Wear and Friction 4/4/24
Wrinkled like the hand your grandparents
Still clasped for 70 years
Faded like a kick ball
Left in the grass for the neighborhood games
Worn like your old favorite pajama bottoms
Thinned and loved 
ripped on the edge
Dusty like an old leather bound book
Created to be held and poured over 
Melted like a household candle whose 
Wick reached it end but wax remained
Dripping like an outdoor faucet
Over used for garden hoses
 and water balloons
You are mine like wear and friction
Permanently altering me 
Like love is supposed to do
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[Untitled Poetry] 4/4/24
Serenity like a soft wave
glazing the rounded worn rocks
and filling up tidepools 
teaming with little lives
skittering and dispersing away
Serenity like a handhold
and two pairs of wet footprints
on the sundried pier 
overlooking the shallow bay
Serenity like salt spray
prickling my face
and your’s 
and our’s 
pressed in embrace
Serenity like laughter at dusk
catching the last 
of the cloud’s orange and pink dyed shapes
Serenity like knowing
this is where 
we both will stay
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This morning I awoke like normal. But it was not a normal day.
Today I awoke to an email informing me that two of my poems have been selected to win an award.
Is this what success feels like?
Am I on my way to poet infame?
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Revisit of old Poetry
[Untitled 10/13/22]
I stepped into my coffin willingly
Someone was here before
Their scratches still line the inside of the lid
There’s no point in an attempted escape 
An old friend of mine led me here 
As Emily would protest against
I stopped for his scythe 
I can never be Ms. Lucy Westernra 
I'll stay in my coffin this time
Besides, everyone saw her
Everyone loved her
Why is love from all an unwilling trait
Is it corruption that we all flirt with? 
A waltz to our demise? 
It is forfeit to admit that I am Gatsby
I don’t even know if that is true
I understand his plight
An internalized galaxy 
spanning into a false fabricated reality
I gave in 
long before he did
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[Untitled Poetry] 2/15/24
Into the sun
I watch you fly
But it's not an icarus
Landing that I fear
But being left behind
My hands coated in beeswax
My heart dripping in lavender tea 
Up through the sky 
A glimmer twinkling 
Whirling in your eyes
And a smile 
On the lips of mine
A promise a hope
A compromise 
An experience
Of a lifetime 
And the home 
For my heart
Far away from mine
Festooning wings 
Of dreams and turpentine 
 Never actually taking off
But ready to swoop in
If i’m needed this time 
And you’ll come back to me
Stories in tow
A hand and an embrace to hold
And afterall
I’m happy to see you go
But I’ll be happy when 
Your eyes once again
Lock with mine
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El Vuelo 2/15/24
Nunca soleamiento 
Sin ti 
al otro lado del mundo
Donde mis manos no pueden alcanzarte
Vuelas de yo 
Vuelas a un nuevo tiempo 
y aventura 
Espero que te divertidas
En realidad lo hago 
Te necesito cuando estás sobre el océano
Y un pais lejos
Adios mi amor 
Voy a ver otra vez 
En tiempo 
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I Took a Canoe to See You (2/6/24)
I took a canoe to see you
A two person canoe
With only me
I rode across the Atlantic sea
A paddle
A fishing rod
And bag of mending tools
Seeking along a kelp highway
And a water roadway
Days I spent adrift for you
Before a storm came
And marooned
My tiny vacant canoe
And the salt spray
Prickled my skin
And I laid cocooned
On a deserted island
far from you
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The Spires that Hold 2/6/24
The spires
Pulling away 
Ankle shackles 
Wrist restraints
A manacle stifling
A heart beat 
I know what it's like 
To be forcibly held away
The metallurgy seeped
Into my blood
Mixing with the 
Already present iron
And lead
Just to survive the poisoning
I let it harden me
And stopped
clanging at the gate
And became the metal
That made up
The bars and chains
But you took the file
You took the chisel
And the metal you tore away
Curled and flaked
But the bars that once held
Bars of land and sea and gravel and iron
Are forming once again around me
if I bare the pain
And I yell and I scream
Perhaps they won’t become me
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[Untitled Poetry] 2/1/24
An ice age 
An asteroid shower
Cracked the ground
Drying it out
Sustainability in the crag
is unachievable
by an extinguished cultivator
so used to the craters
and so used to the hard freeze
Even the grass struggles
to regain it’s life
But the farmer’s hands
are calloused and gray
And their lips 
can never again
cry out for help 
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The Performance (2/9/22)
Her wrapped feet
Lifting and falling 
Twisting with twinkling stars
Her stage dark dreary, with one single light 
following her
tracing her silhouette.
Not a single hair pin out of place
Not a one.
Every move a performance 
every breath - staged 
Never taking a break
Her life a ballet 
In a language she’ll never speak
Dancing up until the curtains close
Collapsing with their awed applause 
“Marvelous” “Brava” She hears them call
As her puppet strings pull her spent body away
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Snip The Ends (1/9/22)
The frayed ends of the rope
Intrusive pulling 
Imagining the fray wasn’t there
Grasping yanking longing
Once we’re unraveled there’s no going back. 
I should have snipped the ends.
I will now
The rope is thinner 
I pulled and I tugged
Why did I want so badly to find something
Snip the ends 
I yell and I scream
I miss the pristine rope
I can’t find the scissors
The fray, its magnetized
I pulled too much
Run grab the scissors
It’s gotten out of hand
Finally, at  a little more than a strand
I snip the ends
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[Untitled Poetry] 1/23/24
“I didn’t know you had gills” 
My words lost in the outcry
Of wasted bubbles
“Just keep swimming forward”
Unwilling to say in the water
They can’t interpret me
“I didn’t know you had wings” 
I squawked out 
Keeping my nose 
from pointing toward the ground
“Just keep flying forward”
Excusing my mumbles
For the rush of winds 
“I didn’t know you had fur”
Teeth Chattering 
through frostbitten lips
“Just keeping pushing forward” 
The rush of the snow storm
Tumbling my chewed up words
“Why can’t you keep up
Its easy”
My guides all turned to me.
No gills
No wings
No winter fur
And still only a single step behind
Mistaking my smile
And my mind
For having everything
I need to survive 
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[Untitled Poetry] 1/23/24
I peer through the tall grass
Only to see more tall grass
In the time I was meant to cut 
back the undergrowth
The roots only took more hold
Their gnarled fingers
Wrapping slowly
feeling like a light touch
Before yanking me back down
My hair spanning out
One and the same
In the dirt
That covers my face
And the prairie around me
Stretches on 
Boundless as an ocean
And suffocating as one
But there’s no grasshopper
No mouse
And my eyes feed the soil
But can’t sustain it’s lustrous green shine
You had the clippers
The lawn mower
You trimmed your hedges
All in a line
But the wildflowers
And blooms
Did nothing but 
trick me
And trip me
And the grasses all in expanse
Are dry and brown
 but bring only
imprisoning immortality
The moon and the sun
Continue their intrepid waltz
And I watch 
Back to the earth
Stomach to the sky
Letting the breeze
Move the grass
the brush
the lavender
But never once propelling me
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[Untitled Poetry] 11/28/23
Hope shimmers in an IV bag
Thick and glittering down the plastic tube
Entering my blood stream like sludge
begrudgingly replacing the black tar
that made up my blood
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[Untitled Poetry] 11/13/23
Have I done it again?
Taken my needle and thread
And stitched myself
with painful tight thugs
into your skin? 
Is it supposed to hurt this much
when I just want to love you? 
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[Untitled Poetry 11/11/23]
I fell like a feather to you
drifting back and forth
falling where the breeze took me
floating peacefully down to you
willingly freeing myself 
from all that I knew before you
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