#who when he’s not fighting monsters is eating banana bread and sucking face
catharusustulatus · 10 months
Random Steve Harrington headcanons I have:
He was cool and aloof as King Steve, but he’s always been and still is a self-assured, leaps before he looks, takes life in strides, try anything once type of guy. He likes to think he’s changed a lot, but he isn’t a dweller. He ate a worm on a dare in seventh grade and thought, not bad. Then he moved on.
When he realizes he’s bi he “figures it out” because he didn’t want to not know what kissing a guy (besides Tommy, who was his first kiss) felt like, and then didn’t hate it, and it’s that simple. He’s a flirty, romantic, horny guy and when he figured out he could seemingly double the amount of dates and kinds of orgasms he could have? He brought an ice cream cake to work to celebrate, which Robin laughed about (over ice cream cake).
His middle name is Thomas. Tommy’s middle name is Steven. They used to joke about that, how they were “two sides of the same coin.” He still has Tommy’s baseball glove in his closet shoebox of trinkets and important items - he never had the heart to return it after their fight. But he thinks about Tommy all the time. About if he’s changed.
Other items in his closet shoebox: his Scoops Ahoy name tag, his pressed penny from his field trip to Chicago in fourth grade, his stuffed rabbit, Polaroids of Robin, asleep with a marker mustache, Robin, holding a fish she caught with Lucas, Robin, flipping him off while prank calling the donut shop, Dustin with his eyelids flipped up, Dustin when his new tooth finally came in, Max on her bike with a big smile, Lucas and Erica at Erica’s lemonade stand this past spring, his camera, his first photo strip with Nancy, his first note to Nancy (not delivered because he spelled beautiful incorrectly) his favorite photo of Nancy, waving from her doorway - that one was taken by Jonathan. A note from Jonathan. Max’s letter. Two dice, some playing cards, Robin’s cootie catcher she made for him when he was sick and bored last winter. All his prized possessions.
When he was seven his dad dislocated his arm. He lied and told everyone he fell. His dad never touched him again, but his dad also never really looked at him again either.
He loves German chocolate and carrot cake, and Dustin makes fun of him every birthday for his “old man palette.” But he and Mrs. Henderson still bake him a cake every year.
His favorite mole on his body is the one by his belly button, because that’s the one his mom used to tickle.
His obsession with stripes goes beyond polos. His striped wallpaper is still up, on only one side of his room (Robin made him take the other walls down, said his room was too like a cage), but his bedding is striped too. He also has a striped shower curtain. He loves stripes :-)
His favorite color is green, like the trees by the quarry in spring. His second favorite color is “Robin’s egg blue” which he didn’t believe was a real color until Robin showed him at the library. He likes it because it’s Robin, but also because he secretly loves his mom’s turquoise ring she always leaves on her nightstand.
He read Of Mice and Men in one sitting, and cried for three days afterwards.
He knows all the lyrics to Queen’s discography. But his favorite artist is Springsteen.
He doesn’t smoke weed for a long time after Starcourt. He doesn’t drink either. The first time he’s able to smoke without panicking is when Argyle gifts him a roll of Palm Tree Delights for his birthday, and graciously smokes them with him.
Sometimes he showers just to cry.
Robin has seen him fully naked and vice versa. Sometimes he pees when she’s in the shower at his house (he has better shampoo and water pressure).
When he can’t sleep, he thinks of all the people he loves. What they look like, their favorite things, what he loves about them, until he dozes off.
He loves peanut butter and jelly but also sometimes when he wants a sandwich he eats butter between two slices of banana bread. Everyone else is disgusted but he swears by it.
He keeps his car so nice because he has a feeling it will be the only thing he truly gets to keep from his father.
He loves blowing gum bubbles. His favorite gum is the Archie comics one, Bazooka. Guess he should have figured he was bi, he always loved Jughead.
These days, when he thinks of his loved ones to sleep, he thinks about Eddie, too.
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