#who does need Logan when there's Haru
pudding-squirrel · 1 year
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Still a WIP but I'm so excited to finish this 😌
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blushblushbear · 3 months
ok so i just got 3 new tattoos and like 4 more piercings YKNOW WHAT THAT MEANS more punk s/o headcanons (if ur up for it ofc <3) maybe with Volks, Anon, Logan and Haru? (i need haru so bad mans is so F'ING FINE)
hell yeah
really likes how much you like to stand out
low key jealous of your tattoos
okay medium key
high key
he's high key jealous
he wants a tattoo so bad but he's so indecisive about what to get and where to put it
you might need to peer pressure him into finally biting the bullet
peer pressure with his permission of course-- you have his okay to bully him a little
every now and then catches a glimpse of you and keeps thinking 'my s/o is so cool...' along with an internal swoon
he doesn't know the music scene that well but he's really down for you to show him
he's also down for the anti-establishment message
fight the power
you look hot
another member of the really digs that you're a rebel squad
he's a little more quiet about his riots
also a lot more digital
but still
also he's the king of helping you make sure shit heals properly
never will your colors run nor shall you be infected with him around
has loads of gloves for you too use when handling anything fresh
thinks the ink and piercings look sick as fuck
knows he could never
his germaphobic ass agreeing to bleed somewhere outside his spotless apartment???
or at all ever????
yeah no
he's gonna leave that to you
can't tell if he'd be cool to talk bands with or super annoying--- he def knows some underground shit
might turn into a battle of the more obscure bands
take from that what you will
honestly his world is not one that normally has piercings like that
having too much metal touching flesh isn't the best idea for someone in his line of work
but damn if he doesn't think it looks cool on you
it's actually a little like--- a contradicting appeal to him
you look so wild
but he knows you're so sweet
seeing those bright eyes and warm smile surrounded by metal that gleams like starlight???
yeah, it does it for him
you're so cool
and cute
and you probably think he's a square
mostly cause he calls himself things like 'a square' unironically
but he's glad you like him anyway
also def would enlist your help in figuring out a future tattoo
another member of the not sure what to get squad
also another member of the making sure your shit heals properly squad
out of all the dudes here who think you're crazy hot for how you present yourself
he's at the top of the list
he loves a unique beauty
and a wild spirit
dead ass your whole vibe really does it for him
he doesn't know much about the punk movement but he can really get behind it
especially the anti-war/tear down of ruling powers part
but yeah, he's bad giving you side eye all the time
as in he's staring at you
and smiling
like that smirky smile where you are not even pretending to not check someone out
tells you your hot at random basically all the time
asks you to pick out his next tattoo but low key he's just looking for an excuse to have you feel his bicep and he's not even shy about that
god you're hot
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asirensrambles · 1 year
Logan and the Builder as Andy’s adoptive parents:
So this ended up being more how the builder and Logan became Andy’s adoptive parents than what they’re like as parents lol.  I’ll try and find an ask game for parents and do that for Logan and the builder, or just send in asks of headcanons you want!
Andy is actually what cemented the builder’s belief that Logan wasn’t entirely guilty or completely bad to the bone.  After snooping investigating his house with Elsie and Mi-an, they’d already started to doubt the narrative the town was giving them. Meeting Andy was just confirmation.  You don’t get a kid that sweet and well taken care of by people as evil as Sandrock said Logan and Haru were
When Andy first revealed himself after his gambit as Bronco the Kid, the builder’s immediate thought was, “I can’t believe I’m a parent now.”  Not even knowing how he ended up with Logan and Haru, the builder just knew this kid needed someone in his corner.  (It wasn’t too long ago they were new to Sandrock and a stranger to everyone in town.  They couldn’t imagine going through that as a kid)
When Logan takes the Super Shock Shield and tells Andy he’s out of the gang, the builder knows that Logan is trying to protect him.  Whatever outlaw business he’s up to is too dangerous for a kid, and Sandrock is a more stable nurturing environment than life on the run.  Once again, supporting their view that Logan is not as rotten as the town would assume
Seeing how much it upsets Andy though, the builder doubles down on parenting.  Taking him sandfishing, bringing him gifts, hanging out in general.  Even though we can’t do it in the game, the builder totally brings Andy along on their horse to get ores and collect resources around the less dangerous areas of Sandrock.  Basically showering this kid with love and affection so he doesn’t feel alone or unwanted at all
When Logan and Haru return to Sandrock, the builder has mixed feelings.  It’s great seeing Andy so happy to be back with his original adoptive family, but they’re also gonna miss the kid
Except Andy has BondedTM with the builder during his time in Sandrock and insists on visiting them often.  Logan gets dragged along, as does Haru, but not as often.  It’s clear Andy has imprinted more on Logan out of the two of them
This is because although Haru was always nice and supportive of Andy, they didn’t BondTM the way he and Logan did.  Logan knows what it is to be an orphan in the world, saw that in Andy, and strove to make things better for the kid so he wouldn’t feel the crushing loneliness Logan did after his Pa died
Because of this, the builder and Logan end up spending a lot of time together.  Even without this, they were falling for each other, but their mutual parenting of Andy definitely helped.
The first time Andy gets sick Logan is out of his mind with worry.  He’s completely torn between wanting to make sure Andy is okay so he doesn’t get as sick as Howlett and remembering what happened when Howlett got “treatment” for his illness
Eventually, he just panics and takes Andy to the builder like !!! ?!?!? ??!!!! and the builder talks him down.  They take Andy to Fang’s, get him some medicine, and everything works out fine
Naturally, while Andy is recovering he stays at the builder’s to be closer to Fang, so of course Logan stays there too
This event is what will eventually tip the builder and Logan into a romantic relationship
Up until Andy’s teenage years, the builder is the helicopter smothering parent for sure, and Logan is the fun dad who teaches his kid monster fighting stuff they’re probably too young to know
But it backfires cause as Andy gets older, he wants to go out and use all the monster fighting stuff Logan has taught him and the poor man is backpedaling
As Andy gets older, the builder wants him to be self sufficient, like their parents let them be.  -You don’t up and move to a town in the middle of nowhere if you’re not at least somewhat accustomed to living on your own- this translates into giving him more freedom and responsibilities
 Logan is remembering what hell shenanigans he, Owen, and Justice pulled in their teenage years and beginning to Mildly Panic.  However, the builder reminds him that they’ve raised Andy to have a bit more responsibility than Logan did in his childhood
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sandrockianblues · 1 year
Hey, I was wondering how do you feel about Logan and Haru’s relationship?
I wasn’t expecting an ask after my post so fast lol, hi
Logan and Haru honestly radiate brother energy to me.
I know that’s not what a lot of people will wanna hear, but it's my own opinion and if someone can’t handle that, they need to accept that not everyone sees the same thing as them. This post is just gonna be me elaborating on why and also how I perceive the two.
Before I get accused of ignorance or anything worse than that- I do have gay family members, I was in a major that was filled with predominantly gay or bi men (honestly a surprise to me for some reason, and I had close friends growing up during my grade school years who never had an issue expressing themselves or hiding who they were (we grew up in a more accepting community).
The ship between the boys is neat, but I don’t ship it, just like how I wouldn’t let myself ship Mi-An and Elsie, but I can see the ship after Elsie’s character growth. Or how I’d actually love to see Amirah with Grace.
I ship based primarily upon if they’d fit together psychologically and what their dynamics scream to me. I don’t like to randomly throw characters together just because it’s new or A looks like this and B is the opposite. I don’t believe looks make a relationship- they can make a trope, but a trope only works if characters actually mesh well together. It’s a common misconception I’ve seen over the years.
But in the case of Logan and Haru- they scream found family and brothers to me.
Coming from someone who has witnessed or experienced found family, it’s actually something beautiful and profound. My uncle isn’t really my uncle, my abuelo’s family took him in when he was laboring away as a kid and sleeping in a cargo shipping container. My sister-in-law didn’t click well with her own family but is perfect in ours and she is one of us. My dad’s friend grew up being babysat by a woman across the street and that whole family essentially became hers despite having a sister and parents of her own.
Found family does exist- and it’s often a concept not considered.
Tbh, the two of them remind me of Sylvain and Felix from Fire Emblem: Three House. Which is another case I think is found family/brother bond over romantic.
While Haru does seem to understand Logan and he seems like the balance to him- that’s often a case for siblings. Siblings can be opposites. My sister and I are, my brother and I are- and my brother and sister are the same as one another.
I don’t think Haru could stand dating Logan’s ass BECAUSE he knows him. There’s nothing wrong with Logan, but something in their dynamic hints that Logan can be a bit annoying. I hc him as pestering Haru when he’s bored while Haru is trying to work on something.
And while Logan appreciates Haru helping to guide him, that he makes up for the areas Logan lacks in and vice versa, I can see Logan getting into a tiffy with some of his issues as well. Not like a relationship style of learning to accept one another’s flaws and areas they lack in, more like I can see the two annihilating the shit out of one another in a ruthless sibling like way. And it’d be hilarious and they’d forgive one another because they know they’ll do it again. There’s acceptance and accountability held between the two.
I think the softness they have with one another stems from grief, but also their personalities.
Logan, while blunt and to the point, is caring and protective of those he sees as family. It’s evident in his lines and voice that there’s shifts the more you progress with him unlike some characters (no disrespect to them). Logan is a survivalist who knows he has to accept his own shortcomings and ask for help when he can’t do it himself- because how else will he achieve what he needs done? He’s cocky, but he’s honest and knows he needs humility to stay alive.
I do not believe his gentle demeanor towards his friend is anything romantically coded. He seems to speak like that to some others as well in Act III from what I’ve seen so far.
As for the concept of them being Andy’s parents- while it’s evident that Logan is Andy’s father figure despite the man being young, Haru and Andy seem like siblings as well to me. They honestly give off the vibes of the brothers from Big Hero 6.
Both are incredibly intelligent, both have a similar personality to that of the character they correspond to in the movie, and one leaves so the other can achieve things by himself. Just, in this case, Haru isn’t gonna be in an explosion like the brother was. Haru helped hone in on Andy’s brewing intelligence, but it’s obvious to both men that Andy needs proper schooling as well and to grow up as a kid. Andy cannot follow in either of their shadows, Andy cannot become the next Haru. Haru even radiates big brother energy and is less guiding in Andy’s life like Logan is (I.e. when he tries to do what’s best for him and his safety).
So, in conclusion, I think Logan and Haru are that of found family and brothers. I don’t read any romantic connotations from them or hints of it. And while Logan serves the role of Andy’s father, Haru seems to be that of the big brother. Any “hints” of them being that way, to me, is just this heavy set of shared guilt and burdens between the two of them. I think their need to protect Sandrock and avenge Howlett, as well as taking in Andy, helped to alleviate them in a way, but it’s a dark moment in their lives that is gonna be between the two of them.
I have some friends within this fandom who ship the two, and that’s honestly more than fine. We all see and perceive things a different way. I respect them and thankfully, I receive it back. I worry for this ship to become similar within the fanbase akin to Felix x Sylvain or Dean x Castiel in terms of fans arguing with one another, and I know it’ll occur either way because some are strongly for the ship, and some are vehemently against it. My only hope is that it doesn’t reach that level and we can respect one another’s opinions.
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amelia-haynes · 4 months
i don’t have a whole lot scripted for my MTAS dr
i want to experience things naturally and see what happens out of sheer curiosity
things i do have scripted are:
*some spoilers for the game My Time At Sandrock ahead*
• The Doctor and River Song are still my parents, but their names are River and Jonathon Haynes (the Doctor always chooses John as a fake name so that makes sense to me)
• My name is Amelia Jessica Haynes
• Why Haynes for a last name? Who knows. It just came to me and stuck.
• Magic exists, which explains some of the video game-esque ness of the DR, everyone has a band that they can wear and it’s their inventory and we can transfer things to people when giving things to them, like buying stuff or just pull it out of our inventory and give it to them
• I’m a powerful witch but that’s a secret
• Those who have magic have to go to the University to learn to control their powers - typing that out just made me realise it’s like Charles’s school for the gifted youngsters - once they are fully trained they are now forced to serve the Alliance for the Free Cities to fight the evil empire Duvos
• The Evil Empire Duvos is actually part of the game i didn’t make that bit up
• When my parents discovered I have magic they hid it so the Alliance doesn’t take me away
• I’m still a builder for Sandrock
• Instead of Logan kidnapping Matilda, I push her away and he kidnaps me instead, resulting in my arm breaking while trying to fall off Rambo to escape
• Justice and Owen find out about my powers
• When I fight Logan at the Hide Out, that’s when he and Haru find out about my magic and I throw a dagger right through Logan’s hand whoops
• heals his hand with magic
• *insert trauma during the raid of Sandrock*
• Logan saves me from the event that gives me trauma
• Matilda does NOT fly off into space….she presses the self destruct button
• basically i have PTSD from the traumatic event during the raid whoops
• The Alliance figures out I’m a witch but decides they need me in Sandrock so I continue living my “best” life lol
• The Alliance sends two doctors to help out, Dr. Mary who is a healer and Dr. Iza who is an empath
• Dr. Iza is a psychologist who i see for months to try and heal
• Logan is with me every step of the way during my healing process
• At some point when I begin to finally get better, I get really low and walk to where the Hideout is and ope turns out I can talk to ghosts and Howlett is there who the fuck knew not me
• When Logan and I go to the caves to figure out who’s using his name to scare off tourists, the arrow he gets shot with is laced with Dragon’s Breathe which is poisonous and has no cure and he surely is gonna die
• But Dr. Mary and Fang come up with a cure and I use my magic to save him
• Logan and I start dating lul
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desiderium-eden-a · 6 years
Another actor for the AU:
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Chris/Haru - Logan Adler
The son of a C-list actress who couldn’t find any more work after her pregnancy, Logan was pressured into acting since he was a kid. Starting with extra roles in sitcoms, moving on to some b-list movies and a brief run on a tv series as a young genius detective. And while he initially liked it at first, now, especially after seeing his mother’s motives, he has become bored and disillusioned by the industry. Acting simply lost the sparkle it used to have.
But he keeps at it because he is his family’s only source of income. And well, because he doesn’t know how to do anything else.
Though not a bad person, he is cynical, rude and a bit cold. The sort who knows to put on a polite public face, but doesn’t bother being friendly when there are no cameras. He claims to have no need for friends in the same field as him, but is still close-ish to the Lynnes, sometimes coming to their club. He doesn’t consider them friends persay, but they’re close enough that Katie carries around a lighter because Logan keeps losing his.
He does show genuine care and kindness when addressing his little brother, Charlie though, who he loves deeply. Charlie looks up to Logan a lot, especially since Logan basically raised him due to their often absent mother.
Much like his roles, Logan’s an excellent cook and makes really cute looking food. Smokes, but makes sure he doesn’t do it around Charlie, Katie or Akina.
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The best dog names, and how to name your puppy
Naming your family pet is one of  the most beautiful moment when owning a pet. Petbacker has been committed to help pet owners to decide how they should name their pets, and it took Petbacker more than 2 years to conduct a comprehensive surveys and gathered information from 400,000 pet owners in regard to the questions of “why you give this precious name to your dog” , “does the dog name match your character of your pet”, as well as “do you name your dog based on their breed”.
Based on our surveys, we want to share with all pet’s owner some inspiring and fun ideas that are relevant to giving names for your fur babies! 
For instance, we found that many owners named their pets after childhood movie characters, famous celebrities, their human friend, different seasons of the year etc. It is amazingly shocking to note that there are even pet owners who named their pets based on numerological method. 
Method that owners use to name their pets.
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Less than 4.5% of owners named their Pets based on Seasons of the year
Each season represents its special meaning. Some owners love to name their dogs based on the seasons and months which they were born such as spring, summer, autumn and winter. For example, babies who were born during spring season can be named Haru, in Japanese, ha ru は る) means spring. Some babies who are brought home by their owners in summer are directly named as summer. For babies born in the cold winter, they can be named as winter. 
From the above ideas, the following are some of the names which you may take into consideration:
Spring - Asher, Abril, Lily or Spring rolls
Summer - Sunny, Lia, Lilac or Summer ball
Autumn - Pablo, Raven, Mooncake or Cinnamon
Winter - Polar, Santa, Sparkle or Gabby
More than 55.2% of owners named their Pets based on Human Names 
Human names make great and meaningful names for dogs and puppies too. If your dog loves running, you may consider one of the suggested human names below to give him or her some cool attitudes.
Female dogs can be named as Anne, Anna, Angel, Alice, Lucy, Emily, Juliet, Amy, etc. Alternatively, the owner can use the characters from TV series as reference. Male dogs can be named as Jack, Nick, Mike, Peter, David, Henry, Irwin etc.
Less than 4.1% of owners named their Pets based on Foodie Name
Food naming method is also a very popular naming method. The pet owner can base on food names according to their pets’ fur colours or their own favourite food.
White fur – Tofu, Cauliflower, Onion, Garlic
Yellow-ish fur – Milk Tea, Coffee, Potato, Banana
Black fur - Cola, Sesame, Pepper, Seaweed
You can also call these little guys directly with your favourite snacks, such as pudding, buns, milkshake, noodle, cheese, cupcake, dumplings and other food. 
To our surprise, about 30.3% of owners named their Pets based on Numerology method
Pet owners can actually name their pets using numerology naming method, owners will count the number belonging to their pets by deriving it from the dates of birth of their pets, and put a name that matches the pet birthday so the pet will have the character they want to have. 
This can be done by finding the pet Life Path number, these Number can be obtained by adding the birthday numbers together until you get a single digit, for an example, a pet was born in November 14th, 2018, it would be = 1+1+1+4+2+0+1+8 = 18 = 1+8 = 9 …, So their Life Path is a “9”.
With the life path number, they will then decide what name to give so the number changes slightly to what they wanted. How to count a name with number so they add together to become single number. 
For an example EDDY, E= 5,D=4,D=4,Y= 25 =2+5=7
Birthday date + Name = 9+7=16 
The final digit would be, 1+6=7
Here you go ! Your best friend Life Path Number is a “7” .
Here are some of the attributes of the different Numbers :
Number 1, is a number that represents Self, and it brings a very independent character. If your pet has a name that reduces to “1”, you expect them to be more independent, this pet will probably be headstrong! Your best friend is going to do what it wants to, so be patient. They can make excellent guard dogs or protective animals. 
Number 2, this is a Number of Cooperation and Relationships. This is the pet that will be happiest sitting in your lap! They will also like company, other pets, and humans. They don’t do well alone for extended periods. They can be naturally shy, and will dislike fireworks and thunderstorms.
Number 3, this is a Number of Creativity and Communication. With humans, they are likely to be on stage and often have a good sense of humour. They are quite social, and hyperactive, they love to be out & about, meeting new humans and other pets.
They are sometimes difficult to be trained due to a short attention span. They can be talkative too, so expect a lot of barking! They are typically good with children as they enjoy the busy energy that children brings.
Number 4, is a Number of Structure. Pets or animals with this Energy do best in structured environments. They like routines, such as feeding and training or exercise at the same times each day. 
Number 5, This is a Number of High-Energy, Chaos and Adventure. These animals love adventure! They don’t like to be cooped up too. They love riding in cars, going for walks at the park. They might not be the best choice for small children, but they will be entertaining!
Number 6, This is the Number of The Nurturer. Ideally suited to home and family, this is a very devoted and loving animal. They love affection and are quick to give it too. They love to sleep in bed with you and will love cozy warm places to snuggle in. These dogs also make for the best service animals and can be trained to help a human who has disabilities.
Number 7, This is a Number of Intelligence and Curiosity. Your best friend would probably like games or toys that challenge them …plus learning Tricks too! But they often need their own space and time. They probably have their own favourite place, and it will probably be away from everyone else. They need space, so I hope your bed is big, or they will try to dominate the space! 
Number 8, This is a Number of Abundance and Prosperity. They love studded collars, luxurious bed, even those animal-outfits! They love attention, and can be demanding. They are usually high-energy, be prepared to be lead around!
Number 9, This is a Number of The Philanthropist, Old Soul, Wisdom. They are Natural Leaders, but do not have a competitive streak, so not the best choice for a show animal. They are extremely sensitive. They know when you are hurting and when you are happy. They like a lot of physical contacts to assure that everything is alright.
Less than 3% of owners named their Pets based on Movie Character
Many young owners have their favourite cartoon characters, comic protagonists and so on. Hence, they can name their dogs by their favourite characters. For example, One Piece's Luffy, Qiaoba, Naruto, Kakashi, Doraemon etc.
About 2.9% of owners named their Pets based on Celebrity name
Pet owners do have their own favourite celebrities who they like and admire. Therefore, it’s pretty cool to name their pet according to the celebrity name, or the name of their fan club.
Imagine when he is running around on the street, and you call his name, people who passes by will think that there is a big star coming!
How to make your pets remember their name fast?
Giving a name to your pet is easy, but how do you want your pet to remember the name you gave or effect the change of name ASAP? We provide below some methods which you may adopt to make your pets remember their name.
1. Food temptation: After giving your dog a name, you need to patiently let him remember his name. One of the best ways is giving them food and treats!
2. Changing of tone: Under different circumstances, use different intonations to call the dog's name.
3. Name Tone: Calling names is limited to giving instructions and compliments, to give the dog a good impression. The next time you call its name, it will run to you right away.
After all the above suggestions, if you are still not sure of what name you give your dog, we would want to inspire you of what others named their dogs by sharing the names of the list below.
Top 20 types of dog breeds on Petbacker with the list of names that PetBacker owners have named their dogs
(Male)Bella, Coco, Daisy, Nini, Chloe, Gigi, Ajax
(Female) Bella, Coco, Daisy, Nini, Peanut, Jesse
Jack Russell Terrier
(Male) Zeus, Bolt, Lucca, Steven, Jack, John
(Female) Hershey, Juno, Audrey, Bambi, Anthea
Toy Poodle
(Male) Louis, Alex, Maison. Jackson, Bleu
(Female) Cookie, Ginger, Nancy, Aries, Sandra
Shih Tzu
(Male) Micky, Charlie, Max, Patches, Rudy
(Female) Chewie, Nala, Madison, Rosie, Nemo
English Cocker Spaniel
(Male) Goofy, Stephen, Lucas, Loca, Lucca
(Female) Stacey, Zoe, Nancy, Zoella, Sandy
Yorkshire Terrier
(Male) Sydney, Elfie, Gatsby, Kingston, Logan
(Female) Zoe, Victoria, Sophia, Isabella , Arica
(Male) Felix, Frank, Ida, Billy, Fifi, Pippin
(Female) Piper, Nora, Rosa, Julie, Chilly
(Male) Noah, Jose, Richie, Nugget, Marshall
(Female) Bubble, Fluffy, Buttercup, Blossom
(Male) Oscar, Riley, Max, Harry, Rocky, Zeus, Zach
(Female) Sammy, Ladybug, Samantha, Katie, Rina
(Male) Bagel, Gus, Hank, Winston, Harper
(Female) Mia, Belle, Shiloh, Ella, Emma
Crossed or Mixed Breed (Cavoodle, Mongrel , Singapore Special)
(Male) Sam, Finley, Scout, Roy, Russel, Lucky, Goodie, Baby
(Female) Sadie, Misty, Fenella, Luna, Marie, Mimi. Piper 
(Male) Hanako, Haru, Kiko, Mio, Shinju
(Female) Kitsune, Foxy, Hiro, Akira, Aki
German Shephard
(Male) Max, Kaiser, Roxy, Louis, Tiger 
(Female) Erma, Ethel, Giltha, Ida, Jolie
(Male) Jet, Bolt, Alpha, Hunter, Wolf, Blackie
(Female) Xena, Mulan, Belle, Elsa, Tanya
(Male) Junior, Peewee, Mike, Smalley, Shorty 
(Female) Pippa, Princess, Queenie, Winnie, Twiggy
(Male) Henry, Buster, Louie, Olive, Oakley
(Female) Olivia, Sammy, Winnie, Lucky, Brandy
French Bulldog
(Male) Brewster, Brody, Corky, Buddy, Ernie
(Female) Bella, Cookie, Jenny, Chewie, Sophie
(Male) Lulu, Bentley, Dexter, Jack, Buster,Pepper
(Female) Ollie, Sandy, Mia, Piper, Peppa,Snow White
King Charles Spaniel
(Male) Henry, Hopper, Rowley, Doodle
(Female) Berry, Holly, Nancy, Chucky, Winter
(Male) Anot, Cosette, Bangle, Spark, Atlanta 
(Female) Cherry, Lizzy, Lucy, Frida, Bella
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   Still need more suggestion for naming your pet?
 Feel free to post a picture of your pet at the comment section below, and let other pet lover's to suggest a great name for you!
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sandrockianblues · 2 years
Some of our loved gang annoying each other when bored head cannons? plsss?💕👀
Let me just cuddle up to you real quick to express my adoration for you anon💜💜💜✨
I’m assuming you meant the bandit boys again, if not, feel free to correct me and I’ll make another (This is kinda long so let’s hope it’s what you asked for😭😭)
Feel free to spam my inbox with more! I’m always willing to share my head canons!!!💜 or if you just wanna talk or say something
Bandit Gang Annoying Each Other:
He always tries to busy himself with work and planning ahead (bc someone’s got to) but there are times where he just can’t keep his head buried in his work anymore or he doesn’t feel motivated to study up on the shit he needs. So, he takes it out on the boys lovingly
-Andy> at first it was sorta dumb stuff just to tweak him like wetting small shredded pieces of discarded notes and ideas he had tossed aside, throwing them at the kid until it stuck. Other times it was a blank stare and unyielding until Andy would screech at him to stop because it was freaking him out. After he finds out the kid has developed a major crush on Jasmine? “There was this one time Jasmine and I-,” “I don’t wanna hear it.” “Yeah, ya do.” Plethora of stories that Andy both loves and hates to hear because he does not like Jasmine, dammit. It’s especially more annoying when Haru tells stories of a very young Jasmine saying she’ll grow up to marry Haru or Logan someday like any other kid would do.
-Logan> literally poor fucking guy. Cowboy prince bandit here cares about his appearance because let’s face it, he and everyone else knows he’s pretty. Not Fang pretty, but roguishly handsome and solid main male lead, handsome enough to be that NFL player you suddenly get into a team for despite not knowing how football may work coughs-. So he’s a little vain and tries to take care of his appearance. And Haru abuses that. Will catch him off guard saying he’s spotted a gray hair among his strands (mind you, Logan has a head of white hair) or that his eyes seem to be dulling all of a sudden? Then there’s times where Haru tells the most outlandish science shit that’s in no way true or plausible and Logan believes it for a good part of the day week because, well, it’s his friend that’s the brainiac. But then it hits at some point and Logan always gets so bent out of shape that he’s been fooled once more. They’re so friendly with one another that they can joke about even the harder topics- so, long story short, Haru likes to claim being Howlett’s favorite. You can imagine the angry cowboy face there. Logan comes for his ass (settle down LoHaru fans, let’s keep it PG-13 and save it for fanart and fanfic). IF LOGAN IS INTERESTED IN THE BUILDER>>> 11/10 likes to reference the start of their “interactions” (I.e. Logan watching the train the builder was on come in their first day- tho really, Haru just kinda puts it together and does the math/ after Water Tower explosion and their eyes met)- essentially, anything he can use to make it seem like they’re some star-crossed lovers or living out some dramatic romance fantasy. IF HARU IS INTERESTED IN THE BUILDER TOO>>> not entirely confident he can win their heart and affections against Logan, but it’s too fun to casually remark that the builder may prefer guys who aren’t tall as hell or that have a tanner complexion or dark hair and eyes- lmao not Logan trying to figure out how to properly tan or appear shorter or even willing to dye his hair.
He’s a kid and a smart one at that, but his attention span is so small at this age and he gets bored so easily. He worships Logan and Haru, idolizes them even. Being a bandit was essentially his dream. So, he mostly behaved. But it’s when Sandrock accepts their bandit boys back that he starts being a little shit (Andy, my child).
-Haru> this man unnerves Andy in a different way than his buddy does. Andy wholly believes that Haru could kill him and get away with it. But it doesn’t stop him. Andy likes to disorganize his notes so they’re not in order. Will sometimes leave feedback on random sticky notes to the most obscure shit and they’re all filled with critiques (some of which are valid and actually do annoy Haru Lmao). He once saved up all his money and bought a jelly jar that was actually filled with glitter that Vivi had. Took some of Haru’s notes and from what he could do, he made a glitter bomb (it was a Thursday and Jasmine was helping Heidi organize some things so he was lonely). The fortunate part to the end of that tale is that it was mostly plain glitter so like silver. The unfortunate part is that sometimes, if you pay attention, Haru fucking shimmers. This was very distressing to Mi-An once who has found this battered but readable cringey book about vampires, but that may have been the best day of Logan’s life who laughed so hard he wheezed and had some blood vessels burst in his face. IF HARU IS INTERESTED IN THE BUILDER>>> Andy will resort to basic elementary tactics and make kissy faces that are totally visible to not just Haru and the builder, but also everyone in the vicinity. He’ll sing that “kissing in a tree” song. Walks by the guy who is trying his best to be subtle about his feelings yet attempting to flirt and going like “oh dang, tell them how u really feel” and sometimes leaning against a railing watching them from above shouting in a monotone voice “OH SHIT, THAT SOME GOOD CHEMISTRY YOU GOT THERE”- Andy’s fuckin’ fast as hell, but if you wanna see him fly, wait until he pisses one of his bandit fathers off. Kid doesn’t even touch the ground when he’s running.
-Logan> you know that pic of Ben Affleck? Nvm, you know it, I don’t even need to describe it. You know it. Homie would put his little brother/son (depends on the day and how much he wishes to throttle the tween) on a flag pole by his raggedy little cape if he could sometimes. Logan is literally the true victim between the two of his friends/found family. But in their defense, it’s just too fucking easy to rile him up. Andy will still do dumb shit like steal his hat or dress up like him like he did for Bronco the Kid, posing as Logan the Bandit and nailing down his gun twirl (chill, it’s a water gun with no water bc Sandrock is dryer than my ex’s personality) and the dramatic swish of his cape. Literally the kid was born for LARPing or Comic Cons, maybe even acting, but the world missed out. Regardless, it is some good shit. Owen even lets him recreate Bandit Gang memories on stage sometimes because he thinks the kid is a blast when he’s all dressed up (he will actually start giving the kid a “1,2,3” count if he dresses up as Bronco again), much to Logan’s dismay. If you think that is bad enough, Andy actually has Logan’s signature down almost perfectly and will sit at a little table like it’s a lemonade stand selling autographed WANTED signs of the good looking bandit (much to Unsuur’s dismay) IF LOGAN IS INTERESTED IN THE BUILDER>>> Andy will abuse his height, his speed, and Logan’s patience. Homie will yeet himself into either Logan’s back or the builder’s and make them fall into each other as he takes off cackling and screaming about PDA. Now, Logan is a chill guy and recognizes it as both manipulation and a somewhat accident, but it’s the fact that this is the fifth time the cheeky bastard has schemed this week and at some point, the builder has to catch onto why Andy’s doing it to the two of them specifically. He WILL intentionally leave WANTED posters of Logan on their front door or workshop table or in their mailbox. No, please don’t ask Unsuur about this. He’s fucking done with the posters.
Logan was someone that felt like he had to grow up a little too fast to help his father deal with raising him alone and hunting monsters. His only reprieve from that maturity and the weight of the world on his shoulders was spending time with friends like Haru or Elsie or Jasmine, etc. There, the rascal like side of him poked out. Logan is the man of action and the one to carry out missions. He’s not big on planning, so, when there’s no mission to carry out and no action to be doing, he’s gonna have some fun.
-Andy> to the Logan simps out there, y’all better pray the builder and him have a daughter because Logan is much GENTLER and CAREFUL with girls (don’t think about the fight y’all have if you a girl). He will swoop down with far too much agility for a man his size and grab Andy by the ankles with one hand, standing upright and flipping the kid upside down in his hold. Isn’t above shaking him to see how much candy and stuff he nabs (literally no one cares and they just pretend to not see because it’s minimal shit) falls out. Or he ruffles his hair and messes it up completely. Sometimes, he’ll sit down with the kids (no chair is too small for him- that’s a lie, every chair is too small for him. Just look at his weird ass throne.) and asks whether he’ll be the main of honor or the best man to their wedding. He’s not above his bandit ways and WILL demand a dowry for his precious Princess Jasmine.
-Haru> they go back and sometimes, that’s not a good thing. Logan knows exactly how to annoy Haru. It’s just when he decides to find new ways that Haru gets nervous. Like after the Mi-An incident where she thought he was a vampire, Logan spent money on glitter himself that he kept in his pocket and would randomly throw it like confetti in the air with an emotionless face, watching it rain down on Haru with glee burning like the blue flames of a fire. Or when he actually borrowed Mi-An’s book so he could read it (he honestly hates it, nothing makes sense and he almost abandoned the idea numerous times) and WILL quote it at him. Haru hasn’t read it, but at this point he essentially has given how Logan took this way too seriously and is passionate about giving him shit. Sometimes, Logan will idly remark about being sick of shit and wanting to run away. Which annoys Haru because “been there, done that”. Not letting Haru sit in his weird throne actually annoys him but for the principle, not because Haru really wants to sit there. Logan also likes to remark about how smart Qi is and wonders if his bombs would be more effective. Then there are times where they’re just meandering about riding their steeds and Logan will go off on this near philosophical and rather introspective tangent that takes Haru by surprise, going to respond to Logan only to be met with “I was talking to Rambo.” 💀 IF HARU IS INTERESTED IN THE BUILDER >>> Logan is both the best and worst person to have as your wingman. I don’t make the rules (yes I do ). He’ll give him openings to make his move, he’ll set up the scene perfectly like this is mere child’s play to him (it’s odd, the things Logan chooses to be good at), hell, he may even pay for their dinner. But then there are times where they’re having a nice date and Logan will all of a sudden stretch over the divider wall of the booth with a harsh and loud whisper of “diD YoU kiSS ‘eM YEt?!” He is both a himbo and a child. IF LOGAN IS ALSO INTERESTED IN THE BUILDER>>> if it was anyone else, he’d be pulling out all the stops to win the builder over. But with Haru, all he can do is poke lighthearted fun at his height or how he’s missing a duster or a cowboy hat. Sometimes a “is your heart a ticking bomb? What’re you swearing for?” sort of shit to tease him.
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