#white bread and by flat i mean that Kylo Ren has no personality other than Edgy and Anger and his story is really boring and unrelatable
rowanartist · 6 years
Fan Fiction Quotes 2018:
"'Interplanet Janet' is part of why I became an astrophysicist," Jane says." [X]
"Castiel, angel of the lord, has knitted a fully functional winter hat, and Dean doesn’t seem to be offended by it."[X]Tumblr
"you look like you could use either a hug or a mercy killing. And I don’t wanna get blood on this knife, I just cleaned it.”[Tumblr post]
"Oh, no, you don't. Not in my lab. This lab is an intimacy-free zone, it says so on the door. Does it? I'm putting a sign on that door. Get out of my lab, ingrates. Don't make me sic the robots on you.""[X]lol
"You guys? I'm serious. Dum-E has a fire extinguisher and you know how he loves using it...""[X]and then they ran gleefully
"He has to admit it’s a pretty magnificent feeling, on top of everything else today, to know that Steve will take care of him, whatever he needs."[X]not my thing, and yet the emotion/caring involved appeals to me...
"Steve, I know this is hard for you to believe, because you’re a pretty hardcore martyr, but I and a lot of other people love you and we want to take care of you. You’re not a burden."[X]you are not a burden. "The oatmeal that your loving boyfriend made for you. You should eat it.” He takes a spoonful and holds it in front of Steve. “You want me to make choo choo noises?”"[X]lol, I would not want choo choo noises!
'we said we loved each other. .... And then he force fed me oatmeal.'[X]paraphrased from a companion piece to the last two quotes. The response: "Well, he definitely sounds like a keeper." also: the last cat video
"You know, it’s okay if you are jealous. I know they don’t put that down as one of the attributes on Captain America’s action figure box, but human Steve gets to be jealous and mad and scared sometimes."[X]good thing to remember, just because people have one image of you doesn't mean you aren't allowed to feel other things "remembers hurting all the time. It made everything else fuzzy, harder to deal with. "[X]relatable
"Bucky is so beautiful, with a few lines around his mouth and the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles, those eyes so blue Steve’s searched for years for the right combination of colors and hasn’t been able to replicate the color. "[X]The song "Crayola doesn't make a color for your eyes"! I need to comment this to the author! Done.
"After everything they’ve been through, asking them to carry some of his weight feels selfish."[X]I know the feeling. It's part of why it took me so long to admit I needed any help, stuck on why do I deserve it.
"Steve has always moved slightly left of reality, where he prances like a goddamn circus pony in battle but collapses like a pile of bricks when he’s trying so hard to be sensual."[X]relatable, not the battle part, but sometimes I can be unexpectedly graceful. Unfinished fic because it really wasn't my thing at all.
"Sam’s been a tremendous help to Bucky’s recovery, and at least half of that comes from the way he takes care of Steve, too"[X]Sam does a lot for them
"Bucky had declared, I'm making you a damn sandwich, Steve, and you're gonna eat it, and Steve had shot back, fine, then I'm making you one; pass the bread, jerk."[X]that's a compromise I guess "“Quit blaming yourself,” he commanded. Steve took a drink to avoid answering and Bucky flicked water at him. “Bad soldier,” he scolded, mimicking the animal training show they were a little obsessed with. Steve rolled his eyes."[X]imagine someone with a spray bottle every time Steve got mopey or maytr like.
"Doctors have been telling Steve his problems are all in his head since day one. Bucky doesn’t much care for doctors."[X]relatable on both accounts
"And hell if Tony can deny the cuteness of it all."[X]not much of a stand alone quote but I needed to do something with it!
"Oh, the beanstalk will be to get me in bed, is that it?” Bucky winked. “Won’t take any beanstalk but the one you got between—"[X]lol! Fairytale innuendo! Goofy but fun and a reminder that Snow White came out in their time (that phrasing sounds like she's lesbian or bi)
"Above hangs a calculated grid of fairy lights, punctuated at regular intervals with simple paper lanterns."[X]sounds pretty. I'm a lighting nerd I guess.
"there’s a line between stupid and suicidal, and that’s where i live. "[Tumblr post, under keep reading ] much amusing, and this version of the post gas art ;)
"Hux stared at him, wondering how much more cliche this moment could get, and trying not to blush because he was utterly charmed by it."[ch: 4]it was kinda giving me a almost pretty in pink vibe "Remember, Ben? We were going to pick up some wood for the project, and measure some lengths to make sure everything will fit in the back."[ch X]omg, the innuendo
"But people getting help – real help – to live their lives – it’s easy to think about that being good when it comes to other people. It’s hard thinking about that for yourself."[X]another quote that makes me think of that one Dresden files quote - it really is a common sentiment " It can mean a lot when us mere mortals are feeling particularly down that even those with greater than human capabilities struggle with the same issues."[X]YES!
"upon himself to organize the whole thing, down to bullying the party supply store into making balloon arrangements with a superhero-ballerina-archaeologist theme"[X]draw?
"Kylo, I'm not doing this because I'm ‘dealing with’ you. I love you and I want to be able to you to help you when you need it."[X]good relationship! I kinda like the series?
"Bruce says imperfections are signs of a life well lived."[X]comment
"It was a small square. DOVE PROMISES was emblazoned on the foil. There was chocolate inside, and Bucky took the foil from him and smoothed it out before handing it back. TAKE TIME FOR YOU, it advised him. He gave Bucky a flat look and Bucky started laughing again. Steve couldn’t help how warm the sound made his chest feel."[X]laughter is the best medicine "I want a picture of two great world wonders."[X]awww sweet and cheesy! "[Bucky]“Laughing at a guy’s insults. You born in a barn or something?” [Steve]“I’m not the one whose last name is Barnes."[X]lol! "“I got it from Dr. Dove,” Steve admitted, and he didn’t hide the smile that stole across his face at Bucky’s laugh."[X]what he got: “Well, I can’t change the past,” he said. “But I can enjoy the present.” "Well, when you think literally everything is your fault, it makes you pull out those sad puppy eyes, and then the rest of us have to deal with feeling like we’re the reason Captain America looks like a golden retriever who just got yelled at. Asshole."[X]that's how caring about people can make you an unpleasant person. "“Can you hold these?” Bucky asked, pushing the souvenir bag into one of Steve’s hands. “And this?” He put his hand in Steve’s other hand."[X]these being souvenirs
"Steven, dearest, hath thee any 5s?"[X]while playing Go Fish and batting his eyelashes.
"It suits all of them, he thinks but doesn’t say, this trio held together by duct tape and determination and a hell of alot of target practice."[X]Clint, Kate and Lucky the dog.
"Another is a nude, Sherlock in one of his favorite sitting poses with one knee up and his hands wrapped around it, the other leg dangling toward the floor. "[X]the imagery/pose
"Sweet, studious, nervous little Mitaka. Who would never stand head and shoulder above anyone. Who would never take undue risks or tell your secrets. Reasonable, reliable Dopheld Mitaka. Who would never get mad or lash out and always react with kindness and understanding and who could never be impolite and always got the job done. Never thought of himself first. Who only got ahead in life when others failed. Who would always sit quietly and never argue. Never fight back. Never do anything special but who was always useful in his own way until you grew tired of him. Who would never argue when you decided to move on from him. Always stayed down after you’d thrown him there. Who always did the right thing and would never be worth anyone’s."[ch:1]you're such a good listener *bitter feeling*
"he said it was the most painful thing he’d ever felt, the supersoldier easy bake experience included. "[X]very amusing tumblr!
"You are far too modest, my little lightning sister."[X]Thor has some great compliments! "Tony, remember how we talked about the importance of using your words instead of doing weird megalomaniac billionaire things? This was one of those times."[X]i love fan fiction giving us more Darcy!! "Brucie! You know all those times you told us that you weren’t a medical doctor? This is going to be another one of those times where we ignore you."[X]lol "You’re saying that because you think I’ll balance out Steve, aren’t you? I get to be good cop to his bad cop. The fun aunt to his stick-in-the-mud dad routine."[X]hell yeah!
"But [Ben] also learned some less practical things from Artoo.” [Stick that in your dataport and process it!]"[X]nanny C3PO and bad influence R2D2
" quiet of the corridor had begun to make Hux’s ears ring with phantom static"[X]thanks for the words! (As I experience this as I read instead of sleep with a headache.
"I’m sulking, Ren. It’s remarkable you don’t recognize it in another person."[X]sass!
"I’ll add you to the list of approved pillows."[X]cute, sweet and funny fic! Also, check out the author's other Darcy fics! "Good morning to my favorite terrifyingly competent duo, reunited once more."[X]comment
"Hux: "Hey, Kylo, are you sure you're not of the Light Side?" Kylo: "Yes, why?!" Hux: "Because you blind me every time I look at you.""[X]cheesy flirting
" i figured, if she could keep tony from accidentally getting himself killed while rocketing around in a stainless steel onesie, she can talk steve into occasionally actually using a parachute. "[X]bribing Pepper to scold National heroes...
"Bucky looks. He looks for what feels like five solid minutes. Steve’s mind can be a strange place, and it’s not always easy to see where he gets his ideas"[X]my boyfriend can probably relate to this "Except Bucky is almost sure Joseph Rogers never wrapped himself in the American flag and went out to lift a car. Definitely not a shiny red convertible with a license plate that reads CAPTAM, and three chorus girls beaming from the open roof."[X]to draw. "Howling Commandos—they called us Captain America’s legendary strike force, though I really must say that we were just a rabble of con artists with no sense of self-preservation—he was right there next to Steve."[X]yep "But for the record, I like the idea of a smart, scrawny kid living on his wits a lot more than a super-fast, super-strong, deathless demi-god. I relate to that a hell of a lot "[X]comment "Steve might not see reds and greens exactly right, but he’s got all his paint tubes and coloured pencils labelled with painstaking care, and his mathematical mind processes RGB values and hexadecimal codes just fine. "[X]the nerd in me likes this
"but one time he borrowed my dont-touch-me black leather motorcycle jacket and managed to make that look badass for a little while. and then he let a little girl in central park facepaint a sunflower on his left cheek, which pretty much spoiled and sort of badass look he might have been managing. which wasnt much, because he was still wearing khakis."[X]draw
"Knowing that these two men, these goddamned heroes, they love him enough to seehim, enough to take his burden as their own, just for a little while, just so he can rest – it overwhelms him."[X]comment
"Don’t worry. I’ll put him on the stealth team, then only Natasha and Clint’ll have to deal with him, and they’re not afraid to drug a friend."[X]adrenaline leads to talkative Bucky
"Improbably, Parker had found a bag of marshmallows and was using what looked like some kind of electricity-based torture device to toast one over the fire."[X]warning post Leverage finale "Oh, the FBI's giving you grief? Shit, that's no problem. Parker and I are FBI agents."[X]lol
"No stabbity. Social problem, man, you'd hear me yelling if we had a stabbing problem"[X]the joys of having two very different jobs i guess ;)
"Parker put on her red light-up nose and beamed at him, the most lethal reindeer of all."[X]yep! Very Parker - cute and deadly!
"[Peggy Carter is] famous. She’s like the patron saint of women who do things they’re not supposed to do,"[X]comment
"Me and my clockwork boyfriends,” Steve said affectionately. “You two just stay there and charge up; I want round two after breakfast.”"[X]tumblr, copperbadge
"His rumbling, gruff voice warmed Hardison like the artisanal spiced latte he’d perfected for the pub."[X]comment "Just feel how good it is, being together, safe and warm and happy. We’re gonna take good care of you, darlin, love you like you deserve."[X]'really, it’s what the touch means.' "Parker had built such strong defenses, she didn’t know how to crack them."[X]the words! "When it’s just me and Alec, it’s like, I can’t stop thinking. There I am, there he is. I love him, and I want it to be so good, and it can’t be because my brain just goes faster and faster and I can’t feel "[X]words
"Eliot,” he starts, and that’s his gentle voice, the voice he uses on scared clients and Parker when she’s having a melt down."[X]he being Hardison "You’ve left before. We all leave every once in awhile. But you always come back. For us."[X]yeah, sometimes space is needed
"We haven’t fucked in five days and my balls are as blue as Neptune.” “That’s not a description I needed, Barnes,” Sam calls from the open door two flights above them. “Well, blame Steve,” he calls back, “It’s his fucking fault, or his not fucking, really.” "[X]lol
"Steve can barely use Google; Bucky loves Twitter and all things social media. Instagram is the greatest invention in the entire future."[ch1?]where he picked up "as if" "“Ma’am,” is all Bucky can really think to say because he figures this is Wanda and he doesn’t’ like pretty women being afraid of him. Likes it less when they’re practically kids."[ch3]comment "They aren’t afraid of you. They’re afraid of your power being used by someone without your heart.”"[ch3]Awww "Bucky finds himself an empty corner. Sitting against the wall, he pulls his knees to his chest so no one steps on him."[X]relatable
"“And totally lewd.” Yuuri corrects, “anyway, it’s embarrassing.” “Oh, Yuuri.” Sighing, Viktor angles his head to kiss his silly boyfriend. “I’m just trying to get you to see yourself the way I see you." "[X]...
"That explains why Cap keeps looking like a kid lost at a county fair crossed with an angry doberman."[ch1]lol
"Sam, Bucky's been sighted in Budapest, I packed your toothbrush with your socks by accident."[X]comment "Sam's starting to suspect his comic book collection may have lied to him when it came to just how brotherly that relationship was, but hey, no judgement. Only mild concern."[X]comment
"that Bruce is convinced that he deserves about as much trust from everyone else as he gives himself. It’s the difficulty of letting yourself get vulnerable after so many years of being in solitude and having no one."[X]relatable to a degree
"Drachenfutter: (German)- literally “dragon fodder”, the gift a husband gives his wife when he’s trying to make up for bad behavior"[X]dragon fodder is much more fun than dog house! Maybe he's in the dragon den? "“Go on and run yourself out, I’ll meet you on the grass in 45 minutes,” Sam told him. No further prompting needed, Steve took off running."[X]Sam is a great bro "That you’ve ever done something so reckless even a mentally challenged clam would know better?"[X]ha! "And you ran around getting in fights like a snapping turtle on roller skates even before"[X]amusing
"In Bible times, a man would strike with the back of the hand, to show power over someone else. It was a gesture of contempt as well as aggression. But,” he waved his hand to the other side, “If after being struck with the back of the hand, his opponent turned his head and offered the other cheek, the aggressor would have no choice but to strike with the palm—not as a man might beat his oxen, but the way one fights with an equal. So, without raising a hand in retaliation, the persecuted demands to be treated with dignity.”"[X]sounds believable "Wrath is a sin. When we let our anger consume us, when we feed it, tend it the way we should be tending the good in our lives, then it is a sin. Anger and violence are like a river, they can nourish or they can destroy. It’s up to you to determine which.”"[ch1]interesting philosophy "You are still a good man, Captain Rogers. Doubt and anger may hide that from you, but they are shadows, they cannot destroy something as solid and tangible as a soul.""[ch2]comment "Being angry at a man is easy. You forgive him or you do not. Either way, that anger is clear and direct. Being angry at an institution, a country, a church— there is no one place to direct that anger. It scatters like light through a prism. The only thing to do is to decide whether the institution is, at its core, worth saving"[ch2]more philosophy
"All of a sudden, Yuri, without thinking about it very hard, had let all the pieces of agape slip into place inside his head and his heart. His дедушка. Lilia and Yakov. Otabek. Even the piggy and fucking Viktor. No matter how much he yelled and thrashed at him, they were there for him. He wasn’t quite ready to use the word “love” (except *maybe* for дедушка), but he could see. He could understand. He already had friends. Not that he’d ever let any of those fuckers know "[ch1]lol "the words that came out of Yuri’s mouth frequently required translation from angry kitten to human being, and he was determined to begin work on a dictionary. "[ch1]yup! Followed by awww
"He probably looks 9 times as beautiful when it’s just him, just skin, endless scars that all tell his story, that all tell the world ‘I survived’."[X]remember, you're a survivor
"“When you encounter difficulties and contradictions, do not try to break them, but bend them with gentleness and time.”"[X]Francois de Sales ""Have patience with every one, but especially with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections.""[X]Francois de Sales "I’ve been patient, I am patient, and I’m trying but it’s just so hard"[X]Bucky, i relate "Steve takes several deeps breaths in and out and reminds himself that Bucky’s not angry with him, he’s angry near him."[X]Steve, I also relate ""True progress quietly and persistently moves along without notice.""[X]Francois de Sales
"Less talking,” Yuuri pants, tilting his head and hoping Victor will get the message, “more hickeys for me to regret next time I go out in public."[X]comment
"It had been incredibly difficult for Yuuri to try and explain to Viktor that no, there was nothing really wrong, and yet everything was wrong all at once"[X]relatable
"Yūri couldn’t sleep. He twisted and turned in his bed, pulling the sheets up, pushing them back down, stretching out, curling into a ball… it was no use. He couldn’t get comfortable."[X]the words! "When Yūri was dealing with something, he tended to deal with it alone. He didn’t like people thinking he was weak, or that he couldn’t cope"[X]oh...
"As King, there was no reason he had to train the knights himself but according to Arthur, clanking swords and working up a sweat was quite the remedy for the stress of being King."[X]reminds me of my boyfriend.
"Probably because you’re always too distracted by Merlin’s pretty mouth on your cock, husband mine.”"[X]oh. Merlin was shocked by her language!
"Are you undressing my future wife, Merlin?" "Well it is my job to serve, my lord,” [Merlin] said. "[X]cheeky! Good thing he likes him
"And secondly, if getting righteously dicked down by you is going to interfere with my skating, I’m just going to have to learn to do quads with a sore ass."[X]comment
"The only better view is @katsuki-y “Awwww, you’re too good to me,” Victor purred and left the caption, posting it. “I feel like I’m complimenting myself,” Yuuri protested weakly. “As well you should,” Victor answered, "[X]remember. My boyfriend and me.
"No. It was very unfashionable. You were very attractive, though. And your lack of inhibitions regarding clothing was very fashion-forward."[X]amusing, regarding Yurii's tie at THE banquet...
"John had taken days to convince that this could work, but once he’d had his little protest about ‘normal’, he had accepted that he was no more normal than Mary or Sherlock, though marginally better at faking it, "[X]you can fake normal but why? This is the declaration of the marriage between William Sherlock Scott Holmes And John Hamish Watson And Mary Elizabeth Morstan Each one to the other two In love and trust In respect and faith We will all three be true to each other Be friends to each other Cherish each other We will stand by each other And for each other And with each other The secrets of our pasts are our own to keep. The challenges of our future Are our privilege to share We choose each other, we three We choose this life together
"‘Oh yes. My brother. So lovable it takes two people to do it properly"[ch3] "Mrs Holmes’s cheeks dimpled at the way her littlest boy’s eyes lit up and he kept on smiling at his … spice, even though he pretended to be annoyed at all the fuss." Plural of spouse...
"Gwen’s ladies-in-waiting worked hard for her, and they were entitled to the treat of seeing Merlin’s sweet little rounded ass in form-fitting clothing."[x] amusing
"Bet you didn't think you'd be adopting a hyperactive genius and two incredibly attractive senior citizens."
And I see you have your GPS set on me." Bucky nods at Steve’s boxers, and only when Steve looks down does he notice his obvious morning wood jutting out in Bucky’s general direction."[x] "I know it’s just in my head, Steve, but that doesn’t make it any less real!" [Same]
“Your face is true art.”[x]low effort come back to popular art "...how the hell did this happen, it’s Wednesday, she’s retired, and Stella didn’t even do anything this time." [Same] Stucky double genderbent
"Casual touches tended to have that effect on him, and it always tugged at her heart that someone so fundamentally sweet and kind, for all he liked to cover it up, should be so surprised by gestures of affection."[x]relatable
"Steve may not take the best care of himself, but he will never fail to take care of someone he considers a responsibility. Plus, you turned it into a challenge.”[ch3] spot on! "There were two circumstances when he seemed to retreat behind Cap’s shield for safety. Not the physical one, but the emotional equivalent."[ch4] "This kinda thing, though, that’s different. Abstract art boils things down to their basic concepts. A good artist gives you the structure and framework of the story, the tone and mood, but they don’t give you the words. The viewer has to tell the story themselves, and that means it’s always personal. Maybe different every time someone looks at the painting. The artist isn’t telling you a story, they’re giving you one.”[ch4] "In the past few weeks she’d come to realize that he avoided touch almost as much as she did, and yet longed for the contact no less than her. For different reasons, both in the avoidance and the need, but that didn’t make the desire any less real."[ch4] “But it’s yours, and means something to you, yes?” She smiled at him. “So it will mean more to me than the prettiest painting from a stranger.”[ch4] "It made sense that to her, the mind would be the defining feature, rather than appearance."[ch5] "Wanda had lived in the midst of danger for so long, she’d forgotten what it felt like to be sheltered and protected. The sensation was addicting,"[ch7]either that or it can be confusing to have someone to lean on after much time struggling to be independent
“Sometimes I wonder,” he admitted, sighing. “Sam asked me once what makes me happy, and I couldn’t answer him. I still can’t, beyond ‘helping people’. “Then let’s find out, together,” Wanda suggested, catching his hand in hers and holding tight. “We can start with your favourite movie.””[ch3]
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