#whook week
killianmesmalls · 5 years
Detective Rogers being chaotic good is one of my absolutely favorite things. 
No, seriously. As much as I love to make fun of him for how he probably goes to bed after the 9 o’clock news while doing the New York Times crossword in pen over a cup of chamomile tea after ironing his underpants, he’s still underneath it all chaotic good Killian Jones. 
We do love us some Cakegate Rogers or Dadtective Rogers, but consider Fuck-Your-Stinkin’-Rules Rogers. Featuring...
Attack-Your-Shady-Superior-Officer Rogers
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Pull-the-Alarm-to-Sneak-Into-the-Evidence-Locker Rogers
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Follow-Your-Shady-Partner-and-Call-Him-On-His-Shit Rogers
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Bring-Adopted-Street-Kid-Thief-BB-Into-Evidence-Locker Rogers
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Flout-the-Law-to-Protect-Street-Kid-BB Rogers
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Threaten-to-Murder-if-BB-is-Hurt Rogers
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And many, many more. 
So, yes, he probably organizes his shelves alphabetically and has a very organized tupperware cabinet, but he’s got a side of him that will do what’s right, even if it’s not technically lawful. 
Bless chaotic good Rogers. 
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thewishhookjunkyard · 5 years
                                                IT’S HERE!
                                          SAVE THE DATE!!
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      Whook week is open to anyone and everyone!
 Just like last year, it’s a celebration of all things Wish Hook. 
The rules are the same... meaning, there are no rules!
Whether it’s fanfic, picsets, fanart, gifs, metas- if you want to get creative or just feel like posting a sentence and a pic- however you want to join in is completely up to you! If you want to join in every day or just feel like doing the one day, it’s your choice.
We’re starting on a saturday and ending the party on a friday night this year, and the day to day themes are as follows:
DAY 1: WHOMST - Who is Wish Hook to you? What’s your first thought when you think of him? Share how you see him and what you like/appreciate about him as a character. First impressions ETC.
DAY 2: THE F WORD - Family. Friends. Fanfic fantasy fornications- we’re celebrating all of his relationships. Familial, friendships, bromances and romances. Let’s celebrate this guy’s loved ones til our hearts are content!
DAY 3: 9 TO 5 - Perk up your Monday blues with our favourite hard working detective Rogers. It’s his day today! Join him in Hyperion Heights!
DAY 4: SENIOR DISCOUNT - Where would we be without Old Hook? He’s livening up our Tuesday with his charm and theatrics.
DAY 5: ACTION! - Time to flail about your favourite scene, episode, line, moment- you get the picture. Whatever moment springs to mind or is special to you, let us know about it! 
DAY 6: ADVENTAAARR! - Let’s talk newly youthful Hook with new friends and a new beginning. We’re in the enchanted forest and joining him on whatever adventures help him find a cure for his heart. Or just talking about it... or looking at him... WHATEVER GOES- IT’S ALL GOOD! 
DAY 7: ROUND THE TWIST - Modern AU, canon divergence, white elephant AU, ALL THE AU’S!!! It’s a free for all day to do whatever you want, however you want. Go nuts, get wild, get creative, but most importantly.... HAVE FUN!
If you have any questions, queries, worries or just want to message, please feel free!
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hollyethecurious · 6 years
WHook Week Day One
Hyperion Heights Scene
Yeah, yeah. I’m cutting it close, but it’s still Feb 5th here in the U.S. Central time zone, and I’m nothing if not a professional procrastinator...
So, my favorite scene that I haven’t seen anyone else pick yet of Detective Rogers is from episode 7x02, A Pirate’s Life.
Weaver has discovered that Roger’s did not plant Lady T’s bracelet on the unsuspecting Henry, and the two have a heart to heart in an alley way. Rogers obviously thinks he’s just committed career suicide, but he tells Weaver that couldn’t bring himself to set-up an innocent man.
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I love this scene because we’ve just learned that this Hook is not the Hook we’ve followed for five seasons on his heroes journey, and yet... he is still Killian Jones. 
A man who believes in good form, a man of honor who knows who he wants to be and is willing to sacrifice his wants and desires in order to protect others. 
This was the moment that I was all in with Detective Rogers and this alternate Hook that I have come to know and love in Season 7. Plus...
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We got this look as Weaver/Rumple was walking away, which confirmed to me... there’s still a little bit of pirate in you, Detective ;o)
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
Wish Hook Week: Day 6 - Favorite Line
This was a complicated one to choose. Originally, I was going to use Killian’s line from 7X07 about having something more important than revenge to attend to, but then it ended up becoming my favorite Enchanted Forest scene.
So, I ended up choosing another, one that, once again, struck me in a cool way.
“Alice...is it really you?”
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Now, this line is an odd choice. I’ll be the first to admit it.
For me, it touches upon two things, one obvious and one a bit more subtle.
Let’s get the obvious one out of the way: Killian ‘Papa’ Jones is straight up fucking elated! He hasn’t seen his darling Alice is years! And here she is! She’s smiling and standing tall and is FREE OF THAT FUCKING TOWER! It’s a damn dream come true!
The second thing this line tackles is something I’ve never seen mentioned before, and that’s wariness.
Killian’s been deceived by appearances before. The last time he was greeted by what he thought was a friendly face...well, she was an itch of a bitch of a witch, to say the least. And if Gothel felt the need to be meddlesome and separate them once, she’d definitely do it again if given the chance.
Going even further back, we have Zelena who disguised herself as both Marian and - more personally to him - Ariel as well Rumple at the start of their rivalry when he was disguised as an old geezer.
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Seeing Alice again, and out in the open and with the slightest bit of a smile...it’s almost too good to be true.
More than anything in the world, Killian wants to believe that this is the real deal and that this is his daughter standing in front of him...but he just wants to be sure before he fully opens her heart.
Thankfully, all Alice needs to do is to say yes for her Papa to she the truth. He knows his baby girl. He knows her voice, her smile, her face.
 The delight on Killian’s face afterwards is just so beautiful! Papa Killian is so fucking heartwarming I could probably cook a frozen pizza on my chest!
For him, it’s the ultimate form of catharsis, and while it only takes a brief moment, so much is said in it.
And that’s why I love it.
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piracytheorist · 4 years
So anyway I've been having this idea for a Captain Cobra + Wish Hook headcanon that I've been trying to mold into a fic, but the muse ain't cooperating so here it is as is
So before Henry left for his adventures, he made sure he let Killian in on as much pop culture and slang and memes etc as he could, to the point where Killian got references and stuff - but not all of them. Killian may be intelligent and educated but sometimes you can't learn every single meme in one area amirite
Then in his adventures he meets and teams up with Wish Hook who is again tabula rasa™ with memes and references so Henry goes like wtf half the time because he got used to a Killian who got at least 70% of his references. He tries to teach him some stuff and bless his heart Whook tries but there's only so much pop culture and memes you can teach someone if you have no Internet and no TV.
Then the curse happens. And Whook, with Rogers' memories, gets everything. From the point where they meet while still cursed and to the short amount of time it gets everyone to move back to Storybrooke, Henry peppers him with references and Rogers/Whook just gets everything.
Then they're all in Storybrooke and Henry goes to OG Hook and tells him something like "What a week huh" expecting a "It's Tuesday" from Hook but there's none... and Henry's once again the personification of the math meme...
Bonus points if they're in Granny's for like breakfast or something, Henry and the two Hooks, and Henry says something and Whook laughs while OG Hook is like ??? and Henry is like "Here we go again" and they waste spend a few good hours searching for memes and watching Important™ movies and stuff.
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mrs-emma-swan-jones · 6 years
Interesting fact for you, I’ve come to realize that most the csers that are against s7,whook, and the other nonsense have been mostly the people who have been here since the beginning and the people who aren’t about the fandom “unity” nonsense.
Makes sense to me that that would be the case for many anti s7 CSers.  The people who have been here the longest are obviously going to have more of an attachment to Killian since they’re the ones that were watching live since season 2 (or 3 in my case) rather than just binging the whole show in a few days and only watching one or two seasons live.  People that have been here for 5 years will be less accepting of change than those that have only been here, say, 2 years, because they’ve grown accustomed to certain standards.  For this same reason, people who have been around longer have learned that all the fandom unity bullshit is exactly that.  We’ve been harassed by people for longer than the newer people because of our ship, and no efforts of unity have been successful (in fact they’ve often been a trap just to harass us further).  We know better, and we’ve become content keeping to ourselves and simply enjoying our ship and each other’s company.  It’s all about experience my dear.  I’ve been here for four years.  Original Killian is and always will be more important to me than whatever cheap copy they could try to replace him with.  I spent four years anticipating seeing his character in new scenes every week and every hiatus.  I became more dedicated to him (and Emma) than I’ve ever been to any fictional character in my life.  So I’m not just going to accept a new version of him just because he has the same face and name.  And I’m also not going to hold hands and sing Kumbaya with the people who attacked me because of my OTP for as long as I’ve been in this fandom just because “fandom drama is petty and unnecessary uwu.”  I’m not naive enough for that.  I still have moral standards, and befriending people who not only harassed me and my friends because of fiction, but also did the same to the cast, and even tried to get them fired for simply doing their jobs, is a smidge below what I would call “morally correct.” 
Sorry this got so long, I kinda went off, lol. 
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huffleporg · 6 years
Rook Land, Ch. 1
Rook Land, [M], 1/?, 3.4k
Killian Jones already thought that his once steady world had been shaken up by his teenage daughter's mischief and rebellion. Little did he expect that a new sheriff and her quest to find a missing boy would truly turn everything upside down.
Characters: Killian Jones, Alice Jones, Emma Swan, Robin Mills, Detective Weaver, Zelena Mills, Regina Mills
Relationships: Captain Swan, Robin/Alice
And at long last, the Knight Rook and CS Fic I’ve been talking about for a while. I decided to delay posting it until Wish Hook Week (WHook 2018). :)
Detective Jones let out a swear when he saw the familiar number on the buzzing cell phone’s screen. Even if he had never bothered to actually put the number into his contacts, Killian Jones knew exactly who was calling him. “Detective Jones,” he sighed as he put the phone up to his ear. Already he could feel a headache coming on even before the secretary of Storybrooke High School’s principal began to fill him in on just what had happened this time. He squeezed his eyes shut and began to rub the bridge of his nose. “I understand completely. I’ll be right down. Thanks, Shirley.”
As he hung up the phone, Killian leaned back in his desk chair and groaned loudly. He covered his face with his hand that still clasped the cell phone, his prosthetic resting on the arm rest.
“Nine-forty,” came a voice from across the room. “I believe that’s a record for Alice.”
Peaking between his fingers at his partner, Killian said, “I can’t believe you actually keep track, Weaver.”
Detective Weaver shrugged his shoulders. “It’s off season. Got to keep myself entertained somehow.”
Their work did always slow down as fall began to feel like winter in Rockland and the tourists stopped coming up, but Killian still thought it was a poor justification for keeping track of the amount of times that the high school called about his daughter. “Might I recommend an app,” said Killian getting to his feet and picking up his heavy winter jacket. “I’ve heard Angry Birds is still fun. Good way to pass the time. No longer have to rely on Tetris or Minesweeper to keep yourself busy.”
His partner let out a laugh. “I’d rather kiss the Captain,” he said.
“Speaking of,” said Killian as he pulled on his hat, “if she comes by, cover for me.” He wrapped his red scarf around his neck.
Going back to his paperwork, Weaver said, “I’ll consider it.”
Killian let out a sigh. With Weaver, it was next to impossible to know just what to expect. Even after a few years of working with the man, Killian was still frequently surprised and sometimes even shocked by what his partner did and said. Long before he had been promoted to detective, Killian had heard tales of the eccentric and often erratic detective of the Rockland Police Department. Killian hadn’t believed half the stories he had heard back then, but now he put nothing past Detective M. R. Weaver.
“Well, I would sincerely appreciate it if you did,” he said. He zipped up his jacket. “Last time she was none too pleased I had to miss over an hour.” It was over an hour of nothing, time that he would have spent doing paperwork, but Captain Mills rarely took such matters into consideration.
“I think you can handle her,” remarked Weaver.
Only offering his partner a parting wave, Killian left the detectives’ office and hurried through the building, out through the front doors and to the back parking lot.
The thirty minute drive from the Rockland to Storybrooke was one that Killian could do in his sleep. For the past twelve years since he had moved to Storybrooke from Portland, he had made the drive almost every single day from the town to the tiny city of Rockland, Maine. Since Alice had started high school, however, and she had started getting in trouble, Killian had found himself making too many unplanned trips from the police department to his hometown high school for his liking.
“Needless to say,” said Killian as the emerged from the principal’s office, “in addition to suspended, you’re grounded.”
Even though her back was to him, Killian knew that Alice was rolling her eyes as they started walking towards the main doors. “Naturally,” she said. “These days, that’s how everything ends up.” She zipped up her olive green jacket and pulled the hood over her blonde curls.
“Yes, and I wonder just why that is.” Sarcasm dripped off the father’s voice. He pushed the front doors of the high school open and started down the salted sidewalk, scattering the large crystals of blue salt with each step.
“Not my fault that all the fun stuff is against the rules,” she said, shoving her hands in her pockets. She turned around to face her father, walking backwards. “And that no one at the school has any sense of humor whatsoever!” She held out her hands in a shrug through her jacket.
Killian Jones ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head. “No,” he said, “no. Funny is a well told joke or witticism. Funny is standing behind someone and miming like you used to do in elementary school. That was adorable.” Very disrespectful in a lot of cases, yes, but it had been cute to see his daughter standing behind someone and making silly faces and gestures, making it close to impossible to keep a straight face. “What you’re doing is going to wind you up in juvie.” They reached his unmarked police car, and Killian opened up the door.
“Well, I thought it was funny,” said Alice opening the passenger door and sitting down. “And I wasn’t the only person who thought that!”
“Doesn’t matter what you or your classmates think,” sighed Killian. He got in and buckled his own seat belt. “Trying to steal the DARE officer’s handcuffs and then calling him a ‘pig’ when he caught you…” He shook his head, still unable to fathom just what had possessed his daughter to do such a rude thing. She had always been respectful when it came to police officers and other law enforcement personnel. When she was little, she had even been heard to say that she wanted to be a police officer just like her papa. This, therefore, was a complete departure from what he had come to expect from his daughter. But then again, ever since September, she had been surprising him in less than pleasant ways.
Before he continued, Killian started the car and backed-up. As he pulled out of the high school parking lot, he said, “You’re really lucky that he decided to just let the school and I handle your punishment, since he ‘knows what it’s like to have a rebellious teenager.’” Killian doubted that Officer Flynn had quite the same problems with quiet, nerdy Owen as he was having with Alice, he had been relieved that the Storybrooke police officer hadn’t thought it necessary for the law to get involved. He supposed that that was one of the perks of living in a very small town. “Why did you even try to steal the handcuffs?” he asked finally.
Alice leaned back in her seat, looking up at the ceiling. “Wanted to show someone the trick I know to get out of them,” she mumbled.
Killian shook his head, remembering how he had let Alice place with his handcuffs back when she was younger and how she had even figured out a way to escape them. “You can’t just take a policeman’s cuffs, Alice.”
“He was standing there. Complete serendipity. How could I not!”
“Easily. You exercise self-control. You ask yourself, ‘is this a good idea? Will I get into trouble? Does this break any rules or laws?’ It’s what most people do on a daily basis.” And she used to be fairly good at it for a willful child. Killian turned onto the highway to head back to Rockland.
Alice pointed out the window. “We’re not going home?”
“I can’t take the rest of the day off just because you’ve lost your better judgement,” Killian said. And he certainly couldn’t afford to take off of the rest of the week that she would be required to stay out of school. Taking her home after the other times she had gotten in trouble hadn’t worked, so he knew he needed a new approach. “Besides, it seems a fitting punishment that you should spend the week at the police station.” He grinned a little at the before now unrealized appropriateness of an impromptu ‘bring your daughter to work’ week.
This was hardly the first time he had brought his daughter to the Rockland Police Station. It was hardly the best place for an overly curious little girl and later on an adventurous preteen, but for times when he couldn’t find a sitter or couldn’t afford to send her to day camp for the whole summer, he had little choice but to bring her to work with him. Between himself, his fellow officers, and the other support staff keeping an eye on the station’s ‘mascot’, Alice had definitely been safe. The issue had always been the mischief she could get up to. Killian knew that this week, he was going to have to keep an extra sharp eye on the fifteen-year-old.
The only response Killian got was a huff and cold stare from his daughter. Killian had never enjoyed being the bad guy when it came to parenting, whether it was telling her in the grocery store that he wasn’t going to buy her the sugary cereal she had had at a friend’s house or if it was punishing her when she misbehaved. But, he had never had the choice of picking whether or not he would be the good cop or the bad cop this time around. It had always just been him and Alice, which left him to fill in all the roles that normally were shared between two parents. It was hardly the ideal state, but Killian preferred it over all the alternatives.
As he parked the car in the police station parking lot, Killian said, “I know you’re not thrilled about this but I’m not thrilled about this…” He waved his hand in the air. “This… thing you’re doing. I don’t like getting calls at work because you’re misbehaving. I don’t like seeing you get suspended. I don’t like worrying that maybe this time they’ll float the idea of you going to another school.” He truly hoped it never came to that, but Alice had years to go at Storybrooke High School. At the rate she was going, there was no way she was going to get to senior year attending the school.
Alice unbuckled her belt and turned so she was facing her father, propping herself up from the seat with an elbow. “Is M.R. working today?” she asked, running her fingers through her hair. “I’m gonna need his help for my social studies paper. He was there in Vietnam, so he probably has some stories that can help me pull my word count up. I’m five hundred short.”
“Alice,” sighed Killian. He wasn’t sure if he should comment on how she shouldn’t change the subject, or if he ought to tell her not to bring up a subject that he had only ever heard Weaver mention twice in their years of working together, since it was clearly a touchy subject.
“What? Don’t tell me you want me to neglect my studies,” she said, pretending to sound shocked and appalled.
With a shake of his head, Killian opened the car door. “Let’s go inside,” he said. He had spent enough time away from work, and there was no way of knowing whether or not Weaver had actually decided to cover for him. Killian glanced of the shoulder to see Alice emerging from the car, pulling her backpack along with her.
Getting through the police station all the way to his office proved trickier than he had thought. It seemed like everyone he and Alice encountered wanted to cheerfully greet the girl and ask just what she was doing here on a school day, wondering if she had a holiday or if she was feeling alright. Killian had had to sigh and interrupt before Alice could say anything to explain that this wasn’t a vacation day or that they were waiting for a doctor’s appointment later - no, this was a punishment, because yet again, Alice had gotten into trouble. That had stopped a few folks short, surprised that the little girl they had seen grow up was actually a rebellious teen now. Leroy the janitor had started laughing, which had only made Alice grin and join in.
“Come on,” he said, taking her hand and leading her the rest of the way to his and Weaver’s office. “Remember, you’re being punished. So that means I have your phone for the rest of the day. And if you use my computer its for school.”
“But what if I want to use my phone for school?” said Alice.
He gave his daughter a sidelong look before pushing the door to the office open.
“M.R.!” exclaimed Alice, pushing past her father. She hurried over to the older detective’s desk. Killian wasn’t surprised to see Weaver smiling at Alice.
“Alice,” Weaver said, moving a box off the chair beside his desk so she could sit, “heard you got in trouble at school, again.”
Alice shrugged her shoulders and set her backpack down on the floor. “It happens.” She flopped down into the chair and picked up the rubber band ball she had made for the detective when she was eight from his desk.
“Normally I’m all for giving your father a headache-”
“Thanks, Weaver,” shot Killian sarcastically, hanging up his coat. “Good to know you’ve got my back always.”
The old man smirked. “But really, dearie, you’ve picked a particularly terrible time.”
Killian froze. “What happened?” He hadn’t been gone for too long, and he had had the radio and his phone on during the drive. Could he have missed something big? Very few big things ever happened up here this time of year, but still, they did happen.
Weaver waved his hand. “Nothing catastrophic, Jones. Just that the Captain is going to be coming around with a guest.”
Killian sat down at his desk and woke up his computer. “Who?”
“That newly elected Sheriff,” said Weaver. “Evidently she’s got some ideas as to how the Sheriff’s station and the Police Department can collaborate… or something to that effect. Ruby wasn’t exactly sure on the details, but the point is that the Captain is going to be showing her around soon. You’re lucky you got back so quickly. I’m sure Captain Mills would be thrilled to show the Sheriff her station only to find that one of her detectives had gone AWOL.”
Realizing how close he had come to getting on the sore side of one of the least understanding persons around, Killian ran his fingers through his hair. He looked down at his desk littered with paperwork and pictures of Alice. Hearing the snap of a rubber band, he looked up at his daughter, still playing with the rubber band ball.
“Good thing we made it back in time then,” she said brightly.
Shaking his head, Killian logged back into his computer and pulled up the paperwork that he had been filling out when he had gotten the call from the school. He knew that he had lost some valuable time in the day and it would be hard to make it up, but if he at least tried to catch up, it wouldn’t be so bad.
He heard the door open before he could finish his first report. Though he couldn’t see the door from where his desk was, due to the shape of the room, Killian looked up, knowing that after only a few steps whoever had come in would appear. He didn’t need to wait that long even.
“And here we have our two detectives,” said the familiarly disdainful voice of the Captain.
“Hello, Regina!” said Alice, smirking a little at such casual disrespect towards authority through inappropriate familiarity.
The middle aged woman pursed her lips, an expression that Killian had seen on his boss’s face countless times since she had been promoted. She looked back over her shoulder to speak to the Sheriff still standing out of Killian’s sightlines. “And their progeny,” Regina amended. Turning her attention back to Alice, Regina said, “I don’t recall what holiday it is today, but there must be one, unless there’s another reason you’re here.”
“Suspension Day?” joked Alice.
Regina shook her head and turned to Killian. As he met her coal-like eyes, Killian could see that there was some snide insult that would be phrased as a joke on the tip of her tongue. Watching her lip twitch, Killian wished that she would just let out whatever had come to her mind, whether it be a quip about his ability to raise Alice as a single father or whether she would express fake concern over just what sorts of things Alice could be getting up to following in his footsteps.
Instead, Regina’s companion spoke. “A holiday I remember well.” The voice was light, as if the woman was smiling.
Finally the Sheriff stepped into view.
“Detective Weaver, Detective Jones,” said Regina, smoothing over her expression, “allow me to introduce Sheriff Swan.”
“Really, there’s no need for introductions,” said Weaver, getting to his feet. “We are all familiar with Sheriff Swan from her campaign.” He looked over at the blonde woman. “A well fought campaign. I didn’t vote for you myself, but I don’t vote.”
“I won’t take it personally, then,” the Sheriff said, folding her arms.
Considering the final vote tallies, Killian was pretty sure that even if Weaver and fifty of his friends had decided to vote for Sydney Glass, Swan still would have the sheriff’s badge pinned to her chest.
“It’s good to be meeting the both of you,” said the Sheriff, green eyes sweeping from Detective Weaver to Killian. “I know that traditionally our departments have worked separately, but I think that our community will be best served by everyone working together, rather than apart.”
Killian saw the Sheriff’s eyes flick down to where his left hand should have been. Reflexively, Killian put his black hand in his lap, the back of his ears beginning to turn pink.
The woman paused, clearly flustered. Her gaze shifted quickly back to Weaver. “I have a few projects that I am very interested in getting started that I believe you both will be able to help with.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a crisp business card. She walked over to Weaver’s desk, but before she could hand it to the man, Alice reached up to grab it. “That is my number and email,” she said, hesitating.
Weaver took the ivory card from Alice and placed it on his desk. “One of us will give you a call when time permits,” he said smoothly, as if he actually meant it.
Sheriff Swan slowly nodded before wordlessly heading back to the corridor.
After one last final disapproving glance around the office, Regina too walked away. Out of sight, the door clicked firmly shut.
“She’s cute,” said Alice with a grin. When met with the silence and disapproving stares of the two detectives, Alice quickly added, “What? I can’t be the only one who noticed?”
Killian had certainly noticed. He had noticed the first time he had seen her face in the article in newspaper saying that Sheriff Graham’s recently appointed deputy would be campaigning to replace him after his sudden death. He had noticed her sharp chin and graceful curls. It had hardly been a picture that had done her justice, he had later realized when he had attended the debate between Sydney Glass and Emma Swan. No, that picture had failed to capture so much about her. The life in her eyes, the determination in her voice, the sheer stubbornness of will that had come through and won his vote. Now as he sat at his desk, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit disappointed in Sheriff Swan.
“She’s an outsider with a project,” said Weaver, crumpling up the business card. “In my experience that always means trouble.” He shook his head. “What she looks like is irrelevant.”
“We were outsiders once,” said Alice defensively.
Weaver gave one of his weak, hollow laughs that only managed to raise the corners of one side of his mouth. “You were a toddler with a teenage father who let you eat marmalade out of the jar. No, Sheriff Swan is an entirely different entity.” He tossed the balled up cardstock into the trash bin by his desk.
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obisgirl · 6 years
WHOOK WEEK DAY 5: KNIGHTROOK DAY (fanfic, ‘Story Time’)
Title: story time AUTHOR: obisgirl Rating: pg-13 Characters: Wish Hook, Alice Summary: A young Alice asks her papa about their family, which leads him to explain their complicated family tree and then must explain what happened to her mother? Author’s Note: Alice is 9. As far as the timeline of Killian’s family goes, Wish Hook does not know that his father started this other family with his second wife and that he has another brother. Wish Hook also does not the true circumstances of what made it possible for him and Liam to become free. Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time characters are the property of Disney and Adam Horowitz, Edward Kitsis. This fanfic is for pure entertainment.
Alice, for the most part, has a normal and happy childhood growing up and Hook does the best he can to keep her entertained and most of all, know every day that she is loved and she is safe.  Early on, he learns very quickly that it isn’t easy being a single parent.  There are some things he is not quite equipped to handle but he looks at every day raising Alice as a challenge and she is quite the challenge.  
She is a spunky, wild, happy and carefree little girl with a spirit all her own. Things start to get easier for Hook as Alice matures and less lonely once she learns how to talk.  Time seems to move faster too once Alice starts talking and able to form sentences.  She is a sponge, wanting to soak up everything that she can.  
Then one day as Hook is almost ready to take an afternoon nap, Alice asks him to tell her about his family, or rather their family.
In all the time Hook has spent raising his daughter, he has never talked about his family.  
That’s not entirely true.
She asked one time why her name is Alice and he explained to her about her grandmother and it felt like the only name appropriate to pass onto his sweet daughter, as well as a little about the woman herself.  Other than that, he hasn’t talked much about the rest of his family. There’s just too much pain there to rehash. Pain over losing his mother, his father leaving him and Liam, losing Liam…
“Who were they, papa?” Alice asks, lying down on the floor and propping her elbows up to support her chin.
He sighs. “Our family is complicated, love,” he says, “And it’s nap time now Alice,”
Alice raises an eyebrow, a signature look she’s inherited from him. “Come on papa, please. I want to know,” she pleads, “I know about grandmum but what about everyone else?”
Hook reluctantly sits up from his makeshift hammock and comes to sit beside her on the floor.  There isn’t a lot he can deny his daughter. “I guess the next person to start with would be your grandfather,” he says, “Brennan Jones,”
“What was he like? Did he look like you?” she queries.
Killian scratches his head.  “From what I can remember of my father, he was no hero and never a real father to me, or your uncle Liam,” he recalls, “You see Alice after my mum died he took Liam and me on a voyage. It was our first trip traveling on the high seas. One night, your papa became afraid because we were in the middle of a terrible storm and then your grandpapa came into the cabin to comfort me. Him being there gave me the courage to be brave…”
Alice smiles at him slightly. “Then what happened?”
“I was able to sleep and eventually, the storm calmed but when I awoke, your grandpapa was gone.  The ship's captain came to tell me he escaped during the storm, bought a rowboat and used your uncle and me as currency. He sold us into slavery. We became bound to that ship and whoever became its captain,”
Alice scowls.  “I’m sorry, papa about grandpapa,” she says.
“That night on the ship was the last time I ever saw him. He mine as well have died in that storm, the karma for leaving his sons’ behind and forcing them into a situation like that,” he muses, “Now, your uncle Liam, he is a totally different story and to this day, I still consider him to be the best man I will ever know,”
“What was Uncle Liam like?”
It had been a long time since Killian reflected on what his brother Liam was like. “He looked out for me. We were stuck with each other after grandpapa left us behind, and Liam, he could have left too but he stayed because he knew it was important that we stay together.  He was my compass. He kept me from destroying myself and giving into my darkest fears,” he recalls, “Your uncle Liam was a good man but he could be stubborn and narrow-minded sometimes,”
“Maybe naive is a better word. What does naive mean?”
Alice squints and tries to think. “A person who shows a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment,” she says after a moment.
“Very good,” he applauds her, “After another terrible storm, your uncle and I became the sole survivors of a wrecked ship and Liam also recovered a mythical jewel that ensured us a spot in the royal navy.  We were free men for the first time in our lives, allowed to follow our own destiny and make something good of ourselves.  Your uncle Liam eventually became Captain and I was his first lieutenant, the Jones Brothers, manning the fastest ship in the royal fleet,”
“The Jolly Roger!!”
“That wasn’t her name yet,” he corrects, “Before she was The Jolly Roger, she was The Jewel of the Realm and Liam was her Captain. We sailed to many places, encountered different peoples and helped bring peace and prosperity to the kingdom and we served, we believed that we served, a good and noble king,”
“The king was not good?”
“He sent Liam and me on a top secret mission to retrieve a plant from a faraway land. He claimed that the plant was medicine to help fallen soldiers but the plant was not medicine, it was a poison. Our king lied to us about its purpose and that lie cost Liam his life.  I lost him twice on that voyage, first in Neverland and then a second time once we returned home,”
Alice sits up and puts her hand in Hook’s hand. Hook looks down at his daughter’s hand and he smiles at her. “If you don’t to continue the story, you don’t have too,” she says.
“I appreciate that love but talking about it, is oddly cathartic for me,” he confesses, “What does cathartic mean?”
She looks down at her papa’s hand and then looks at him, “Soothing,” she says.
“Aye,” he confirms, “The day I had to bury my brother at sea was one of the saddest days of my life. As painful as it was to lose Liam, his death also served a purpose. His death showed me our king’s true colors, that he was not a good and righteous man and I could not, in good conscious continue serving a man who was dishonorable and used lies to get people to follow him,”
“So you rebranded The Jewel of the Realm as The Jolly Roger and you became it’s pirate Captain,” she says.
“That I did lass, and I found a new freedom; a freedom to live on my own terms and travel where we please whenever we wanted to,”
Alice glances towards the window briefly. Killian sighs and asks that she look at him. “And one day Alice, you will be able to do the same thing too,” he promises.
“I do already,” she beams, “I travel through the stories you tell me. That’s why I like hearing them so much,”
“Would you like to hear more?”
“Yes,” she cries, her eyes shining with excitement.
“Seeing the world is a big adventure but it can get lonely without someone to share those travels with. Liam had been my constant companion since grandpapa left us and as much as the crew had become family too, I didn’t have close confidants among them...until Milah,”
“Milah was...everything to me. She was beautiful, witty, a curious and adventurous spirit and the love of my life. She was my pirate queen and we loved each other very much. But there was always a bit of sadness because she left her family to be with me. She had a young son that she always regretted leaving but she hated his father and the person that he had become. I ended up hating him too because he took her from me and he left me with this,” he says, holding up his hook, “The Dark One destroyed my life and I became consumed with revenge,”
“Your life became a dark place,” she observes, “What changed that?”
Hook tilts his head and fixes his daughter’s hair.  “You did puppet,” he says, “You changed everything for me, for the better,”
“I made your heart better?”
“You did,” he confirms, “I gave up my ship and my revenge to give you a better life because that’s what you deserved. I still have so many hopes and dreams for you, Alice,”
She smiles at him. “I do too papa,” she cries, “Papa, one more question and if you don’t want to answer, you don’t have to---”
“What is it, love?”
“What happened to mama?” she asks.
Hook sighs. “Your mother is a complicated woman,” he manages.
“It’s difficult to explain but she was not the woman I thought she was when I met her,” he continues, “She used magic and lies to deceive me, and I know it might seem impossible but magic was a part of your conception,”
“Magic was a part of my conception? Does that mean I have magic?!” she asks excitedly.
Hook shakes his head, looking at her. “I don't know if you do but you're certainly magic to me Alice,” he says.
Alice sees how he tries to change the subject before she got her excited about the possibility of magic and then she remembers the lies and deceit.
“How did mama lie to you, papa?” she asks.
“The first time I met her..I was quite taken with her beauty. I never saw what was beneath until it was too late,” he recalls, “And when I met the real her and realized why she did what she did, I couldn't go with her in good faith..”
“And leave me?” Alice finishes.
“Mothers are supposed to be there for their children, to love and nurture them but your mother Alice is no mother. I’m sorry to say that she barely gave you a second thought after you were born,” he says.
Alice looks down sadly, glancing again at the window. “I’m stuck here because of her, aren't I?”
“Aye,” he says, “But all curses can be broken love; you need only to believe,”
“Mama is not a good person,”
“She definitely is not, she’s a witch and that is not a metaphor. She is a witch, truly,” he says.
“I know what she did to was awful but do you think there is a part of her that is good? Even a small bit?” she ventures, “Aren’t most people made up of good and bad parts?”
Hook sighs. “Some but not everyone,” he asserts, “Your mother, from what I have seen, does not appear to have any good in her,”
“Do you think bad is in me? Maybe I inherited some of her wickedness?” she wonders.
“Why the bloody hell would you think that?”
She shrugs. “Sometimes I do bad things and you scold me for doing them,” she reasons.
“And you immediately realize your mistake and apologize for it because you know it was wrong. That’s not bad Alice. That’s being good,” he says, “You are good, through and through. Your mother is not and trust me, you have inherited nothing from her. You are my sweet Alice, and have nothing to worry about,”
“I must have blond hair like her,”
“Blonde hair, pale skin, and blue eyes but your heart Alice, that beautiful, kind and loving heart, that is all you and part of your papa,” he reminds her, “Remember that love,”
“Aye,” she promises, smiling at him and then yawns.
“Alright, I think story time is over and it’s nap time for both of us,” he says and scoops her up, carrying her over to her bed and tucks her in, “Goodnight Alice,”
“Goodnight,” she yawns, “I’m sorry if I caused you pain papa,”
“What are you talking about now love?”
“Making you remember some bad memories,” she says.
Hook gently touches her head and runs his fingers through her curls. “Some of my memories are painful Alice but there are also happy ones too. My happiest memories are the ones I have raising you here in this tower, our little home. It's like what we were talking about earlier; good and bad. They are extremes but they can also coexist. What does that coexist mean, love?”
“Last word?” she asks.
“Pirate’s promise,”
“Live peacefully at the same time,”
“Aye,” he confirms, “This world has good and bad in it because that's how we all are. Your heart determines the kind of person you want to be. Your mother is a bad person who made bad decisions for her own personal reasons but her actions do not define who you are or who you will become. That is all up to you. Do you understand that, love?”
“Yes, papa,”
“Good lass,” he says and kisses her forehead, “Night my little pirate,”
Alice smiles at him and closes her eyes.
Hook fixes her blanket and then goes over to his hammock, taking one last peek at the tower window before shutting his eyes.
Gothel is never coming back, not for him and certainly not for Alice.  She is long gone and Hook hopes that Alice will never meet her mother; but if she must one day, he will be there to protect her from whatever foul plan she has in mind for her.
The End
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killianmesmalls · 5 years
Day 2: The F Word(s)
It had been so long since he’d truly heard that word, really listened to it, and understood what it meant. He’d known it well once, in the singing of his mother, the playful teasing of his brother, even the hope of a new one in the years with Milah and the months with Baelfire.
It was a word he’d believed to be lost to him. Sure, his crew had been something close to it, and he’d admitted to himself that sacrifices had to be made for this life he’d chosen, the primary one being any hope of a new family. 
That had ended with a cry. She’d been pink and fussy and wrinkled, but in every jerky newborn motion and every squeal, he’d started to sense that word again. The old feeling of it came back as he lifted her into his arms for the first time, like he’d dusted off cobwebs from an heirloom he’d thought he’d lost to the depths of a forgotten attic. Yet, here it was, more easily retrievable than he’d thought possible, all because of a soft, gurgling lump he’d fallen in love with at first sight. 
For nearly eleven often-difficult but always-rewarding years, she kept that word safe for him. His family, his Alice. 
Then, as it always had, ill-fortune reared its ugly head—or, rather, her ugly head, braids and all—and took that formerly dusty word and tossed it out the window. 
He’d believed it shattered, and spent years trying desperately to find and pick-up the pieces that just kept slipping through his fingers, though not before they seemed to tear at him like glass. 
The loss of it now felt so much worse than it had with any other loss. He could still hear her yells for him and still felt each horrible pain that had flared each time he’d tried to climb back into the tower. After years of hunting for a way to get that word back, he found himself shoving it further into the recesses of his mind, dulling the ache with alcohol and self-exile. 
Until another word he’d thought lost to him had bobbed up from the surface of the water from his grotto home, a smile on her face and a large conch shell in her hand. She’d provided an ear to listen and alternated between comforting words and harsh realities, but always was willing to provide help in any way she could. Gods, when was the last time he’d known that? Smee, he realized. His crew, he supposed.
A friend. 
More years passed, and good intentions mixed with bad ideas, but as time wore on the first began to outweigh the latter. New travels meant new people. People who, to his unending surprise, also seemed willing to help him in his search. Suddenly the shards of his life didn’t feel so distant and sharp. Though still difficult and scattered, they at least felt attainable again. 
It had been so long since he’d trusted people, really trusted them, and understood they meant no harm. This time, he vowed to allow himself to appreciate it and to accept it. To let this ever-increasing band of strangers, of budding bonds, to remind him of who he had been. Who he could be. To remind him that what was past was past, but he could have something else to look forward to. 
The future. 
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thewishhookjunkyard · 5 years
Hey all!
I haven’t forgotten about Wish Hook week!!
For whoever might still be interested, it’s all ready to go! i’ll be working on setting it up tonight hopefully. Just thinking of a date to start it on.
It’s been a hellish January!!!
Until then, if anyone has any ideas or hopes, expectations- anything you’d like to have as a theme or just generally want to ask or suggest, don’t feel shy, send me a message!
It’s a week for everyone to celebrate wish hook so please feel free to let me know how and what you’d like to see.
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lizacstuff · 6 years
Wouldn't they be writing him out then, though? So far, they've been cramming him in every episode, I'm actually starting to feel like it's becoming the Wish Hook show. He's had 2 centrics compared to everyone else having 1, there's 7x13 based of the episode title, and 7x16 might be ANOTHER centric since it's a Whook/Henry adventure.
First, no one knows so maybe take it down a notch. Please and thank you.
Second, if (and that is a HUGE if) he’s decided he won’t sign for a potential S8 that is probably a decision that was made in the last couple of weeks AFTER everything you’re talking about would have been written and shot. That’s how television works.
Third, there is a very slim chance this show is even renewed for a S8, and they know that, so, no, they would not be altering their plan this early.
Fourth, while they have him, he’s still their biggest draw and they will feature him.
Fifth, let me end with WE DON’T KNOW. An anon and I merely had similar fleeting thoughts.  So please don’t come at me with your upset over my fleeting thought.  I DON’T KNOW, and I DON’T CLAIM TO KNOW. Cool?
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
“Please Don’t Throw It” (Knight Rook) Wish Hook Week - Day 5 - Knight Rook Day
Summary: Killian’s trying to expose his lovely toddler to new foods, but when he’s had enough of Alice throwing mashed peas into his face, he tries something new.
You’ve waited patiently for it, and it’s finally here! KNIGHT ROOK DAY!!!!!
Putting this together was so much fun and after the week we’ve all had, I think we could all use a bit of fluff!
Alice’s words hit Killian just as the mashed peas did.
Killian opened his eyes. His eyelids were weighed down, and he was quite certain of the culprit for that.
“Icky,” indeed.
Across the table they shared, Alice was having a wonderful time, flailing her arms around triumphantly.
And why shouldn’t she?
Her aim had become flawless.  
Killian took the cloth by his side to clean his face.
This was the third time that he had done so, and no better was that reflected than on the surface of the very cloth he sought out. He had to use the other side just to cleanse himself of the mushy, paste-like vegetable because the side he’d been using up to this point was now completely sullied with the green substance.
Once the cloth was put back on the table, Killian massaged his eyes with his thumb and index finger.
“Alice,” he whined. “Why won’t you eat?”
It was terribly unfair. Alice had put up a fight for the past now five meals as Killian tried to coax her to eat her peas. He’d eventually been able to get some food into her in the moments before she lost herself to sleep, but Killian had only been able to get her to swallow a fraction of what he had initially prepared.
Always one to take the path of most resistance, Killian tried again with a fresh scoop of peas.
Killian hummed as he eased the spoon closer and closer to Alice.
“This looks so good,” he said, gentle encouragement in his voice. “Try some.”
The spoon thudded against his face and Killian was once more caked with what should have been inside his daughter’s belly.
Another cleaning, courtesy of the now hopelessly spot-filled cloth beside him took place.
Well, that was it for that. Looks like I’m on my last try until I can next do laundry.
So peas weren’t her favorite food. Big deal.
It’s not like she didn’t eat her vegetables at all. Alice had liked her mashed carrots fine enough, and she liked mashed beets too.
But they weren’t in stock, and Killian wanted to at least try and offer her some variety.
If she couldn’t explore the physical world, then Killian could ensure that she’d explore the culinary one.
Now if only Alice could play along.
The market he went to would be closing within the hour. There was no way he’d make there in time.
That left the both of them stuck until tomorrow.
And Alice remained stagnant in her position towards her dinner.
Killian looked around at the other things he had bought.
There was meat, though that was more for his benefit. Climbing a tower took a lot of energy and if there was anything that meat supplied, it was energy. Despite his every attempt, he couldn’t think of a way to make the meat into something Alice could eat. There was too little left to make a broth, and this meat was too hard for Alice’s teeth to bear.
There were some vegetables left, but Alice had shown a contempt for them too in the past. Killian however, as he did with the meat, kept them for himself.
Worrisome, Killian allowed for his bottom teeth to scratch his lower lip.
Am I truly about to have my child go hungry tonight?
One final look in some of the far back cabinets thankfully put that fear to bed.
There, in the furthest reaches of the cabinet, a shimmer of the setting sun exposed a jar of marmalade.
It was another new food that Killian had bought for Alice, though it had taken a backseat when she showed a love for her mashed carrots.
Killian looked at the substance in the jar. It was bright and goopy - more of a dessert food, really. Right now, Killian didn’t care. Just getting her to eat is paramount. He could worry about the state of her nutrients later.
Carefully, Killian scooped some of the orange preservative and took out and chunks or bits that looked to be too challenging for Alice’s few and feeble baby teeth. When he finally prepared enough to fill a small bowl, Killian took Alice’s feeding spoon, now devoid of all manner of peas, and pushed it towards his daughter’s face.
As his hand inched closer and closer, one thought - one prayer - repeated itself like a mantra.
Please don’t throw it.
Alice looked curiously at the marmalade as it jiggled on the spoon. Her mouth was noticeably closed.
“Open up Alice,” Killian cooed.
Please don’t throw it.
Killian noticed Alice’s nostril twitch outward. Was she breathing in its scent? It appeared so.
Please don’t throw it.
Finally, Alice mouth opened up - whether to inhale the marmalade or exhale her latest exclamation of disgust, Killian had no clue. He closed his eyes, awaiting her judgment.
Please, please, please don’t throw it.
The end of Killian’s misery came when Alice said a word that he’d not heard in days.
Killian opened his eyes.
Complementing Alice’s praise was an open smile on her face. Even better, her hands waved towards her, begging for the marmalade to get pushed the rest of the way into her mouth.
Not a second was wasted.
The spoon touched her lips and Alice immediately engulfed it all.
“Yum!” she cried again.
Killian swore that there were tears in his eyes. He hasn’t been this proud since she started speaking.
Another spoon was filled up only to be emptied by a now apparently famished Alice. This continued until the bowl was completely emptied.
When the meal was finally complete, Killian cleaned off Alice before picking her up and holding her close to him. From in his arms, she stared up at him.
“Yum!” she hollered, now for the third time.
“You sure like that marmalade, huh?”
A giggle from Alice was the response that he got.
Killian smiled. This was perfect. The jar he had was enough to last for weeks. Not only that, buying more of it would be not only simple, but affordable too!
Looks like from now on, the only place Alice will be throwing her food is into her mouth.
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piracytheorist · 5 years
WHook Week Day 4!
Old Hook!
I don’t know what this post exactly is, but it’s about him, and it’s his day, so... there it goes?
I’m far from the only one who did a complete 180 with 7x02, so I’m sure most of you know how that felt, but still, feelz.
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Damn him. He fools not only OG Hook, but the audience too. Making us think he’s just the “drunken fool” version of the former, making us question his goals... 
And it’s just, that’s 100% Killian Jones. Distraction, making others underestimate him before he strikes. That’s classic him. Far it be from me to give the writers credit, but damn when they focused on developing characters and not plot...
He gives one inkling of the fact that his life was full of misery and heartbreak, but at that moment we’re OG Hook; we don’t know what he’s talking about, we don’t know how exactly his life changed... and we can’t even imagine.
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Ohai brb crying because this is probably how he was like before he found Ariel. Helpless, homeless, alone, desperate... I mean, he’s just old. He shouldn’t look as sickly and unkempt as he does... but he gave up on himself. We don’t know exactly for how long that was, but it was long enough to have an impact on his personality and appearance.
But after he found himself again, he knew he could use this to his advantage, same way he once used bravado and sex appeal. He knows that stuff. He’d been there, years ago, and now he’s got something new to use and distract others. So it’s effective even on his, well, considering, less experienced self and Wish Hook gains the upper hand.
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It’s been so long and still most of the time I have to tell myself “Shit, that is Colin right there, under all that makeup. WTF. How.”
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Like, seriously, I need a few seconds to go like “I know there’s a ton of makeup and fake hair and whatever but, how is this the same man??”
And idk I’m entirely convinced this is also due to how Colin is acting. He’s not just playing another version of Hook. He is playing an old man. Still Hook, but old and mature in such a convincing and realistic way. And idek how to describe it, it’s just perfect.
Of course, that analysis comes only in hindsight, after watching the whole episode and knowing what his true motivations and reasons are. Without those, it is confusing and we don’t know what to expect, but well, Colin and the director did. And it’s why eventually his behaviour makes sense. And knowing that I get a bit sad that we didn’t get more scenes with him. Why were we denied?!
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Can you imagine this old pirate, huddled in a dark, dirty alley, crying over how he’s failed the family he didn’t expect to have again? Losing himself, thinking he’s a complete failure, then picking up the pieces and continuing to search for a cure?
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heroes-wear-green · 4 years
whook its friday i gotta sleep so i can make it through my last day of the week,,
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hollyethecurious · 7 years
Wow that last anon was rude. I agree you I love WHook and I am excited to see what's in store for him. Also I have to point out that if they hadn't brought WHook in and had it be OUR Hook then that means CS would be separated and who wanted to see that. Not me
Hey there, Nonnie!
Eh, I didn’t find it rude, really. They just clearly have a different perspective about how they achieve or maintain enjoyment for something. (Believe me... I’ve had rude and nasty Nonnies hit up my ask before... that last one was fine)
I agree with you. If the show had gone forward with the Hook that is currently married to Emma as being our cursed hook people would be up in arms about them being separated AGAIN, and knowing that Jen is no longer with the show would have meant a season of uncertainty, and unsatisfying resolution. 
I think they did the best they could with the resources afforded them, and I was actually happy to see Wish Hook brought back. It always made me sad to think of him left alone in the WW. I’m glad we are getting to see him get a second chance. 
I’m willing to forgive the inconsistencies and back tracking on the WW explanation. I honestly think they never thought they’d go back to that particular story line, so I don’t fault them taking liberties to reset its origin story and adjust our understanding of it as they try to move forward. (Let’s be honest, we’ve been squinting at things like timeline, character/plot retcon, and OOC writing since season 1. We should be use to it by now.) 
It’s clear from interviews that Colin never thought he’d play this version of the character again, so I can’t imagine the daunting task of taking this off-the-cuff, bumbling, idiot character portrayal and giving him depth when he was only ever meant to be a comedic one-off. Watching this character come to life each week and seeing Colin’s choices in making him separate, yet integrated to the original is fascinating to me.
Plus, so far the character has punched out people, kicked in doors, and drawn a gun. I. Am. Down. With. More. Of. That. Can’t wait for this week’s two-hour episode with more FB Wish Hook!!
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killianmesmalls · 5 years
Day 1: Whomst
So, I’m probably going to post a few of these a bit late for Wish Hook Week, but I’d like to talk a bit about what Wish Hook means to me. 
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When he was first introduced in season 6 I, like many others, thought he was humorous on he surface but a problem for the character of Killian underneath. After all, he seemed to make no sense: why would a version of Killian Jones have allowed himself to age and become a drunken farce of himself when his goal for centuries had been to rid the world of Rumple—and act he clearly had not done—and he’d always been an able-minded, adaptable, intelligent man. Love him or hate him, he was arguably always portrayed as someone who understood countless subjects and could pick up on things quickly. 
Then, for me, 7x07 happened. Sure, there was that hopeful glimmer of “I’m trying to find my daughter” in 7x02, though to me the writing in that episode for the sake of a reveal was a debacle. Then there was 7x03-7x06, where he was shown to be a more bashful version of his Storybrooke counterpart whose cursed persona was an upstanding, compassionate man. More on Rogers another day...
7x07 was the start of my absolute adoration of this version of him, and it only snowballed from there. From giving up his life as he knew it for an infant he hadn’t expected in a thousand years, to the clear influence he had on Alice as he was her only source of human contact for seventeen years, to his friendships with others and his selfless loyalty he showed to them throughout their time together in the Enchanted Forest. 
So, after 7x07, who is Wish Hook to me? 
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He’s a version of the character that I’d hoped he always could be, and a perfectly created transformation of the Captain Hook persona to a George Darling-like person. He takes what we could have gotten with Baelfire and shows that, indeed, given the right circumstances, he’s absolutely the type of person that always will sacrifice his life and his possessions for those he loves. 
To be honest, he’s a reminder that there are people out there that will love unconditionally, that will always strive to be a better version of themselves even if they may sometimes falter, and that even when life gets hard and sometimes you fail, you can pick yourself back up again. 
You can be that good person. 
You can succeed even if you may have failed before. 
You are worthy of friends and family. 
This version, like basically all versions, of Killian Jones are made to suffer time and time again through familial loss, romantic loss, poor luck, his own demons, etc. Still, through it all, he always comes through in the end and ensures others do, as well. 
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