Somehow I will find a way to insert a chapter where Cody gets arrested by the Coruscant Guard and instead of going quietly he is like “bitch not only am I not a citizen but I’m not a sentient and therefore I don’t have to obey the law” and he gets out on a pure technicality
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If this new coworker calls me a fake Star Wars fan one more time, I’ll never publish a fic again, purely because I’m gonna be in jail for murder
If he pisses off and stop annoying me, I’ll be back to writing as soon as my coursework is handed in 🙃
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Me: *ready and willing to write an entire chapter about Cal touching Anakin’s lightsaber, seeing the Tusken massacre, being horrified, trying to tell others, no one believes him because of course Anakin, the Chosen One, would never do such a thing. They know Anakin. They trust Anakin. They believe in Anakin. Only for them to find out that Cal is indeed telling the truth and Anakin has been manipulating everyone into thinking he’s innocent.*
Also me: *suddenly remembers that Anakin’s lightsaber was destroyed on Genosis and Cal is only able to interact with his new lightsaber which has never once seen a desert planet*
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justhere2procrastinate · 10 months
Me: “I have a plan to write. I have time to write. I can finish this chapter”
Life: “have the flu baby ✨”
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justhere2procrastinate · 11 months
Might just fuck around and add the creepiest lullaby in Star Wars history into this next chapter
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Next chapter of |When I Heard Your Voice, The Distance Caught Me by Surprise Again| will be out this week. I am attempting to put words together as we speak. Rough estimate puts the chapter at 2k+ words so it’s gonna be a long one for me. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it reached 4/5k with everything that’s planned
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It is official, I have handed in both my dissertations, totalling 20k words. I am now home free. I’m going to take a little break to let my brain reset and then I’ll be back to writing my fics 👌
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Okay so you guys have a choice: you can either get a chapter tonight which will be smaller than usually OR you can get a chapter next week or so which is going to be long af (for me at least)
Basically if you guys are dying for a chapter then I can split this chapter in half and it will still feel organic and natural
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Okay it’s official! I’m back! I may or may not have quit my job so I’m gonna try and binge write until I get a new one (and one that hopefully won’t take up almost 12 hours of my day)
Here is the chapter I’ve been trying to find time to write for the past couple of months
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justhere2procrastinate · 11 months
The worst part about working in retail is that I want to write and work on my fics and my books but I go home and instantly just crash and sleep for twelve hours and wake up barely in time for my next shift
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justhere2procrastinate · 11 months
As a ‘I swear I’m working on it’ have a snippet from my the chapter I’m working on. This week is my first time off from work since the last chapter was posted, and even tho I’ll be in Madrid for the next couple of days, imma do my best to get this chapter published by next weekend. Until then, have a hint of everything I’ve been planning
For once, Cody woke up later than Obi-Wan. He took the opportunity to stretch his arms out, his fingertips grazing the durasteel wall of their quarters, and sighed. The single bed truly wasn’t large enough for the two of them, especially with Obi-Wan’s endless squirming, but they made it work. And Cody always slept better there anyway. Even if one of them ended up wedged against the wall.
He looked to the refresher and saw Obi-Wan in the small space, the room’s dirty yellow light casting shadows on his face.
He was humming something under his breath, the words gibberish as he brushed his teeth.
Obi-Wan spat out the toothpaste, grimaced at the taste, not willing to waste part of his water ration, but willing enough to complain about it.
He put his things in the small cabinet and continued his humming, seemingly oblivious to the fact he was doing so at all. It was strange. Cody had never heard him hum before. It was nice. His voice was nice.
But then Obi-Wan stepped out of the bathroom and Cody could hear his words. His blood ran cold.
“Shrii ka rai ka rai
We're coming to take you away
Shrii ka rai ka rai
We're coming to take you away
They'll do what they can
and they'll do what they must
but when they find you all you'll be is dust.”
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Might just fuck around and add the Leveller to my fic
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