spaceyquill · 8 years
Just read your padme/jango buddy fic, and if you ever decide to explore that again, I am 1000% all for it. Lovely little thing, it is ;)
Well, since you mentioned it~
I totally planned on writing an entire AotC AU, and I’d even gotten so far as to outline most of it before moving on to other projects, but here’s the gist of it.
Dooku is much more relevant
After the assassination attempt on her return to Coruscant, Padmé decides to get to the bottom of it herself, sidestepping the Jedi’s attempts of additional security at every turn
She figures an experienced bounty hunter will be able to scout out who’s behind the attacks as well, and eventually contacts Jango Fett
Fett in turn contacts Dooku bc “uh my target is seeking me out?”
And Dooku, as much as he wants to see his master’s plan of galactic war come to fruition, he’s also not above tossing as many spacemonkey wrenches into the mix as possible
Dooku wants Jango to take her to Kamino
And by this time the Jedi are all “that’s it, we’re gonna protect you whether you want us to or not” 
Except they’re a little too late
Padmé’s already jetted off to Kamino while one handmaiden flew to Naboo to throw anyone off her trail, as she still has no idea Fett was the orchestrator of the first attack
The Jedi fall for it, though, and Anakin hops in a transport for Naboo
Padmé reaches Kamino and the Kaminoans are just happy that someone from the Republic is FINALLY there for the clones bc come on guys, it’s been ten years
And Padmé’s all what clones
And the Kaminoans are all the clones the clones for your republic the clones specifically bought for your republic by the jedi the republic’s clones. those clones
Padmé calls Kenobi and yells at him for roughly 36 minutes
Meanwhile, Boba is very excited at there being such a pretty human living down the hall and visits her every day and especially loves when she reads to him
Meanwhile meanwhile, Anakin shows up on Naboo, realizes he’s been fooled, gets a call from Kenobi that Padmé is on Kamino
(Anakin: where’s Kamino?)
But instead of joining up with Kenobi to fly after her, Anakin can’t live with the terrible dreams of his mother he’s been having, and he flies to Tatooine first
His mother’s still alive
He saves her from attempted abduction by Tusken Raiders
He may also start a slave revolt against Jabba the Hutt because, I mean, a Jedi *has* come back to free the slaves, amirite?
Kenobi lands on Kamino, strongly starts to suspect Fett is more dangerous than just hired help
Padmé is at the end of her rope because she was part of the committee constantly opposed to the creation of an army, and here’s an army all prepped and ready to go just say the word and if the Separatists find out about the army then it’s all over
She has to reach the Separatists first to give Diplomacy a chance to shine and Jango says he’ll fly her to the Separatist representatives for Negotiations
Kenobi’s barely been able to get a hold of Anakin through all this
Anakin’s having a really rough time on Tatooine right now please call back later. His mom’s okay… the other slaves that tried to follow him to the freedom he promised… not so much. Either way, though, Watto tells him Jabba never wants to hear the name of Skywalker ever again
Jabba’ll get about three and a half episodes of peace, at least
Anyway, Padmé lands on Geonosis as a representative of the Galactic Senate and walks right through the front doors like the diplomat she is
Kenobi, who followed her, sneaks in through a hole like the Jedi he is
He’s captured
Not before Anakin intercepts his warning about a Separatist army and relays it to the Council, though
Negotiations are going decently, despite Nute Gunray being there, until they hear from the Geonosian guards that Padmé also brought a Jedi to sabotage everything
Negotiations dissolve, Gunray wants Jango to “shoot her!” but he won’t
And it’s around here that I kinda gave up on outlining bc other projects, but somewhere in here Jango tells Padmé that if anything happens, he’d like her to look out for Boba
Basically this just came out of a need for Padmé to be much more active in trying to save her Democracy and keep the galaxy from outright war.
And also to toy with the possibility that it wasn’t the death of Anakin’s mom that spurred him to a dark place, but the realization that the Jedi failed people like the slaves on Tatooine, as they spouted dogma on Coruscant yet purposely ignored the downtrodden.
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quilliums · 7 years
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Look who I found all ready for Easter at Walmart @whoaheyo
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pillowfort-social · 8 years
Hello! In your latest post, it says that if someone isn't able to provide donations, that they can join for free after some of the beta testing. How exactly can you join? I just heard of this project, and it sounds really cool! Keep up the good work!
After the fundraising campaign completes, we will allow people to sign up for access to the second wave of beta testing for free. More information on this will be released once the fundraiser is done.
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