#white masked varre
reverieparacosm · 10 months
May I request Yandere! Varré x GN! Tarnished general headcanons, thank you!
Yandere!Varré x GN!Tarnished general headcanons
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Yandere!Varré (Elden Ring) x GN!Tarnished
Warnings: this text contains themes of emotional manipulation, jealousy, possessivenes, sadism, surveillance, stalking, and potential harm
Note: I am 100% sure that Varré is in a relationship with Mogh. Mogh should finally stop being creepy with his half-brother Miquella and get together with his true servant, Varré. (Edit: I played the dlc... I'm sorry Mogh. I take it back)
Varré is deeply devoted to you and would go to great lengths to ensure that you never feel lonely
He constantly seeks your company and showers you with affection and attention, making sure you are always surrounded by his presence
Due to his intense love for you, Varré believes that the best way to protect you and keep you close is by having you join the Mohgwyn Dynasty. He sees it as a way to solidify your bond and ensure your safety
"Our love of Lord Mohg will forever bind us together, in a dynasty of eternal love."
As a former war surgeon, Varré possesses extensive knowledge about medicine and healing
After battles, he takes great care in cleaning your wounds, applying the necessary treatments, and ensuring that you are not hurt or in pain. His skills and expertise make him incredibly efficient at nursing you back to health
Varré has strong reservations about the Roundtable and its potential dangers. He believes that it poses a threat to your safety and well-being, and as such, he becomes determined to convince you to leave it. He will employ various methods, ranging from persuasion to manipulation, in an effort to ensure your departure
"You have the sweetest screams."
Varré exhibits sadistic tendencies in his yandere nature
While he deeply cares for you, he also finds pleasure in exerting control and dominance over you, often through means of pain or psychological manipulation. This sadistic side of his personality can manifest during intimate moments or when he deems it necessary to discipline or protect you
He definitely has a Blood Kink
Varré watches you diligently to ensure your safety at all times. He keeps a close eye on your activities and surroundings, always vigilant for any potential threats or dangers that might come your way
 "Our love will bloom like a rose in full bloom, my sweet lambkin."
Varré has a deep fascination with roses and sees them as a symbol of his love for you
He frequently presents you with bouquets or single roses, carefully chosen and arranged
Varré is intensely possessive and becomes easily jealous when you interact with others
Whether it's a friendly conversation or a casual encounter, he perceives any attention you give to someone else as a threat to his connection with you
He loves to humiliate you
"You are but a pawn, to be used to serve my own selfish needs. You are nothing to me but a tool to further my own goals. So, shut up and do my bidding."
Varré is a master at manipulating your emotions to keep you deeply attached to him. He knows how to exploit your vulnerabilities and insecurities, using them to his advantage
He deeply values and treasures your body, and he desires for you to perceive yourself with the same admiration that he holds for you
His surroundings turn dull whenever he finds himself longing for your presence
You serve as a source of inspiration for him in a certain sense
He becomes excessively focused on you, desiring to uncover every aspect of your being as if he were delving beneath your surface and merging with you
He might even experience instability and express his affection for you through gestures such as sending love notes, creating artwork depicting you, and including the hearts of his rivals accompanied by a message suggesting they wished to give you their heart, which he facilitated
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I've reposted this artists work alot, but i can't help it, their sorcerer Rogier and white faced/masked Varré elden ring fanart renditions are soooo good 😍😫🙌
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bekaroth-reads · 2 years
Unmasked Varré x Reader
[Back at it again at the Lands Between krispy kream. Getting back into Elden Ring, and noticed this crazy tutorial figure doesn’t have nearly enough fictions for him. So, it seemed like a good place to start :) ]
You had once again found yourself in the underground portion of the Lands Between. There was not much of a reason for you to be down here. To be truthful, you were here simply to get away from people for a few days. Sure, there were things down here that could be dangerous, but there were things upside that could do that as well. And, the things down here were a bit less inclined to get you involved in their politics in some way. So, you found a place a little ways from a stream, enjoying the ever starry atmosphere for as long as you could.
It seemed like you were going to get through these next few days without seeing or hearing from any other person at all, but that’s when you ended up running into someone. There was a man kneeling by the stream, using its gentle flow to help clean a small blade in his hand. The slightly pebbled ground near the edge of the water crunched when you took another step. This caused the man’s head to shoot up, followed quickly by a glare in your direction that you could still make out despite the considerable distance between the two of you; his defensive body langue helped to solidify its arrival. Not wanting to do any fighting, but worried you might have to based on the man’s glower, you quickly rested your hand on your own weapon while trying to defuse the situation by calling out, “Sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you over there!”
The look on the man’s face quickly melted into excitement as he exclaimed something with matching vigor, but the two of you were still too far away for you to hear what he said. That was being changed as he was quickly approaching you. While you did not think there was any ill intent, there was still something that made you nervous about a stranger heading toward you so quickly. It seemed like you were correct in thinking so as when he was only about five meters away from you, you saw that there was an unknown marking of some kind on his forehead and a sort of crazed look in his eyes that you could see even from where you were. But, before you could do anything about the situation, the man said something else that effectively stunned you and stunted every thought you could have had.
“Lambkin!” A familiar voice came from the unfamiliar face.
You were completely zoned out trying to process what was happening, but Varré didn’t seem to notice as once he was close to you he continued talking. “Imagine meeting you here of all places. You have been keeping yourself quite busy of late, and I was starting to think you had forgotten about your poor, friend Varré.” The last part he said with a fake pout. He dropped the act when he noticed that you hadn’t moved an smidge since he had first seen you. “Is something the matter?” He asked, more quizzical than concerned. Varré stepped even closer and turned your face this way and that with his hand before noting, “Perhaps a fever of some kind. At least that’s what the hue of your cheeks seem to denote.”
It was then that you realized your internal thoughts were expressing themselves externally, even if it was not with words. Those soon came quickly, and tripped over each other in their effort to run out at once. There was never a time that you thought that something like a missing mask would feel so frazzling, practically scandalous even, but here seeing Varré’s true face for the first time it felt like you had just walked in on him changing or the like. The oddest part about it was it didn’t feel that way when you thought he was a stranger. Yet, as soon as you knew without a doubt that it was him, the whole mood flipped completely.
Of all the rambling that you had done, the only bit that you consciously comprehended, and seemingly the only thing that he was able to understand was when you finished off the flustered sentiment with a warbled, “I am SO sorry!” Based on the look he had, this whole thing was extremely amusing to him. Varré’s mouth quirked into a smirk that matched the one his mask wore as his eyes narrowed slightly crinkling his nose for a second when they did. “Whatever for?” He hummed as he feigned to be still looking over your face, using it as an excuse to run a finger along your cheek with the sole purpose to scramble your brain even more.
“Well, it’s just that I didn’t mean to- It isn’t- you aren’t wearing-“ you tried to articulate, but failed miserably. It seemed that he knew what you were referring to. He had almost forgotten he didn’t have his mask on. And, while this would be something that he might be a bit self conscious about, the sight of you about to combust with sweet, sweet, face burning embarrassment highly outweighed any negative feelings of his own. “Hm? Oh, you don’t think I wear that thing all my life, do you?” He teased with a pinch to your nose. “Well, I didn’t know. I mean, some people it’s a culture thing. I didn’t know what-“
Varré was quick to shush this nervous tirade by placing a finger on your lips. “Hush, or you’ll work yourself into being sick. It’s simply a part of the trade. Hygiene and anonymity and the such.” He explained. “Anonymity?” You echoed in question. “Yes, well, with the sort of work required in being a war surgeon, one does not often want their face to be seen. Uniform makes it difficult to tell us surgeons apart from a distance.”
All you were able to respond with was, “Ah.” Things were starting to overwhelm you again. That seemed to be a common experience with Varré. You knew that he got some sort of a kick being both the one to throw you into the proverbial ocean depths and also being the one to pull you from it. Yet, you would forget how drastic he could be with this duality until you saw him again. And, to scold yourself, you didn’t seem to mind as much as you should have.
“Still feeling strange? Perhaps I should take a closer look then.” He chuckled at how your breath caught as you when you all too quickly replied, “No need for that. I’m fine.” Varré, of course, paid you no mind. Dismissing you with a, “And, who is the trained professional here?”
“Trained? Perhaps. Professional? No.” You managed to tease once you were not quite so flustered as his newly seen face left your view. This was short lived as his unfiltered voice hummed into your ear, “Mind your manners, lambkin.” He made sure to puff as much air onto your ear as possible as he said the pet name, and lived for the shivers it caused. Varré moved his face from the right side of yours to the left. When there he started to pretend to hum in thought as he inspected something. And, as he pantomimed his medical examination, he was sure to move close enough to brush some of the stubble on his face across your cheek. This is what made you finally question, “What are you even doing right now?”
This pulled a small laugh from him. “Why, looking for the cause of your ailment. Not having much luck as of yet. But, perhaps,” He move his face so that his lips were only centimeters away from yours, “I might better my chances of results somewhere up here.” Your breath hitched again as his fanned over you with feather light touches. There was nothing said between the two of you, both waiting for the other to make the next move; which you both knew wasn’t going to be from you. All you were able to do at the moment was try to figure out what exactly had gotten into the mad surgeon to urge him to act this way; his eyes being the only thing you were able to see, and they were all consuming, almost burning.
Then he was suddenly walking away. “Hm, oh, well. Something’s are fated to be a mystery.” Varré said dismissively as he continued up the edge of the stream. He turned to look at you still dazed by everything and once again got a foxlike sense of mischief on his face. “I supposed though, not being sure if you are well or not, and seeing as we’re both down here, I might as well move my encampment next to yours. Safety in numbers and that sort of thing. You don’t mind the idea, do you, lambkin?” Varré asked. You gained your thoughts and answered, “Well, I-“
“Wonderful! I knew you would agree.” He interjected, answering for you. “Now, you sit yourself here while I go and get my things.” He instructed while turning all the way back around to fully look at you. “And, I’ll be sure to keep my mask off since you enjoy it so much. Should lead to a great deal of fun.” Varré laughed heartily at your expense as he once again started to leave to go retrieve his things. As soon as he was where he couldn’t see you, you rushed down to the stream to splash the cool water onto your burning face.
Usually, you would be glad for some company. But, something gave you the feeling that you were in for what would essentially be an evening of torture. Varré seemed to have already planned things out. And, once again, you had to scold yourself for not minding such a thought as much as you should have.
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theministersdoom · 2 years
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Varré in acrylic .
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xanakina · 2 years
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🐑My Lambkin🐑  
· Chapter 9 - Jealous
· Rating - G
· Pairing - Varre/Tarnished
· Warning - n/a
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lime-bucket · 2 years
He looks so pathetic
I love it
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sweetmapple · 3 months
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drew this so fast, Mohg-posting is no longer illegal. Long live Mohgwyn and his fruitiest surgeon
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rurinkk · 6 months
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xakuuyo · 1 month
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Lore accurate to them i think
Ty for the best boy Ansbach in the collab @anorlondos ^^
Og meme pic v
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anorlondos · 2 months
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This is the Mohgwyn Dynasty to me. Let me have this
It may not look like it but Mohg is very happy
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I've reposted this artists work alot, but i can't help it, their sorcerer Rogier and white faced/masked Varré elden ring fanart renditions are soooo good 😍😫🙌
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newgroundstier · 30 days
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new mohg fight he throws his dudes at u like pikmin
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delsinsfire · 2 months
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updated elden ring stickers
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!!! Haven't really seen much Darian and Devin (the double D twins) content so these are amazing!! Plus I 100% agree with the artist, I'd watch the absolute sh*t outta a slapstick comedy with the D bros and Gurranq (plus Rogier for extra chaos) 😋🐶
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tsurumi-kun · 3 months
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Trying to get out of artblock by doodling some elden ring characters
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