#whole house water filter sydney
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Top Rated Home Water Filtration Systems Australia 2024
Our state of the art Whole House Water Filtration systems and Reverse Osmosis Water Filter Systems will make your water cleaner & remove disinfectant chemicals and contaminants such as. Chlorine, Heavy Metals, Pesticides, Herbicides, Rust, Dirt, Odour, Sediment & Fluoride* from you and your family’s drinking and showering water.
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Our team of water quality enthusiasts understand you may be questioning the quality of your home’s water and are ready to assist you with effective and affordable water filtration solutions in Australia’s locations like Sydney, Newcastle, and Central Coast. Purest Water Filtration only uses Watermarked and NSF certified filtration systems and filters for residential water purification to get you clean drinking water at home water filtration experts.
Our Whole House Water Filtration System is protected by stainless steel. Eliminating the potential of rusting and standing up to the harsh Australian weather conditions. Purest Water Filtration are confident we will achieve the highest standard in water supply for you and your family with our local water filtration services from certified water filtration technicians.
Ensuring Clean and Safe Water: A Guide to Water Filtration System Maintenance in Sydney
In Sydney, where water quality is of utmost importance, maintaining your water filtration system is essential to ensure that you and your family have access to clean and safe drinking water. Regular maintenance not only prolongs the life of your water filtration system but also ensures optimal performance. Here’s a comprehensive guide on water filtration system maintenance in Sydney.
1. Understanding the Importance of Water Filtration System Maintenance:
Sydney's water sources may contain impurities, sediments, or contaminants that can affect water quality. A well-maintained water filtration system acts as a barrier, ensuring that the water you consume is free from harmful substances. Regular maintenance helps prevent malfunctions and guarantees the system's effectiveness in purifying your water.
2. Changing Filters Regularly:
Filters are the backbone of any water filtration system. Over time, they accumulate particles and contaminants, reducing their efficiency. It’s crucial to follow the manufacturer's guidelines on filter replacement. In Sydney, where water quality can vary, replacing filters at recommended intervals is essential for consistent performance.
3. Checking for Leaks and Drips:
A common issue with water filtration systems is leaks or drips. Regularly inspect all connections and fittings for any signs of water leakage. Addressing leaks promptly not only prevents water wastage but also avoids potential damage to your filtration system.
4. Inspecting for Sediment Buildup:
Sediment buildup in the water storage tank or pipes can compromise the system's efficiency. Periodically inspect for any sediment accumulation and flush the system if necessary. This step is particularly important in areas like Sydney, where water quality might lead to sediment deposits over time.
5. Testing Water Quality:
Conducting regular water quality tests ensures that your filtration system is working effectively. There are professional services available in Sydney that can analyze your water and provide insights into its quality. Additionally, some water filtration systems come with built-in indicators that signal when water quality might be compromised.
6. Professional Servicing:
While some maintenance tasks can be performed by homeowners, professional servicing is recommended at regular intervals. Water filtration specialists in Sydney can conduct thorough inspections, identify potential issues, and perform maintenance tasks that require expertise.
7. Monitoring Water Pressure:
Adequate water pressure is crucial for the proper functioning of your water filtration system. Low water pressure could indicate a clogged filter or other issues within the system. Regularly monitor water pressure and address any deviations promptly.
8. Seasonal Maintenance Considerations:
Sydney experiences seasonal variations that can impact water quality. Consider adjusting your maintenance schedule based on these changes. For instance, after heavy rainfall, there might be an increase in sediment in the water, requiring more frequent checks.
9. Educating Yourself on System Operation:
Understanding how your specific water filtration system operates is key to effective maintenance. Read the manufacturer's manual thoroughly and educate yourself on the system's components and functions. This knowledge empowers you to troubleshoot minor issues and communicate effectively with professional service providers.
10. Promoting Eco-Friendly Practices:
Sydney residents are increasingly conscious of environmental sustainability. Consider eco-friendly practices in your water filtration system maintenance routine, such as recycling used filters or choosing systems that are energy-efficient.
In conclusion, maintaining your water filtration system in Sydney is a proactive step towards ensuring a continuous supply of clean and safe water. By following these maintenance guidelines, you contribute not only to the longevity and efficiency of your system but also to the health and well-being of your household. Regular upkeep is a small investment that pays off in the form of consistently high water quality.
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supremepipepros · 7 months
The Benefits of Investing in a Home Water Filtration System for Sydney Homeowners
Sydney has some particular problems with water quality despite being a city renowned for its breathtaking beaches and scenic surroundings. Numerous households in Sydney continue to experience problems with the taste and general of their tap water, even after local authorities have treated it harshly. Buying a home water filtration system can help in this situation.
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Enhancement of Water Purity Improving water quality is one of the main benefits of installing a home water filtration system. Your tap water will taste better and be cleaner, which is made to remove contaminants.
Savings at Cost Long-term savings can be substantial with a household water filtering system, even though the upfront cost may seem excessive. Every year, you can save hundreds of dollars by doing away with the need to buy bottled water. It also reduces the risk of expensive repairs or replacements due to scale accumulation, making filtered water better for your appliances.
Environmental Impact Lessening your environmental impact can also be accomplished by purchasing a home water filtration system. It's possible to lessen plastic waste and save the environment for coming generations by eliminating the necessity for single-use plastic bottles.
Health Benefits The benefits of filtered water extend to your health and the environment. A residential water purification system can lower the risk of several cancers and gastrointestinal disorders by eliminating dangerous impurities.
Convenience You won't need to buy expensive filter jugs or bottled water if you have a home water filtering system. It saves you time and effort to have clean, filtered water available from your tap anytime you need it.
Selecting the Proper System A whole home water filtration system should take your budget and unique requirements. House systems and under-sink filters are just a few of the available system types. Everyone has benefits, so it's critical to conduct research and select the option that best meets your needs.
In conclusion, Sydney homeowners who want to raise the calibre of their tap water would be wise to invest in a home water filtration system. It offers health, financial, and environmental benefits in addition to cleaner, better-tasting water. You may reap the benefits of filtered water for many years to come by selecting the ideal system for your needs.
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What is a Home Water Filtration System and What Are the Benefits?
Clean Water vs Pure Water
Last week, Melbourne was crowned Australia’s best city for tap water. The title was judged by theWater Industry Operators Australiaand the prize is based on colour, clarity, odour and taste. By all reports, it tasted delicious! But just because tap water tastesgood, and isclean, does that mean it is pure?
All of Melbourne’s Water undergoes treatment if it is sourced from unprotected catchments. This involves filtration and disinfection. Water is disinfected at the point where it enters the supply system, and again at specified points along the delivery system (Greater Western Water, 2022).  Greater Western Water’sDrinking Water Quality Report, 2021-22 states that our city’s water undergoes the following water treatment processes:
Fluoridation; Adding fluorosilicic acid (as per Fluoridation Act 1973)
Chemical Treatment and Disinfection; by Chlorination, and a second chlorine dosing (using liquid sodium hypochlorite) in four locations, including our Werribee catchment.
pH Correction; Little River water supply is dosed with gaseous carbon dioxide
Other filtration activities in certain catchments; Coagulation and flocculation for clarification, sand filtration, drum screen filtration, dual media pressure filters, cartridge filters, reverse osmosis, remineralisation, sludge handling, dissolved air flotation, oxidation, absorption coagulation
Other added substances in certain catchments; polymer alum, lime, ferric sulphate/ sulphuric acid/polydadmac, antiscalant, sodium hydroxide, sodium bisulfite, membrane cleaning, chemicals (caustic, detergent, acid), hydrated lime, carbon dioxide, chlorine gas, aluminium chlorihydrate, polyelectrolyte, sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), potassium permanganate, powdered activated carbon, sodium hypochlorite sodium, flurosilicic acid, sodium hexafluorosilicate, aqueous ammonia sodium, aluminium sulphate and sodium carbonate (soda ash).
Greater Western Water state that the purpose of the above is totake a preventative measures and multiple barrier risk management approach.
We’re Melbourneplumbers, and it is our mission to ensure Melburnians have access to safe drinking water in order to prevent waterborne diseases; plumbing plays a vital role in protecting public health. We are also cognizant of the difference betweencleantreated water, andpurefiltered water. Reading a list of the added substances above (detergent anyone?!) sounds more like what you’d read on the side of a can ofCoca-Cola, rather than straight from the tap. The reason for this is completely understandable, they need to keep their pipes clean in order to deliver water to you disease-free.
For the general population, tap water is perfectly fine to drink, cook, clean and bathe in. But we’ll go into detail below some of the problems that can occur with treated tap water, and how whole home water filtration systems can help in solving these.
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Types of Water Problems
ChoiceAustralia has conducted research, in conjunction with Sydney Water, to determine the 5 most common contaminants in Australian tap water:
Stained plumbing/clothes. Likely caused by iron, manganese, copper.
Red/Brown slime in water pipes – Caused by Bacteria feeding on Iron
Discolouration of water – Turbidity (cloudy water) from hydrogen sulphide, iron, manganese, humic and tannic acids
Unusual colour or taste – caused by Hydrogen sulphide, low pH, iron, zinc, copper, lead, total dissolved solids, chloride, bacteria or algae, chlorine, paint soaking into plastic piping
Corrosive Water – likely caused by pH, copper, lead
Greater Western Water, our local water authority, has the task of ensuring water is treated enough to not be a risk to public health, but not treated too much to cause other problems to the end consumer.
Many people who are concerned about the processes of water treatment often opt for filtered water, or drinking water from water bottles. The following highlights what whole house water filtration systems are, and what benefits they can deliver to the end user.
What is a Home Water Filtration System?
There are many options on the market, but we consider those fromComplete Home Filtrationto be the jewel in the crown of the water filtration market. They are Australia’smost awarded water filter, including winning a Telstra Best of Business Awards Winner in 2022.
Essentially, a complete home water filtration is more than a kitchen mixer tap water filter; it filters all water entering your home for showering, drinking, washing etc by removing unwanted particles, chemicals and pollutants out of the water. Systems range in price from a simple reverse osmosis system (≈$1,000) to a whole house system (≈$6,000).
The benefits of removing chemicals, such as chlorine, out of your water once it enters your home are discussed below.
Allergies are more prevalent in modern society, mainly due to pollution, dietary changes and less exposure to microbes. One such allergy iscercarial dermatitis, or chlorine rash. Symptoms of this allergy include an itchy, red rash, scaling of skin, small hives and swollen/tender skin. A frustrating allergy for someone to have as it can flare each time they shower due to the levels of chlorine in a municipal water supply.
Chlorine is a natural element compared to bleach, however, is used to treat and disinfect (and is a main active ingredient in bleach) thus likely to irritate those with skin sensitivities.
Chlorine often causes people to have lung irritations, and in extreme cases those with sensitivity to chlorine can feel unwell just breathing in shower vapour.
I’m getting controversial here, but chlorine has actually been linked to cancer and has been considered a carcinogen. Having a family member recently diagnosed with a Gastrointestinal Carcinoid, I’ve been researching causes. The World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology stated in 2016 that“published reports have revealed increased risk of colorectal cancers in people exposed to drinking water or chemical derivatives of chlorination”(World J Gastrointest Oncol. 2016 Apr 15; 8(4): 402–409). I should note this is a peer reviewed journal, not a subreddit of conspiracy theorists (I do love them though).
Skin and Hair
My 40’s are coming for me as fast as theSnowpiercertrain is perpetually lapping the globe at top speed (IYKYK). For the first time in my life I’m beginning to consider buying blood-of-a-virgin anti-wrinkle cream, not just the nivea face + body + pets. I’m finding my skin so dry and irritated when I exit the shower and I’m certain it’s not due to the volcanic water temperature…
Chlorine is a contributing factor in drying out your skin after you shower. It strips away your essential oils and opens these pores up, causing your skin to dry out. It causes itchiness and dryness and can trigger eczema.
Along with my skin ageing, my hair is becoming less of an ochre brown and more of a dusty silver… so I visit Thomas and his team atUNIK Hair Designin Point Cook to give me a paint job every now and again. Chlorine can strip dyed hair of colour, and dry it out, so many home filtration users enjoy its beauty benefits along with its health benefits.
Water hardness refers to calcium and magnesium, amongst other minerals, in our water. If water is too ‘hard’ if it has higher than usual amounts of these minerals in the supply.
If not filtered out, these minerals cause deposits on appliances when water is heated (such as calcium on showerheads, in kettles and on coffee machines. Hard water means more soap and detergent is used for washing and cleaning, as its harder to lather.
Finally, home water filtration systems void the use of bottled water and thus reduce plastic pollution and fossil fuel consumption. If reducing your carbon footprint is important to you, and you’d like pure water without using plastic water bottles, whole house water filtration could be an option for you.
Installing a whole house water filtration system
If you’re interested in discussing the benefits of investing in a home water filtration system (which needs to be installed by a licensed plumber) get in touch with us on9931 0905.
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amphetamine-keen · 3 years
Live Blogging my reactions to the Marble Hornets comic series
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I’m gonna put each issue in a different reblog, that way any followers don’t have to scroll through an assload of repeated posts. Everything should be below the [read more] but I dunno if it’s gonna work right with the reblogs.
filter out “#keen reads MH” if you’re worried (on top of the usual spoiler tags)
I have lit my favorite candle, made some tea, wrapped myself up, and Masky’s creepy black eyes are staring at me from the coffee table. So without further ado, let’s get into it.
I read the first issue when it came out, but it’s been a while, so I may as well be going in blind.
Jackie’s art blows me away every time. It’s just the right amount of cartoon and realism, and the water color adds to the spooky effect of the whole thing.
Loving the world building around the events of MH, especially that the weird shit that went down at Rosswood was noticed by more than a few people. Also that Jessica goes from a podcast about dealing with trauma, to listening to a conspiracy podcast directly relating to her own? Hysterical. I would do the same thing.
Everything about Jessica’s last delivery sets me on edge. We start strong with her losing a fair bit of time, and it only goes up from there.  She only gets one, so I think “in and out. Easy,” but they wouldn’t bother showing us the end of her day if nothing happens. Jessica’s already on edge after lunch, and I can feel it. It only gets worse as I read more of the podcast she’s chosen. She gets to the address and I can feel her anxiety spike. None of our MH crew has had good luck with dilapidated and abandoned buildings, and Jackie’s art style really ramps up the creepiness.  Then she sees her own name on a package, addressed to a house she doesn’t know. Which she knows is weird. Icing on the creepy cake.  (Also, Tim’s name at the bottom of the contacts on her phone? Love that. I can’t help but think Sydney’s name was chosen for that reason. Cute little easter egg)
Skully! Love this bitch! Holy shit! Our favorite spook! (I typically use “it” to refer to Skully, but for simplicity’s sake here I’ll be using “them” for Skully, and “it” for the Operator)
Jessica automatically picking up and brandishing a weapon at a weirdo in a mask? Very logical and very in character. Fuck ‘em up Jess!
Should I know who this jogger is? oh dope, she’s just a side character
Jess looks like shit, and she’s seeing the Operator? Fuck yes. I genuinely can’t tell if she’s hallucinating, or if it’s actually there. My bet is on both.
The black backed pages? FUCK YEAH I stg I can hear pages 34-37, and the torn edges of the panels are so clever. the whole thing is a nightmare sequence I could only dream of putting into words. The way the panels go back to normal on 36 as Jess sees someone and feels relieved only for it to be a lie? The edges deteriorating as she starts to panic again? Chef’s kiss.
I’m living for the way “Can you see me?” is emphasized
I’m interested to see what these two dudes are up to. I assume they’re the podcasters? At least the bearded one has some common sense.
Theory Time
I wonder how the events of the YT series are perceived in world. Clearly these guys think it’s fiction, but there’s got to be a reason why Alex and Jay were never reported missing. 
Jay said that the white shirt guy was never reported missing or dead either after Alex brained him in the tunnel. Perhaps the Operator took them to that same sort of pocket dimension where Tim found white-shirt’s body? Whether or not that’s the “ark” is up for debate Regardless, I wonder if some weird reality fuckery happens when the Operator takes someone there which messes up their place in the normal dimension, where it just kind of erases them? I can’t wait to see.
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FIC: Pink Moon Rising
Notes: Erzulie - Gina Torres Agwe - Gary Dourdan Ogoun - Jimmy-Jean Louis Damballah - Elvis Nolasco Baron - Mustafa Shakir Maman Bridgette - Saorise Ronan Filomez - Logan Browning Ti Malice - John Boyega Papa Legba - Sydney Poitier Anaisa Pye - Danai Gurira
Jo knew the moment that the letter box had a raised signal that there was something peculiar going on at that point.
They rarely got mail - most post going to the bar and she or Grey would pick most up whenever they went by to either do work or visit Harry, sometimes the researcher would bring any post with him for a movie night instead - and usually only ever junk mail and not worthy of the flag going up.
She wrapped Nana’s leash around her wrist a few times as the dog pulled and tugged impatient to go inside and have some water, and flipping the mail box open; Jo frowned at the light pink envelope with something written harshly in jagged lettering in red on one side and some design on the other. Picking it up and finally heading inside and unclipping the dog as she went running down the hall towards the kitchen and her water bowl, Jo flipped the letter back and forth over her wrist as she walked after at a slower pace.
“What you got there, Jo?” Grey’s voice pulled her out of her pondering, the flipping stopping after a moment as she moved around to press a quick kiss to the back of his neck on her way past to grab a juice out of the fridge.
“Oh? Did Harry come around?”
“Nah, it was in the letter box.”
“We got a letter in the letter box?”
“I did.” She replied as she moved to sit down at the kitchen table, flipping the envelope upwards to face her - taking in her name clearly but jaggedly written across the front in the dark reddish brown ink, with a few dots bled across the front. Running her finger over her name, Jo lifted her finger to her nose before pulling a face realizing it hadn’t been ink at all. Perturbed, she flipped the letter back over and sucked in a breath at the delicate design all the same dark red - blood, not ink, as she’d identified - with two waves curling opposite each other, forming a heart alongside the soft swirls and the biblical-like crosses stabbing through the center of it. A design Jo was used to drawing on a rundown floor in dust or carving into a candle. “Oh.”
“You got a letter? Here?” Grey’s voice was tinged with worry from what she could hear, finger still running gently over the design and not yet daring to break the seal. “Who’s it from then?”
“A.. friend, I hope.” She muttered the last words as quietly as possible, a tiny frown on her face before sliding a finger under the envelope tongue and slowly tearing it open.
Pulling the single card out from inside, Jo let out an unexpected laugh at the design on the front - a soft pink moon with three circles underneath it all in a soft shimmering card stock - and the swirly lettering stating ‘You’re Invited!’ written across it. Opening the card itself, there was a date, time and address as well as three little crosses in the bottom corner all in the same not-ink writing as the envelope.
“What is it, Jo?” Jo jerked a bit at the hand on her shoulder as the shadow came over to look, a concerned look on his face that she’s sure came from her laughter and the peculiarity of it altogether.
“It’s an invitation, hun. I’ve got a… party to go to, maybe.”
Jo let out a quiet sigh to herself as she actually found herself out front of the building compound listed at the address on St Charles Avenue. It was definitely not somewhere she would usually be found, but as she had gotten out of her car and walked up the block towards the place, she found herself glad that she’d decided to wear something nice as she looked up at the ornate doorway of the exquisite old building. It helped the layered yellow dress she’d gotten the previous year and the jeweled sandals matched with it so well but both allowed her comfort while looking in keeping with the sophistication of the event. It also helped that the skirt of her dress was flowy enough to allow a pair of thin bike shorts underneath that likewise let her wear two thigh holsters for a pair of knives, just in case - she had been invited after all, but she wasn’t completely foolish.
Stepping through the wrought iron gates of the external courtyard from the street into the space, Jo blinked in confusion as the sounds of the traffic outside disappeared and were replaced with the sweet sounds of birdsong and the soft sound of music echoing out from the doors of the building. The whole place felt peaceful yet joyful all at once, and something settled sharply in her stomach to be on guard against giving in to that feeling. She’d been tricked once before from it, and she wouldn’t give in again so quickly.
Moving along the path and up the old stone steps up to historic mansion - it's columns white and gleaming, with the white wrought iron spandrels and fretwork like beautiful spiderwebs spreading from one pole to the next over the wide porch as she made her way up. The wood didn't even groan under foot despite clearly being aged and worn in, lived in and welcoming to many, many guests over the years. The front door was intricately carved wood with brightly colored glass shards cut into the design like jewels. It all made a very beautiful and awe-inspiring visage, and as Jo lifted a hand to the elegant door knocker she half expected to be shooed off as an interloper, someone clearly not suited for such a place even with her designer dress and pretty shoes from someone who likely would fit in in such elegant surroundings.
There was an extremely tall man that opened the door, his face set in a firm but bland expression. "Invitation?"
"Oh, uh. Here?"
"Hmmm, Harvelle-" The man frowned for a moment and looked carefully at the invitation she'd handed over with a slight bit of trepidation and then pulled up a clipboard to review. There was a moment before he stepped back and to the side, door opening wider and a hand waving her in in greeting. "Welcome Ms. Harvelle. You'll find the party in the inner courtyard, and all gifts are to be presented when requested."
"Gifts?" Jo asked, confusion rife as she moved through the door and craned her neck up at the man as if he'd have an answer, before frowning in confusion as the welcoming smile slid off of his face and was replaced with the same bland look as before. His eyes looked glazed over though and unfocused as he took a step back to stand beside the door and almost blended into the shadows. Blinking a few times as they watered trying to keep his stare and catch his eye contact, she rubbed at her eyes a little before nervously making her way further into the grand house.
The floor felt strange underfoot, and glancing down, she was surprised to see the entire floor was covered in a thick layer of rose petals from the lightest whites to the deepest, darkest reds and all the shades in between. They were thick enough to coat the entire surface and the scent of roses came forth with each step but was somehow suitably subtle and delicate to the flowers themselves. The grandeur of the place was beyond anywhere Jo was used to visiting - art covered the walls of the entry foyer and then the hallway she slowly made her way into, and there were antiques in the Spanish, French and English styles as well as some clearly even more ancient designs that echoed the beadwork and colorful nature of Africa that somehow stood out even more in beauty against the other flourishes. Moving along the hall, turning left when she got through the first set of doors out of habit and then following the turn of the hall to the right - Jo stared in wonder at the light filtering through the next array of stained glass windows and double doors that opened into the inner courtyard where she could hear noise and see the shadows of figures moving around.
The courtyard was clearly where she was expected to go, as it was filled with guests milling about in different groups and the aurora of power from so many Pagan gods assembled in one place was electric. Her eyes darted about cautiously before entering the courtyard - taking in the wide number of people and the different postures across the space. That she could tell who was a god and who was merely mortal like her felt unsettling, the brightly colorful garb and confidence that rolled off of the gods so at odds with the people - horses, her mind supplied to her, or rather those that would wish to provide their bodies for possession and channeling of the gods and goddesses will - that were in mostly dull neutral clothes that hung from their frames but was not so standardised as she’d have expected. It was more the deference and slight bow of their heads that gave away those here as worshippers from those to be worshipped. There were still more people though - those mortals who offered other types of sacrifice than their own beings, clearly wearing their version of ‘Sunday Best’ and while not so subservient as the horses milling about, were still clearly deferent to the gods that moved through the space, heads tilted just that little bit or eyes just not able to hold direct eye contact with those they worshipped to. Wiping her sweaty hands cautiously against the fabric of her brightly colored dress, Jo took a calming breath before throwing her head back and stepping forward as confidently as possible once she’d taken in as much as she could from the secluded spot just before the doorway, eyes up and back straight, refusing to be thought as cowed by any of those with power in the space.
The purpose of the celebration was clearly easy to locate - the rattan throne raised up on a dais towards the centre of the courtyard was obvious and drew the eye. The peacock chair throne was resplendent in its detail the same was the goddess that sat upon it was glorious in the late-morning sun. Erzulie was holding her court.
Jo’s eyes locked onto the goddess’ after a few steps into the courtyard, and the slow smile that came across the goddess of femininity’s face grew with each step as she reached out a hand, beckoning to her as Jo moved slowly forward. Her wrists were covering in gold and beaded bangles, her golden rings shining catching the light as she called out in a warm, comforting voice, “Joanna! My darling girl, come here.”
It wasn’t a command at least, and Jo felt her own lips twitching into a smile at the way those between her and the one goddess she knew parted like the sea before her. Moving closer, the blonde barely concealed an eyeroll as she got to the raised platform acting as a dais that the beautiful goddess sat on. The rose petals were twice as thick on the platform, and Jo glanced in confusion as a man with thick braided hair stood up from a seat off to Erzulie’s right-hand side to take the brightly embroidered pillow from his chair and placed it a foot before the goddess with a smirk. Looking at the pillow and then back to meet the woman’s eyes, Jo quirked a brow at the other questioningly as the goddess stood.
“My sweet girl, how are you? Did you have a good trip down to my humble little party?” “I mean, New Orleans in Summer is a bit of the pits.” “So true, so true my dear. Much warmer here than that little lake you’ve taken to.”
Jo found herself holding back an eyeroll at that - the crisp summers at home compared to the muggy humidity of Louisiana were the difference of the sweat beads rolling down her back - and taking the goddess’ hand when she offered it before scowling slightly as she was guided down onto the bright pink cushion as Erzulie settled herself back onto her rattan throne with a ringing laugh.
“Apologies though, youngling, I unfortunately am not the one who can control the weather. Nor was I the one to name the date,” Erzulie shrugged a shoulder, the delicate golden chains that adorned her neck and shoulders rattling faintly with the movement as she shook out the yards of shimmering pastel pink silk that was draped over her body from the haltered dress the goddess wore about her to cover her own bejeweled, bare feet. Jo spotted the flash of toe rings on the feminine toes that poked out before being covered with the silk as she herself had plopped down indelicately onto the cushion at the goddess’ feet, uncaring if her shoes scraped up petals or her skirts caught between her legs. “You see, today is my feast day.”
“Happy birthday.” Jo snarked back with a smirk, picking at an invisible piece of lint from her lap before she looked back up at the other at the laugh that rang out again. “If I’d known, I’d’ve brought a present.”
“Ah, but already have - or rather, will - my little flower. It has been quite a time since you’ve made a devotional, after all, and I had hoped you would have done one before now so I could be my very, very shiny best-” The dark skinned goddess pouted, lips full and as pink as her dress as she looked the part of a spoiled child not having gotten her way, before she tossed her head back and gave another of those shrugs that made her necklaces and chains catch and shimmer in the light. Erzulie waved a non-commital hand again before she reached out to run the same over Jo’s own hair with a softer smile. “But then I thought, what better gift, my sweet, then for you to come and partake in the festivities yourself? Besides, half the point is the show after all, and your devotionals are always so… What word would you say, my love?”
The man who’d moved the pillow spoke then, even without Erzulie’s eyes moving from Jo’s face. “Awe inspiring, my beauty.” The man smiled - all teeth sharp and white like a sharks - towards Jo for a moment before glancing over his shoulder back towards the goddess’ face. “You will always in all ways be the most gorgeous woman of course, but you do always seem more refreshed and extra beautiful afterwards.”
“Oh you flatter me, my love.” Jo blinked in surprise to see the slight blush on the other woman’s face before she let out another loud laugh. “But you are right. You see, Joanna, your prayers are always so invigorating for an old lady like me. And I’d love to rub that in that good for nothing Anasia’s face that I have such a daughter.”
Blonde brow raised, Jo blinked a few times as the goddess’ words before she shrugged a shoulder of her own in return. It was true she hadn’t called upon the other’s powers in some time - her hunts more straight forward lately and even more sparsely in between as she had spent more time working on answering hunter queries and helping research than actively hunting for a while, soaking in the chance to be at home during the warm months to spend with her love and baby girl instead of in her sweltering car on the road - and if the answer to getting home safe and sound was to light a candle and say her usual prayers for safety and protection, it wasn’t like that would be hard. Sitting on a cushion like a pet at the others feet however, that was not so easy, and shuffling uncomfortably, Jo raised her other brow before sighing.
“I suppose that would have ta do for a gift, right? Can’t really pull anythin’ out of my pockets when I hadn’t planned anythin’.” “So true, but don’t you worry my dear, I can promise to appreciate it the most.”
“Even more than my gift?” The man standing to the left of Erzulie’s throne spoke then, dark brown eyes sparkling with the same humour as his tone as he placed a hand over the other’s shoulder. “Why, I am hurt, my love, absolutely skewered through. I thought my love meant something!”
Erzulie let out another loud laugh, her hand moving from Jo’s hair to catch the man’s hand and pressing a bright pink lipped kiss to the palm of his hand - an imprint left behind as she squeezed his fingers. “You think so very highly of yourself, don’t you, husband-dear?”
“Of course, my dear, I’ve always done so. A snake may change his skin, but he doesn’t change what he is.” “Damballah, you think your gift outshone mine?” “Given mine did not smell of seaweed, Agwe, I am absolutely certain it did.” “Mine did not smell like seaweed, you good for nothing snake-”
The back and forth between the two men was quick and fast, Jo barely registering the jokes of the two as her mind scrambled to assign the name of Damballah, the serpent father, to the standing man and the title of Agew the sea god to the man that had set the pillow down for her. Blinking rapidly, her eyes quickly jerked between both men, scanning anything that would be recognisable before she noted the golden rings each wore with their own symbol that matched two of the three rings on Erzulie’s own hand as she laughed and batted at the both of them. Turning her eyes over towards the quiet, stoic man that sat to Erzulie’s left in front of Damballah, Jo noted the ring on his hand barely visible under his own long sleeves despite the heat matched the goddess’ last ring - identifying him as the third and last of her husbands, Ogoun the warrior. As the three others continued to speak, their tones warm and playful even if the gods both had a slight undertone of threat to it, Jo found herself simply staring back at the silent, considering look she was getting from the third.
“Come on, girlie.” Jo jerked in surprise at the hand that fell on her arm as the sea god got back to his feet with another of those sharp, white smiles. “We’ll have to show you around to our love’s guests before the devotionals and sacrifices start. It’s all part of the spectacle to show you off after all.”
“I, uh, that is, I’m not-” The hunter stammered a few times as the god stood in front of her and held out his hand to help her up. Panicked, Jo’s eyes darted back to her patron’s for a moment, as if uncertain what to do. Erzulie really was the only one she even knew how to interact with at all in the room, but the goddess was smiling gently at her as she was pulled to her feet. “Um… o-okay?”
“Don’t worry, little huntress,” Agwe spoke gently a few moments later after he’d helped her back to her feet and down the steps from the dais and back into the milling, curious crowd. Jo’d noticed how Damballah had moved to reset the cushion onto the seat the sea-god had been on and taken the spot for himself as the pair had moved away, Erzulie’s attention taken up by her other two husband’s as her first had taken Jo away. His voice, the first husband’s, was soft and his green eyes caught her uncertain ones as she finally looked back from the centre of the room to catch his own. “You are here under my lovely wife’s complete protection, little one. Nobody here could touch you, even if they dared. You’ll be perfectly safe.”
“Oh will I? What makes you think I’m worried ‘bout that?” “The ear splittingly loud thudding of that heart of yours, first off-” “I am not-!” “And secondly, because my darling beauty did mention your first interaction with a crowd of gods may not have been so… comforting an experience as she hopes you will find this one.”
“Oh?” Jo breathed the word out in surprise, blinking widely as she glanced over her shoulder towards where the beauty still sat laughing with the men to either side. Surprised that the goddess might have understood or possibly even felt Jo’s uncertainty and fear the first time they had met. That a being with endless years and so little humanity left to her could remember and thought to ensure that Jo would feel comfortable was a peculiar feeling. Turning back to the speculative look she was receiving from the god holding her arm as he took two cups of some fruity drink from a passing waiter and held one out to her, Jo quirked a brow up at him. “And what makes you so certain I’m safe here? I know your, uh, pantheon of sorts isn’t known to be the most…”
“Cohesive?” “I was gonna say safe.” “Ouch, cruel! No wonder you are my love’s favored!” “Favored?”
“You think all of those who pray to my love gets their prayers answered?” Agwe sent her a surprised look in return as he took a sip of his own drink as Jo fiddled with the straw on hers, before letting out a loud crack of laughter that sounded like the oncoming book of thunder rolling over an unprepared sea. “Only the most special of our devotees get even more than a scrap of our attention, given our long lives and how little you little humans deserve of our attention. And you, dear flower, are by far my wife’s most favored and most devoted and most loved daughter.”
Jo barely held back the shudder at that thought. She took a sip of her drink mulling over the words as she was slowly led in an aimless circle around the room, as if the god leading her had no intention of actually introducing her about until he was certain of her mindset and understanding of the situation she had actually entered.
Swallowing the sugary sweet nectar from the mango drink, she closed her eyes for a moment before opening them and really looking around the assembled groups. When she’d arrived she had thought that it was simply the changes in clothes and the crackling of energy that could show the difference between the gods and those devotees at the party. And while that was true, she could see clearer now as she glanced about the different groups milling about. There was no touching, no interacting, no affection or care shown between the gods and the humans in the space. The way the mortals would defer and drop their gazes after a few seconds made complete sense - devoted, god-fearing humans of course feeling unworthy of attention or uncertainty at catching more than a little attention - but blinking her eyes, Jo found herself surprised to note how those she could see to be gods barely noticed those beneath them. Their gazes would slide over and off the mortals, never catching any amount of attention for more than a second, as if there was nothing of interest to them. That was, except when she would catch an eye looking at her that stared firmly back all around the room. Even the god holding her elbow gently was unusual, no other god seemed to even brush a human as they stood talking. Everything seemed so in tune towards the fact that people were boring to this crowd of gods, that humans were typically below notice.
“Oh.” “Very succinct of you, Joanna.” “It’s Jo.”
“Of course it is, Jo.” The correction took her by surprise, eyes jerking back to the smirking god beside her as if he knew he’d managed to catch her off guard. A large hand threw out gesturing about the space for a moment as they finished the first lap about the room towards his goddess wife. “But the point stands, as I hope you’ve noticed. You are safe here, for humans are both nothing to us, and you are also important to my love so will be safe here on her devotional day.”
“So I wouldn’t be if it wasn’t her party?” “Of course not. But it is. So you will be safe.” “Uh huh.”
There was a long sigh before the god beside her let out a chuckle. “Since you seem to have grasped some of it, let me introduce you around then. But no taking advantage of your protection to cause trouble-” The look she got from Agwe, as she raised a brow and opened her mouth as if to argue, was knowing and bemused. “You think I don’t realise only one as troublesome and unpredictable as my love would catch her attention? No, I see through you, girlie, and I would think better of some of it.”
“Only some?” “He means anything that would get you into the more fun kind of trouble.”
Jo let out a surprised yelp at the interruption from her other side, eyes wide and confused at being approached out of the blue by someone here. Everything seemed so strangely structured even though it wasn’t, and she half expected to be the one taken to be introduced to whomever Erzulie or her husbands’ decided to dictate she would. Blinking in surprise, she turned to look at the boyish grin on the man that had approached, taking in the roughishly bemused look on the man’s face.
Swallowing thickly on nothing, Jo shrugged a shoulder as she glanced back at the god that had let go of her arm at the other’s appearance before raising a brow at the newcomer. “What kind of fun is that?”
“My kind, I’m betting. Or perhaps Baron and Bridgette’s type.” The boyish charm didn’t leave at all as the god grinned at her still, his eyes shining with a warmth she hadn’t noticed had been missing in Erzulie’s companions until she saw it in this god’s eyes. There was a beat before a wide hand was held out towards her, and Jo let out a loud laugh as she shook his only to have an unexpected zap come from the touch. “My bad!”
“Ti Malice, are you up to your tricks again?” “Hey, I heard you promising safety not utter boredom. Lighten up, Agwe, or your wife might get bored of all three of you and be after some more fun.” “What makes you think anyone wants your kind of fun here?” “If I wasn’t wanted, my invitation would’ve gotten lost in the mail.”
“What makes you think it didn’t?” Jo could hear herself speaking before she recognised she’d even spoken, and getting a warm laugh from the man beside her felt like both an achievement and something easy to achieve all at once. Agwe simply gave a sigh and an eye roll as she turned to look at the new god. “Or would it not have mattered if it did get lost?”
“Oh it absolutely wouldn’t have mattered. I never miss a party when I can.” The god grinned back at her, all teeth but in a way filled with joy and excitement and not the slightly cold, predatory look that the sea-god’s smile gave off. There was a beat before the other smiled even wider and gave a exaggerated bow and hand gesture. “Since the cold fish won’t do it, may I introduce myself? Ti Malice, trickster-extraordinaire, pleasure to meet you.”
Jo let out a little giggle of her own at the flashy showmanship, her mind immediately recognising some of the flare to the god’s presentation from her experiences with her fake-trickster friend. “Nice ta meet cha, I’m Jo Harvelle.”
“There now, boring bits out of the way - we can get rid of the boring old seaman, right?” Ti Malice’s smirk should have sent a shiver down her spine if it had been directed at her, instead it was fully focused on the glaring god beside her who stared back for a long moment. “Oh come on, old man. You know I might be a trickster but I’m not an idiot. Besides, your wife is waving for you.”
Jo glanced back over her shoulder as did Agwe beside her, both to see Erzulie waving a hand towards them and calling barely audibly over the distance and the hum of conversation in the room for the sea-god himself. Jo glanced up at the taller god for a long moment before he gave her a sharp nod and turned to head back to his wife’s side. Blinking a few times, she was unsurprised to realise the trickster had stepped carefully closer on her other side that she shuffled an inch away, getting a laugh in response.
“Don’t worry, I’m far far more behaved than what my title suggests-” “Oh? Because I’ve some history with tricksters. And the last one I dealt with was a right piece’a work.” “Have you now? Which of us was that?” “Stupid fuckin’ fairy-”
Her grumbled words got a loud laugh from the trickster beside her, his laughter bouncing about the courtyard and cutting over and through other conversations like a booming thunderstorm. Jo blushed as she noticed several heads turn their way and staring for a long moment, fiddling with her dress awkwardly as she waited for the man beside her to unbend from his laughter.
“Oh! Oh no wonder you looked like you’d sucked a lemon! Not all of us are like him, I promise.” Ti Malice’s eyes were glistening with unshed tears of laughter as he finally righted himself, wiping at his eyes with a few warm chuckles. “I mean, we are all like that - but some of us are a little more fun and a little less sadistic.”
“That’s good to know-” “If you want sadistic though- come with me!”
Jo let out a surprised yelp as the god grabbed a hold of her closet wrist and tugged her quickly, pulling her through the crowd and weaving through the different groups milling about until he’d reached some unknown destination. She looked up from her feet, where she’d been focusing on not tripping over or slipping on the built up rose petals covering the uneven ground, to blink in surprise at the pair that the trickster god had brought her to.
A willowy, redheaded woman with pale skin that glowed in the warm sunlight that managed to dapple through the overhead tree canopy and an even taller man with skin as dark as hers was pale looked back at her curiously. Ti Malice’s grin was uncomfortably towards that edge of sadistic glee as he gave a tug to pull her in closer to the small little group. “Hey Mama and Daddy, want to see something strange? Look at this one!”
Jo jerked her hand back out of the god’s grip, temper flaring as she slapped away the hand flourishing towards her as if showing off something to the other two. The look of unrepentant on the trickster’s face was far too well suited to his boyish face, and she barely bit down snarling at him as she was gifted with a teasing tongue stuck out at her for a second.
“Malis, what trouble are you causin’ now?” The woman spoke softly, voice gentle and lilting with an Irish accent that matched up in Jo’s mind with her looks quickly. Glancing between the goddess and the man with his arm firmly around her waist, there was a second before Jo managed to work out the pairs identity as the Baron and his wife, Bridgette. “You sure you should be playin’ such games today?”
“Oh Erzy has a good sense of humor when she wants to-” “And you think today she does?” “Well, she will. Or else she’d’ve sent Ogoun over to stop me.”
“He isn’t wrong, renmen,” The Baron said, his voice a gruff growl. Jo barely stopped the shiver the god’s voice made want to happen, the tone rough and somehow bone-chilling for her. Likely something to do with the power the god of the dead held. There was a second before she managed to get control of herself again and glanced up to meet his piercing look straight on like none of the mortals in the whole space seemingly had, and couldn’t hold back the shiver at the next words spoken. “You have died.”
“Yeah, just the once.” Jo replied after a long, quiet moment between the quartet, unable to drop the death god’s gaze. “Fun times had by all, totally enjoyed chokin’ on my own blood. Would totally recommend it.”
“Would you now?” Jo swallowed thickly herself at the dark smile that graced the god’s face as he stared back at her undeterred from her sarcasm. Baron’s eyes stared her down for a further moment before he finally turned to look towards his wife with a wide grin. “I like this one.”
“Now, sweetie, I don’t think that’s goin’ ta work very well. You know how Erzulie is about bein’ the centre of attention and sharin’ anythin’.” Bridgette’s smile was just to the side of patronising as she gazed back at her husband for a moment before rolling her eyes at his shrug. Turning towards Jo, the redhead held out a dainty hand to shake. “Since neither of these men have any manners, I’m Bridgette, and this is my husband the Baron.”
“I guessed that.” Jo smiled back slightly, still processing what the pair had been talking about before shaking her head and taking the other woman’s hand. “ ‘m Jo. Erzulie’s my, uh, I guess patron?”
“Oh yes, that’d be the right term for you-” “Good to know.” “I much prefer my followers to be like that myself too. Unlike some others.” “Huh?”
“Not enough free will, sweetheart, in case you hadn’t noticed.” Bridgette waved a delicate hand around towards the rest of the crowd, pointing out towards the horses milling about in their dull clothes and heads entirely bowed to below that of the shortest god irrespective of their own height. There was a much older man, clearly an old god from the gnarled hands and grey hairs, that was seated and slumped slightly that they all kept to below despite his clear disinterest in being so measured against. And then likewise she pointed to some of the other devotees who kept their eyes downcast but in constant look out for if they’d spoken too loud or interrupted a god’s voice. “I mean, the power is nice and all, but I miss the irreverence of the Irish sometimes.”
“Oh, but don’t you think we deserve subservience?” The chirped voice sprang up on Jo’s other side, and jerking to the side, bumping into the grinning trickster, Jo looked surprised at the young looking woman beside her with a head full of thick curls and wide almond shaped eyes. Her pink dress matched the tones of Erzulie’s herself, and Jo blinked in surprise to see it - having figured the goddess would’ve wanted to be the only one in the color on her special day. “Hi! I’m Filomez, you must be Joanna Harvelle.” There was a second before the girl seemingly broke all patterns of the other pagans and moved forward to tug Jo into a tight hug. “Erzulie’s told me so much about you! I look forward to seeing your devotional later.”
“You’ll be partaking?” The rumbled words from the Baron were less surprising this time as Jo gave a few pats to the young woman’s back before the shorter goddess - one of the only ones near Jo’s own height - pulled back. “So that is the surprise, hmm.”
Jo gave a shrug of her shoulder as she shifted a little, uncertain if she should speak more or not as Malice seemed to jump in making up some story about an entire secret room of devotees that were due to arrive and bolster the beauty goddess’ powers to outshine everyone else in the space. Filomez nodded along, agreeing repeatedly and eyes wide and happy as she spoke about her ‘big sister’ having promised something spectacular. Jo’s stomach felt slightly queasy as she listened, finishing her drink slowly as she shrunk in on herself. It was pressure, and pressure on her she could tell, even if there was any sort of joke that it might not.
Looking around the space, she noted other gods and goddesses having arrived, and especially a beautiful woman in a bright yellow dress that almost outshone against Erzulie’s own glorious gown. Jo frowned noting it, looking around the courtyard for a moment and noting how that goddess seemed to stand out alongside Erzulie. All the others, while dressed ostentatiously and clearly in rich and vibrant colors, were not eye-catching and attention seeking in a way like the newly arrived goddess was. Filomez wore a soft baby pink dress that draped around her to show off her slim figure but it didn’t scream for attention, likewise Baron and Bridgette were matched in black and red clothes that sucked the light from around them but still didn’t draw attention to them over anyone else. Malice’s bright orange jumpsuit might have stood out anywhere else, but seemed considered and paired back in this crowd somehow. But the newly arrived goddess stood out, and in a way that, as Jo flicked a glance towards the centre of the room where Erzulie and her husbands sat to see the glare upon her goddess’ face, was inappropriate.
“Look what the cat dragged in-” “Don’t you mean ‘look out for the cat fight’, Malis?” “Same thing, Baron.”
Jo frowned slightly, attention drawn back to the group she stood near to notice the glare being delivered towards the newcomer from Filomez, and blinked a few times at noticing how the younger looking woman’s face had shifted. It was something she’d seen on Erzulie’s before, the shifting of which facet took control but without the entire change of hair style like the first time Jo’d met the goddess of women. “So, uh, who’s that?”
“Anaisa Pye. She thinks she’s better than my dearest sister.” Filomez spoke, voice harsh and gravelly to the exact opposite that it had been sweet and light before, and it wasn’t until a meaty hand landed on Jo’s head that she realised she’d been waiting for the goddess to speak some more.
Jerking in surprise, she looked up towards the person who’d interrupted to see the impassive looking face of Erzulie’s third husband, Ogoun, looking back at her. “You need to come with me.” The man’s voice was still so quiet, and after a moment he removed his hand and turned back towards the dais and started to walk without waiting for her.
Glancing back to the assorted gods she’d stood with, Jo was unsurprised to see Ti Malice’s eyes glittering with mischief as he opened his mouth to suggest she stay where she was. The other three were less clearly unbothered by the massive warrior god’s arrival and departure, and after raising a quick brow, Jo turned back towards the centre and headed towards her goddess. After all, if she was being summoned, it would be to pray; and then she’d likely be able to head home before any kind of troubles could start if the change in atmosphere she’d noticed since the goddess Anaisa Pye’s arrival spelt.
As she reached the dais, Jo was surprised to notice that the newly arrived goddess was standing before Erzulie herself, cocky smile to her face. “Why, Erzulie, old girl. How lovely to see you today! I hope you’ve not broken your back putting this all on, I wouldn’t want you straining anything.”
“Anaisa, you actually managed to get out of bed for once!” Erzulie replied snippily, eyes focused like a cat on it’s prey. “Tell me, did you make sure to get all the prayers for the year in before this? I mean, that’s the only way you’d get the energy to even make it here.”
“You underestimate my followers, as always. But I suppose you can’t have quite so devoted worshippers as the rest of us who fulfil their needs better, Erzie.” “Better? Oh, you mean by having so few calls that you’ve the time for all, what, three people who ever think to ask you for help, Annie?” “They can’t be all so desperate as to have to ask for yours, you know.”
Jo had to bite down on a smirk watching the two goddesses at each other’s throats as she waited patiently a few steps away. It wasn’t surprising to find that not all gods could stand one another, the animosity reminding her of the Irish couple she’d been exposed to - but without the underlying sexual tension, which she had to cover her mouth to stop from laughing thinking at that comparison.
She must have made a noise though, as Jo found herself with the attention of both goddesses upon her then, and shrinking back a step Jo scowled at the one closest to hers remark. “Oh, what a beautiful dress. I do so love yellow. Are you one of mine, human?”
“Anaisa, that is my follower.” Erzulie’s words were hissed out and sharp, eyes just as cutting as she glared towards the other goddess. “My husband had fetched her for me, Joanna, my darling girl, come sit. We’ll get to your gift after the others.” Jo frowned for a second as she realised that her patron hadn’t dropped her glare from the other goddess’ face yet and yet pointed towards a spot for Jo to sit. Her frown disappeared to realise that she was pointing at the seat that Ogoun had been sitting in before instead of a cushion on the floor, and glancing up, Jo noticed that the tall warrior was stood behind the chair instead. “Quickly, my flower, before the stench of some uncivilised upstart goddess gets caught entirely in my nose.”
“Oh you-” Anaisa sneered back for a second, glaring towards the goddess of the day for a moment, before she turned to stalk off to the side as Jo sat down and Erzulie stood in the same moment to draw the attention of the crowd.
That wasn’t hard for the goddess though. She barely needed to raise her voice to silence all the murmuring of the gods around the space, hands thrown wide and shimmering small golden light sparks around the space where her chains and bracelets and rings caught the sunlight. Erzulie clearly intended to make a point of this all. “Everyone! Thank you all for joining me today on such an important date.” Her voice was sweet and warm, but the underlying current of power that ran through it reminded Jo of her other facet - the fierce, blood thirtsty side that gave the power to the downtrodden to rise up. “I look forward to our next gathering for the next feast day with glee, but before that can happen, so to must todays rituals. My love, the first?”
Jo was unsurprised to see that Damballah was the husband to step forward and beckon to the first of those humans here to give over a ritual or gift to the goddess. What did surprise Jo was to witness how those who were so drawn into this religion and practices gave their thanks to a deity right in front of them. She knew, of course, how the usual practices went and was not surprised to see a goat’s blood spilled at one point or, given the goddess in question, bottles and bottles of perfume poured out into vessels before the worshiper would spill drops of their own blood in as well. She was surprised however to witness how with each prayer or sacrifice that the goddess seated on the throne beside her would glow faintly, and that each devotee was granted the permission to approach the dais and kiss the goddess’ feet before being rewarded with a kiss to the crown of their heads. It was something strange to see the looks of wonder and awe on each of the worshipers faces as they genuflected over and over as they retreated after each of their provisions; that such a small symbol, from a goddess that Jo saw more as a quirky aunt that pinched her cheeks than a deity, meant so much to these people. Jo even watched with eyes wide as the practitioner who introduced her to the idea of drawing from the voodoo gods was there and gave her own thanks. Jo was more surprised to see the look of absolute astonishment and wonder when the other saw her seated there. That look would haunt her for a while.
As the last person bowed and scurried back from the dais, Jo was unsurprised to see a hand held out to her from the god standing behind her. Ogoun helped her to her feet, even though Jo raised a brow at the sheer idea she might have needed the help, and walked her to the same spot that the others had stood to put forth their sacrifices.
Jo waited a second after he’d let her hand go and moved to take the seat that she had vacated to look about uncertainly. It was all well and good to pray, and she would easily, but after witnessing the others it felt a little anticlimactic, especially since she clearly held far less belief than the others.
“Um…” She shifted her weight awkwardly, weighing up the options. “I, uh-” Looking around, Jo could see a few gods shifting their own weight and twisting to mumble to one another. Obviously laughing at the lost little girl, and likewise laughing at Erzulie who stared down at her impassively. There was a moment as a dark brow quirked at her, before Jo glanced around again before letting out a quiet noise of approval as she spotted something she could contribute. Approaching the closest table, Jo pulled a lit candle from the centrepiece before moving back before the altar - candle still aflame and the wax dripping down one side of the candle to the floor. It took barely a moment to pull one of the blood-dipped daggers she had strapped to her legs to start the carvings that she knew off by heart at this point, even as she felt her cheeks flushing brightly at the laughter and murmurs she could hear from those around her at that. As she finished the last of the swirling curls of the heart design for the goddess before her, Jo raised an eyebrow back at the other before setting it down.
There didn’t seem to be anything for a moment before Erzulie gestured towards the flame with her hand and Jo gave a quiet sigh. Kneeling down, she pressed the edge of her blade to her thumb before holding her dripping finger over the flame itself. Pressing on the wound gently with her other hand until a enough drops of blood had fallen to extinguish the flame, Jo let out a gasp as she noticed the light in the room change from the overhead shadows of the sun to something shining and golden before her. Looking up, it wasn’t just her clearly surprised to see the amount of light shining off the goddess. Erzulie sat smiling wide, toothy and pleased, as her skin seemed to almost glow golden like her necklaces and chains, and her hair likewise shone golden. The shine didn’t go down completely like it had after a few seconds from the other sacrifices and rituals, it seemed to sink into the goddess’ skin but not leave as a whole, her whole being softly radiating light under her form as she smiled down towards the blonde.
Rising to her feet, Jo approached at the hand the goddess held out towards her, frowning slightly as she got before her. “I ain’t kissin’ your feet, just so you know.” Jo heard herself speak again, and scrunched her eyes up as she heard what she said, before letting out a sigh of relief at the laugh she got in response.
“Of course not, my flower,” Erzulie replied gently, standing from her seat for a moment like she hadn’t for the other followers before surprising her with a kiss to her forehead unlike anyone else. “You’ve been having a very good time lately, Joanna, I am so happy for you and that I can share in even a little bit of it. Thank you again, my sweet girl.”
Jo felt herself frowning slightly as the goddess pressed another kiss to her forehead before letting go of her, and stepping away, Jo was not surprised to see that those milling around were no longer looking at her at all but drawn entirely like moths to the flame towards the power exuding from the goddess behind her. It was expected. Gods of their kind, those with slowly diminishing follower bases but who still relied upon them would always be drawn towards such sparks of power, and especially the god or goddess that had it at the time.
Moving through the crowd moving forward was easy enough for her - no other mortals seemed to still be present, having left after each of their sacrifices or prayers themselves; and what was a mortal to a god? Shaking her head to herself as she wiped her dagger off on a nearby cloth napkin, Jo was actually surprised to hear a cough from behind her. Turning about, she kept a firm grip on her blade and the cloth as well as she stared cautiously towards the god before her.
“A pretty demonstration there, girl.” The god was surprisingly tall compared to when she’d seen him before, spindly though and his eyes seemed almost ancient as she looked up at him. The god hadn’t moved at all throughout the whole time she’d been there from the seat he’d been sunk into, his old body clearly reflective of his age and looking down at the cane and dog by his side, Jo let out a whoosh of air as she realised which of the loas had approached her. The only one old enough not to care for the frenzied and overly bouncy reaction of the goddess on her throne. Papa Legba stared down at her with eyes milky from cataracts but that seemed to see right through her. “I would leave if I were you, child. They say beware being a favorite, but also being known to be favorite can be even more dangerous. Especially amongst those starving for power.”
Jo frowned slightly, twisting the hand at her side holding the cloth napkin as the god’s dog shuffled forwards to sniff at her hand, before she moved to stroke the animal’s head for a moment. The god’s words felt kind in a way none of the other’s had - the trickster wanted to cause trouble; the god of the dead wanted to get under her skin and his wife was simply bored; the young goddess was bold but didn’t have enough to know what was right or wrong; the fiery competitor had said no kind words towards her that weren’t selfish in it’s own; the three husbands cared only for their competition and their wife; and while Erzulie favored her, that was always self serving and selfish as the goddess was. The old man’s words felt kind for the sake of kindness and compassion. The voice that spoke of more than just his own power nor the demands for power from humans, the communicator between the worlds of gods and the realms of humans, the one who still held a compassion for humans and their fleeting worlds.
As the dog snuffled at her hand and after she scratched under it’s chin, Jo glanced up ready to thank the other to note his warm eyes already nodding to her without her having to speak. There was another moment before the old god turned, picking his way back into the crowd, through which Jo could still see the golden goddess spinning and laughing and soaking in all the attention she craved so much. Drinking in being the centre of the world for a few brief hours in a way that left the blonde sighing in sympathy and pity as she turned to head home to true safety and where the world span from.
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Purest Water Filtration began when two friends were discussing the taste and smell of their drinking and showering water in their family homes. Both with 17 years experience in their respective fields – Ben a licensed Plumber and Rick an Account Manager in the Building Industry. They knew that with their combined knowledge, they could educate and provide clean water for other families.
During this initial chat they both had concerns over the Chlorine content in their drinking water. They decided to conduct a test using a pool testing kit. They were shocked to find Chlorine levels that were on par with that of a healthy swimming pool!
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cilliansaccent · 5 years
Class of Temptation - CHAPTER TWO
Leave a like, reblog or comment below to show your support and love! Enjoy…
No mention of Cillian’s true family or relatives. All names are made up.
This is a TEACHER x STUDENT fanfiction, it’s going to be kinky and very taboo!
I will write whenever the mood grabs me, so I apologise if there are long breaks between chapters :)
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Background: Tessa is a twenty-three-year-old model from a broken-up family, living in London with her best friend and starting a course on Drama and Theatre. Though, when she gets closer to the super hot Mr Murphy who is her much older teacher, there is a battle of lust and love between them. They’ll have to figure out what to do with their tight relationship as other issues begin to rise and nip at their heels…
Word Count: 2,196
!!Warnings!!: None.
Chapter Name: Mr Murphy
Brief Chapter Outline: Tessa attends Orientation week at her selected University and explores the campus and the courses and clubs it offers. She then goes to her info session for her Drama course and finds herself meeting a very handsome man... 
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A few days had passed since her birthday and today was Orientation week at the selected Uni Tessa had picked. She had picked out a casual outfit, black shorts and a champagne silk blouse with flared short sleeves. She added low cut converse shoes and pulled her hair up in a high pony-tail. 
She threw on her small backpack that had her keys, wallet, phone and a notepad in case she needed to take some notes down. Esther would meet with her by the afternoon at the uni. 
Tessa headed off, she had already posted a pic of herself on Instagram and smiled at the comments. She occasionally got some hate but she just ignored them. 
As she sat on the train, she began to contemplate. Her thoughts wandered to the card she received from her father and the conversation she had with Mila about it. Her father had been right, Mila and he had been in contact for almost three years now and seemed to be on good terms. 
Aria, on the other hand, had not taken the news so well when Mila had told her a few months back. Yet, Tess did not really care. The only thing she didn't like was that Mila gave their shit father her address to her apartment. 
Tessa had vowed that day she left she would not ever keep in contact with him or let him know her whereabouts. But so much for that. She hoped she would not see another letter again if she did she would be thoroughly mad. 
She made sure she told Mila to never give anything to their father which resulted in a heated argument and Mila hung up on her. 
Tessa sighed as she got off the train and headed up to the street above. She gave herself a moment and admired the bustling crowd of tourists and workers. Many would say London was too hectic and crazy but Tessa loved the fast-paced atmosphere of it. And the photos always looked so good when she took them. 
Sydney had been where she was birthed. She only remembered a bit of it, living along a coastline in a pretty small home. But the rest it was a blur of screaming and yelling when it came to her father and her birth mother. 
The university came into view and she headed inside as she was handed pamphlets and a bag. There was a tour guide but she wanted to do this on her own, find her own way around. There was a lot of people, many younger girls and boys with their families. It made her sad that she had to do this without some parent beside her, no smiling father or a proud mother. 
Tessa trudged on, checking out the many other courses the uni offered and talked to the people. More hand-outs she took before she found where she could check out the clubs they offered. She made sure to sign up for the art club, a chilled afternoon once a week where a group gathered and just drew and talked. 
She then went to the orchestra club and introduced herself to the large group. They seemed super keen that she would be joining them and managed to get their social handles. She laughed when they were shocked to see she was an elite model and they were gushing, especially the girls. 
After that, Tessa went to listen in on some other courses that spiked her interest and took notes down. Then off she went to her drama talk. 
People were walking out of the lecture room as she came in, it seemed to be finished. 
"Oh, did I miss it?" She frowned as she spotted a man bent down and retrieving something from his bag. 
The man turned as he straightened himself. He was dressed in skinny black jeans, a green shirt with a low cut V neck and a casual suit jacket in which he was just taking off. 
"You did. But no worries, there will be another in fifteen minutes. Care to hang around." He said in his Irish accent, a sweet smile graced that sharp cut face. 
Tessa was mesmerised by how clear his blue eyes were, "Oh, uh, okay. Sorry." She laughed nervously as she awkwardly sat down. 
"You don't need to sit that far, come on. Come upfront." He waved her over, taking a sip of his water bottle. 
Tessa hesitated but got up as she made her way over to the front. 
"I'm Cillian Murphy," He said, holding his hand out to her. 
"U-Uh... I'm Tessa." She took his hand. It was strong and firm once she sat down, his flashy watch curled around a veined wrist.  
"Nice to meet you, Tessa. So you've picked Drama and Theatre, hm?" He took a seat in front of her. He had a thick head of hair which was parted at the side and seemed to curl over his forehead. She also noticed the freckles that dusted his buttoned nose and pale cheeks. 
But most importantly she was shocked to actually meet the famous man, "Yeah. I have. I want to go, um, into a different pathway." She nodded. 
"Oh? Have you studied before?" He sat back, arms loosely folded over his chest. His gentle smile never fading. 
"No. Never." She shook her head. 
"You work then? You seem very well dressed." He mused. 
"I'm a model. I work for various fashion brands." She felt her nerves kick in, she wasn't the type to just accept compliments from people she didn't know. It made her feel weird. 
Cillian seemed to see the discomfort in her and sighed, "Sorry. I don't mean to come across as overbearing or too straightforward. But a model, hey? That's alright." He said in a more gentler tone. 
"Mhm. I love it, it's fun. But I want more so drama has been something I've always wanted to do. So I finally took that chance." Tessa replied not really meeting his gaze. 
"Good, good. Well, I'll be teaching the class, I got good experience so you'll be learning from the best." He winked at her as he stood, "I gotta go freshen myself up. Rest here and we'll get the info session started soon." He said before he left her alone in the room. 
Tessa eased back in the chair as her shoulders finally relaxed. That was super intense but it might just be her racing nerves. It was busy today and a lot going on. 
Especially with a man, she would not ever dream of meeting. She had seen him in a couple of films and he was exceptionally great. She would hope to be just as good as he but first thing first was that she had to overcome her fear of... well, acting in front of people. 
Modelling was kind of different. All she had to do was strut down the catwalk in her outfit, pose and walk off. She wasn't in the spotlight for a long time, only briefly for photos. Or when it came to photoshoots she was surrounded by people she knew and wasn't afraid of showing her body off or being up against a man or a woman. 
Tessa would not let her fear of strangers overwhelm her. She had to deal with this before, a little more different but she would do this. She had to. The only way to make a better life for herself. 
People began to filter in and it was soon pretty full. Cillian had returned and clapped his hands together, "Well, it looks like a full house so I can start." He said and got right into it. 
He took them through the structure of the course, what to expect, what materials were needed. There was a project to be done by the end of the first year, to work as a whole class and create a play and perform it. 
This would be interesting, she thought, writing down her notes. Three years worth. It was very daunting. 
Though she really enjoyed Cillian's passion, he spoke from the heart and seemed like a really cool man. She looked forward to the class if he was going to be like this. 
"I do hope to see some you guys in class, thank you for coming. Catch ya later." He smiled and people stood up and filed out. 
"So you thinking of enrolling?" Cillian brought his attention back to Tessa who had a page full of notes. 
"I already am. Just wanted to come in and listen to make sure I picked the course I want to do." She looked up and met those gorgeous eyes. He had put on his brown and black spotted glasses. He really did look like the drama type of teacher. 
"Oh yeah? You don't got any questions?" He asked. 
"Uhm... You mentioned a big project to be done by the end of the first year. What is that like?" She asked it was the only thing that worried her. 
"Well, it's a task the board have made to bring out teamwork in a group. Usually, when you are working on a piece, you are working with many other people. So we want to see how well you interact with others off stage and on stage as well." He explained. 
"Oh, okay. I see. And I'm guessing we will get notified of the exam as well?" She asked. 
"Yeah. Of course," He nodded, "Closer to the end of each term you will be notified." 
"Sorry for the silly questions. I-I just want to know." She said, holding her back close as if it may protect her. 
"No question is silly. Ask as many as you want." He gave her a reassuring smile. "Any more?" 
"None, thank you." She let out a soft sigh. 
"Alright. Well, I'll see you when the semester starts. Nice meeting you, Miss Tessa." He held out his hand and she took it and shook. 
"Nice meeting you too, Mr Murphy." She blushed a little. 
"Just Cillian, please." He said with a soft laugh. 
"Okay, Cillian. See you now." She said and turned to head out of the room. 
She spent the rest of her morning attending other information sessions of other classes and took a small tour with a group around campus. 
Esther called her up to tell Tessa she was here so on she went to the main gates to find her best friend all dolled up. 
"Hey!" Esther smiled and they embraced. 
"Hi, how was the shoot?" Tessa asked her. 
"Really good. I got to keep some of the lingerie that was used." She giggled. "Wearing it right now." She wiggled her eyebrows at her. 
"Oh," Tessa gave her a hip bump, "Lucky you." 
"Let's go eat! You gotta talk to me about today." Esther said as they headed to a Thai restaurant. 
Once they sat, checked the menu and ordered, Esther had her full attention on Tessa. "So, how was it?" 
"It was good. The campus is so nice! So green, there's like a giant park next to it. I went to some info sessions on other classes to see what they were like. But, oh my god." Tessa said in an excited tone, "You would not believe who is my drama teacher." 
Esther raised her brow, "Who?" She was confused. 
"You know that hot actor, that one played in Batman as the evil guy scarecrow? Inception? And that new movie, Anna?" Tessa said. 
Esther's eyes widened, "No fucking way." She said. 
"Yes fucking way! It's him, Cillian Murphy." Tessa said with equal excitement. 
"Holy fuck! Oh my god. Oh. My. God." Esther was shaking with such enthusiasm. "That is gonna be so awesome. Does he look like how he looks in the movie?" Esther leaned forward. 
"Oh fuck he does. He wears glasses too. Unbelievable. At first, I didn't really like, put it together but when he spoke I knew instantly who he was. He was so kind to, but I was still so nervous." Tessa smiled a little. 
"So he'll be teaching the class. What's the class like?" Esther continued. 
"Three years and at the end of the first year we gotta have a play ready to showcase." Tessa shuddered. "That's really intense." 
"Oh, it sounds like it. But you're gonna ace it! I know you will." Esther reached over and took her hands. 
"Yeah?" Tessa looked up and met her pretty eyes. 
"Yeah. I believe in you." Esther kissed her hands and pulled back as their food came. "I've always believed in you from the moment we met. I know you can do this." 
Tessa blushed, "Thank you, Esther. Means a lot." She said before they ate and chatted about Esther's shoot. After they ate they headed back to central London where the agency was and continued on with some other shoots they had to do for the rest of the afternoon that went well into the evening. 
Tessa was glad to be back home and spend the night cuddled up with Esther watching a TV Show. The two girls fell asleep like that wrapped in a light blanket. 
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kneewall49 · 5 years
Another visitor
18th Sept. 2019
We had our third out of town visitors since moving to site.
Dave, ex CiSRA colleague of mine, and Motoko’s, visited with Bradley and Emigine while Kas (wife and mum) competed in the Sunshine Coast 1/2 Ironman over the weekend.
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Was good to catch up with Sydney news and in particular what our past work mates are up to after the company closure.
The kids had a drive of Mr. Mitarai while we had a BBQ and a few refreshments. Dave being a country bumpkin knew the controls.
The dry spell is continuing with weather reminiscent of Sydney in February. That means bushfires and there were outbreaks all round with the closest near Coolum some 15k away. We are pretty safe here but places up and down the street and surrounding areas are pretty bushie; I wouldn’t be too happy with them as home locations.
The dry spell has also put a holt on my driveway excavation simply because of the amount of dust kicked up and the hardness of the dirt. So we have done a few house keeping tasks such as setting up the container as the workshop and storage facility it is meant to be.
Painting the small water tank and the container also kept us busy for a day or two. I borrowed Jamie’s airless spray gun but it kept tripping the electrical circuit so had to revert to the brush. No big issue as time is cheap.
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I’ve also stripped down a water pump that was hidden in the bushes at Jamie’s with a view to use it to water down some of the fill I’m moving around from the driveway. It hadn’t been used for ? long and was an interesting pull down.
The sump and cylinder was filled with an oil water mix, the carby full of dirt, petrol tank full of orange gravy and actual pump impeller full of cottage cheese (or something remarkably similar).
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The two vital signs required, no piston seizure and a spark, were surprisingly present. So fuel was the next required component, but with the tank dirty and carby full of dirt progress stopped. I decided to order a carby service pack on eBay, and was presently surprised to find I could get the following in one service pack for just $30 with free shipping. And note the free cat sticker!
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The pack included: A new spark plug, new air filter, whole new carby (not just jets), fuel lines, plug lead, coil, ignition, gaskets, fuel filter and a stop start switch! How good is that!
We have also decided to put up there shade sails, using the Aldi tarps we used when covering the trailer when moving. I had to order some poles of the required length and get some fittings. This will be a task for next week. We can then both shade the container and park cars under shelter.
I also put some racks on the side of the container to hold the skis; much tidier and they too are out of the sun now.
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We are now waiting for rain, the final test.
We have passed the heat test, van is nice and cool, passed the wind test, annex didn’t blow down on the high wind and fire weekend. We now await the water test! Will our wood chip ground covering get washed away; will the soil soften up and the van subside; will the annex leak? I guess we’ll find out soon or later.
Our Strangler Fig has burst into leaf, making great shade through most of the day. I’m now inclined to keep this tree as a feature in the courtyard. We were considering replacing it with something less foundation unsettling, but will look at preventative measures to tame its roots and keep it.
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Also done: completed the Owner Builder course and have the license; have the preliminary roof structure design for comment. Getting close to being able to submit to council the BA.
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ozconairsolutions · 3 years
6 Solutions To The Most Common HVAC Problems
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As a homeowner, your primary goal is to provide a comfortable living space for your family during the intolerable cold winter and hot summer. One of the best things that you can do to ensure that you can control the living environment in your house is to invest in an air conditioning system. A unit that can keep your family warm and comfortable during harsh weather conditions. 
Most HVAC units have a life expectancy of about 15 to 25 years, depending on the system, how it is used, and other contributing factors such as air conditioning installation Sydney that may lead to its early demise. Generally, that's just how appliances are. In other given instances, they are bound to be broken and irreparable. All we can do is prolong their lifespan by maintaining their overall state in terms of maintenance and usage. 
After a few years, your HVAC unit will start to show a few common issues and problems. The good thing is, you can prevent it from happening by empowering yourself with knowledge about solutions so you won't have to panic whenever your unit malfunctions or show signs of breaking down. 
Regular filter cleaning 
A dirty air filter blocks the hot or cold air from flowing out freely. This causes the air to build up inside which aids in lowering the internal temperature. By cleaning your AC's air filter regularly, the quality of air is also guaranteed. Clean air in your house eliminates allergens and keeps the air inside your house fresher and better. A dirty air filter also forces the unit to work harder that will eventually lead to higher energy bills and more frequent repairs that shortens the unit's lifespan. 
When you maintain a regular cleaning or changing schedule of your AC filter, you will notice less dust accumulation inside your house.  
Frequent leak inspection 
Air conditioning leaks can happen inside or outside the unit and there could be a lot of reasons behind it. Although the liquid leaking out of your AC is just water, it still is a sign that implies something is wrong within your unit. It could be because of clogged drain pipes, an overflowing or cracked drip pan, frozen evaporator coils, a broken pump, or improper installation. 
As a homeowner, you should be aware of these things. You don't need professional knowledge to do the troubleshooting, you just have to be aware so you can immediately call a professional to check on your air conditioning unit. 
Replace electrical components 
If you've been using your air conditioning unit for a couple of years or so, it is normal for the electrical components to malfunction because of the usage. All electrical components wear and tear over time, so it is normal for them to be defective after they've been used for quite a long time. 
These electrical components are critical parts of an air conditioner that are important for a unit to function properly. Once they become faulty, they would only deteriorate over time and should be replaced immediately to not affect the whole function of your AC unit. 
Clean/change evaporator coils
Evaporator coils are responsible for extracting heat and humidity from the air inside your house. But if not cleaned or changed regularly, it can get fully covered in dust and debris which can affect the effectiveness of your AC unit. While you can just easily clean it, these evaporator coils can become damaged due to corrosion. When they become defective, this can cause tiny pinholes in the sealed system which unfortunately releases refrigerant into the air. 
As we all know, refrigerants are used in air conditioning units and they are generally not good for the atmosphere. In Australia, R-134a and R-410a are the most commonly used refrigerants following the phase-out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) including R22 in 1995. These refrigerants must not be leaked or emitted into the atmosphere that's why the Australian Refrigeration Council (ARC) has been established to help minimise any further damage to the atmosphere by using a licencing scheme.
Check thermostat settings 
Malfunctions are a common occurrence for both programmable and non-programmable thermostats. These usually happen for most non-programmable ones because they are quite old. They might have lasted for a long time, but not forever. Once they are broken, consider replacing them with a modern, programmable thermostat that ensures years of good operation if installed properly. You should also check the manual if it's properly programmed and constantly see if the batteries are still working. A well functioning thermostat can help lessen your energy bills. 
Get scheduled maintenance 
Purchasing an air conditioning unit is a huge investment. Your investment should be unconditionally protected by regularly scheduled maintenance that will help prolong its lifespan. Once you neglect to have a professional service contractor to perform your unit's routine maintenance, then it could be vulnerable to costly repairs, increased energy bills and poor performance. 
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years
08/06/2018 DAB Transcript
Ezra 3:1-4:24 , 1 Corinthians 2:6-3:4 , Psalms 28:1-9 , Proverbs 20:24-25
Today is the 6th day of August. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I'm Brian. It's great to be here with you today. I keep thinking it's July still, even though we have almost come a week into this new month. I guess I just need to catch up with myself. I'm sure I'm not alone. It is the 6th day of August. And we're reading from the English Standard Version this week. Ezra 3:1-4:23 today.
Okay. So in1 Corinthians, Paul has been discussing the nonsense of the gospel starting yesterday. And he's basically saying that God planned to redeem the world and that redemption, that
plan was hidden in ancient but it was revealed in Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. But only for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Okay, so we can accept that because we know that that's Christian doctrine. That's what we believe. But if you just consider what I just said, like for your own human understanding of the world, if you have no context for your faith at all and you hear this, well then you see the rub. It makes no rational sense if you don't believe that there is more to our existence and the physical senses that we have to interpret it. But once you've felt the truth of the gospel flooding into your soul, then you can't see the world any other way. So it's difficult to describe to a person who doesn't see the world through spiritual eyes. And Paul explained it like this. The  rulers of this world have not understood it. If they had, they would not have crucified the Lord. So how is it that we reconcile the disconnect between our own reason and the awareness that a spiritual reality exists that is more tangible than anything else in the world? How do we reconcile that? That's what Paul was talking about today. He said, no one can know a person's thoughts except that person's own spirit. And no one can know God's thoughts except God's own spirit. And we have received God's spirit, not the world's spirit. So we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us. People who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's spirit. It all sounds like foolishness to them and they can't understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. So in other words, all of our faculties, all of our human senses and our mind and our reason alone will not be able to reason the ways of God. God's ways are higher than our ways. We will not be able to figure it out. So therefore, we'll need something more than our own reason. Something beyond our own minds. And for Paul, there was only one way this would reconcile. Which brings us to one of the most quoted Scriptures in all of the Bible. 1 Corinthians 2:16. We understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ. And because of that, we can look into the Spirit. We can look through the eyes of faith at what we cannot see and live within this reality.
Father, we want to live into this reality today. And we realize that this is absolutely true. We go in search for You, trying to use our own human ingenuity and wisdom, but there's a ceiling. We cannot go beyond it. We cannot know Your ways without You. We cannot have an understanding of the spirit without Your Holy Spirit.  And so we go through our lives falsely tethered to an awareness that can be perceived by our physical senses.  But we are instructed over and over and over and over and over and over in the scriptures than there is way more to the story than that.  So we invite Your Holy Spirit to well up within us, to surround us, to guide us, to counsel us, to lead us into all truth, to lift our eyes to the horizon and allow us to see Your kingdom all around us, advancing forward.  And we are a part of that story. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus name we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base,, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. So, check in. Be sure to check it out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in our mission to read the Scriptures fresh every day and offer them to the world, to anyone who will listen to them anywhere on this planet, any time of day or night and to continue to foster community around that rhythm so that as we move through our lives we know we're not moving alone, we are the body of Christ.  Each have a story to tell, we each have a purpose. And if that is bringing light and life and good news into your world, than thank you for your partnership as we move through the summer months. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com.  If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the give button in the upper right-hand corner. Or if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O.  Box 1996, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good morning Daily Audio Bible. This is John from Illinois. I’m a first-time collar. I’ve been with the DAB, my wife and I, for three years. I’m very grateful that a friend, Laura, invited us to this place. I’m so grateful for this family, for Brian and Jill, for what it has been, life-changing for us. I think what struck me most was not only the program and God’s word opening up for these callers, this DAB family calling in, caring and loving people they don’t know. I was listening this morning and my heart goes out to an Allen from Sydney. And the Lord told me very plainly, He says don’t doubt your faith, don’t question My faithfulness when it doesn’t turn out the way we want it to. And a lot of times in this life we have an idea or thought in our mind that we think that God wants us to do and when it doesn’t pan out then we question our own hope, our own faith, our own walk with God and that’s not at all how it is. The word says that he ever lives to make intercessions for us. And Psalm 27 clearly says wait on the Lord, be of good courage for he strengthens your heart. Wait, __. God has got a great and marvelous plan. Wait and be still. I’m just to get grateful for this family, grateful to be a part of this. God bless Brian and Jill. God bless this whole family.
Hi Daily Audio Bible. This is Lydia and Maryland. I’ve been listening for seven years and never called into the prayer line but my family has been hit with a very difficult situation. Our 17-year-old has tried to commit suicide three times and the doctors recommended a particular therapy that’s very expensive but we figure that God will provide. She doesn’t seem to be responding to the therapy very well but we are in the first few weeks of it. So, I am calling just to ask for, first and foremost prayers for her and over her life and that she hears God’s voice and knows that God loves her and has many works for her to do. I am also asking for prayer for our finances as we know we are willing to go into debt for this because we are believing that God is going to provide. But it’s $1000 per month, which is hard. So, again, please lift up our daughter Faith. And we are pastors, so, even pastors sometimes need prayer. And unfortunately, we can’t always go to our churches because this is our daughter’s story. But I love you and I thank God that I am able to reach out to a worldwide community. That is awesome…and…
Hello Daily Audio Bible family. This is Scott Santee and I am calling from sunny Havana Cuba. I hope you are all are doing well. I have called before and haven’t really told much…just like a few times. I’ve been listening for…well…since Ezekiel was born and I love it. I know everybody’s voices before they give their needs and it’s just great. I was calling to let you know that I have been here for the last three weeks installing water filters. I’m actually a full-time missionary. But it’s been so remarkable, I just wanted to share a praise report about it. We, not only are able to meet their number one physical need of clean water, but also use that as a way to meet their number one spiritual need of a relationship with Jesus Christ. And this has been amazing. We’ve seen a response rate of just over 50% of the people that we share with our coming to Christ. And I’ve never seen anything like it anywhere in the world. And this last week was pretty intense. We saw a lot of opposition and people could feel, yeah know, the spiritual forces of evil working against them. And, anyhow, the Lord still prevailed and it was great and I just thought you’d want to rejoice with that. You know, you know, hundreds of people now have clean water. They don’t have to boil their water or put Clorox in it or anything. And now, the house churches and the anchor churches are following up with all the people. The community is abuzz. They’re so happy, they’re so excited, they’re talking about Jesus. It’s just great. If you’d like to learn more you can reach me at [email protected]...
Hi. This is James Pitrineli and a day behind right now. It’s August 4th. I’m listening to the August 3rd Podcast. And funny that…Asia, in Chicago. So, we have two Asia’s now. That’s really cool, actually. I heard your call and my dad growing up is not a believer but he was verbally abusive for years on end. And I don’t know how old you are right now, if sounds like you’re an adult, or at least nearly so. That’s just really hard, first of all and think there’s a lot of people in our community who can identify. But it takes a lot of courage to admit that what’s happening is abuse and that it’s not your fault. You don’t deserve it. Even though you’re imperfect, we’re all imperfect and the Lord doesn’t abuse us. He doesn’t hurl accusations at us. That’s the enemy. In my father’s case, he had mental health issues an entire life through and the enemy will use those. And it sounds like you with your father does love the Lord, he’s got some spiritual things definitely going on. He may have some mental health things going on. But, they’re not your fault, none of them. You’re not responsible for him. Love you. Keep hanging on.
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jeremystrele · 3 years
Introducing The TDF + Laminex Design Awards 2021 Residential Architecture Finalists!
Introducing The TDF + Laminex Design Awards 2021 Residential Architecture Finalists!
TDF Design Awards
by Lucy Feagins, Editor
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Photo – Tom Ross
Nielsen Jenkins, Mt Coot-Tha House
Mt Coot-Tha House by Nielsen Jenkins was completed for a family member of one of the architects, on an empty bushland block next to their shared childhood home in Brisbane.
Designed as a wedge that has lodged itself into the mountainside, the house wraps around a luscious green central courtyard, and provides both connection to and protection from the elements.
The project explores ideas of connection and refuge within a site characterised by its slope and extreme bushfire exposure.
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Photos –Rory Gardiner
Archier, Corner House
Presenting as a solid fibre cement-clad volume to the street, Corner House by Archier references the board and batten detail of typical fishing cottages in its Flinders, Victoria location.
An experimental floor plan is revealed inside, with living areas positioned in each corner of the dwelling, connected by stepped walkways acting as gallery spaces. This layout accommodates a set of new routines for the clients as they settle into retirement, supporting strategies of occupation where two people could live together with equal parts connection and freedom.
The house and landscape mediate the relationship between the occupants, with each corner volume acting as an independent space, but with large windows that promote a visual connection between areas. The courtyard plays a crucial role in this gesture, filtering and softening views across the project.
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Photos – Derek Swalwell
Architects EAT, Bellows House
A single row of mature poplar trees forms a soft foreground to what’s considered the main facade of this Flinders, Victoria house by Architects EAT. Trees cast morning shadows onto the white concrete masonry blocks, animating its long articulated form. Together with the unusual shapes of the frustum roofs, these evoke street engagements and curiosities.
Being a beach house where extended family and friends often gather, spaces have been designed to facilitate collective experiences: kids bunkering together; an open washroom that doubles as a mud room; multiple entry points into the house; and different indoor and outdoor living areas.
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Photos – Derek Swalwell
Rob Kennon Architects, Elwood Bungalow
This Elwood, Victoria project by Rob Kennon Architects relies on the idea of subtracting space as much as adding it.
Occupying the former land of a rear garden, the renovation embodies a desire to turn away from the neighbouring walls, in favour of an inward dial plan that axially and infinitely looks onto itself.
The ‘addition’, a low-lying single-storey extension, builds square up-to all three rear boundaries and subtracts a circle garden out from the middle. The resulting form visually and functionally aligns with the family’s values of openness and connectedness.
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Photos –Rory Gardiner
Studio Bright, 8 Yard House
Rather than a traditional house with a singular backyard, 8 Yard House by Studio Bright is distributed along the length of its North Fitzroy site, punctuated with a series of variously sized outdoor courtyards.
Across the whole site are eight outdoor spaces, the largest between the studio, garage and the main volume of the house. A central located pool becomes another landscape area either to use or look out across.
Overall, the architectural form is defined by an almost monumental brick construction detailed with perforations, rhythmic built-in columns and planter boxes.
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Photos – David Chatfield
Furminger, River House
Furminger have repurposed an existing weatherboard Brisbane home through minimal intervention.
A primitive architectural intention was used to establish building and landscape through the metaphor of a ruin. The site was conceived as a large garden to hold program for daily activities. Heavy masonry walls intersect the site, carving out public and private courtyard gardens, creating new entries into rooms through garden spaces.
A strategy was developed to use concrete as cheaply as possible, using what many would consider commercial or industrial construction techniques. The entire structure was constructed from tilt up concrete panels, which were poured and stacked on site.
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Photo – Tom Ferguson
Benn & Penna Architecture, Henley Clays
Henley Clays by Benn & Penna involves alterations and additions to a freestanding brick cottage in Sydney’s Lower North Shore. Additions are framed upon a heavy brick plinth that extends the sandstone base of the existing cottage, forming a series of landscape-inspired rooms that gently ascend through the home.
The material quality of the spaces is robust and earthy, with brickwork used throughout floors and walls. The mortar colour has been matched to the brickwork to amplify the monolithic and landscape like qualities of the project, while openings have been carefully arranged to puncture the building’s mass and wash its cave-like spaces with natural light.
Throughout the houses are gradually occurring level changes, encouraging the dweller to meander through the space. Steps between each level are used to demarcate the spaces, making them feel both intimate, while connected to the rest of the house.
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Photos – Christopher Frederick Jones
Anthrosite, Hamilton Courtyard
This Newcastle project by Anthrosite presented the rare opportunity of converting two detached houses into one home. Instead of being pressured into market norms of maximising floor space, the clients were more concerned with creating a series of family spaces that felt connected to one another.
The result is a celebration of the courtyard; a generous central area that unites the wings of the house and promotes visibility, allowing the occupants to remain connected to each other even while engaged in individual tasks.
The importance of the courtyard’s role in the house is duly acknowledged with the main entry. An intimately scaled passage leads off the street, opening out not into the home but onto the private and calming courtyard garden.
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Photos – Tom Ross. Styling – Jessica Lillico
Blair Smith Architecture, Brunswick Lean-To
This addition to a heritage listed cottage in Brunswick, Melbourne by Blair Smith Architecture showcases how homes can be enriched through modest architectural intervention.
The circa 1900 double-fronted cottage now sits alongside a new 51 square metre addition, achieving a high level of detail and finish, within a limited budget. This new building takes formal and programmatic cues from the dilapidated lean-to structure it replaces, while overcoming its shortcomings: a lack of aspect, awkward layout, and poor thermal performance.
The northern facade is divided into 11 modules characterised by three sliding timber screens on a single track. These screens have numerous purposes; they control heat gain, glare and offer an increased level of privacy to surrounding development.
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Photo – Chris Warnes. Styling – Anna Delprat
Studio Prineas, Bona Vista
Bona Vista in Sydney’s inner-west reinterprets the characterful features of its Federation frontage, forging a warm domestic setting for family life.
In line with heritage guidelines, the council was highly prescriptive of the building envelope, forms and materials of the new addition. The architecture embraces the hip roof profile, while introducing an unconventional internal ceiling line; a surprising and memorable volume articulated by partially obscured skylights filtering natural light.
Studio Prineas have drawn a level change that once separated house and garden into the interior, forging a distinction between the old and new architecture, and connecting the new addition to the landscape.
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Photos – Ben Hosking
Edition Office, Kyneton House
A refined palette of gracefully ageing, tactile materials defines this country house by Edition Office in Kyneton, Victoria.
The greatest inspiration for the project came from the client’s ambition to capture the passing of time through curated views of the garden, and white ceiling volumes that pick up the fluctuating levels of natural daylight.
The home’s deepened position within the site allows its relatively simple brick form to avoid feeling dominated by the garden, but instead wrapped and softly enveloped by it.
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Photo – Anson Smart. Styling – Stanwix Studios
Fox Johnston, SRG House
This 1970s heritage-listed house originally owned by Sir Roy Grounds in Balmain, NSW has been reengineered for contemporary family life by Fox Johnston.
Keeping within the building footprint, Fox Johnston have carved extra space and forged stronger connections to landscape and place, while maintaining the integrity of the original structure and material language.
Interventions focused on restoring the superstructure; better connecting the home to the landscape; converting lower-ground space (previously housing an air-conditioning plant) into two bedrooms; replacing the ‘80s garage with a new structure and apartment for multigenerational living; and softening the geometry of the original grid design.
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Photo – Dianna Snape
FMD Architects, Coopworth
Coopworth by FMD Architects is a contemporary interpretation of a country farmhouse nestled in the rural surrounds of Bruny Island, Tasmania.
The property’s sheep, wide-ranging views to the water and mountain ranges beyond, and weathering shacks dotted over the island, provide an ever-changing landscape with which the house converses.
The resulting footprint of the house is consciously constrained to maximise arable land, but with generous interiors facilitated by various gabled, hipped and skillion rooflines. Simple plywood linings and concrete floors draw focus to this ceiling, which features wool sourced from the property, adding to its thermal performance.
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Photos – Dion Robeson. Styling – Janet Keating and Amy Collins Walker
Nic Brunsdon, East Fremantle House
East Fremantle House by Nic Brunsdon is a contextually responsive addition to a heritage cottage.
Most important to the project is the space that’s not built – a large northern void – a space for light, sound, and breeze to inhabit. The house traces the void’s edge, providing constant connections to nature.
Once a dark period home with ‘60s additions and asbestos sheds at the rear, the home is now arranged as four interconnected sections: the existing brick cottage, an entry link, a ground floor addition, and first floor addition.
The living room is a ‘garden room’ lined with sliding north-facing doors, allowing the space to cleverly spill outdoors and occupy the full width of the site.
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Photos – Martina Gemmola. Styling – Ruth Welsby
Wowowa, Pony
Pony is an agile alteration and modest addition to a 1960s apricot brick home in Brighton East, Victoria.
Wowowa devised a reworking of the original home, alongside an agile new extension. This extension adopts a simple, linear form that slides against the existing volume to run lengthways down the block. The focal point of this new structure or ‘colonnade’ is the roof, which takes design cues from the nearby beach to feature cladding and construction methodology akin to a boat with a keel, bow and stern.
A dessert-inspired interior colour palette draws on the client’s mid-century furniture, and allows a smiling eye to whimsically dance around the home.
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Photo – Ben Hosking
Wiesebrock Architecture, Bellbrae House
The brief of this Bellbrae, Victoria home called for sustainable design measures and a flexible floor plan suitable for regular guests.
Two pavilions were created by Wiesebrock Architecture in response, comprising the primary house and a guest pavilion. In between the two pavilions is a large outdoor deck covered with polycarbonate roofing.
Aesthetically, the new house draws on the couple and architect’s love of old farm sheds. Durable, low-maintenance, corrugated and galvanised steel sheeting features on the exterior, while the warm interior references classic shearing sheds.
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Photos – Katherine Lu. Styling – Koskela
Curious Practice, Lambton House
The small 55 square metre footprint of this new, suburban four-bedroom home by Curious Practice maximises landscaped areas on its Newcastle, NSW site.
Carefully considering the unique five-way intersection of mixed residential and commercial buildings it addresses, the house performs simple gestures to maximise its relationship to context, both neighbouring and public.
A step-down in level from entry to living areas creates a seat at garden level and combined with a generous window injects light and air, while engaging with passersby. This public gesture is continued through an extension of the green streetscape through fences and canopies designed for verdant consumption of the building over time.
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Photos –Derek Swalwell. Styling – Simone Haag
Austin Maynard Architects, Garden House
By nature of its inner-city Melbourne location and by design, Garden House by Austin Maynard Architects belies its size and scale.
At street-view, the shingled, simple and domestic scale garage appears to be the house in its entirety. Walk down the side pedestrian alleyway however, and the main front door opens up to reveal a much bigger property, comprising four distinct elements appearing as separate buildings. These buildings are ‘invisibly’ connected via mirrored glass corridors, reflective of the property’s well-established garden.
This high-performing, high-tech, inner-city Melbourne oasis produces 100kwh per day and has a 26kwh Tesla battery.
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Affordable Water Filtration System Maintenance in Sydney 2024
Our state of the art Whole House Water Filtration systems and Reverse Osmosis Water Filter Systems will make your water cleaner & remove disinfectant chemicals and contaminants such as. Chlorine, Heavy Metals, Pesticides, Herbicides, Rust, Dirt, Odour, Sediment & Fluoride* from you and your family’s drinking and showering water.
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Our team of water quality enthusiasts understand you may be questioning the quality of your home’s water and are ready to assist you with effective and affordable water filtration solutions in Australia’s locations like Sydney, Newcastle, and Central Coast. Purest Water Filtration only uses Watermarked and NSF certified filtration systems and filters for residential water purification to get you clean drinking water at home water filtration experts.
Our Whole House Water Filtration System is protected by stainless steel. Eliminating the potential of rusting and standing up to the harsh Australian weather conditions. Purest Water Filtration are confident we will achieve the highest standard in water supply for you and your family with our local water filtration services from certified water filtration technicians.
Ensuring Clean and Safe Water: A Guide to Water Filtration System Maintenance in Sydney
In Sydney, where water quality is of utmost importance, maintaining your water filtration system is essential to ensure that you and your family have access to clean and safe drinking water. Regular maintenance not only prolongs the life of your water filtration system but also ensures optimal performance. Here’s a comprehensive guide on water filtration system maintenance in Sydney.
1. Understanding the Importance of Water Filtration System Maintenance:
Sydney's water sources may contain impurities, sediments, or contaminants that can affect water quality. A well-maintained water filtration system acts as a barrier, ensuring that the water you consume is free from harmful substances. Regular maintenance helps prevent malfunctions and guarantees the system's effectiveness in purifying your water.
2. Changing Filters Regularly:
Filters are the backbone of any water filtration system. Over time, they accumulate particles and contaminants, reducing their efficiency. It’s crucial to follow the manufacturer's guidelines on filter replacement. In Sydney, where water quality can vary, replacing filters at recommended intervals is essential for consistent performance.
3. Checking for Leaks and Drips:
A common issue with water filtration systems is leaks or drips. Regularly inspect all connections and fittings for any signs of water leakage. Addressing leaks promptly not only prevents water wastage but also avoids potential damage to your filtration system.
4. Inspecting for Sediment Buildup:
Sediment buildup in the water storage tank or pipes can compromise the system's efficiency. Periodically inspect for any sediment accumulation and flush the system if necessary. This step is particularly important in areas like Sydney, where water quality might lead to sediment deposits over time.
5. Testing Water Quality:
Conducting regular water quality tests ensures that your filtration system is working effectively. There are professional services available in Sydney that can analyze your water and provide insights into its quality. Additionally, some water filtration systems come with built-in indicators that signal when water quality might be compromised.
6. Professional Servicing:
While some maintenance tasks can be performed by homeowners, professional servicing is recommended at regular intervals. Water filtration specialists in Sydney can conduct thorough inspections, identify potential issues, and perform maintenance tasks that require expertise.
7. Monitoring Water Pressure:
Adequate water pressure is crucial for the proper functioning of your water filtration system. Low water pressure could indicate a clogged filter or other issues within the system. Regularly monitor water pressure and address any deviations promptly.
8. Seasonal Maintenance Considerations:
Sydney experiences seasonal variations that can impact water quality. Consider adjusting your maintenance schedule based on these changes. For instance, after heavy rainfall, there might be an increase in sediment in the water, requiring more frequent checks.
9. Educating Yourself on System Operation:
Understanding how your specific water filtration system operates is key to effective maintenance. Read the manufacturer's manual thoroughly and educate yourself on the system's components and functions. This knowledge empowers you to troubleshoot minor issues and communicate effectively with professional service providers.
10. Promoting Eco-Friendly Practices:
Sydney residents are increasingly conscious of environmental sustainability. Consider eco-friendly practices in your water filtration system maintenance routine, such as recycling used filters or choosing systems that are energy-efficient.
In conclusion, maintaining your water filtration system in Sydney is a proactive step towards ensuring a continuous supply of clean and safe water. By following these maintenance guidelines, you contribute not only to the longevity and efficiency of your system but also to the health and well-being of your household. Regular upkeep is a small investment that pays off in the form of consistently high water quality.
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