irukasenseii · 1 year
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He had come by to drop off a book for Satoshi, not knowing if he was around. But someone else was and Iruka had to assume this was the elder brother that the teen often mentioned. "Hello-- Is your brother in today?"
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shinobinvku · 3 months
For @whispersofdeceit | Kyohi
Kyohi was fond of walks already, but they just seemed...better, here. Better, more natural, fresh. He wasn't really sure how to describe it, but it was always the best in the rain, despite his home village being nothing BUT rain. Walking his usual path, he came across something...unusual. A figure, in the distance, growing bigger in his approach. A person.
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Rolling his umbrella in his palm, he decided to hold it up, higher, in an attempt to cover her from the rain.
It’s midsummer when the rainy season comes to Konohagakure. Gray clouds loom overhead, darkening the skies, and the downpour turns the dirt paths into mud as villagers trudge through the storm with their umbrellas, searching for dry cover. 
It’s a dreary sight indeed, but it’s the weather she enjoys the most. It vaguely reminded Chitose of her home in the Land of Rivers. The sub-tropical summer season in Ryugu-jo was far longer than any other, where the weather from Amegakure traveled south into their borders and dwindled as it reached the Komo-ten Ocean. Everything from the smell of dampened earth to the feel of the weather’s wet humidity clinging to her skin felt wonderful to the Dragon. 
Chitose was lost in thought, mauling over multiple options and getting drenched by the rain, when her paths crossed with a peculiar teenage boy. Then suddenly, the rain seemed to stop. Glancing above her head is an umbrella and it soon occurs to her that she’s being followed.
“Oh, thank you, but I—”  
Their gazes meet. Chitose gasps softly. The sight of stark, white hair had caught her off guard. 
“Sorry, you reminded me of someone. Are you—you wouldn’t happen to be related to Hatake-san?”
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hatredcurse · 3 months
continued » @whispersofdeceit
Orochimaru's sole success ( second, if anyone was counting ) fell into this bad habit of staring. A little too close, a little too intense. He could almost hear the skipped rhythm of Hiroki's heartbeat and some weird, foreign emotion flushed over him. Felt bad, no good.
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" Oh- " It was odd. He was so used to everyone knowing him, " Mitsuki, ah.. No last name. My parent is Orochimaru ? "
He hopes that jogs the other kid's memory, if not, then he really has no other prominent identifiers. Which would leave him feeling extra strange in his own home.
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historias-multorum · 2 months
@whispersofdeceit continuing from this.
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He smiled behind his mask. "Barbecue it is, let's do it."
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thecopynin-kakashi · 3 months
A letter arrived, neatly folded, with a seal. Envelope blank, save for the sole name scrawled across it in flowery writing. Kakashi Hatake.
Inside, the note was folded just as neat, almost professionally, and the handwriting the same. Rose petals were enclosed, folded up against the paper, and splatters of something red dotted the page.
To the traitorous thief. I have no doubt this letter will find you, and thus, I expect results within the week. There has been no reason to keep the boy past his initial use on his mission.
It's time. Send him home.
Beneath the message was a smearing of the red, with a small tuft of pure white fur taped over it.
--Time is running out.
Kakashi flipped open the note and took in the words slowly. Threats rarely worked on him, especially when it involved something worth fighting for. Kyohi was not going to be given up without a fight, and any notion of a timer running out was met with a calm and unshakable defiance.
Pieces of a puzzle were already connecting and there was contentment in that.
If she wished to test his resolve, so be it.
"Double the guard on Iruka and Kyohi. I need a moment to think."
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uzchis · 1 year
❝ don’t leave. please. ❞ [Kyohi]
“don’t” starters / @silenceindefeat
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Suengri doesn't fully make it out of the bed before he feels the tug on his shirt. He'd only wanted to step away for a second, thinking Kyohi had fallen fast asleep after such an episode, but maybe the other was far more sensitive to his surroundings than he lets on.
Whether fully awake or not, Suengri doesn't argue and concedes to the wishes. Carefully, he shifts back to lean against the headboard and mindlessly runs his fingers across white tresses. Kyohi shifts, and Suengri remains still for a second before closing his eyes. Although it wasn't the most comfortable position he's been in, he thinks it matters little compared to Kyohi's plea. Yeah, anything for him...
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uzumaki-zenjiro · 2 years
✘ [from Hiroki!! (whispersofdeceit)]
Aesthetic Board of Our Muses: x || @whispersofdeceit || Hiroki & Zenjiro 
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uzumakichcined · 2 months
"&" [from Hiroki on whispersofdeceit! Son is curious about his mother's scars.]
Send me "&" for my muses reaction to yours tracing one of their scars. @whispersofdeceit
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After so long, Karin only had one scar left on her body, many of the other marks having long since healed from her own self-healing and time. Yet one persisted through the test of time, unfortunately. That day she had decided to tie her hair up and wear a normal tank top around the labs and corridors. After so much time she had completely forgotten about it, but it seems her curious child was interested in the only mark that wouldn't heal regardless of the healing she was put through.
Sitting on a chair and reading one of her books, she relaxed and didn't think much of her son approaching behind her. What surprised her was feeling his hand caress the back of her neck. Where that one mark still persisted. Right at where the scruff of one's neck would be if humans had such a thing was a large, ugly, and deep bite scar. As if she had a large animal bite and picked her up from that very place and shook her around. The scar didn't even seem to fade with time and looked as if the event had just happened not a month or two ago.
Karin froze, feeling a chill spread through her body and spread out from her spine. Her entire body tensed, breath hitching, and panic set in. She'd stay like this, for several uncomfortable moments unable to speak much less move but eventually, she'd regain herself, and slowly pull away from his hand. " Hiroki? " Came her whispered voice, softer, quieter, cautious. Part of Karin was worried that who she thought it might be was a trick of the mind. Despite knowing she wasn't in any genjutsu or anything of the sort, she still had that instinctual fear set in from when the mark first cut through her skin.
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abyssaldespair · 1 year
From Shiori on @whispersofdeceit. He is an adult, but idk if he's too young for Obito lol.
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I did this because reasons, totally sure I wasn't going to get a bingo. But lol I guess Shiori got one. XD
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"Congratulation, you fit more than half the requirements to be my type. You could have a chance at dating me... If I allowed it, what was your name again?"
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silenceindefeat · 1 year
So I really wanted to send muses to other Sasukes, but I don't know which ones would accept next gen OCs...some that are related, some that are Karin's kids--
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This is coming from Kyohi!
(from the sideblog @whispersofdeceit)
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You'd think that originally coming from a place where it rains constantly, he'd come to hate it, but he loves rain.
He's an inch shorter than her preferred(5'5. His FC's canon height)
He's a bit of a people pleaser, but he's very sweet<3
That said! 3 Bingos!
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"He seems plenty sweet. I'd love to get to know him more."
Things like height and confidence were optional, of course. But, if anything, she knows just who exactly she'd be taking her walks with when it rains. Childish as it may be, she likes to splash in the puddles a little bit.
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irukasenseii · 3 months
💖 [as the mun, I request a hug for Kyohi--]
Send 💖 for my muse to give yours a hug // @whispersofdeceit / @silenceindefeat
He's not sure why he does it really. It was just a feeling he got when he looked at Kyohi then. He looked so much like Kakashi did when the man needed some sort of attention or affection but didn't want to (or didn't know how to) communicate it. He pulled the teen into a hug.
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"Sorry if I'm over stepping. You just look like you could use a hug."
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shinobinvku · 3 months
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reddawnmultimuse · 1 year
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Sasori gets one from Shiori, too! (he's on @whispersofdeceit)
Sat there for a good bit considering some of them because like--he doesn't physically feel anything, so the bottom left, I was just 'hmmmmmmmm...'. Also age wise--I'm thinking he's mid 20's rn. He's got no set age at the moment. XD;;;
He is also confused as to what a Pommie is.
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"Hmm...I ain't know who you are but I'm impressed, even if you didn't get a bingo. You're goin' on the list."
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historias-multorum · 3 months
@whispersofdeceit continuing from this.
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"Sure, sounds good to me, let's get going. Given how hot it is today, I'm sure the stores are gonna be packed with folks trying to keep cool."
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thecopynin-kakashi · 1 year
Dash Thoughts: with @whispersofdeceit Sitting here so touched with this thread because Kakashi remembers very clearly what it was like to grow up without a father. Coming to and going from an empty home, not having anyone there to guide him or offer praise for his achievements--it's a loneliness he doesn't want any kid to go through, especially his own. And now he gets to be the person to fill in the gap. He wants to say and do the things he wished his father had for him. He wants to offer his experience and pass down all his knowledge and advice so he can see this kid rise up and become an even better presence for his kids if he has any. He wants to end a cycle, and I love their relationship already asdfgh.
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