#ravenclaw things
nyctophillialife · 2 years
Time to overthink the hell out of Harry Potter again. In the course of playing HPHM I stumbled onto the idea of unicorn blood being used to give immortality again. This is viewed as taboo because it kills the unicorn. But realistically, did we have to kill the unicorn to get the blood?
You're telling me that some enterprising slytherin or just curious ravenclaw never tried to domesticate unicorns in exchange for small quantities of blood?
I don't know about unicorns, but a lifetime spent around horses tells me that for free food, shelter, and a few other conveniences, horses will do pretty much anything.
So you house your unicorns, do a few small blood draws (they're large animals, there's a reason why horses were used historically for antitoxin production), freeze it, and bam you have enough blood for immortality with a bit of patience (I mean how much blood is required for immortality? Can'tbe that mutch if Quirell could drink it on his own) no soul-destorying unicorn killing required.
I once again prove to myself I am a Ravenclaw in the most dramatic fashion possible.
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sparxyv · 1 month
Ravenclaw Buddies 💙
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would you join them? 😗
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moonstruckmoony · 5 months
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Sorry Sebastian but sometimes date (it's not a date in her head) >>>> academic curiosity
Sebastian is defeated by Parseltongue once again after the Scriptorium 💀
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limonnitsa · 1 month
lda sees where it's coming 😵‍💫
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I had a silly brainrot in my head based on @choccy-milky 's Seb and my HC one bc "oh so ENTP and ESTP in one room, what can be so bad about it?" And, well, EVERYTHING
Both troublemakers, both don't respect any authority in general, but the first one is good at understanding abstract conceptions, the second one's still smart but more practice-oriented and has a "social butterfly" energy.
They're a mess...
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isthisimportant · 2 months
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Fandom: HP
Pairing: George Weasley x GN! reader
Word count: I don't really know.. I'm sorrryy but it's really short. Trust me. ;)
A/N: I don't support J.K.R's views. If you don't wish to, then please don't read ahead. This is merely a self-indulgent fic.
“Don't you trust me?”
“Absoutely not”, you blurted out a bit too quick for either of your liking. Seeing his face drop(very subtly), you tried to explain. “George, of course I trust you. I just-“
“Ah ah”, he waived your excuse away, clearly back to his original cheery mood, and plopped down on one of the bean chairs nearby. You noticed an unlabelled box in his hand. It was like the kind of box you would normally find sweets in. Or in the Weasley twins’ case, probably something along the lines of puking pastilles.
You shook your head vigorously. “Oh now I really don’t trust you.”
George laughed softly and made a show of looking around. Probably checking the room for witnesses. Your eyes followed his and you realized the common room was mostly empty. And for a moment, you felt right at home: sitting by the window, doing school work late into the night, only one or two paintings keeping you company, the stars twinkling behind you and the moon casting soft light on your ink, the blues of the carpets blending well with the silver shining through the window, it was all, to put it in the most plain way, magical. And, of course, around Christmas, the castle would be much less populated anyway, so that tonight, there were only a few students in here apart from you and George.
Now don’t start wondering how George got into the Ravenclaw common room. It’s obvious, isn’t it? He’s George Weasley. Well, that and he snagged the password from you occasionally. It was common practice for students to give other students common room passwords. Sure, it would lead to some unfortunate accidents and serious accusations on and off but it was worth it. There was something personal about giving someone else your house password. Some sort of childish excitement would course through you as you whispered it in their ear, watching out for people of both your houses. It was all innocent fun, afterall.
Now you’re probably wondering why we’re giving George Weasley our passwords occasionally. Well, it’s because we’re friends. And we enjoy each other’s company. And he’s really good at transfiguration. The first time you did it, it was because somebody in your house had a horrible accident with one of the twins’ products. He’d been able to reverse the damage, but he needed to get into the common room. Then, it just sort of evolved from there. He’d offered to give you the Gryffindor password loads of times, but your anxiety would have never let you just waltz into the Gryffindor common room, anyway.
Besides, as it turned out, the Ravenclaws had the best ideas for the twins’ products and even helped them with particularly difficult pieces of magic. Some really good inventions were born in the Ravenclaw common room in the middle of school nights. You were proud to say you’d had a hand in one or two of them yourself. And George would just beam at you with something more than mischief glittering in his eyes.
You found that same look in his eyes tonight as he calmly held the box in one hand as if it weighed nothing. Maybe it had nothing inside. “Oh come on, L/N.” He dragged himself forward until he was right by your table with his elbow propped up on it. “When have I ever done anything-“ he placed the box between the two of you, “to break your trust in me?” He held you with a gaze that had you almost melting.
You chuckled and shook your head. “Honestly, George, sometimes I just wonder how it's possible for someone to be so sure of themselves like you are.” You ignored his appalled look and went back to your essay. You tried to get your work done early this year and stop procrastinating for once, at least.
“Hey”, he whispers and taps the back of your hand. His tone had lost a bit of the cheeky nature and he sounded... sincere. “Won’t you close your eyes for me? Just for a bit?”
You blinked at him for a few seconds, taking in his features. They were soft and no longer childish. Something felt different. Biting the inside of your cheek, you put down your quill and nodded, a small smile of defeat playing on your lips.
“Alright, but I swear George Weasley, if I wake up tomorrow with a large goitre at the end of my neck...”
He shook his head and took your hand in his. “I promise. You won’t wake up tomorrow with a large goitre at the end of your neck.”
The specificity of the promise threw you off. “George...”
You looked around again, uneasy. The two other occupants of the room were far beyond the realm of consciousness. One was sprawled across a settee, and the other had their head atop a large book, their snoring audible from where you were sitting. You couldn't blame them. It was well past midnight, and there was no burden of schoolwork for good fee days. And the moonlight really did make the room look more serene than it already was.
George squeezed your hand. “Just... relax, Y/N. Nothing bad’s going to happen.” He sounded like he was reassuring himself more than you. Still weary, however, you closed your eyes and let yourself breath. He wouldn’t do something entirely horrible to you now would he? Admittedly, you two did have very different understandings of the word.
You felt him shift in his seat, not letting go of your hand. In a moment, you felt his hair brush against your forehead and you nearly jolted before his lips grazed yours slightly. You felt your breath hitch and your hand shake slightly. You didn’t want to open your eyes.
You hadn’t always harboured feelings for George. When you first heard of the twins they had barely registered in your mind. With time though, you found them charming and friendly. George had been friendlier and more observant. He’d noticed you awkwardly standing there with your friends as they waited in line for a pygmy puff or a canary cream. You’d tried the canary cream once upon your friend’s insistence and you found that you actually enjoyed that short minute of avian freedom.
That’s what pushed you to go help with the makings of other products. Your skill at charms proved particularly useful. And in those little moments when you’d figured out something and you’d do a little bow and a dance and George would hug you so tight you couldn’t breath and you’d catch Fred eyeing the two of you mischievously, you couldn’t help but wonder...
So now, with his face inches away from yours, how could you open your eyes and break that wonderful bubble you were in? Instead you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his, mustering all the confidence you can find. You feel him sigh(was he nervous???) and happily return the kiss.
Once you broke away, you found his hand still tightly clutching yours and you couldn’t help but find that adorable. You looked up to meet his eyes. A sheepish smile on his face, he looked at you expectantly. “Kept my promise, didn’t I?” He got out in a bare whisper and you couldn’t help but laugh.
Then, you remembered. “But what was the box for?” You reached out to it and opened it. It was empty. Your jaw dropped. You looked back at him and he was rubbing the back of his neck shyly. “Would you believe me if I told you that it’s a new product that’s invisible?”
You stared at him until it dawned on you what the box was really for. In all your years, you’d have never thought George Weasley would be nervous about something. You simply took his hand in yours again.
“George. I told you, I trust you completely.” You said with a glint in your eyes. He simply relaxed under your touch and with new confidence bubbling inside him, he leaned forward to kiss you again. And you did, of course, trust him. That is, until the next morning when you opened your window to let in a canary that immediately turned into George sweeping you up in a hug with a hasty ‘Good morning!’ before class. You really didn’t know what to expect with him but you knew that it was always something that you looked forward to.
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slyterinthings · 8 months
Hufflepuff: Don't you often feel like Slytherin and ravenclaw share a braincell ?
Griffindor: Now that you point it out...
Slytherin & Ravenclaw*in sync*: We do not!
Hufflepuff: yeepp they do.
Slytherin & Ravenclaw: You take that back!
Slytherin & Ravenclaw *to each other*: shut up!
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Draco: Are we fighting or flirting?
Y/n: I'm pinning you against a wall with my hand around your neck-
Draco: Your point?
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the-phoenix-heart · 2 months
okay so I've been spending a lot of time thinking about Harry Potter recently and trolling the wiki for reasons and I have the weirdest observation about the series.
What is JKR's deal with Ravenclaw women?
I mean consider our main Ravenclaw girls: Luna Lovegood and Cho Chang (and Marietta Edgecombe). Luna in the movies is portrayed as whimsically queer, and that's not inaccurate to the books, but in the books she is more often a punchline than anything. She's a parody of the Ravenclaw ideals of creativity and openminded-ness to the point where she believes crazy conspiracy theories.
But she's our most positively portrayed Ravenclaw. Which is more than I can say for Cho and Marietta. Cho is portrayed as a pitiable character, someone so emotional and loyal that she is sympathetic, but the narrative portrays her overemotional nature and loyalty as bad traits. She's so emotional she'll blow up over perceived threats, and dwells on trauma, and it makes her a drag to talk to. And her loyalty is a bad thing because she chooses to be loyal to Marietta. Marietta is ESPECIALLY treated awfully. Marietta is scared for her mother's job that she rats out the DA and for her choice she is forever branded a traitor at 16, and this is completely justifiable. Like, if Hermione can jinx a paper to disfigure a person's face than couldn't she just jinx the paper to make it physically impossible to reveal the DA, except perhaps under the influence of veritaserum? Like the film did? But no, Hermione is instead more preoccupied with punishing than preventing (an insane thing for me to say, I'm sorry Hermione it's not your fault that your author is kinda insane about women).
(And just as a sidebar but Marietta is also given an illustration that makes it clear she was kinda ugly before the pimples which is so rude, but also so like JKR.)
Then you have very minor characters like Padma who are just generally portrayed as kinda bitchy. Padma gets off better than her sister in terms of being treated as bitchy, but it seems like Padma always carries the stigma of being disappointed by Ron at the Yule Ball.
But this goes back even FURTHER, to the oldest Ravenclaw student we are introduced to, Helena Ravenclaw.
In the films, again, Helena's scene with Harry is haunting. She's treated with respect and tragedy (almost all of the dialogue in the film is original). But in the books, yes we actually get her tragic backstory, but she is portrayed as haughty, vain, and prideful.
You can also add in Trelawney there as a Ravenclaw who is treated like a joke (crazy* and alcoholic).
And consider that the two women we know were almost in Ravenclaw, Hermione and McGonagall, end up going to Gryffindor and are portrayed as better off for it.
And like there is more to explore here. The four Ravenclaw men we really get to know are Filius, Ollivander, Xenophilius, and Lockhart. Xenpohilius is a conspiracy theorist (and a death eater sympathizer I just know it) and Lockhart is a buffoon who only really upholds the Ravenclaw wit and is skilled at memory charms.
(There's this crazy part of the Ravenclaw wiki page that actually compares Lockhart to Cho Chang because they both wanted to be popular. WHAT.)
Meanwhile you have Ollivander who is a positive Ravenclaw character, but is also barely in the books and Filius Flitwick. And Filius is a positive character but it is also canon that the Sorting Hat almost put him in Gryffindor, which seems like a pointed attempt to make it clear he's better than most Ravenclaws. Because he's got something of a Gryffindor edge to him.
I don't really know what the whole point of me going on this rant was about, other than just to point out that JKR is weird about Ravenclaws and the women in general. Almost all of them aren't allowed to actually uphold the actual values of their house: Wisdom, Intelligence, Learning. The only traits they ever really uphold is Wit if they are popular and Creativity, which seems to be a nice way of saying they're crazy conspiracy theorists. The only characters that really get anything good out of the house are Minerva and Hermione, and them being hatstalls is only meant to emphasize their intelligence in comparison to their Gryffindor peers. Otherwise Ravenclaw seems to just be JKR's go to bitchy/we need a villain who isn't Slytherin house.
*When I say "crazy" in this post I am referring to how JKR treats the characters. Babbling, loony, conspiratorial, and not in their right minds.
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faustinio27 · 6 months
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Aunt Faustine with her niece Hannah, daugther of Sebastian and Ida (@limonnitsa's OCs) 💙 She wants her to befriend Caligo, even if the little girl's a bit intimidated by this big creature 🥺
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ravenquills · 1 month
My MC's student ID 🐇
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Really wanted to introduce my MC but didn't know how to and then I saw @sparxyv's student ID for Mousey I knew I had to make one of my own!! This amazing template for the student ID is by @kiwiplaetzchen!!
Also wrote a silly little story to help grasp her personality... I wonder if anyone else is as obsessed with those little knights around the castle as I am. Counted 79 so far, but I couldn't get into the other house common rooms so, if you're in anything other than Ravenclaw, please tell me how many knights are in your house dorms!!! 🤭💙
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“Sir Mistle! Would you please tell me exactly what it is that bothers you about Sir Medlar?!” Holliday scolded the set of armor standing outside the Trophy Room. In response, the enchanted metal simply slammed his mace against the floor. Such defiance from such a stubborn knight! Holliday huffed, lifting her chin in exasperation. But as soon as she shut her eyes, the sound of clanking metal echoed down the deserted hall. 
Her eyes flew open, and she jumped back just in time to see Sir Mistle swing his mace at Sir Medlar’s back, knocking him off his platform. The attack didn’t stop there—Sir Mistle slashed, stomped, even jumped on Sir Medlar until his victim lay in pieces on the floor. With one last kick to his fauld, Sir Mistle stepped back onto his platform and settled in place without a sound.
“Sir Mistle!!!” Holliday groaned, dropping to her knees to gather the scattered armor. “Poor Sir Medlar…” she muttered as she polished the breastplate. “I’m amazed you’re not dented yet.” Her narrowed gaze flicked to Sir Mistle, who now stood motionless, as if he hadn’t just violated his neighbor. Tsking, she adjusted Sir Medlar’s helmet, making sure it fit snugly.
Stepping back to admire her handiwork, she slowly turned to face Sir Mistle with a deadly glare. “Sir Mistle, I must inform you—I am quite adept at the Bombarda spell and I am not afraid to use it, should the need arise.” Her voice turned monotone as she threatened, her eyes wide and unmoving. “I do hope you cooperate next time.” She kept her gaze locked on the offending knight until she turned the corner, rolling her eyes with a sigh and a smile. Oh, how sweet it would be to watch that infuriating knight melt. Well worth the lifelong trip to Azkaban for destroying school property. Or would it be murder?... Either way, what bliss. Sweet, sweet Bombarda…
Minoo Holliday—the knight whisperer of Hogwarts.
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Sir Medlar (left) and Sir Mistle (right)! #justiceforsirmedlar
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hollowdeath · 9 months
slytherin fashion
this is the final part of my hogwarts houses fashion posts! you can find the other houses on my masterlist
business casual
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i feel like slytherins will take any chance they can to dress up, so their typical go-to look is business casual. think white collared button ups, vests, black suit jackets, and a necktie, of course. but slytherins are all about adding a little edge, so they try to tone down the professional elements with skirts, jeans, leather jackets, and a pair of headphones.
dark academia/alt
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i mean, c'mon. who's doing the all black look better than slytherins? this is where a lot of our dark academia/alternative friends thrive. some like to keep it business casual still with simple silhouettes: long skirts, long jackets, turtlenecks/vests, and leather boots. others, however, go for a more casual look with shorter skirts, ripped stockings, graphic t-shirts, and tons of accessories like belts, rings, necklaces, and chains. all in black, of course.
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slytherins are the house when it comes to their shoe game, and there's do debate. they take a lot of pride in their collections and keeping their favorites in good condition. it's like a bonding experience for them, talking about and showing off their shoes to each other. and, of course, they love to experiment with all kinds of styles: flats/ballet slippers, kitten heels, loafers, boots, and, above all, sneakers. even if their outfit isn't their favorite, they can always bet they have the best shoes in the room.
chaotic style
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i've tried to find a name for this specific style but all i could find is bloquette (??) and uglycore (???) so i'm just gonna call it chaotic, because that's exactly how a slytherin would describe it. while some slytherins dress professionally, others prefer a more eccentric similar to their fellow ravenclaws. i'm thinking long patterned skirts, particularly plaid, along with boots or tennis shoes and tall socks, as well as random colorful jerseys.
ravenclaw | hufflepuff | gryffindor | masterlist
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breeskins · 2 months
i will forever be a harry potter kid idc
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
✨The Wizardly Fruity Four ✨
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Gryffindor Steve: 7th year | Quidditch team captain | prefect | favorite subject: defense against the dark arts | least favorite: divination
Steve’s parents are the kind to care about the purity of wizard blood, kinda disappointed he isn’t a Slytherin;
Steve plays as Beater, and constantly gets hurt during matches, his specialty being taking hits for his teammates;
When he's chosen as Prefect, he's surprised and often complains about his duty. Truth is, he's always around to help and guide people, never skips a patrol and he's always fussing over a certain group of third-year kids;
Hufflepuff Robin: 6th year | part of the Hogwarts band | member of Wizard’s chess club | favorite: charms | least favorite: potions
Robin hasn’t gotten anything less than Exceeded Expectations since Fly class in her first year;
She used to have a crush on Tammy Thompson in her 4th year, the Gryffindor prefect alongside Steve;
Robin is half-blood and she bonds with Eddie over this. Her father is a muggle, her mother a witch;
Ravenclaw Nancy: 6th year | part of almost every club imaginable | Head girl | runs the Hogwarts’ newspaper | favorite: charms | least favorite: none
Despite knowing she wants to be a journalist, she takes as many classes and joins as many clubs as possible. She wants a full resume by the time she graduates;
Nancy is often close to burnout, Robin has to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn’t end up in the infirmary, again;
Nancy is very competitive and often challenges Steve at quidditch or Robin at Wizard's Chess (she draws the line at D&D with Eddie);
Slytherin Eddie: 7th year (for the second time) | runs the hellfire club | has a muggle rock band | favorite: Potions | least favorite: Herbology
Eddie is a muggle-born and most Slytherins make his life a living hell for it;
Eddie runs the club for the magical version of D&D (kinda like wizard’s chess), an extremely unpopular game. There’s a rumor that the game is related to dark magic, so Eddie is forced to have club meetings in the dungeons;
Eddie gets into trouble for wearing the hellfire club t-shirt instead of his uniform;
Random Fruity Four Facts:
Their friend group formed during their 4th (Robin and Nancy), 5th (Steve) and 6th (Eddie) year;
They always sit together even if they’re supposed to be with their respective houses. Their friendship confuses the hell out of people;
Robin and Steve got detention in their 4th/5th year and while cleaning the potion supply closet they tested some potions, got to the veritaserum and confessed every little secret they had to each other. They've been besties ever since;
Eddie and Steve bicker all the time but Eddie never misses a quidditch match (despite hating the sport) and Steve is often seen going around the dungeons whenever a D&D session is taking place;
Nancy and Steve went on a couple of dates but decided they’re better off as friends;
Nancy matches her patrols with Steve's so she can vent about her crush on Robin;
Robin and Nancy always study together. They rarely let Steve and Eddie join because they get distracted too easily, and because they enjoy some alone time;
If Eddie and Steve pass their NEWTs, it will be only because of Robin and Nancy;
People gossip about them, especially because of Nancy (Head Girl) and Steve (Quidditch Captain);
At one point is rumored that Steve is dating Nancy and cheating on her with Robin, who’s dating Eddie, who’s in love with Nancy;
Steve spends Christmas at school until he becomes friends with Robin, who invites him over. Since Eddie's uncle lives close to her, they force Nancy to make the trip so that they can all be together for the holidays;
Nancy bonds first with Eddie. She was having some trouble with Potion (getting Es instead of Os) so she finds out through the Potion professor, that Eddie Munson is one of the greatest students he had ever had. Nancy forces him to tutor her and they become friends;
Nancy and Robin get their shit together first, after Nancy runs out her plan on how to ask Robin out with Steve at least 10 times;
Eddie and Steve go on dates without realizing it. It takes Steve turning down someone because of Eddie to make him understand that something is going on;
That is it for now, but I kinda want to write some scenes with no chronological order about this universe in the future.
The kids were first years when Steve becomes prefect, now they're in their third year but I don’t know where to put them regarding the houses, let me know what you think!
Edit: if you wanna be tagged when I post stuff from this universe just let me know ❤️
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fanfics4all · 1 year
Truth Potion
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Request: Yes / No Thank you @badthingshappenbingo​ for my card! 
Requests are closed  <3 Have a nice day/night
Draco Malfoy x Fem!Ravenclaw!Reader 
Word count: 1452
Warnings: Being slipped Veritaserum
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
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If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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*Draco’s POV*
She was sitting at the Ravenclaw table laughing at something Michael Corner said. He was smiling at her and I rolled my eyes. He doesn’t deserve to even talk to her, she should be right at my side. He shouldn’t even be able to look at her. I glared at him and she playfully smacked his arm. I grumbled as I took a sip of my pumpkin juice. 
“What’s with the scowl?” Blaise asked as he took a seat across from me. 
“He’s mad that Y/L/N is giving Corner attention.” Pansy said with a smirk. 
“No I’m not!” I hissed. 
“Have you ever even talked to her?” Blaise asked. 
“Nope.” Goyle answered while stuffing a muffin in his mouth. 
“Not a word.” Crabbe shook his head. 
“Shut it!” I growled, slamming my goblet on the table. A few people looked our way and I noticed Y/N was one of them. I quickly looked away from her and started eating. 
“You’ve got it bad, mate.” Blaise said with a smirk. 
“Oh he’s head over heals for that girl.” Pansy said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at them. 
“I am not.” I said with a glare. 
“When are you gonna stop lying? It’s so obvious that you’re in love with her.” Pansy said and I shook my head. 
“I’m not in love with her.” I mumbled. 
“You should talk to her.” Blaise said. 
“And say what?” I asked. 
“She’s a Ravenclaw, ask her what her favorite book is.” Pansy shrugged. 
“That’s actually not a bad idea.” Blaise said and Pansy rolled her eyes. 
“I always have good ideas.” She said, flipping her hair. 
“Sure you do…” Blaise said and Pansy kicked him under the table. Blaise just rolled his eyes at her. 
“We’ve got potions with her, maybe you could partner up with her.” He suggested. I looked over at Y/N and she was not talking to Cho. I smiled slightly and didn’t notice Pansy and Blaise smirk at each other. 
When it was time for potions Pansy rushed over to Y/N, who was sitting in her seat next to Cho. I looked at her with wide eyes and Blaise smirked at me. 
“What’s she doing?” I asked and Blaise shrugged, but still smirked at me. 
“Y/L/N!” Pansy said and Y/N looked at her confused. 
“Yes?” She asked. 
“Do you think you can partner with Draco today? He needs a little help with potions and you’re amazing at potions.” She said with a smile and I looked at her with wide eyes. Y/N looked over at me and I looked away, but felt my ears turn pink. 
“Do you mind, Cho?” She asked and Cho shook her head. I watched Pansy pull Y/N over to us and push her into the seat next to me. 
“Hi, Draco.” Y/N said with a smile and I looked over at Pansy. 
“I hope you all are ready for today’s lesson.” Snap said as he walked into the classroom. He looked around the room and raised a brow when he saw Y/N sitting at our table. He didn’t say anything and just moved on to tell us about the potion we’d be working on today. 
“I’ll get the ingredients and you get the supplies?” Y/N asked me and I nodded. 
*3rd Person POV*
Draco and Y/N worked together great. The two of them were equally learning and laughing, which was just what Draco’s friends wanted. Their plan was working perfectly and it only got easier when they aced the potion. 
“You should eat lunch with us, Y/L/N.” Pansy said. Y/N smiled and nodded. 
“Sure, I’d love to.” She said and Draco glanced at Pansy. 
“Great! We’ll save you a seat.” Pansy smiled. Y/N waved goodbye to the group of Slytherins and Draco stared at her longingly. 
“Did you get the potion?” Pansy whispered to Blaise while Draco was distracted. The boy nodded and held up a small vile of clear liquid. Pansy smirked and looked over at Draco. 
“This is going to be perfect!” She whispered. 
*Draco’s POV*
I was waiting for lunch to come around. I couldn’t believe Y/N had agreed to sit with us. I knew Pansy would have her sit next to me, but I didn’t mind. After sitting with her in Potions and talking to her, I didn’t want to stop. So when lunch finally came I watched the door closely for Y/N. 
“Draco, maybe you should drink some pumpkin juice until Y/N comes.” Pansy suggested. I looked at her confused but shrugged. I took a few sips and saw Y/N walking towards us. I smiled at her and she returned it with her perfect and bright smile. I swear it made the room brighter. 
“Hello everyone.” She said as she sat down. We all greeted her and started eating. Y/N fit in with our group easily and I was so happy to finally spend some time with her. 
“Draco, doesn’t Y/N look so cute today?” Pansy asked with a slight smirk. 
“She looks cute everyday.” I answered and my eyes widened. Her cheeks turned pink and I looked over at my friends, who were smirking. 
“T-Thank you, Draco.” Y/N stuttered with a shy smile. 
“What did you do?” I asked Pansy and she shrugged with a smile. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She clearly lied. 
“How do you feel about Y/N, mate?” Blaise asked and Y/N looked at the two with wide eyes. I tried to keep my feelings to myself, but I couldn’t seem to keep my mouth shut. 
“I bloody love her, obviously.” I answered and turned bright red. Y/N also turned bright red and looked over at Pansy and Blaise, who looked quite pleased with themselves. 
“Did you two give him something?” Y/N asked, still blushing. 
“We may have slipped him some Veritaserum, but only because we were sick of him denying his feelings for you and staring at you like a lovesick puppy.” Pansy answered and I blushed deeper. 
“That’s not very nice, come on, Draco.” Y/N said with a slight glare at the pair and pulled me out of my seat. 
“Where are we going?” I asked as she pulled me out of the Great Hall. 
“To see if Professor Snape has any of the antidote.” She answered. She dragged me all the way to the Potions classroom and knocked on the door. 
“Come in.” Snape’s monotone voice came muffled through the door. We walked through and Snape glanced at us. 
“What is it?” He asked, annoyed. 
“Sorry to bother you Professor, but it seems Draco’s friends slipped him some Veritaserum and we were wondering if you had the antidote.” Y/N explained. 
“Who slipped you the potion, Mister Malfoy?” He asked. 
“Pansy and Blaise, sir.” I answered and he sneered. He got up and ruffled through his closet before returning with blue bottle. He poured some in a cup and handed it to me. 
“Drink this.” He said and I gladly gulped down the liquid. 
“Now get out.” He said and we nodded. 
“Thank you Professor.” Y/N said. 
“You can inform your friends that they’ve just lost their house thirty point and earned themselves a months detention.” Snape said before we left the classroom. Once we were in the hallway Y/N pulled me down an empty hall and looked at me while biting her lip. 
“I know you didn’t want to admit that to me like that and it wasn’t right what they did, but I’d like to tell you that I’ve always had a bit of a crush on you as well.” She said looking down at her feel shyly. I started at her for a moment, but quickly recovered from the shock. I gently lifted her face to look at me and her cheeks with dusted with pink. 
“You’re not just saying that, right?” I asked and she quickly shook her head. 
“Well then, on the next trip to Hogsmeade would you like to join me on a date?” I asked and she smiled her amazing smile. 
“I’d love to.” She said and gave me a hug, which shocked me a little. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her closely. She pulled back and left her arms around my neck and mine were still on her waist. I glanced at her lips and she blushed. 
“Save it until after out first date.” She said and I chuckled. 
“Whatever you want, love.” I said and she blushed at the nickname. Thank you Pansy and Blaise…
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches28 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @rachelxwayne​ @ready-4-fanfiction @in-slytherin-we-trust​ @accio-rogers​ @sambucky8 @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @vanessa-kom-skaikru​ @impulse-anchor​ @psamathegoesrawr @nighttimemoonlover​ @liz-owl​ @dracoswhvre
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slyterinthings · 11 months
Slytherin: I've been so nice to them all this time and this is what they did! Can you believe it.
Griffindor : you've never been nice to them or anyone. Ever.
Ravenclaw: I'm surprised you even know the word.
Slytherin: okay, shut up you guys.
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
ravenclaw barty but he sleeps in one of the beds in evan & regs dorm just because hes clingy like that
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