#whoop de doooo
ashchoo · 9 months
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oh? Who’s this,,,?? :D
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The heavy is dead, but with EPPRBCU (from discord) if it was fleshed out
Heavy: Terro
Engineer: [TBD]
Spy: Sheriff
Sniper: [TBD]
Soldier: [TBD]
Medic: [TBD]
Scout: [TBD]
Demoman: [TBD]
Adonis: POW! *shoots Terro* YOU ARE DEAD!
Terro: I AM DEAD.
Adonis: eheheheheh.
Sheriff: *approaching* HOUH! The Terro is dead!
Terro: Yes. I AM DEAD.
Sheriff: WHY is the Terro dead?
Adonis: I dunno
Terro: I think it was—
Sheriff & Adonis: Shh! You are dead!
Terro: Oki *no-clips into backrooms*
Unskilled: What’s up, ya nerds? Who’s up for a— AH. WHAT THE BLOODY HELL JUST HAPPENED??
Sheriff & Adonis: The Terro is dead!
Unskilled: The Terro is dead???
Sheriff: Correct!
*Unskilled wins Who Wants to be a Millionaire*
Sheriff: So, did you see the murderer?
Unskilled & Adonis: No, sorry mate.
Sheriff: I will find him, I will CAPTURE him, & no one will ever die again!
(Sitcom applause.mp3)
Unskilled: Ah, well that’s nice.
Adonis: Damn proud right now.
Suddenly Hashbang.
Sheriff: We know.
Hashbang: Who killed him‽
Sheriff: We don’t know.
Hashbang: I will find clues! *faceplants & sniffs around* WHaT’s thAt? *picks up gun* A weapon? *Pointing it at everyone else* That thing must be why ThE TeRRo IS DEaD!
Sheriff, Adonis, & Unskilled: THE TERRO IS DEAD???
Hashbang: YES! *Ace Attorney intensifies* HE DIED.
Sheriff, Adonis, & Unskilled: :000
Select driving for some ungodly reason: INCOMIIIIING
Prof crashes into Hashbang & gets out of the ambulance.
Prof: MOVE, NOW!
*The Terro is dead*
Prof: In my medical opinion; THE TERRO IS DEAD!!
Unskilled: Prof, what happened?
Prof: in my Prof-essional opinion? *Phoenix Wright brand desk abuse + Johnny Test whip crack* THE HEAVY WAS KÏÏLLED.
Adonis: Oh Devs.
Prof: I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.
Unskilled: Well, now what?
Sheriff: Oh, come on…
Nefarious: LOOKITDIS! The freakin’ Terro’s dead!
What’dyou think of that?
Sheriff: Yes, yes — Nef?
Nefarious: Yea?-
Sheriff: GO HOME.
Select waving from a car.
Nefarious: AH, COME ON! PFFFFT FREAKIN’ UNBELIEVABLE, sEriously, you all SUCK.
Select crashes the car.
Sheriff: Ok, let’s get back to the (exclamation) POINT.
Terro: *pokes Terro with a stick* I think Terro is dead.
Everyone but Terro: THE TERRO IS DEAD‽‽‽
Prof: NEFARIOUS, I WILL HEAL YOU— *fucking explodes*
Terro: Oh, seriously‽ Who killed Terro‽
Statalus: it was MEH.
Statalus: Yes! I did it like this! *Yeetus Deletuses Unskilled* WHOOP-DE-DOOOO!!!
Adonis, Terro, & Sheriff all poking Unskilled’s leftover code with sticks.
Status: That’s a joke, lads.
(Sitcom laughter.mp3)
Statalus: It was y- HIM. *pointing at Adonis*
Adonis & Sheriff: >:00
Adonis: How did you know?
Statalus: I didn’t! That was a joke, tOo.
Adonis evilly laughing as Statalus dies from KPP.
Adonis: That’s right, it was me!
Sheriff: You monster!
Terro: But WHYYYYYYY??
Adonis: ‘Cuz you’re fat, boi! & another thing; you’re ugly.
Adonis: You are a whole herd of ugly. Dumb as a box of rocks. *I couldn’t make the rest out.*
Sheriff: (…It’s tradition.)
Terro: ADONIS.
Adonis: Aw, dammit Terro, fuck off! You are dead.
Terro: No, you! POW! *shoots Adonis* HA-HA! YOU ARE DEAD!! Not big surprise.
Sheriff: Well, that was idiotic. Off to hang myself! WATCH & LEaR- *the Sheriff is dead*
Terro: I am alive!.. Tis nice. :)
Yes, this is stupid!
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Ooc- Whoop de doooo
my hand slipped and I accidentally wrote and drew too much angst
I’m getting too ambitious with my drawings, I wanna work on outfit designs,
Ooc: helppp.. angst is so yummy
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luci-cunt · 5 years
Chapterrrrrrr 8!!!!! 
Summary: Neil is petty, Andrew is petty, and King picks favorites while Kevin third wheels and chokes on sexual tension
“Hmm, there’s a bitch calling me,” he said, picking it up. Kevin and Neil rolled their eyes.
“Andrew,” Aaron’s voice said, and Andrew sighed.
“Aaron,” he mocked.
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bambooteacup · 7 years
Oh, look. Ginger's in the news. AGAIN. Whoop-de-doooo. You can eat my rhizomes too, you know! Just try building stuff with a Ginger stalk; ain't gonna happen, yo! You can't even decide if you're a spicy candy or a flavoursome counterpoint in Asian cooking, and now you wanna be MEDICINE TOO!? Ginger, you're a jerk. Tumeric, we're good. Not angry at you, mate. How Endurance Athletes Use Herbal Supplements to Get an Edge https://goo.gl/Rx9r2R
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wii--woo · 7 years
I just stabbed my finger with a stapler and nearly passed out because I can't handle blood apparently. Whoop de doooo.
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kiml7p · 7 years
lmao im so cheesy what the fuck even
so i was tagged to do the accent challenge by @lilchubchim, so thx to her, you get to hear my voice whoop de doooo
tagging! @noombean, @taehxvn, @jiminnebee, @yookihyeun, @sugacandycane, @mingyoongi, @blondjihoon,  @mingyou, @roseswoozi, and anyone else who wants to do it, really, cause it was fun to do hahaha
questions below!
what’s your name and username?
where are you from?
what’s the time where you are?
pronounce the following words: meme, pepe, doge, sudoku, espresso, celtic, açaí, dr. suess
what’s your favorite pizza place? favorite pizza topping?
what’s your favorite dessert?
what’s your favorite food? what food do you hate?
what’s your favorite tv show? which tv show were you into, but then got out of?
what brand is your phone?
do you speak a second language?
how do you define a group of people when you’re talking to them? do you say ‘guys’ or ‘dudes’ or?
which harry potter house do you most identify with? if sorted by Pottermore, do you agree with the one you got?
is there something you should be doing right now but are procrastinating?
now that you’ve talked about what you need to be doing, go do it!
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mightyhaxorus · 12 years
[Walks around one of the school's corridors, rushing late to class. He speeds up and arrives, not on time, as usual...]
''Sorry I'm late...''
[He sits down without a word, groaning and starts one of the tasks written on the whiteboard in front of him]
-Not my fault I overslept-
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clintbartons · 12 years
i guess it'll be another long fun day of working on the yearbook tomorrow 
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