#she is such a rare sculpt and people passed around the same green eyes and set of is matched starry blue and yellow eyes
flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
So you said your requests were open so ill take a shot at this. I would love to see more yandere orcs. Maybe reader is a merchant in a small town and the orc is a solitary man who lives in the mountains and rarely comes to town but when he does he only interacts with reader and buys small stuff just to talk to her. One day he comes by after winter is over (he couldnt risk traveling while winter was in cause of the cold and shit) and the reader is saying that she is getting married in a month and that sends the orc straight to kidnapping her and locking her up in his cabin to be his little house wife and mother of many little orclings. (Breeding kink please)
I think I got something close to that, lol This request was a lot to fit into just a few thousand words so I tried my best... ^_^'
Orc (Moth) x female reader
Word Count: 3k
W: nsfw monster smut, breeding kink, outdoor sex, kidnapping, forced marriage
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“Damnit, this damn thing,” you grumbled at the rickety sign hanging over the door of your shop. Instead of swinging like it was supposed to, some tall bastard had bumped their head on it and now it was stuck flipped up. You hopped, trying to reach it. 
“What the bloody hell are you doing?!” your father growled, poking his head out of the door of your little apothecary, “the boy’s gonna be here soon! You can’t greet him looking like that! Go put on one of your mother’s dresses.” 
You pointed up to the sign. 
“Forget the damn sign, this is far more important than that,” he growled. 
He had a lot riding on the meet cute you were about to have with the fairy lord Darold he was hoping to arrange your marriage with. Why Darold was even coming you had no idea. Apparently he’d seen you walking through the market and immediately had his men find out where you lived so he could approach your father. Your father was hoping to negotiate some sort of sale or something to hand you over. It was all very dreary when you thought about it so you tried not to. You were hoping he would meet you, quench his curiosity, find out you were very dull, and leave.
A shadow passed over you and there was a squeak as the sign was righted. You glanced up and smiled. 
“Moth!” you said, greeting your friend, “it’s been a long time! I hope you had a peaceful winter! You look quite well.” 
The handsome orc smiled at you. His hair had gotten longer and was pulled up in a ponytail and his green skin looked healthy and glowing. Your eyes drifted over the tattoos on his bulky arms, biting your lip. He was always a treat in the tight leather pants he wore and rather small vest that showed off his sculpted chest. No Fairyfolk in all of Fairy had better bodies than Orcs in your humble opinion, at least this one. His bright brown eyes burned for a moment, before they were drawn away by your father. 
“Moth, my boy!” he cheered, scrambling through the door, “so glad to see you back! Got a couple things around the place that need fixing!” 
Your father had gotten dependent on Moth’s kindness. Every spring he came back down from the mountain where he lived to load up on supplies. He needed lots and lots of medical supplies to last him through the season, before he returned again before the winter, so he was one of your father’s favorite people, spending a lot of money all at once. 
Whenever he came down he offered to fix things up around the shop. He’d fixed your roof, some floorboards that had come loose, and all sorts of other little things. You had no idea why he offered, but your father didn’t turn away his help, coming to rely on it as he had gotten older and less limber. 
“Hurry! Hurry!” your father said, “we’ve got a guest coming and I don’t want the place to look like it's falling apart.” 
Moth’s eyes drifted back to you and you pointed to the sign and mouthed “thanks” which got you a smile. Following them inside, you hurried up the stairs to do as your father said and find one of your late mother’s dresses. You weren’t at all the same size, but they were the only fancy things you owned. The rest of your clothes were simple, but durable wool dresses for working in the garden. 
You split some seams and tightened others, fastening everything with pins, to get the dress to look halfway decent on you before you returned. Since you lived in a few rooms above the shop, you didn’t have a proper place to meet so you hurriedly set up a small table and some chairs outside near the garden before rushing back inside to start some hot water for tea. All this time you were mulling over the injustice that you had to do all this work to prepare for someone you didn’t even want to see. 
You were too flustered and busy to notice that Moth had slowed his work on the back window and was watching you. He was always watching you, that’s why he offered to do chores for your father. Otherwise he wouldn’t have an excuse to hang around your shop. He liked to see you smile when you helped customers with your soft, gentle hands and flit around the garden collecting plants for potions. It made him imagine those soft smiles were for him and his children and you were enjoying the garden he’d been steadily building for you and your family. 
He carried those memories with him all season when he was back in his lonely cabin in the mountain, working on adding new rooms for the babies he planned on filling it with and building you a greenhouse so you could still have plants in the cold winter months. He knew as a hedgewitch that was very important to you.  
Today, though, you weren’t your usual happy self. Your brow was creased and you were dressed in a hideous dress that didn’t fit you properly but was covered in ribbons like the ladies in town. When you hurried around the corner to go look for something in the storage shed he pulled you behind the corner of the house, away from your father’s eyes. 
“What’s wrong (Y/N)?” he asked, “you look upset.” 
You blinked up at him, the tears that were hovering on the edges of your eyes threatening to drop. 
“I’m supposed to meet with some silly fairy to get married,” you pouted, “it’s not fair. I don’t understand why I can’t help father run the shop! Why does he want to send me away?” 
Moth’s normally gentle face was suddenly furious. 
“He what?” he growled. 
You took a step back, not expecting him to respond so strongly. It wasn’t his problem. 
“It’s nothing,” you said, moving to retreat, but he stopped you with a thick arm against the wall of the house, blocking your path. 
“Who is he?!” he snarled, folding his body down to your eye level. 
You trembled in front of him, confused by his sudden intensity. He’d always been such a gentle giant around you. The thick scent of his musk rolled over you on the breeze and your eyelashes fluttered. 
“I-I don’t know…he said he saw me in the market or something, I’ve never even seen him before,” you replied. 
The last few words seemed like the right ones, because he relaxed just slightly. Only instead of backing off, he scooped you up in his arms and started walking swiftly away from the shop. 
“Wh-what are you doing? I have to get ready for Darold,” you said. 
He growled at you, a sound you felt against your body pressed to his chest. 
“Don’t ever mention him in my presence again,” he snapped.
Your eyes got large. You still weren’t completely clear on what was happening until Moth loaded you next to him onto his cart and started driving away from town. 
“Moth, are you kidnapping me?!” you finally asked, now confident that’s what was happening. 
He eyed you with his flaring brown eyes. 
“Do I have to tie you up?” he asked. 
Your eyebrows went up and you shook your head. You peered behind you down the road that led in and out of town. 
“Aren’t you worried they’ll come after us?” you asked, “my father is going to realize we’re missing pretty quickly.” 
He looked at you and smiled, winking. 
“I have a secret,” he said, pulling a chain from underneath his shirt with a large purple crystal on it, “I have a teleportation crystal for emergencies and this must be what I’ve been saving it for. It won’t get us all the way to my mountain, but we’ll get far enough away that we can't be followed.” 
You looked nervously behind you seeing clouds of dust building on the horizon. 
“Well you should probably use it soon,” you murmured, as the black spots of riders were just becoming visible through the dust. 
Moth turned around and, much too slowly in your opinion, made sure everything in the cart was situated. 
“Moth…” you murmured as you got the first glimpse of your would be husband cresting the hill on his horse, his bright orange hair flaring in the sunlight. He wasn’t at all your type, though he was traditionally quite good looking, skinny with pale skin instead of Moth’s rich, beautiful green. You heard shouting as his men spotted you. 
Glancing up, the orc beside you threw the crystal on the ground smashing it into a million pieces. Purple smoke surrounded you invading your lungs and you coughed bitterly. The horses whinnied, not at all happy about the magic being foisted on them. Did it work? 
The smoke took far too long to clear, but the first thing you noticed was the quiet sound of birds chirping, not the yelling of guards. The horses had settled and Moss gently coaxed them forward out of the cloud of smoke and on to a peaceful looking road. You glanced behind you, worried someone would emerge to chase you through the smoke, but it just got thinner and thinner drifted off on the breeze until nothing but the road in the other direction remained. 
“Where are we?” you asked Moth, who was looking quite pleased. 
His eyes flashed at you and you realized suddenly this was the first time the two of you had been truly alone together. 
“We’re deep in the forest leading to the mountain,” he said, pointing to the shadowy mountain ahead of you, “there’s no one around for probably a hundred miles…” 
“There’s truly no one?” you asked, slipping a little bit closer to him to his surprise. 
“Um…yeah…no one…” he murmured as your hand drifted to his leg, sliding up the sinewy muscle pressed against his pants. 
“So…now that we’re a couple…we should probably talk about how many babies we want to have,” you said, letting your hand drift higher and higher to the slowly hardening monstrosity that was pressed down one pant leg. 
That was the exact sort of conversation Moth wanted to have and he couldn’t hold in his smile, tusks shining in the balmy afternoon sunlight.
He scooped you up in his big hands that could lift far more than some little fairy, and tossed you into the back of the cart, where you landed in a soft pile of some linens he’d picked up for your bed and any little ones you may have before he made it back down the mountain. 
“We’re a couple?” he asked, still feeling a bit shy, though he could hardly hold himself back. He just wanted to hear it again. Just to be sure that you really wanted this. He wouldn’t have let you go if you didn’t, but it was all the more sweet that it seemed you did. 
You smiled and cupped his face in your hand as he hovered over you. 
“I certainly hope that was your intention when you kidnapped me, or this is going to be a very awkward trip,” you giggled, “Yes, we are a couple. You went to all this trouble…”
He hushed you with a heavy kiss, his tusks brushing your cheeks. Your skin sparkled as his hot mouth dragged away from your lips and he nibbled your earlobe. 
“I’m going to make you round with five little green babies,” he purred, making you melt underneath him, he chuckled, “unless you want more…we can make more…” 
Your fingertips found his chest, dusted with dark hair and you smoothed your hand over it. 
“Six is a nice even number,” you whispered back as his kisses dropped lower and lower down the column of your neck. 
“I can give you six,” he rumbled into your skin, “but first you have to give me something…I bet you can guess what it is…” 
You heard the fabric of your dress tearing and in a moment you were bare in the afternoon sunlight, while Moth showered your body in kisses. His greedy fingers dug into your flesh, pinching and squeezing your soft places. 
“Mmm, please,” you pleaded with him, bucking your hips, “take it.”
As eager as Moth was to do just that, he was much too large to go slamming into you. While he sucked a nipple into his mouth, his hand dropped lower to feel your puffy lips. A sense of satisfaction washed over him as you opened your legs for him, inviting him in, asking for more. 
Slipping his fingers through the wetness he circled your clit with a digit, smiling into your breast as you moaned for him, writhing. Tugging your nipple with his teeth to get your attention, he thrust a finger inside, opening you up before pushing in another. 
“Moth, please…breed me,” you groaned, love drunk and dizzy. 
He’d never heard sweeter words, scissoring his fingers inside of you to stretch you a bit, his anticipation building for your sweet pussy wrapped around his cock. 
“I’m gonna fuck six little orc babies into you, sweetheart,” he murmured between kisses as he made his way down your body, “pretty ones just like their mama and strong ones like their papa.” 
You keened when his tongue reached your clit and he covered it with his lips. He needed you gushing if you were going to take him. 
“Come on, mama,” he groaned into your pussy, “give papa what he needs.” 
He thrust his fingers extra hard inside you and you fell apart on them sobbing his name. 
“I need you inside of me,” you were quickly begging despite the glittering orgasm you’d just had. Your pussy was spasming around his fingers, but you knew you could be fuller…much fuller. 
He smirked, torturing you with long laps on your pussy to taste your nectar. When he was finally satisfied and you were limp and dripping, he inched himself inside you a bit at a time. His girth burned at first as it stretched you, but soon it turned into a good burn as he gently bottomed out between your warm folds. When he was fully sheathed he kissed you, his tongue tangling with yours. 
By the time he’d pulled away he’d lost any semblance of control, your tight, wet hole squeezing him, begging to be rutted. He tried starting out slow, giving you a few firm strokes before his pace quickly increased and you were mewling underneath him, your ankles almost behind your head as his big hands forced them down. 
“I’m gonna keep pumpin’ you fulla cum ‘til your belly’s nic’n round,” he slurred, his pretty brown eyes glittering at you, chasing that goal, “gonna be sucha pretty lil mama…” 
A finger found your clit, swirling it as his cock battered you, stretching you to hit all the right places. He was fucking the words out of you, all you could do was glow up at him and moan. You’d fantasized about this so many nights. Moth’s big body, moving on top of you. It was so much better than your naughty dreams. You came in absolute bliss, your cunt clamping down on him. 
He roared, slamming into you a few more times before he unloaded his hot load into your womb. Rolling his hips into you gently a few more times, he didn’t even want to pull out of you. He could stay buried in you for eternity, but he couldn’t keep you folded in half forever, so he reluctantly slid out of you and rolled to your side, letting out a satisfied breath. 
Rocking himself back over, his eyes drifted down to the mess leaking from between your thighs and he used a thick finger to push a big drop back in. 
“I think we made baby number one,” he purred, slipping the same hand around your waist and dragging you to his chest. He buried his nose in your hair, just to sniff you. He never wanted to be away from your scent.
Since it was very unlikely that anyone was going to happen upon you on this empty stretch of forest, the two of you napped in the sunlight until you continued your long journey home.
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dolliesanddelights · 4 years
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1/24/2021 - Reverie’s Story
I guess maybe it’s a silly thing to be interested in where a doll comes from, but Reverie’s prior owner actually linked me to two of her prior owners so I could see owner photos of her from the past and when I found a third, I decided to go on the hunt to see if I could track her history.
I tracked her first owner down (we will call them “Kitty”) to the date she arrived from Darak Doll which is October 15th, 2016. I’m sad because the unboxing post absolutely had pictures once upon a time but it looks like the host deleted them so unfortunately they have been lost in space~ but that’s technically her original birthday and it made me stupidly happy to find out! She apparently came with bubbles in her resin on her hands and discolored arms - I don’t see that problem now so it’s possible this was fixed down the line!
Anyways, so it looks like she was with Kitty from October 15th, 2016 to at least  August 28th, 2018, where her second owner (Bear), I noticed commented on a picture of Reva and they inform Kitty that they messaged about ownership over Reva.
Bear has no pics of Reva at all so there wasn’t much to be found out about Reva there and she wasn’t with her long! On the third owner’s account (Dollie), Reva was tagged as being bought from Bear and arrived with Dollie on December 17th, 2018! Dollie had never owned a BJD before, she was more into fashion dolls. She had several really cute pictures of Reva though and it made me happu to see! I don’t have tagged confirmations or anything, but I suspect she was the one who sold Reva to 4th owner at that time (Mama) because Mama is who I bought her from and Mama about how Reva’s box was thrashed during shipping and she came with a bunch of Barbie clothes which makes sense?? And I see some of the clothes I got with Reva in Dollie’s old pictures.
Anyways, Mama held onto her a while and she actually relisted her a few times because the owner mentioned that she had reposted the sale because the first post got zero traction.
Anyways! That makes me Reva’s 5th owner. 5th and final owner if I have anything to say about it.
She makes me so happy. She’s so lovely, she’s beautiful and sweet and her facial expression is darling and her body is darling... I just... I adore her. I’m so happy. I get a little sad when I see dolls go up for sale all the time and I feel so happy that her little trail stops with me. My precious girl is gonna get a beautiful faceup at some point and an amazing wardrobe and new eyes and another handful of wigs... I am so happy! Welcome to the family, little girl!
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bisexualdaemon · 4 years
something missing | feysand oneshot
a/n: oh hello! idk this just kind of....happened? it came upon me unexpectedly. I’m rereading ACOFAS and it’s snowing outside so...here’s some sugar-coated fluff laced with filth for this sinday :)
warnings: 3.3k of fluffy smut and smutty fluff
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Hmmm. Feyre worried the paint brush stuck between her lips with her teeth. There was something missing from the painting. Frost and Starlight, she had called it in her mind walking through the Palace of Thread and Jewels that day before Solstice. Now, weeks later, she clung to the buzz of the early chill of winter, wanted to remember the bustling life that had turned scarce in the city. 
It was now bitterly cold—according to Mor, colder than it had been in Velaris in decades. The streets were mostly empty, quiet except for the bundled shuffling of people coming and going but rarely standing for too long. Feyre could hear the wind beating at the locked gallery door, could feel the cold pushing against the magic of her floating flames. The only thing keeping her from freezing to death in the dimming light of the Rainbow. 
Even the Rainbow had been less alive lately, artists only leaving their studios for occasional supplies. The musicians had taken to giving little salon concerts. Only the most desperate had remained busking outside. Feyre had persuaded Rhys into magicking some coins into their open instrument cases, enough to keep them out of the cold for awhile.
She shook her head and refocused on the swirls of color in front of her, the painting that might have been finished if she weren’t so set on the details of it. What’s missing?
I don’t know, but I know what I’m missing. Feyre smiled involuntarily, his purr down the bond snaking its way down her spine. 
Incorrigible. Where have you been? If you went someplace warm without me, I’m staying at the gallery and you can sleep alone in our cold bed with none of what you’ve been missing. 
Rhys chuckled. On the contrary, my love. I was in the Steppes with Az, settling a few more of the descenters down. I’ve been freezing my balls off all day. 
Feyre shivered just thinking about how cold the war camps must be, the rows of tents barely standing up to the winds. But she couldn’t resist the door he’d left open. Poor Illyrian baby, so afraid of losing something important to a little cold spell.
He sent a rude gesture down the bond and Feyre smirked, taking the paint brush from her mouth to shove into the messy bun on top of her head. She paused halfway when her mating ring caught one of the faelights behind her, setting the brilliant sapphire glittering. Ah, that’s what’s missing. 
She dipped her brush in a tiny bit of white paint and leaned into the canvas, dabbing little specks here and there, in every window in her frozen Palace. When she sat back, the effect set her eyes sparkling. The blues and reds and greens of her scene turned into glittering sapphires and rubies and emeralds. The jewels the Palace was famous for leaped off the canvas and twinkled behind the glass, worthy of the astonishment she had painted in the faces walking past.
Beautiful, he breathed, seeing the painting through her eyes. Lately, she had been leaving her mind open to him when she painted. He didn’t pry often, but she found she wanted to share a little of her process with him. Even if she couldn’t talk about some of her feelings, some of the things they left in the darkness, she could show him here in the quiet of the gallery at night. 
Feyre felt him before even the shadows could react to his winnowing. Rhys grazed the skin at the edge of her sweater, just below her neck. Shivers ran down her spine again, but not because of the cold. Her nipples hardened in response to his touch, a kindling warming low in her abdomen. 
“Hello, Feyre darling.” 
His solid presence relaxed her, the warmth of him radiating into her back. She exhaled and leaned into him as his hands left her neck to wander down her front, skillfully avoiding the hardened peaks that reached for him. Even with the stool, he still towered over her, giving him enough room to rest his chin on top of that messy bun. 
“Gods, I missed you,” he inhaled, breathing her scent, now eternally mixed with paint, “the Illyrians are such bastards when they’re being obstinate.” 
“What did you and Az have to do?” Feyre ran soothing fingers up and down his arms still covered in Illyrian leathers. 
“Nothing too taxing, just some strong words and a demonstration.” She could feel him tense up, even as his wandering hands caressed her sides, trying to find the hem of her sweater. 
“Did you kill anyone?” Such a casual question, but even with the veil of sarcasm he knew she would want a serious answer. 
“No, but let’s just say a couple of their captains won’t be flying anytime soon.” He let some of the tension he always carried after bad days melt away as he curved into her, moving to pepper her neck with sloppy kisses. 
“Rhys,” she moaned, combing her fingers through his hair that was still damp from the Illyrian snow. “Let me clean up and then you can ravish me at home all you like.”
His teeth grazed her earlobe and she bent her head sideways giving him more room. Just as his fingers finally found that hem of her sweater. Snow-cold fingers tickled the skin just above her leggings. Feyre yelped and twisted on her stool, finally turning to face him fully. His eyes were pure violet fire, taking in every inch of her, from her wild hair to her booted feet. His chest raised and lowered quicker with each passing second, the bulge in his pants evidence of his mirrored desire. She bit her lip. And he snapped. 
Fuck the house, he purred down the bond. His mouth collided with hers as strong hands lifted her from the stool. She wrapped her legs around his waist, careful to avoid his sensitive wings. His pouty lips devoured hers, a wild moan escaping him as he tugged at her bottom lip. Feyre could sense him reaching with his magic, trying to find some place to put her down so he could properly have his way with her. Out here it would be the wall between the hung paintings or the cold floor. She knew he was weighing those two options. 
There’s a table in the back room, she panted, clawing at his mental walls with the promise of what was to come. If she was honest, she wouldn’t have minded the wall, but the paintings were precious and she knew they wouldn’t be hanging for very long. He carried her, his mouth still firmly pressed against hers. She shifted her head and opened fully for him, inviting him into her mouth with a flick of her tongue against his. He tasted like citrus kissed with the bitter tang of whiskey, left over from the drink he’d had to take the edge off the demonstration earlier. 
When he kicked open the back room door, Feyre’s floating firelight followed them, immediately stoking and warming the space. 
You’re getting better at that. His praise was like gasoline on that kindling inside of her, kicking up a blazing fire that sang through her blood, through her bones. He deposited her on the worktable, only taking a second to notice the sharp scent of paint and the supplies that littered the space behind her. His lips curled, this reminds me of the cabin. Remember how messy it was?
“It was our mating,” she answered out loud, “I remember every second of that day.” I can still feel it here, Feyre took his hand and guided it under her sweater to press against her panting heart. He stepped closer to rest his brow against hers, dragging a finger down her cheek. It was a second before his soft smile went devilish, another second before she felt the wet streak where his finger had been. 
He wiggled a cerulean-tipped finger at her. 
He tipped his head back and roared with laughter as she slapped at his leather-clad chest. The closest jar to her was a cotton candy pink. She snapped her fingers and his leathers disappeared, leaving a perfectly sculpted tan chest for her to draw a big heart on with her fingers. 
Hmpf. Turnabout is fair play. The playful gleam in his eye sparkled as he snapped his fingers and her clothes just...disappeared. She quirked an eyebrow, I hope you’re giving those back before we leave. A low growl rumbled beneath her fingers still toying with his chest. 
I’ll take it under advisement. You might have to beg me. A wry smile formed on his lips as he dipped that same cerulean finger into the pink paint and swirled it between her breasts, a trail of purple from her throat to her belly button. Feyre exhaled heavily and leaned back on her hands, scattering some charcoal pencils. They echoed in the cold space when they clattered to the floor but she didn’t care. She was naked and Rhys was not. Her legs spread a little wider against the edge of the table, putting herself on display for him. 
“Wicked, beautiful creature.” His hot breath ricocheted off her chest where his paint marks were quickly drying. It was a struggle to keep from moaning at the touch of his fingers toying with the inside of her spread thighs, dangerously close to the liquid fire pooling between her legs. He grinned at her restraint, the muscles dancing beneath her skin. “What do you wish of me, High Lady?” 
“I wish…” she tilted her head back in a slow roll, “I wish…” When her eyes met his again, their intensity burned anew. “I wish for you to take me like you did that first time,” snapping her fingers to rid him of the last of his clothes, “no holding back.”
His knees shook like a newborn foal at the command in her words. He kneeled before her on those tattoos he’d had as a reminder for centuries. I will bow before no one and nothing but my crown. The crown he shared with her. He bowed now, as he had before, as he would many, many more times before they were through with this life. The most powerful High Lord in history sent to his knees by his Queen. 
He forced her thighs even wider to accommodate his broad shoulders between her knees. His Fae eyesight didn’t miss the way her stomach muscles clenched as he played with the sensitive skin at her hips, his fingers making a slow path to her spread thighs. He cupped the back of her knees and quickly pulled her closer to his waiting mouth. 
Her yelp turned to a deep moan when he finally tasted her. Fingers immediately weaved into his hair as her back arched off the table. Gods, you taste like honey. You’re so wet for me, Feyre. 
She didn’t have any coherent words to send back to him, just waves of pleasure licking down the mental bridge between them. He suckled at her folds, drank from her, his holy font atop his only sacred altar. She writhed beneath his fingers moving over her warmed skin, let out a groan so deep he felt it vibrate against his face when he found her peaked nipples swollen and screaming for him. He felt her toes curl against his back, stroking his wings in places that made him moan into her. 
It was the last swirl of his tongue, a figure-eight pattern from her entrance to that bundle of nerves at the apex of her folds that finally sent her chanting his name over the edge. She wasn’t sure if it was out loud, but she knew he heard her either way. His wings flared proudly, knocking over a row of easels propped against the side wall, but he couldn’t hear the noise over her heartbeat pounding across the bond. 
The force of her climax pushed her into a sitting position, her fingers still curled in his hair holding his head against her as he stroked his tongue with every wave of pleasure. Even when she was spent, her thighs trembling over his shoulders, she couldn’t neglect him. Her fingers combed through his hair and snaked down his back, busying themselves with the grooves of his wings as he sucked a mark into the inside of her thigh. She made to release him, allow him off his knees, but he growled. 
Don’t stop.
The corners of her mouth curled upward. Is it truly like stroking you...elsewhere?
Well, Feyre darling, how do you feel when I stroke that one spot near the base of your left wing?
She clenched her thighs around his head at the thought. Point taken. 
He stretched his wing in encouragement. She followed his lead, splaying her hands across the membranous skin, tracing his scars. The feeling was, well he couldn’t quite think straight. Pleasure was too tame a word to describe the white-hot fire that licked his wings every time she ran her fingers over the spines, the scars, the muscles that purred and loosened for her. She pressed in at the space between the primary spine and the muscles in his back. He moaned so loud the paint jars rippled. 
Mother above, stop. 
It’s poor form to blaspheme in such a compromising position. Feyre grinned like a cat about to pounce on its prey. This was what she had been waiting for.
Feyre Cauldron-Blessed would know. He sucked in a breath. Her hands hadn’t moved. If you don’t stop, I’m going to spill a different kind of paint on this floor and ruin all our fun. 
Such a messy Illyrian brute. But she let him go, let him rise from between her thighs and stand. He was at full attention, wings spread wide to prolong the feeling of her fingers on the sensitive skin. Even now, after almost a year with him, she still marveled that this thing between them was real. That she was his and he was hers. My mate. 
She reached for him again, low. It was his turn to chant her name. 
Rhys caught her wrists, turning her hands over. He pressed a kiss to each palm. I’m plenty primed, my love. 
Feyre wrapped her legs around his waist, forcing him closer, so close to where she wanted him. She knew he liked this position, liked to watch her respond to him. He gripped her hips and positioned himself right at the precipice, took a breath. And pushed in to the hilt. 
Their collective moans shook the little back room, shadows gathering against the walls. Rhys’s eyes were fathomless pools of violet, boring into her very soul. He opened his mind fully to her and saw herself through his eyes, felt the love and the unending desire for her, tasted herself on his tongue. 
I love you. His voice clanged through her, flipping that light switch that lived deep inside of her, that little piece of Day linked to moments of pure joy. Her skin began to glow, only growing brighter when he moved within her. Slow strokes at first, deep inside. Shadows began to lick at her light, snaking against her responsive skin, the contrast only making her shine brighter. 
His thrusts quickened, control flickering with his hips. The hands that gripped her were little more than wisps of darkness, but she could feel his claws lengthening. Feyre reached back to grip the table, but instead knocked over a full jar of paint, splashing green into her hair, onto her skin. 
She laughed, tightening around him. The snarl he released shook her very center, pummeling the dam that he was determined to break for a second time tonight. She sent paint flying through the air on a breeze, landing squarely on his chest like a bullseye on a dart board. Her giggle sent his shadows skittering. 
Laughing at a male in the throes of pleasure is unbecoming of a High Lady, he panted down the bond. 
And how would you know? There’s never been a High Lady before me. Her eyes threatened another laugh until he hauled her leg off the table and shifted his hips. Her eyes rolled back. The floating fire around them surged with her answering moans, sweat beading on both of their brows. 
His hips stuttered. He was close. Feyre reached out and ran a hand down the open gates of his mind. Rhysand, she purred. 
He looked at her, his pupils narrowing, that beast of his barely concealed in this place between pleasure and chaos. His thoughts were a rush, his senses too open to hold on to any particular thought for long. The only thing she could make out other than pure sensation in his mind was one repeated word. 
Feyre, Feyre, Feyre—
Her name. Over and over again. His tether to this world, to the light. 
Rhys. She brushed at the claws on her hips, catching his attention. Come with me. 
The roar was deafening. Anyone else would have been terrified, but all Feyre could do was launch herself over the cliff with him as he finally plunged headfirst into his own pleasure. Blazing light flashed. Her light. Her joy, covering Rhys’s darkness with her own body as he collapsed into her, panting heavily against her shoulder. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, calming the tremors that rolled through him. 
For a few moments the only sounds in the room were the crackling of Feyre’s dying fire lights and their ragged breathing. When Rhys could finally lift himself onto his hands, he just looked at her for a long moment. 
Thought for a thought? she wiped at the sweat dripping from his temples. 
He smirked at her, I was thinking that if I didn’t already know what it feels like to die, I would think you were trying to fuck me to death. 
Her answering laugh shook her whole body, down to the place where he was still sheathed inside her. Rhys hissed, slowly withdrawing. He watched her glow dim. It always did when they parted, a fact that made him equal parts proud and melancholy. She sat up and stretched, cocking her head as he snapped his fingers to clean them off enough to get to the bath at home, leaving only the paint behind. He always liked to scrub that off of her himself.
“I’m going to have to come in early to clean up,” she worried at her lip, surveying all the spilled paint. The room was a bit of a wreck. Tumbled easels, green and blue paint dripping from the table onto the floor, scattered pieces of drawing paper with distinct details from his mate’s naked body outlined in pink and purple. Rhys scoffed and snapped again, setting everything right. 
Feyre grumbled, “you still need to teach me how you do that.” 
“I promise I will, but I’m still waiting for my thought,” he said, as he snapped a third time. Her clothes reappeared in a neat pile. They both dressed as she formed the words in her mind. Words to convey the way her pulse ticked up every morning in the shade of his wing, the way her cheeks pinked with the faintest touch of his fingers on her skin. 
“Will it be like this always? Will I still want to rip the leathers off of you in a thousand years?” He walked over and took her hands, the movement of his sleek black sweater and trousers the only sound in the room. Warmth passed between them, through their clasped hands and the look he gave her. Like a thousand years was only the beginning of their forever. 
“I hope so, Feyre. I really hope so.” He pressed a kiss to her temple and winnowed them both home. 
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dongofthewolf · 4 years
Everything in Between- Chapter 1
Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader
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The reader stumbles across Abby one sleepless night and can’t help but become an absolute stuttering mess.
Warnings: swearing, mild violence, fluff, bad grammar lol
I’m extremely new to this so please be gentle T-T
Read chapter 2 here !
The first thing that you always noticed about a person was their eyes (it’s cliché you knew that, but you really couldn’t help it), and anyways… that was the first thing you noticed about her. The first time you saw her it was pouring outside; the kind of pouring where it got dark at 5pm and the reflections in the puddles on the pavement—partly distorted by the heavy raindrops—looked like fun house mirrors. It was brief and she only passed you for a second, but the clouds that were concealing the sun left a shadow of darkness in the air and in her eyes. Making her regularly blue eyes a much darker shade from the lack of sunlight, a blue that looked like the part of the ocean you can see from the shore but avoid from fear you may drown in it. 
You had forgotten your umbrella that day leaving your hair drenched, you were shivering from the cold and desperately made your way to your room as quickly as you could. But as you hastily walked with your head down in an effort to conceal your eyes from the raindrops, you bumped into her. She was a lot taller than you and was incredibly built, she had her long blonde hair in a neat braid and was wearing some simple cargo pants with a grey sweater. She was also carrying some bags but you were walking too fast to really get a good look at them. Although this was the first time you had seen her and it was only for a moment you’ll never forget those eyes, those dark blue eyes that made it seem as if she was hiding from something. That was the first time you saw her but it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
It was stormy again but at least today you were inside, the howling of the wind against the windows woke you up and when you glanced at the digital clock it read 2:30. You always had trouble falling asleep again once you were woken from your slumber, and found that you required at least an hour before you could actually sleep again. Since it was so late though you figured that the cafeteria would be empty and you could grab a cup of tea before going back to bed, you also often sat in the commons room to read because it’s pretty isolated from the rest of the place and very seldom did anyone else sit there too. 
You pulled a black crewneck over your messy hair and put on some slides before making your way down to the cafeteria, the hallways leading up to it were lit with fluorescent lights that burned your eyes when you stepped out of the darkness of your room. It was surprisingly silent (with the exception of your footsteps of course) and after living in a place constantly occupied by so many people for so many years, it was a rare occasion to find some peace and quiet; an anomaly that still surprised you to this day. 
The cafeteria was nothing special, there were 30-40 folding tables lined up near the big tear stained windows and next to the kitchen there was a communal fridge with a basket of fruits no one dared to touch. Cabinets lined the whole half of the room and you reached into the second last one to grab some chamomile tea before setting the kettle on the stove. 
You sat by the windows while you waited for the water to boil when you saw a strike of lightning, it was purple and quickly followed by a large cracking noise which weirdly enough didn’t quite startle you. You supposed that after all these years of living in a place that is universally known to rain more than anything, you become accustomed to the crashing sound of thunder and the sudden flashes of lightning. Plus, it’s a lot better than the sound of guns going off or those dreaded clickers that haunted your nightmares. So consumed by your thoughts you hadn’t even noticed the whistling noise coming from the tea kettle. It wasn’t until you heard an unfamiliar voice that nearly made you leap out of your skin, you turned around and standing there was the very girl you had briefly seen that rainy afternoon just three days ago.
“You gonna get that or should I?” She was wearing some grey sweats and a khaki tank top that showcased her huge biceps, you admired her toned forearms, unable to form any combination of words that wouldn’t make you sound like a complete and utter idiot. She must have noticed you staring though because she repeated the question with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk. “Hello?” She asked.
“Right… sorry” you immediately responded. You laughed nervously and hurriedly ran to the tea kettle, a small blush forming on your cheeks as you removed it from the stovetop. While pouring the hot water into a small cup you quickly threw the tea bag in so she wouldn’t notice your shaking hands, as you threw the bag in you quietly ignored the quickening beat of your heart. At this point you couldn’t tell if the shaking was because you were startled by her sudden presence or if you were nervous because of the literal goddess staring down at you.
“Sorry again about that I was just distracted.” You looked up and she was studying you with those same blue eyes, the intensity from her gaze made you ramble on.
“Did you want some tea? I accidentally boiled too much water, I guess eyeballing measurements just isn’t my forte.” You chuckled again, clearly flustered by this gorgeous woman looking at you in your damn pajamas. Somehow even at two in the morning she managed to look effortlessly beautiful and you couldn’t help but be fiercely jealous of her overwhelming confidence. Up until now, no one had ever had this effect on you, then all of a sudden this stranger looks at you once and BOOM you’re a stuttering mess.
“Sure, does this place have any chamomile tea?” She said nonchalantly while grabbing a chair from the stack in the corner. She sat in it backwards with her arms resting on top of the chair and you flashed a glance at her toned forearms “holy shit is she strong” you thought.
“Yeah, I’m having some too actually.” You poured out the tea and sat down across from her, this was the first time you had actually been able to really see her and you were in awe of how gorgeous she was; Her hair was in a simple braid which had a few strands astray (most likely from sleeping in it) and she had these adorable freckles that spread from her face all the way down to her arms. She was staring at her cup with those same intense blue eyes—this time the fluorescents adding a tint of green to them—she looked like a statue that was literally sculpted by the Gods and you couldn’t take your eyes off of her. As you looked down at her calloused hands that were cupping the warm ceramic cup, you noticed that they were a lot larger than your own, but they also had a delicacy to them; the kind of delicacy that deserved to be in a museum. Every aspect of her was absolutely perfect and never in your life had you seen someone like her, you were struck with this sudden need to know everything about her (even though she didn’t really seem like the chatty kind). Consumed by the essence of her beauty and strength you almost hadn’t realized that she was talking to you, and “oh God” You thought “I was staring again”.
“So uh… what’s your name?” It was obvious she was trying to fill the silence but there was a softness and kindness to her words, almost as if she was trying to appear harmless. 
“Y/n and yours?” You replied in the calmest way that you could even though your hands were shaking like crazy, you gripped on to your cup for dear life hoping she wouldn’t notice. You were always so terrible around new people and now with the combination of not just a complete stranger, but an incredibly charming and attractive stranger? You were surely doomed.
“It’s Abigail but you can call me Abby, most everybody does.” She was clearly not oblivious to your nervous manner (and your staring) but she pretended not to notice, probably to spare you the embarrassment. Having people stare at her was nothing new to Abby and honestly, she liked it. She felt powerful and strong when men were intimidated by her, but the way y/n was staring at her was different. It certainly wasn’t fear because despite the shaking of y/n’s hands that she tried so desperately to conceal, she didn’t look at Abby with fear “Perhaps it was admiration?” Abby thought. But she soon nudged any ideas of romanticism from her mind figuring that y/n was probably into those douchebags who act cocky and disrespectful but are too chicken to ask a girl out; Abby despised disrespectful people. However, if there was anything that Abby hated more than disrespectful assholes, it was embarrassment. Abby’s confidence was one of her greatest strengths, it was like a shield she put forward that helped her endure the incredibly misogynistic environment she lived in. She figured that the staring was just intimidation. Abby was quite confident in her ability to judge a person’s character and brushed any thoughts of attraction to the back of her mind, not wanting to risk the possibility of rejection or being wrong. 
“So what brings you to the cafeteria at this fine hour? Besides the tea of course.” She smirked, her smile was so infectious that you couldn’t help but smile as well.
“I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep, figured I’d drink some tea and read for a bit in the commons room. Better than laying in my bed and staring at the ceiling for an hour I guess.” You stopped yourself before you could say something stupid or embarrassing. “What about you?”
“I just got here a couple days ago and I’m a pretty light sleeper which normally would be fine, but that damn thunder won’t shut the hell up!” She pointed her fist to the sky dramatically and you couldn’t help but giggle, she looked at you with a smile. “They stationed me here to do some work and I haven’t had much time to myself, they gave me some time off tomorrow and now thanks to this storm I’m gonna spend it passed out in my bed.” She paused, contemplating her words before continuing. “I’m glad I met you though, late nights are much better with company.” You could feel a heat trickle to your cheeks. “So what are you reading?” 
“Pride and Prejudice” You answered excitedly. “It’s my favourite book, I’ve read it like a hundred times. I guess I’m just a sucker for cheesy love stories” She grinned.
“It was good but Elizabeth? She was way out of Darcy’s league, I mean yeah she had pride but Darcy was prideful and snobby.” You giggled at her response and the thought of this tough and brawny girl reading Jane Austen. “I mean, if you’re gonna have a terrible character trait just choose one. Not both!” 
“Okay… But you gotta admit they were perfect for each other” You added. “Their weaknesses complimented each other and then their strengths the same. It’s like they were meant to find each other, and I mean just the thought of something like that gives me hope you know?” She looked at you with a raised eyebrow, urging you to elaborate. “Soulmates, I mean… just the thought of there being one single person on this entire Earth who was put here alongside you, the perfect match who’s strengths compliment your weaknesses and vice versa makes me feel some sort of hope.” You felt yourself getting carried away and decided to let her speak. “What can I say, I guess I’m nothing if not an optimist.”
“I get what you mean but I feel like that’ll just set you up for disappointment. There's so much more to life than just love and finding your ‘soulmate’. There’s thunderstorms, books, good food, there’s family and friends, and strangers that make you tea.” she glanced at you and your heart skipped a beat “this is insane!” You thought “Not only is she totally gorgeous, but she’s smart and funny? God she’s so perfect I think I might melt where I stand”
“Fine, fine, you got me there.” You smiled and was struck with this sudden feeling of security that you’d never felt before Abby, and though you’d never really admit it, you realized that all this time living in a facility had made you really lonely. Speaking to Abby was seriously the first time in this place that you weren’t thinking about the end of the world or crying over lost family and friends. At this small fold-out table in this dull and dreary cafeteria, you felt the first modicum of safety that you hadn’t felt for a really long time, and it was all because of her. You noticed that your mind had wandered off again of course but Abby’s mind seemed to be elsewhere as well, she had an almost nervous or unsure look on her face.
“Hey, so I know you said you were gonna go read in the commons room but do you think you could ditch Elizabeth and Darcy for a bit? I haven’t really gotten a chance to see this place and I was hoping you could maybe give me a tour.” Abby asked in a casual tone, hoping y/n wouldn’t notice the slight nervousness in her voice. 
“Of course! I’d love to show you around, though there isn’t much to see other than empty halls and abandoned rooms” You replied enthusiastically. You were ecstatic, she was the first person you had really connected with in a while and you jumped at the opportunity to spend more time with her.
“I don’t mind, as long as I have you to keep me company.” She winked at you and smiled warmly. You felt your heart skip a beat again “Is Abby flirting with me?” You thought. “Nah, probably not” She was the coolest and most beautiful girl you’d ever seen. What would she see in you? Plus Abby probably isn’t even into girls, she’s just being friendly.
You walked her through each of the empty halls and corridors while you guys chatted about books, friends, family, life before the outbreak, and everything in between. You even traded embarrassing dating stories in which you both had to stifle loud outbursts of laughter so you wouldn’t wake up the rest of the facility. While you were speaking about your various dating escapades you decided to sprinkle in a story about a girl to see Abby’s reaction.
“Okay okay I got a good one, so once I was dating this girl and we actually moved in with each other like a month into the relationship but that’s not important. Anyways, so I had this cat right and when we broke up a few months later and she moved out, she took the cat!” You both bursted out laughing. “She literally stole my cat and I was so pissed that I keyed ‘thief’ into her car.” 
“Remind me not to piss you off y/n, you’re a vengeful one.” Abby chuckled and responded casually. You were slightly unsatisfied, she hadn’t reacted to that statement (or any of the subtly gay references you made) at all and you couldn’t tell if it was because she liked girls or because she didn’t care. It didn’t really bother you that much though because this was the most fun you had had in a long time. When you were laughing and talking with Abby all the thoughts about your family and impending doom—thoughts that were once constant—had begun to fade away. All that mattered now was Abby, she was the best thing that had happened to you in a really long time and you were so grateful to have met her.
By the time you guys had decided to depart it was six in the morning, Abby walked you back to your room and you couldn’t help but feel like every atom in your entire body was vibrating. 
You had spent an entire night with this amazing girl who was now the first friend that you’ve had in a while, your cheeks were bright red and your heart felt like it was shaking. When you laid your head on your pillow to sleep you couldn’t shake the thought of those brilliant blue eyes, and that clever, knowing grin that made you melt. God, and you couldn’t forget those gigantic biceps, you just wanted her to crush your skull with those beautiful, freckled arms. You adored her, and as you drifted off into a deep and peaceful slumber you dreamt of the most incredibly gorgeous, funny, charming, and intelligent girl you had ever met: Abigail Anderson.
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Hopelessness of Wanting [Part 2]
<- Part 1 | Part 3 ->
Frederick Chilton x Reader
Continuation of an angsty dark fic request. 
Warnings: suicidal thoughts/attempt (I made myself real sad with this one so be warned if you’re vulnerable to negative thinking), NSFW, smut (gender-neutral), unhealthy relationship, depression, neurodivergent reader. Melancholy rambling. 
3,200 words
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“Don’t worry about what Dr. Chilton thinks,” Nurse Clerval advised as soon as he was out of earshot. “He’s an asshole.”
“Yeah, but”—you tugged the hem of your scrubs—“He’s right. I keep messing up. I think he hates me.” You stopped there, too ashamed to admit you were the biggest fuck-up on the entire staff, new or not, or that you could tell Dr. Chilton regretted his decision to hire you.
“And the rest of us hate him. Just keep doing your job, learn the ropes—he’ll back off.”
You nodded silently and continued your rounds, delivering meds and checking in on patients. Amy had to be restrained again when she wouldn’t stop biting. Julianne seemed more confused lately, though you hadn’t known any of them long enough to tell what was normal.
Clerval’s words hung over you. It didn’t seem right that everyone hated Dr. Chilton. He was a little brusque, yes, but intelligent. Wickedly sarcastic. Posturing and puffing himself up whenever people he admired came to visit the hospital, and he wanted badly to impress them. Lonely.
Your cheeks heated at the thought of those intense bursts of green under his brow—the first thing you noticed when he conducted your interview. His eyes almost matched the light green scrubs you wore at the hospital you trained in, though the uniform here was white (as if leaning into the One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest vibe.)
But what drew you in wasn’t that his eyes were beautiful—though they were—it was the way they made contact with yours. Staring you down with fake confidence, as if he were forcing it. That stare must have been off-putting to most people, but it made your spirit leap with that particular spark of connection one only feels when finding a kindred spirit.
“Hey! Still sulking? Hurry it up,” Clerval called, jolting you to attention. You trotted after.
It was nice having a mentor on the staff, but at the same time, it just felt like having another person to eventually disappoint.
“Here! What’s next?” you beamed.
Dr. Chilton didn’t back off over the next few weeks as Nurse Clerval suggested. The more you thought you were getting the hang of routines at the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, the more mistakes you seemed to make, and the harder its administrator came down on you. And the more the handsome, scarred Dr. Chilton hated you, the more nervous mistakes you made.
In nursing school, you aced everything technical. Every written test. Every memorized statistic, sterilization procedure, medication instruction, and anatomy diagram. But when it came to interacting with patients and families—being compassionate yet professional—nothing came naturally. As a child, you learned how to fake eye contact by staring at the bridge of someone’s nose. How to smile bright and encourage others so they don’t reject you. So they don’t see you as cold or weird. But sometimes, you felt like an alien just parroting human behavior.
The guy you had been dating when you started working at the BSHCI said something similar to you when he broke it off. That you were “unavailable” and never understood what he needed.
There was a reason your first choice job was at a hospital where the only patients were mentally ill murderers.
Dr. Frederick Chilton was the same way. Just better at hiding it, or braver about not caring when his mannerisms rubbed people the wrong way. He didn’t fall apart like you did. He was… incredible. As soon as you met him, you knew you wanted the job. His smile was forced but friendly that first day, and you went home dreaming about getting to know him better.
But as soon as you were hired, the friendliness went out of his eyes. On your very first day, you passed him in the hall and smiled. He frowned and informed you that you were five minutes late clocking in. Everything—every forgotten ID card and typo on a patient file—was proof to Dr. Chilton that you were incompetent.
He even pointed it out when you couldn’t stand up for yourself and let Nurse Clerval defend you.
Why did you ever think someone like him might like you?
He wasn’t an asshole. The constant reprimanding and disciplinary write-ups were no more than you deserved. It just hurt coming from someone you admired and wished things could be different with.
God, you wished just once he would smile at you again. Tell you that you did a good job.
Your fist hovered over the dark mahogany of the carved doors to Dr. Chilton’s office, poised to knock. To tender your resignation. You hadn’t seen the extravagant interior of his office since your interview, but you could imagine him in there: laying back on the leather couch sipping a Scotch, surrounded by tall shelves of medical books and sculpted wall molding. The air filled with the library smell of old paper.
In your imagination, his cold green eyes would soften, and he would ask why you were leaving. Apologize for being so hard on you. The Chilton in your mind clasped your hand, and you both blushed, wondering if the gesture was merely a show of professional support, or if it held a deeper meaning. He clasped tighter instead of dropping your hand, knowing— understanding—the heat behind your gaze.
A dull thud came from inside the office, followed by footsteps and a muttering voice, muffled through the door. The footsteps started heading your way, and you walked briskly down the hall toward the exit, not looking back when a moment later, the mahogany doors creaked open.
There was no point quitting, anyway. You would never find another hospital job as slow-paced, where you rarely had to speak with outsiders—only the regular long-term patient-inmates, and a small staff of orderlies, guards, nurses, and psychiatrists.
Sometimes you thought you should quit nursing altogether, but then what would you do? Flip burgers? You’d be bad at that, too. There was nothing you wouldn’t be a failure at.
A fog hovered over you, creeping its tendrils into every thought, turning every tiny setback into the end of the world, and making every success unimportant. Leaving BSHCI wouldn’t make it better. Nothing would make it better. You were the fuck-up. Anywhere you went, the problem would always be you.
Every smile you gave was forced, but you kept smiling as if everything was normal. So long as nobody could see you drowning, it wasn’t real. There was still hope that you could get your shit together, and no one would be the wiser that you were actually a disgusting piece of human trash. So long as you could smile like you were fine, you weren’t a complete failure.
But the more you pretended to be upbeat—pretended to be someone likable—the more you were certain your coworkers didn’t like you. They must have been sick of covering for you by now.
A week later, the nurse you were replacing grunted, “Finally,” as you sprinted through the door three minutes after your shift started. That one unremarkable interaction was the final proof of a theory you had been nursing for a long time:
Everyone’s lives would be easier without you.
That was the final conclusion, the final, creeping thought the suffocating fog wormed into your head. The crescendo of a distorted symphony that had been subtly building to this from the beginning.
You couldn’t force yourself to smile anymore.
You didn’t have authorized access to the medication supply room, but you swiped a key from Dr. Tenley’s office. For a secure facility, the doctors of the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane were lax about locking their own offices. She would notice it was missing by Monday morning, and there would be serious repercussions for stealing it, but you weren’t concerned. You wouldn’t be around to face them.
With the high-potency drugs available in a hospital and a working knowledge of pharmacology, ending a life could be quick and relatively painless.
The key clicked in the door. You glanced up and down the hallway to make sure no one was coming. But the coast was clear.
A halfhearted breath puffed from your nose. Part of you wanted to find it funny how easy this was, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to laugh.
You stealthily opened the windowless metal door, stepped inside, and shut and locked it behind you without making a sound. Once inside the small room, you let out a silent sigh of relief (or despair). Only a handful of people had a key, so you were unlikely to be interrupted, especially at night with only a skeleton staff on duty.
There were three rows of tall storage shelves crammed into the walk-in closet with clean tile in the few places wall was exposed. The whir of a climate-control system drowned out the pulse in your ears as you scanned for the drugs you were looking for.
You found them faster than expected. They could have at least been hidden. The universe could have put a few more obstacles in your path, but instead, the universe was giving you a big fat sign it wanted you dead.
You picked up the packaging. Turned it over in your hand.
Just a handful of these, and all the problems you cause would be over. No more reprimands. No more disappointing everyone you meet. No more wrenching in your gut every time Dr. Chilton looks at you with contempt when you long to see a smile. No more trying so hard every minute of every day.
It wasn’t like too many people would be sad you were gone anyway. Most of them will be relieved.
Your eyes stung.
Wasn’t someone going to walk in and stop you?
Your lip trembled. Why would anyone want to stop you?
Tears rolled down your face as the reality of your plan set in. Survival instinct kicked and clawed at the cloying fog of twisted logic that promised you would be helping everyone if you stopped existing, but it was losing the battle.
And then you heard someone call your name.
You sniffed and looked up. No… not someone calling your name. Moaning it. You crept to the last row of shelves at the back and gasped—Dr. Chilton had his laptop tucked onto a shelf and was watching a clip of security feed on loop. His red, glistening erection thick in his hand as he masturbated, whimpering your name over and over.
You watched silently—he was so engrossed he didn’t notice your shadow falling over the aisle. It was only when the package of drugs slipped from your hand and clattered on the floor that he jumped with a shriek, covering himself, though his massive erection was still conspicuous in his pants. His eyes bugged out at you, face red with embarrassment—but then they quickly narrowed to anger.
“What are you doing in here? You are not authorized to be in this room,” he barked.
All you could think about was what you heard—the name gasping from his lips. It overpowered every other thought. “Were you… imagining me?”
His nostrils flared. He hastily shut the laptop which was looping security footage of you outside his office door.
Then he laughed—forced and cruel. “What I imagine is not your concern. Do not read into it. I have never shown you special treatment, have I? Do you think that I could have feelings for an incompetent nurse?”
“I know that!” Your lip trembled again now that the briefest spark of hope you had was shattered. Of course he didn’t like you. He was just a pervert who jacked off to all the nurses. “Don’t you think I know that I’m worthless? You’ve made it abundantly clear.”
Fresh tears rolled down your cheeks, and Chilton’s eyes softened, as if for the first time realizing that all his attempts to hurt you had succeeded. You were hurt. And he did not enjoy it as much as he thought.
“You are not worthless,” he said quietly. Then his eyes flicked down to the floor, at the medication you dropped. He picked it up, read what it was. His expression fell. “What were you doing in here, nurse?” he swallowed.
“Nothing. I just… needed something for a patient.”
“Lie,” he said.
You looked away. Everything was numb. It barely even occurred to you that someone stopped you after all. A handsome, awkward, cruel doctor you admired was in the same room with you and had said his first kind words since the day you met.
He took a slow step toward you. Then another. His hand—slender and surprisingly large—pressed your arm in an attempt at a comforting gesture. An alien parroting human behavior.
“You are not worthless. I assure you, none of your mistakes have been grievous. You are certainly not the least competent of my staff. Far from it. So don’t…” He swallowed. “…Do not do anything rash.”
“Sure,” you scoffed. “Then why am I the one you’re always reprimanding? The one always being called to your office?” You knew what he thought of you; he was just trying to talk you down.
“That…” he began in a broken voice, “That must be painfully obvious now.”
Your eyes peeled away from the floor and found his face, and the storm of emotions flashing over it. Shame. Trepidation. A faint light of hope.
“You like me?” Your voice sounded far away. The analytical part of your brain was whirring away above the swamp of depression bogging you down with lies that nobody could like you. But it made sense. As the words spilled from your mouth, it was like a veil lifted.
Pulling pigtails. He was pulling your pigtails because he liked you. A middle-aged psychiatrist ought to have more emotional maturity handling a crush than a third-grader, but there was a reason he worked at a hospital where the only patients were mentally ill murderers. There was a reason his staff hated him. Why he was lonely, and why you desperately wanted to be the one to fill the empty space by his side.
Frederick Chilton was a lot like you.
You could understand each other and be less alone in this world, together.
His eyes were closed and he was muttering something self-flagellating and vaguely apologetic when the kinetic sense of you moving closer caused Frederick Chilton to look up.
No longer out at arm’s distance, you were within each other’s breathing space. And now, he was genuinely terrified—terrified you were going to return his feelings. Of the joy it might bring crashing down on him like an airplane. He read something he never expected to see in your body language, and it shook him deeper than being walked in on with his cock in his hands.
You should have reported him for ethics violations.
If you made the case to the hospital board that he created a hostile work environment because he wanted you sexually, he would lose his job and do everybody a favor.
But this—the intention in your body—this was the farthest thing from what he deserved. You confirmed his fear when your soft, perfect lips melded against his. Yet, as always when he knew a thing was wrong, he did not push you away. Did nothing to stop you. He let you deepen the kiss slowly, and you were warm, the taste of you sweeter than he imagined in all his lonely nights of fantasizing.
His cock twitched, your closeness awakening his urges again. He moaned as your lips parted, his lips parting with them, and your tongue gently probed inside. You were tentative at first, investigating only the nearest reaches of his inner lips, and then his hand spasmed on your arm, and with a low growl, he pulled your closer—then you became ravenous. All the turbulent emotions churning within you broke free in that kiss. You sobbed into his mouth, your tongue, hot and fervent, explored and assaulted the depths of him, your hands weaving into the hair behind his neck, and he could taste your salt. It was all his tongue could do to keep up—to let himself be consumed.
Dear god, if only that passion would have ended him then and there. The moment your lips met his in an unexpected act of reciprocation was the fulfillment of every want, every tattered and twisted hope—the highest delight a man such as him could achieve. And he knew—rightly so—that all that could follow was suffering of his own design.
Dear god, let me die before I see this in ruins. Let me die with my happiness.
The sex wasn’t all that good. But then again, you had gone into that supply closet intending to never come out, so overall, being fucked by the man you had been pining for was a positive turn of events.
It wasn’t how you’d imagined your first time with Dr. Chilton, pressed against a cold tile wall. A hungry kiss led to his clothed erection pushing against your thigh, led to you unbuckling his belt.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he whispered hoarsely, nervous eyes darkened with lust—and you nodded, sliding down your scrub pants, which stuck on your sneakers, hobbling your ankles. He was in too much of a rush to let you take them off—he only opened up his slacks and pulled his cock out of the fly of his briefs. And then he was thrusting into you from behind—frantic, desperate. Your ankles being bound only added to the thrill of him being in control. Dr. Chilton wanted you after all—fantasized about you—and now he was taking you, and all you had to do was surrender to his desire.
His breathy moans rose with each snap of his hips, his hands traveling up your chest under your shirt, fingers curling around your neck, possessing you. Touching every inch of skin he could get his hands on. And that noise that saved your life, your name on his lips, he chanted in your ear.
He was fast—hips racing as if this were his only chance, and if he waited, you would disappear—and he finished fast. You didn’t spend long with your face pressed to the cold tile when his moans broke into a shattered scream, and his head slumped, sweaty, against your back.
Then he turned you around to face him and got on his knees. Heedless of his own mess that he’d left sticky and bitter inside you, he pumped his fingers into you and sucked like he was fulfilling a duty. Clinical about the task, and efficient. It didn’t take him long to bring your arousal to a climax in his mouth.
After, he was quiet. When you had cleaned up, he looked at you like you were a mistake… only you weren’t certain what kind of mistake. If you reached out to reassure him, would he jerk away and tell you to never speak of this again?
“Was it… all you expected?” you asked robotically. Your arm crossed your body, hugging yourself.
And then he kissed you again, softly. He ran his fingers over your hair and pulled back just far enough to study your face. His eyes were wet, clouded with a million thoughts and regrets you would only learn about later.
“You are perfect,” he whispered.
• ● • ━━━━━─ ••●•• ─━━━━━ • ● •
Since I went some places this chapter... Please don’t bottle up your feelings if they’re telling you horrible things about yourself. They aren’t true, I promise. You matter. ❤️
Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Online chat: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/
Help via Text: https://www.crisistextline.org/ (Text HOME to 741741)
List of additional resources: https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/suicide-resource-guide 
@beccabarba​ / @itsjustmyfantasyroom / @thatesqcrush / @dianilaws / @permanentlydizzy / @mrsrafaelbarba / @madamsnape921 / @astrangegirlsmind / @neely1177 / @onerestein / @dreamlover31 / @stormtrooperofficerbrowneyes / @barbasimp / @storiesofsvu / @welcometothemxdhouse / @feedthemadness-sweetie / @law-nerd105 / @amelia-song-pond / @michael-rooker / @xecq 
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can you write something to rowaelin based on the song lost without you by freya ridings please 🥺 i love ur fanfics
This was supposed to be angst but it ended up being only a it angsty and a little fluffy? Idk, it’s quick and I think it’s cute. I would have posted earlier but I wanted my friend’s opinion first. Hope you like it!
Lost without you
Rowan knew he and his girlfriend were different.
He had known since the moment they had met, and every second after it.
Rowan was quiet, usually kept to himself. He liked nothing more than to study anything related to law and spend time with his girlfriend. Aelin, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. She was lively, cheerful. She was constantly dirty with paint, constantly sweaty after working with her sculptures. They had started dating in the beginning of junior year in high school, and the difference had never been something bad.
Until that Friday.
That day, as Rowan stared at his acceptance letter into Orynth College— the best college he could go to if he wanted to do pre law—, the difference weighted on him.
Weighted on him because Aelin wasn’t going with him.
She had gotten her acceptance letter the same day he had, but it had been a different one. A program, she had been offered, to travel the world and learn from some of the best artists alive. It was an extremely rare and exclusive program, and the fact that Aelin had gotten in made him so, so proud. He knew she wouldn’t—couldn’t— let it pass.
And that broke him.
Broke him because his girlfriend was going to leave for four years, and he didn’t know what to do. Neither of them liked the idea of a distance relationship, and there was only one other alternative then.
Breaking up.
Rowan loved Aelin like he had never loved anyone else, and he knew she loved him just as much. He thought it would have been easier if they didn’t love each other as much, thought it would have been easier if it was just a high school fling, but imagining his life without Aelin’s cheerfulness and mirth made his chest crack. Imagining his life not loving Aelin was brutal.
The following days had been hard. As both of them accepted the entrance, it looked like they were drifting apart more and more everyday. They tried to desperately hold onto each other, savor the last weeks together for the next four years. Rowan took her to every place they had ever been in a date, and Aelin drew hundreds of sketches of them. They tried to act like the loving couple they were, tried to joke around as if she wasn’t about to leave in two weeks. But it weighted on both of them, and they only let it show during the nights when they held onto each other so strongly sometimes it left bruising marks.
Now, standing on the platform Aelin was going to catch the train to Banjali, he wished he had held her a little while longer. She was hugging her parents and Aedion. She had already said goodbye to Lysandra, the brunette smiling at her best friend but tears rimming her green eyes.
“If you stop calling, we will hunt you down, fireheart.” Rhoe said, only half jokingly. He gave one last kiss on his daughter head and jerked his chin in Rowan’s direction.
The moment Aelin turned to him, her face crumpled a little, tears rolling down her cheeks. Wordlessly, he pulled her into a hug, peppering her head with kisses as she buried her face on his chest. “I will miss you so much, Ro.”
“I’ll miss you, too, fireheart.” He said, the words feeling too big in his tight throat. “I’ll miss you so, so much.”
“I’ll come back, you know? In four years.” She sniffled. Face still on his chest. “And I would never ask you to wait for me, but please don’t forget me. Or treat me like a stranger when I come back.”
“I would never, Ace.” He said and she cried harder. Aelin had always been close to her family and to Rowan and Lysandra. To be letting all of them go at the same time must have been brutal for her. Rowan wished he could do something, make her feel better in some way. But he also knew Aelin was strong and even though she was hurt right now, she would be happy eventually.
“I would stay. If you asked me, I would stay.” She said quickly through the tears. Rowan’s chest constricted, and a selfish part of him wanted to ask. Wanted it so bad. He wanted to have his girlfriend in the same college as him, doing all college shit together. He didn’t want things to change, and he knew that in that moment, if he asked, she would stay.
But he also knew that she was saying that because it was hurting, and also knew she would regret it later. And she wouldn’t regret Rowan, but herself. And Rowan wouldn’t be able to live seeing her regret the past everyday because he had been selfish.
“Do you wanna see the world, Ace?” He asked softly, his voice not that sad anymore.
She raised her face to look at him. It was pinkish, a few strands of her golden hair stuck on her cheeks because of her crying. Gently and smiling, Rowan rubbed his thumbs on her cheeks, taking away the strands. She closed her eyes, savoring his touch. Even crying, Aelin was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
“I want to see the world.” She said opening her turquoise and gold eyes, voice firm.
“Then go.” He smiled at her again, leaving her embrace. She smiled sadly at him, but five minutes later she raised her chin, puffed her chest and got into the train.
And then she left, Rowan watching her go to conquer her dreams. The whole world if she wished.
And Rowan felt so, so lost in that instant.
It had hurt like a bitch.
Rowan had never felt so lonely and cold. Had never felt so lost without her.
Aelin was a walking flame, burning wherever she went. And now that she had left, Rowan realized how used he had gotten to her presence, how much he loved her.
Much more than he had realized before.
Rhoe put an arm around his shoulders, taking Rowan away from the platform. Rowan was glad Rhoe was there as they walked home. If not, Rowan might have bumped into so many pedestrians, normal people just wanting to go home to their own lives, completely unaware of the girl who had left minutes ago in a train.
“She’ll come back.” Evalin, Aelin’s mom, said.
“Yeah, I know.”
“And she’ll be pissed if you spend four years single and moping.” Aedion muttered, and Rowan scoffed.
“I know that too.”
When Rhoe and Evelin dropped him off at home, he went straight to his room. His fingers itched to call her, but they had agreed that for their break up to be effective, they had to distance themselves a little, at least in the beginning.
He just stared at his ceiling. And stared, and stared and stared.
He loved her so much, and missed her just the same. Rowan knew he was in love with Ace, but missing her made him realize just how much.
He had been quiet and sad for the next few days. A little bit better the next week.
And slowly, Rowan learned how to live without her.
He would go out, he would laugh and joke with his friends. He busted his ass off studying for the next four years, always thinking about the LSAT.
He went on a few dates. Dated a girl named Lyria for a few months, a girl named Remelle for a few weeks.
Even when his life was back at normal, when it had been years since Aelin had left, a part of him still held on to that love he had felt when they were younger. It was hidden in the deep of his mind, a dormant part of it. He would think of her from time to time, smile at their memories and even feel a pang of sadness, but it didn’t feel like it was going to consume him.
Rowan had never forgotten her, and she made sure of it. They didn’t call, not once in four years, and she had never come to visit. But to every city Aelin went, to every beautiful place she visited, she would sketch a small postcard and send it to him. Never with a message, no pictures of her or whatever she was working on. Just the sketches and the name of the place in the back.
A reminder. She hadn’t forgotten him either.
By now, Rowan had hundreds of sketches, all inside a box under his bed. He would sometimes look through them, seeing how her drawing was improving. He remembered that sculpting had always been her area of expertise, and to see her drawings become so flawless made his chest burst in pride. He would smile every time a new handmade postcard arrived, and would eagerly wait for the next one.
Rowan would have never forgotten Aelin, even if she disappeared for ten years and didn’t give him any news.
But he had to admit, he loved to know that she was thinking of him from time to time, too.
“Rowan Whitethorn, future lawyer.” Aedion smiled, clapping his best friend on his shoulder. “Sounds rather adult-y, doesn’t it?”
Rowan laughed, taking off his green cap. Today had been their graduation day, all his friends receiving their diplomas in different areas. Some of them were ready to go to work, like Lorcan and Vaughan. But he was going to law school now, the same way Fenrys and Aedon were going to med school.
“We are adults, Aedion.”
“Don’t you ever repeat those cursed words!” He said, and Rowan laughed again. “I have the soul of a dumb eighteen year old. Forever. End of story.”
“I’m sure Lysandra is delighted by the fact.” Lorcan said, and Rowan almost laughed at the vision of his friend. It was probably the first time Rowan had seen Lorcan in something that wasn’t black, and bright green and silver silk weren’t really his thing.
“Even if he acted like an adult, Lysandra would still be miserable.” Fenrys added, a smile on his lips as Aedion tried to smack him. Vaughan and Connall only shook their heads, laughing quietly.
“Ok, ok. Now the present for the grad.” Aedion said, and all of them turned to Rowan, almost scary smiles on their faces.
“We already gave out presents. And they were terrible, by the way.” Rowan said, confused. “Who the fuck needs a bright red silk underwear, Fenrys?”
Fenrys smile became more sarcastic as the others laughed. “I thought it would bring out the green in your eyes, Roro.”
“I don’t want any more presents from the five of you.” Rowan said, almost pleading.
All their smiles widened further, even Lorcan’s. Fenrys was almost hopping on his feet. Aedion was the one with the biggest smile, excitement almost pouring off of him.
“It’s not our present.” Aedion replied, and his blue eyes shifted for something over Rowan’s shoulder.
Rowan’s brows furrowed and he turned around.
The sight almost made him drop to his knees. There, standing in a plain spaghetti strap black top, tight dark jeans hugging every curve and black heels, was the girl who remained the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Thick golden blonde hair falling in waves until her waist, creamy white skin tanned from her years of travel, pinkish full lips pulled into a huge smile and turquoise and gold eyes gleaming with mirth.
Aelin winked at him, and Rowan’s mouth pulled into an equally big smile.
She held up her fingers, a handmade postcard with the word home in it between them. She flicked her wrist, showing the other side with a sketch of Orynth. “I thought it would be better if I gave this one in person.”
Rowan laughed with so much happiness as he walked back to Aelin.
And Rowan felt as if he had found himself in that instant.
@abookishfreak @faerie-queen-fireheart @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ladywitchling @maastrash @morganofthewildfire @queen-of-glass @lexflame
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silvanable · 4 years
Holiday Season : Johann Georg Faust ( Secret Santa )
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this is a secret santa gift from one of the discord serves i’m in for the ikemen series, and after getting permission to post, i’d like to share it will all of you~
honestly it’s really just shameless softness here because i wanted to gift something cute between the oc and faust
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✒ tags : fluff, secret santa gift, canon x oc
✒ notif crew : @sleepingindevildom​ ♡
✒ warnings : n/a
✒ word count : 2171
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It was the winter season now.
The months since her arrival had seemed to pass by so quickly. It was all still so foreign and yet so familiar to her at the same time. This place had become a home, strange as it was, and a place where she believed she belonged now.
One place, in particular, was the warmest and most welcoming, a place that brought her that true peace of belonging and homeliness.
A small church.
It was nothing like the grand cathedrals that the 21st century glorified. It did not reach far into the sky like the skyscrapers of the future. Its bells did not toll and ring out far into the rolling hills for all to hear. No, it was quaint and beautiful in its own way— a carefully sculpted structure of prime gothic architecture, detailed in the most stunning and accenting ways of statues and stain glass windows. Inside was no less breathtaking, as each pew was carved with ornate details, careful placement, and brought a strange comfort and calmness. Ceilings raised high with intricate bracing, taking nothing away from the beauty each decorated corner held.
It was no Notre Dame but it was still beautiful— far more beautiful even.
The caretaker of this church, however, likely influenced her opinion of the building.
Johann Georg Faust.
Anyone who was ever even slightly fascinated by the occult or unconventional things of this world would find the name familiar. Faust, after all, was a man of legend. Not for his accomplishments, of course, but for the curious tale that had been spun around him.
There was no saying if the tale was true, but one might, considering that it was since he was an immortal vampire of legend— or similar to the legends at least.
Faust was no less an enigma though, which was partially why Vanni was here.
Faust, as a skeptic of higher powers, might not celebrate the holiday season that had come around but she certainly did— it was all a part of her beliefs but now it was especially dear.
It was different for her this time around, though, because it would be the first holiday season she would spend in 19th century Paris.
Vanni tugged her navy coat closer over her body, the fur that lined its helms tickled over what little skin of her fingers and face that was exposed to the open air.
The cold was a horrible thing, because of the frightful chill, but more so because the brunette could feel the itch growing in her throat. She bit it back though, taking another slow breath as she nestled in her coat further, counting on the layers of blue that adorned her body to keep her warm.
It was only a matter of time before the familiar outline of the church came into view. A smile crept its way over her lips as her feet began to move faster, eager to finally arrive.
A hand stretched out, the small girl pushed open the heavy, wreathe decorated doors. The cold air rushed in behind her, eager to fill the new and far warmer space. She was quick to shut the door, forcing it with her shoulder to not dare to let the little warmth escape.
The loud slam of the door echoed in the open halls of the church, signaling her arrival.
No one was there to greet her though. It was not quite that surprising, despite it being a celebrated holiday for many, this place was far out of reach for many people. It was a near treacherous journey being out and away from the city’s usual safety.
Vanni did not mind it. She liked the walk, the way it was nestled out near the fields and the woods in its own corner of paradise.
Perhaps that was why the man resided here. Faust liked to be left alone to his work and to worry less about appeasing the masses of a faith he did not share.
Vanni let out a small cough but the itch in the back of her throat only grew. She had tried to fight back the urge but her lungs simply did not approve and the cough only grew hoarser.
Her body curled in on itself as she leaned down to brace herself against her leg, covering her mouth with a hand as if that would somehow stop the air from escaping her. With each attempt to breathe in, she only found herself a short gasp.
It was a moment before she was able to recover and steady her breath. Her lungs took in greedy gulps as she pressed a hand to her chest to calm her frantic heart.
“You should not be traveling in the cold with a cough like that.” A familiar blunt voice reached her ears.
Bright golden eyes found the familiar figure of a man— far closer than she had thought— merely steps form her.
“I’ll be fine now,” Her voice was soft, almost swallowed by the calm quiet of the empty church, “It’s warmer in here anyways.”
Those stunning, pale green eyes fixed on her, drawing closer as Faust stepped nearer.
For a moment, Vanni believed he would scold her for not considering her health, and it seemed as if he was about to but decided against it at the last moment. Instead, she was met with that piercing stare, burning into her and divulging all her secrets.
Most would find the scrutinizing gaze unnerving— the petite female had at one point, but over time had found herself growing used to it. Enough, at least, to not shrink away anymore.
“So, what are you doing today?” She spoke up, breaking away from his gaze to step further into the church.
“Working.” Was the short answer she received.
Vanni reached to loosen the scarf around her neck, allowing the air to caress her exposed skin. Fingers nimbly found the buttons of her coat, popping them open so she could shrug the clothing off her shoulders. Afterward, she draped it over the backs of one of the pews and smoothed out the heavy, blue skirt that hugged and flowed over her wide figure.
She turned back to Faust.
He had not moved, not beyond turning to allow his gaze to follow her, watching as she moved around his church.
A small smile found its way onto her lips as she approached him again.
“You know it’s the holidays, right?” She asked with a tilt of her head, “You’re supposed to be relaxing, not working.”
Not that she expected anything less of Faust. He was a man devoted to his science, his work was his life, and she knew how immersed he would become— so much so that he would forget to rest or even eat as she had found out.
Faust was silent, his eyes flickered over her face. The sincerity and softness in her inviting eyes was always strange to him, but not the strangest part about her. At first, he had considered her an annoyance, someone who bothered him when he wanted nothing but peace and quiet to work, yet sometimes he found his mind linger back to her and the devotion that glowed in her eyes. She was a distraction he both loathed and craved, wanting to understand why she influenced him the way she did with nothing but her presence.
And somehow, despite all certainties he had, she continued to come back here, to him, even after she found the truth of what he was and his own beliefs. He would call her a fool yet he would only be right to call himself the same because his curiosity of her only drew him back again and again.
“I am aware of the season.” He replied. Even if he was a faux clergyman, he knew what the winter brought, religious or not.
“Then you should take a break for once.” Vanni urged.
She could see the wear of exhaustion on his face as she drew closer. The dark, plum-colored circles hung under his eyes were hidden by his glasses, but she did not miss them. There were other small signs in the way he moved, slower, and the way his shoulders drooped with weight despite his best efforts to appear as poised as ever.
Before she might not have noticed these small details but now was different. She would like to say she had grown closer to the man. Maybe he had not opened up to her as much as she had wanted but he seemed to tolerate her, entertain her questions, and she found his company enjoyable. He was interesting but most importantly, she felt safe around him despite everything he had tried to argue otherwise.
“I have work to do.”
She had expected the excuse.
“No,” Despite the softness of her tone, it was still stern, “You might not celebrate Christmas or its season, but you need your rest, even if it’s a short nap.”
Vanni received a quirked eyebrow in response.
She rolled her eyes playfully and grabbed his wrist. “Consider this my gift to you then, making sure you rest!” She said as she pulled him over to one of the pews.
It was not the most ideal or comfortable place but it was all there was for the moment and a far better alternative than the floor. Her fingers slipped from the coarseness of his sleeve as she grabbed her discarded coat. Carefully, she folded the article over into a rough-square shape and placed it down on the wooden bench.
“You can use my jacket as a pillow,” She patted the clothing, “I’ll make sure no one comes in and disturbs you too,” She added, holding herself with confidence for him to put his trust into.
A rare, small smile pulled at the corner of Faust’s lips. A sight that, if Vanni had mistakenly blinked at that moment, she would have missed. Yet she had seen it and a joyful warmth blossomed in her chest as her heart fluttered.
“And why would you do such a thing?” The question was poised with caution and curiosity she was used to by now.
Vanni shook her head with her own smile, “Maybe because you deserve some rest. Stop being so resistant and just lie down already!” Her urge was aided by her hand finding his wrist once more, tugging him forward.
Faust gave a sigh. Those dangerously bright eyes disappeared, taking their sense of constant observation with them. It was only briefly, though, before they fixed on the petite girl once more. Suddenly, she was revered with a difference, a glint in those luminescent eyes that was unknown to her.
A single step was all it took for the distance between them to become minuscule, not enough for even the Holy Ghost if it dared. The action brought sudden awareness to Vanni how small she was, dwarfed by him and the shadow of his that fell over her.
A hand wrapped around her wrist and she was tugged abruptly. Too surprised by the action, her body gave no resistance as she fell into a smoldering embrace, pulled into a firm chest.
Then she found herself sitting in the pew and Faust’s head in her lap, using her plush thighs as a pillow to rest on.
Her mind reeled with the sudden change, desperately trying to piece together whatever split moment it had missed to end up like this. The only conclusion her mind could reach, though, was that she had become Faust’s pillow.
Heat crept up her neck and spread over her face to the tips of her ears. The church was suddenly very warm, warmer than a roaring hearth in the grandest of halls.
“If you insist I must rest, then you must as well,” There was an unusual softness in Faust’s voice as he gazed up at her, “Considering your fit of coughs earlier.”
Vanni stared back at the piercing green eyes that looked up at her.
The stunned silence and expression of hers drew a smirk onto the alchemist’s lips. Perhaps, for once, he had left her heart skipping like she seemed to always do to his own.
Faust needed his rest and she had insisted so she would not refuse. Despite the frantic pounding of her heart against her ribs, she liked the feeling. Perhaps this eccentric vampire was finally warming up to her company.
“Okay…” She breathed out quietly, relaxing as she brought her fingers to gently comb through his hair, “Then we’ll both rest,” She smiled, “I’ll watch over you.”
Faust’s expression faltered at her gentleness before he closed his eyes. His body relaxed against hers, immersing himself in the warmth she radiated. His mind lingered from its thoughts and focused on the way her fingers caressed through the softness of his hair, lulling him into a safety and comfort to rest.
Perhaps this season was not so bad, so long as this strange woman was around for it.
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succulentsunrise · 4 years
Where the Fire Lilies Grow
Content: SFW, contains mentions of nightmare and chronic illness.
Hey, it’s my series on Tani and Mereleona, inspired by @thoughtfullyrainynightmare‘s Embers of Sun and Flame! It will tell the tale of Tani meeting and falling in love with Mereleona...but we’ll see if she feels the same 😉
Next >
Chapter 1: Tani, the Verdant Knight
“Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.” James Baldwin
The morning had begun rather peacefully. There had been no reason to get up early, but Tani was used to waking up before the sun rose. Back at Kikka - her hometown - she had worked hard since the dawn. Now, as a Magic Knight of the Azure Deer, not having to wake up and go at it for the whole day made her feel almost like she was slacking. She had prepared for the day without much of a plan. Still, her planless plans had been ruined by her teammate and friend, Icree. Tani had been calmly treating her small garden of plants, when the red-haired Knight had popped out of nowhere and pushed a new recruit to her shoulders. There they stood now, staring at each other in an uncomfortable silence. The recruit looked young and extremely frail, as if a wind could knock her over. It was a rather direct opposite to Tani’s muscled bearing. The girl’s purple hair was tied into a long ponytail, which could almost reach the end of her long, dark dress. Her eyes were soft and heavy, lending her a youthful and sorrowful appearance.
“I’m Kliodna--Kliodna Sheeban,” the girl said with a hoarse voice. “Pleased to meet you.”
It sounded as if she had smoked all her life, if not more. The smile that she offered was weak at best. Tani nodded uncertainly, recognizing that she belonged to a noble house by her family name.
“My name is Tani Chartreuse,” she answered. “Is your--are you alright?”
“Yes, please, do not worry,” Kliodna quickly rasped. “I was very sick recently, which has left my voice damaged. I will be better soon.”
“Perhaps you shouldn’t talk as much, then.”
“I have a lot of questions.”
Tani narrowed her eyes at the innocent smile the girl flashed at her. Straining one’s voice like that would lead to no good. She brushed parts of her short, brown hair behind her ears.
“I will take care of my garden first,” she commented, turning back to her collection of plants. “Then we’ll get you a quill and some paper.”
“This is yours?”
“Yes. Not everything here, but some of these. That,” Tani pointed at a larger, hanging fern a little further away. “And these here.”
The plants she pointed out last were small, potted succulent plants - her favourites. She took care of them with gentle passion, always making sure they had what they needed.
“You have plant magic, correct?” Kliodna asked, clearing her throat a little.
Tani gave her a surprised glance, stopping for a brief moment to evaluate where she got her knowledge.
“Yes. Did Icree tell you that?”
“The red-head that dropped you here.”
“Ah! Yes. She said your plant magic was impressive,” the girl answered happily.
Tani eased into a small smile.
“It is still far from what I’d like it to be,” she commented, starting to look for her watering can. “The attack on the capital showed there is still much to do.”
Though it had been a couple of weeks since the terrorist organization Eye of the Midnight Sun had flooded the streets with undead, Tani had not been able to think much else since. She possessed great powers in healing and reinforcing magic, as great as any self-trained commoner could have, but no skill in offensive magic. No matter how she tried, she could not learn a spell to harm. To mend this flaw, she had taught herself how to use a sword. Even now it hung around her waist in its scabbard, attached to her belt. The undead, however, had not cared about a few meager stabs to their already dead flesh. Though Tani had not admitted it to anyone, she still saw occasional nightmares about that flaming street, surrounded by zombies and with no friends nearby to help. The dead citizens laid at her feet - those that she had been unable to defend. It had been sheer luck that Icree and Luka had found her in time back then. With Icree weakening the strange magic’s hold on the bodies and Luka’s sculpted jackals tearing them apart, the remaining citizens - and herself - had been saved. Still, the outcome of the overall attack had not been good. There were hundreds of victims, and a captain of another Magic Knight squad, Fuegoleon Vermillion of the Crimson Lion Kings, had fallen into a deep coma due to his injuries.
Tani looked at the moving lips of Kliodna and realized that she had fallen too deep into her own thoughts. She had not listened properly to the girl’s raspy speech nor had she found her watering can. She concentrated in time to at least hear the question.
“--unable to move. You were present then, protecting the capital?”
“Yes. It’s our duty as Magic Knights. Your duty too, now,” she answered, hoping that Kliodna had not realized that she had not listened.
“I hope to make our squad proud,” the girl said cheerfully.
If Tani had not been caught in distressing thoughts, she might have joined the cheerfulness of the girl. Another member of Azure Deer, Fragil, had told her not to dwell too long in memories of the past. She and Fragil were not very close, but it seemed like the other had sensed her unease. Still, she found it hard to forget how helpless she had felt that day.
“I should introduce you to the other members,” Tani stated a little flatly, the thought of Fragil sparking the idea. “Why did Icree leave you here in the first place?”
“She said she was quite busy - don’t get me wrong, she was very sweet to me! - but that you could show me around.”
Kliodna seemed to have sensed that something was a little off. Her gravelly voice was laced with a little bit more forced cheerfulness. Tani gathered herself mentally. She would have to do better than this.
“That is likely true to an extent,” she commented, pushing a smile on her face. “We are all a bit shaken by the attack. Icree spends her days and nights hunched over books, trying to figure out how to cancel the kind of magic we saw on the battlefield.”
“You--we expect them to return still, then?” Kliodna asked, the forced cheerfulness turning into wariness.
“We don’t know. We need to be prepared,” Tani answered. “However, do not dwell on it now. You have used your voice more than is good for it, so let me use mine. I will show you the place and introduce you to the others.”
The young girl nodded, this time obediently saving her voice. She waited kindly as Tani took care of her plants, and then they left together. The tour was short, but sweet. It took Tani’s mind off of the previous topic of conversation. Though many members of the squad were on missions, she was able to introduce Kliodna to a few of them. The first one they met was a dark-haired and lithe woman in the dining hall, Fragil Tormenta. Tani met her dark blue gaze with slight apprehension, remembering how sharp she was with reading others’ emotions. At least she did not comment anything, but instead welcomed Kliodna warmly to the squad. Fragil was a gentle and caring person by nature, though a little introverted. She and Kliodna got along well, especially after they found out that they were of the same age. Tani made a mental note of being right about Kliodna being young - she was 20 years old, making her six years younger than Tani. Two other members passed them by as they were talking with Fragil, only briefly introducing themselves to the newcomer. Tani had never talked to them much. Francis was a tall, black-haired man with a rather cold air to him. Cesc, instead, was a boyish red-head with a bit of a cocky attitude. They were nice people, but not someone you easily got to know better. The last two members they were able to find that particular day were Tani’s friends: Icree Papillo and Luka Diffidus. Icree they found in her room. What once had been a spacious and clean area was now littered with books and notes, and one tired red-head. Still, her greeting of them was as bubbly as always. Icree was a people’s person. She was a short woman in her 20s, with bright red hair crowning her head. Parts of it she had dyed white for fun. There was always a distinct scent of flowers and fun around her - the latter part being a little exhausting for Tani, who enjoyed calm time spent alone much more than fun time. Nonetheless, Icree was a reliable friend, who adjusted her attitude according to the people she was hanging out with. Later, they found Luka in his small studio. It had once been a normal room, but ever since the green-haired noble had come there, it had turned into his studio. Finished sculptures and designs were neatly put into their respective places, and the floor covered with protective canvas. Luka himself was a rather quiet and shy person, who rarely interacted with others. He was handsomely melancholic, as if a sculpture himself - though the illusion was easily broken if he got embarrassed. He could most often be found right here, in his studio, working tirelessly on details of the most beautiful stone or wood sculptures. He and Kliodna only spoke very briefly. The most that Kliodna could get out of him was Luka explaining what he was working on. He spoke of it with quite the passion - but receded back to his silent self as soon as he realized it.
The tour of the place ended at Kliodna’s new room: a simple, spacious place for resting and her hobbies. Her unopened bag was neatly placed on the floor. Tani concluded that Icree must have snatched her right as she had arrived.
“May I ask something?” Tani asked carefully.
It was something that had bothered her for a while: it was not time for the entrance exam. Yet the girl was noble, so perhaps she was allowed to join a little later. Or perhaps she had been scouted beforehand.
“Of course,” Kliodna said cheerfully, though her gaze was inside her room.
It was likely she was tired from meeting all the new people and seeing all the new things - or at least, Tani would be.
“Why are you joining only now? The entrance exam was a long time ago.”
“Oh. I have been sick for a very long time,” Kliodna answered with a bit of hesitation, her raspy voice breaking a little. “I qualified this year to join, but unfortunately it set me back a little. I’m fine now.”
Tani nodded, uneasily looking to the room as well. Either she had hit an uncomfortable subject, or she was causing the girl to strain her already unstable voice even more. Neither was a good thing.
“Well,” she started cheerfully, searching for comforting words. “We are here for you now. If you feel unwell, come to any of us, and we’ll help you in any way we can.”
Kliodna smiled, and with one hand on her throat, nodded.
“I’ll need to rest now, but thank you for everything,” she said silently. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Do you need anything warm for your throat? I could bring you a cup of tea.”
Tani only got a nod as a reply. She smiled at the young girl and left for the kitchen. She understood perhaps a little now why Icree had brought Kliodna to her. Icree was a person that wanted others to talk, so she could listen to them. With this girl, Icree probably had to worry a lot about where the line between talking and asking questions was. With a small sigh, Tani navigated the corridors to the common kitchen. It was not as if she had done any better job. They’d have to come up with some easier way to communicate. Writing on paper would take a significant time and be a slight waste of resources. It wasn’t the same as talking. Yet Kliodna should not be made feel unwelcome either. Icree would have to be pulled into this. Tani set decidedly three mugs in front of her: one for Kliodna, one for Icree, and one for herself. Icree had worked the whole day, probably. A small pause and a little bit of gossip would do her good. A warm cup of tea would be just the thing. Tani prepared the three mugs of tea and placed them on a wooden serving tray. After a brief consideration, she added the teapot on the tray as well, and made her way back to Kliodna. The new recruit received her tea and the filled teapot with gratitude, having clearly started unpacking her things. Tani did not speak with her long, but instead headed back to Icree’s room. Supporting the serving tray with her left arm and leaning it against her waist, Tani knocked on the door.
Icree’s voice was faint through the door, and clearly tired.
“Come in.”
Tani pushed the door open dexterously. Icree smiled upon seeing her.
“Drinks? Anything hard?” the red-head asked with no small amount of hope in her voice.
“Just tea this time,” Tani laughed. “We’ll get better stuff at the festival.”
“I don’t think there will be a festival, Tani,” Icree responded, beginning to make space on her messy desk for the tray.
“Not true. They are holding it.”
“Really?” Icree sounded very surprised. She gave a slightly distrusting glance to her brunette friend.
“I heard the Captain talk about it earlier,” Tani revealed. “The Star Festival will be held despite the concerns. We’ll get to play festival games and eat well. We are in dire need of it, aren’t we?”
Icree smiled tiredly at her.
“We’ll get to watch the scoreboard tell a sorry tale of the prowess of Azure Deer. I talked recently with my friends in the other squads. The Green Mantis’ have sixty-nine stars for all their efforts. The only one we have hope catching up on are the Purple Orcas, and they have fifty-one. Do you have a way of conjuring two more stars out of nowhere?”
Tani put down the tray onto Icree’s desk. The most popular part of the festival was indeed the ranking of the squads. While their squad, Azure Deer, had never had any hope of catching up with the royal squads, they had managed somewhat to stay in the lower middle of the list. Now it seemed like they’d be second last, if Icree’s information was correct.
“Well, at least we can trust the Black Bulls to be last, right?” she said reassuringly, but it didn’t seem to have the wanted effect.
“Black Bulls have one hundred and one stars,” Icree answered bluntly. “I talked with Vanessa yesterday.”
Tani stared at Icree for a moment in surprise. The Black Bulls were a group of misfits, who completed their missions by the means of destruction. As far as she could remember, they had been near negative amounts in stars. However, Icree’s source was reliable. Vanessa Enoteca was a member of the Black Bulls, and not one to boast without something to back it up.
“So we are likely last?” she asked with a sinking feeling in her stomach.
“Hooray for us,” Icree confirmed, rising her tea mug in a sarcastic celebratory manner.
“Have you told the Captain?”
“Would he care?”
The question hung quietly in the air. They both knew that Rill, their Captain, would likely care, but most often he was rather carefree about running the squad. He was the youngest of the Captains - and younger than both Icree and Tani - and it showed in the way he led. His talent was easy to respect, but his personality was all over the place. Well, that was Tani’s opinion. She would trust him with her life on a battlefield, but on a day-to-day basis of running the squad and making sure everyone had missions? No.
“You know he does,” Tani answered quietly, taking her mug of tea and sitting down on the bed near the desk. “If you don’t tell him, he is going to freak out.”
“He’ll freak out in any case. Better let him enjoy the festival first,” Icree shrugged. “Either way, want to help me with something?”
Tani nodded, having a pretty good guess on what it would entail. Icree always wanted to test out her new theories after a long day of reading and theorizing.
“A new thing you want to try out?” she questioned.
“Yeah. Can you make one of those plants - it can be anything - and just--don’t resist,” Icree requested with a slightly cheered up tone.
It was rather clear she was excited to test out her new theory. Tani closed her fist and concentrated, pushing from between her fingers a pink flower with small petals, large leaves and a long stem: a kalanchoe.
「Molting Larvae」, Icree spoke, creating a striped caterpillar on the plant. Tani had witnessed Icree’s magic many times before: it created butterflies that could hinder and harm enemies. She had never seen her teammate create a caterpillar before. In the most determined manner that she had ever seen a caterpillar eat, this one set out to eat her magical flower. No, it attempted to eat her magic itself. It was a rather slow process, but both Icree and Tani looked at it with wonder.
“I don’t sense you receiving the magic you are taking,” Tani noted after a while.
“As far as I’ve understood my own spell - the caterpillar gets it,” Icree answered, slightly flustered.
“It’s not complete yet. Something is missing. It’s terribly slow and not something I could use in a battle very easily, unless I was able to hide the caterpillar somewhere on the person. Plus, the more magic it eats, the more noticeable it becomes.”
“I could try to reinforce your mana flow?” Tani suggested with uncertainty.
She wasn’t quite sure this was a problem that could be solved with better control of mana, though it was Tani’s specialty. She could help others withstand harder hits and move quicker by reinforcing them and speeding them up, as well as help them regulate the flow of their magic.
“No, it’s not about that,” Icree confirmed her suspicions. “I might just have to keep working with the spell.”
“Well, while the caterpillar feasts - you’ll come with me to the festival? Even if we might be last, we can still enjoy the thing.”
“Of course. I think we’ll all be there, except for Luka. We should drag him out as well.”
“Maybe he’ll find inspiration from the festival,” Tani teased, though neither of them believed in it.
“Maybe he’ll find a muse!” Icree joked a little, her worries melting away for a little while.
They stayed chatting together for a while, leaving behind the worries of attacks and achievements. It was more relaxing to get excited about the Star Festival like everyone else and ponder what to do about Kliodna’s condition.
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talesofsonicasura · 4 years
Diamonds and Voodoo
You Do Voodoo
A mysterious visitor comes to Morioh. Paths diverge and intertwine with the various townfolks of this crazy, noisy bizarre town. And it all started with a good deed touched by a bit of magic.
Good deeds tend to create ripples throughout what we know as life. Sometimes an act of kindness can lead to great rewards. At rare times the road to hell is often paid with good intentions. Nevertheless, this type of charity has a habit of changing the future of one or many individuals. For sometimes, a grand adventure begins with that very act of kindness.
"Look out!" Morioh, a small town amongst the middle of nowhere quite unlike many cities found in Japan. A type of place that tends to be quiet but also hosts some oddities within its dwellings. Unlike many small towns, Morioh would become ground zero for a strand of very bizarre events and each with their own level of danger.
A car was parked awkwardly sideways between the road and crosswalk. Upon closer inspection, this was a crash as the front end was inward from the telephone pole currently wedged inside the bright red metal. To the side was an abandoned bicycle alongside a police officer and what many from this town could call a foreigner. The officer holded the visitor close to his chest almost awkwardly, the telltale of being grabbed.
The officer was an older and surprisingly buff male, darkened grey hair hidden under his cap, eyes that had a natural glint of kindness despite the concern now shining for the person in their arms. A would-be victim of the car accident was a young woman around her late teens, between 16 or 17 from the bits of remaining baby fat still left on her face.
Her skin was slightly tanned in a more climate related basis, such as sun exposure than natural skin tone, hair a short messy lime green hidden under the top jaw of a dinosaur-esque skull, a 5'8 body that was slim, lean and had moderate bust along with curves, but it was her eyes and her arms that drew the most attention.
The young woman's arms were decorated in wavy almost vine patterned tribal markings with a four toes pad on each shoulder and her eyes had a unique case of heterochromia with the right being a normal orange but the entire left eye was blue except for a single white pupil. Her outfit consisted of dark blue fingerless gloves, red sneakers, light brown cargo shorts, a black bra and opened orange vest outlined in red.
"You okay there missy? That car almost hit you if I didn't pull you away in time." The officer questioned, his voice soft and kind in a sort of grandfatherly way. She merely looked up at him with a large impish smile. Not even scared or off-put that a speeding car almost made the teen paste on the street.
"I'm good mister! Just glad no one else got hurt either. Car accidents aren't something normal folks can handle and I rather get hurt than somebody else! I'm more than capable of taking some nasty hits!" The woman's peppy, slightly loud and light chuckle paired with the slightly morbid words had thrown the officer for a loop before he strangely found himself chuckling too.
"Hahaha. Well aren't you an odd but thoughtful young lady? I wish some of my friends on the force had that kind of energy. Everyone's been down as of late and honestly needs a pep talk or two." The greenette looked at his badge for a moment as if scanning for his name. Something that was quick to find apparently as it read 'Ryohei Higashitaka'.
With that in hand, she then reached into the pocket of her cargo while silently whispering his name. The officer or Ryohei honestly looked a bit surprised when the youth produced a peculiar item. It was a small brown wooden charm carved into a smiling mask. The mask was painted with red lips, yellow with green outlined eyes, large reddish eyebrows and four small feathers ranging from yellow, orange, purple and red.
"Please take this mister as a sign of gratitude. It's a good luck charm carved into the likeness of Aku-Aku, a spirit of protection. This charm shall ward off a great disaster in your future." The older man took the odd charm with a soft smile and looked it over. He softly chuckles before patting her head.
"Why thank you! It's pretty adorable and well crafted! I'll make sure to keep it close. Good luck is something a lot of people nowadays…" His eyes widened a bit upon realization. "Whoops! Careless me! I forgot to ask for a name. I am Ryohei Higashitaka, an officer of the Morioh Police Department. What's your name missy? I need it to file a report for ya and if you want to press charges." She merely gave an impish smile with a bit of her tongue sticking out.
"It's Taki-Taki, Taki-Taki Bandicoot."
Budo-ga Oka Middle and High School, one of the few schools within Morioh. A joint school where grades between 6 and 11th are together instead of being separate. It was also a place that had a quite an amount of delinquents which make up some of the school's student body.
Walking towards this destination from the local town square was a mountain of a man in very odd clothing. Hair was jet black and well groomed, eyes a bright ocean blue, body sculpted like a Greek God from every single inch out of 6'5 and a natural scowlish look on his face. Nearly all his clothes, from his coat, pants, shoes and torn back hat with golden pins stylized to spell Jo were white except for the man's shirt which was pitch black.
The man was currently looking over a paper, a report or letter from highly detailed it was in both text and a few select photos. His brows wrinkled in aggravation before muttering a soft 'Yare Yare Daze' under his breath. "Godamnit old man. You're too old to be causing this type of bullshit." He hissed, rough, husky and slightly aggravated tone to his voice making a few people steer clear of his vicinity.
Well… not just that. Unknown to the raven in question, there was something odd looking over his shoulder. This peculiarity was a mask of sorts. It looked vaguely human but the light blue material used to craft it was spectral from how it softly glow like wisps in the night sky.
An Aztec type crown at the top with four flat points as if it was a piece from a gear, large carved ears with faint spiral at the center, pure white eyes and mouth outlined in mauve, and the same mauve color to imitate flat eyebrows. Bystanders seeing the mask either quickened their step or blamed this bizarre sight as 'too much coffee' or 'no more liquor in the morning.'
"Huh. Guess an old man in his late 60s can get laid. Oh, so that's where the gardens are!" The young man nearly bit his tongue in shock from both the raspy, light and almost nerdy sounding male voice but also the fact it came from a floating tiki mask that took a closer look at his document.
He couldn't get a word out of his mouth as the mask flew off with surprising speed. "A Stand?! That means there's a Stand User nearby! You ain't getting away from me!" A bright golden aura began to burn around the adult upon giving chase to the airborne oddity. On the sidewalk, the man's shadow grew with the addition of a more peculiar one.
A few minutes passed when the chase was called off upon the mask being too far in the air to pursue, the extra shadow vanished as the adult male let a growl in annoyance. He lowers his hat with a curse. "Damn it. If that thing's responsible for the recent incidents going on in this town…" The man then went to a payphone before dialing in a number.
"This is Jotaro Kujo. Tell the heads of the Speedwagon Foundation that there is confirmed Stand activity in Morioh. Look into the database about a Stand in shape of a glowing blue mask and the possibility if it's connected to Dio." The phone was slammed down as the white coat of the man fluttered while he left.
"Poke!" A finger poking the little snout of a box turtle that had swam up from the water of the makeshift pond seated by a small bus stop. Sitting on the curb of the pond beside was the odd Taki-Taki, currently petting the small reptilian much to its pleasure. "You're a handsome turtle, aren't you? Much nicer than the big ones back home." She cooed while the turtle rubbed itself against her hand clearly in love with the kind contact.
A little whimper had the young woman look around in utter confusion. Soft heterochromia eyes soon met bright baby blue ones tinged with a bit of fear. That fear directed to the little reptile nipping at the greenette's fingers.
A 5'11 muscular young man with blue violet hair tended neatly into a large pompadour, a dark violet gakuran pinned with a yellow heart and gold peace on each side of his chest, sunshine yellow shirt that peeked through the gap of his uniform coat, and dark boots were the owner of these baby blue orbs.
"You okay? Look like you're about to pee yourself." Taki-Taki questioned upon the fidgeting male still looking at the turtle as if it tried to eat him. He immediately calmed down a bit now noticing he wasn't exactly alone, cheeks dusting a bright red. "I'm so sorry! Reptiles just give me the willies that's all, mostly turtles." His soft and slightly rough almost if still adjusting practically rattled with nervousness.
She merely chuckled whilst waving off any concern. "It's alright! Everyone is afraid of something so no harm done. Plus this little handsome fellow is much more kinder than the ones I've seen in Turtle Woods. Those turtles were mean and one tried to steal my hat!" Her spare hand pointed at the dinosaur skull on her head since the other was still petting the shelled reptile.
The pompadour wearing young man shivered upon the two words 'Turtle Woods' but was honestly thankful that she wasn't making fun of him for his phobia. Taki-Taki then stood up whilst petting the turtle's head one more time. "I better go! Promised to get some stuff with my friend Lani-Loli and we're supposed to meet up at the gardens! Chou!" And she was gone with a pep to her step.
"My name is Josuke Higashitaka… And she's gone. Maybe I'll see her again." The sound of male cursing grew as the purple pomp prince noticed a bunch of male students coming over to him. Delinquents from their rude, downlooking and glaring faces, something that only made him sigh. Days like these tend to suck.
The Higashitaka household, home to the Higashitaka family which consisted of the older police officer Ryohei, his daughter but also single mother Tomoko and Tomoko's son Josuke. A lively place from the unique personalities of the three living inside. Well, it wasn't like this right now.
Peculiar water slipping away from the house window almost like a cobra finished with their prey. A fact so true upon the still body of the family matriarch lying lifeless on the floor. Face carved in blood coated horror slowly changes to a pristine clean outlook through a soft golden aura. Almost if the man died in his slumber and not of gruesome supernatural murder.
The golden aura belonging to a bubblegum arm coated in crystalline diamond armor soon vanishes inside the body of Josuke. Behind Josuke was Jotaro, the man clad in white being a relative, his nephew shockingly taken into consideration that his grandfather was the pomp prince's father. Who knew?
And the older man could only look at the teen that was his uncle trying to coax his dead grandfather back to life with sympathetic pity. Aquamarine eyes that always seemed stuck in a perpetual glare now softened at the scene. The look of someone who had seen a death like this before. Or to be more precise, had experienced such a grizzly sight.
Jotaro knew that this wasn't the time for grief fueled hysterics. There were more pressing matters and dangers ready to drown them from the inside. "Josuke…" Any further words from the older man, alongside any actions from the teen immediately stopped upon one thing. Subtle movement originating from the chest of the officer's corpse before them.
A sickly sweet scent reminiscent of cherries filled the air along with the soft sizzle of something burning. Thin wisps of smoke coming from the body's chest pocket spurred Josuke to go into the clothing's pouch. Baby blue eyes widened seeing a small brown tiki charm in his hands but specifically the feathers that were turning to dust.
"A voodoo charm?" The purplette's attention immediately went back to the corpse of his grandfather. His still chest slowly began to rise and fall almost as if… "He's breathing." It was the only conclusion Jotaro came to upon the subtle movements. The charm in the teenager's hands fully became ash once his previously deceased grandfather sat up looking purely confused.
"Ooh my head… I don't remember my favorite booze having that strong of a kick. Josuke? What are you doing here since I thought you were going out? Who's this guy? And why are you crying?" Ryohei didn't expect to wake up to such a scene or his own grandson to hug him so hard thinking he was about to kick the bucket.
He was quick however to notice the scent of cherry in the air alongside a missing weight in his breast pocket. "Did someone light a scented candle and where did my good luck charm go? Was I mugged or something Josuke?" The elderly man's inquiry had the two younger men share the same look. They needed answers.
/"You want to know who gave me that charm? Well, it was a young girl around my grandson's age. She had green hair, heterochromia with her eyes being orange and blue, and had what looked like a dinosaur skull on her head. Said her name Taki-Taki Bandicoot and came into town looking for ingredients. The charm was based off of a guardian of protection... Aku-Aku I believe she said."/
Information that had both Jotaro and his younger uncle running through the streets of Morioh in a hurry. Ryohei had been put into protective custody with a short call from whoever the raven had pretty high connections to. Something that man would have refused if it wasn't for the fact his son was crying. Josuke only cried when things were at the absolute worst. This made it easier to search without the man being in danger once more.
"I never thought my life would have gotten this insane. First an escaped death row inmate capable of killing his victims from the inside with water and now a Stand User capable of bringing back the dead! Things weren't like this until you came to town!" The highschooler quipped as if to ignore the harsh ache going through his legs.
"Your life was bound to become bizarre the moment you awakened your Stand, no, the moment you were born with Joestar blood. A curse everyone in this damned bloodline has. So don't blame me for the shitshow." Jotaro fired back in absolute annoyance. Their destination was the place mentioned by the woman when Josuke encountered her, Morioh's Springroll Garden.
"Maybe she can remove it? She does know voodoo and it does involve a lot of curse thingies? Do you think Taki-Taki can get rid of my fear of turtles?" The teenager's question was merely met with an eye roll from Jotaro. He was going to shout back an insult until something caught his eyes.
A lone figure standing amongst a large collection of various flora and vegetation belonging to one of Morioh's famous landmarks. More accurately a lonehuman figure and a soft blue floating oddity by them that was very damn familiar to the male clad in white. "There she is and that's the Stand I saw earlier!"
Taki-Taki was currently plucking a few mushrooms from underneath the bushes that provided their moist dark home and placed them into a small straw basket. Springroll Garden was a place where people could pick their vast garden by purchasing a special ticket and take home an entire basket full of items.
"It's kind of cool that the town has such a garden like this. Especially when it guarantees a free basket of fresh goods for first time visitors too!" The luminescent mask said with a big smile while looking at a bush full of white roses. His green haired friend merely let out a chuckle in agreement before speaking. "Same here pal. Makes it a lot easier to find the things needed to work my magic."
A loud shout had the two look up to see some familiar faces running their way. "Wouldn't you know? Hey Pompadour Prince, fancy seeing you here!" Taki-Taki's nickname immediately had the boy stop in his tracks. Face burning in anger until the words finally hitting turned that anger into pure confusion. The sudden confusion didn't stop the mask from cowering behind the greenette.
"Pompadour Prince?" He questioned while pointing to himself, clearly confused. "You kidding? That's the best pompadour I've ever seen. Also, calling you king is going a bit too far since we've barely known each other and aren't in a relationship." Her words caused the male teen to blush a bit paired with a smitten look and cheesy smile.
Jotaro merely elbowed Josuke's shoulder as the highschooler remembered what they were supposed to be doing. "Taki-Taki Bandicoot, we need you to come with us. We already know about you being a Stand User since your Stand is hiding right behind you but also that charm you gave Ryohei Higashitaka before he was attacked."
The greenette merely had a confused look before it immediately narrowed into glare after the words Ryohei Higashitaka and attacked. Her emotions were clearly being felt through the odd mask as it came out of hiding to glare at them. "I knew something bad was bound to happen upon seeing that dark aura. Tell me what you've done to that kind officer before I rip ya putzes a new one!"
Josuke was thrown off guard by the sudden aggression consuming Taki-Taki's features. It was as if a cloak of pure madness just overshadowed that sunny aura of the greenette. The change didn't deter Jotaro who refused to back down at her threat. As if proving his point, a gold aura started to radiate from his body.
"You need to calm down now. We aren't your enemies but I won't hesitate to knock you out even if you're a girl." The man spoke as something appeared from his body like an apparition. It was a humanoid spirit of sorts that appeared to be an Aztec Warrior or barbarian with similar origins.
Just as big and buff as his summoner but a bit more, soft blue skin that outlined a coral inner pink, black hair that flowed like smoke but sparkle as if it was stardust, soft ocean blue eyes and a body armed with white pauldrons painted in gold spirals, black fingerless gold studded gloves, a white scarf around their neck, black knee high boots and a long white loincloth alongside a dark tasset.
Yet, the strange being seemed to only piss off Taki-Taki even further as she went into her pant's pocket to pull out a small crystal orb. "You're going to threaten me with a giant in his skivvies? Alright jackass, hope your ready to party. For this Ooda-Booga Boogie of mine is going to send ya to the hospital!" And she crushed the crystal orb in her hand.
Both men only had seconds until a large blackish pink fist had punched Jotaro's spirit in the face, the ghost and summoner were sent flying out of the garden before kissing the street concrete. Josuke could only blink before seeing the thing responsible for sending his nephew airborne. "Holy shit!" For what stood snarling in front of Taki-Taki was an absolute monster.
A heavily built 9'6 tall slightly deformed anthropomorphic porcupine with vibrant magenta skin overshadowed by a darkish gray hide. A long singular black horn tipped with hot pink, burning crimson eyes that glared down at the man in white, a magenta muzzle overlapped with an giant overbite of fangs, multiple pink tipped black spikes across their back, their right arm covered in black armor in the form of a riot shield, and crimson hakama trousers with a black paw print on the side.
The beast snarled angrily at Jotaro while a trail of drool came down from their razor sharp maw. It then let out a loud and deep inhuman roar almost if challenging anyone foolish enough to face the beast's wrath. Jotaro had gotten back onto his feet, spitting a bit of blood on the road before wiping the remainder from his mouth. Some of it stained bits of his hat a dark crimson. His spirit staring at the beast with an analysistic glare.
"That's one hell of a sucker punch you got there. Quite an ugly bastard of a friend you have, makes me question which one it is though. Is the beast your actual stand or a byproduct of its power?" The question only seemed to aggravate the greenette and the large creature she called upon.
"That 'ugly bastard' is my friend Quill and what is with this Stand garbage anyway?! What I want to know is did you attack Mr. Ryohei?! My charm doesn't just vanish without fulfilling its purpose even if stolen. Now answer me or I'll beat the truth out of you!" Taki-Taki declared with a snarl that held inhumanely sharp teeth.
Josuke didn't have to be a genius to know if he didn't stop these two right now then things were going to get a lot worse. His nephew's Stand went in for a punch while the greenette's large beast followed suit. Neither attack landing their blow as two diamond covered pink hands caught both fists.
The culprit was a giant pink skinned warrior whose body was covered in Corinthian style diamond armor. He was huge with the same type of muscle like Jotaro's spirit, eyes were a bright baby blue that shone through the darkness of the heart top helmet with concern, wires connecting the back of his neck to his back, heart shaped diamond pauldrons with spikes, armor that over lined the side of his arms, legs and back, and diamond plating rings around the fingers.
Unlike Jotaro's Stand or Taki-Taki's giant beast, this one exuded a gentle and kind aura akin to that of a guardian or protector. Something that made sense from the soft magenta aura radiating from Josuke. "Please stop fighting! I don't want to see my nephew or the person who saved my grandpa hurt each other for something stupid!" The pomp prince's words carried strong as they were sincere.
Something the greenette easily felt upon Quill taking a step back as if backing down from the fight since there was no longer any hostility. Jotaro's Stand disappeared soon after while he muttered a soft 'Yare Yare Daze' under his breath. "Holy shit… I thought things were going to get ugly there. I don't think this garden deserves to be wrecked by a Spike." The mask's quip not being lost on anyone.
Later at the Higashitaka House, cups of tea were placed on the table. Sitting at the table on mats were Josuke, Jotaro and the odd woman known as Taki-Taki Bandicoot. To their left side strangely enough was the greenette's mask and both men's spirits that were conversing with each other or goofing off upon the playing cards between them.
"I still don't believe that Stands are basically the spiritual energy of someone given form. You sure they aren't warrior ancestors? Jotaro's Star Platinum looks like an Aztec barbarian and Josuke, your Crazy Diamond reminds of those old Greek soldiers from his armor." She said while looking at the three oddities playing Go Fish.
A Scrabble holder was being used for the mask or Lani-Loli's cards since he didn't have any hands. He would ask either Star Platinum or Crazy Diamond to put any of his matching cards down and when he needed to 'fish' a card. "Pretty sure. Couldn't I ask the same thing about Lani-Loli over there? Floating masks that can talk aren't normal either." Josuke quipped while pointing to the mask in question.
"Hey! I'm right here you know and I'm way older than all of you combined! And I would have you know that I was human before becoming a Quantum Mask! If I still had hands I would smack all three of you on the head!" The mask fired back in aggravation, some of the cards disappearing in blue wisps of smoke... alongside Josuke's clothes.
"Eeek!" He panicked immediately covering his crotch, Jotaro hiding his embarrassment under his hat while Taki-Taki turned her head away with face hot red in embarrassment. "Great Tikimon! Lani-Loli! Phase his clothes back now!" The mask quickly undoing his magic in sheer embarrassment. Josuke's clothes and the cards popping back into reality with similar blue wispy smoke.
Poor teen let out a sigh of relief knowing he wasn't nude in front of a girl anymore. "Sorry! Sometimes I accidentally poof things out of existence when I'm stressed! And nothing says stress like an escaped convict who kills people with living water!" Jotaro rolled his eyes at the smartass remark. For an all mighty ancient mask, Lani-Loli was an anxious nerd that was a scare away from passing out.
The reason why they were holed up in Josuke's house was that all of them were targets of the Stand User Angelo and his Stand Aqua Necklace.
Angelo was a psychopath with a taste of madness and penchant for violence. The man was arrested repeatedly for brutal acts like murder and even sexual assault before he was landed on Death row. Sadly his execution didn't work properly, allowing the maniac to escape the morgue and reach Morioh. He attacked Ryohei as the cop was the reason Angelo got arrested.
Due to the nature of his Stand, none of them could use water that came from anywhere but a bottle in fear of accidentally swallowing the dangerous entity. "And when do you think it's safe for us to go home? Unlike you guys, my dad will go nuts if I ain't back soon. None of us want to deal with an angry father much less my pops, Crash Bandicoot." Taki-Taki wasn't blind to the nervous look on the pompadour prince's face while he took a sip of his tea.
"Until that Stand User is caught." Jotaro didn't foresee the spray of tea hitting his face from the greenette's spit-take. The grown man was growling in his seat while the young woman tried to settle down her coughs. "You nuts?! That is the stupidest thing I ever heard and this is stemming from the fact my partner does insanely stupid stuff on a daily basis!"
Lani-Loli had flown over to the table so fast that the card pile dispersed from the sudden gust, much to both Stand's displeasure. "You said this guy's Stand is pure water right? What do we do when we run out of water? Wait, here's a better one! What happens if it rained? Shelter becomes a deathtrap in two seconds!" Both men's eyes widened upon the mask's words.
After settling down her coughing fit, Taki-Taki let out a soft whisper. "I think this is what that putz wants. Turn ourselves into sitting ducks and swoops in for the kill until it's too late. And it's going to rain in three days." Silence filled the room upon that very knowledge. The convict was planning to turn their stakeout into a trap.
Josuke could only sigh at the difficult hand. Sure, they now know the guy's plan but if they ignore it then finding Angelo would be even harder. It also meant that the psycho will find out Ryohei is still alive and won't hesitate to attack him again. "Then let's turn the tables back. Turn the hunter into the hunted." All eyes were on Taki-Taki in seconds.
She had a goofy smile on her face with her tongue sticking out in an impish manner. There was also the fact that another crystal orb was in her hands. An item that produced the monstrous Quill but unlike that one, this jewel was a shade of toxic green. Lani-Loli, upon seeing what his friend held, grew a mischievous grin of his own. The odd duo clearly had a plan that almost made Jotaro and Josuke feel an ounce of pity. Almost being the keyword.
Rain had finally fallen upon the house once three days had passed by. Taki-Taki had called her father about being home a few days late since some issues had cropped up. Neither Josuke or Jotaro heard the man's voice but what they gathered upon how the greenette talked, 'Crash' was kindly lenient. Although, both males would have to see him once she got back home.
They spent most of their time keeping themselves from getting bored. Board games, reading, or Taki-Taki crafting some… mysterious concoctions and trinkets with whatever she found in the Higashitaka household. Josuke could honestly admit that he didn't know there was a den of possums hiding in his walls but the witch doctor managed to get some possum fur and nail clippings after one landed on Jotaro.
The greenette at the moment was alone in the bathroom, various ingredients that surrounded a lone bucket. Each item was odd in their own right, rat tails, frog eyes, shiitake mushrooms, yew branches, spoiled milk and a bottle of water. Taki-Taki began pouring the ingredients into the vat starting with the rotten dairy.
She was chanting in an unknown language that eerily sounded like a mix of Arabic and Pig Latin. Bucket began to bubble from her words as the color shifted upon every ingredient dropped into the vat. Taki-Taki's water bottle was currently halfway empty through the process and the cap left abandoned to the side.
Unbeknownst to the woman, rain began to patter outside and something opaque began to build up by the window. It looked like water but it held a more bluish hue and moved too much like a living creature to be normal. Then a pair of sinister pink eyes and a grin full of sharp teeth slithered through.
"You sure this isn't a mango?" Josuke currently sat in the front room alongside Lani-Loli who floated over the teenager's shoulder. Standing on the table was a large orange fruit with a yellow bottom similar to a mango but two leaves that hung from a stem. The teenager currently poking at the fruit that had come from Taki-Taki's home.
"Nope! It's a Wumpa Fruit, a pretty common thing to find on the Wumpa Islands. They're much sweeter than mango and the juice is pretty tasty too. Especially when used for a Wumpa Smoothie, those are really good." Being curious upon the mask's words, the pompadour prince took a nicely sized bite of the fruit.
Tangy sweetness was the first thing that hit the highschooler's taste buds then a rich zesty flavor kicked in a matter of seconds. "Holy shit! This is actually pretty good. Yo Jotaro, you have to try this!" The raven poked his head out of the kitchen upon hearing his name. He let out an annoyed sigh before snatching the fruit out of the teen's hand.
"Did someone put salt in your oatmeal today?" Lani-Loli couldn't help but point out at the man's awfully sour mood added by the harsh bite he took out of the poor fruit or the vicious vice grip. "No. None of you are taking this situation seriously and last I checked didn't get an angry rodent trying to claw up your face." He hissed before taking another aggressive bite.
The sound of footsteps had gotten the two humans and mask turning their heads. Approaching them with an eerily quiet and dead stare was Taki-Taki. Her feet moving sluggishly to the point it was close to that of a sleepwalker… or if heavy weights were tied to the woman's legs.
"Taki?" Lani-Loli's voice thick with concern while he spoke his friend's nickname. Her response was to open her mouth slowly with evil pink eyes glaring back at them in the darkness. "Sorry but your little friend's life is now mine!" A vile, raspy and deep male voice coming out of the greenette's mouth, all to the horror of her friends.
"Aqua Necklace?! You bastard, get out of Taki-Taki now Angelo!" Josuke could only burn brighter in rage from the deranged laugh of the psychopathic water Stand. "And get rid of my only hostage?! Hell no! This bitch is the reason why Ryohei Higashitaka is still alive! She has the power to bring back the dead, a ticket to immortality!" The mask could only roll his eyes as if sensing a monologue.
"I've been watching you this whole time. I saw the giant beast she summoned and that mask phasing things through existence. With her as my slave, I'll be invincible! The world will be my toy box and every single person my toys that I can break for eternity! Once you're all dead, I'll break her until she's a mindless bitch who will follow my every…" The monologue was caught short upon her mouth snapping shut.
Yet, it wasn't the lips that closed the space but an eerie green substance reminiscent to goo. "The hell?!" Aqua Necklace tried to dive down the woman's throat only to run into another gooey green wall. Then he heard laughter. Pink eyes turned to see it was Lani-Loli who was responsible. He was cackling mischievously that tears looked ready to fly from how hard his laughter, much to the confusion of his friends.
"Haha! Hehehehe! You really thought it would be so easy! Taki and I faced way worse than your miserable hide. Oh, and that's not Taki-Taki you putz! Drop the charade Toxic!" Jotaro and Josuke immediately jumped back upon who they thought was Taki-Taki began to melt. All color draining away into a puddle of green slightly clear goo.
Crazy Diamond and Star Platinum were quickly summoned when that sludge started to rise up in the process of a transformation. The slime forming three toed misshapen legs, dripping fat arms with chubby fingers, a large yellow green belly that from its almost clear texture and Aqua Necklace being held inside looked more like a prison, and a roundish hippo like head paired with short pig ears, large deformed inhuman teeth and two alien yellow orbs looking back at it's observers.
The beast or Toxic's appearance could be compared to a 8 ft tall ogre or even an Oni, supernatural beings that tend to punish wicked humans. "Meet the Sludge, a creature made of magic infused ooze with a love for eating utter garbage, like your ugly face! I told Toxic here about your little plan involving my best friend."
Almost on cue, the large oozing beast let a loud snarl before smoke began filling in its tummy. "Aaaaaaah! What the hell is that smell?! It's getting hot in here! Don't tell me this is acid?!" The mask only had a vicious smile on his face that solidified the fact. "People like you make me sick. I've read your entire file and I bet it would even make Uka-Uka himself furious to see your deeds!" Aqua Necklace could only shiver in horror at the mask.
It was like Lani-Loli's nervous self had been overshadowed by pure animalistic rage that his eyes were narrowed slits and teeth were now large fangs held in a snarl. A deity ready to smite a sinner with divine punishment. Even Jotaro and Josuke were taken aback by the sudden shift.
"I may be a scaredy cat but I am still a protector. My name is Lani-Loli, the Quantum Mask of Phase! For ruining the lives of many, threatening my friends and having an unsavory plan for my contractor, I mark you Angelo and his Stand Aqua Necklace, guilty of your sins! And boy do I have a nice punishment for your wicked soul."
The mask then faced the two Joestar blooded men. "Josuke. Jotaro. Taki-Taki left earlier to find this cretin's owner hence my friend Toxic here taking her place. I know where she is and I'm going to need your help with something."
On a street a few blocks from Josuke's house sat a large boulder. This rock had laid on this spot for centuries after a stray storm left it stranded on the land that would become Morioh. Tied to this very stone was an unsavory dark haired man in a milkman uniform bound by chains and gagged with a black cloth. Bruises decorating his body no doubt from the slightly bloody fists of the witch doctor.
Taki-Taki turned her head and smiled upon the sight of her friends coming into view. Aqua Necklace was still trapped within the prison that was Toxic's stomach, who seemed mighty pleased at the abomination's struggle. "Damn, you did a number on the asshole." Josuke said much to the greenette's pleasure.
"I aim to please. Now then, Angelo, since you made a living of ruining people's lives I believe your punishment should be providing good luck." Taki-Taki then pulled from behind the rock was the bucket filled with her concoction. It was a bright bubbling pink and had a smell akin to rotten lavender. She didn't resist dumping the nasty vat all over the convict much to his displeasure.
The man was struggling in disgust before his movements slowed to a crawl as if his whole body was paralyzed except for his mouth and eyes. Taki then yanked the gag from Angelo's lips allowing the man to speak. "You...crazy bitch…! What have you done?" His raspy dry voice almost sounded like a dying cat from how quiet it was.
"A simple potion made to turn you into an eternal good luck charm for all the folks in Morioh! Bet you now wished that your original execution didn't fail. Josuke, this last part is all up to you. Today you will have to make a choice on how this man goes out." Taki-Taki's eyes narrowed as they glowed inhumanly under the dark cloudy sky.
"Ryohei Higashitaka was the one who put this man in jail and stopped his rampage. In vengeance, this scum tried to rob a righteous soul of his life. As Ryohei's grandson, will you fulfill his task and put an end to the man that escaped the grim reaper's blade? If not, then I will perform the deed with Lani-Loli. What do you say?"
The pompadour prince was a bit off guard by the witch doctor's words. Why would she ask him if he wanted to be the one that dealt Angelo's punishment? "Josuke?! Are you seriously going to let her kill me? Sure I tried to kill your grandfather but if you go along with this bitch's plan then you'll be a killer just like me!"
None of them were blind to the man's false pleas knowing it was a trick to let him go. A rat that will only wreak havoc if given a shred of mercy. Angelo's rants were caught off by a fist breaking both his hand and a chunk of the rock. The shocking thing was that the stone merged and encased itself around the appendage much to the psycho's horror.
"Aaah! My hand!! What are you doing?" Josuke merely ignored the man's painful cries. "You really think that we're going to let you go after all you've done. This town used to be a peaceful place before you came and played with people's lives! So for the rest of your days, you're going to pay back every family that you destroyed! Taki-Taki." The greenette smiled knowing what the young man wanted.
"Let's do this Lani-Loli! Armor up!" The cyan mask flew around Taki-Taki with trails of aqua wispy trails that followed from behind. The mask situated himself onto her back while the ghostly ribbons wrapped themselves around her body. Each wispy streak solidified to form a black jumpsuit of sorts which was highlighted by glowing aqua blue chunks of armor reminiscent of Lani-Loli's crown.
Taki-Taki's eyes were now completely glowing blue while velvet sky blue energy followed through the tattoos on her skin and turned her hair into luminous bluish mist. The sudden change to the witch doctor had the restrained Angelo sweating in terror and nearly pissing himself when Josuke's Crazy Diamond materialized.
"Dorarararararara!!!!" The armored spirit let out a battle cry as both him and the armored greenette let loose a barrage of vicious punches. Each strike was as destructive and fast as machine gun rounds, blowing off huge chunks of the stone and merging to the man trapped in the dead center. Neither of them stopping their assault until every piece of stone had been reassembled.
With one last brutal punch, the stone fragments had fully merged Angelo turning the once human male into a deformed boulder. This new shape of the large stone was a malformed face with wide eyes held in different angles, a large flat nose at the bottom similar to a maui and stress lines just like the person it used to be.
Aqua Necklace, who was still trapped in Toxic's belly, quickly melted away in seconds. No doubt the Stand could no longer survive without the life force of its user, thus following its master into hell. Jotaro could only grimace behind the guard of his cap.
[Morioh Landmark 1: Angelo's Rock. No one knows where this mysterious stone appeared from or why. Despite its unnerving appearance, this landmark is a hotspot for couples both old and new.]
'These three are bat shit crazy and have the strength to back it up. Luckily Josuke has a good head on shoulders but…' The raven's eyes drifted to Taki-Taki, her sludge summon and most importantly Lani-Loli still hanging onto her back. She was conversing with Josuke who took the time to look at her changed form and the living sludge Toxic in rapt curiosity.
'Taki-Taki isn't a Stand User but she's just as dangerous as one. Those beasts, Quill and Toxic, whatever they are no doubt has a connection to her origins. And then there's Lani-Loli. I don't exactly know what a Quantum Mask is but I have a feeling he isn't the only one. Just who are you?'
And that is it! This ended being super long since the story revolves around two whole episodes instead of one. It does take place in the beginning of Part 4 and I wanted to stick as close to canon involving them.
Yes, Taki-Taki can call upon Titans, the enemies normally found in the Crash of the Titan series. Unlike a large chunk of people, I actually like the Titan games. They were the first Crash games I played and 100%. I did play Crash The Huge Adventure for the gameboy advance but it got destroyed in the wash sadly before I got the last crystal.
Any version of Crash of the Titans is good but I suggest playing the DS version of Mind Over Mutant considering the console version is more of an annoying chore with tons of backtracking.
My favorite Titans are Spike and Rhinoroller. I especially love the boss version of Spike from the DS Mind Over Mutant but I haven't found the concept art of it yet.
Just like a witch doctor, Taki-Taki does craft all sorts of potions and charms. The Aku-Aku charm acts like a second chance. If someone who has the charm experiences death, the charm will revive them. Deaths done through murder are a bit different.
The charm will hold onto their soul until its safe to revive the holder. Any extensive damage is done and the soul is returned back to the body once repairs are complete. After use, the charm will disintegrate or dull out depending on how much damage was caused.
The Phase Armor given by Lani-Loli is much different for Taki-Taki when she uses it. Reason for it is that she's contracted to him thus the power and magic he provides is much stronger than someone who doesn't have a contract.
Even if Lani-Loli is quite a skittish character,that doesn't mean he won't get serious when needed. Angelo did a lot of horrible stuff that I bet even Uka-Uka wouldn't do. Uka-Uka may be evil but he has standards.
I wanted to try a different writing style for this considering Part 4 is more of a murder mystery. So I wanted to introduce particular areas, new landmarks and important information in a traversing to the next scene.
Until next time folks! Tell the world that your unbreakable!
10 notes · View notes
toruhalo · 4 years
Psychotic (2/?)
Pairings: Ledger!Joker x Female OC
Wordcount: 1578
Warnings: explicit language, murderous thoughts, manipulation?
previous chapter: 1
next chapter: 3
A/N: ngl the last paragraph got me a little hot under the collar whew and i also threw in an actual quote he says in the movie who can guess it? lol
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Violet woke up to the distinctive sound of a keypad beeping and metal door creaking. Flashing her sleep-heavy eyes completely open, thinking it was her door, she abruptly sat up in the bed. She blinked wearily to see a flashlight beam in the cell across from hers, which in hand occupied the infamous Joker. The tall grimy dark blonde-green haired man stepped into the hallway with his hands bound together in handcuffs, followed by an officer. The Joker's brown eyes briefly met her broad blue ones before looking ahead. The unique pair hastily shuffled out of the quiet hallway, and into the therapy ward.
The night before after her conversation with the Joker, they had naturally fallen into a comfortable silence. She felt as if there was a weight lifted off her shoulders, as cliché as it may seem. He didn't criticize her, because he had his flaws as well. She knew the Joker was manipulative, but something about him reeled her in.
The sun began rising on the horizon, causing rays of orange light to gleam through the barred window. As if on cue, there was an insistent knock on the metal door frame.
"Stand up, hands on the wall where I can see 'em," A security guard grumbled.
She hastily jumped up and promptly placed her palms on the brick wall. The uniformed man carefully approached her and secured her small hands together behind her back into handcuffs. Coincidentally, he guided them within the same hallway Joker was led into. Passing several empty rooms, there was only one occupied. Violet peeked inside while passing to see Joker handcuffed to a chair, sitting comfortably in front of a blonde psychiatrist. She felt a slight ache in her chest at the unwelcome sight. It faded instantly after the guard had tugged her to keep moving forward in the unnerving hallway.
She was placed in a room similar to the one she saw Joker in, also being handcuffed to the chair.
"I don't think those are necessary, Lyle," a new voice spoke.
A dark-skinned woman with a white lab coat walked into the room, taking a seat across from Violet. The guard, Lyle, slowly took off the cuffs and backed into the hallway.
"Hello, Miss Wilde. I'm Doctor Joan Leland, but you may call me Joan if that makes you more comfortable," the doctor smiles, "I'm your psychiatrist from now on." Violet felt suspicious, as all her past psychiatrists or therapists were not as nice as this woman.
Joan smiles politely, "You've been here for almost a week now, how do you feel about Arkham?"
"I-It's okay, but s-some people scare m-me."
"Like whom, if I may ask?"
"S-scarecrow, and other p-people."
"I'm sorry to hear that, but rest assured they can't harm you," she flips through her notes, "Have you made any friends yet?"
"I-I think so," Violet pulls her striped sleeves over her hands.
Joan notices the action and writes on her notepad. "Who are these potential friends?"
"A-a man named S-Sharpener... and the Joker."
Doctor Joan's pen stops mid-sentence on the paper. She lifts her eyes, "Pardon?"
"T-the Joker?"
The doctor sighs and sets her pen down. "Miss Wilde, if you wish to recover from your sickness, I recommend you not speak to that man. I detect no signs of him changing. My colleague has been attempting to spark a light but to no avail... he stays the same."
"Y-yes ma'am." Violet could feel tears forming and hung her head. She genuinely did not know if she wanted to become a better person; she often dreams about killing her mother and anyone who stood in her way. As for the Joker, she felt she had a connection with him beginning to form. The thought of not talking to him again makes her furious.
"Okay. I apologize for getting firm with you." Joan flips through her notes once again. "So, the first step for your rehabilitation is to understand and come to terms with why you're here..."
The security guard named Lyle escorted Violet back to her cell from her session with Doctor Leland. Violet noticed before walking inside that the Joker's room had lightened up a bit, maybe the overhead light bulb was fixed, she thought. Settling into her bed, she saw the Joker lounging on his own. His arms were behind his head, eyes closed, and humming to himself. He was a strange, happy man... and handsome.
"How was therapy, V?"
Violet shook herself out of her thoughts to see him sitting cross-legged and staring intently at her. Her face flushed red and pulled her knees to her chest.
"F-fine. How w-was yours, J?"
 He smirked and leaned back on his hands.
"Same old, same old. I wish I had more... excitement around here. Guess I uh... have you."
Violet smiled behind her kneecaps.
"Who's your psychiatrist?" Violet asked.
"A lovely woman named Harleen Quinzel..." the Joker paused after seeing Violet's face drop, "It's called sarcasm, dollface. You uh ever heard of it?" He smirked after licking his scarred lips.
Violet softly let out a laugh, "I know, I'm just n-not very fond of her I-I guess."
"You've uh... never met her, doll," Joker said with a knowing look on his perfectly sculpted face.
"There's just s-something about her that I don't like, I c-can't explain it."
"Fair enough." He sits back up, stretching his back. "Ya know, there's something about you too... that I like."
Weeks passed of Violet following the same routine within the asylum. Therapy in the wee hours of the morning, talk to Joker, optional showering, recreational activities, eat lunch or dinner while conversing with Sharpener, and talk to Joker again before falling asleep. Violet rarely saw the Joker out of his cell, because he 'preferred being alone, but you're an exception'.
Violet wasn't one to anger easily, but one fateful morning on her way to see Doctor LeLand, she witnessed something that made her skin boil. Doctor Quinzel was hugging the Joker, and he was hugging back. Violet barely said a word to anyone the rest of the day, not even to Joker or Sharpener. Tears would form every time the unforgettable image would appear in her head, instantly making her even more frustrated. Why was she behaving like this? Why couldn't she be the one hugging him?
Later in the evening, Violet was keeping to herself, trying to make sense of her feelings. The Joker had tried gaining her attention, yet she always brushed him off with an excuse. She felt as though her brain was going to implode from overuse and intense emotions. She desperately wanted to believe he felt the same for herself, yet that was impossible; he remained a notorious manipulator who harbors no emotion.
Then why did he hug Doctor Quinzel back?
"I can uh... see smoke coming out of your pretty little ears, dollface."
His comment made her blush intensely. Was he watching her this whole time?
"Care to share with the class on what uh happened today to turn you into Oscar the Grouch?" He chuckled.
"Nothing happened..." Violet mumbled.
The Joker smacked his lips and made no further comment. Violet laid within her bed, tugging the covers over her head. She could hear shuffling and footsteps, yet didn't look to see the source of the noise. The keypad to her door beeped, followed by her door opening and closing. Violet ripped the covers away, only to see the Joker standing inside her room.
"Hello..." The Joker smiled widely.
Violet's heart was thumping so loudly within her chest, she knew Joker could hear it. After all, he was only three feet away from her.
"H-how'd you get in here?" She whisper-shouted.
"Never ask a magician his secret, V," he said while sitting beside her, never breaking eye-contact.
Violet swallowed loudly and looked at the floor, "A guard might come..."
"Nobody's coming. I uh... have this place wrapped around my greasy finger."
The Joker brought his legs up on the bed, to sit criss-cross, head resting on his hands to look directly at Violet.
"W-what?" Violet tried containing her smile.
"Oh... nothing important..." he said while looking around the cell walls.
Violet gently shoved the Joker's shoulder but turned her head after realizing what she did. She could hear him giggling to himself. "Don't tease me, sir," she laughed along with him.
"Ooh sir? That's new," he cackled while revealing his laugh lines around his eyes, "Will you tell me what was uh making you so crabby?"
"W-why do you want to know?"
He slowly leaned in, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "It's just... annoying." He broke out into a fit of laughter after seeing the astonished look on Violet's pale face. "I'm just uh...poking fun, dollface."
After his chuckles began to dwindle, Violet decided to come out with it. "She hugged you... and y-you hugged her back."
The Joker squinted his eyes, "That's what's been uh bothering you? It wasn't even real... so uh, no need to worry your pretty little head, doll,"  he said while leaning back on the bed and closing his eyes.
"Not real?" Violet questioned.
Joker sat up and looked deep into Violet's blue eyes once more. He lifted his hands and squeezed her cheeks together, her chin in his palm. "I'm uh...  waiting. Waiting for the right moment to reel us out of this... prison. And she... she is just a stepping stone to achieve this. Now, when I say it's nothing personal, you should know... I'm telling the truth."
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Miraculous Mariposa & Fenrir Frost
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Chapter 1.1 Sculpt man Paris the Capital of France, people had said its fashion capital of the world with fascinated history, beauty, and art. And of course it’s the city of love, but if you look closely you will find out that there is more to Paris that meets the eye. It was a lovely afternoon; the sky was painted into a beautiful shade of orange and pink as the sun began to set and the people who reside in this city did their usual routine like they do every day. On this afternoon on a small building a young girl was in her room checking something on her computer, she had short brunette hair, spring green eyes, a heart shape face and light freckles around her nose. She was wearing a black shirt with short sleeves that had pink flowers on it, a brown belt around her waist and a skirt mixed with pink & purple that reach 3 inch above her knees, and a jean purple vest. She was wearing black flats and she also wore black circle earrings. Her name was Rapunzel Sonne, only child to Frederick Sonne and Arianna Sonne. They are a family of three living a simple life in Paris, and they own a Jewelry shop name Corona that’s right below their home. “That one looks lovely” said Rapunzel as she was looking at different websites of designer clothes, shoes, hat, etc. She saved some picture in her computer and drew a few sketches for her ideas in her sketchbook “This will definitely be a great color for a dress. But will it look good with or without a belt?” Rapunzel then felt something on her left shoulder; she looked and saw that it was a small fuchsia pink creature with a large head, a tiny body, and green eyes. She resembles a butterfly, with two antennae, and a pair of wings. She also had a flower mark on her forehead and a mark below her right eye. “Any design that you can come up with Rapunzel will definitely look beautiful, even with a belt” spoke the creature with a female voice that sounded small and cute. Rapunzel smiled at the cute creature “Thanks Jia” she then sees an add video that starts playing automatically. The video was showing an Art Competition in a museum that was being held in the city “Oh I forgot that the Art competition was today” Rapunzel watched the video as it showed different pieces of art from the many contestants who entered “Wow their really good” she praised. “Why didn’t you enter Rapunzel?” Jia asked as she flies towards the screen of the computer getting a better look “I’m sure you would have won first place” “I was too late to register” answered Rapunzel then made playful smile “Besides I got too many things in my life to juggle and you know it” “If you can handle fighting evil villains during the day and at night, an art competition will only be a walk in the park” giggled Jia. Suddenly the two girls heard a knock and they both look with wide eyes at the door that was on the floor that leads to downstairs where the living room is. “Jia! Hide!” whispered Rapunzel in a panic tone. Jia nodded and hid herself in Rapunzel’s light blue purse. Rapunzel got up and opened the door, and was surprise to see who it was “Merida?” Merida Dunbroch was Rapunzel’s best friend she had wild curly red hair that looks like it hasn’t been brush, sky blue eyes and a dust of freckles across her face. She was wearing a dark teal short sleeve shirt, pale blue jeans, a checkered jacket around her waist and brown combat boots. Merida climbs up into Rapunzel’s room and grabs her cellphone from her pocket “Before ye ask why A’m here at this hour. Ah got some exciting news for ye” she says in a thick Scottish accent. “What is it?” Rapunzel asked. “Guess who’s gonnae watch the premiaur movie of ‘Captain America: Civil War’ tonight?” Announce Merida as she shows on her cell a picture of her best friend’s crush sitting on a bench at the park. Rapunzel grabs the phone from Merida’s hand and looks at the picture as if it was a rare treasure “Jack? He’s going? Really?!” “Yep” said Merida crossing her arms. “But how do you know?” wondered Rapunzel. “While Ah was daein’ some food shopping for my mum. Ah happened to overhear a certain auburn freckled wee laddie talkin’ on the phone with Jack about going the movies tonight” answered Merida with a cocky smile “And Ah took that picture right at the park whaur they will meet up” “Really?” asked Rapunzel. “Yep an’ we are gonnae with them” replied Merida. “What?!” yelps Rapunzel “N-No way! What would I say to him?!” “Oh yoo’ll be fine. Just say what ye always say” said Merida then began to imitated her “A-Ah uh! Blah, eh? Eek!” Rapunzel gave a small laughed and shoved Merida playfully “Haha very funny” but her best friend wasn’t wrong. Every time Rapunzel sees her crush or she’s near him she always acts like a nervous wreck around him, she could barely talk in a perfect sentence without her mouth getting tongued tied. “Now come on, if we dornt go we might miss them” urged Merida. “What?! Right now! But umm do I look okay?” asked Rapunzel as she look at herself then checked herself in her mirror “Should I change clothes? Or should I wear a something on my hair?” “Ye look fine” told Merida but then she sees her best friend going over to her closet. “Maybe a sweater would look nice? Or how about a headband or a pin?” spoke Rapunzel as she tossed out everything she had in her closet. Merida rolled her eyes and walked towards her “Come on” she grabbed Rapunzel by her arm and dragged her to the door. “Okay! Okay just let me grab my purse!” said Rapunzel freeing herself from Merida’s grip and grabbed her purse and place it on her shoulder. “Ready?” “Ready” “Then off we go!” exclaimed Merida “Let’s go!” smiled Rapunzel. ~0~ The Art competition has begun and a lot of people came to watch the different kinds of Art that was being display. There were Canvases, Sculpture of clay and objects, all you can think of were all over the place. As it progress the Judges were seeing the many art pieces that the constantans had made. As they got to the Sculptures section the three Judges were intrigue by two clay sculptures, the first was a sculpture of a Lion and the second was a sculpture of an Angel woman. The two contestants who created the pieces of art were Darryl Lottsman and John Henderson. Darryl Lottsman made the Lion sculpture; he had browned hair and eyes, he was wearing a red shirt with a jean jacket over it and black pants. His sculpture showed that he did his best to almost make it look like a real lion, with the amazing detail he did of the lion’s mane that was big and had every strand of hair. The paws were great and the claws too. He made his lion to pose like it was roaring with its mouth wide opened showing off its fierce teeth and well detail inside of the mouth. John Henderson made the Angel woman sculpture; he had short blonde curly hair and hazel eyes, he was wearing a light green shirt with long sleeves, and blue pants. The angel he made looked beautiful; she had long hair and had a flower crown on her head. She was naked but didn’t expose any privet parts, and you could also tell that he worked very hard on her wings to look like real feathers. He made her pose to look like she was praying; her hands were claps together and were close to her chest to cover her breast. She was kneeling so they wouldn’t see her lower part and look up at the sky to the one she is praying to. The Judges observed both sculptures and were impressed that both of the artist did a great job with the detail that they presented. As the judges walked away and discussed with each other about the many art pieces they witness, both boys had the same hopeful look on their faces, that one of them will win the sculptor trophy. ~0~ In a secret location that no one knows about, a tall man walks in a dark room and then with his fingers he made a snap sound and it cause a window to open. The glass window had a design of a dragonfly and it brought the only light to fill the whole room, and in this room were a swarm of white Dragonflies flying all over the place. The man reaches his hand out and a dragonfly landed in his palm, with his other hand he places it on top trapping the dragonfly in his hands. Then a dark energy forms in his hands and when he removed his hand the dragonfly that was once pure white was now black with purple highlights. “Go out and find me another victim, my little akuma” whispered the man with a dark voice. Then the Akuma flied out of the room through the glass window and it began flying around the City of Paris to look for its next target. ~0~ Merida and Rapunzel were at the park and they were hiding behind a tree while looking at the boy that Rapunzel has a huge crush on sitting by the fountain. He had brown hair, light skin tone, and beautiful deep blue eyes. He was wearing a white shirt with a black snowflake design in the middle, he wore a blue hoodie over his shirt but had no sleeves. His pants were brown and skinny and he had blue sneakers. He also had an eye brow piercing on his right side that made him look cool and a black ring on his left hand. His name is Jackson Overland Black but his friends and classmates call him Jack. He is a model and the son of the famous fashion designer Pitch Black who is well known through all of France. Rapunzel couldn’t help but make a dreamy sigh as she looked at him. Jack was looking at his cellphone to check the time as he was patiently waiting for his friend to show up. “Okay we are going to just pass by and pretend to bump into them” spoke Rapunzel instructing their plan to greet the boys. “Then what?” asked Merida. “Then we'll go to the movies together! I’ll sit next to him and we’ll accidently touch each other’s hands as we reach for the popcorn. Then we’ll look deep into each other eyes and we’ll share our kiss under the darkness of the theater and then be boyfriend and girlfriend and in the future we’ll get married and live happily ever after!” express Rapunzel enthusiastically as she made a far off look on imagining the whole thing. Merida made a sigh at her best friend’s imagination “Let’s go and pass by and then we’ll see if we can make it to the sittin’ next to each other” Rapunzel snapped out of her day dream and gave a small laugh “Sorry” Both girls’ notice a boy approach Jack and it was none other than his best friend Hiccup Haddock. He had auburn hair, forest green eyes, and freckles on his face. He was wearing a shirt that was black at the top and red at the bottom with a white skull with horns as a logo. He also wore a long sleeve green shirt under his t-shirt, black pants and convers. Both girl’s see the two boys talking and began to take action by walking pass them. Merida was acting normal but Rapunzel not so much. “Act normal, act normal, act normal” repeated Rapunzel over and over again while walking like a robot. Merida rolled her eyes and notices that neither Jack nor Hiccup realize they were walking by them “We might as well be ghost” Rapunzel notice what her best friend meant, seeing that the boys haven’t even seen them “Uh then let’s try again” suggested Rapunzel but when she turned around she faced the wrong way and got herself hit by a tree “Oww” Before she could fall Merida quickly catches her and got Rapunzel on her feet “T-Thanks Merida” she said while rubbing her forehead to sued the pain. “Don’t thank me just yet” told Merida as she looked to her left. Rapunzel looked to where Merida was looking and saw that Jack and Hiccup had notice them. Rapunzel’s eyes went wide and her face began to blush, part of her really hope that Jack didn’t see her walk into the tree. She gave a nervous smile and waved at him and to her surprise Jack smiled and waved back. “Merida! Merida! He’s waving at me!” squealed Rapunzel. “Duh! Who wooldn’t wave at someone who’s in the same class?” asked Merida sarcastically, she saw that Rapunzel was still smiling and waving. Merida rolled her eyes and grabbed Rapunzel by the wrist and started walking towards the boys. Rapunzel tried to pull away not feeling brave enough to talk to Jack but Merida kept a firm grip on her so she wouldn’t escape. “Hey guys!” greeted Merida as she let go of Rapunzel wrist. “Hi” said Hiccup. “Hey” said Jack. Rapunzel was too nervous to say anything that she merely smile and waved. Merida made a sigh and slap her hand down and decided to do all the talking. "So what are you girls doing?" Jack asked with a smile. "Nothin’ much, just decided to take a walk aroond the park an’ then going to the movies afterwards" Merida said casually. Rapunzel merely nodded in response finding it difficult to even speak. "Really? Me and Jack were actually planning on going to the movies later as well" Hiccup said enthusiastically. "Really now? Weel dae ye guys mind if we tag alang? Ye know since we’re all going to the movies anyway" Merida asked looking at Rapunzel from the corner of her eyes with mischief. Rapunzel made a silent gulp then looked at Jack as he looked at Hiccup as if asking if it was alright for them to tag along. Rapunzel began to worry and use her index finger to twirl her short hair a habit that she does whenever she’s nervous ‘Oh no I knew this would be a dumb idea. He's so going to say no, and wonder why we would even ask him and his friend to hang out with them. He probably already had plans to hang out with some other prettier girls. Gosh I hate that I thought this would work’ "Rapunzel?" Rapunzel was snap out of her thoughts when she heard Merida calling her "Ahh! Uh err yes?!" she responded in shock. That's when she saw Jack and Hiccup looking at her with a surprise look and then start laughing which made her more confused than ever. "Uh what?" Rapunzel asked a bit shyly looking at Merida for help in which she got a sigh from her friend. "We were wondering if you were okay with hanging out with us. Since we don’t mind you girls tagging along" Jack said trying to stop himself from chuckling. "U-Us? Wait you? I mean you want us to hang out with you guys?!" Rapunzel couldn’t help herself from blurting out the question. "Ha ha of course, were all classmates here aren't we?" Jack chuckled. As soon as she heard it right Rapunzel couldn't help herself from blushing, she used her hands to hide her extremely red face from being seen. She then notices Merida trying to suppress a smirk from forming on her face. Rapunzel pouted before sticking her tongue out at Merida. "Uh Rapunzel?" Jack asked. Rapunzel froze in place still having her tongue out; she quickly closed her mouth in embarrassment "Um! That was just- I was err trying to get this hair off my tongue? Uh yeah! There was hair on my tongue, and it was really annoying!” She lied while stuttering. Merida just shook her head at Rapunzel, trying so hard not to laugh at her. Rapunzel made a mental note to get her back later. "Ah okay whatever you say" Jack said. ‘Oh my gosh! That was so embarrassing’ thought Rapunzel as she fiddle with her fingers. "So did you guys want to head out to the movies now?" Hiccup asked us. "Yeah, since A’m startin’ to get hungry for popcorn" Merida said. The four teens began to make their way to the movie theater. If you couldn’t tell by her face Rapunzel was really happy that she was hanging out with Jack and walking right next to him. If she could she would have scream for joy but that would make him think she’s weird. She then looked back at Jack while they walk; she took in all his features once again and made a big dreamy smile ‘His eyes are like the ocean’ She then noticed Jack turn to look at her, which made her flinched in shock and quickly looked away from him. "Are you okay Rapunzel?” asked Jack. "Huh? Uh w-what do you m-mean?" She asked him nervously. “Didn’t it hurt when you bumped into the tree earlier?” Jack wondered. “Aaah!” said Rapunzel and quickly turned her head away ‘Oh my goodness! I can’t believe he really saw that!’ she thought hiding her red face with her hands from embarrassment ‘He must think I’m clumsy for running into a tree!’ “Rapunzel?” Rapunzel snap out of her thought and looked at Jack “Huh? What?” “I said if you were okay?” He asked again. “M-Me? No! I-I mean yes!” replied Rapunzel as she laughed nervously “My h-head is fine! It’s made of rock! I-I-I mean it’s like a rock! No it’s hard as a rock! Hehe” Jack gave a confuse look “Okay? If you say so” he then turned his attention back to Hiccup and continued talking. Rapunzel couldn’t believe what she just said ‘Me and my big mouth’ she thought. “Hang in thaur lassie” said Merida as she patted her head with sympathy. Meanwhile… At the Art Competition, it was now finally coming to an end, with the judges now tallying up the scores of all the contestants’ work. They finish giving the 1st place trophy to the best Canvas paint now it was time for the best Sculpture, after taking 20 minutes to debate on which sculpture piece pleased them the most, they had finally came to a final decision. "Alright everyone will you all gather around to hear the final results on whose Sculpture art piece had the most creative and outstanding work." The host of the competition said. Everyone began to gather around the stage, looking up at the many contestants who had participated. "We are all happy to have seen such wonderful pieces. We can all tell that you all put a lot of work and heart into it. But as you all know, not everyone can win. But that doesn’t make every one of you less talented" One of the judges said. Everyone began clapping after hearing the nice speech. Making some of the contestants smile and feel a little less nervous. "Now to make things more interesting we wanted to narrow it down to two contestants who had really outstanding pieces of work. So without further ado" The host said excitedly. That's when the contestants started to look more nervous again, waiting patiently for the results. "Let's have Darryl Lottsman and John Henderson up here to the front of the stage!" The host yelled excitedly. They looked at each other both extremely happy to be in the top two, before quickly rushing to the front in excitement. "We’re sorry for the rest of you who didn’t make it but we’re happy to have had you all here. Alright everyone let’s give it up for the contestants who participated!" The host yelled out. Everyone cheered for them, as the ones who didn’t make it walked off the stage. Some looked sad and some looked happy to have at least being a part of the whole thing. As the cheering and clapping started to die down, that's when the host began to speak up again. He then reached in the back of his pants pocket pulling out a white and gold envelope that held the name of the winner. "And for the moment we've all been waiting for. The judges took a lot of time with deciding which Sculpture they admired the most. The one that showed lots of beauty almost showing no mistakes, and so the winner is..." The host said. Everyone waited anxiously, leaning in anticipation, Darryl and John looking quite nervous but ready to hear the results. Once the host finally opened the envelope he then read the results. "John Henderson! You are the winner for the most outstanding and creative Sculpture! Come on up here to the front!" The host yelled excitedly. Everyone cheered in excitement, confetti falling down on the winner and crowd. Darryl looked as if the life had been sucked out of him right there, while John on the other hand looked ecstatic. He ran up to the front grabbing the trophy from one of the workers who ran on stage. Everyone began to cheer louder as they saw John’s sculpture show up on the huge projection screen for everyone to see. Not even noticing Darryl backing away slowly into the shadows, before finally walking off the stage. His head hung low in disappointment but as if the pain weren't deep enough he heard the people talk about how John deserved to win, with his sculpture looking so majestic and detailed. Saying they were beyond surprised at how well he managed to make the wings look so life like. "What was the other guy's piece again?" He heard a male voice in the crowd as he walked by. "Um wasn't it some kind of lion or something?" Another male person asked. Darryl stayed for a bit interested in what they were going to say about his art sculpture. "Yeah good thing he didn't win. I found his sculpture to be quite boring." One female voice said. "Yeah I mean a lion? Come on you couldn’t think of anything else? It's no wonder he lost to John" said another person female. "I know right? I guess he'll know next time to do something else huh? Ha ha" another guy laughed. Darryl started to back away slowly as tears started forming in his eyes, as he overheard the group of people criticize his work ‘I did my best. I spent days on making every last strand of detail. How could they think it was useless and not worthy?’ thought Darryl not realizing one of the tables behind him, and before he knew it he had fallen over the table before falling to the ground, making the table fall over in the process. That’s when everyone including the group of people who were criticizing his work turned to look at him. Feeling overwhelmed and embarrassed, he finally ran outside of the building. Not being able to take the pressure of everyone judging him any longer. Once Darryl had finally found a place to hide from everyone, that’s when he just broke down in tears. "I can’t believe I thought I actually had potential. No wonder no one liked my sculpture, I'll never be any good. Why did I ever think I could?" Darryl had cried to himself sadly not noticing it, a dark black and purple dragonfly had landed onto his wristband, it fuse itself into it as soon as it made contact. "Do you wish to make the people pay for causing you humiliation?” said a voiced inside Darryl’s head “Because I am here to give you the power to take your revenge and show them your real talent, all you have to do is follow my orders and bring me Mariposa and Fenrir Frost's miraculous" Darryl stopped crying and stands up "Yes. I will do whatever you ask of me Dark Nightmare..." Darryl said with a crooked smile. A dragonfly mark appeared on his face and was glowing a purple light then a dark energy began to manifest all over Darryl’s body. After a few seconds later the dark energy disappeared and Darryl became Akumatized. "Good, I'm glad you understand Sculptman" ~0~ Merida watched as Rapunzel was going back and forth mumbling for the past 5 minutes in the girl’s bathroom, she had tried to calm her best friend down but she wasn’t having any luck. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! What am I going to do Merida?! What am I going to do?!" cried Rapunzel. They have all arrived at the movie theater and bought their tickets, the boys went to find their seats while the girls offered to buy the popcorn and drinks but ended up in the bathroom. While Merida was doing fine, Rapunzel felt like she was going to have a heart attack “What if I fall and spill soda on me? Or even worse what if I spill soda on him?!” she said while drastically shaking Merida's shoulders. Merida grabbed a hold of her hands and took them off of her, then looked at Rapunzel straight in the eyes. "Okay Punzie ye need to relax. Ah dunnae know what yoo're getting’ yerself sae worked up for?” Questioned Merida. "Maybe it's because I'm finally going to spend some time with Jack! And I have no idea what I'm going to even talk to him about!” yelled Rapunzel she was breathing heavily and felt like she would pass out any second. This just all seems too surreal for her; Merida just looked at her in bewilderment, before rolling her eyes a bit and looking at her with a sigh. "Ye do realize we came here to watch a movie together right? Yoo're not gonnae have to worry about talkin’ to heem" Merida said. "That may be true. But what if he asks me how the movie is?! I'll end up freezing or worse saying something utterly embarrassing again!" She yelled in panic. "Rapunzel Ah swear if ye dornt calm down, Ah will teel Jack how ye love to paint pictures of ye and heem married, and how ye take pics of heem without heem knowin’ for references!" Merida shouted. Rapunzel gasped loudly feeling as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice cold water on her head "Y-You wouldn't!" She said nervously. "Ah will if ye keep gonnae crazy on me" Merida said with a playful yet serious expression. "Okay fine... I'll try not to overreact too much" responded Rapunzel. "Good, coz remember we all came here to have a good time. And Ah dornt want ye to be overthinkin’ things and being upset. So just enjoy this, okay?" Merida said placing her arm around her shoulders. "Yes I understand. Okay let's go and watch the movie" said Rapunzel feeling a bit more confident. "That's what I'm talking about lassie! Let's go before the guys think we ditched them" Merida said before pulling Rapunzel in a rush out of the bathroom. They went to buy the popcorn and drinks, lucky for them the line wasn’t too long. Merida was holding four sodas in a box and Rapunzel was carrying four bags of popcorn. Eventually they made their way into the theater room, and looked at their tickets to see where they were sitting. It would’ve been easier had the lights in the room hadn't been so dim. Eventually the intro to the movie started to play and Rapunzel started to panic again ‘Oh no, are we seriously not going to be able to find our seats?!” "Hey girls! We’re up here!" Rapunzel heard someone shout, before she quickly realized it was Jack’s voice, she turn and blushed as she made eye contact with him. Even in the dark she could still see his deep blue eyes. Rapunzel would have looked at him longer but stopped when she noticed him smiling at her ‘I hope he doesn't think I’m weird for staring at him too long’ thought Rapunzel. Merida snapped Rapunzel out of her thoughts by grabbing her wrist with one hand while the other carried the sodas and pulled her along to where the guys are. Rapunzel was nervous and was not ready to go, but she let Merida drag her along anyways. Eventually the the girl’s reached their row seats and did their best to make it over to Jack and Hiccup without stepping on anyone's feet. "Hey ye guys! Thanks for letting’ us know whaur ye were. It was so freaking dark; Ah could hardly see our row number" Merida said as she handed Hiccup and Jack their popcorns and sodas. "Ha ha well good thing you guys at least got in here before the movie started" Hiccup chuckled as he took a sip from the cold drink. "Yeah I woold've been so mad to have missed the beginnin’ of Captain America: Civil War" Merida stated as she grab her popcorn from Rapunzel and sat two seats away from Jack, leaving a seat between him and her for Rapunzel to sit. ‘Oh my gosh’ thought Rapunzel as she held the bag of popcorn tight. "Uh Rapunzel are you going to sit down? You're kind of in the way" Hiccup asked. "Oh uh yeah you're right. Sorry let me just hurry—Ahh!" Rapunzel tried to get to her seat but she ended up tripping over Hiccup's foot, to make the situation more embarrassing she ended up landing on top of Jack's laps and even worse she spilled her bag of popcorn all over him. Rapunzel eyes were wide with shock while Jack, Hiccup and Merida were surprise to what just happen. “I’m so sorry!” cried Rapunzel. "It’s okay. This might be the first time I had popcorn thrown at me" Jack said with a chuckle. Rapunzel began to blush a dark red before hiding her face away from him ‘Is it possible that if you wished hard enough, you could make yourself disappear? Cause I've never felt so embarrassed in my life’ Rapunzel snap out of her thoughts by Jack who help her get up. Then he held her hand to help guide her to the seat next to him. Rapunzel felt her face grow warm again from the feeling of his hand wrapped around hers. "Don't want you falling again right?" Jack said with a playful smile. "Uh er - yeah r-right" stuttered Rapunzel as she sat down and let go of his hand. “Since your popcorn is all over me. You can have some of mine” offered Jack. “M-Me? Popcorn-you? Really?!” asked Rapunzel. Jack smile “Sure” Rapunzel made a nervous smile “T-Thank you” then she felt an elbow lightly hit her in the arm already knowing that it was her best friend Merida trying getting her attention. Rapunzel turned to look at her in question before she saw Merida send her a smirk “At leest you didn’t spill soda on heem” said Merida making Rapunzel blush more and smack her in her arm to make her stop. ‘I don’t know how I’m going to survive throughout this whole movie’ she thought in exasperation. ~0~ The screams of the many people reached his ears as Darryl now known as Sculptman wreak havoc everywhere he went. Sculptman aimed his gun at a man and shot clay all over him and enjoy the sound of terror that he made. Then the clay remove itself from the human and morphed itself to look like the man, while the real one stood solidified like a statue. Sculptman look around and had not seen any signs of Mariposa or Fenrir Frost, he needs to get their miraculous for Dark Nightmare. But since they hadn't shown up yet it wouldn’t hurt to take revenge on the people who made fun of him ‘They thought they could get away with making people feel like crap, like they weren't good enough. No, I will make them pay for what they did to me’ thought Sculptman angrily. And with that thought he made his way to the place where his dreams were crushed. As he arrived at the entrance to the Art museum he lifted his wrist up to shoot out clay from his wristband. The clay ended up spraying onto the doors, hardening them instantly, and then he walked up closer to them before roughly kicking them down. The door instantly falling apart, the people in the museum all turned around in shock, Sculptman let his creation run loose and he shot out more clay from the wristband turning more people nearby into clay statues and gaining more sculture minions. That's when people started to panic and run past him out of the museum. He let them run past except for one group of five people that he had come for. "Oh no you thought you guys were going to get the chance to leave?" said Sculptman with an evil smirk. "Why are you doing this to us? What did we ever do to you?!" One of the girls from the group shouted. "Yeah please let us go!" One of the guys added. "Really? You guys did nothing? Do you not remember how you treated a young artist earlier? How you mocked him and made him feel like nothing?!" shouted Sculptureman at them in disbelief. "W-What do you mean?" One of them stuttered nervously. "Unless you’re... Darryl?" Another person from their group had said. "But how is that possible?!" One of the females spoke. "Does it really matter? You guys made the mistake of talking low of me. Now you'll all pay!” shouted Scultpman as he raised his hand up and shot clay towards them. They all screamed much to Sculptman satisfaction and they were covered with clay. The clay separated itself from the group and morph into the same five people and leaving the real ones frozen as clay statues. He smiled in enjoing the look of fear in their faces and turned to walk out of the Art Museum. ‘Now that they are taken care of, all I need to do now is get Mariposa and Fenrir Frost to come out to play. And I know just how to do that’ he thought before going into town to cause more destruction. ~0~ So far Rapunzel was finding herself liking the movie a lot more than she thought she would. Since action movies are more of Merida's thing but the movie was done really well to where she was enjoying it. Not to mention they managed to add some humor into the movie that was actually funny. Rapunzel reach out to grab some popcorn but then notice Jack’s hand also reaching out and she quickly pull her hand back but then she mentally face palm ‘Wait why did I do that? I could have touch his hand? I’m so stupid!’ "So are you enjoying the movie?" I heard Jack whisper to me. "Huh?! Uh y-yeah I am. How you? I-I mean how about you?" replied Rapunzel quietly as she couldn't help from stuttering. "Yeah I’m enjoying it too. I've been waiting for this movie to come out for years. And I gotta say I’m not disappointed." Jack said with a bright smile. Rapunzel couldn't help herself from smiling back at him ‘It makes me so happy seeing his smiles’ "Hey Rapunzel?" whispered Jack snapping her out of her day dream. "Ah! Uh yes?!" She shouted loudly. Everyone turned to SHUSH at her, and she could see some angry and annoyed faces which made her shrink into her seat and whispered sorry to all of them. Eventually everyone turned back to watch the movie ‘That was so embarrassing’ "Oh my gosh Punzie" Merida chuckled at her, while also giving her that knowing look. "Heh sorry didn’t mean to startle you” chuckled Jack quietly. Rapunzel had her hands in her face trying to hide the blush ‘Can it get any worse?’ As if to answer her question Rapunzel heard some screaming she thought that it could be from the movie but it didn’t, the screaming was coming from outside. Both Rapunzel and Jack jolted up from shock and turned to look at the entrance. Everyone started to look concern upon hearing the many screams. Eventually everyone even felt the ground shake from some kind of blast. That’s when everyone inside the movie theater started to go on a full out panic. "What in the world was that?!" Merida yells in shock. "I don’t know, that felt like some kind of earthquake" Hiccup said a bit nervously. "I-It almost seemed like it was something else” said Rapunzel in confusion. "And I can bet it’s not good" Jack said. Then they heard even more screaming and before they knew it they saw the doors to the movie theater burst open. Rapunzel saw some human sculptures made of clay walk in and started to throw things and gabbing anyone they can get their clay hands on. "Agh! What the heck are those things?!" Merida shouted. "I don't know but I’m not staying to find out, let’s get out of here!" Hiccup had yelled to us. The four teens got up from their seats and started running towards the exit and so did everyone else, they were about to reach the door but then two of the clay sculpture grabbed hold of Merida and Hiccup. "Help!" yelled Hiccup. “Let go of me!” shouted Merida. "Merida! Hiccup!" yelled both Rapunzel and Jack. They were about to help them but more of the sculptures were coming and were blocking their way to their friends. Jack and Rapunzel back away slowly from the approaching clay sculptures and they can still hear their friends struggling to get themselves free. Rapunzel was worried for Merida and Hiccup and knew that she had to act fast ‘I need to find a place to hide’ she looked over to Jack and could see that he had a serious expression on his face. "Jack what are we going to do?" She asked him. Jack saw a broom on the floor and quickly grab it and use it to push the clay sculptures back "Come on! Let’s hurry!" he said as he grab Rapunzel’s hand and both made a run for it. As Jack used the broom to fight off the sculptures they eventually made it out of theater room and able to run past the sculptures and quickly run down the hallway. Jack saw the doors to the bathrooms and he pulled Rapunzel inside the girl’s bathroom. "Stay here. I'm going to see if I can find someone for help" Jack said to her. Rapunzel didn’t like the idea of Jack risking himself to danger "But-But Jack-" "Don't worry, I promise to come back" said Jack giving her a reassuring smile and quickly ran down the hall. As soon as Jack was out of sight Rapunzel check all the stalls to make sure there was no one in the girl’s bathroom and quickly opened her purse and out came Jia hovering next to her “There is no way I’m going to sit back here and do nothing" stated Rapunzel. "You're ready to go save your friends" Jia said with a smile. Rapunzel nodded and had a determine look on her face then her black earing turn to a light pink and then she flip her hand back which touch her earing and yelled. "Jia Wings on!" Jia is pulled inside the earring, then it glowed and the earing morphed into a butterfly. Rapunzel placed both her hands together to her face and spread them apart, it created a fuchsia colored mask with a butterfly wing below her right eye and a vine design on her left eye. She then spread both her arms out and a magical energy appears above her head and glides down on her. Rapunzel’s brunette color hair turns into a golden blonde and it grew longer that reach up to her calves. A fuchsia skintight top with a butterfly wing design appears on her, then fuchsia skintight pants formed on her legs with a vine like design and something wraps around her feet which created a pair of black boots. A flower is placed on the right side of her hair, then two pair of butterfly wings spread out on her back and lastly around her hips a string appeared with a fuchsia pink yo-yo that had a butterfly wing pattern. Rapunzel made a few spins, lifted her leg up and then strikes a pose. Meanwhile... Jack was able to dodge the clay sculptures and manages to get outside of the movie theater. He quickly found a place where he knows he wouldn’t be seen by anyone and that his secret would be safe. “Let’s go Nixx!” said Jack as he looks inside his hoodie jacket but got no respond “Nixx!” “I need my beauty sleep” spoke a small male voice from inside the jacket. Jack made an annoyed look then reach inside his pants and got out a piece of Camembert cheese from his pocket. The scent of the cheese made something flied out from Jack’s hoodie; it snatches the cheese from his hand and began to eat it. Jack looked at the small floating creature known as Nixx he had white fur and blue marks on his body, he had a large head, tiny body and blue eyes. Just by looking at him you can easily tell that he resembles a wolf with his pointy ears, fangs and fluffy tail. Jack crossed his arms as he watched his small friend eat “Guess you had enough beauty sleep?” “Yes but not enough cheese” replied Nixx with his mouth full of cheese. “Well now is not the time” said Jack as he gave a signature smirk and had his left hand into a fist. “Nixx Fangs out!” Before Nixx could finish his cheese he was suck into the ring, Jack lifted his left hand up and his black ring turned silver and in the center appeared a bright blue paw mark. Then with his four fingers he traces them across his eyes which created a mask that was silver with a blue color line below. With both his hands he brush his hair back which cause his brown hair to turn white and two wolf ears appeared on his head. He then spread both his arms out and a blue magical energy slides down, a skin-tight silver body suit appeared on his body with two blue stripes above both his elbows and abdomen. He also had matching gloves and boots with hidden wedges. A blue belt wraps around his waist and a white fluffy tail appears too. Jack made two air punches and a kick and then strike a pose. In the city of Paris these two are more than just your average teenagers, they protect the city and people from the villain Dark Nightmare and his evil Akuma’s They are... Mariposa & Fenrir Frost To be continued…
If you guys are interested in reading more, go to my friend’s fanfiction account listed below:)  https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4736294/ But I’ll also be posting the second part of chapter 1 later today. :) I also gotta say it was a bit difficult but nonetheless really fun helping @linezrodriguez writing the first few chapters of her story. Luna did such an amazing job with her part in writing. I mean if it wasn’t for her this story probably would have never happened. I’m looking forward to helping her write the next chapters. Also I wanna give a special thanks to her friend @rosesnvines  for helping give us some ideas to use for Mariposa’s powers
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coleymari-blog · 7 years
A War Fought at Home : Chapter 6
Corporal Natsu Dragneel has been through Hell, and unfortunately for him, the ride isn’t quite over. How will a new Rehab program at the local VA help? And will a certain blonde help make matters better?
Modern Military AU. Warnings for mentions of depression and adult language/situations. Other warnings to come as the story progresses. Cross post on AO3 and FF.net.
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 
“--THE FUCK?! So you just offered up our house?!”
In all honesty, Gray had every right to be upset. It wasn't like Natsu had given away the last of their beer or something, he'd offered their spare bedroom to a seemingly random college girl! The two Marines had at one time discussed the possibility of renting out that room sometime in the future, but that plan had always been dependent on Natsu and his progress.
“If I didn't, she'd have to drop out and move back to Acalypha, Ice Dick,” Natsu replied as he wheeled himself over to the sink to drop his dishes in the sink, his voice taking on a somewhat whiny tone against his will. At least he had waited until they were home to drop the bomb. He had brought it up over dinner, initially causing the Sergeant to choke on his pasta, but eventually Gray had gathered enough rage to just let Natsu have it.
“And this is our problem how…?” Gray snapped, immediately beginning to wash the dishes, handing the dripping ones down to Natsu for drying.
“Because she's nice and deserves help?” What else was he supposed to say? Oh, she needs to move in with us so I don't have to say goodbye to the one female that doesn't look at me like a puppy in a cone collar? Natsu shook his head and sighed. “Come on. It's only for a year until she graduates.” He racked his brain for any other argument he could muster. A thought came to mind but it was the cheapest move in the book. “Maybe she has cute friends that like guys in uniform?”
Gray huffed grumpily as he continued to wash the same plate he’d be working on for the past couple minutes. Natsu could tell that his best friend was more upset by Natsu’s single minded decision making than he was by the prospect of Lucy moving in. All Natsu had to do was find the right switch to flip and Lucy would have the green light. When Gray finally handed off his plate, he looked down at Natsu and cocked his head to the side slightly, as if trying to read the other Marine like a book. A moment passed before Gray spoke again, his gaze falling in defeat. “You know we’ll have to actually keep this place clean then, right?”
YES! Natsu thanked his roommate rapidly before speeding off for his room to grab his phone. He happily shot a text off to Lucy before he heaved himself out of his chair and flopped onto his bed. Folding his sculpted arms underneath his head, the salmon-haired Marine breathed in deeply before allowing himself to sink further into his mattress, but not before his face lit up with the biggest shit eating grin he had ever donned. Lucy moving in meant that he’d get to see her every day, eat meals with her, watch movies together, everything he craved to do with her but couldn't in the capacity he really desired. But if he didn't stand a chance to be her boyfriend, at least he could be her favorite roommate. With the fantasy of Lucy running through his mind, of her hips swaying down his hallway, casting the sweetest smile over her shoulder as she shut her door for the night, Natsu let sleep overcome him.
The next morning, he woke up surprisingly refreshed. No nightmares, no cold sweats, nothing. All that awaited him were a million grateful texts from Lucy and the sounds of Gray already hard at work fixing up the spare room. Natsu could hear his best friend shuffling boxes down the hall, stopping in the living room, and back again for the next load. Maybe they could use him and his chair like a dolly. At least they’d get done quicker.
The Marine hoisted himself into his wheelchair, not bothering to change out of his standard-issue sweatpants and tanktop. He immediately rolled out into the hall and over to the doorframe in order to watch Gray work. Surprisingly there wasn’t much left to do. The furniture from when they moved in was again visible instead of being buried under duty bags and old boxes. There was a metal bookcase in the back corner that Natsu knew Lucy would appreciate, a full bed situated in the middle of the back wall beneath a large uncovered window that opened up to their spacious (and rarely occupied) backyard. The matching dresser was covered in an inch-thick layer of dust but was beautiful nonetheless. Gunny had made them himself but they’d never really been used by the boys. Gray had his own furniture from before he moved in and Natsu had to replace all his with medical grade equipment after his accident. The only time the pinket remembered the room being used at all was when his sister Wendy had come to visit shortly after he had returned home.
“Nice of you to join me, Asshole,” Gray muttered as he stripped away his t-shirt and used it to wipe the sweat from his brow. He threw a semi-empty box over by the door right next to Natsu’s feet. “We gotta start going through this bullshit. She has to move in before the First, right?”
Natsu grinned devilishly as he leaned over, grabbed the box, and dropped it in his lap. He didn’t even want to fight Gray about the teasing, reveling in the normalcy of it all. Most people would have taken offense to being called something derogatory but to Natsu and Gray, it was nothing more than pet names between brothers. Over the past couple months, as Natsu grew stronger, Gray acted more normal by the day. At first, it started off with small things like not doing every little thing for him and eventually grew to include the hurling of casual insults. If he was being honest, Natsu had to admit that it raised his spirits a bit, but not nearly as much as the prospect of Lucy moving in with them.
Looking down into his lap, he noticed the cardboard box contained the remnants of his Service days. Pictures of his teams, medals and commendations, the works. Before he knew it, another box was being added on top of the first, almost completely obstructing his sight in all directions. “Yup, she’ll have to start moving in here in about two weeks,” he replied as he carefully rolled back to his room and dropped the mementos in the corner. Natsu brushed off the dust off his sweats before heading back to the other room. “You sure you’re okay shacking up with a girl?”
Gray hopped up and sat on top of the dresser, leaning back against the wall. “Nah, it’s just a year right?” he scoffed while staring up at the white popcorn ceiling. “And having a chick around might not be such a bad thing. This place could use a serious ‘feminine touch’.” Both Marines laughed at the slight truth in Gray’s statement before he jumped down and made his way to his bedroom next door. He quickly headed for the shower, managing to lose his basketball shorts somewhere between the two, and left Natsu alone to take in the sight of the now empty room. Closing his eyes, he took a moment to imagine what Lucy’s room might look like. The empty beige walls were suddenly covered in all sorts of photos, the bed draped with her favorite starry quilt. She would probably need some kind of desk for her writing, but he still had his that was hardly ever used. The twinkling sounds of his cell phone ringing dragged the veteran out of his daydreaming and forced him back into the real world.
Wheeling into his room, Natsu groaned when he found his former teammate calling. A picture of the orange-maned, playboy wiggled over the screen before Natsu actually forced himself to pick up, mainly just to make it stop. “Yo, Leo, what’s up Brother?” he murmured, trying to sound asleep. One could only hope he’d be spared if Loke thought he’d interrupted something.
“Salamander, tonight the boys and I are going out since the Dragon Twins are back from their last Tour,” the other Marine slurred as if he’d already started ‘celebrating’. “Grab the Ice Princess and meet us at this bar downtown called Fairy Tail. No one has seen your ugly ass in ages.”
Natsu feigned amusement. “I’ll relay the message, but you guys can make complete fools of yourselves without me thanks.” While he knew he probably should go, mostly because of Gildarts’ relentless nagging in the back of his mind, that didn’t mean he necessarily wanted to go. Seeing the boys would be great if they didn’t want to go somewhere like a downtown hotspot. It’s not like they were the most handicapable places in the world.
Loke’s whining made Natsu yank the phone off his ear. “Come on man, I’m being serious.” A small huff came through the line after silence had fallen between the two brothers-in-arms. “At least think about it? Everyone would really like to see you, Boss.”
Eventually Natsu conceded to the augmented request. “I make no promises.” And that was that. Rushed goodbyes left the pinket alone once more to wallow in his thoughts.
Could it really be so bad?
Hours later, once night had fallen over Magnolia, Gray and Natsu trudged their way up to the line waiting outside the newest hub for local nightlife. After some heated debates and multiple decision changes, the two ultimately dressed and headed out to meet their Squad mates. The group of Marines wasn’t exactly difficult to spot, the four of them sticking out like well-postured thumbs. Natsu immediately made out Loke and the ‘twins’ better known as Sting and Rogue. The two riflemen had grown up together, enlisted together, and served together, earning them the familial title. Gajeel held up the rear, grinning menacingly as the two joined the group. They all shared their raucous pleasantries before they were finally admitted to the club.
At least the monstrosity had one benefit. Due to Natsu’s wheelchair, the staff of Fairy Tail bumped them up to first class so that the group could have access to the booths. There was a ramp up onto the raised platform hidden on the side of the main room and the six of them quickly found their way to their table.
“First round is on me, boys!” Loke exclaimed, trying to be heard clearly over the booming music. And before anyone could stop him, the redhead was weaving through the crowds to get to the bar. The rest of them settled down and began catching up, sharing the highlights of what had happened in the past year and a half. When Loke returned, not only was he carrying a tray full of glasses and a bottle of firewhiskey, he was also smirking in his trademark fashion.
“Check out the pack of babes by the bar,” he instructed as he directed their attention to the bar. Each of them craned their necks in order to get a glance at whoever Loke was talking about. It didn’t take their trained eyes long to find their targets and Natsu felt as if his heart was going to beat out of his chest. Luckily he didn’t have to say anything. Gray did that for him.
“Hey Natsu! Isn’t that Lucy?!” he mocked, wryly sipping his whiskey. She was surrounded by other girls, a couple he recognized from photos she had shown him. Queue the casual ribbing.
Sting, the blonder half of the Twins, soon broke up the teasing as he announced his intentions. “Well, if you guys wanna circle jerk all night, be my guest. I’m going to get to know those girls over there.” His sights turned on Natsu before he downed the rest of his drink. “Wanna introduce me to the hot one?”
Natsu’s world turned red. Unfortunately, he didn’t get the chance to react before Sting was already cutting through the crowd. He sat faithfully and watched as his comrade infiltrated the group, never once gesturing back to the other Marines. However, the longer he made himself watch, the sicker he became. The last thing he saw before finishing off his own drink and excusing himself from his brothers was Sting closing the gap and running his fingers through the very strands of gold that had been haunting Natsu’s dreams for weeks.
Hey y'all! Hope you enjoyed this one. It's a bit of a filler chapter but trust me, you're going to like where this is going. Thank you all for wishing me well these past couple weeks. Thankfully I'm feeling better (mostly) but the stress from normal life is no bueno. I'm thankful I get to come and write here, and that y'all are coming along on the ride with me. :)
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Not here.
Summary: As annoyed as Arya Stark was thanks to her brothers after finishing her fencing lessons she still had to return home so she did the smartest option ad took a taxi. She should have listened to the legend that was going around about a cab tha didn’t take people to where they wanted to be but where they needed to be. Arya was too old to believe in that nonsense
Arya looked at the passing cars in front of her waiting for the taxi that was supposed to pass soon; she played with the phone between her hands cursing her brothers for being unable to pick her up from her fencing lessons.
-Idiots- she muttered pushing herself against the light post not wanting to stay standing like that any longer. The city lights shined above her making clear that it was already past seven and reminding her that if she arrived home a minute after eight she would have to hear her mother nagging about the danger of a fifteen years old being alone outside at such hours. It wasn’t the latest she had been outside but her mother tended to worry about the most ridiculous of things. Finally, after waiting for another fifteen minutes and shouting out to three different taxis that completely ignored her like if she wasn’t there a cab stopped in front of her answering her prayers. Quickly she accommodated her bag over her shoulder and ran at the vehicle before the driver changed his mind and left her alone to wait for another cab. -Good night miss- the man inside greeted with a soft smile, he was bald and for some reason Arya didn’t comprehend entirely he was wearing a cap inside the Taxi. The fact that he identified her as a lady so quickly amazed her, because with her short hair (courtesy of a boy with the mentality of a five year old who stitched gum to her hair) and her slightly boyish attitude and even thought she didn’t mind the confusion (or perhaps she was to used to it to care about it anymore) but it was nice to be identified for who she was.
-Good night- answered as she made her way to the inside of the car pushing her bag to one side and pulling out her cell phone to send a message to her mother letting her know that she would arrive soon.
There was a rumor that was starting to run around the city that there was a taxi that did not take people were they wanted to be but rather were they were needed to be, It seemed to childish to Arya even believe in it, it was only recently that the words “That wasn’t very ladylike” were the words her soul mate was supposed to tell her and not some weird birthmark. She had different variants of that words like “You’re a tomboy” but never specifically those words and in a way, it would be weird to get to hear them.
-Where do you want to go miss?- the man asked as she took her phone between her hands and started to play Piano Tiles with her headphones,
-Winterfell street number 5- She spoke as she moved her hands to the music’s compass.
Arya continued the entire road without looking up from the screen of her phone; she was invested in passing the level and completing the songs that lacked crowns.  The driver spoke to her but she could barely hear him over her headphones
-Fuck I lost!- she yelled, it was then when she noticed that the driver has stopped and that he was turning his head to her, her cheeks covered in a soft pink from embarrassment
-Sorry- she said handing the man twenty dollars; it was what the drivers usually charged her in her way home anyway, Arya took her bag and headed out of the taxi without even looking to where she was, it wasn’t her house’s door it was a dark alley, it seemed like the kind of street her mother always warned her to stay away from.
-Excuse me…
When she turned her head to tell the man that he might have made a mistake the taxi and the man she initially thought was nice was gone and she was left alone in the dark alley. Arya cursed her luck, holding her bag tighter in case she needed to punch someone and run away. Even if she was still pissed it didn’t take her too long to realize that the place in front of her was still open and it looked like an innocent place even if it was in a street she was brought to without her knowledge.
Slowly she opened the place’s door founding herself in the middle of a lot of different decorations made of metal, it also had a few swords that Arya watched in shock, the sight of an actual sword was something rare, and watching one in front of her that wasn’t the family’s reliquary amazed her.
-May I help you?- a low voice sounded behind her and she had to turn her head to see the counter and the man behind it, he had black hair a small beard growing and it was attractive even if Arya wouldn’t admit it out loud, he was looking at her in slight surprise at the sudden entrance.
-Yes- Arya answered as she got closer to him noticing how green the man’s eyes were -I’m lost- she admitted as she leaned over the counter where he was still looking curious around her, behind the counter was a small fridge
-And what am I supposed to do about that? - he mocked a small smirk adorned his features making her growl in annoyance
-I need to call my cousin so he can pick me up, tell me the address of this place- Arya asked upset at the man and how he seemed to have fun with her problem.
-Sure it’s King’s street number 37- he told her as she dialed Jon’s number knowing he would be more understanding and wouldn’t run to tell her mother like Robb would do.
-Jon- she called him as soon as the ringing stopped making her let out a sigh of relief that she wouldn’t need to call her oldest brother or her sister and her annoying boyfriend
-Hello Arya- she could hear how confused he was by the sudden call when she was supposed to be arriving home
-I need you to pick me up- she bursted saying the sentence as if it was one word.
-What? Why? You know I can’t my car is broken- he explained as he tried to avoid his curious cousin that was prying over him trying to get him to say who was on the phone with him
-Well then take Robb’s! - She could feel her patience descending with every second that passed, the boy looked at her curious feeling a small ounce of pity for the girl
-Arya what’s wrong?- He sounded more alarmed than he intended and she knew that, he was usually a pretty calm man, instead now he was trying to figure out where his cousin was hoping she wasn’t in danger.
-I got into a cab but instead of taking me home she took me to this place in King’s street number 37 so I need someone to pick me up- she admitted, the line was silent for a few seconds and she could swear that she heard Robb and Jon arguing
-I’ll arrive in ten minutes, don’t move- he said firmly hanging the phone. At the silence she guarded her phone in her bag and sat in front of the counter where the man was.
-You know, a girl like you should be more careful- the man started with a slight smile. Arya stared at him in hate, she would be lucky if her mother didn’t scold her when she arrived home; the last thing she needed was a stranger scolding her as well.
-I’m not a girl! - She answered sounding more childish than she would have liked, he gulped Arya watched his reaction curious.
-Yes you are- he said defending himself, -do you think I’m stupid? - He laughed. 
She stood up from where she was taking the broom that was lying against the door and using it to hit him until he took it from her hands and pulled it away leaving it next to the fridge that was behind him
-Well, that wasn’t very ladylike- he mocked. Arya for the first time in what felt like forever was frozen in her place, there wasn’t even a violent or sarcastic response she could mutter, her brain was too busy processing the words that came out from his lips.
-You... - she started unable to finish the sentence she cursed her own brain for not giving her a reaction at all
-Me, what? - He asked leaning closer to her even if the counter was between them, he rested over his hands so he could be at the same height as her and he let his lips curve into a smirk.
-You’re my… - she muttered still in shock as she let the thoughts inside finally come to a logical conclusion
-Gendry Waters- he put his hand in front of him ready to greet her, she looked at his hand and then at the smile he was giving her, this smile was sweeter
-Arya Stark- she mumbled shaking his hand finally putting a soft but firm smile, to his eyes she suddenly seemed proud like if she was trying to imply that it was a blessing for him to get to know her
-A pleasure to meet you Arya- He said as she let go of his firm grasp
-Well of course it is, you just met your soul mate- Arya joked making him laugh, it sounded deep and Arya found herself enjoying the sound.
-Very funny Stark- he laughed opening a small fridge he had behind him. He turned himself to throw her a soda that she caught. –So, what do you like to do? Besides getting into cabs and getting lost at dark streets- He cleared, Arya sat over the counter using the chair to put her feet sitting over the glass counter.
-Very funny- she mocked taking a drink from the soda –I go to fencing lessons, I spend too much time in videogames to my mom’s liking and go to school for obligation even if I don’t do so bad at it- she narrated taking a drink from the can–How about you?-
-I go to college at night and work in here during the day- he said leaning to the wall,
-What do you study? - She asked in pure curiosity eyeing a sword
-Art- he said –Although I’m better at sculpting than drawing. I made the sword you’re staring at- he signaled, Arya jumped from the counter and walked to the metal sword that stood above her making it impossible for her to reach.
-Are you serious?- She said amazed –It’s an amazing sword- She didn’t realize when he got closer and reached for the sword from behind her to give the young girl a closer look at it
-Thank you- he said handing her the sword so she could look at it closer.
-Let’s fight! - She exclaimed and he could have sworn he saw her eyes shine in pure excitement
-What?- he asked genuinely confused
-Yes, we can have a swordfight, I can use that one and you can pick another one- she motioned to the sword he was holding between his hands –Or are you scared?- Arya teased, he handed her the sword as he reached for another
-Bring it Stark- he said, as he prepared himself to fight with her, this time she smirked,
-First mistake, being an easy target- she spoke as she got closer to him with her sword in her hand, he barely managed to cover the attack she threw him, they had be careful the last thing he wanted was to acquire a debt with the store’s owner to add to his own student loans.
They kept fighting for a while exchanging attacks with each other, Arya was making it easier for Gendry because she had practiced fencing since she was eight years old and she doubted he could even hold a sword correctly, still; she found it was funnier than a real competition like when she played football with her family, it wasn’t for an award it was for the simple delight of enjoying it and she loved that feeling. The sound of metal clashing against metal could be heard; both of them looked at the other in all seriousness as if it was a real fight, containing the laugh that they wanted to let out.
It was then when an attack Arya made pushed Gendry onto his back and in an attempt to stay standing he ended up with his back against the counter and sword still in hand, Arya looked at him from the height she had over him at the moment and held his sword against his throath
-Any last words Waters?- she joked with a serious face making him let out a small laugh that sounded like an exhalation, it had been years since he had that much fun
-Ehem- both of them turned to the voice finding Jon in the door staring at them in confusion and amusement at the sight of Gendry over the counter and his sister holding a sword near his neck, it surprised her how he could be so silent sometimes.
-Jon, you’re here! - smiled Arya as she got closer to him leaving Gendry to stand up and pick up the pieces of his broken pride he had to admit that he had enjoyed the fight even if he was unfamiliar with doing it professionally it still was fun to find someone willing to have a good time with it
-Yes, - he stated a small smile on his face –Do you mind telling me what is going on?- he probed as the teen blushed changing her sight between her brother and her soulmate
-Well Gendry showed me his sword so I challenged him to a duel- she explained as Gendry raised a hand in salutation.
-Alright- Jon sniggered as he patted Arya’s head to what he earned a slight punch –We should go home, you’re mother is worried and you have school tomorrow- she grunted in response, with her father’s journey she hoped that she could avoid going to school next day.
-Wait- Gendry said stopping both of them –Arya how old are you? - He probed
-Fifteen- she said shrugging her shoulders, he stood there dumbfounded
-You’re fifteen?- he asked amazed –But I’m twenty- he signaled himself in surprise as if he needed to give an explanation to her, he couldn’t believe how could fate give him a teenager as his soul mate, Arya was great of course, and slightly adorable but the age difference was larger than what he had expected, Arya seemed to notice this because she let out a small chuckle
-Haven’t I seen you before? - Gendry wondered as he turned to the pair of brothers until his eyes opened wide in realization –Wait aren’t you that model, the nephew of Eddard Stark?- he nagged, Jon furrowed his eyebrows in amusement at the new friend his cousin had made
-Well I think I am, why?-  Jon smiled
-Then you are Eddard Stark’s daughter- he pointed at Arya who couldn’t contain the laugh that emanated from her lips, he didn’t even process the sound
-Fuck- he whispered this time, not even Jon could stop the chuckle that emanated from his lips
-What? - cajoled Arya running to take the bag that she almost forgot taking a small notebook from it.
-So you’re telling me you’re not only rich as fuck but you’re also five years younger than me- he stuttered while she wrote something in the notebook and handed it over to him
-I don’t care if you don’t- she reassured as he took the paper noticing the teenager had written her number in it –But you should call me one of these days because I have to go- she concluded as she stood next to Jon while he opened the door so she could go through it with the bag between her hands
-So, who was that?-Jon nagged, a blush covered her features as he turned on the car and she stared at the window
-No one- she answered sinking in the seat behind him
-Alright- he mocked –Just so you know you’re mother will go crazy when you take no one home-
-Oh I know- she laughed as she sank in her seat as soon as the store was out of sight –And she won’t be able to do anything because “we are soulmates”-
-I thought you didn’t believe in that- Jon inquired without taking his eyes from the road
-I didn’t- she explained –But he seems like a cool guy- she mumbled with a blush giving herself a little to believe in the sudden burst of feelings that flooded in her chest. Even if she didn’t believe before she would definitely give a chance to the guy fate had out on the road for her.
-As you say- he shrugged eyeing her with a small proud smile, finding adorable the way his sister softened even if it was for a little while
“Hello milady”
Sounded a message from her phone and she couldn’t contain the smile that made her way to her lips and the blush that grew in her cheeks
“Hello blacksmith”
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saotome-michi · 8 years
Top 10 Manhwa of 2016-17
I used to rarely read manhwa, maybe just one or two a year, but then I discovered Lezhin and Spottoon - online platforms that host Korean webcomics with English translations available. The first few chapters are usually free but after that you have to pay to read, which actually appeals to me because I like being able to support writers and artists. And even if you find the prices unaffordable, reading the free chapters still helps because you’re increasing the view count and their popularity. The only complaint I have is that the quality of the translations can differ greatly between series, especially on Spottoon. Sometimes it’s pretty good and sometimes it’s really bad. 
Anyway, I’ve read so many manhwa this past year that I thought it’d be nice to make a manhwa rec list! Except for a few exceptions, I tried to only recommend series that have a good number of chapters out or that are already completed. These are my personal top 10. Enjoy!
10. Reversi (양극의 소년) by Eun Song
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In the year 2016, a never before seen virus decimates 20% of the world population. Moreover, survivors of this virus either transform into man-eating creatures called “worms” or into super-humans with tremendous physical abilities called “heteros”. Over the years, heteros start the ISO, an agency that protects people from worms. Haru, our protagonist, is a young hetero who wants to join the ISO, but it may not be that easy or straightforward…
Once in a while I find a scifi-action comic that manages to capture my interest, despite me being rather tired of the genre as a whole. This manhwa is on this list more for its potential than anything else- there are only 37 chapters out and the story’s still in its beginning stages, but I think there’s a lot of good material that, in the right hands, can make for a really interesting and entertaining story.
Despite the impression the synopsis may give you, the story starts out in a peaceful privileged high school setting and you don’t get to the nerve-wracking parts until around chapter 25. But the beginning achieves its purpose. It sets the scene with its conflicts: the segregation of those infected with the virus and those uninfected, the mixed treatment of heteros, and the still-existing class privilege. It also sets up the main characters; impulsive but sincere Haru and his best friend, level-headed and determined Leo; the other heteros in their school year; and members of the ISO. We don’t know much about them, but again they’re intriguing and the rest can come later. It’ll probably take another 30 chapters or so before we can see whether this manhwa fulfills its potential or not, but take this as a heads up - this one just might be a winner. At the very least, the beginning’s pretty engaging. And with clean art that’s easy on the eyes, it’s definitely no chore to scroll through.
Warning: Blood, death, murder, violence, body horror 
Available on: Lezhin (first 24 chapters are free). Not on scanlation sites yet. 
9. The House Cat (상상고양이) by Kim Kyoung 
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(Also known as: The Imaginary Cat, Cat’s Imagination) 
Cat lovers rejoice! Here’s another comic for you to read for your daily dose of cat shenanigans. “The House Cat” looks at Webcomic Artist Jong Hyun and his cat Bok-Gil (Jill in the english translation) - or as Jill would tell you, Cat Jil and her human who she allows to live with her. Like so, the comic presents their different viewpoints of their life together, with Hyun’s viewpoint on the left in red and Jill’s viewpoint on the right in green. The intersection between their viewpoints is cleverly done and will often leave you smiling one way or another. Cat owners will probably find many of their interactions familiar. On the other hand if you’re like me, you’ll start realizing that you are basically Jill and should’ve been born as a house cat instead of as a human. All in all, “The House Cat” is a pleasure to read and certainly not a bad way to pass the time. 
Warning: Alcohol mention, brief depiction of pet abuse and neglect 
Available on : Spottoon (first 4 chapters free). Was adapted into a kdrama called “The Imaginary Cat” 
8. Peak (피크) by Hong Sung-Soo and Lim Gang-Hyuk 
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If “mountain rescue manhwa” stirs any interest in you, this may be the manhwa for you. “Peak” centers around Ryu Yeon-Seong, who’s been stationed on Mt. Bukhan to be a Rescue Ranger for his military service, along with four other men. The story follows his experiences as he learns what being a rescue ranger entails.
I initially didn’t have high expectations for this manhwa, but the realistic and suspenseful storytelling ended up impressing me. I always like it when manhwa go into the specifics of the particular subject they’re covering and “Peak” does that extensively - from what’s covered in training exercises to the challenges of navigating throughout the mountain in subpar weather to how to conduct oneself when administering first aid to fatal injuries. And except for a few brief respites, the pace is remarkably fast from start to finish, emulating the break-neck speed the rangers have to move to save lives. It would not be an exaggeration to say that I’m constantly sitting at the edge of my seat when reading this manhwa. The rescue missions themselves are no joke; from an accident in the middle of the pouring rain to a helicopter crash, this manhwa is constantly upping the stakes. 
Personally, the art isn’t my favorite but it excels in two areas: conveying the physical exertion of being a ranger and the harshness of the mountain landscape. And when the story is all about survival, that’s really all that matters. 
Warnings: Blood, fatal injuries, death, murder 
Available on: Spottoon (First 30 chapters are free). 92 Chapters can be found on mangago. 
7. The Sock Monster (양말도깨비) by Manmulsang
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(Also known as: Socks Goblin)  
Is it too much if I said “The Sock Monster” would rock your socks off? Ehehe :P
But actually, this is possibly the cutest manhwa I’ve ever read. From the art, which resembles something you’d find in a children’s storybook with its crayon lines and oil pastel backgrounds, to the story itself, a young girl making her way in a wintery town, “The Sock Monster” radiates a quirky fairytale sort of charm. It’s slow to start but when it finds its rhythm, it strolls off, as our plucky protagonist, Park Sujin, learns the ropes at BigFoot Bank, finds the Sock Monster living in her room, and befriends Mr. Lara, her cat-man neighbor whose dream is to explore the deep ocean. Despite its lighthearted tone, the manhwa ends up covering some surprisingly heavy topics from the tension between Big Foots and Humans to animal experimentation (in a world where animals are more like humans). But it does so in a tender sort of way, never losing heart or the hint of wisdom that comes with classical storytelling. 
What the manhwa excels at especially is taking advantage of its fantasy world to sculpt all sorts of interesting plotlines for the characters. There is no limit to the creativity displayed. If children’s books and fairytales appeal to you, then you’ll probably appreciate the charm of “The Sock Monster”. Who knows, it might just become your favorite bedtime read. And you’ll probably end up cooing over how cute the sock monsters are. 
Warning: Child neglect and abuse, animal cruelty, death 
Available on: Spottoon (first 19 chapters are free) 
6. Myojin Tales (묘진전) by Jelly Bean 
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A smallpox goddess steals an eye from a celestial god to help her sightless baby. A young boy wonders why his father doesn’t love him. A girl who’s lived a miserable life curses her capturer with her last breath. The celestial god, the father, the capturer - all of these titles refer to the same being: Myojin, a god who has been sentenced to forever live among humans as punishment for his crimes, forbidden to ever return to his former post as a zodiac deity. This is a compilation of the stories surrounding him and the people whose lives he’s touched. 
This manhwa caught my attention with its art alone. Each panel is meticulously rendered in a style resembling traditional ink paintings, fitting for a story drawn from Korean mythology. Although the style is usually semi-realistic, like the panel above, when it comes to frightening and visceral scenes it leans towards abstraction. There is one particular chapter near the beginning that I could not read with the lights turned off. However, the story itself is also fascinating and from beginning to end, it reads like a folktale told from centuries ago. 
Let’s get this out of the way - Myojin is not a likable person in any aspect really. But he, like everyone else, is both victim and perpetrator of unfair systems, and has the capability for both good and evil. Therein itself lies the core of this manhwa and “Myojin Tales” is ultimately a story of recognition and redemption, where there is no moral absolutes, but only the choices one makes in certain circumstances. If you’re a fan of mangas like Mushishi, this could be your next favorite. 
Warning: child neglect, abuse, body horror, blood, murder, death 
Available on: Spottoon. Normally only the first 10 chapters are free, but this week (March 18, 2017) the first 17 are all free! 
5. Hwaja (화자) by Hong Jac-Ga 
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At 9 years old, Ryu explores “the Haunted House” in his neighborhood and meets Hwaja, a girl who looks a few years older than him. Hwaja never leaves the haunted house, except to sit on the rooftop, and spends most of her time drawing. Visitors, she says, have to bring her something, like food. Eventually, Ryu introduces his best friend Jay to Hwaja. She doesn’t seem like a ghost, but there is something is strange about her and the house… 
At 19 years old, Ryu, who moved away and hasn’t been in the neighborhood for years, is struck with the news of Jay’s death. His last text message from him reads, “Don’t ever come back.” But Ryu does come back and sees Hwaja again… 
As you can infer from the synopsis, there’s a 10 year time skip in the manhwa. Personally I didn’t find myself that interested in “Hwaja” until after the time skip (in Ch. 8), where the art style changes and things get a lot more intriguing. The art goes from crisp line-art colored in bright blues and greens to blocks of color in murky purples, browns, and blues, conveying the suspicion and suspense as Jay learns more and more about the truth behind Hwaja’s existence. The story ended up going places that I didn’t expect it to go and the ending was surprisingly heartfelt and touching. If you like ghost stories or just stories about the interaction between the supernatural and humans, give “Hwaja” a go. 
Warning: Violence, child abuse, sexual abuse, rape, murder, kidnapping, death 
Available on: Tapastic (Only the prologue is free). It can be found complete on scanlation sites on mangago. But if you end up liking it, support the author! 
4. Hongdo (홍도) by snowy owl 
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In a world of shamans, gods, ghosts and other mystical creatures, the illegitimate son of a prominent general, Hong-do Lee grows up to be a powerful exorcist. When he decides to abandon his job, he becomes the target of bounty hunters and stumbles upon a plot that threatens his life and the fate of the world.
So begins Hongdo, a swashbuckling fantasy adventure that has gorgeous art and gives me Fullmetal Alchemist vibes if only because Hong-do is incredibly similar to Edward Elric, minus the insecurities about his height. That’s not to say that Hong-do is an Edward copy; he’s clearly his own unique character, but the style of humor is similar and the situations he gets into resembles the beginning of FMA, where Ed and Alphonse traveled around Amestris looking for strange happenings possibly caused by a Philosopher’s Stone- only in Hong-do’s case, he’s looking for a mysterious man named Crow. What for? Well, you have to read it to find out. 
But although elements of the story are reminiscent of FMA, the exorcist practices and the setting that make up the backbone of the story is clearly based on Ancient Korean and Chinese mythology and history. Architecture, clothing, the gods and spirits, all are richly and beautifully illustrated. I have at least a dozen screenshots saved in my phone and my current iphone lock screen is a panel from Hongdo. The worldbuilding is fascinating to say the least and the story just gets more and more interesting as you go along. In short, don’t miss this gem of a manhwa. 
Warning: Violence, murder, some body horror-ish stuff 
Available on: Spottoon (first 9 chapters are free). Chapter 1-34 are on mangapark. 
3. Dark Heaven (다크 헤븐) by JUNS 
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In the US, same-sex marriage has been legalized but racist and homophobic hate crimes still regularly occur. Connor is Korean-American, and together with his friend and lover Simon, they have a band called “Dark Heaven”. But things can’t stay this good forever. Fast-forward to the future and the band has split up. Simon is pursuing a solo career and Connor’s working as a writer in a news agency. What went wrong and can they be together again? 
This manhwa pushes all of my buttons, so it’s no surprise that it’s on this list even though I’m only 15 chapters in. I mean, come on, a Korean-American protagonist? Check. Angsty Band Premise? Check. True love between two boys who care about each other so much, they find life lonely without having the other by their side? Check. And to top all of that, really good art? Check. Check. Check.
I think what’s so refreshing about this manhwa is that it looks at racism and homophobia and actually does a good job going about it. When Connor finds himself in love with Simon, he not only faces opposition from the outside, but also from the inside. Internalized racism and homophobia can be a bitch and the author does a good job depicting that with Connor’s struggles. And the love that Connor and Simon have for each other is just so touching, you can only fervently hope that they find their way back to each other again.  
Warning: Homophobia, racism, racist and homophobic slurs, hate crimes, prostitution, child abuse, violence 
Available on: Lezhin (first chapter is free). Scanlation sites only have up to chapter 5-6 I think. 
2. Annarasumanara (안나라수마나라) by Ha Il-Kwon
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Yoon Ah-ee struggles to keep her and her little sister fed, clothed, and sheltered, but that’s easier said than done, especially with her father’s debts weighing down on her shoulders. Her only hope is to keep her grades up so that she can go to a good college and then get a good job and become a good adult. But when she meets a mysterious magician in the abandoned amusement park, she’s reminded of her childhood dream to learn magic… 
This has been on my “to read” list for years, but I’ve finally read it and I can only hit myself on the head for not reading it sooner. Annarasumanara is a story for those who have had that moment when, verging at the brink of adulthood, you’ve wondered “what is happiness”? Will going on this road that everyone has predetermined for me, “study hard, go to a good college, get a good job,” make me happy? 
What happens if that’s not what I want? 
The art here is unique to say the least. The author goes for a mixed media approach of combining drawings with photographs, which is not uncommon in Korean webcomics. What is uncommon is for it to be done well, creating stark, unforgettable imagery that, at times, blurs the lines between reality and construed reality. Which is exactly what this manhwa needs; after all it’s a story about finding real magic in what seems like a miserable reality. 
Warning: Suicide Attempt, Violence, Sexual Harassment, Blood
Available on: Line Webtoon (All chapters are free!)
 1. Vengeance (벤전스) by Aji
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Have you ever really wanted a noir mystery about a female police detective trying to solve the case of her girlfriend’s murder? I did, I just didn’t know that I did until I started reading this and then I thanked the gods above for delivering my unconscious wishes.  
Hyun Seol-ah is an experienced police officer who’s known for her cool head and rational approach in dangerous situations - but all that cool headedness goes flying out the window when she arrives at a murder scene and realizes that the victim is her girlfriend, Hwan Hara. From then on, she is focused on only one thing: finding the monster who killed her and then exacting revenge.
I know what you’re thinking… another sad lesbian story? Yes, it’s sad, but the relationship between Seol-ah and Hara is depicted so profoundly, you can feel how much Seol-ah loved Hara and how much Hara loved her in return. As Seol-ah chases down the murderer, we see flashback after flashback of their relationships, from the fights to the cuddles to the declarations of love. What makes this even more heartbreaking is that their relationship was a secret, and so Seol-ah must solve Hara’s murder while hiding that they were lovers.
But also, the art is fantastic. I could go on and on about it, but I think the panel above speaks for itself. Solid blocks of color used to great dramatic effect that mimics the atmosphere of noir films. Seriously, do not let this pass you by.
Warning: Murder, blood, body horror, homophobia
Available at: Lezhin (first chapter is free). You can also read the whole thing on mangago and then buy some chapters later on Lezhin to support the author. 
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indiscretuss · 3 years
bio: erik (v1)
|| Basic Information ||
Name: Erik Aliases/Nicknames: The Phantom of the Opera, The Opera Ghost, OG, Angel of Music, Angel Gender: Male Age: Undetermined Orientation: Pansexual Affiliations: No known affiliations Occupation: Hermit
|| Physical Information ||
Species/Race: Human/Unknown descent Build: Downright Thin and Bony Eyes: Erik has a rare form of Heterochromia, causing one eye to be a brilliant green(left) and the other to be a vibrant yellow(right) Other Notable Features: Severe deformation covering the right side of his face and stretching over the bridge of his nose, which continues down his neck and over a good deal of his upper arm and torso. He also bears a multitude of scars, the most notable are whip scars on his back and ring-like scars around his wrists and ankles from what appear to be shackles. Fashion/Clothing: Erik’s taste in clothing is elegant and dark, and he will never have an inch of skin on his body showing, and is never seen without the mask that covers all but his mouth and chin.
Voice: Erik’s voice is rich and full of culture, and while his natural singing voice is baritone, he has a brilliant falsetto and can sing as high as soprano if he so chooses.
|| Relationship and Orientation ||
Relationship Status: #foreveralone Orientation: Pansexual Activity: #foreveralone Looking For: Not looking- he gave up long ago
Any Important Notes: Erik falls in love easily, however he has not acted on those feelings since Christine. If he can be encouraged to act on them and does, however, you will have the picture of loyalty and devotion, willing to kill and die for you.
|| Personality ||
| Clever | Brilliant | Charismatic | Dignified | Methodical | Eccentric | Passionate | Extravagant | Aloof/Antisocial |
| Likes |
| Dislikes |
Being seen
Poor singing
Details: Erik is a very reserved person, whose impeccable manners are only rivaled by his honest eccentricity. While he comes across as cold and unfriendly, once some level of trust has been earned he proves to be very witty and engaging.
|| Family and Acquaintances ||
Mother: Unknown Father: Unknown Nobleman Other: N/A
Others: Coming Soon
|| Strengths and Weaknesses ||
Powers/Abilities: Halted aging- Erik’s body ceased aging at 32, and has remained the same since.
| Skills/Strengths |(Let it be known that all of these are either book canon or musical/film canon- Erik borders on a sue in canon XD)
Is a literal genius, and can learn and memorise almost anything if presented with the information.
Eidetic Memory
Adept at casting his voice
Fantastic singing voice
Generally good at art(painting, sketching, sculpting, etc)
Plays a wide range of instruments
‘Master of the art of strangulation’(This is a direct quote from Leroux and I will never be over it)
| Weaknesses |
Zero social skills
Has difficulty seeing in daylight
Frequently displays rather erratic behaviour
Has even less clue how to handle beautiful people than he does normal ones, and is a bit of a pushover with them
|| Biography ||
| Birth/Childhood |
Erik was born to a nobleman and his mistress, and while it was expected that the father would reject him without even looking, his mother, upon seeing his face, immediately shut him away(fearing the punishment of god if she were to kill the child) and kept him in a room with only a small window, which he was forbidden from looking out of or opening. He was given a mask, a simple crude thing, which he was not permitted to take off in the presence of his mother or grandmother when they entered his room, and it was his first and only gift from them.
When the opportunity arose, she found a way to rid herself of the 'wretched creature’ she had not even seen fit to name, while also lining her pockets, and sold him to a Gypsy Circus that passed through.
Life with the circus was odd, for the young, nameless child, as there were times when he recieved what could almost be called kindness- medical attention, a blanket  on cold nights, food that was more than scraps, but was also subjected to cruelties than no human, adult or child, should ever face. He was shackled and bound in a cage, called the 'devil’s child’, beaten if he was disobedient and paying onlookers were permitted to do whatever they pleased, be it throw things at him or shout and call him names, so long as they never entered the cage.
| Young Adulthood/Teenage Years |
When Erik was nearing the middle of his puberty he was still a rather small and sickly boy, but he was strong, and cunning. His handlers made a mistake, as every human does, and they paid the price for it. Thinking him asleep, one man entered his cage, and Erik leapt on him, strangling him with the very whip that was used to discipline him and stealing it and the key to the cage, letting all the animals in the circus loose before running off into the night himself.
After days spent wandering, lost and alone, he was found by a man whom he would come to know as the Daroga, who took him in and gave him food and shelter. Kind though the man may have been, even he could not bear the sight of such a monstrous face(made worse by years of beatings that had damaged the skin and nerves further), and he gave Erik clothing and a new mask to hide behind.
It was not long before Erik left this man as well, choosing to find his own way, and living rather like a wild animal until he met a woman by the name of Giry, who, like the Daroga, offered him food and shelter. As a young adult now, Erik was tired of running, tired of living off of rats and vermin, and so he accepted.
She was far more involved than the Daroga had been, and brought him not only clothes and food, but taught him to read and write, encouraged him to choose a name for himself, brought him books and music, and instruments when she could after she realised his talent for the art. She let him roam the secret tunnels she’d brought him to live in, and watched him grow, saw his obvious genius as he created a solution for nearly every problem he encountered.
It was when her own child was born, and her promotion to the position of ballet instructor in the opera house where she worked and lived, and Erik lived beneath, that she began to withdraw, and Erik’s already mischievous tendencies grew more and more grand and obvious, rivaled only by the ingenuity he showed in managing to live a lifestyle that mirrored normalcy, and even bordered on lavish, in some ways.
| Adulthood |
Between the masks he wore, and how seldom he was actually seen it went unnoticed that Erik had not aged a day since his early thirties, and it was after this point that he encountered sweet young Christine, and fell in love with the picture of innocence he had believed only existed in the fairy tales Madame Giry had brought him as a child.
In time, the events we are all more familiar with unfolded(this may or may not be expanded on later), leaving Erik lost, devastated, and more broken and yet more whole than ever. He had known the briefest glimpse of what it was like to be truly loved by another, and lost it just as quickly.
His only remaining hope was to die with the measure of peace he’d achieved, and it seemed even that would evade him.
| Current Events |
Erik learned, eventually, that age would not take him. It became apparent, as he watched both Madame Giry and her young daughter age and die, as he watched the De Changy boy age and die, and even his own sweet beautiful Christine pass before any of them, and remained the same as ever. He was glad, then, that he had feigned his own death all those years ago, to bring them each a measure of their own peace, and resigned himself to a long, cursed life, which he realised eventually would grow to unnatural lengths.
Yes, Erik, the Phantom of the Opera, lives on even today in the ever-expanding tunnels under Paris. For some years after he would inconspicuously take young Prima Donas under wing, and train them to be something grand, or make some sort of small contribution to the world, but he has not been actively involved in anything in the world since the nineteen twenties, after the ending of the first world war.
|| Notes ||
Please bear in mind that this blog is run off of a mixing of Leroux’s original book, and Andrew Loyd Webber’s musical/film adaptation, as well as a heavy dose of headcanons and wiggling to make things work.
Mun has been writing Erik for longer than he’s know what roleplay is, and as a result of such Erik is my precious brainchild, and has evolved into something far beyond canon. The longevity in particular is something that is the most striking difference, and has taken a very long time to develop the way it has. The reason behind it varies between verses, and more on it will be coming soon.
Mun does not speak French as of yet, and uses translators for all French(or any other language outside English, as Erik knows many) used on this blog(which is why direct use will be kept to a minimum), so please excuse errors(but feel free to point them out, as long as you’re polite about it!).
Once upon a very long time ago, the Mun was quite knowledgeable regarding music. Most of this knowledge has left him in the years since he last used it, so there may be some mistakes in that as well, though hopefully not.
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bffhreprise · 4 years
Entry 331
 Barely graduated, I was flown to Earth and forced to spend two whole weeks studying English and customs of this world before my parents would let me meet their friends and see their home.  The island was pleasant, of course—my parents weren’t out to torture me—but there was so much more to see!  Other than the world of my people, I rarely had spent two whole weeks on a single planet in the past six years and typically saw far more of each in that time
 When we finally left the island, I couldn’t restrain from giggling at the local transportation.  The airplanes were ponderous things that could’ve been made by teams of children back home.  I knew this planet would be lacking in basic technology, but…  this was so silly, knowing the fleets my parents owned.
 I was amazed at the simple boxiness of most buildings we passed, making me wonder if most humans simply lacked any design sense.  Of course, there were so many missing materials in this world…  My parents had drilled a list of things I couldn’t talk about into me even more than the language I’d be speaking at home.  I didn’t bother asking them “Why!?” much, knowing there would be some overly complicated plan that probably stretched several lifetimes for most species I knew.  My parents weren’t normal.
 “Is that really the house?” I exclaimed, finally seeing the building in person.  I knew what and whom I’d find inside already from the lessons, but seeing this in person was fantastic.  When Mom nodded, I said, “It’s huge!”  Sure, we passed larger buildings on the way here, but this one was my home now.  Plus, my home actually had some style, despite being blocky.  The fountain in the front was beautiful, and the hedges were exquisitely sculpted.
“Your father and I will be occupying the second and third floor of the center part.  We’re letting you have your way with my old wing in the West.” reminded Mom as she pointed to the West Wing.
 “And the first floor is for everyone, right?” I verified.
 “Sure is.” stated Daddy with a smile.
 My parents were unbelievably quick, but they drew out acting normal exhaustingly.  I was already bouncing at the front doors before they were out of the car.  Glancing up, I noticed the the ceiling was gorgeous.
 “Z-, er… Daddy, what’s with all these umm…” I started, struggling to find the word after accidentally starting off in the wrong language.
 “Engravings.  They’re telling a story about a wonderful woman.” he replied as he finally caught up.
 “Who are you?” asked a girl inside as she jogged up to me.  She had brightly-dyed hair—humans don’t have such a range of hair colors—and a beautiful face with large, deep blue eyes that seemed to sparkle as she looked at me.
 “You must be Emma!” I exclaimed, ignoring the whisper from behind me for now.  I ran up, hugged her, and kissed her, enjoying the strange taste on them.  “I’ve heard so much about you!”
 Her face turned red, and her smile made her even more beautiful.  “Good things?” she asked, seeming bashful.  She was surprised, but I felt a longing I knew in her.
 “Emma, Raine… meet Dani.” stated Daddy.
 I turned to find Raine next to me.  “You’re the fluffy one!” I exclaimed, admiring the voluminous hair beneath her adorable, eared hood.  I hugged her and kissed her forehead.  Then I pushed back the hood and gently petted her hair.
 “Y-You… sm-smell good.” she mumbled in reply, shaking slightly under my touch.  She was nervous, but not so much to be really disturbing.  She almost seemed to vibrate to my senses, as if her feelings were an ever-changing flood.  There was something else in there too, walled away where I couldn’t quite sense it.
 “Guys, James and Alma are back, and they brought someone new!” exclaimed a much taller girl with dark reddish-orange hair.  Brenna!
 “Sooo fluffy!” I told Raine, continuing to play with her hair.  The softness was amazing, and she had relaxed somewhat.  There were places in my home galaxy where people would pay fortunes for such exquisite hair, using it in all manner of things.
 Following Brenna out of what should be the ballroom were Portentia, Maxine, and Cosette.  They were all so easy to recognize.  I had seen their pictures, but the pictures really didn’t do them justice.  Portentia’s skin and lips were almost perfectly white.  Her eyes were such a pale blue that they almost seemed white at this distance.  Maxine’s eyes were covered, but her curly hair in light brown shades was unmistakable.  Mom had told me that the curls were natural!  Cosette wasn’t human, though I couldn’t tell from just looking.  Her hair was darker brown and far more elegant.  Her eyes, nearly as dark as Emma’s, were studying me.
 “Dani, don’t upset Raine.” warned Mom.
 “Sorry, Mom.  I’m just excited!” I admitted, reluctantly letting Raine go.  I wanted to tilt up her chin and kiss her properly, but my parents strictly forbade me from kissing Raine, warning me that something dangerous could happen.  “Raine’s hair is spectacular.”  Turning to Emma, I quickly told her “Of course, so is yours, Emma!”
 As I moved to greet the others, Daddy grabbed me, easily holding me back with one hand.  “Everyone, this is Dani Lyshaa Somerset.  Alma and I adopted her while we were away.” he announced.
 “Adopted!?  Isn’t she around our age?” asked a blond-haired boy with lovely green eyes.  Jarod… I could talk with him about some basic technology.  The girls on his arms, with their wavy black hair and golden brown eyes, were obviously Ai and Mai.  There was a slight difference in eye color between them when compared in photographs, but I couldn’t tell from this angle.
 Unfortunately, Daddy hadn’t let me go yet.  Still addressing everyone, he said, “Yes, but adopting her was the easiest way to get her into the country.  Aaliyah assured me that all of the paperwork has been pushed through already, so she’s officially our child.  Please help her as she acclimates to things around here and tell me if she gets into too much trouble.”
 “Can I be there when you tell your parents?” asked Cosette with a playful smile.  She seemed fun!  What were the lips of a… a…  The word eluded me, but I knew she fed on blood.  Her full lips demanded kisses.
 “They’ll be here this evening, so any of you who aren’t working might be around.” replied Daddy.  “One last announcement that my parents will soon be privy to as well…” he started, stopping dramatically to look at Mom.
 “James, really… I thought we’d tell your parents first.” she stated, shaking her head and rolling her eyes.  Then she sighed and said, “Fine.  I suppose they might as well find out first.  I’m pregnant.”
 Despite knowing about Mom’s pregnancy, I couldn’t help feeling the shock and excitement as well, joining in on the applause.  There was so much happiness around me that I already loved this place.
 Dani Lyshaa Somerset had the most unique scent I had encountered up until now.   With vibrant, dark blue hair and pale pink hair, she obviously wasn’t human, but she wasn’t any other species I knew.  Her organs weren’t even in quite the same places.  I shuddered as part of my brain considered how I knew.
 Pushing those thoughts waaaaaay back in my mind, I continued watching as she excitedly asked if Maxine was “the criminal”, hugging her without a care.  When Portentia tried to warn her to be careful, she pulled Portentia into the hug as well.  There was an almost contagious excitement about Dani, and she bounced around as if that excitement was trying to burst out of her body, keeping her from staying still.
 The way she looked at each of us, even me, was almost predatory, like she wanted to passionately jump us.  Then she’d look at James and Alma with such innocent adoration that scenarios built up in my mind, comparing to be sure this was the same person in all instances.
 I felt drawn to her and was tempted to warn the others why.  Dani was emitting extremely potent pheromones, less potent ones wouldn’t be affecting me.  I could purge them from myself, but…  the feeling was somewhat pleasant.  If biologists knew of this, they’d certainly want to study her.  James definitely knew she’d need protection, but…  Adoption?
 Dani looked like a teenager, but I couldn't be certain if she actually was one or not.  The fey looked anywhere from child-like to barely-an-adult, and they were at least a couple thousand years old.  Quietly dismissing the thoughts of wanting her to come back to pet my hair some more, I mentally accepted the quest to help protect her.
 “Lady Pendreigh…” started—I quickly compared the the twins and returned to where I was—Mai.
 “Girls, just call me Alma.  I’m married.  Let’s drop titles and formalities while at home.” insisted the-one-who-looked-like-Alma-but-couldn’t-be.
 I examined her completely without finding a single discrepancy between the Alma I knew and this one, ignoring how advanced the fetus was inside her.  Two weeks?  Was this from her being part fey?  Maybe from the Slayer heritage?  I considered asking the Princess as scenarios split off from the original task to consider the pros and cons of sitting through one of the Princess’ explanations.  Shoving thoughts of how I knew what I did of Alma’s insides right next to the other unfortunate information in the back of my mind, I went back to where I was, trusting that James knew his wife well enough to recognize if an imposter had replaced her.  I certainly was at a loss.  Watching Ai and Mai’s expressions gradually form on their faces, the wide-eyed glancing showed them to be completely surprised as well.
 “A-Alma…” stuttered Ai.
 Watching Dani, Mai continued saying, “Not to be rude, but…”
 “What’s with my skin?” questioned Dani, looking ready to pounce them in excitement.
 “And hair.” stated the twins in unison.
 “All natural!” exclaimed Dani proudly as she bounded over to the twins.  “Be jam.”
 “Jelly.” corrected James.
 “Jealous” insisted Alma just as James spoke.
 Dani barely nodded to her parents before holding out a hand to each twin and saying, “Pleased to meet you all.  Mom told me not to kiss you because you’re married.”
 I was ready to snatch her a way if she leaned even a millimeter closer to Jarod, quite certain that she was tempted to kiss him as she stood almost on top of him.  Jarod backed behind his wives, looking comically like he wanted his wives to protect him.  Ai and Mai seemed to feel the same way, shifting slightly closer together.  When Dani offered him a hand, he reached between his wives to shake it.
 “I actually warned you against kissing people at random, since many will find it confusing and even disturbing.” corrected Alma, though she sounded amused.
 Dani looked at her with wide, pleading eyes as she said, “But they’re all so pretty…”
 “Behave.” chided James, sounding as if he had told her this a thousand times.  Striding toward the ballroom, he said, “Let’s get you set for playing that game I’ve been telling you about before my parents arrive.”
 “Yes!” exclaimed Dani, excitedly hugging his arm and following him.
 There were so many dead end scenarios in my head that I gave up trying to understand what had happened in the past two weeks.  Alma seemed to be an upgraded model.  I would watch and see if that was true.  Dani…  Thousands of questions were shooting through my brain about her.  Alma was staring after Dani and James with such love that I had to fight a spark of jealousy, obliterating the naughty feeling.  My own mom had never looked at me like that.
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