#whoever ordered Prim backed out and so I am her first owner because she never made it past the dealer
dolliesanddelights · 4 years
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1/24/2021 - Reverie’s Story
I guess maybe it’s a silly thing to be interested in where a doll comes from, but Reverie’s prior owner actually linked me to two of her prior owners so I could see owner photos of her from the past and when I found a third, I decided to go on the hunt to see if I could track her history.
I tracked her first owner down (we will call them “Kitty”) to the date she arrived from Darak Doll which is October 15th, 2016. I’m sad because the unboxing post absolutely had pictures once upon a time but it looks like the host deleted them so unfortunately they have been lost in space~ but that’s technically her original birthday and it made me stupidly happy to find out! She apparently came with bubbles in her resin on her hands and discolored arms - I don’t see that problem now so it’s possible this was fixed down the line!
Anyways, so it looks like she was with Kitty from October 15th, 2016 to at least  August 28th, 2018, where her second owner (Bear), I noticed commented on a picture of Reva and they inform Kitty that they messaged about ownership over Reva.
Bear has no pics of Reva at all so there wasn’t much to be found out about Reva there and she wasn’t with her long! On the third owner’s account (Dollie), Reva was tagged as being bought from Bear and arrived with Dollie on December 17th, 2018! Dollie had never owned a BJD before, she was more into fashion dolls. She had several really cute pictures of Reva though and it made me happu to see! I don’t have tagged confirmations or anything, but I suspect she was the one who sold Reva to 4th owner at that time (Mama) because Mama is who I bought her from and Mama about how Reva’s box was thrashed during shipping and she came with a bunch of Barbie clothes which makes sense?? And I see some of the clothes I got with Reva in Dollie’s old pictures.
Anyways, Mama held onto her a while and she actually relisted her a few times because the owner mentioned that she had reposted the sale because the first post got zero traction.
Anyways! That makes me Reva’s 5th owner. 5th and final owner if I have anything to say about it.
She makes me so happy. She’s so lovely, she’s beautiful and sweet and her facial expression is darling and her body is darling... I just... I adore her. I’m so happy. I get a little sad when I see dolls go up for sale all the time and I feel so happy that her little trail stops with me. My precious girl is gonna get a beautiful faceup at some point and an amazing wardrobe and new eyes and another handful of wigs... I am so happy! Welcome to the family, little girl!
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