twilit-creature · 8 months
♥ 9 People You'd Like to Get to Know Better ♥
Thank you so much @shitty-drawer for tagging me! I hardly ever get tagged in these,,,
✧ 3 Ships ✧
I am like, really not that big on canon shipping - idk its a bit boring to me but if I have to choose:
MidLink (Sometimes with Zelda too)
Dark Urge (evil) x Minthara
I really don't ship that much.
I would also like to give an honorary mention to Clavicar x Azaril. Clavicar is my big beefy Altmer vampire dilf and Azaril is the OC of my friend @eklipta. Neither of us ever talks about it over here but we do have a whole story with them going on.
Generally, I am more into OC ships and S/I ships. I find it often more interesting because a lot of canon ships feel like they lack substance and just happen for the sake of it? I feel as if a lot of OC and S/I ships have more heart put into them but that is just my humble opinion.
I don't know I think I am just a bit too ace for really shipping all that much.
✧ First Ship ✧
I do genuinely not remember anymore. In fact, I can hardly remember any ships at all that I used to be into.
Mmmaybe it was Fluttercord? I really, really do not know anymore.
✧ Last Song ✧
If you like darksynth, I cannot recommend Carpenter Brut enough. His tracks go so damn hard.
✧ Last Film ✧
The last Film I've actively watched was Prey (2022).
I'm a big fan or horror and slasher movies. The original Predator movie was always really cool to me and I think the Predator is just such a cool creature. Prey however knocked it out of the park. I am not sure what the general consenses are but I personally really, really liked it. Its better than the original and the Predator design in that one goes so hard.
✧ Currently Reading ✧
Technically nothing but I am currently attempting to write a book with my actual original characters that I have been working on for nearly 10 years.
I need to re-read what I already have pretty often because I keep finding issues.
I will give more information about that when I've actually finished the prologue and like - you know, got something tangible to show and not just talk about it.
✧ Currently Craving ✧
I could go for some real good fries right now.
Tagging: @sneakygreenbean , @the-mad-tinkerer , @g0atmama , @eklipta , @risaho
No obligation, of course ♥
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onlyglass · 8 months
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kaiki deishu esoteric kinlist
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Path 10/3/23 (Poetober)
The moss reached up 
 cradling my bare feet
Lurching forward as I trudged along 
Not quite softening the blow
but not quite letting me feel 
the gravel between my toes
The ferns waved and giggled 
Fanning me in their frills
Just like they did
 In the cretaceous era
And 1673
And last tuesday 
Maybe the moss and the ferns
And the ancient riverbed 
I washed my feet in
Think me someone else
Think me an old friend
an old face 
 with an old name
And maybe I am
Do they wonder 
how I’ve changed
Who else walked this path
before me
Who else never 
bothered with Their names
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Oh my god he had to strip to his underwear for a rescue
I am so calm about that ass rn
So calm
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kaaiiine · 2 years
When u realize it's not safe to come out to anyone in your family immediate or otherwise<<<<<<<<
(I'm at my cousin's place, for context) We were having dinner tonight and got into some topics about the political standing of millennials(my cousins) vs gen z. Somehow, we got to the topic of the presence of LGBTQ+ community in modern-day media. And of course, they say that a lot of media is pushing LGBTQ couples/rep into their faces which of course they don't like because it 'feels forced'.
I don't disagree with them to an extent. A lot of rep these days does feel forced because the issues of repression and homophobia are being brought to light, but saying it is being forced on you when you have the choice of consuming that media is different.
In the end, this shit ain't for you. If you don't like it don't look at it, easy as that.
And when I said I don't have a S/O (them of course assuming I am straight) and don't like the idea of having one or that it is gross, they pressed on asking why it's gross or weird, etc. I ended up using PDA as my answer, but I didn't know what else to say.
I felt, in a way, denied of doing and enjoying what I want. This could be me dramatizing it, and denying their right to opinion, but I believe their argument is valid. I don't know. This all feels extra and confusing and stupid.
I'm just confused on what I can say or do that would be acceptable or safe. Gonna have to tread carefully i guess, walking on more eggshells :D
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hopeful-alter-ego · 1 year
Fear not mutuals. I've just changed my pfp
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pokedcheck · 2 years
bench holl forever
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duffsmckagan · 4 months
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Whoelse loves jean jacket Izzy
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dearestgojo · 1 year
God I'm down bad for him
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@suget @heavenlyevil @angelcent @imlevis @gojoest idk whoelse to tag
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#aboutgeneralizations #onthattopic #ohreally?? #letsthinkonthis #whoelsed
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writingsofwesteros · 2 months
Whoelse thinks that Grrm's comment about people turning books to shows are very...interestingly coming out in his blog when Hotd aired 👀
oh for sure, i don't even think he's being subtle about it anymore and he said he won't return for season 3's writers room
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another-heroine · 1 year
Thinking about Tishka
I suppose it's nothing new that I love birds of prey. They are one of my fav animals, side by side with wolves and felines. My father and my baby brother call me 'little owl' (what's very cute hahaha), my friends and hubby associate me with crows (what is cute too). Anyway, just babbling.
But. Let's talk about Tishka.
CW: Long Post, Animal's Death, Personal Sidequests, Empyreal Lord apparition, Hook for Witch!Ekaterina, I got carried away again
When I was creating Ekaterina, I thought about giving her an animal companion. I love this part of her class. But the more I read about the druids in Pathfinder, the more I noticed that it wouldn't be her cup of tea. Blight Druids don't bond with animals necessarily, but with the ill land, and it fits perfectly for WOTR's context.
She was a lonely child and one day found an owl's nest in the underground. Katya get quickly attached to the Mama Owl and her owlets. Especially to the odd one: the smallest of the flock. While his siblings grew up and changed feathers, he looked like was always a step back. And yet he strived.
The elders recalled restlessly about how important was to let the Nature follows its course and they should never step on. Ekaterina did that, but not without cheering for her friend to survive because she felt him. When the others owlets were learning how to fly, she made company to him.
The name 'Tishka' came to her in a dream. Actually, it was Tisemir, but Ekaterina got used to call him by the nickname. She only calls him Tisemir when she is infuriated (what's very rare).
When she left Irrisen, he found her midway to Mendev. By that time, Ekaterina had already noticed that he wasn’t an ordinary owl; Tishka could fly long ways in short time, show in her dreams, and could send and bring messages for/from her family. She thought the latter was only possible because Annya and she were druids and were able to understand animals, but barely she knew it wasn’t all.
When her biological mother struck, kidnapping Annya, Ekaterina (and the KC, in the CompanionAU!) confronts a hard moment:
"Are you willing to save your dearest mother or your stupid owl?"
Both beloved ones before her eyes, with their fates on her hands. Annya tied like a lamb, with a blade between her ribs, Tishka locked in a cold iron cage, in the aim of a deadly spell. Regardless Ekaterina's choice, she can hear his last words:
"Trust me... I'm sorry."
A suddenly darkness gouples the room, giving enough time for Annya to free herself and get barely injured, but they can't say the same for the horned owl; a sparkle and a painful shriek are enough to make the aasimar's eyes glow bewildered.
Tishka was dead. And that filth hag would pay for it.
After seizing the witch, Ekaterina mourns for her feathered best friend. When she touches his body, she is transported for another dimension and sees herself surrounded by celestial owlbears and ghostly owls. Among them, a giant, bluish horned owl with glowing eyes is staring at her.
"And we finally met," he says. "Forgive me for not contacting you in a better moment, emberchild."
"Who are you?" Ekaterina frowns with clenched fists.
"... And he told me about you. Tishka, I mean. Since then, I couldn’t take off my eyes of your deeds, emberchild. Since your foreparent is a reckless being and never came in your aid."
"Me? I am Tanagaar, the Aurulent Eye, an Empyreal Lord. I am a watcher, protector of whoelse wanders in the dark to protect their kin from evil."
The druid sttagered.
"Do you know my foreparent?"
"Yes, but trust me, it’s better you two never meet. For your good."
Ekaterina pleadges, "Please, bring him back. It was a mistake."
"Mistake you say? Emberchild, he knew what he was doing. After all, it was me who lend a sparkle of my power for Tishka saves your mother. And what's gone can’t be returned. You should know it very well."
Ekaterina drops her gaze, embarrassed. She sounded like a spoiled child, didn’t she?
She looked at the deity again, hopeful.
"It doesn’t mean he can’t keep following you."
Among the ghostly court, an owl flies right way to the druid. She would recognize him in any life or after it. His feathers, now changing their colors between gray and brown, like it used to do when they left Irrisen and arrived at places where the sun was allowed to touch the earth, are dearly familiar.
"You feathered brain," she mocks with cracked voice. "I'm glad to see you again."
Tanagaar states, "The brighter the light, the darker the shadows. Use it in your favor, emberchild."
"What’s the catch? You wouldn’t simply let him wandering with me for free, would you?"
"Why would I not?" The Empyreal sounded concerned. "You are fighting against demons and bringing light to the darkest depths of the Abyss. When your halo falters, you can call for me and my flock. The only thing I ask for is an alliance. But you don't need to answer now. Your people needs you."
Before she could say anything, Ekaterina was back at the witch's den, with curious and worried eyes over her. Tishka's body had disapeared in thin air, yet she could feel him nearby.
All that time, the piercy eyes of an Empyreal Lord were watching her, silent, motionless. And she didn’t know how to react.
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stankyler · 1 year
the insane insane insane insane insane urge to pick up stan marsh claw-machine style and dangle him around and just fucking SQUEEZE. whoelse relate like and re blog
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forgottenluck · 11 months
ᴍᴜꜱᴇ ᴅᴇᴍᴇᴀɴᴏʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴀɴɴᴇʀɪꜱᴍꜱ ɢᴜɪᴅᴇ.
Bold - Always/Yes, Italic - Sometimes/Kind of
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ᴇʏᴇꜱ. avoids eye contact when nervous, maintains eye contact when agitated, avoids eye contact due to being neurodivergent, enjoys eye contact as a means to read and convey emotion, looks down when emotional, looks up when emotional, cries openly, wipes tears quickly, suppresses tears, wandering gaze when lost in thought, holds gaze while thinking, seeks out eye contact for reassurance, seeks out eye contact to gauge enthusiasm during conversations, eyes constantly move during conversation, expressive eyes, emotions only evident through eyes, uses eye contact to intimidate [At times on accident], looks up while thinking, looks down while thinking.
ʜᴀɴᴅꜱ. clasps behind back,  rest in lap,  fidgets with clothes,  twiddles thumbs,  chews at nails,  pushes back cuticles,  draws patterns on table/counter surfaces, makes animated gestures while speaking,  only gestures to emphasize,  utilizes sign language,  speaks only through sign,   callouses,  scars,  smooth,  wrinkled,  worn,  soft,  delicate,  boney,  slender,  thick,  veiny,  touches others while speaking,  reaches out while laughing,  reaches out to comfort others,  reaches out to seek comfort,  places face in hands when exasperated, places palms over eyes to hide when overwhelmed,  rests chin in hands,  taps fingers when impatient,  taps fingers when nervous,  taps fingers while thinking,  scratches scalp,  strokes chin,  rubs back of head,  toys with objects around them,  runs fingers over surfaces while walking by.
ᴍᴏᴜᴛʜ. chews lip,  chews at inside of cheek,  licks lips,  bites tongue,  chews on straws,  resting frown,  resting smile,  neutral resting expression,  resting pout,  grinds teeth,  flexes jaw,  covers mouth when laughing,  covers mouth when shocked,  covers mouth when concerned,  hands to lips while thinking,  covers mouth when chewing,  chews with mouth closed,  chews with mouth open,  smirks,  grins,  subtle smiles,  wide smiles,  sad smiles,  intimidating smiles,  menacing grins,  openly smiles,  tries to suppress smiles,  bares teeth when angry,  lips quiver when emotional,  stutters,  speaks quickly,  speaks slowly,  good pronunciation,  poor pronunciation (thread dependent),  moderate pronunciation,  purses lips,  sucks in lips,  holds mouth open when shocked or confused.
ʟᴇɢꜱ. bounces leg when nervous,  draws knees to chest when sitting,  draws knees to chest as a means of comfort,  sits on knees,  sits with legs crisscrossed,  sits with legs spread open in chairs,  crosses legs when sitting in chairs,  sits with one leg folded under the other,  places feet on furniture,  never places feet on furniture,  sits on counters,  sits on desks,  sits on tables,  sits on edge of seat,  sits hunched over with forearms on knees,  arches one knee up,  sits on the arm of chairs/couches,  feet on dashboard,  swings legs back and forth when sitting somewhere elevated,  wiggles toes when nervous,  wiggles toes as a general tick,  shuffles feet,  kicks foot into ground,  stomps feet,  loud footsteps,  quiet footsteps,  silent footsteps.
ʜᴀɪʀ. runs fingers through hair,  tugs at hair,  picks at scalp,  chews on hair,  twists locks of hair while thinking or nervous,  smooths out locks of hair while thinking or nervous,  prefers hair out of face,  prefers long hair,  prefers short hair,  wears hair back,  keeps hair down,  smooths back hair,  plays with other’s hair while talking,  plays with own hair while talking,  strokes hair to comfort others,  likes having hair stroked for their own comfort,  braids others’ hair while talking,  braids own hair while talking,  flips hair out of face,  pushes hair out of face,  leaves hair alone even when falling into face.
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Tagged by: @ofstarsandskies Tagging: @loversquiver @estarion @pastelfates (for Sunny and Mana because yes.) @traumamade (for leon) and whoelse wishes to do this!
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Hello Skippy My take on M at wedding renewal . She positioned herself behind lady in chair thinking photographers would think this person was of importance and whoelse would feature close by. As for H he doesn’t look in the least embarrassed by all he has revealed in his book in fact quite animated or was that the drink.
Thank you! I agree❤️
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hopeful-alter-ego · 1 year
Experiencing the horrors*
*every man in my dream had a completely flat chest. Concave even. (I hugged every man in my dream)
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