#while reading the books I wondered if voldermorts resurrection would have worked if Harry had said to Pettigrew I willing give you my blood
nyctophillialife · 2 years
Time to overthink the hell out of Harry Potter again. In the course of playing HPHM I stumbled onto the idea of unicorn blood being used to give immortality again. This is viewed as taboo because it kills the unicorn. But realistically, did we have to kill the unicorn to get the blood?
You're telling me that some enterprising slytherin or just curious ravenclaw never tried to domesticate unicorns in exchange for small quantities of blood?
I don't know about unicorns, but a lifetime spent around horses tells me that for free food, shelter, and a few other conveniences, horses will do pretty much anything.
So you house your unicorns, do a few small blood draws (they're large animals, there's a reason why horses were used historically for antitoxin production), freeze it, and bam you have enough blood for immortality with a bit of patience (I mean how much blood is required for immortality? Can'tbe that mutch if Quirell could drink it on his own) no soul-destorying unicorn killing required.
I once again prove to myself I am a Ravenclaw in the most dramatic fashion possible.
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