#whoa anon i remember getting this submission a while back
Anon Submission 1/2
seeing all this hamburglar hate now among his former asskissers, i’m like, ya late! i peeped that game back in 2013. fuck the haters, thank you for keeping it real about his shadiness long before it was cool to.
*puts on tinhat*
i remember the Great Zayn HQ Drought, when we’d get a million pix of the others and like one occasional lq pic of zayn, even when they were together. i also noticed they weren’t styling him as sharply as they were before and after the drought. i also noticed it conveniently coincided with harry’s rise as the “frontman”, riding on the haylor wave. harry also got a separate stylist and lowkey fashion sponsorships/free shit. he slowly slipped that in, starting with the scarves. (he made them look like ugly rags, i was shocked to see how much they were actually worth.)
folks say he’s been plotting since 2013, and i’m like naw, he was getting his game together in 2012 so he could start in 2013. even though sott has a slower than expected start, i still think he will come out on top in the end, because so much time and money and effort has been invested and tptb always fight for white boys to win. 
however, zayn’s achievement can never be downplayed bc he’s literally the only member of 1d that’s generated significant interest from the public on his own. harry networks hard, and has *always* been linked to celebs and socialites in the very beginning, that’s how he became significant tabloid material. zayn on the other hand was only known for himself in 1d. before the start of the hamburglar’s snake rise in 2013, zayn was getting a lot of individual attention for his style and his vocals. (and while harry’s public relationship benefitted him, zayn’s relationship only benefitted perrie, who modest wanted to be little mix’s “harry”, which is a whole another rant, let not get started today) it made no damn sense to me that harry would get sponsorships and fashion awards first. 
not to mention all the discrepancies in his public image. he made himself a blank slate, acts overly nice and polite. i can’t believe that people thought he’s completely clean and above his weed smoking bandmates, when he regularly hangs out with rude, obnoxious partiers and cokeheads. there was even an article, comparing a new generation of socialite partiers (including him by name) comparing them to an older generation… who were notorious for their drug use. (and lets not get into the “sniffling from year-round allergies *cough*”)
and there are times when his mask slips and i’m like hmm… like that ot4 interview with grimmy, when harry lost his voice and had to type on his phone… i remember when he tried to make a joke and nobody caught it, they moved on talking about something else. at first he looked so pleased with himself, then when no one got his joke he looked seriously offended. like, if he’s the type of person who doesn’t care what other people think, who isn’t trying hard to be cool, why would he look so offended? why would he be pressed that he isn’t the center of attention?
i remember another interview where liam and the interviewer kept going (about a football player?), and he couldn’t get a word in (he wanted to talk about having their scarf? lol). he was so sulky and pissed that he couldn’t bring the attention back to himself (i think there was another time, in that same round of interviews where liam was messing with him and put his foot  on him and he was so disgusted, like who the fuck is this bitch??? he recovered well, but i don’t think he was playing.) and i’m like damn, you this salty because you got ignored for a couple seconds? imagine, if zayn had that face every time y'all talked over him or shut him out the convo. he’d have perpetual bitch face!
…which reminds me of another time, when someone mentioned harry’s hair and liam joked that it was extensions and harry looked pissed. which also reminds me of another time when liam said that harry’s hair always looked the same, and harry was offended, enough for louis to step in and deflect. at the time i was like wtf, it’s not that serious??? but i’ve recently read comments ppl have been making about harry possibly balding and needing implants… i saw on on forum, they showed his biological father’s receding hairline, and how it’s improved now, possibily with finasteride and impants…. is that why harry is so sensitive about his hair? his hairline looks to be holding on, but perhaps he’s on treatment and is fearful it could get worse. (i don’t like him anymore, but i def would not wish balding on anybody, that shit can be traumatic and i don’t want to curse my own fave’s hairline)
and back to the perpetual bitch face, i think it’s wild how harry’s gotten away with resting/puckered bitch face in half his fan photos, no one says a damn thing. let that be zayn though, and they’d burn that shit to the ground. i remember folks giving liam hell, because he wasn’t smiling *inbetween* a long series of fan photos on the red carpet (i think?) even tho he smiled in every photo and he always gives fans big hugs and he’s the only one always shows up for 1d shit. 
i’m sorry to be up in your inbox like this, i really wasn’t expecting this to be so long, i guess i had a lot of feelings to get off my chest, lmao. 
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
helloo!! i have read many of your writings and i love all of them :DD this is not a request but i'm just curious about what inspired you to write and what are your thoughts about the other genshin writing blogs especially the famous and og ones like zuluc, official-simp, genshin-latte, shin, and others?
I'm so happy to hear that! And whoa there's gonna be a lot of unpacking here haha.
I've only very recently joined the fandom like second week of December, and in one week, I ended up reading the whole GI x Reader tag in both Ao3 and Tumblr. Yes, really, I didn't sleep for DAYS because of my hyperfixation. And as I continued waiting for new material, refreshing the tag page every hour, my brain started creating ideas that I haven't read before. I remember the very first idea I had was the Author!Reader x Xingqiu one, and even tho the request thing exists, I was very new to tumblr and almost had a breakdown when I saw the Ask and Submission button. I didn't know what those meant.
So after I ended up with a decent list of ideas to write for, I started coming up with how I would go about a blog if I wanted to write. I studied the tumblr algorithm and the fics that I liked, and so here we are almost a month later!
Other Blogs
Oh boy, it's scary. They're really brilliant and dish out such good content! Especially the ones that reach a thousand notes on average! I respect them a lot but I'm too shy and respectful to try and interact. I don't wish or hope to get noticed by them or to be noticed as much as them, I just hope they're taking good care of themselves and are happy in everything that they do.
Recently I've been noticing and interacting with some of them out of pure coincidence, and I'm still freaking out! It's really, really overwhelming and I feel like I'm intruding because I'm still a small and young blog. While it really inspires and makes me happy to know they know I exist, in the back of my mind I still feel scared I might do something wrong in front of them. Some anons are already displeased by- yeah.
I just want to make people happy overall! And that's all I wish to do.
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fierceawakening · 6 years
1/? erinc1978/assholeanon again -- will try to respond to your questions as best I can. As a general point, I think I understand better now where you were coming from in terms of how you approached writing various parts of Steel and Promise, and I'm sorry for having been such a douche about it.
It’s Book Anon again. Cut for length, discussions of consent, some nonexplicit sexual content, and spoilers.
Re: 6/ – I think there were a few things that had me thinking Teran was saying that everything kind she’d done was purposeful manipulation. Some of this may well be incorrectly remembered through anxiety haze, but IIRC part of it was her general attitude during the conversation, that struck me as generally sort of triumphant and preening – along the lines of “ha, I got you to fall for me, aren’t I clever.” (cont’d)
Re:6/ contd - I think another was Cailyn saying something to the effect of “so what about the ‘you’re a jewel among stones’ business”, and Teran IIRC didn’t deny that was part of the manipulation. So I took it as being broader than the s/m. As we learn that Teran was trading torture to own Cailyn, that confirmed it for me emotionally – that she couldn’t have been sincere in her regret over upsetting Cailyn by merely wrecking her clothes if she had no qualms about buying her outright.
As a general note, I’m really sorry that my deactivating killed your archives of my asks. It didn’t occur to me that would happen. Should’ve sent everything as a message in the first place and then I wouldn’t have spammed your ask box. I didn’t remember there was another option until Tumblr cut me off and said, “Whoa, you need to wait an hour until you send any more asks.”
On the personal note - “safe” was a terrible choice of words for a complicated internal state that I was wrong to externalize, and I feel really bad for causing you more pain over this. I absolutely do NOT mean to suggest you are an Unsafe Person in any kind of general sense, and I give you my word that I will not say or imply to anyone, online or off, that you are not a safe person to be around.
As one last note - I understand why you feel jerked around, and I wish I could take back my actions and that I’d just discussed the book like a normal person in the first place instead of jumping to conclusions, but I can’t do anything more at this point than apologize. Just let me know when you want to be done with this interaction so that I don’t overstep your boundary (i.e. I give you a last response and then block). I found code to block websites via my OS, and when you’re done, I’m done.
Okay, so I don’t know if this helps at all, but I’ve been avoiding mentioning personal stuff because of the whole “safe/unsafe” deal which I didn’t want to feed into, but I feel a bit like I have to wade into it to make some of this make sense.
It’s true that some things about Teran are things I’ve experienced or are based on me. One of those things is that… when I joined the BDSM community around me at the tender young age of 21, I didn’t know too much about myself or where I fit in that bunch of overlapping letters. But I knew I was interested, specifically, in SM–I’d spent most of my young life fantasizing about people who liked pain, but I didn’t think they really existed, or thought they had some kind of Freudian complex that meant even if I knew what I was doing I’d harm them emotionally by enticing them into indulging in something that was bad for them. When I was a youngin you really couldn’t find much that positively portrayed people with pain fetishes.
But the thing was, when I got into the community? Intense masochists aren’t crazy or unhealthy and dating them doesn’t make you evil. BUT they’re rare. Most people are interested in sensation play but not really in intense SM stuff–and even more common than that is an interest in (usually mild/bedroom-only) D/s.
So finding partners, or at least finding partners that are actually complementary to me on that score? Is hard! They’re out there–there’s at least one in every community I’ve been in–but they’re relatively rare. 
In part because they’re rare, in my experience a lot of them were older, and actually a lot of them were in relationships. Of the “masochism was completely unacceptable when I married my wife, but I couldn’t stand it any more so I asked her to beat me, she said YIKES NOOOOO but eventually agreed I could go to play parties if I don’t actually side date anyone and hide the marks” sort.  (This is one reason I disagree with antis about age gaps. One of the first people I ever beat? Three times my age. Did he harm me? Well, I did end up hurting my shoulder by not realizing I was new to this and should have slowed down… SHIT SHIT SHIT THE ANTIS WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG!)
It’s kinda lonely, and is part of the reason I haven’t dated anyone since my last partner. They’re hard to find! At least if you actually want, you know, a relationship.
So that was the thing. Teran found one, he was actually single and interested, but he got sick and died. And she went back to the dark channels to look for another one, and couldn’t really find one, because as assholey as the nobles are, the dark channels are much more like… what most people were and what I wasn’t really looking for.
So Teran knows that almost anyone is gonna disappoint her, and either she can 1) keep having random dates with people hoping she chances on someone who is orientationally masochistic and be vaguely frustrated until she does or 2) try to see if she can train someone to become what she wants. (Especially someone who IS inherently submissive and wants to serve, which Cailyn is.)
So she does 2). Without making it clear what she’s doing, because she’s kind of a jerk. And because “oh, I’d like to alter your sexuality, you good with that?” is a big ask.
Doesn’t make it okay that she did that and wasn’t honest about it, and I’m not saying it is. Pushing someone’s soft limits can be okay–that’s why they’re soft limits–but not realizing someone might be just a little upset upon finding out that’s pretty much why they picked you? UH. TERAN NO.
From Teran’s perspective (which, again, TERAN NO) she expected Cailyn to figure it out. She never came out and said “this is an experiment,” but she talked often about how Cailyn’s experiences of pain and desires were shifting. So she thought Cailyn would figure it out, and assumed (again, TERAN NO) that Cailyn coming back over and over meant Cailyn was fundamentally okay with it. She knew she was being manipulative, but she didn’t realize how awful she was being. Which is why she was surprised when Cailyn was like “HOLY SHIT AM I AN EXPERIMENT?” as if this was 1) news and 2) bad news.
The other thing Teran does that is unquestionably horrible is the bargaining to own Cailyn. Whether it’s clear from the text or not (and I can’t really go back and reread in depth now to find out if I was too ambiguous about this), what I meant to say was that Teran wants Cailyn to freely consent to stay with her, and asks for it. When Cailyn says no, she initially respects it, but then the Councils (at the behest, of course, of Ben, who is the actual skin-crawlingly terrible person who gives no fucks whatever about consent so of course he would dream this crap up) basically say “you know if you do this for us you won’t have to worry about that cute girl running away from you *wink*” and… Teran goes for it, even though part of her knows she shouldn’t.
So again… I’m not trying to say I meant for what Teran did to be Okay Because She’s Lonely. It’s not okay. But I didn’t mean that she was a completely uncaring person. I meant that she was a very damaged person who gets what she wants through manipulation because why not when almost everyone despises you anyway, someone “liking” you means they want to rape you and force you to carry their kid, and the one guy who actually loved you was perfectly fine with heavy D/s… and died horribly anyway?
I appreciate you saying that you didn’t mean “safe” the way I took it. I just… if you actually think I am okay with real world dubious consent and was saying it’s fine, then… I actually deserve to have people warned about me. And the thing about it is… if you actually are a person who is abusive, or manipulative, or real-world wobbly on consent, you’re the last person to know it. Abusive and manipulative people make excuses for themselves to themselves, which is why it’s so hard for them to change.
So while my gut reaction to your comments is “I didn’t say that! I don’t endorse that! The thing I wrote isn’t that!” there’s part of me that feels that I can’t argue… because I’d always say/think that I’m safe even if I’m not. Which puts me in the awkward position of “That sounds wrong, and also insulting and hurtful! But that’s exactly what I would think if it was 100% correct!”
Which is where the scrupulosity spirals come from.
So the only thing I can really say and do is… again, give you as much of a platform as I can given the energy I have at any given time, and make sure people who aren’t me see it, and have the opportunity to decide for themselves whether I am accurately assessing myself as “someone who attempts to be positive and safe for friends and lovers” or not.
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5ketchupsos · 6 years
The Pyramid- Chapter 3
Tumblr media
Requested- Yes
Anon- I was wondering if you can do a smutty fanfic involving Luke and Ashton with a girl, any name will do.  Their daddy af, so it’s a smut full of bdsm, chocking kink, daddy kink, etc.
Pairing- Ashton irwin & Luke Hemmings & Sierra Larson
Words- 5407
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Sierra was in her element.  It was her turn to dominate her boys.  That was another great thing about both of them.  They loved being both dominant and submissive and they weren't shy about mixing it up.  She turned on Ashton first for no real reason other than that she'd missed him.  Luke moved aside as she stood up.  Ashton looked a tad worried as she shuffled him backwards across the room, her stiff nipples pressed to his chest.  When his back was firmly against his bedroom door she gave him a coy smile and her hands lifted.  One wrapped round his neck causing his eyes to turn to narrow, coal black slits.  The other gently worked its way down his body, her fingers tracing every indent across his six pack.  He tried to move and she tightened her grip on his neck and he stiffened.
"God," he groaned as she let her fingers dance along the top of his pubes.
"Here's how it's going to go," she informed them both, letting go of Ashton and turning to face Luke.
He was chilling in the armchair beside Ashton's bed, silently enjoying the show.
"Ashton's gonna fuck me against this door until I come again and not a second longer."
They were both watching her with the most lustful expressions on their handsome faces.  Ashton clenched his jaw and Luke bit down on his lip.
"When I'm done were gonna move to the bed.  Ashton can finish what he started."
She threw her head over her shoulder and looked at him.
"Doggy Style."
She saw his Adam's Apple bulge as he swallowed loudly.  It was no secret that Ashton was an ass guy.  Luke on the other hand was a boobs guy and that suited her perfectly.
She crossed the room to him and leaned over with her hands on the arm rests of the chair.  Her nipples brushed the light hair on Luke's chest and he sighed audibly.
"And while Ashton does that I'm gonna use my tongue to please you," she informed him.
His hands landed on hers and gripped tightly.
She tugged hers out from under his and walked backwards away from him shaking her head. Then she turned to Ashton before she had one final thought and looked back at Luke.
"Oh and baby? You don't get to touch yourself while Ashton pleases me," she grinned smugly.
She walked backwards again until her ass pressed up against Ashton's balls.
"Take your hair down and come here," she added to Luke.
He stood up and kept his eyes on her as he let his hair down from his bun.  She licked her lips, holding back the moan she wanted to let loose.  God he looked so good with his hair like that.  Ashton's hands found her hips and she could tell he was getting impatient.
"Sit on the bed," she demanded of Luke, "I'll get to you in a minute."
"Can't wait princess," he chuckled.
Ashton apparently couldn't wait any longer and Sierra happily relinquished a bit of her control as he spun her around and lifted her off her feet.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and linked her ankles together.  She was still wearing her stiletto heels and Ashton growled as they dug in to his back.
His face nuzzled in to the crook of her neck and she felt him line himself up at her entrance.
"Just day when baby girl," he murmured.
She was desperate for him.  She wanted that thick bulge inside her, hitting her in places only it could reach but she could hear the frustration in Ashton's voice and she wanted to tease him as him and Luke had done to her.
"Not yet baby."
She lifted her eyes up to watch Luke from over Ashton's shoulder.  He ran a hand through his messy curls and smiled at her.  God the two of them would be the death of her.  She kept her attention on Luke as she said "now."
Ashton slammed in to her with one fluid movement .  His hands were on her ass as he thrust furiously, knocking her haphazardly against the door.  She ran her nails down his back and felt him grown throatily in to her neck.  Luke was watching her face, watching her reaction as she watched him.  She could see his length twitch every couple of seconds and she smirked in content when he dropped his hands to either side of his thighs and gripped the sheets. She could tell he wanted to touch himself but she slowly shook her head.
Ashton grunted loudly as he pounded in to her.  The tip of his length was grazing against her g-spot and the top of his v-line rubbed against her clitoris, his hairs tickling it.
She rolled her eyes back as he lifted one of her hands above her head and licked fingers with her. He squeezed her palm roughly, a clear sign that he was close and trying to hold back.
She was close too. So precariously close and she loved it.  She craved that release again. She locked eyes with Luke again.
"Come," he mouthed.
It was her undoing.  Her core tightened around Ashton's erection as her free hand clawed at his back then went limp.  An indescribable sensation rushed through her body, exiting at her core and she could barely make a sound.  She was completely overcome by the feeling.  Luke appeared to be very chuffed with himself and Ashton was thumping the door in an attempt to hold himself back.  She knew it wouldn't be long before he came once they returned to the bed.
She gently pushed him back and lowered herself to her feet.  Her legs were like jelly and she stumbled a little.  Ashton caught her and lifted her up, carrying her to the bed where he deposited her on all fours in the centre,  her head above Luke's stiffness.  He climbed behind her and didn't bother to wait for permission before sliding in to her. He didn't hold back now and she winked at Luke then lowered her head, taking him in her mouth.
"Fuck," Luke hissed, his hands scrabbling at the sheets.
She took him as far back as she could manage while Ashton pushed as far in to her as he could reach.  She wanted them to come together.  All three of them.  It happened on a rare occasion but Ashton was already so close and she could feel herself building again.
Luke twisted her hair and gripped it, taking control as he used the makeshift bun to bob her head up and down on his length, occasionally lifting his hips to meet her mouth.
Ashton began to shudder and the jerky moves brought her climax closer.  She forced Luke to the back of her throat and heard him breathe in between clenched teeth.
"Shit I'm close," Ashton moaned.
"Me too," Luke surprised her by adding, "I've been waiting for this all day."
"I've been waiting two weeks you impatient- ugh.  Oh god yes!"
With that Ashton let loose inside her and she clenched around him her own euphoria erupting.  Luke took a second longer and she kept sucking him off even as she orgasmed.  He tugged her hair hard as he finally let go, his warm liquid sliding down her throat.  And then he fell back against the pillows as Ashton staggered back, pulling out of her.  She rolled over in to her back,  Ashton's cum dribbling down her thighs.  She couldn't remember a time she had ever felt this satisfied.  Ashton joined them on the bed, leaning back against the headrest.
"Damn," he whispered.
"Yeah," Luke agreed.
"Hmm," she mumbled starting to feel sleepy.
One of them was tiring enough but both of them was exhausting.
"No you don't," Luke scolded her as he caught her eyes start to shut, "you haven't had food yet."
He was always like this afterwards.  She nearly always started to dose off and he would always stop her and insist she eat something before she sleep.  In this case he was perfectly justified.  She hadn't had anything to eat since one o'clock.  She glanced at Ashton's alarm clock.  It was now nearly 9pm.
"Fine but I want pizza," she insisted as she sat up and looked at her boys.
"So healthy," Ashton rolled his eyes.
She glared at him and he held his hands up in surrender.
"Fine.  Pizza it is.  I'll order it but we're eating in the kitchen like civilised beings," he insisted.
Sierra looked at Luke and giggled.
"The boss is home," Luke teased.
"Just go and take a shower," Ashton sighed, punching his friend in the arm.
"Both of you," He added looking at her.
The giggled and got to their feet, headed for Ashton's ensuite.
"Not together," Ashton groaned, "honestly you're bloody sex addicts you two. Sierra go ahead and Luke for fucks sake man you can wash up in your own room."
Luke poked his tongue out at Ashton but followed his orders and left the room.
"Hurry up," Ashton smiled at her.
She was stood in the doorway to the bathroom watching him.
"I'm enjoying the view," she pouted.
He laughed.
"Go and shower.  The view will be here later.  Luke's right.  You need food.  You've probably had more coffee than meals today."
She mimicked Luke and stuck her tongue out at him before sashaying in to the ensuite and shutting the door.  She didn't lock it. Part of her hoped he would join her even though she knew he wouldn't.  Not just now.
He had showered when she returned, using her bathroom and he smelled like her lavender shower gel. A scent she certainly didn't mind on him.  She dried herself then exited his room naked just as Luke stepped in to the hall.
"Oh is it a naked pizza party?" He teased.
She simply brushed past him and in to her room.  She pulled on a pair of pyjamas and tied her damp hair back then made her way down to the kitchen.  They were waiting for her, sat at the booth by the window.
"Pizza's ordered," Ashton told her.
"Good," she smiled sliding in beside Luke.
She felt less tired now that she had washed.
"So how was Australia? How's your mum and Lauren and Harry? Did you see your friends?"
"Whoa slow down babe," Ashton laughed.
"Australia was good.  Cold.  My mum is great.  She joined a book club.  They meet every week.  Lauren is her usual bossy self and Harry has taken up swimming."
He said the last bit with pride. He'd once been a competitive swimmer.
"Maybe your Mum will get to the olympics after all," Sierra replied, "and how was the studio? Get much done?"
"Laid down a couple of tracks," Luke answered this time, "Michael got naked as usual and Calum managed to lock himself in the bathroom for half an hour."
"What?! How?!" She laughed.
"God knows.  The guys an idiot," Ashton giggled fondly.
She'd missed that giggle of his.  That little high pitched laugh.  It was like music to her ears.
"So what did you two get up to while I was gone? Besides the obvious," Ashton queried.
"Well let's see," she thought back, "I tried to teach Luke how to make pancakes and he managed to make a disgusting eggy soup."
Both boys laughed and she continued.
"Luke nearly bought a new car but I stopped him in time.  Michael and Calum came over for a movie night and the three of them didn't shut up all the way through it.  Oh and I drew up the design for my first tattoo."
"Nice," Ashton mused, "you'll need to show me it later."
He leaned forward on the table and rested his chin in his hands.
"So the first press trip is in five days."
"Don't remind me," she whinged.
"It's just for a week this time babe.  Then we'll both be home but we want you to stay here.  Not at the apartment."
She wasn't keen on the idea of staying in this huge house by herself. The housekeeper lived in but she barely saw her.
"Security is better here," Ashton explained.
"Security? Why would I need security?"
"Look Sierra it's not up for discussion okay? This is the first time we've both left you alone and we just want to make sure you're safe."
"I would be safe at my apartment."
Luke narrowed his eyes and she flopped back in her chair, crossed her arms over her chest and stuck her bottom lip out.
"Fine," she gave in, "but what am I supposed to do here by myself?"
"Bake, shop, watch that movie that Luke and Calum and Mike ruined," Ashton suggested and she giggled at the last one.
The door buzzed and Ashton got up to answer it.
She leaned her head on Luke's shoulder.
"Security.  The life of dating rockstars," she mused.
"We'll go over it all with you but it's for your safety S.  Remember the mall?"
She did remember.  Vividly.  Some nights she woke up covered in sweat at the memory of it.
They had both had the day off over her birthday and they wanted to take her out.  She picked the juice bar at the mall so she could get her favourite non alcoholic pina colada.  From the second they left the car it was bedlam.  Fans were everywhere and they were pushing and shoving against the three of them violently.  She lost her grip on both their hands and found herself surrounded by fans.  Out of the blue one of them had reached out and suddenly punched her square in the jaw.
If it had been mad before then it was wild now.  Ashton and Luke pushed their way back to her, the mall Security was called and the fan was charged with assault.  They never made it to the juice bar.
It wasn't so much the assault that scared her but how completely defenceless she felt in that crowd when she lost her grip on the boys.
After that they had hired her a self defence teacher, and a personal trainer who taught her kick boxing and karate.  She'd become pretty good at it but she still didn't want a repeat of that incident.
Ashton returned with the pizza and placed it on the table.  He got himself a knife and fork and plate.  He was about to offer the same to Sierra and Luke but they had already tucked in with their hands.
"I'm living with savages," he joked.
"Who the fuck eats pizza with a knife and fork?" She teased him.
He pulled a face at her and grabbed a slice.
They chatted more over the pizza, discussing what the last two weeks had been like then Ashton cleared everything away.
Luke glanced between his girlfriend and his friend then stood up.  Sierra got up and let him past.
"I'm going to go and chill on my laptop," Luke said, " I'll see you guys in the morning."
Ashton nodded not taking his eyes off Sierra.
"Goodnight babe," Sierra cooed, kissing Luke gently on the cheek.
He smiled and left the room and Sierra sat back down opposite Ashton.
"Finally I have you to myself," he smirked, reaching out and taking her hand across the table.
She couldn't help but glance down at his hands.  Those long fingers were so alluring.  When she looked up again his head was titled to the side, watching her with a curious expression.
"You're really tanned," she blurted out.
Ashton laughed.
"Yeah and you look pale.  I guess you didn't get out much in this weather?"
He gestured to the rain soaked windows beside them. She shook her head.
"It's meant to be warmer tomorrow," he explained.
"Are we really taking about the weather?" She giggled.
"Apparently so," he mused, "although I'd rather not be talking at all."
She flushed a little and bit her lip.
"Are you ever satisfied?" She teased him.
"Not when it comes to you, princess," he admitted.
Sierra had zero problems with that.  She could spend the whole day in naked bliss with either of her boys and still want more. She never tired of their naked bodies creating magic together.
She smiled as Ashton leaned further across the table and lifted one of his hands to her cheek.  His lips hovered just in front of hers for a second.  She could smell the pepperoni pizza on his breath. Then he gripped the back of her head and crushed her lips to his.
It was a forceful kiss.  Dominant and ever so slightly possessive.  She groaned in to his mouth, her tongue tangling with his.  When he pulled away she whispered "no" and he laughed lightly.
He stood up and exited the booth, extending his large palm to her.  Sierra took his hand and allowed him to lead her out the kitchen, up the stairs and back to his room.  They passed Luke's room on route and the door was open. Luke glanced up from his laptop and chuckled knowingly.
"Have fun," he called after them.
"Oh we will," Ashton assured him before pushing her in to his room and shutting the door.
She watched as he made his way to the bed.  At the end of it he took his t-shirt off and removed his jogging bottoms that he wore as loungewear. Now he was in just his boxers and her heart was already skipping along much quicker, her palms sweating and her breathing ragged.
He turned back to face her.
"Come here," he ordered, curling his index finger in a beckoning motion.
Sierra obeyed and slowly crossed the room to him.
He sat on the edge of the bed and she ran her hands across his muscular shoulders and down to his pecs.  She was still in her pyjamas.  A tank top with a pair of shorts.  It may have been rotten weather lately but it was still very warm.
She leaned down, her nose aligned with his and her lips quivering just in front of his.  She waited.  Part of her wanted to go fast but with Ashton she always waited for him to make the first move.  It was always much more satisfying that way.
Luke was quick.  Sex with him alone was fumbled and messy and extremely unplanned.  Kind of wild but very erotic.
Ashton was slow. He took his time pleasuring her and teasing her until her body was spent.
Both were good and when they got together, like earlier that evening, it was a tantalizing mix of both.
She didn't have to wait too long. Ashton caved and brought his lips to hers with a franticness that didn't happen often with him. His massive hands lifted up and gripped her face, pulling it as close to his as possible.  Then they lowered to her waist and hoisted her up, sitting her on his laps with her legs astride.
The kiss grew deeper and more longing. She could feel him growing under her ass. His length searching for release from his boxers.  She ground down on him and emitted a moan from his plump lips.
He pulled away for a second and looked at her.
"God I missed you."
She shrieked as he suddenly spun them around and trapped her beneath him on the bed.  He rolled his hips, pressing himself against her core and she gasped in arousal but it was when he took her hands and pinned them above her head that she really fell apart.  His strong jaw nudged hers aside and he left a trail of sloppy kisses down the side of her neck.
Ashton shifted his grip on her hands to her wrists and held them both in one hand, the other slithered up her top and found her left breast.  He pinched her nipple and she jolted slightly.  He scoffed at her.
"You are far too easy princess," he mused.
She scowled down at him.  He ignored her and she lifted her legs and dug her heels in to his upper back.
He laughed at her response and sat up, batting her legs away.
"Those two orgasms I gave you before not enough?" He taunted.
She shook her head.
"At least you're honest," Ashton chuckled.
Then his expression turned serious.
"I've waited two weeks to have you two myself.  I'm going to take my time and if you want a third orgasm  then you are going to stay perfectly still while I play with you a bit."
Sierra licked her lips.
"Now does daddy have to tie you up or will you stay still?"
"I'll stay still," she promised even though she knew that would be damn near impossible.
This was the Ashton she knew.  The one who loved to tease her before he pleased her.  The boy who took his sweet time, stretching out the pleasure for as long as possible just so he could keep watching her body react to him.
She arched her back as Ashton tugged her top up and let it rest over her eyes, stealing her sight.
He whistled looking down at her and she giggled.
"That's not staying still," he warned her, his voice stern now.
She bit her lip and forced all her energy in to staying extremely still.
"Now where's that whip I had earlier?" He mused and it took all her might not to wriggle at the thought.
She felt his weight shift off the bed and heard him fumble around in the room.  He didn't return to the bed and it suddenly became very quiet.
Then without warning she felt the end of the rider crop in between her breasts.  Damn was he about to tease her with this? She knew he wouldn't whip her.  Not without warning and never without checking the code word.  Ashton was strict about that.  Her safety always mattered the most to him.
The leather padding of the whip was dragged down her body, just barely touching her skin, tickling her and making it harder to stay still.  She whimpered and tried her damn hardest to think of something else, something to distract herself so she wouldn't suddenly jerk at the touch.
Ashton was breathing heavily and she could picture his face, filled with a carnal lust as he watched her body.
"You look so sexy like this."
She smiled to herself.  She loved hearing him compliment her.
"So fucking sexy," he emphasised.
"You want me to continue or do you want something more kinky?"
She gulped.
"Kinky," she replied.
"Remember the safe word?" He checked.
"Code red," she replied.
"Okay you asked for this."
She shrieked loudly as the crop lifted then came smacking down on her right nipple.  There was a slight sting then a tingling sensation that made her long to arch her back. Before the sensation died away he lifted the crop again and struck her other nipple this time.
This time she reacted naturally and her back curved off the bed.
"Stay still," Ashton growled.
"Sorry, daddy," she replied, slightly smugly.
She heard the rush of breath through his teeth.
"Are you trying to wind me up? Did Luke and I not teach you anything earlier? You call me that only when you are told to.  Got it?"
She gasped as the crop slapped down on her belly button this time.  The pleasure rippled down her lower stomach and in to her core.  She clenched her jaw, trying to stay still.  He yanked her top off, finally letting her see him and the sight of him nearly nude with a riding crop in his hand was so appetizing.
"Turn over, on to your front and lift your ass up," Ashton demanded.
She rolled her eyes as she turned over.  He couldn't get enough of her ass could he?
She still had her pyjama shorts on and he came round behind her to the foot of the bed, grabbed her ankles and dragged her down the duvet until she was close enough for him to remove them.  Then before she'd even heard them hit the floor he struck her ass.  Not with the whip this time but with his hand.  And then he struck her again.  This time he squeezed her cheek as his hand collided with it.  And then he moved to the other cheek and spanked it three times one after the other before catching her by surprise and slipping a finger between her thighs and inside her core.
She couldn't stay still this time and she cried out as her pelvis moved back to devour his finger.
"Are you disobeying me again?" Ashton asked, his tone dangerously angry.
She gulped.
"No," she lied.
"Hmm So first you don't follow orders and then you lie to me about not following orders.  Stand up."
She gasped as he gripped the back of her neck and used it to pull her to her feet, her backside pressed firm against his front.  Then he changed his act, behaving more gently.
"Can you feel me princess? Can you feel how hard I am for you?"
She nodded slowly.
"Do you want to taste me?"
She nodded again, breathless.
"You're so wet.  Did I do that baby? Did I make you soaking for me?"
Then his voice lowered to a mere whisper and he pressed his lips to her ear, kissing it gently before he spoke.
"I want to taste you too.  I want to lie on the bed while you ride my face until your coming down my chin."
She swallowed. Why was he so filthy? Why was she so turned on by it?
"Come on," he urged, taking her hand and stepping away from her.
He turned her to face him and kissed her passionately then he moved her aside and got on the bed, lying down.
"You gonna ride daddy's face princess? Ride it until I can barely breathe and you're screaming my name so even Luke can hear you in his room?"
He held a hand out to her again and she took it, nodding her head.  Ashton helped her climb on to the bed and sit with her thighs on either side of his head, pressed against his ears.  Then he raised his hands and clumsily found her waist, gripping it he shoved her down until her core was practically crushing his face.
"Ah!" Sierra cried out.
Ashton kept his grip on her waist and used his strength to wriggle her body, forcing her to grind down on his face.  He moaned up against her sex and his length twitched despite already being rock solid.
She followed his guide and started to rub herself off on his face.  His tongue lapped between her southern lips and his nose rubbed against her clit.  The stubble around his mouth offered excellent friction.  As she moved she leaned forward a little and brought her mouth down around his erection so they were in the sixty nine position.  One of Ashton's favorites.
He groaned audibly against her dampness.  A deep, guttural groan that vibrated against her. She bobbed her head, taking in as much of him as she could as one hand held him steady and the other massaged his balls in her palm.
This was how she liked her boys, completely sprawled out so she could watch their every reaction to her.  Not that doggy style wasn't fun too.  Ashton's toned legs tensed like they usually did when his high was rising.
She screamed his name as he inserted his long tongue in to her and she circled her hips, feeling that friction from his tongue, his nose and his stubble. She already felt close and then Ashton wrapped his arms right round her and pulled her closer to him so she was almost suffocating him with her core just as he removed his tongue from inside her and tilted his head back slightly to lick her sweet spot.  It was enough to make her fall apart and she came with jerking motions, her pleasure flowing across his mouth.  He lifted her up a second later so he could speak.
"I'm gonna stand now," he told her, "you can get on your knees and finish me."
She nodded, still pulsing slightly.  Her body felt like she had no control over it. She was weak but she moved off the bed and let Ashton stand before sinking to her knees.  He looked down at her and his head rolled back as she took him in her mouth again.  He lifted his arms above his head, holding the wooden roof of the four poster bed, arm muscles bulging.  She forced him back as far as she could while picking up the pace and Ashton showed his appreciation by moaning, louder and louder every second until his legs tightened and began to shake and his length shuddered in her mouth.
He stifled his yell by removing a hand from the top of the bed and biting his fist as he let loose in her mouth and allowed his cum to dribble down her throat.
"Holy shit," he mumbled, flopping back on the bed.
She stood up and climbed on beside him.  For a second she just watched his chest rise and drop rapidly then he pulled her down in to a hug.
"Damn it's good to be home," he chuckled.
"Hmm," She murmured, rubbing her finger tips across the hairs on his chest.
"I just wish you weren't leaving again in five days," she admitted.
He held her tighter.
"Me too babe but it will be over soon.  And besides we have five days.  The sun is meant to come back tomorrow so we can laze in the pool and drink beer on the loungers," he offered.
"Watch you and Luke play basketball in your trunks," she added.
He laughed.
"Come on.  Let's get some sleep. I'll get Lucinda to make us crepes in the morning."
He moved under the duvet and beckoned for her to join. She did without hesitation then he switched off the light and darkness engulfed them.
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lazy-safetastic-13 · 7 years
The Skeletal-delivery Service
Shipping: Kustard
Words: 1,190
Summary: Red gets pregnant and avoids Sans from fear of rejection, that is until he needs his help.
Sans and Red have been dating for two years. One night after a sex session with sans, Red noticed a lump beginning to form on his stomach with a soul craved in it. He tossed and turned that night trying to go to sleep, it was hours until he finally found a comfortable position to sleep. “ For fucks sake can’t I just sleep in peace for one god damn night” Red mumbled lowly till he drifted off to sleep.
Red awoke to his phone buzzing and saw that it was sans, he calmed his racing soul before he picked up. “ Hey Red, you free for a date today at 6:00? ” Red was trying to control his breathing so the other wouldn’t hear him. If he finds out he’ll hate me, he’ll leave me, he’ll think I’m weak… Red thought. “Y-yea I’m f-free, where do you w-want to meet?” he replied. “How about the usually place where we stargaze?” spoke Sans. “Sure” Red said before he hung up.
Red sat on the edge of his mattress hunched over with his palms to his face. He began crying.I’m so fucking stupid and weak! How could I say yes, he’s gonna find out and now he’ll leave me for sure he thought. After bawling for a while he wiped the remaining tears with his shirt sleeve and checked the time. “4:56… I really slept in today. Only about an hour left till our date.” Red said to himself.
He forced himself up and changed into his red turtleneck and black jacket. He opened his bedroom door and crept downstairs. “ oh right, Boss won’t be back till a few months. He had to go training with Undyne for a while..” he said barely above a whisper. He went to the kitchen and popped some toast on plate with a bottle of mustard as his beverage. He walked over to the couch and began eating. He grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. A good 45 minutes passed until he remembered their date. “Shit I have 10 minutes to get there! Fuck!” He almost but yelled. He put on his shoes and ran out the door and got a running start to the hill they always stargazed on.
Sans stood on the hill for about 20 minutes. Where’s Red he thought. He’s never late. Maybe I should call, something might have happened. As he took out his phone to call Red, there he came running up the hill. He jammed his phone back on his pocket and ran to Red putting him into an embrace. Red returned the gesture pressing into his touch panting hard. Sans let go of Red putting his hands on both sides of Red’s skull. “ Where on earth have you been?! I’ve been worried sick, I thought that you got hurt!” He shouted into his lovers face.
Red let his arms fall to his sides and he pulled the hem of his shirt further down looking at the ground. “S-sorry” Red muttered. Sans’s gaze softened, “its okay just call me next time if your going to be late, please.” Red nodded and they walked together to the top of the hill and sat down. After a while of talking and enjoying the view Sans put his hands on Red’s hips and begun rubbing and putting pressure when necessary. Red groaned in pleasure. Sans smiled at the reaction, happy to have gotten it, he then continued to lying Red down on his back. He moved between Red’s legs and grinded his dry pelvis against Red causing him to become a mess of moan and whimpers.
Red suddenly remembers about the souls engraved in his lump as sans was about to push his shirt up. He quickly scooted backwards pleading “n-no please don’t” tears began to form at the corners of his eye sockets threatening to prickle down his face. “Whoa hey there, you okay?” Sans asked. As he scooted near him Red bolted down the hill and ran home as fast as possible. All he heard was Sans screaming his name as he dashed away.
Months later Boss was still away and Red was doing laundry. He felt as if someone or something was squeezing his stomach. Pain shot through his body and he collapsed. His breathing became frantic and he started getting dizzy from the lack of air. He reached for his phone as quickly and he could and went to contacts. He really didn’t want to do this, but he had no choice. This was a matter of life or death. He dialed sans and he picked up almost immediately. “ Red?! What happen to you on our date? I haven’t heard from you for months, I’ve been worried sick! Do you-” he stopped when he heard the other breathing hard on the phone.“Red are you ok, what’s wrong?!”
Red tried his best to speak clearly “ S-Sans please come o-o-over, I-I need you. P-please hurry!” It was beginning to be hard to breathe or even speak. “Hold on I’ll be right there.” Sans replied before hanging up and porting outside of Red’s house. He practically bolted in the house running to where he heard Red breathing hard. “R-Red what’s going on!?” Sans shouted. “ H-Help please, I don’t k-know what to do!” Red replied pointing to his stomach and the mess that was leaking from his pants indicating that his water broke. Sans nodded understanding that he must be going through labor at the moment, “ hold on. ”
He ran to go get some towels and a basin full of water. He ran back to Red taking his shorts off and laying towels below him. “Ok Red just breath” he breathed slowly watching Red begin t mimic his breathing till he was able to do it on his own. “O-ok up just push as hard as you can ok?” Red nodded and did as told. After a while the baby monster begun to come out. “Your a-almost there, just a bit longer.” Sans told him. Red was sweating viciously, and sans interlaced his hand with Red’s massaging it with his thumb to try to calm him down. The baby had successfully been born and Red was exhausted. Tears began to prickle down his face. This is it, we’re over Red thought.
Sans noticed Red crying, “ hey why are you crying? Shhh its ok.” He cooned Red. He embraces him into a tight hug. “You’re g-going to leave me aren’t y-you” Red chocked out through the heavy flow of tears. “No why would I do that?” Sans asked. “Because I-Im a disgusting whore who w-was pregnant with your c-c-child and didn’t have the guts to tell you. I-I don’t deserve you, and y-you deserve b-better! I’m a h-horrible lover!” He sobbed harder. “What?! No don’t say that, your amazing Red you hear me! Please stop crying, I don’t care if you were pregnant I just want you to be happy, for you to be with me.” He kissed Red on his temple. “ How about we go clean you and the kiddo up ok? We can talk after.” “O-ok” Red replied sniffing.
This is my first fanfic so sorry if it isn’t the best. :\ and also hi! Here’s the skelepreg I told you about earlier while on anon. :)
My response to that: *Whheeeeeezzzeeee* I felt like I was the one pregnant from how much I was breathing. OMG. Thank you for your submission!! 
First fanfic?! Oh man! So much potential!! Keep writing on!!! XD I freaking love it!!!
Update: I did some format edits so that it doesn’t make the blog congested. :D
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