tortoiseshellcatfan · 7 months
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Which one shall I goober-ify next :)
(Snowfrost belongs to @whispering-clan)
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t3-art · 1 year
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just gals bein pals.... her tail got better btw
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whispers-of-the-stars · 10 months
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Moon 9
Nothing interesting happens this moon...
Moon 10
As Patchpaw continues to learn the ways of a medicine cat, an elder named Quickfleck leaves camp without anyone realizing. A few hours later, Quickfleck returns with a single kit that was only just starting to open his eyes. Firerun, another elder and Heartwhisker's father demands an explanation, but Quickfleck simply tells Firerun to mind his own business. Boragespot doesn't mind the new kit, but Patchpaw is soon having his paws full when the kit gets sick due to not having a nursing queen to help care for him.
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Boragespot - Tom - Oblivious - Den Builder & Omen Seeker - Elder (Warrior)
Firerun - Tom - Lonesome - Fast Runner & Good Climber - Elder (Warrior)
Quickfleck - Tom - Faithful - Good Kitsitter & Leaner of Lore - Elder (Warrior)
Heathkit - Tom - Bossy - Lover of Stories & Oddly Observant
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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These are little info graphics I made for my original clans for Warriors. Other info to come!
Feel free to ask questions, I only ask you don’t rip off my ideas! These are all designed by me from years ago and polished throughout the years via rps and story writing.
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cascadeclangen · 3 months
Rainypaws’ Interlude
Set between moons 3 and 4
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tearwolfe · 8 months
i'm making a whole WC x PRSK au now. i've made my own clans though (whisperclan, ripplingclan, bellowclan) because i wanted the VS to be in leadership roles and i wasn't sure if putting the kagamines both as one leader would be weird or not
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fallenclan · 10 months
in case anyone is interested. a long while back i made a secondary clan in case i ever got tired of Fallenclan and wanted to start over with new cats, and since i just went to look at them i took a screenshot :) this is Whisperclan, they may not ever be drawn but i think they're neat
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dream-clangen · 2 months
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clan leadership - year 1
all of the cats of importance in Dreamclan and each of the neighboring clans, Asterclan, Whisperclan, and Ploverclan
small (unorganized) lore dump below
Goldstar and Lightsplinter are half sisters and are from a long line of leaders
Completely unrelated, Asterclan tends to favor having notable cats of the same lineage and are less open to outsiders joining their clan. They are not inhospitable, but any refuge they offer is very, very rarely a permanent invitation
Rowanstar has been leader the longest of any of them, and accordingly has the least remaining lives (a surprisingly high 6 left)
Whisperclan is a very harsh and disciplinarian clan, but they value their healers and mediators above all else. Their healers, mediators, elders, and permanent queens are nurtured and always treated with the utmost respect
Lilystar looks up to Pouncebat a lot
Asterclan and Whisperclan are the oldest of the four clans, and as such were the most immediately offput by Dreamclan's formation in their forest. Ploverclan, on the other hand, being a slightly younger clan themself, was a lot more inviting and has been helping Dreamclan set and enforce their borders
Whisperclan is the only one of the clans to maintain the rule against medicine cats having mates or litters, the rest have and enforce no such rule
Only Asterclan has a similar tradition: mates of impregnable healers in Asterclan must take a 6-moon long apprenticeship under their mate in the case that they have kits
Despite their clans' rivalry, Pouncebat and Pumpkinjoy are very close
Blackleaf is the oldest cat in Asterclan and is adamant that he will work until he dies and that he will not take an apprentice until he finds the perfect replacement
Whisperclan and Ploverclan each share borders with an additional clan, Tansyclan (irrelevant)
Ploverclan also borders an additional clan, Mallowclan (also irrelevant)
they've got a lot more lore i've brainstormed but it is Not At All coherent my bad
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stagwhisker · 1 year
Whisperclan (long)
okay I'm gonna try to motivate myself to clean by forcing myself to get some stuff done every 5 or so moons at which point I'll update this again.
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Moon 1
Sunnyfleck slipped on a rock and sprained his paw.
Chestnutmuzzle got a stomach ache.
Mossleg caught a mouse.
Moon 2
Chestnutmuzzle's stomach ache is gone!
Rookpaw is apprenticed to Chestnutmuzzle.
Dovepaw is apprenticed to Plumtoe.
Plumtoe slips on a rock and dislocates his leg.
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Dovepaw steals a rabbit from Rowanclan undetected.
Chestnutmuzzle and Rookpaw failed to catch a mouse.
Mossleg stepped on a thorn while gathering herbs with Grayweb.
Moon 3
Sunnyfleck's sprain is healed!
Sunnyfleck is now Nonbinary!
Mosslegs cut is healed!
Dovepaw thinks she had a vision from Starclan, she talks to Hickorystar on a patrol.
While training, Chestnutmuzzle notices Rookpaw isn't feeling himself. Rookpaw tells her he feels he is a failure and not doing good enough. Chestnutmuzzle comforts him.
Dovepaw compliments Rookpaw on how sharp his claws are.
Rookpaw admires Dovepaw's bravery.
Mossleg spent some time with Grayweb in the medicine den.
Plumtoe is surprised by Chestnutmuzzle being thoughtful.
Moon 4
Dovepaw trips on a stump and gains a few bruises.
Plumtoe's joint isn't the same anymore, but he feels much better.
Dovepaw talks with Plumtoe.
Plumtoe has been spending more time with Chestnutmuzzle.
Mossleg, Grayweb, and Plumtoe took a sunbath.
Moon 5
Hickorystar has gotten a stomach ache.
Dovepaw's Bruises are gone!
Dovepaw slips on a rock and sprains her paw.
Basspaw is apprenticed to Mossleg.
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Mossleg tries to teach Basspaw how to catch a bird. Basspaw rolls his eyes and asks why he can't just catch it. The bird sees him coming immediately and flees.
Plumtoe and Sunnyfleck catch a mouse.
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fancytacopaper · 2 months
Check SatC Discord server out if you love Warriors, roleplaying , fanfiction,etc.
We have 12 FanClans to roleplay in: RidgeClan, SwiftClan, CreekClan, WhisperClan, StormClan, NightClan, DuskClan ,BreezeClan, TideClan, MistClan, FrostClan and ThornClan along with several RP channels outside of the Clans along with channels for stuff like art, writing,plots ,etc .
Besides the typical roles of warrior,leader,deputy,elder,etc we have several new ones . Some are Clan-specific while others are common in all of the Clans.
That's not all! You can RP as another animal besides a cat : Fox,wolf ,snake, different birds,etc as long as they aren't your main OC.
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Dark Forest Residences: Glaremouse & Breezefleck
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Aliases / Nicknames: ??
Gender: male
Sexuality: asexual, demiromantic
Family: unnamed bio mother, Flightcry, Silentbrook (fathers), Peaklight, Splashrumble, Ratpaw, Cloudyfreckle, Stormyember, Ratdazzle, Rockfeather (sisters), Firesummit, Lilyblaze, Coallotus, Hollowpeak, Breezefleck, Mousepelt, Basaltstripe (brothers), Dardapple (sibling). Lilykit (aunt), Scorchsnarl (grandmother), Dustyflight (grandfather)
Other Relations: Gravelnose (mentor), Rabbithollow (Dark Forest mentor), Yuccafang (apprentice)
Clan: WhisperClan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: cold, good tunneler
Murder Motive: vengence, Black Rabbit Legacy
Number of Victims: 4
Number of Murders: 4
Murder Method: leading predators to their victims
Known Victims: Chasmjoy, Olivehiss, Cinderstar, Flightcry
Victim Profile: BR Legacy Victims, those who he wanted vengeance on
Cause of Death: suicide
Cautionary Tale: ??
"I can't believe that Chasmjoy did that!" Breezepaw snarled, his tail lashing.
"I know." Glaremouse responded. "Don't worry, I'm sure Cinderstar will let you become a warrior eventually. Chasmjoy was just dumb, and so is Cinderstar for listening to him."
"What?" Breezepaw asked, all anger gone from his posture. "....Glaremouse....Chasmjoy...he killed Tangleivy."
That was unexpected. "Oh." Glaremouse responded, trying to process the information and failing. "That's....good."
Seeing Breezepaw unsheathe his claws, Glaremouse quickly elaborated. "It's good because I killed him already. I was...unhappy about what he said, and it just happened." 
A horrible screech came from the entrance to camp. Cinderstar, the leader, pushed past a crowd that neither of the brothers had noticed forming.
Breaking through the sound of scuffling was Birchfeather's wails, burying his head into the body of...Nighteagle. 
As a small pitch-black rabbit sprung out from around the corner, Glaremouse and Breezepaw exchanged a look. 
"Kits....there's something I need to tell you. About your other father, Silentbrook. One day, I....I encountered them standing over the body of Goatcinder."
Peaklight let out a sob at that, Goatcinder was her own kit. But that wasn't all Flightcry had to say.
"He didn't see me. But I told the medicine cat what I had seen, and....Silentbrook contracted greencough soon after."
After that, it was like darkness itself broke loose, as Glaremouse leapt at his father and tore his throat out.
As you can imagine, the others there didn't take well to that. Glaremouse regretted nothing, except...
Midnightstar exiled him, and Breezefleck could only watch. He failed his brother.
Soon after, his injuries caught up to him, and a cat he hadn't seen for a good while came to comfort him in his final moments.
"Little mouse of rage, what event are you trying to stage?" 
Glaremouse could barely look up, coughing so badly it was impossible to even stand. Rabbithollow gave him a concerned look.
"Gonna die anyway. Don't wanna suffer too long," Glaremouse croaked out, weakly gesturing to the deathberry seeds that he had gathered before it got this bad.
Rabbithollow nodded in understanding, and curled up next to him.
He muttered reassurances to Glaremouse as he died. 
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Aliases / Nicknames: ??
Gender: male
Sexuality: pansexual
Family: unnamed bio mother, Flightcry, Silentbrook (fathers), Peaklight, Splashrumble, Ratpaw, Cloudyfreckle, Stormyember, Ratdazzle, Rockfeather (sisters), Firesummit, Lilyblaze, Coallotus, Hollowpeak, Glaremouse, Mousepelt, Basaltstripe (brothers), Dardapple (sibling). Lilykit (aunt), Scorchsnarl (grandmother), Dustyflight (grandfather), Quietshade (HalfClan mate), Risingspot, Shadechaser, Cloudedfleck (daughters), Lookingstar, Braveclover, Wishdream (sons), Foggychest (kit)
Other Relations: Rockfeather (mentor), Mousecrawl (Dark Forest mentor)
Clan: WhisperClan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: gloomy, fast as the wind, steady paws
Murder Motive: wants to impress his brother, BR Legacy
Number of Victims: 8
Number of Murders: 8
Murder Method: varies
Known Victims: Chasmjoy, Olivehiss, Cinderstar, Bogminnow, Birchfeather, Shadeburn, Moonfeather, Mothwhistle
Victim Profile: BR Legacy Victims
Cause of Death: fell off a cliff, blunt force trauma
Cautionary Tale: ??
After Glaremouse left, Breezefleck turned to the only things he had left:
 The Black Rabbit Legacy,
And his mentor, Mousecrawl.
Additional Information: 
--Submission by @frightnightindustries
--The murder number is Mousecrawl living vicariously through Breezefleck.
--The names are Breezefleck's mid life crisis.
--Quietshade is great-grandkit of Fogscar!
--Wishdream is a future resident!
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t3-art · 1 year
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so... clangen. amiright? 😸
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whispers-of-the-stars · 10 months
Something Terrible has happened pt1
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Moon 8
Patchpaw cheered as Timberpaw and Stoatpaw were hailed as apprentices. Perchstar called Heartwhisker forward and assigned Stoatpaw to her. Meanwhile, Timberpaw was assigned to Tawnyraven, a warrior that Patchpaw rarely saw as it seemed like she was always out of camp. Patchpaw could only hope that Timberpaw didn't take on this trait.
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Tawnyraven - She-cat - Strict - Camp Keeper & Clever - Warrior
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Mating ceremonies for the clans.
Typical reasons one might believe they should mate;
Some say you must have a mating ceremony in order for you to find each other in Starclan
Some say it’s a bad omen to have a kit without a proper mate
Some say it’s a show of loyalty to the other
Some chose to mate so they will always have someone there to care for them
Some have ceremonies once they have kits to be a proper family
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