#who am i describing? either. both. the PARALLELS YOU GUYS IT ACTUALLY DRIVES ME CRAZY
mightaswelljxmp · 5 months
i love having both etho and kakashi as My Guys because then whenever i see either of them it’s two for the price of one
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sunflowercandie · 4 years
I was tagged by @atreefullofstars and @feral-anarchy ! Thank you guys!
1. Do you make your bed? Usually no, only after I clean my room or when I have company coming over. Other than that, to me, there really is no point I know I’m just going to mess is up again.
2. Favorite number? Number 10! 10 has been my favorite number since I was three, I think. Don’t ask me why it’s my favorite, I don’t really know I just like it a lot.
3. What’s your job? I’m a cashier at the local grocery store.
4. If I could would I go back to school? Absolutely not xD. Doing school work and having to sit for too long and tests and studying honestly freaks me out and gives me anxiety, despite the fact that I am in college. I would if I could relive the fun moments of middle school and high school, but the stress and depression and ptsd that comes with it is just not worth it.
5. Can you parallel park? Nope, i avoid it like the plague. I probably could be really good at it if I tried, but I know that if I do everyone is going to be watching me attempt to get into this tiny space and asdfghjhgfds and honestly its just better to find another spot, even if it’s two blocks away.
6. A job people would be surprised I had? I worked at a day care center for a summer in 2015.
7. Do you think aliens are real? Of course! What, do you really think that in our universe, with billions of different galaxies that are home to trillions of different planets, out of all of those our earth is the only one that has life on it’s surface? Yeah, right, sure xD
8. Can you drive a standard car? I’m not really sure what this means by ‘standard’ but if you mean automatic then yes, I can. But if you mean a stick-shift no I absolutely can not. My cousin gave me my first car, which was a Honda CR-V, but I couldn’t drive it because it had a stick-shift. I tried really hard to learn and get it down but I could just never figure it out. I was so sad when we had to sell the car for an automatic, mainly because it was a really nice car. It had a table! In the trunk! How many car’s do you know of that comes with a freaking table?
9. What’s your guilty pleasure? Sleeping 12+ hours. It’s a love hate relationship, really. Cause I can sleep for a really long time and it’s nice and I have crazy dreams and I catch up on some missed out sleep but suddenly it’s 3 pm and I’ve missed half the day and didn’t even wake up once. I could probably miss a whole day by sleeping if I tried hard enough. It’s both a blessing and a curse, and I secretly love and hate it.
10. Tattoos? I don’t have any tattoos yet, but I have a plan to have tattoos of outlines of tiny stars and constellations on my shoulders with invisible ink inside the stars that only show up in black light. I think that would be really cool, like “I hold the weight of the universe on my shoulders, but I can still find ways to shine bright despite dark circumstances.” I think a tattoo like that would describe me and my life perfectly. On the other hand, I also want to get a tattoo of like something really dumb hidden on my body and then to show a bestie one day and be like ‘look at this ehehehehe’ and then burst into laughter or smthn.
11. Favorite color? I remember fighting with my brother about this when I was like 3 or 4, that my favorite color was yellow, and he said it couldn’t be because that was his favorite color and we couldn’t have the same favorite color. So I caved and gave it to him and since then I could never figure it out. well guess what turns out he lied and blue has been his favorite color for like ever now SO GUESS WHAT YELLOW IS MY FAVORITE COLOR NO ONE CAN TAKE IT FROM ME LMAO
12. Things people do that drive you crazy? I ABSOLUTELY HATE PEOPLE WHO ARE NEGATIVE ALL THE TIME. I knew this one bitch in high school. I won’t get super into it, but basically the only thing that ever came out of that ugly moth of hers was shit about herself and how great she was (she was homophobic and racist and looked down on everyone may I add) or just straight up negativity. I don’t think I have ever heard her say something nice about someone or anything in the 7 years I went to school with her. She was such a negative person that it made me realize that I hate people who are negative all the time like??? I really don’t get how people can be so negative all the time??? I really can’t get through the day without making someone laugh it’ll physically hurt me if I don’t make someone’s day better and I can’t understand that some people don’t think that way.
13. Any phobias? I don’t get scared of pretty much anything. You can’t scare me, try your hardest, but you can’t xD. I love watching horror movies and going to the theater to see peoples reactions. I think the only thing that actually freaks me out is Greg Yates from the Law and Order SVU and Chicago Fire crossover. Dude fuckin freaks me out I literally can’t look at Dallas Robert’s face without cringing and i just asdfghjklsa i tried to fix it yo, I watched him in the walking dead (Milton Mamet) and Insatiable (Bob) but honestly it only made it worse. I just can’t do it. I see him and I recoil i just have to get far away. Other than that I don’t get scared of anything else.
14. Favorite childhood sport? Psshh, sports??? What are those??? Lmao
15. Do you talk to yourself? All the time, and they’re nothing wrong with that. 
16. What movie do you adore? I have lot’s of favorite movies that I love so Imma just list em. Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium (This movie is just straight up my personality), Rise of the Guardians (my first ever fandom), Kung Fu Panda 2 (IT’S A GOOD MOVIE FIGHT ME ON IT), Kubo and the Two Strings, the IT movies.
17. Do you like doing puzzles? Not really? I am really good at solitaire and Mancala tho
18. Favorite type of music? I don’t really have a type of music I like best. If I listen to it and it makes me go ‘holy shit this is great I love this’ then that’s pretty much it... I did go through a huge dubstep phase in freshman year of high school but let’s not talk about that.
19. Tea or coffee? Neither xD yeah yeah I know how terrible but honestly both are just gross. I tried liking them but I just don’t. oops.
20. What’s the first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? If I am correct, I wanted to be either a veterinarian or an ‘orphanage manager lady’ when I grew up. Obviously neither of those happened, now I’m aiming at something film related. 
Thank you guys for tagging me! This was really fun! I guess it’s my turn now so I’m tagging:
@lizard-15 @moonshadow-memes @readingisthenewcool @ezio-demonI don’t know who else to tag xD so partake if any of u wanna
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