#whoch is what Every companion thinks it all is until
ssaalexblake · 4 years
Anyway, I feel like DW consistently reminds you that you Can't have a responsible relationship with the doctor as a companion. No matter what flavour the doctor companion relationship takes, no matter how much anybody tries, it can't be done. You either get the doctor Or a stable home life, you don't get it both ways.
Amy, before she got all her past back wasn't shirking Much when she ran off with 11. But they made a point of saying 'actually... Rory'. When Amy does get her past back, it's pointed out that as a couple Amy and Rory are notoriously unreliable to their friend group, and that they do know this and are hesitant to include them in important life events because of this (Amy's friend wants her to be a bridesmaid but is reluctant to ask because Amy can't be relied upon to be present).
I use Amy and Rory as an example because the doctor was trying his absolute hardest to make sure these two had a normal life, a good relationship with their own humanity, and let them live normally a lot.
And yet. It didn't work, Still. Amy and Rory start to commit to earth things Only when they say they are going to soon tell the doctor they're done. They've grown up. Effectively, the doctor merely took over a decade in short bursts instead of an intense couple of years.
The doctor leaves trails of disasters behind them, frankly. Even when the doctor and the companion Are fine the family is almost inevitably bought into it negatively. Think if Jackie and Mickey. The kids Clara cares for almost get converted to cybermen BC they caught Clara out and blackmailed them into a time travel trip.
There are more examples.
Anyway, as for right now, Najia isn't happy with Yaz and this blonde woman, she is suspicious Yaz keeps being sent away. Yaz IS shirking her work and home life to a huge degree.
Ryan, who saw this whole thing as a kind of post school travel opportunity I think, didn't Realise he was damaging his home life till can you hear me? When he saw his friend suffering and realised he'd run off for fun with other mates and didn't think about the old ones. The conversation he and Yaz have at the end of the ep is Vitally important to their personalities and development yet gets ignored for, honestly, a much less narratively complex moment because people were mad 13 is unsure how to comfort Graham.
Ryan realised that he's not off having harmless adventures, realised his patchy communication and lies weren't working. Realised it actually Is impossible to do this without damaging other parts of his life that he genuinely values. He is swept up in the last 3 eps of s12 but he made his choice, really, in cyhm?.
The Closest to a healthy relationship with travelling any companion has, is, actually, Graham. But Graham's not a kid, he's a retiree with more freedom, no mentioned family other than Ryan and no pressure to be constantly available to his peers because the era of text and email isn't his demographic. He gets away with it!
Except the second he finds out he has a reason at home to stay, he quits on the spot to stay with Ryan, his priority, his Family. He is older and wiser and Understood off the bat that staying on the TARDIS would be a disservice to those he owes, in this case: Ryan.
I feel like nu!who goes out of its way to point out that the doctor does have a negative effect on the companions normal lives. Even when it's not extreme, even when 11 was determined to give Amy and Rory normalcy as well as the universe, he failed.
Ryan's arc is a coming of age story and part of that involved Noticing this and deciding he was finished and would stay in his normal life. I know often Yaz is (for good reason) compared to Martha, but Ryan has His similarities with her too that I've not really seen mentioned.
As for where they go from here (and assuming whatever they had planned hasn't been cut for covid) I actually kind of think Yaz is going to have a lot of trouble next season. In the s12 premiere her family were suspicious and worried, after what she was like in those ten months I imagine it's only gotten worse.
The doctor and companions home lives don't Mix. They never have and never will. The closest to ok the doctor's gotten imo, was with a retiree but... It's not like DW is keen on those demographics, is it?
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