#while we’re at it throw Richard Ayoade in there too
Joey Batey on Taskmaster when??? Send tweet.
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expelliarmus · 5 years
Doctor Who Tag Game
An excuse to ramble on about my favourite dumb show??? Thank you for tagging me (again) @sopheirion!! :D
I’m not going to tag anyone but you can say I tagged you if you want to do it!
Favourite Doctor: MY BOY TEN!! ALSO ELEVEN! I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH ;o; And please please please get Matt Smith on board at Big Finish and then have them MEET UP AGAIN that would honestly be the dream. But I’ve loved all the multi Doctor stories in the comics too, so I mean they have met up more than once, but still, you can never have enough of them in my opinion. :’) But that being said, I LOVE TWELVE so much I’m so proud of him and how much he grew. AND I LOVE NINE. AND THIRTEEN IS MY GIRL no matter what the writers decide to do with her. As for the Classic boys, I love Three and Four and Five. Also Two. AND ONE. And EIGHT. Well actually I love THEM ALL!!!! But to be fair, I haven’t watched much of Six and Seven... it’s okay, I still love them.
Favourite Master: Missy!! I miss her so much, she would have been amazing with Thirteen... even though I know Michelle was saying that Peter was her Doctor and she wouldn’t feel right going up against anyone else. :( I’m excited to hear her second Big Finish series! I still really liked that story in her first series about that clock...
Favourite Sonic: Oh gosh, I don’t know. Maybe Eleven’s just because it springs out and the way Matt waves it around?? (also because my Eleventh Doctor sonic is broken and doesn’t close anymore because I clicked it open one day and the springs snapped........... I need to buy a new one) Also Thirteen’s sonic is just really pretty and I love how my version has the crystal spinning around and the orange/gold lighting is just very very nice. (But actually I love them all shhh)
Favourite Companion: DONNA NOBLE ALWAYS. Clara Oswald is a very very close second though. :’) I miss them both very much and I hope they can come back one day. And (I don’t know why I’m doing a top 3 but) I love Amy Pond!! Just thinking about how much I cried when Amy left and THEN HOW MUCH I CRIED WHEN ELEVEN SAW HER BEFORE HE REGENERATED....... rip
Favourite Story: Blink still remains my most favourite episode ever. I just love the Weeping Angels and the timey-wimey-ness of it all. But does this mean like favourite story arc... hmmm I guess the missing planets from series 4, and the cracks in time in series 5 because I love series 4 and 5 lots.
Favourite Soundtrack: I HAVE TOO MANY FAVOURITES so here we go:
I am the Doctor - I can literally listen to this on repeat every single day, I miss Eleven’s theme SO MUCH
The Long Song - SO BEAUTIFUL I listen to this one every day lmao
The Wedding of River Song
Song of Freedom
A Pressing Need to Save the World
Clara’s theme
The Shepherd’s Boy
The Sad Man With a Box
This is Gallifrey
Vale Decem
All the Strange Creatures
This Time There’s Three of Us
The Majestic Tale (of a Madman in a Box)
The Sun’s Gone Wibbly
Basically, I miss Murray Gold a lot... Haven’t listened much to the series 11/12 soundtracks yet to have definite favourites from Segun Akinola but they’ll come along eventually. :)
Dream Actor for next Doctor: Idris Elba!! Or bring in Jo Martin to take over once Jodie chooses to move on. :D Richard Ayoade would also be hilarious lmao. Or Eddie Redmayne just because Newt Scamander reminds me so much of Eleven.
Dream Composer: Oooh, maybe Lorne Balfe. The music he composed for His Dark Materials is wonderful!!! Maybe a bit more on the epic side than is needed for DW, but yeah!
Dream Story: The Doctor at Disneyland, and specifically that all the animatronic dolls in come to life (or they’re all Autons!!) and want to take over the Earth!! Or actually, doesn’t matter what the story is about, as long as the Doctor goes to Disneyland hehe.
A companion you’d like to see back: DONNA :’( and Kate and Osgood!! BRING BACK UNIT. And Clara and Bill would be the easiest to bring back - they’re out there in space somewhere, Doctor!! You just gotta find them! AND MARTHA! Though I really liked that Thirteen met her in the comics. :’)
An Enemy/Alien/Creature you’d like to see again: Weeping Angels!! Also the Time Lords...... bring Gallifrey back again ;o; WHERE IS ROMANA??? Give me the Rani too while we’re at it!
If you could travel with one of the Doctors, which Doctor and why?: Ten, just because I love him the most, but also professor Twelve. I would love to attend the Doctor’s lectures because honestly, what is he going to talk about today?? Who knows!!! I love that text post that’s about Twelve throwing darts or flipping open a dictionary at random to decide what he’ll lecture on because that would honestly be how the Doctor decides lmao. And I would just like to be there to see Twelve and Nardole bicker.
Yay, that was fun!! :’) And I started the book about Ace and Thirteen today! Maybe I’ll make a gifset now, idk. I haven’t really done anything today except attend an online staff meeting for an hour and then I just finished reading Deathly Hallows the rest of the day...... okay bye
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