique vs. Repeat Kissing Pairs
The vast majority of kissing pairs only occur once, in one show. There are 136 "unique" kissing pairs in the data set, with 128 (94%) only appearing once, in one show, and 8 (6%) pairs appearing at least twice.
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The 8 pairs that appear in more than one show are:
Book/Force (in A Boss and A Babe, Enchante, and Only Friends)
Bright/Win (in 2gether and Still 2gether)
Dunk/Joong (in Hidden Agenda and Star In My Mind)
Earth/Mix (in A Tale of Thousand Stars, Cupid's Last Wish, and Moonlight Chicken)
Film/Gun (in Not Me and Three Gentlebros)
First/Khaotung (in The Eclipse and Only Friends)
Gun/Off (in Not Me and Theory of Love)
Louis/Neo (in The Eclipse and Fish Upon The Sky)
All these pairs, with the exception of Film/Gun, are BL branded pairs, which says something about the variety of the het GMMTV show world and about the structure of the BL system.
All in all, 99% of mixed gender pairs only appear once, in one show, compared to 88% of same gender pairs.
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Same Gender vs. Mixed Gender Kissing Pairs
A change in the data! With all the new kisses we've gotten in, the balance has shifted. Of the 136 "unique" (non-repeated) kissing pairs, 59% are mixed gender pairs and 41% are same gender pairs.
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Last time we were at 59% same gender kisses and 41% mixed gender kisses, but our sample includes more het shows now which explains the shift.
I dug into this a little further by looking at how many shows featured both same and mixed gender kissing pairs, and which shows featured only one or the other.
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43% of the shows had only same gender kissing pairs, 39% of the shows had only mixed gender kissing pairs, and only 18% of shows featured both. All in all, a fairly even split.
I was curious so I did the math - about 34% of the 112 actors I looked at have only ever kissed someone of the same gender. Of that 34%, roughly 32% have kissed more than one person of the same gender (representing about 11% of the full sample).
And now, some burning questions...
Which of the GMMTV boys has kissed the most guys?
We have a five-way tie for first place: congrats to First, Fluke Pusit, Neo, Plustor, and Singto, with 4 men kissed each!
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First kissed Gawin (Not Me), Khaotung (The Eclipse and Only Friends), Mix (Moonlight Chicken), and Ohm (The Shipper)
Fluke Pusit kissed Jay Jatuporn (Warp Effect), New (Warp Effect), Ohm Thipakorn (A Boss and A Babe), and Thor (Warp Effect)
Neo kissed Drake (Only Friends), Force (Only Friends), Louis (Fish Upon The Sky and The Eclipse), and Mark Pakin (Only Friends)
Plustor kissed AJ (Friendzone), Arm (Friendzone), Nat (Friendzone), and Singto (Friendzone) [he was very busy in Friendzone]
Singto kissed Krist (SOTUS), Nat (Friendzone), Ohm (HCTM), and Plustor (Friendzone)
Second place is a five-way tie between Earth, Gawin, Khaotung, Krist, and Ohm who have kissed 3 men each!
There are also 13 men who have kissed two men each: Chimon, Dunk, Force, Gun, Mek, Mix, Nat, New, Papang, Pawin, Phuwin, Pod, and Tay.
*Note: while First and Fluke Pusit appear together in The Shipper, and it gets verrrry close, they do not actually kiss.
Where does Only Friends stand so far?
Only Friends itself is at 5 kissing pairs so far, which is higher than average but only 5th place overall among shows. I believe it can claw its way up easily though (it only needs two more kissing pairs to catch 4th places The Jungle and The Player)!
First has had 5 kissing partners so far which means he's only 2 away from reaching the top 5 Kissers (Joss has 10 kissing partners, Lee and Namtan have 9 each, Nanon and Ohm have 7 each). Neo is at 4 kissing partners, so also within reach of the top if he puts some effort in. Khaotung is at 3 partners, so within reach of the upper echelon but maybe more of a stretch. Force and Mark Pakin are at a respectable 2 partners each so far but Book has only had one kissing partner so he is going to need to kiss a lot to make up some ground. Lookjun is at 2 so she has room to move too.
In terms of gay kisses, First and Neo are already at the top of the leader board with 4 men kissed each, while Khaotung sits in respectable second place with 3 men kissed. All three have a strong chance of moving up the standings (Neo is averaging 1 new kissing partner a week so let's see if that continues). Force has kissed two men so he is not far off either. Mark Pakin and Book have only kissed one man each and thus they are far down the leader board for GMMTV men who have kissed men, but I remain optimistic.
Contributing authors:
@airenyah, @alsoran, @alwaysthepessimist, various anons, @bengiyo, @burnsuncomet, @callipigio, @cangse-sanren, @catboykacchan, @catboyjosten, @catsundmaus, @chickenstrangers, @crowie, @dribs-and-drabbles, @ffirstkhao, @isaksbestpillow, @jeonghanurl, @kattahj, @kpinhiding, @lurkingshan, @maibpenrai, @maybeitdontmakesense, @nieves-de-sugui, @non-binarypal7, @sammie-lightwood-bane, @sollucets, @userneos, @theselightsareblinding, @tiistirtipii, @waitmyturtles, @williamrikers
Data visualization consultants: @chickenstrangers, @wen-kexing-apologist
Asked to be tagged: @blmpff
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pileofsith · 6 months
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Nameless Part Twelve - Apostate Page 2/10 I'm sorry, the only way to visually show Barriss successfully making an ideological transmission towards the future Grand Inquisitor was to make them gaze at each other like two sad wet seals. Text is taken from the TCW episode, ‘The Wrong Jedi’. The comic is also available here on AO3.
🡨 Previous Next 🡪
Part I Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Part II Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 Part III Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Part IV Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Part V Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Part VI Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Part VII Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 Part VIII Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Part IX Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Part X Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
Part XI Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Part XII Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
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plugnuts · 18 days
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Panels under the cut:
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f1obios · 2 years
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painted over a panel of the trigun manga ! (Pls click for better quality)
Screencap under the cut
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cerise-on-top · 9 months
Haiii! I love your work :D
Could you possibly do a gaz x reader? When him and reader are celebrating their anniversary:), that would be really cute :’))
Hello! Thank you, I hope this is enjoyable as well! I went with a more fluffy route this time, I just wanna see Gaz happy and healthy and as far aways from any and all danger as possible! This request was really cute, I love Gaz! I'm glad there are several of us who do! Though I think I went a bit overboard with this, but how could I not when people are requesting best boi!
Celebrating Your Anniversary with Gaz
For the sake of this request, we’re gonna go with the idea that Gaz was able to be with you during your anniversary and didn’t end up being somewhere in the world, having to fight tooth and nail for his survival. We’re gonna go the fluffy route with this!
His memory is really good, Gaz would never forget something as important as your anniversary. Doesn’t matter if you’re together, doesn’t matter if you’re married. He has it memorized, he wrote it down on his phone, he noted it on several loose papers lying around just about anywhere. Trust me when I say he’s the last person to ever forget something like this. Although he would appreciate it if you remembered as well, he’d probably love it even more if, just once, you forgot about your anniversary, that way he could properly surprise and absolutely spoil you rotten. He wants to make your anniversaries days you can remember, so he will tailor them to your liking. You like going to arcades or amusement parks? A bookshop date? You just wanna go to McDonald’s? It’s all yours, and don’t you dare even think about paying, your wallet will not be strained on such a holy and sublime day.
The day would start off simple. You’d sleep in, if you can, cuddling for as long as possible, until one of you needs to get up for whatever reason. He’ll nuzzle into you, holding you as close to him as possible. He wants you to feel his warmth, how alive you make him feel, he wants you to feel how his heart beats for you and only you. Gaz has a beautiful voice, it’s fairly low and very calming to listen to. He’d hum your favorite tune that’s a bit calmer. He wants you to be as relaxed for him as possible, maybe even fall asleep in his arms again, even if he definitely wouldn’t mind you staying up to chat a bit with him as well. He’s gonna be all over you, making sure to touch you wherever he can so you feel secure with him. And when you’re drifting off to sleep again, that’s when his plan begins.
Gaz will plant a kiss on your neck or your forehead, whatever he can reach as he excuses himself to the bathroom. However, this sly dog will actually head for the kitchen to make you some breakfast. He’s a good cook, so whatever it is you like, he’ll make it. French toast? Scrambled eggs? Eggs and bacon? Your wish is his command, even if you never uttered a single order. He just hopes you won’t wake up or, even if you do, will at the very least stay in bed. This breakfast isn’t for you to enjoy in the kitchen or the living room, you’re to eat it in your bed. He even got you a nice tray so he can carry it to you without making a mess. Orange juice and all. You will be spoiled.
It’s then that he’ll wake you with another soft kiss to your temple, maybe shaking you awake a bit, so you can enjoy your breakfast together. Might even feed you a bit, just to be embarrassingly cute while he’s at it. The more content you look, the better. Afterwards, he’ll leave for the kitchen again, putting the tray away and decorating the living room a bit. There will be the most gorgeous roses you’ve ever seen in a vase, alongside several other flowers, each of which tells of a different kind of adoration. And when you finally follow suit and spot the flowers, he’ll just smile and claim that they looked very pretty. If you understand flower language, then you can tell he just really wanted to say he loved you in as many different ways as he could.
It’s then that he’ll ask you to get ready for the day, to brush your teeth and hair, and put on some clothes. You don’t need to look particularly fancy, he wants you to be as comfortable as you could possibly be. This is when he’ll take you to a place you like which, as mentioned before, could be just about anything. Waterpark, roller skate rink or just a lovely walk in the park, he’s open for everything. You will be accommodated accordingly. Those places are where you’ll be spending the majority of your day, grabbing something simple to eat for the time being, such as some fries or maybe some toast at a good cafe or pub.
When day meets night, he’ll take your hand in his, taking you to a fancy restaurant you’ve been to a few times. Preferably one where the both of you can look down at the city and see all the beautiful lights it has to offer. You’ll spend another two hours or so there. At the very least, you’ll be there until it gets dark, eating good food, having a good drink, maybe some wine as well. It doesn’t matter what you choose, all Gaz wants is to see the twinkling city lights dance in your eyes afterwards. When the evening is starting to roll over into night, he’ll take you to a ferris wheel. A big one where you can see the entire city from.
He’ll watch you as you excitedly look everywhere, taking in as many sights as you can, hoping that the ferris wheel stops at just the right time. Ideally, that would be right at the top. But he won’t be too picky if it’s somewhat to the side as well. As long as he gets to see your mouth agape at all the pretty lights, he’s content. While the ferris wheel stops, he’ll shoot his shot. If you’ve been together for a few years but aren’t married yet, he’ll propose to you. If you’re already married, he’ll still get down on one knee, take your hand in his and kiss its back tenderly, like a knight in shining armor. It’s embarrassingly sweet, but he knows no one but you is going to see it, so he does it anyway. You’re royalty in his eyes, you’re his to protect and care for, and he needs to show his loyalty however he can. Once he’s done kissing your hand, he’ll get up, holding your hand still and pulling you up with him, just so he can hold you close once again. Another tender kiss to your lips, and then he’ll get out a small box. Either the proposal ring or, if you’re married already, he’ll gift you a lovely little necklace made of pure silver. Something you can wear that will always remind you of him.
Once you’re down on the ground again, he’ll take your hand in his and lead you home, conversing with you about how much he loves you, how happy he is to have you in his life and how he hopes he gets to spend many, many more years like that with you.
If it’s not too late yet, you might watch a movie and cuddle on the couch. But you’ll likely both be tuckered out after today and just snuggle up in bed, ready for the next day.
And this is how Gaz’ ideal anniversary would go.
#cod#cod x reader#kyle gaz garrick#kyle gaz garrick x reader#gaz x reader#I wish I could gift Gaz a small music box that plays “You Are My Sunshine” I think that would be a cute gift#I have a music box that plays “Over The Rainbow” which I think is also very sweet#I think I might wanna start collecting music boxes they're just so very lovely#now that's a hobby I can also get behind! a lovely little tune that could calm down just about anyone!#maybe even put someone to sleep as well#I still remember one of the first things I ever wrote and posted here. The Batter and the Music Box#I wish I had the time to write something like that for my favorite lads and lasses as well#whew this is almost 1.300 words long which is surprising since I wanted to go for 800-ish#but I read Gaz and my brain short circuited he was my favorite when watching the campaign#I did start watching the mw reboot for him and Valeria but I stayed for him and Valeria#mw1 was the best one out of the three in my opinion. and now I'm watching the og mw when I can :-)#og Soap and Ghost are a funny little duo. I love the little hackerman Ghost so much! though I wanna know where the joke of him breaking#so many laptops came from! it's cute but I always thought he was good with technology :o either way I like to imagine talking about IT#stuff with everyone and being good at it and helping them! IT is fun I like it a lot :-)#either way thank you for the request! this one was also an absolute delight to write! love me some good natured fluff and Gaz :D
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kokoasci · 1 year
Hi!! I know it's a terribly basic question, but what brushes do you use? How do you choose and achieve those textures?
hiya!! no problem at all i'd be happy to explain!! welcome to:
(she has no idea what she's doing)
first off brushes!! i just yoinked this from another ask but these are the main brushes i use! Most importantly is the Old Beach brush, which is what i use for flat colors and to add lighting. Hard airbrush I use to add shadows and those pink/white highlights, and the soft airbrush is to add gradients and light overlays.
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Most of the kind of like rough texture you see in my art comes from a bunch of textured brushes like old beach. I've also used stuff like Matt's 5.2 Painting brushes for procreate to add lighting sometimes, but it doesnt really matter as long as you've got some sort of grainy watercolor-ish brush. usually i stick with the three above though for main coloring :>
After I'm done adding shadows and lighting, whatever, I'll add a bunch of light yellow/orange/pink soft light overlays on top using the old beach brush as well. it helps w/ creating a really grainy feel in places that you usually don't see that, especially directly lit areas.
i also like to experiment with pattern brushes near the end so that textures look and feel different depending on what you're looking at. below is a breakdown of some stuff in my recent post:
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i like to add dot patterns and color pick from surrounding colors to make strands of hair, lighting/shadow edges, and especially clothes feel more 3D. I'll usually add these to more shadowed places, and instead for places where light directly hits use hard highlights so that it gives it a glossy feel (so more texture on shadows, glossy on lit areas. i think that's why a lot of people say it looks crystallized, bc of that mix of different finishes)
i also HATE using curved lines in my art which is why most lines are pretty rigid (Very evident above). But ahaha!! when I'm adding shadows and lighting, I add these in curved or soft shaped lines, which provides a great contrast to how blocky the lineart is (see: sigma's lil nose above. the lighting is circular, although the rest of the face is pretty angular!! definitely helps with achieving texture/3D look to a piece)
sorry if this is long. every piece i do is really experimental and although i have a general process, i mostly just play around with different stuff every time :D i'm completely self taught so i can't speak on if this is "correct" or whatever, but this is just stuff i've picked up so im happy to share it!! and have fun with it!! art should be fun and satisfying fr
thanks a bunch for asking!! <3
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highoncatfood · 11 months
at the risk of sounding stupid- would the mystery phantoms be adjacent to trickster modes? idk anything about homestuck i just saw the trickster modes once and went "they look like Willy Wonka threw up on them" and compared it to how MP look like sparkledogs threw up on them
ive thought abt that and id say that yes. bcuz trickster mode is the result of interacting with the lollipop juju
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and bcuz i made shinigami a cherub and the book of death her juju, mystery phantoms would still be connected to it
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and i feel like with fanmade cherubs and jujus theres a bit more freedom as to what they can do and how they could affect the reality/narrative?? cuz yeah they hav their rules and shit but theyre only strict to those specific objects in homestucks canon. so i think i can just come up with a little bit of a different way for shinis juju to work
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and its nothing crazy, it p much works the same as in raincode, creating mystery labyrinths. but to make it more Wacky Homestuck Time and Space Shenanigans style interacting with it would create a temporary side-reality/side-timeline thingy. and her being a thief of time (spoiling the classpect i gave her but whtever) would be super helpful as she could freeze one timelines, well, time for as long as the 'mystery labyrinth' would hav to exist and her and yuma could solve shit and fight phantoms in there as they please
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still a big wip but to keep yumas journey of solving cases i think i could make his sburb quest kinda represent that buuut im still thinking of the details so excuse me for leaving this kinda.vague?
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verysmallcyborg · 3 months
So Fornax uses a Gun AND an Axe? That's soooo cool (/wow) Who uh.. taught them to shoot :eyes:
YEAHHH EHEHE!!!! though truthfully, the weapon aspect of warrior is not the main focus of fornax's war/mch skills!
for them, being a warrior is all about the sheer power of channeling and using raw emotions as their own brutal, overwhelming strength. it's all about the burning desire to win the battle of SURVIVAL; she does not lose herself to emotions, but is simply fueled by them, she is both the unstoppable force and immovable object when necessary. they refuse to stay down, they refuse to die
and since fornax is very skilled in aetherial manipulation, this pairs perfectly with being a machinist! perhaps TOO efficient and terrifying as a marksman........ considering that this shard is the strongest version of them all and they are the shard of the same azem as ryss, that's some ridiculous amount of aether going on.....! and since the aetherotransformer draws on the users aether, WELL.........
harnessing their emotions via the ways of a warrior + their abnormal amounts of aether channeled into their weapon = a feared, terrifying marksman, equally deadly in both melee and long distance (not without consequence tho, if they push themselves too far.... such instances are severely draining, and fornax will always need over a week to recuperate)
BUT ANYWAYS... I RAMBLED... i like to think that hilda taught them the ways of mch!! fornax already had some experience w/ rifles long before HVW, but the aetherotransformer really helped put their abundance of aether to use!!!
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galkyrie · 1 year
Will you tell me about that not posted fic? 👉👈👀
Ooh yeah, I can totally give you an idea! I have bits outlined at this point so here goes.
It follows the events in this post, where, Jason happens to run into Tim following a mission in a small port city halfway across the world from Gotham. It's been months since anyone has seen Tim, and Jason's kinda been blaming himself for setting the whole sequence of events off-
And then Tim's there in some shitty bar he'd just happened to wander into, laughing with the bartender about something he can't hear- and he looks different. His high cheekbones seem softer, his skin a sunkisswd from his time spent on the sea, his hair long like it was when he was just setting out to make his way as Red Robin. Jason almost doesn't recognize him- but their eyes meet and there's no mistaking those for anyone else's.
Somehow, miraculously, after chasing Tim down and accepting the very justified venom Tim spits his way, he manages (through blackmail) to get Tim to promise to keep in touch with him.
Tim does, begrudgingly at first. He tells him just enough to let him know he's still alive, as per their agreement. But...he's lonely, and has spent months as little more than a stranger to the people he meets, and Jason writes him religiously. Tim reads them. More than once.. then, slowly he starts sharing what his life is like now. How he has a cat that stowed away, who saved his life when he was at his lowest point after running away. How he still practices with his staff, but without the City to defend it's more of a meditative process. How he's slowly learned to feed himself because cats apparently hate MREs.
Eventually, they grow closer. Things are getting worse in Gotham- Bruce is off the rails and Jason refuses to feel like that's his fault or problem in any way, and at first talking with Tim feels like a release valve. A break from watching things fall apart because the man can't stop. It's not lost on him that Bruce is hunting Tim down with far more fervor than he did Jason, back when he was the only one with a known double digit kill count.
He can't help but think it's because Bruce saw so much of himself in Tim. But Jason knows now that that's a mistake, because Tim got out. Tim's carved a life for himself, something small and quiet and peaceful in a way that he doesn't think Bruce would ever be able to manage.
And only he gets to see it. Nobody else knows any of it with Tim. This softer, gentler Tim is all his.
He feels less bad about wanting to keeping that way when Tim sends him a number he can use to call him. Their relationship repairs and deepens over time, until eventually Tim invites him to come see him, if he can get to x coordinates on x date.
Jason's floored when he shows up to the spot alone and Tim's right there. He's gained more weight in the time it took to go from hostile penpal to...whatever they were now, and Jason just cannot get over how pretty it makes Tim. There's actual, physical evidence that Tim's regularly prioritizing himself, and it's driving him a little wild. Gone are the days of entirely regimented and perfectly portioned meals and green juices and supplemental smoothies- Tim's fucking frying things. Jason gets a little dizzy over the idea of teaching him to bake.
Meanwhile Tim is a little nervous. Jason is still in like, peak physical condition due to being an active vigilante and Tim's just been...chilling? He's fully unprepared for the sheer level of attention paid to his newly developed love handles, or how much the man seems to enjoy just squeezing the soft bit of pudge over his abdomen. He's baffled- Jason looks like he's carved from marble, but acts like Tim's the one who should be worshipped.
There's a lot of Jason being unable to get enough of Tim like this, and a slow realization that he doesn't just want these periodic trysts between long periods of watching the Bats go to shambles- he wants to join Tim, he wants the softness and the peace for himself, too.
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fiepige · 1 year
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Heya thank you so much for your ask!
I'm guessing you're referring to the deleted scene where Gwen and Miguel talk about how Hobie quit/took time off:
Since it's a deleted scene it should be taken with a grain of salt but since nothing they say here actually contradicts anything that happens in the movie (and I find it fitting for Hobie's character to abandon the spider-society while still looking out for Gwen) then I personally headcanon that something similar at least happened prior to his introduction in the movie.
When you say he was inactive I guess you mean in the spider-society (English isn't my first language so please let me know if I misunderstand/misinterpret anything you said! I'm not trying to put words in your mouth I'm just trying to show how I understand what you're writing but please correct me if I'm wrong <3).But yeah, it would make sense that he was still somewhat part of the spider-society since he's still wearing their watch when he makes his entrance:
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(Also did you know that Hobie is the ONLY spider-person that wears his watch upside down??? I didn't before I was getting screenshots for this post lol, here is a screenshot that better shows it compared to Gwen:)
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(ALso he's NOT wearing any watch in his introduction scene:)
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(Just a fun fact I wanted to share)
About the portals:You make a good point here! We never see the portal Hobie appears from when he enters:
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"If anything, he's running in from some place else. And we never see if the portal he comes from is HQ issued, or one of his."This is really interesting, cause at one point I thought he'd just use the HQ portal, but if that's the case then why:
1. don't we see him enter?
2. Is he running like he came from somewhere else? Like you said the watches are pretty precise and put people close to where they need to be.
This made me think that maybe he used one of his own watches (since I think he'd already made some at this point). BUT if that's the case then again:
We should still see him enter right?
If he appeared nearby we should see the effect his watches have on their nearby surroundings like we see when Gwen uses hers:
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Maybe he just didn't want the HQ to figure out that he'd made his own watches yet, or maybe LYLA would be able to track him if he used the HQ watch so he used his own one instead and either:
Used it to end up far away from the others as he knew they'd all be able to see the effect his watches have on their surroundings and since Miguel apparently has everyone under constant surveillance he'd be able to figure out that Hobie was planning something behind the scenes. When he got there he then put on his HQ watch (which he hadn't been wearing since LYLA haven't been able to track him, according to the deleted scene at least) to cover up the fact that he made his own.
He used his own watch but it's not as precise and that would also explain why he had to run to get to the others. (Though it seems pretty precise when Gwen is using hers later)
Maybe he was already in Pav's dimension. This might explain why Pav asks if Miles knows about Hobie? But then again why does Pav greet him like he didn't know he was there (and also why didn't Hobie join Pav and the others sooner if that was the case)? In a way it would make sense for Hobie to hide in Pav's dimension if he's hiding from the spider-society and LYLA as hinted at in the deleted scene (which might not be canon though!), so maybe he hid there without Pav even knowing? And then he maybe saw/sensed what was going on with the gang fighting The Spot?
Cause yeah how did Hobie know they needed his help at Alchemax?
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As you said, Gwen seems happy/surprised to see Hobie.The deleted scene tells us that Hobie gave her a way to contact him, so maybe she did and she's just happy to see him and maybe suprised he arrived so soon after she reached out? (Though idk when she would have done that, but since we don't know what means Hobie gave her to contact him we also don't know what to look for, for all we know it could've been a small device that just sends some kind of signal to him?)I don't think HQ contacted him either. BUT, we actually see Jess and Gwen talk briefly for like 2 seconds when they're trying to break the barrier at Alchemax:
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So I guess another explanation could be that Jess could tell that Gwen was lying here and thus asked Hobie to go help her out as she knew he was looking out for Gwen?
But if Hobie was hiding from HQ then how did they contact him? But that's also only if you consider the deleted scene as canon. (though I don't think Jess contacting Hobie is the case but I'm just writing every theory I can come up with in case anyone wants to maybe look deeper into it).
For the moment I personally headcanon that Hobie either got a message from Gwen somehow or, like I theorised earlier, he was already nearby and his spider-sense alerted him to what was going on.
But I'd LOVE to hear what you or anyone else thinks <3
Once again thank you so much for your ask, I hope I answered it properly. Please let me know if there's something I missed or got wrong! And feel free to message me about Hobie (or atsv in general) I love asks like these as they make for a lot of fun speculation!
Also thank you so much if you read all of my ramblings!
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♥️ Favorite Line
Oh gosh it's genuinely so difficult to pick. I poured everything I had into chapters 9, 14, 18, and 20, so those ones are full lines I agonized over.
Currently if I had to choose, I'd say: "Mikey spun his luminescent links in lethargic arcs, paying no heed to their bloody tips shedding dark droplets. Or to the soft ching… ching… ching… as they skittered over stone." from chapter 20 (that whole scene, actually) was a JOY to write.
I love any use of the ticking. Or using the word 'Lollapalooza'.
✨ Favorite Comment
I love getting each and every comment, but I do have some favorites. I screenshot the ones I really like and keep them in a special folder that I might print out one day.
Obviously @purplepixel's comment/essays are some of my favorite things in the world, specifically the one on chapter 20. like_theletter 's comment on chapter 10 is also one of my favorites. But hands down, one of the best comments I have ever received was on chapter 15 by @8rook which said, "NOOO!!! HE'S DEAD!!! AND HE'S IN THE SHOWER WATER!!! AHHHHH!!!" cracks me up EVERY time I think about it.
💭 What Inspires Me
The original inspiration for 'Spider's Web With Strings Attached' was a mix between lfls by @eternalglitch, the '03 turtles in their battle arena, the Gemini Twins by @tangledinink, and @drsmer.
Without Dr. Smer urging me, drawing concept art, making a playlist, helping me decide names, characters, places, events, chapter titles, and even the title of the fic, I guarantee it would not have gotten this far.
But when I'm actually writing, when I need inspiration I'll put random songs on shuffle and see what emotions they make me feel. I've gone on long drives or car rides to give me some inspiration before (I was in the mountains with my family when I got the idea for Viper and chapter 9). However, if I'm being totally honest, the best way for me to get inspiration is to lay on my floor, stare up at the ceiling fan, and let my brain do what it will. That might not work for everyone, but Floor Time™️ is an essential part of my process
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dagaan · 5 months
Aight we love a lesbian squid yes
but does she fist fight other lesbians to be the best lesbian??
Looks like she’s got her hands full at the moment…
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Otherwise she might get into fights, but probably just for fun. Simple zest for life, you know.
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themanwhomadeamonster · 5 months
5 Character Associations ft. Carwyn, Seresa, Siel because I'm greedy LOL
it said save draft but it didn't!!! RAGHHH but oh well it's all complete now. (tagged by @arisenreborn THANK U MWAH MWAH)
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The endlessly following bitterness of regret
Resentment, if not for the exhaustion of it
Scales as hard and cold as stone
A jolt of life from the sting of pain
Heartache in realising you're loved
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Rotting plants
Bay leaves
The wind by the beach
His kris dagger
A very disorganised diary
An Adept's Hat too large for him, which he took from a fallen Arisen in the Isle
Wooden figure of a rabbit
Cured meat
Fists constantly closed, shoulders always tense
Furrowed brows and an intentionally unfriendly glare
Arms crossed, his body never facing towards you
A brash attitude to hide the insecurity of his appearance
Occasional attempts at hiding soft smiles
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Apocalyptica - Poseidon's Rage
The Cure - The Same Deep Water as You
Emilie Autumn - Dead is the New Alive
Selofan - I'm Addicted
Kate Bush - Waking the Witch
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The sun hitting your skin on a winter afternoon
Realisation of longing when you see someone again
The euphoria in belting a high note
Drinking ice-cold juice on a hot day
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Fresh bed sheets
Homemade sweets
A bouquet made from your garden
Her pocket mirror
A long piece of red ribbon
Ice cream
An empty wallet
Eyes darting around in curiosity like a child in a toy store
Animated hand gestures that instantly catch your attention
Always on her tip toes trying to reach things
Adjusting her glasses - they don't sit well on sloped noses
Humming to herself
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Cueshé - Ulan
Hands Like Houses - Through Glass
The Cranberries - Dreams
Tears For Fears - Head Over Heels
Ingrid Michaelson - The Chain
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A wet and cool surface of otherwise warm flesh
Denial as those thoughts creep closer
Blood flushing through your cheeks
Gentle hands cupping your own
Satisfaction on another's behalf
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Metal on your hands from handling a doorknob
Ethanol in a hospital
Sweat after a long day of work
Noodle soup
Honey with the faintest bitter aftertaste
A teacup
His green knitted jumper
Bar of soap with an incredibly strong fragrance
Their collar
Eyes that avoid your own
Stretching their back every once in a while
Fidgeting with their hands
Always smiling with his mouth closed, otherwise hiding a grin with his hand
Arms that don't know whether to reach for a hug or not
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Fear Cult - If You're Watching
London After Midnight - Kiss
INKUBUS SUKKUBUS - Vampyre Erotica
Yann Tiersen - The Waltz of the Monsters
Depeche Mode - Master and Servant
tagging @beastren @edgier-than-a-diamond @wainwrightjakobshammerlock i wanna munch on your funky blorbos!!
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syrupyyyart · 1 year
This chapter is so tantalizingly close to being finished!!!!!! Im right at the end! But I've suddenly hit such a wall with not wanting to work on it 😭 (crazy what happens when you only work on one thing nonstop 24/7 for like 4 weeks straight)
I'm going to take a day to work on other stuff as a refresher, and then get right back into it and finish this god forsaken chapter!!! It'll be done by Sunday!!
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lancerious · 9 months
Blab about Lancer
Ah yes, always a grand idea :D!
I'm gonna try and keep what I say here reasonably fresh as I don't feel like repeating what I've said about the bounciest boi in the past, though if anyone wants me to repeat myself lemme know because I'll definitely do it hehe :>.
I just wanna gush about Rouxls Kaard in terms of Lancer for a bit, firstly because I haven't done this much to begin with, and secondly because I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THESE TWO. Rouxls I don't care how much you complain about Lancer it's obvious you care for the kid's well being and you SHOULD because said kid is a pure precious cinnamon roll who couldn't hurt a mosquito. Every time I see fanart depicting Rouxls as being a parental guardian of sorts for Lancer it makes me melt because it's so PRECIOUS, honestly keeping an eye on Lancer is one of the only things Rouxls Kaard is good--or at least decent--at. And you can't tell me the "Lesser Dad" nickname isn't adorable, if you don't find that adorable then you have issues. I don't know if I've ever brought up this "surrogate guardian" sort of thing going on between these characters but I am now! 10/10, both Rouxls Kaard & Lancer are too beloved for this world, 'nuff said. (<- I still prefer Spade King as an overall parent/guardian don't worry lol.)
Speaking of Spade King though, I really like the situation he & Lancer are currently in father/son relationship-wise. It is pretty depressing at the moment, but that's honestly what makes it work. I love seeing new family dynamics in Deltarune, something fresh y'know? It's an entirely different scenario with more recent characters. I know how beloved the Dreemurr family are in the UT/DR community, and they're amazing characters for sure, but I really prefer Spade King & Lancer's dynamic. It feels more REAL. The events themselves aren't that realistic ofc, but the emotions & reactions both sides have feel more reasonable. I'm not sure if this is even making sense and I'm going on a tangent anyway.
But yeah, back to Spade King & Lancer. I love how we're actively going to SEE both characters (hopefully) work out their differences and begin to mend that relationship. And we also will likely see how each side's current situation affects them, likely in more ways than one. Sure, both Lancer & Spade King are mostly hiding such things behind a facade, but you KNOW it's there. And THAT is what makes it so impactful. You know both characters are going through such inner turmoil, especially Lancer. His father literally hates the only friends he's ever had, and that puts poor ol' Lancer smack in the middle of everything. It's like that feeling you get when two close friends are fighting and you're the mutual third party, but multiplied SO many times. Honestly, I've said it before, and I will say it again; a breakdown of SOME sort HAS to happen to Lancer at some point. I doubt Spade King will have such a moment because Spade King, but he'll still feel it inwardly I'm sure. There is no feasible way a literal CHILD can carry on the burden of so much without crumbling under the pressure.
Which brings me to something that I admittedly have mentioned before, but I just have to bring it up again. Lancer has gone through SO MUCH for a child his age. It's doesn't matter what age you headcannon Lancer as: What he has and is currently going through are things NO child should experience, EVER. I'm not even talking about only the Spade King situation anymore, I'm talking about EVERYTHING. What makes all Lancer has been through that much worse is the fact of him being AWARE of it all. He's not oblivious, and he's not clueless either. He's ASTONISHINGLY observant, ESPECIALLY for his age. I would even argue Lancer is one of the most observant Deltarune characters so far, even if he never announces it. He certainly hints at it here and there, like when he told Kris, Susie, & Ralsei that the other Darkners aren't major fans of him.
This entire thing makes me think of a line Lancer said during his battle alongside Susie with Kris & Ralsei. The first time you, as the player, tell Ralsei to "give the final blow of kindness" to Lancer, Susie blocks it off so Lancer can't hear. And Lancer says he's "blissfully ignorant". Call me crazy, but I don't think that specific phrase was an accident. Of course, Deltarune is only a game after all, so it was Toby Fox who put that line in. But if we think about this through the perspective of Lancer himself, I see him stating what he WISHES he was. He WISHES he was "blissfully ignorant" from everything around him: knowing the fact of the other Darkners not liking him to dealing with an impossibly complex parenting situation and everything in between.
See, I think there's a very unique tragedy with Lancer. One that most characters Toby Fox has created haven't been able to replicate. Think of Asriel from Undertale for a minute. Asriel had loving PARENTS, plural, and he even got a sibling in the form of Chara for a time. Asriel's entire family was well-respected and loved by the other monsters, and for the longest time, Asriel didn't have a lot of burdens to bear. It was only at the short time leading up to & including his own DEATH, & what came after, where things started to go downhill. Asriel essentially had it all while he was alive, then lost it upon death.
And now, think of Lancer. I would say Lancer is the exact opposite of Asriel in this way. First, Lancer's family is a crumbled mess. He barely knows his mother--Queen--has a biological father in the form of Spade King, who was (and certainly is) likely not a perfect parent, and that really only leaves Rouxls Kaard as a somewhat decent parental guardian. Already, we see a major difference. And once we broaden our view and see both kingdoms with their citizens, well, Asriel and Lancer could not possibly be more opposite. There was not ONE Darkner Lancer felt appreciated by, save for those above him in power & position, which is really only Spade King (ignoring the other Kings when they ruled). The ONLY time Lancer felt genuine connection with others was the day Kris & Susie first appeared in the Dark World. That is IT. Generally, in terms of how his current life has been so far, Lancer's is far from ideal. Hence, Lancer & Asriel are opposites in this case.
I think I've run out of things to say as far as this post goes lol, and it's already preeetty long. Though, let's end this post on a high note! Lancer has actual friends now, friends who will stand by for whatever support he may need. Heck, if Kris, Ralsei, & Susie--especially Susie--were all willing to respect Lancer's wishes and attempt to resolve everything peacefully with Spade King in Chapter 1, who KNOWS what's to come in future chapters! I for one can't wait to see where Lancer's story goes :)!
Anyway have a random Lancer fanart image :>.
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