#whisper is very much so a hot fat guy to me. i’ve gotta draw more of him soon
kewpiekills · 8 months
i am always jumpscared by jibanyan whenver i open your account, i forget people enjoy it (i do too! a lot!) do you have any art of any yo-kai characters you'd be willing to share?
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i do actually have some yokai guys i was gonna work into making into characters, like how people do with pokémon ocs and such. the shmoopie guy is still always on my mind to draw more, and the lie-in guy made an appearance in some older whisper art of mine! i also have some very old art of smogmella and mermadonna over on twitter, but you’d have to dig a bit for it (i’m also not very proud of it now).
the jibanyan in my header is an image of a really fat-headed coin purse plush. i used it initially as a temporary pic until i could think of a better one while setting up my twitter, but i never changed it and now i can’t stand to change him.
VERY excited for the new game coming out soon. you have NO idea how hyped i am that it’s getting a worldwide release after ykw4 never got translated. praying it’ll bring back the wheel system rather than the blasters-style running around the combat arena with your yokai <- personal preference. i never could get used to the blasters gameplay.
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pug-bitch · 5 years
That’s not why I’m going (38)
Keep it together
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Drake Walker x Amara Suarez
Rating: some foul language, some extremely suggestive. This is absolutely NOT appropriate for people under 18.
Word count: around 5,000 (oops) (I am on the app right now on my iPad and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to add a ‘keep reading’! If anyone knows, that would be super helpful, if not, I’ll add it when I’m on my desktop :))
Notes: This picks up pretty much where we left off, the day of the Decision Ball, starting with Drake’s POV.
Drake watches Amara as she frantically tries different pairs of shoes to go with her red gown. She looks so beautiful in this color, her dark hair down on her shoulders, curls everywhere. He can’t help but smile.
‘What?’ she asks, grinning too.
Drake shrugs. ‘You’re beautiful. Can’t help it.’
She smiles a little wider. ‘You’re beautiful too. I can’t believe you got ready so fast. I’m already a record breaker, but you have me beat!’
He runs his hand through his hair, his smile stuck on his face. He wishes he could stop time, right now. Just be with her now, and for always.
But she’s right. They have to face the world. She has to show them that she won’t be broken. How could she be, she’s Amara Suarez! Detective Badass.
A knock on the door pulls Drake away from his thoughts. As Amara applies her lipstick, he walks towards the door and unlocks it.
‘Hey guys,’ Maxwell says with exaggerated caution, his hand on top of his eyes and a smiley Michael behind him. ‘Just checking in to see if you’re doing alright. Are you decent?’
Drake rolls his eyes and gives Michael a shrug as if to say Sorry man, he’s always like that, gotta get used to it. Michael laughs. Drake says, ‘Max, uncover your eyes, I wouldn’t open the door if we weren’t decent.’
Max obliges and comes into the room. Upon seeing Amara in her red gown, he gasps. ‘OMG babe. You’re gorgeous! And that hair… As Bertrand would say, Yass Kween!’
Michael chuckles. Maxwell looks at him in all seriousness. Michael’s eyes widen. ‘Wait, you’re serious? Bertrand says Yass Kween? Your brother Bertrand, with the long swimming shorts?’
Amara lets out a throaty laugh that makes Drake’s heart flutter. She says, ‘He saw the light when he discovered Queer Eye, but his closet didn’t get the memo.’ She turns to Michael. ‘You look amazing, Michael. Max’s tux suits you!’
Maxwell beams. ‘Right? I told him he can keep this one. He pulls it off better than I ever did. He gives out some James Bond vibes.’
Michael blushes. ‘Oh please. You all look great, by the way. I feel so intimidated right now, you’re all so comfortable with all this fancy stuff…’
Drake leaps in right away, ‘Oh, don’t be fooled, Mike. I’ve been at court basically my whole life and I’m still super uncomfortable in any fancy setting. It’s just a lot better when you have loved ones around you, to help you through it.’ He glances at Amara. ‘Hey guys, maybe I could take a picture of you to send Amara’s dad? He’d probably love seeing his daughter look so regal and happy, and of course, seeing you two together.’
Maxwell’s face lights up. ‘OMG how have we not thought about it?? Let’s show Jorge how hot his daughter is.’
Amara grimaces uncomfortably. ‘Not sure it’s the point, Max. Plus, it’s a little gross, when you say it like that. But it’s a great idea, Drake. Michael, what do you say?’
Michael’s grin can’t lie. ‘Let’s do it.’ He places himself right next to Amara while Drake takes out his phone. ‘Let’s do the prom pose,’ Michael says. ‘Plus, it’s a nice callback to your actual prom date, who was also a gay man.’
Amara gasps in mock shock and nudges Michael’s elbow. ‘How dare you talk about Adrian?’ She says in an exaggerated manner. They both laugh. ‘Well,’ Amara adds, ‘at least I look less like a cream puff than I did on my quinceañera…’
Drake glances at Maxwell and they share a knowing look, both happy and relieved to see Amara and Michael reunited, and acting like siblings. ‘Alright guys,’ Drake says, ‘smile!’
Jorge is busy painting with his granddaughter, and he barely hears the ping of his phone. Callie is growing up so fast, and she looks so much like her father, that Jorge wants to soak up every second with her. The little girl is not one for staying inside the lines, but Jorge is a patient grandpa. He shows her how to follow the curve of the puppy drawing with her crayon, again and again, until she’s happy with what she’s colored.
‘Jorge!’ Nancy cries out. ‘Your phone is beeping!’
He rolls his eyes in an exaggerated manner, making Callie laugh. ‘Grampie, your eyes are crazy,’ she says through giggles.
He sighs and gets up, his back bothering him slightly. ‘Alright, let me go see what’s going on, sweetheart!’
He meets Nancy halfway and she hands him his phone. ‘I think it’s Amara,’ she says with a wide grin.
Jorge puts on his reading glasses, forced to admit that they do help him see better. He opens his texts.
Papi, Michael surprised me in Cordonia! All is well, we talked, we love and miss you. Give our love to Callie and Nancy. Attached is a picture of us, getting ready for a ball! Xo Amara and Michael.
Before he knows it, a light sob escapes his body. He didn’t mean for it to come out, he really didn’t. Now Nancy is looking at him worriedly. Fat tears are forming in his eyes as he stares at the picture of his kids who have forgiven each other. Unable to say anything yet, he gestures for Nancy to come look at the picture too. She gasps.
‘Honey, they look adorable. This is so great!’ she says, tears in her eyes.
Jorge takes a deep breath and kisses his wife on the cheek. How blessed is he? His Sergio must be so happy, watching over them. ‘Callie, sweetie,’ Jorge finally says. ‘Wanna see a picture of Daddy and Auntie?’
Amara is sitting in the back of Bertrand’s car, with Drake next to her, and Hana in the front. Olivia is riding with Maxwell and Michael.
‘Is everyone doing ok?’ Bertrand asks, probably perturbed by the silence.
Hana responds first. ‘I’m fine, thank you Bertrand. Just anxious to see the end of tonight!’
Amara is too. She nods and turns to Drake, who offers her a smile. They agreed to stick around Ramsford and possibly the cabin in Portavira once the evening is over, for a few more days, while Michael is still in Cordonia. Then, they’ll keep a low profile and travel around Europe, away from the spotlight, the time for everyone to forget all about her and any impact she ever had on Liam. They will try to find Savannah. Then, when things have calmed down, they will resurface and tell Liam about their relationship. Drake told her earlier that he’s not sure there’s anything to salvage in terms of his friendship with Liam, but Amara doesn’t want to jeopardize it. After all, they have been friends for a long time, there’s always something to salvage.
After all, she didn’t think there was anything to salvage between Michael and herself. Look at them today.
Amara silently hopes Hana will stick around, too, although she’s pretty sure her friend will be headed to London to see a certain someone again.
As much as Amara is happy that the competition is almost over, a bittersweet feeling invades her. What if it’s the last time they’re all together, here, bitching about the court and its politics?
She shakes her head. No, this isn’t helpful. Her eyes meet Drake’s again, and he gives her a reassuring smile, as if he’d been in her head, reading her thoughts. She takes his hand, briefly, and squeezes it.
‘Here we are!’ Bertrand proudly announces.
Amara takes a deep breath and gets out of the car, after one last longing look shared with Drake.
‘Holy shit,’ Michael whispers. ‘It’s even more opulent than yesterday.’
Maxwell smiles. ‘Yeah, they really went all out for the Decision Ball. Hey, have some champagne!’ He hands a flute to Michael, and one to Amara, before swiping one for himself.
Amara drinks hers nervously. She should mingle, but her heart’s not in it.
‘Hello, Maxwell,’ she hears an unknown voice behind her. ‘Long time no see, you old bitch!’
Maxwell’s eyes widen. ‘Leo! Hi! I had no idea you were here!’ The two men hug. Amara has heard so much about Leo, Liam’s older brother, that she feels like she should have recognized him solely from the way he greeted Max. Also from his looks - Leo seems to be chiseled from bronze, from head to toe. Wavy golden hair, sort of like a young Hercules, and a smile that has probably made a lot of panties drop.
Leo pats Maxwell on the back. ‘I heard about your coming out. It was really badass, man, congrats!’
Maxwell smiles. ‘Thanks, Leo. I appreciate it. Hey, let me introduce you--’
‘Amara Suarez, right?’ Leo interrupts, offering her his hand to shake. She complies.
‘Um, yes, nice to meet you.’
He brings her hand to his lips and kisses it. Amara has to stop herself from grimacing. ‘VERY nice to meet you,’ he says in a voice that is supposed to be sexy. ‘My brother did not lie about your beauty. You’re stunning.’
‘Hi, I’m Michael,’ Michael says, holding out his hand. Leo takes it.
Amara grins. Michael is obviously nervous and overwhelmed by the Palace and the whole thing, but he’s in big brother mode right now, sensing that Amara needed rescuing from a creep. The three men exchange pleasantries that Amara does not pay attention to, until Leo changes the subject. ‘Where’s Walker?’ he asks.
Maxwell stops in his tracks for a split second, and responds, ‘He’s over there with Rashad. Why do you ask?’
Leo smiles broadly. ‘I haven’t seen the son of a bitch in a while, so I want to say hi. If you’ll excuse me, gentlemen.’ He turns to Amara and winks at her. ‘And lovely lady. I hope to see more of you later.’
He walks away. Amara frowns. ‘More of me? What does he mean, more of me?’
Maxwell grimaces. ‘Ew. He has become even sleazier, and I didn’t think it was possible. Little Blossom, I have some Purell for your hand if you want. He almost licked it.’
Michael snorts, ‘So I’m not crazy, right? For a second, I thought it was a local custom and I wondered, should I have kissed that woman’s hand when you introduced me? Then I thought, no, he’s just a creep.’
Amara shakes her head. ‘I guess Liam doesn’t seem so bad now...Why do you think he wants to see Drake?’
Maxwell puts a reassuring hand on Amara’s arm. ‘Honey, it’s fine. He just wants to say hi. Besides, Drake can hold his own.’
‘Father, can we talk?’ Liam whispers to Constantine, who is helping himself to a seltzer water.
Constantine sighs. ‘Sure, son. What is it?’
Liam smiles nervously. ‘I’ve thought long and hard about it. I’ve made my decision. I’d like to run something by you, now. Can we go outside?’
Constantine reluctantly agrees. He tries to limit his amount of walking in public, to avoid being perceived as sickly. He can’t control his movements as well as he could, just a few weeks ago. He can feel himself become weaker physically, and he can’t stand it. He certainly doesn’t want his subjects to see him as weak. But his son insisted, so now he’s wobbling around, trying to keep it together until they’re out of the ballroom.
‘So?’ he asks Liam impatiently.
Liam clears his throat. Constantine has always hated when he does that. ‘Father, you’ll be pleased to know that I’m going with your suggestion.’
Constantine can feel his whole body relax. Finally, his son has heard the voice of reason. Maybe he can even cancel what he had planned for later. Maybe it’s no longer necessary. ‘Good,’ he says, remaining completely calm and trying not to appear too excited. ‘I’m happy you changed your mind, Liam. This is the right decision.’
Liam gives him a weak smile. ‘That’s not all, Father. I have a non-negotiable condition to this.’
The King has to make a superhuman effort not to roll his eyes. What, now? And to think he was this close to being proud of his son’s decision. Now he’s about to ask for something. As if it wasn’t enough to have to watch his other son running around the ballroom, winking his way through all the ladies present. King Constantine loves his sons, but he wishes he could punch them sometimes. He sighs. ‘What is your condition, Liam?’
Liam adjusts his ascot. ‘Father, I am making this decision for Cordonia, because I am aware that I can’t follow my heart on this one. But I don’t want to give up on true love.’
True love. Constantine can’t believe his ears. But he has to keep listening, after all, Liam is meeting him halfway by making the right decision. ‘What do you propose we do, Liam?’
He continues. ‘I want to give Valtoria to Amara.’
Constantine’s face falls. Valtoria? To a Mexican whore? Over his dead body. Which, for the record, might happen sooner rather than later. ‘That’s preposterous,’ he whispers, outraged.
Liam stands his ground. ‘Well, whatever you may call it, it’s non-negotiable. I have feelings for her, Father, and I know she doesn’t...yet. But if she can’t stay close, she’ll leave without having given us a chance. At least, if she stays in Valtoria, she’ll be able to get to know me. It will be a lot less scandalous if I have a Cordonian arrangement with a noblewoman. Plus, she has made a great impression on the press, she has made a lot of effort to learn about Cordonia and our history, and let’s not forget that a lot of the nobles have already taken a liking to her, even Olivia—‘
‘Oh, you mean the woman who fornicates with her servants? What a great endorsement.’ Constantine spits out.
‘Father,’ Liam says calmly, ‘I’m not asking for the moon. I’m asking for your approval. The duchy is unclaimed, it would just mean that I have to make her a Duchess. It’s been done before.’
Constantine remains silent. It’s worse than he thought. And to think he was about to call off what he’d planned for after the ceremony… No way he’s doing that now. Not a chance in hell. His son needs to see for himself what he really wants to bring to court. He shakes his head vigorously. ‘Liam, this is ridiculous. Everyone will see through this, everyone will see it’s a whim.’
‘Valtoria needs a Duke or Duchess, and I found you one,’ Liam says firmly. ‘I don’t think it’s that much to ask for you to just say yes. Once you pass over the crown to me, once I choose a spouse, we can work through the details. Like I said, it’s non-negotiable.’
Constantine snorts. If he says no, Liam might not honor his end of the deal. So, for now, he has to make it seem like he’s open to it. ‘If you say it’s non-negotiable, then let’s leave it on the table. We’ll talk about it again after the ceremony.’
Liam beams. ‘Thank you, Father. I can give you more compelling arguments later, too.’
Oh, so can he. He smiles and walks away from his son, slowly but surely. Bastien is standing near the door, waiting for Constantine to make his way back to the ballroom. As he passes his bodyguard, the King whispers to him, ‘Please make sure that what we planned happens after Liam has chosen his spouse. I want it out there for everyone to see.’
Bastien nods curtly. ‘Yes, Your Majesty.’
Constantine gets back to his original spot, silently seething. Yes, he will show his son how terrible his judgment is.
Drake sips his whiskey slowly, next to Leo. Sure, it’s nice to see him again, but he can’t help but think that Leo’s excitement over spending alone time with him rings a bit false. Like he’s trying to milk him for information on behalf of Liam.
Leo’s known for a lot of things, and subtlety is not one of them.
‘So,’ Drake risks, ‘How was your trip?’
Leo gives him a dashing smile. ‘It was awesome! I went all around Europe on a cruise, and since it’s ended, I’ve been in Morocco, and then Brazil… Just having a lot of fun.’
Drake nods and takes another sip. ‘That’s awesome. It’s nice of you to come back for your brother’s ball.’
Leo’s smile falters. ‘Yeah, I gotta say, I’m a bit worried about this little bastard.’
Here it is, Drake thinks. This is a lecture on friendship. Oh well, he’s not all innocent in this whole thing, so the least he can do is stick around and listen. ‘Oh, really?’ Drake asks in a falsely nonchalant tone.
Leo nods. ‘Yeah. You know he’s completely fooled by Madeleine’s newly found niceness, and he feels very isolated from everyone. The pressure of being King is getting to him, and believe me when I say I understand why.’
Drake bites his lip, trying not to say what he wants to say, along the lines of Leo, you are the very reason why Liam has to go through this pressure. But this wouldn’t help anybody right now, so he just nods. ‘I get it. But you gotta know that he’s been hard to support, these days. The Liam we both knew is difficult to see, through the mask of Courtly Liam.’
‘Drake, can you blame him? He has new responsibilities, and for God’s sake, our father is sick! Liam needs friends and support right now, not the cold shoulder.’
Drake takes a deep breath. ‘So, I take it you’ve heard that Liam and I have had tough times, huh?’
Leo shrugs. ‘Yeah. He told me that you didn’t like the way he acted with this woman, Amara.’
Drake has to try really hard to remain expressionless. ‘Yes, well, Amara is a friend, and I don’t like to see women being preyed on by entitled men. That’s all. If you had seen the whole thing, you’d understand.’ Maybe, he thinks. He would probably not understand, but it was worth saying it.
Leo raises an eyebrow. ‘You’re telling me you’re picking sides, and you’re choosing a chick you barely know, over your best friend?’
Drake sighs. Of course he didn’t get it. ‘No, Leo, that’s not what I’m telling you. It was just the starting point of our differences, but there’s more to it than that.’ He stares into his glass. ‘Plus, I don’t think you understand the whole ‘picking a side’ thing. If I see someone doing something wrong, I’m gonna call them out on it, whether they’re my best friend or a complete stranger.’
Leo nods. ‘I guess. But Liam needs you. Now more than ever. Think of all he’s done for you.’
Drake’s heart sinks. Of course he thinks about it, all the time. Of course it kills him. Of course he owes Liam so much… But is it a reason to close his eyes on the different person he’s become? Is it a reason to let go of the best thing that’s ever happened to him? Once again, he can’t count on Leo to understand. ‘I know,’ he says sadly. ‘I owe him everything.’
Leo’s stare hardens. ‘Yes, you do. He took you in, Drake. He includes you in everything. Hell, he considers you as more of a brother than me. Don’t forget that.’ He pauses. ‘He needs a brother.’
Drake frowns. ‘Got it. Good talk, Leo.’ He walks away, a knot in his throat.
‘Hey guys,’ Drake says as he approaches Max and Michael.
They both smile, and Maxwell greets him warmly. ‘Hey Drake, where did you disappear to? We’ve been looking for you! Come have some of these amuse bouches, you’re gonna love them.’ He hands Drake a tray of little canapés.
Drake smiles. ‘Did you swipe that from a staff member?’
Maxwell nods enthusiastically, his mouth full of puff pastry.
Drake and Michael chuckle. ‘I just had a chat with Leo,’ Drake says. ‘He came on really strong. Told me I need to be there for Liam. It messed with my head.’
Maxwell sighs and smiles. ‘Don’t let him get to you. He basically licked Amara’s hand like a cartoon wolf, earlier, right, Michael? You can’t trust a guy like that. Don’t humor him.’
Drake nods. He’s still painfully uncomfortable, but he did the right thing coming to Max. The guy’s crazy, but he has a way of supporting his friend like Drake has never seen before. Even the way he immediately took Michael under his wing is remarkable. ‘Thanks, Max,’ he says as he pats his friend on the back.
‘Oh shit,’ Maxwell says, ‘speak of the devil, here comes Liam, everyone smile!’
Drake turns around, and sure enough, Liam is coming towards them, his fake smile plastered on his face.
Michael whispers, ‘Should I bow? What should I do?’
Maxwell whispers back, ‘Relax. Follow our lead, I’ll introduce you.’
‘Hello, gentlemen,’ Liam says enthusiastically. ‘How is everyone doing on this fine afternoon?’
Drake has to force himself not to roll his eyes. ‘Good to see you, Liam,’ he manages.
Maxwell chimes in, ‘You probably remember Michael Hansen-Suarez. Michael, this is Prince Liam of Cordonia!’
Michael awkwardly curtsies, which he probably has seen on The Crown or some other show. ‘Pleasure, Your Highness,’ he says, his head bowed down.
Liam holds out his hand. ‘Nice to meet you, Michael. I’m happy to see you back here again, I feel terribly about the way that you were introduced last night! Please accept my most sincere apologies.’ He does not even wait for Michael to respond, and turns to Drake. ‘Drake, do you have a second? I want to talk to you about something.’
Drake nods, looks at Max and Michael and excuses himself.
Once the two men are out of earshot, Liam’s smile drops. ‘Jeez, this is stressful,’ he says.
Drake nods understandingly. ‘I can imagine. How are you holding up?’
Liam nods. ‘I’m ok. Not completely happy about my decision, but it’s the best I can do, with what I’m given at the moment.’
Drake raises an eyebrow. ‘Don’t tell me—‘
Liam shrugs. ‘What am I supposed to do, Drake? Father is dying. It’s his wish.’
Drake remembers Leo’s words. He needs to be supportive right now, especially since he may disappear after the ceremony and not be there when Constantine actually dies. ‘I understand, Liam. I just hope you can find happiness in any way you can. Honestly.’
Liam gives him a sad smile. ‘Leo talked to you, huh?’
Drake chuckles. ‘Yeah. He made me feel like shit, which I probably deserve. I—I didn’t mean to abandon you. At all. I was just really put off by some things. You know me, I don’t change my mind easily. I should have supported you more.’
Liam sighs. ‘It means a lot, Drake. Thank you. For the record, I didn’t ask Leo to come to you. He told me he might, and I told him not to.’ He snorts. ‘Ironic, huh? My notoriously flaky brother, giving you shit for not being there? It’s fucked up.’
Drake chuckles earnestly. ‘I guess. But you know you can count on me, right? Even if we’ve had our differences…’
Liam smiles. ‘I know. Plus, I’ve come to realize that you were truly right about how I behaved with Amara. And this whole thing with her brother-in-law...how is she doing, by the way?’
Drake nods, stunned that Liam is asking him that when he hasn’t checked on her once since last night. ‘She and Michael talked, she’s doing ok.’
Liam smiles. ‘Good. Let me tell you, something wasn’t right with that speech I was given. I need to look into it. Between this and the way I’ve behaved with her...I owe her, now.’ He clears his throat. ‘Which is why I negotiated with Father, and I’m going to offer her Valtoria.’
Drake tries to speak, but the words are stuck in his throat. ‘Wh—what?’
Liam gestures to stay quiet. ‘Shh, no one knows yet, and no one will until after this is all over. But she’s been a great person through and through, she has made a lot of connections here, and I just thought as a symbolic gesture—‘
‘You are giving her a duchy?’ Drake’s head spins. What’s Liam’s angle? Does he simply want to keep her close? Is that his way of apologizing for trying to fucking grab her?
Liam nods excitedly. ‘Yes. Well, if she accepts. But, from what I gather, she doesn’t have much to tie her to her life in New York. So… Fingers crossed.’
Amara has been hanging out with Hana and Liv, safely away from all the drama around. The three women are enjoying light chit chat and beverages, all three of them choosing to remain blissfully ignorant about the rest of the world, and the rest of the evening.
‘What do you mean you’ve never been skinny dipping?’ Olivia says, a frown on her face.
Hana shrugs. ‘No I haven’t. I’m not saying I’m opposed to ever trying, but I have to say, I don’t see the point.’
Liv snorts. ‘True. Unless there’s someone in the crowd you’re trying to see naked, there’s no point at all.’
Amara is looking at her two friends, a goofy grin on her face.
‘What?’ Liv spits out.
Amara laughs. ‘Nothing. I’m just enjoying the banter. You guys are the best.’
Hana squeals. ‘Aww, you’re the best, honey!’
Liv chugs her drink. ‘You girls are gross.’ She turns her head towards Drake, who is walking towards them. ‘Walker, long time no see! Where did you put Domvallier? Wasn’t he with you?’
Drake gives her a faint smile. ‘He had to take a phone call, but he’ll be back. He said he wants you to save him a dance.’
Amara smiles broadly at the thought, and is about to tease Olivia about her budding romance, when she notices Drake’s pale face. ‘Drake, are you okay?’ She says worriedly.
He nods. ‘I’m fine. I’m just—thrown for a loop. Can I tell you guys something and we all remain calm? I don’t want to attract attention by going outside—‘
Hana puts a reassuring hand on his arm. ‘Of course. Tell us, Drake, don’t worry.’
Drake feels slightly better after telling the ladies about what Liam just announced. He had asked him to keep it to himself, but it’s impossible. The thought of Amara being stuck at court because Liam wants her close… he doesn’t know what to think, how to react, but his gut instinct is sadness. Court always had made him feel inferior. It’s full of sharks. Of people like Madeleine, like the new version of Liam, like the Duke of Karlington, and so many more people who thought commoners were lesser than. Of course, on the flip side, there’s good people like Maxwell. Bertrand. Even Liv. Rashad. But would that life make Amara happy? He’s too afraid of studying her face to see the answer. He stares at his feet instead.
Olivia is the first to speak. ‘Okay,’ she says softly, but firmly. ‘It’s obvious that Liam is doing that to keep her at hand, huh? So the intention is already...not fucking great. But…’ she trails off. ‘I mean… that would give you an opportunity to stick around, and it could be your out,’ she says to Amara. ‘You manage the duchy for a while, you’ll be near Drake and near...us.’
Hana chimes in, ‘You don’t have to accept, though. If you want your freedom over the title and the rest, you can absolutely say no, and I’m sure Maxwell and Bertrand will find a way to have you stay in Cordonia, if that’s what you want. Amara?’ She asks her friend, who is still silent.
Drake finally raises his eyes to her level. God, she’s so beautiful. Her face looks just as lost as his own, which somehow reassures him. They’re on the same page. He wants to take her hand so badly, and out of habit he almost does, but stops himself.
‘This is nuts,’ she says, a nervous smile on her lips. ‘I do love being here, I love you all, but doing it this way…’ she chuckles. ‘It’s fucking crazy. I’m not a noble, I’m a cop, and I’m a bartender.’
Olivia laughs. ‘There’s a first for everything.’
Amara shakes her head. ‘No, if he really does offer it to me, I’ll have to turn it down. Let’s stick to the plan.’
Drake can breathe again.
‘Shit, look at these flowers,’ Michael whispers. ‘And these picture frames. And do you think the sword over there is real?’ He asks Maxwell.
Max laughs and nods. ‘Yeah, it is. I opened a bottle of champagne with it once. I can vouch for its sharpness.’
Michael smiles. He has to make a true effort in order to keep his shit together and not squeal. He wonders how Amara does it. He’s been observing her all day, and she is right in her element, she looks like she was made to mingle with nobles.
He smiles wistfully as he thinks back of the young woman Amara was when he met her, ten years ago, when she was just graduating high school, ready to go to college and take on the world.
Nope, not the best way to keep it together.
‘You okay?’ Maxwell asks, concerned.
Michael takes a deep breath and tries to will the tears to go back to where they came from. ‘Yeah, just overwhelmed.’
Maxwell smiles. ‘I get it. You have your sister back, and you’re in a foreign court, it’s a lot to process.’ He pats his back. ‘Take your time.’
He’s about to open his mouth and thank Maxwell yet again for understanding him so well, but he’s interrupted by a change in the music. There is, all of a sudden, a violin solo coming from the orchestra, which silences everyone, until the King is the center of the attention.
‘People of Cordonia,’ he says, ‘The time has come for my son, Prince Liam of Cordonia, to make his decision.’
@drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @jovialyouthmusic @andy-loves-corgis @mariahschoices @drakesensworld @thequeenofcronuts @notoriouscs @drakewalkerisreal @nikkis1983​ @simsvetements @alesana45 @iplaydrake @emceesynonymroll @lily1999love @drakewalkerwhipped @drakxwalker @drakewalkerrosenberg @drakeswalkers @drakelover78 @silviasutton1989 @dcbbw @carabeth @furiousherringoperatortoad @hollygirl1269 @sirbeepsalot @ladyangel70 @thisperfectmemory @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @mrsmairstanley
Thank you for your encouragements, everyone! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist :)
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🎶 I imagined a night for us, girl all night, show me your tattoos, if it’s alright 🎶
a/n: this is highly suggestiveㅡlol no who am i kidding this is smut bc im jaehyun’s hoe on the last day of her period what do u expect im sorry for playing favorites but a hoe is a hoe and im fucking thirsty
i’ve placed a keep reading line, but in case it doesn’t work, it’s not my fault bc the tumblr app is a bitch like that
Who would have thought local goody two shoes, Jung Jaehyun, was interested in the likes of you?
While he aced his classes and studied at the library until sundown, you barely passed yours and partied until sunrise. He was known in campus as everyone’s first love and you were labelled as resident heartbreaker. His hair was always brushed, seldom times styled, and his skin was flawless while you kept yours either wild and free, or up in a messy bun and beneath your clothes, your skin was marred with tattoos.
No one would have ever guessed that Jaehyun would have even considered you as a candidate to be his girlfriend, let alone catch the two of you in the same room at the summer vacation kick off party.
You honestly didn’t bother with him, assuming he thought you were nothing but a troublemaker. So when you locked eyes with him and saw the faintest blush tinge his cheeks, to say you were curious was an understatement.
You had thought he was embarrassed for getting caught at staring at you, but you notice him following you around the party and your interest was piqued. You decide to gauge his reaction towards your behavior; you danced to the loud bass music, seeing his eyes twinkle when your friends laughed along with you as you sang loudly to the lyrics of the song. His face grew stoic, gaze dark with jealousy, when you danced with guys, grinding your ass against their crotches and letting their hands roam your body.
When you’ve had enough, you stumble to the kitchen and grab a drink. As you pour yourself a cup of tequila, you see Jaehyun amble into the room from your peripheral vision. Smiling to yourself, you hoist yourself up on the kitchen island, letting your dress bunch up your thighs, and take one of the pre-sliced lime wedges from the bowl.
“Hey, Yuta! Up for a body shot?” You yell, voice just louder than the music. A few guys cheer and Yuta grins, walking up to you.
“You know I’m always down for a body shot if it’s from you.” He jams his body between your legs and you roll your eyes, handing him the cup of tequila.
“Requests on salt and lime placement?” You ask in the fakest, sweet voice you can muster.
“Tits and lips, baby, you already know.” Yuta winks, tipping the cup at you and taking a small sip.
With another roll of your eyes, you take a pinch of salt that’s already served by the limes. Yuta leans forward, licking a wet stripe between your breasts that are revealed from the plunging neckline of your dress, and you press the salt particles there, successfully sticking them on.
He waits for you to place the lime between your lips before leaning back down, collecting the salt from the valley of your chest, pulling away to take a gulp of tequila, and finally pulling your face towards him to bite into the lime--and Yuta, being the sly boy that he is, made sure his lips grazes yours.
As you discard the lime from your lips, Yuta is already handing you a new one.
“Nuh-uh, twice in a row isn’t as fun.” You scoff, letting your eyes wander over to Jaehyun, who you had momentarily forgotten. His head is low while Sicheng talks to him, but judging from his red ears; he must have been watching the whole thing.
Yuta groans, looking around, “Hey, Sicheng! Want a body shot from [Y/N]?”
“No, thanks.” He declines, shooting you an apologetic smile. 
You shrug as a reply. Sicheng might like parties, but he’s always been the most conservative in your circle of friends.
After a disappointed frown was sent over Sicheng, Yuta’s attention moves onto the man by him. “Oh, hey Jaehyun! How about you?”
“W-what?” Jaehyun looks over with a flustered expression and you were sure by now that he had been watching.
“Take a body shot with [Y/N]!”
He hesitates, eyes drifting towards you. 
“Come on, Jaehyun! Summer is here, you gotta loosen up! It’s rare enough for her to invite guys to do body shots, but it’s even rarer for you to be at parties!” When Jaehyun doesn’t move, Yuta steps away from you to go over to him and drag him over. “You guys know each other right?”
“Of course, who doesn’t know our university’s golden boy?” You drawl, tilting your head to the side.
Jaehyun continues to blush, “Uhm, yeah, we went to the same elementary before.”
This makes you gawk at him, trying to remember his face from years ago. “We were?!”
He’s a bit disheartened to know you didn’t know that fact, but nods his head to confirm.
“Enough chitchat, take a shot, [Y/N]. Maybe it’ll help you jog your memory.” Yuta pushes Jaehyun towards you.
“Yuta, stop.” You groan, “Stop forcing others to take shots with me. Besides, I wouldn’t want to ruin the image of our golden boy.”
“I-” Jaehyun chokes out before Yuta can complain, “I don’t mind. I’ve just never done a body shot before.”
“Well lucky for you, I consider myself an expert.” You place a hand on his shoulder and lightly urge him to stand in between your legs. You bite back a knowing grin when Jaehyun’s gaze lingers at the sight of your bare thighs, curious eyes wondering what it looked like beneath the folds of your dress. “Would you mind if I did the shot on you?”
He shakes his head, finally bringing his eyes up to yours. “Not at all, do as you like.”
“As I like?” You grinned widely, glancing briefly at Yuta who is equally amused. “Are you sure?”
“Oh, man, Jaehyun, what I would give to be in your place.”
“Why? How do you like your body shots?”
Instead of answering, you pop the few buttons of his dress shirt until his collarbones are exposed. He didn’t seem to complain, but you can feel his body go rigid from your touch. “Relax, okay? I like my shots with salt on your collarbone, tequila in the dips above your clavicle, and a peeled lime wedge in your mouth.”
“In... my mouth?”
You nod your head, “Are you sure I can have it my way?”
“Y-yeah...” He mumbles and you honestly didn’t expect that response.
While Yuta cheers him on, you prepare for your shot; instructing him to tense up his shoulders so the dip between the base of his throat and collarbone can be deep enough to hold a shot. You pour the alcohol into the small well of his body and placed salt in the other. Quickly peeling a lime wedge, you pop it into his mouth, not missing the harsh breath he exhales.
“Here I go.” You whisper into his ear before ducking down, licking up the salt you placed. You felt him shiver, but you continue to the other side, slurping up the tequila. You throw your head back to let the alcohol burn down your throat, cupping Jaehyun’s cheeks to pull him closer. You slip your tongue between his lips, searching for the lime wedge you fed him, but was met with only the sour juice it produces.
With a weak indignant noise from your throat, you coaxed his tongue into yours; gently sucking the wet muscle and stripping it of the flavors of the fruit. His hands have settled on your hips, gripping tightly whenever you tried to take control of the kiss. Your hands have slithered over his shoulders, amazed at how broad they were and how the muscles beneath his shirt felt firm.
If it wasn’t for the rude wolf whistle from god know who, you wouldn’t have pulled away from Jaehyun’s lips.
“Sorry, I juiced the lime in my mouth.” He says, a little out of breath.
“Don’t be. I think I liked that better.” You whisper back.
Yuta snorts, reminding both of you that he was still very much present. “Well, I know when I’m not wanted. That was hot, by the way, I should have recorded it.”
“Ew, Yuta.” You grimaced at him, but he only laughs at you, walking away to wherever.
Jaehyun moves his thumbs around, drawing circles on your hips and bringing your attention back to him. His eyes are dark and glazed over, “Do you want head upstairs?”
Your lips quirk up into a smirk, “Sure.”
It didn’t take long for the two of you to find an unoccupied bedroom and have Jaehyun hovering over your frame. He straddles your hips, gliding a hand over your abdomen to feel your dress’ fabric.
“This is practically a night gown.” He remarks.
“That’s because it is.” You giggle. When your roommate had reminded you of the party, you were already dressed down to enjoy your Netflix marathon that would eventually bore you to sleep. You didn’t think you were out to impress anyone so you threw on a denim jacket over your pink satin nightie, slipped on your sneakers, applied some lip gloss, and deemed yourself ready. “Had I known I was seducing the university’s golden boy, I would have dressed more accordingly.”
“Oh no, this is fine, this is,” He starts to push your denim jacket off your shoulders and you sit up a bit to take it off, “Hot. God, none of my wet dreams about you can compare to this.”
“About me?” This knocks out the flirty tone of your voice and is replaced by genuine surprise.
“I’ve always liked you, [Y/N]. Since we were kids. I changed my name a few years back--I’m Yoonoh.”
"You were the fat back then!” You blurted out, recoiling a bit when Jaehyun’s expression falls flat. “Wait, no! Sorry, I didn’t mean it that way, but you were! Damn! Puberty has been kind to you.”
“I can say the same to you.” His hand travels up your chest, lightly brushing his palm over them. “I was always curious about your tattoos, you know.”
You hum, “I only have one. People keep adding non-existent tattoos on me.”
“What is it?”
“Why don’t you look for it?”
His eyes glint, accepting the challenge. He hooks his fingers to the flimsy straps of your dress and drag them down your arms, low enough until it exposes your boobs and he lets out a soft groan. He takes a breast into each hand, softly palming them. 
“So the rumors about you getting your nipples pierce are fake?” He brings his mouth over one of them, lightly licking your nub while his fingers tweaked the other.
A gasp escapes you, “Oh, I got a piercing, and you can go find that one, too. It’s not that far from the tattoo.”
He peeks at you through his lashes, chuckling a bit. He pushes the skirt of your nightie up until he exposes your belly, expecting to see the piercing but is dumbfounded to see it absent. “What?”
You bite down a laugh when you see his eyes travel lower, finally spotting your tattoo just above the garter of your panties.
“Eat up.” You read the tattoo for him. You got it after losing to a dare with your roommate. She chose where and what to put, but at least you were able to decide the design; keeping it simple with a san-serif typeface.
It makes him smirk, the quirk of his lips bringing out his famed dimple onto his cheek. But then it dawns him: the piercing.
He looks at you in silent affirmation of his suspicion, but you only bite down on your lip and lift your hips up so he could get your panties off.
Once they slid off your legs and tossed aside, his eyes see it: the small pearl-like gray metal piercing on your clit.
“Shit, that’s so hot.” Jaehyun sighs, gently sweeping the pad of his thumb over it.
Your hips buck up involuntarily at the stimulation, “It feels good, too.”
“Not only for me,” You rest back on the pillow and spread your legs wider for him. “I heard it feels nice on tongues, too.”
He snickers, running his hands over your thighs. “Is that so?”
You nod, raising your hips up, not caring if you’re starting to look a little desperate. “Hmm, so why don’t you try, Jae?” You find yourself mischievously grinning, “Eat up.”
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kdfrqqg · 7 years
French Perfume Part 14
Crowley x reader Summary: Reader receives a gift from a secret admirer. Reader learns about her special gifts. This part of the story Crowley and the reader have been dating for a bit with some complications. Warnings: language, sexual talk but no smut
Word Count: 2.5 K
Catch up here: French Perfume Series
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The promise of Dean’s tacos with all the bad fats lead your nose to the savory smell of the kitchen.  Cas was helping Dean put the tacos together and Sam was sitting at the table with his laptop up clacking away on the keyboard.  
“No computers during dinner.” Dean told Sam as you and Crowley sat down.
“But I think I got us a case.” Sam complained.
“Don’t care.  They can wait until after we eat.” You watched the two brothers argue.
“Really Dean?”
“Yes, really!” Dean could be King of the sass when he wanted to be. “I’ve been cooking for an hour and it’d be nice to have a family meal.  The monster will still be there in thirty minutes.”
Sam mumbled something before putting his computer on the counter just out of arm’s reach. “So can we talk about the case?” You asked Dean.
“Yeah, sure, we can talk about work.” Dean replied.
“Ok so what do you think it is?” You turned and addressed Sam.
“I’m thinking it’s a wraith.”
“Ooh ooh I call dibs on being the crazy person this time.” You shot your hand in the air, knowing typical wraith MO.
“You’re going on this hunt, Love?” Crowley asked out of concern.
“Yeah, I’ve been itching to hunt something for awhile.  I’ve been so focused on solving our problem. Is that ok?” You weren’t used to asking permission but you thought it was necessary now since you had someone actually waiting for you at home.
He took your hand, “yes of course, just be careful.” He kissed your cheek.
Dean brought over a huge tray of food, “Alright dig in.”  Cas and Dean sat next to each other and Dean reached for Cas’ hand before whispering in his ear. By the smile on Cas’ face you could only assume it was ‘I love you’ or ‘thank you’. Dean looked at you “I’m guessing that charm thing works.”
“Oh yeah!” You nudged Crowley a little. “Cassie, thank you so much again. Oh, Baby, we should do something nice for your mom.”
“Agreed, maybe a nice condo in Boca.” Crowley hummed, you winked back in agreement.
Everyone grabbed at the food, you noticed how you and Crowley were holding hands and Cas and Dean were still as well. You couldn’t help but think Sam needed someone too.  “um we are going to have to get you a girl cause you are now the fifth wheel, Sammy boy.”
“Well when I meet someone, I’ll bring her around.” Sam told you sarcastically.
“You know who you would be great with.” You smiled.
“You told me before, I don’t think so.” Sam cut you off not wanting to go down that rabbit hole again.
“Oh no, you don’t get to say something like that and not tell the class.” Dean commented.
You look at Sam and he motioned you to tell everyone, “I think him and Jody would make an awesome couple.”
“Oh Miss Mills, she is lovely. Good choice.” Crowley chimed in.
“How did I forget? You two went on a date once.” You chuckled before you punched him in the arm “never hurt her again.”
“Oh my honor.” Crowley wrapped his arm around you.
“No, no, no, Jody is like our mom. She is the wrong choice for him.” Dean argued.
“Cas, tell him that I have a keen ability to make a love match.” You glared at Cas.
“It is true, she is able to determine compatible souls.  I would trust her, Siphons like Cupids pull their powers from love and are able to sense a possible match.” Cas clarified.
“Ok let’s hear your reason why.” Dean addressed.
“Hear me out guys,” your hands were expressive, “so men marry their moms right?”  
All the guys shook their heads except for Dean. “But he didn’t know his mom.”
“Sam may have not known Mary but he had you as his mom.  And Jody is probably the closest thing to a female version of you, Dean.”
“What? I don’t see it.” Dean kept playing devil’s advocate, knowing that you wanted the best for Sam.
“Really! She’s strong, smart, compassionate, loyal.  She is an amazing mom and kick ass hunter.  She is totally you.  Oh plus she’s hot for an older woman.” Dean tilted his head and conceded to your points.
“Ok ok, next time we’re up in South Dakota. I’ll see about asking her out.” Sam threw up his hands. “But I make no promises.  She may not even like the idea.”
“Dude have you seen you? She’s gonna like the idea.” You said with a fake New Jersey accent.
“So are Cas and I, a good match?” Dean asked.
“Oh yeah, cause girls always marry their fathers.” You chuckled and Sam spit out his beer in laughter.
“Oh my God. I never saw that before but damn Cas is so much like Dad.” Sam high fived you.
“Is not!” Dean got flustered.
“Is too!” You yelled back.  “I knew John.  When you first meet Cas he was totally John maybe not so much now, but it’s still there.”
“Fine. If I won’t with Cas, who would you pair me with?” Dean asked.
“That’s easy, Donna.” You replied.
“Now that I definitely see that too.” Sam said.
“She is very beautiful and nice.” Cas added.
“Dean loves himself some lady cops. Remember that hot blonde one in that little town in Texas that I bet you I could pick up. Damn, she was fine.  I rocked her all night.” You brought up.
“Wait you like women too?” Crowley looked at you surprised/excited.
“Ahh yeah, I guess we never really talked about that.  But if you ever want to spice things up I don’t mind sharing you. We could pick up a cute blonde or brunette with big boobs, she’s gotta have big boobs, and we could lick you like a lollipop.  Or better yet you could pound her while I lick her good.”
“On that note, I think you just gave all the men at the table a boner.” Dean joked and looked at Cas’ growing crotch area. “Don’t worry hunny, I’ll take care of you in a bit.” Dean nibbled on Cas’ ear.
“That is so hot.  I volunteer as tribute whenever you two want to spice things up.” You giggled, getting a side eye from Crowley. “of course with my boyfriend’s permission.”
Within a few hours, you and the Winchesters were on the road headed to a small city somewhere in Colorado.  Dean saw you smiling in the rearview mirror only 30 minutes away from the bunker, “you really are going to miss him aren’t you?”
“Yeah.” You smiled taking the time to properly blush and think about how much you really were going to miss him. “But this is good.  Us off to hunt monsters together.  This is my first hunt since Crowley and I got together. Nothing’s changed right?”
“Ummm have you seen those powers you got. Yeah, that’s a game changer now.” Dean commented.
You formed a blue ball of light from your hands, “I guess you’re right. I can’t wait to use these in action.”
“(Y/N/N)” you hummed at Sam, “I wouldn’t use those too openly.  If other hunters find out they may try and kill you.  They don’t know you like we do.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You made the glowing orb disappear.  “It’s not something that I would show to just anyone and I know to only use them when I’m really in trouble.” Both men looked at each other with silent nods knowing that you understood what it took to keep your powers a secret.
It was little harder than you were hoping to get yourself inside the facility since it was an retirement home that the wraith was terrorizing and not a mental institution.  So here you were three days later, pushing little old Ms. Gill down the hallway in a wheelchair, she was a nice lady who went to the bathroom a lot but it could be worse.  Sam was working with Mr. Thompson, who was a mean old son of a bitch that kept pinching your ass.  While Dean on the other hand was in charge of some of the more incapacitated patients, plus he was a favorite of all of the nurses.  Even though he was with Cas, he could still pull out the charm that made all the ladies swoon.  It didn’t take you long to try and test everyone with silver or a mirror that would have had access to the patients.  This was beginning to wear on you, who the hell was it? You needed to gank this bitch and soon.
The phone in the pocket of your scrubs vibrated as your turned the corner to Ms. Gill’s room.
Crowley: Love, I miss you. Be careful.
You smiled and looked down at your feet before replying back.
Y/N: I miss you too.  I love you.
Ms. Gill noticed your demeanor change, “You look happy today.  Was that from your boyfriend?”  
“Yeah it was.” You smiled.
“What’s he like? You know a girl like me hasn’t gotten any in a long time.” Ms. Gill explained making you chuckle.
“Well he’s sophisticated, handsome, a lot older than me.”
“Not like me older?” she questioned.
The truth was closer to yes but you knew you had to lie. “Um no, no he’s-he’s in his fifties.  So it’s still a May December relationship.” You sat in the chair next to the bed.  “Oh but he’s so caring and generous, the perfect bad boy.  My brothers don’t really like him.  Well they’re starting to come around, it’s been the hardest on Dean because they were friends before we started to date.”
“Like good friends?”
“Yeah, he helped Dean through a rough patch.”
“He seems like he might be one.” She told you.
“Yeah, that’s crazy to even think about but yeah, yeah I think you might be right.” You agreed.
That evening trio went back to the motel with no leads.
“I’m telling you it is the janitor.” Dean proclaimed.
“Dude, I flirted my ass off to get him to stand in front of that mirror.  It’s not him.” You sassed back.
Dean sighed, “You’re right.”
“Maybe we’re looking this wrong.  Could it be a patient?” Sam stepped in.
“Well it ain’t Mr. Thompson, if that’s what you’re thinking.  I smacked him good with my silver ring after he grabbed me.”  You told them.
It was back to the drawing board, laptops opened up and you were sitting on the bed while the Winchesters sat a the small table by the window.   You were about to fall asleep after researching for few hours, when Jarrell popped into your room.
The guys immediately jumped up with weapons drawn, “Your Majesty! Your Majesty!” Jarrell yelled.
You leap up and went to him taking his hands. “Jarrell, what are you doing here?”
“The King sent me. The demons must think he is weak and they are trying to change the timeframe of deals from 10 years to 5 years.” He informed.
“What?  Hell no!  They can’t do that.” You turned to the brothers, “I gotta go stop this.” you hugged both of them, and they kissed you on your cheeks.
“Just be careful, Kid!” Dean said as he squeezed you.
“I will be.  I know just what to do to get these bastards inline.” You marched towards the door, right before you hit it you vanished into thin air.
You appeared right outside the main doors to the throne room.  Pushing the large wooden doors open with a great deal of force, you made your entrance.  The heels of your boots made a loud banging noise that quieted the room quickly, “What the hell is going on here?” You asked in an authoritative voice as you walked towards Crowley.
“Your Majesty, we were just suggesting that we reduce the amount of years someone is given after selling their soul.  This would increase our soul collection by 20%.” The Demon cowered in front of you.  It was clear to everyone that the demons feared you more than Crowley now. He normally held them in contempt and was agitated with them, where as you looked for any redeeming qualities they may have so when you were pissed your whole personality changed.
“No, no, no, no, nooo.” you almost sang your displeasure with their ideas.  “I don’t think so.  First off your plan is short sighted,” you said, looking to Crowley for his approval, “sure you want to increase your numbers now but once word gets out that we’ve reduced the amount of years people get, they won’t want to deal with us anymore. If anything, you wanna increase your long term numbers, then you need to give them more years!” you let that sink in for a moment, the demons started to whisper to each other. “Jarrell?” you tried to find him in the crowd, he was almost always in the back.
“Yes, Your Majesty.” he came forward.
“What would an extra year or an extra five years have meant for you to be with your wife and daughter?” you compassionately asked.
“It would have meant everything, Your Majesty.” Jarrell responded.
“Think about it.  More years is the way to go. Hell, we should be thinking about ways to help them buy back their souls.”  The demons murmured amongst themselves again.  “That is probably not a discussion for today but y’all need to think about.  Believe me we will not be hurting for the numbers. People will still sell their souls, but what we offer is a service and in the service industry you always want to give more to your customers.”
You took Crowley’s hand indicated that you were done speaking, “That settles that.  This meeting is adjourned.” Crowley told them.  The demons exited the room, “Darling, that was brilliant.” He kissed your forehead.
“I didn’t overstep my bounds, did I?” You chewed the inside of your mouth.
“No, I’ve been thinking about increasing the number of years for a long time now.  It’s good to know you are on my side.”
“I’m always on your side.”
“Can you stay, Love?” He asked.
“I want to but we have a wraith to gank.” You sighed not wanting to leave his side.  
“I understand.” Your bodies naturally gravitated towards each other until arms wrapped gently around each other.  He kissed you deeply burning the breath from your lungs, his lips moved smoothly over yours. “Just remember, you can always pop over here and get a little lovin’ anytime you’d like.” His words made you chuckle.
“I’ll have to remember that Baby.” You told him before he let you go back to work.
You popped back into the motel room startling the Winchesters. “Jeez, you are just as bad a Cas.” Dean told you.
“Sorry about that.” you said to them as you looked into the mirror, your lips were all swollen and red.  You loved that feeling of being loved by Crowley.
“And?” Sam asked pulling you away from your day dream.
“Oh yeah there was stay of execution.” you informed.
“Because of you?” Dean questioned a little surprised.
“Yeah, because of me.” you chuckled at yourself, still not believing that you just commanded a room of demons and they actually listened.
“Wow, you might actually change hell.” Dean said as he handed you a beer.
I love all the likes and reblogs but I really do want your feedback. Please leave me a comment; let me know what worked or what didn’t. If you hated it let me know what I could do different. It may determine how I write my next fic.
“Give it to me! You know you want to!” Writer winks at reader.
MY MASTER LIST Thanks for reading! Let me know if you want to be tagged.
Everything @bandobsession98, @greenappleeyes, @honeybeetrash, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @18crazybutcutealsopsycho, @xdifsx, @winchesters-favorite-girl, @queen-of-deans-booty, @notnaturalanahi, @justanotherdeangirl, @samwinjarpad, @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel, @drakkie-blog, @geekgirl1213, @sophiebobzz @emoryhemsworth
Crowley @boxer-pup, @fuschiarulerinthebluebox, @uselessace, @gettinjoyful
French Perfume
@kitten-undercover @sclerafantrash @wholita
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