#while mike's is quite deep but is now hoarse and thready
muzzleroars · 11 months
Hi!, it's dream time again.
Apparently all siblings had stayed the night at Gabriel's place, but he wakes up alone, even V1 had gone somewhere else without telling him.
The day started badly for the fallen angel as his sadness was higher than normal (seemed like depression, and the insecurities that maybe his loved ones did just left him after all), eventually he does find Uriel in the apartment, and while in a different room Gabriel tells that he loves him thinking that will make him feel better, Uriel does respond positively, but with a very desinterested tone of voice (also i fully headcanon your Uriel to have that tone of voice, not because of actual desinterest, that's how his voice is naturally)
Gabriel knows that's how his brother talks but his emotions overwhelm him anyway and starts to freeze in sadness.
The dream just skips Uriel helping his brother but it's implied he just heard the heart wrenching sobs and sprinted to his brother.
To me it felt a bit out of character, you will be the one to decide if it was that way, but that how the dream was.
Just imagine the scene the rest is going to come across once they come back.
I hope you have an excellent day!
GUUAHHHH....THIS IS VERY CUTE.....you're absolutely right about uriel's voice and affect!! his tone is quite muted and often sounds distant, as he is someone almost always lost in thought considering all he knows. and even without the constant influx of knowledge, uriel tends to respond very slowly to things, taking a few minutes to reply to someone when they address him (he describes it to others that his mind sort acts on a queue system). gabriel would know all of this of course, but as a fallen angel of treachery, he can absolutely be prone to despondency and become over-emotional at times, especially concerning feelings of loss or grief. so i could see how he would give in to that despite evidence to the contrary, and uriel, though in over his head with something like this, would do whatever he could to reassure him. he would feel guilty knowing gabriel's emotions are more volatile these days, but gabe would apologize in return for putting pressure on uriel like that since he really does know full well how much he cares for him. through it they probably both realize that raphael forcing them all to talk about their feelings has had tangible benefits lol
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