godoflaundrybaskets · 9 months
Hi godoflaundrybaskets - I'm a grad student and am doing a project on podfic listeners and creators. I've been an avid fanfic reader my whole life but more recently discovered podfics. They've opened a whole new world of fandom for me. I was wondering if you would be open to a conversation about podfics? I'd love to learn about your creative process and journey as a fan. Any information you can share is greatly appreciated. Hope we connect soon!
hey, this is from ages ago but I'm just starting to get back online. If you wanted to DM me feel free. Here's a place where I talked a bit about my process especially as I was getting started this is pretty close to my original method: https://godoflaundrybaskets.tumblr.com/post/713223902840668160/hi-honey-love-your-pod-work-and-wondering-if-you
I don't think I've really talked about this journey publicly anywhere so I'm just going to give a quick barely edited version so if I feel like elaborating later I have something to work off of, lmao
I have always loved audio books so that's always been a thing but I never connected it to fanfic for quite some time. My partner isn't much one for reading but I was able to get them to listen some fanfics I knew were going to be their thing by reading them aloud as a bedtime story 😂 (this fic to be specific (MCU amazingness https://archiveofourown.org/works/780222/chapters/1469389). Alas I didn't know recording was a thing and I have still yet to actually podfic this fic.
I got into podficcing after listening to this amazing teen wolf podfic "Play It again" by mothlights. This was where I kinda learned that podficcing was like a thing (listen here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/912147/chapters/1767674): I wrote a comment talking about that here: https://archiveofourown.org/comments/242686120
I did a couple test podfics before jumping in my first long podfic, though it was only like 60k at the time I started. "A Star To Steer By" an SG1/Star Wars crossover fic (here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4954960/chapters/11377159)
Funnily enough another podficcer, Dr_fumbles_mcstupid, started posting her version of the same fic like two weeks before I was ready. I decided to say fuckit and still post mine because I had already recorded and was in the middle of editing the first couple chapters. That turned out to be a great decision because she was immediately enthused and became a great friend and introduced me to the wider podficcing community which was mostly on twitter at the time.
After that I just kept making podfics and friends in the community! ✨✨
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podfic-pals · 11 months
Hi Podfic Pals - I'm a grad student and am doing a project on podfic listeners and creators. I've been an avid fanfic reader my whole life but more recently discovered podfics. They've opened a whole new world of fandom for me. I was wondering if you would be open to a conversation about podfics? I'd love to learn about your creative process and journey as a fan. Any information you can share is greatly appreciated. Hope we connect soon!
Hi 🤗🤗
Your project sounds intriguing and we’d be interested in more information about what kind of paper you’re writing or what thesis you’re posing. If you‘d be able to email us your questions, we could either answer them collectively or individually, though not every pal is comfortable answering questions or being mentioned by name.
We’d like to know a bit more before we give a definitive yes to participating. — We hope that’s okay with you and we look forward to your email at [email protected] 😊
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