#whoops I forgot to queue this one lol
reno2005 · 7 months
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arachnophanatic · 11 months
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WOLF SPIDER (Lycosidae), male
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exhausted-archivist · 10 months
Foods of Thedas: Round 6
Nevarra won the last poll and I got a little side tracked and forgot to queue this. Whoops lol
I'm hoping to be able to show some recipe progress, been getting a bit too deep in the research as I make my way through the list. Trying not to get too far ahead of myself. I'm about 2-3 regions behind the polls but I'm excited to get to Nevarra. That is one that is a little more ambiguous given it's seemingly temperate zone where it gets so cold in the winter that the river freezes over. I have several ideas for seasonal dishes.
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bereft-of-frogs · 3 years
tfw you remember that Rogue One is your favorite Star Wars movie not only because it’s an engaging narrative, with gorgeous visuals and a fantastic score and interesting characters, that manages to be an example of a rare prequel that contextualizes and raises the stakes for the original without feeling pointless or repetitive-
but really it’s your favorite because you’re a masochist who loves tragedy and the bleakness of the final third of the movie
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I’m sad now. I love it.
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monelsass · 2 years
Checking in!
Hey so looks like it’s been a few years? I ran out of queue and forgot. Lol, doubt anyone remembers my little account but here I am. I miss all the amazing gifs from my favorite people! I’m glad to see y’all still going strong. Hope this reaches the right people, and if you see this please interact and lmk how you are doing!
Life just got in the way. I kinda grew out of this thing but it holds a special place in my heart. I’ve come back to it over the years, lingering and reading, just not with updates like this one. 
Well where do I start? Let’s see, I’ve graduated from undergrad with a psych degree and got a job, moved from the city, got a cat, things have been good so far. My interests have changed somewhat; I don’t watch the CW/DC shows anymore or keep up with cast updates. I didn’t even watch the Supergirl finale *gasp* although, I might watch only the last few episodes because I heard Mon-el comes back (but I’m sad karamel doesn’t get their happy ending like I thought). But I’m very up to date with the Marvel universe; Wanda Vision, Eternals (lots of thoughts??), and tears were shed for NWH. I’m a sucker for Zendaya and Tom’s relationship. Not really sure what else to say, I’ve never been much of a talker on here anyway.
Also looking through my old tags, and wow I can’t believe myself. I noticed most of my personal tags got messed up somehow (they worked fine before?), so the links don’t work and I’m too lazy to fix them atm. Maybe one day? Ah who am I kidding, idek when. If you got this far in reading congrats, have a cookie. Miss you and until next time...
“May we meet again”
Almost forgot to add my tags, whoops.
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phonaesthemes · 3 years
tag game thing
@padawanyugi tagged me a while ago (12 days apparently) and i forgot entirely about this until i saw it half-done in a note, whoops.
1) Why did you choose your url i wanted something linguistics-related and initially picked "phonesthemes" but thought it looked like phones-themes so i ended up using the alternate spelling. 
2) any side-blogs ? if you have them, name them and why you have them glittery-phonaesthemes, which initially was like travel/sci-fi stuff but now it's just where i put literally everything else in the hopes of not annoying people who followed me for language stuff.
3) how long have you been on tumblr ? that is a good question. apparently since february of 2015!
4) do you have a queue tag ? ahahah no. tagging anything on my phone is a rage-inducing experience so i only bother for content warning kinds of things now
5) why did you start your blog in the first place i was kind of in between communities and had seen content from tumblr elsewhere and decided to give it a shot
6) why did you choose your icon/pfp ? i couldn't think of anything related to my blog theme that wasn't a wug (not that there’s anything wrong with that) so it's a picture i took of a statue that i really liked in helsinki
7) why did you choose your header ? do i have one?? i think it's a foresty something or other maybe?? i like trees??
8) what’s your post with the most notes ? i’m not actually sure but after the nsfw crackdown, one of my (exceedingly rare) posts got flagged and i bitched about it ("those are back vowels not boobs" or something) and it escaped lingblr and gathered some notes
9) how many mutuals do you have ? 86 apparently
10) how many followers do you have ? 638
11) how many people do you follow ? 315
12) have you ever made a shitpost ? probably. maybe less so on tumblr compared to Elsewhere
13) how often do you use tumblr each day ? it varies. a lot less now bc i just have less time
14) did you have a fight/argument with another blog once ? who won? no, but i would not win, i am more the type to let someone else have the last word lol
15) how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts ? i remember getting chain emails back on hotmail and i am kind of surprised at how that medium has evolved (or not)
16) do you like tag games ? yes very much, although i am TERRIBLE about checking my tags
17) do you like ask games ? it depends! i like sending in asks when i see them because i think most people enjoy "mail" (and if they didn't, why post reblog the game?)
18) which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous ? i have had mutuals who were lingblr infamous, does that count 
19) do you have a crush on a mutual ? no, although there is at least one where i think we followed each other for language stuff but they've gone through like 5 other themes since then and possibly a few new names, and although i still enjoy their content (their Untamed phase may be waning, so i am excited to see the next fixation), i can never help trying to remember what the hell their old name was, just out of curiosity. they’re one of my oldest mutuals!
20) tags i am too nervous to tag anyone, but please feel free to tag me or say that i tagged you if you want to talk about yourself too.
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natsunoomoi · 4 years
FFVII Thoughts
-This whole thing with Jessie is so much filler it’s mostly unnecessary. Plus I feel like the whole impact of Jessie and her arc and even this filler is detracted by her being a former actress. Like I mentioned before I feel like her being an actress and known for toying with men kind of takes away from her crush on Cloud and makes it seem cheap. Also even though she’s someone’s daughter who is more tech inclined, I always thought of her as an engineer herself and like a former Shinra engineer that quit would have been a more powerful message than that of an actress. Even if you keep her Dad getting sick it adds an extra layer. Like say she worked in R&D and they like pushed an experimental mako enhancement for the plant too soon and she warned it would make people sick and it made her Dad sick. There’s a lot of ways her story would have been better and fit more nicely into the narrative. :/
-Even though Jessie annoys me, Biggs is kind of okay but he comes off to me as a little cliche. Wedge is kind of a little nicer.
-Aww, they took out the pickpocket on the train during the ID scan. That would have been a lot harder to deal with, but yeah.
-Good lord they stretched out these areas.
-Completely lost in this lamp and platform maze, but after a long time I finally figure out how to get out even with the items.
-Another maze and more reactor context change.
-Robot change where you can screw it over. That’s interesting.
-Yay Aerith!
-Dang Reno. You hard.
-OMG stupid ghosts get out of the way. I bet I have to trek all this way back to get this materia.
-This church is now also a crazy rat maze.
-Now onto roof rat maze.
-Ugh, why do I have to take the long way just to avoid Rude?
-Let me explore the town!
-Cloud and Aerith are way more helpful in this game. The kids have a secret hide out. Cool, I guess.
-Chadley is seriously simultaneously frustrating and useful.
-Yay I can go back and get crap from the church.
-Okay, so sneak out. Why tf is there a pot right outside my room that I can’t see?
-Okay, so there’s Aerith. We have a secret tunnel-ish. So many ladders. So much up and down.
-Out of that maze and yay they kept that scene where Aerith brings up Zack. Still not sure I’m liking all the foreshadowing cuz this was a spoiler in the original game.
-Tifa looks nice in that outfit. Like in general in this game though. They gave her a pretty thoughtful makeover that like captures the essence of her original profile, but also with some added tweaks in style that I actually like better. Like she didn’t have those thigh highs before, but those are a nice touch. And instead of her mini skirt her skirt is actually a skort and is pleated. Plus like the better boob support.
-Good lord Wall Mart is so involved now. So many alleys. Get out of the way yo!
-Leslie seems kind of cool, but I’m not sure cuz he works for a creep.
-Ugh hussle of trying to figure out how to get in. This sponsorship thing is new. I guess Corneo got more exclusive in this game.
-I have to go to the coloseum? Ugh, why?
-This crowd is full of haters.
-Okay winning over the crowd....
-I have an extra battle? WTF is this BS. I almost wish it was the Turks making a surprise appearance. That seems like a silly stupid thing the original would have done.
-Obviously Cloud caught someone else’s attention.
-Yay! Finally dress up time.
-Awesome. I’m doing a bunch of quests now.
-Whoops I didn’t level up my materia all the way. I got most of them so it’s doing fine but just the medicine thing.
-I saw a lot of people complaining about Jules, but he wasn’t so bad? I just needed to remember the rhythm and what I was doing by saying it so I could keep track of the pattern.
-Ugh, Johnny where you taking me? I have to wait for someone not yet.
-Oh Aerith looks nice. I like her outfit.
-Okay time to dress up Cloud.
-Whoa, Folia is a honeybee? Teh shock.
-What is this mini-game? It’s hard to keep rhythm and sometimes I actually can’t see the queue. Why do you design a mini-game where you can’t see the thing clearly?
-Oh shit I missed a track because I didn’t want to sit there and keep playing a frustrating mini-game. D:
-Yay! At least I got the cute dress. But real talk I kind of miss the old way to dress up Cloud only cuz I would want to see what the different colored wigs look like, but that whole storyline is very trans insensitive. Or even drag insensitive, so I understand why they changed it.
-Andrea is kind of cool. I was worried they were going to make him into some kind of flaming stereotype, but actually although he definitely has some flare, he’s a pretty well balanced character and none of the characters really judge him for his personal choices. Although definitely some judgement for the stuff they make them do, but that’s fair because you’re being subjected to it. Good on Cloud for following along.
-Okay time to take down this fat loser. So how does this work? How do you know who he’ll choose?
-Wait does he just choose Cloud every time? That’s a little less fun. I liked dressing Cloud up as the prettiest princess so that you could get him picked.
-This bit of them threatening Corneo’s private parts is still one of my favorite things. It was teh shock when I saw it the first time back in the day and I still enjoy it now.
-Ugh, the sewer. Also a lot of denial. But ugh the sewer.
-My sister was right. The train graveyard is creepier.
-Oh crap I forgot to steal from Eligor. !@#$@#%
-Alright climb the pillar. This is kind of slightly more fun with the extra scenes from Reno and Rude.
-Whoa, they saved Wedge. Cuz he originally totally ate it. Like straight fell off the pillar several stories and was unresponsive.
-Biggs and Jessie still die. That’s fine. I actually feel less sorry for Jessie dying than I did with the original. :/ I think because they managed to actually make her irritating with how over the top they made her.
-Aerith and Marlene is so cute!
-Helicopter shots are annoying, but I like hearing Reno. It’s sad that Fujiwara Keiji died two days after this came out. This is like the last thing he did probably. But his voice fit Reno really well. I don’t think it fit Ardyn well. Ardyn I think deserved a lower register, but I think Square gave him the part probably because of his diagnosis cuz I think Ardyn’s in-game struggle in a sense reflected his real life trials in some way only in the game he became immortal. Real life not so much, but immortalized in a sense through these works. I wonder if Square would have wanted it to come out sooner so that maybe he could have played it himself a little bit before passing, but they had to push the date for quality and stuff.
-I don’t know why, but I really like looking at Reno’s open shirt. Like I think the way they did his abs are a bit different from Advent Children. I think his shirt is even open wider than in AC. *checks* Yeah, it is. AC it’s buttoned up toward the top and just the top one or two are left open. And okay for real Remake has his shirt open even more than even in the original. Nevermind him buttoning up more for AC, but like in original FF7 polygon Reno and original Nomura art Reno looks like it’s only unbuttoned to about mid-pecs. Remake Reno is like down to like the top of his stomach. I guess I can’t complain about the equal opportunity fan service.
-Tseng is actually done pretty well, but I keep looking at him cuz he just strikes me as odd.... Oh wait is it his hair? Is that a hair tie? I don’t think he had a hair tie before. I think we were just supposed to assume he had his hair slicked back and kept in place by gel or hair spray. Also his face is interesting cuz I think they tried to make him actually look Chinese, but I think he just turned out looking kind of like Tamaki Hiroshi. Oh and Suwabe-san!
-LOL Rude carrying Reno like a rag doll.
-And there goes the plate. Oh, no, Wedge. I guess he did die. But the kitties. ;o;
-Let me explore Wall Market! Ugh, fine.
-That Kyrie chick seems kind of a little annoying. I kind of want to let Barret hit her. But I’m probably biased because I had a hot mess of a flatmate with that name and she like didn’t clean up after herself and left dirty dishes in her room and like pushed it up against her roommate’s bed. >.> Like passing responsibility over them to someone else. And I think she maybe broke one of my cups? And like tried to use my stuff without asking? Maybe stole some stuff too but idk. And like worst of all was like she sold her car so she could get money because she couldn’t hold down a job and like needed money and instead of like you know paying rent and bills, she spent it on shoes and make up and left the receipt out for us to find.
-Wall Market is...different in the day time.
-All teh quests.
-Okay Kyrie is still kind of annoying and stupid when you talk with her one on one, but she at least seems better than my flatmate.
-Oh old lady is the Angel.
-Findin’ all the birds. It kind of strikes me that they added this in cuz of how much time it takes to get places and it’s kind of like XV and even the XIV MMO, but not. I guess it’s a staple now with their newer titles because of how grand they make the scenery.
-Down in the sewer again....
-I just really wanna find Corneo’s stash.
-OMG I got a chase this little asshole now.
-Okay so now Leslie. Leslie is a good guy after all. Not a bad new character too. Nice decent development and stuff.
-But gdi Corneo’s still alive. I mean, I knew that cuz Wutai, but ugh.... I think he deserved at least a punch in the face.
-Okay so anyway I guess I’m going up now. Just going to finish up stuff before I go past the point of no return. Get all teh things I can from the coliseum and all that.
-Climbing, climbing. Oops I missed a thing. Was I supposed to?
-Gdi this helicopter thinger is annoying. I can’t slash any boxes. Just kick them around.
-Okay done so I guess I’m going in.
-...Is this a parking lot?
-Oh okay so here’s the entrance.
-Shinra headquarters actually looks like a bigger version of Square Enix’s headquarters in Higashi Shinjuku. I’ve been there pretty recently and also like to cut through the office building to get to Artnia cuz I don’t want to walk all the way around. Decor and stuff and specifics are definitely different, but like the double tower U-shaped look with the walkway in the middle thing is very much how the building is in Shinjuku. Specifics with the stairs and escalators are also different, but kind of the same deal with some amount of ambient lighting at night time and the lobby and such is still mostly open in the evening for people who work late or want to pass through. Some of the doors being locked or like certain staircases and such being roped off are a thing as well. I just know this cuz I often go to Artnia around dinner time when I’m there, so it’s generally after hours already.
-I think even the parking lot situation might even be the same? I’m not sure because I usually take the subway and that let’s out into the mini mall downstairs, but parking if you go there and do that is like subterranean for sure and would be the first layer if it was on a plate.
-I mean, the HQ is also technically kind of on a plate also. Cuz the mini-mall is like below normal street level, but it’s like more cool with like a Lawson’s and restaurants. Coming up from the subway is also a lot similar POV-wise to coming up through grappling hook too in terms of perspective.
-Getting the key. Getting a glove on the way. This part is kind of cool. I always liked this part of the game in the original too and exploring an empty office.
-This is suspicious. I have to take a tour...?
-I guess this is interesting to learn about the company and stuff.
-Weird movie theater. Oh look a spoiler hallucination in the theater. It’s nice to see more of Sephiroth.
-Oh yeah the mayor. That’s a bit of a change that he’s secretly Avalanche. Whatever cool. Yay I got a weapon.
-I gotta do a battle simulator. Oh great I guess if I want items I have to sit here and do all the simulators.
-Oh look it’s Chadley. I have turn ins. Take my stuff.
-Okay so hike upstairs....oh shit they’re going in. Sneak slowly behind and like go around and explore stuff.
-Found the toilet. Haha. Tifa yells at Cloud if he goes in the wrong one. Good.
-This is a nice bathroom.
-Okay up in the vent.
-Interesting extra context and oh yeah Palmer saw Sephiroth.
-Hojo is more gross looking than I remember. Like piled on extra creep factor for him.
-Following into the lab. I guess I should be glad he wasn’t a dumbass and trying to mate Aerith with Red XIII.
-Interesting that it’s only now that they’re really making good use of Those Who Fight Further. I don’t think I’ve really heard it all that often before.
-Yay! Yamaguchi Kappei!
-This part getting serious with Sephiroth is appropriate, but kind of different with him starting to freak out.
-Oooh, Turks scene! It’s nice that they know they are fan favorites now and they put them in more scenes. I wish it would actually play their theme every time they show up like it used to. That’s what made them badass too.
-Aww, Aerith’s room.
-Interesting they are talking in Aerith’s room instead of getting captured and Aerith talking through the wall.
-Shinra science experiment...You’re probably not entirely wrong.
-Huh, wisdom from Red XIII. That’s different context.
-Wow, that’s different. Pointing out a different greater enemy so early. I guess it makes sense Aerith would know because of the whispers she hears, but also it kind of sucks the mystery of the progression of the original story.
-Dang, Sephiroth and Cloud confrontation-ish now? Not going to mysteriously take a body and stab the President?
-Oh joy another crazy rat maze.
-Hojo is definitely more gross than he used to be.
-Oh, nope. Just different order. There’s the trail of blood.
-Well, “blood”. Jenova blood is now apparently purple bubbling ooze.
-President Shinra is just hanging?! DISAPPOINTED. I liked it better when you just showed up and he had a giant sword in his back. Also wondering if you’d be blamed for it, but yeah, sword in the back!
-This is what you get for showing mercy. :/ Sword in back was better.
-Oh shut up already so Rufus can take over.
-Oh you get to watch the sword in the back.
-WTF. He’s not supposed to stab your party.
-Ghost things protecting fate is weird. But also I have some theories like the game is conscious that it’s a remake or something and for some reason they’re repeating history, but some things are different because people don’t do things in exactly the same way but certain things are fated to happen so they have to be preserved.
-Interesting that this game shows the cloaked figures going back and forth between Sephy. Kind of takes away the fun from years of debate on the subject about wtf is happening.
-And here’s Rufus. Still better than his Dad.
-I like that there’s more Turks footage than the original.
-Kind of nice that there’s more tender moments between Tifa and Cloud or rather we can experience them bonding more first hand.
-Did they make Wedge die in a different spot?
-Motorcycle bit is a bit different. Boss on motorcycle is kind of hard. Died once.
-I think it’s just cuz it’s a Remake that they added him here, but Sephiroth is at the end of the highway and I kind of think it sucks. :/ Cuz like it shouldn’t be like this.
-Why is Zack alive? Oh I think this is a flashback. Aww, this is supposed to be a hidden thing. ;o; Stop feeding them all the stuff. Let them find it.
-Whisper monsters...Okay this is just some kind of an AU. Like not really entirely a remake, but a different game in the same timeline cuz Sephy figured out somehow how to alter time and space. Aerith knows kind of what’s up because she became god essentially during AC. Would also explain why the game itself is giving away so many damn spoilers too.
-Holy shit, is Zack dead or not? D:
-Okay I looked up a thing and it said his death is ambiguous, but he’s never seen. Zack was an actual SOLDIER too so he could be a cloaked guy for all we know. But also at the end of AC it was both him and Aerith chilling together welcoming people to the lifestream so who the hell knows what she did.
-Biggs is alive?!
-So okay, if this is an AU things can change and I’m less gripey about the weird things that happened. Cuz it’s like just another pinpoint on the timeline that kind of has pseudo time travel and when you repeat things over again they’re not always exactly the same. I suppose for Square itself it’d be kind of boring to make an actual Remake because they don’t want to take away from the original and they want people to still buy that too cuz it was so good even though the graphics didn’t age so well. Instead they slapped Remake on a new title and trolled us all into thinking they actually did it when actually it’s like a timey wimey thing.
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ettaseverythingelse · 4 years
Life Update - 7/1/2020
So it’s been a hot minute since I’ve actually made an original post on here, and I recently looked at my blog stats and this blog hit 200 followers?! Wow! Thank you guys so much! I don’t talk with you very often, which is a shame because I’m sure you’re all such lovely people, but I see you and I appreciate the interactions we do have, and thank you for being here. Don’t be afraid to reach out and tell me what sort of stuff you’d like to see on this blog moving foward. I’d love to chat with some other students even when school is out! :) 
So if you’re reading this, then (allegedly) you’re here for Proper Studyblr Content and I owe you a pretty big update because wow it’s already July, we’re halfway through 2020 y’all.  This is going under a cut because it got long lol, read at your own discretion. 
Since school ended, I’ve been living my best life and tackling the 10293283920 creative projects that were on the back burner during the semester, including carving dulcimer hammers, hitting 90k words in my novel, learning how to draw, planting an apocalypse vegetable garden, and doing a bunch of other stuff. It’s been an incredibly productive couple of months and I’ve been so busy doing Stuff that I honestly forgot I had a blog with which to document the Stuff. 
On the studying front, I’ve not done much in the way of STEM stuff, but I have been diligently working on my Italian practice and as of today I have a 172 day streak on Duolingo (wooo). I’ve been working at the pool in the meantime to get it cleaned up from the winter, but at the end of the week, I’m starting a Real Deal Chemical Engineering Internship which is super exciting! I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to talk about that, but I’m really happy that I have the chance to get experience in a lab, especially as a rising sophomore, when COVID cancelled most of my friend’s internship opportunities. I’m incredibly blessed to have this chance, and I can’t wait to make the best of it! :D
I also hit the one year anniversery of me joining tumblr! (or almost, about, idk the actual day I joined). When I first started with my main blog @ettawritesnstudies, it was supposed to be half writeblr half studyblr, and then I made this blog later when it became too hard to manage the balance between the two, and then I made a fandom blog like two weeks ago, but that’s beside the point. It’s been a year since I joined the studyblr community (in however small a part) and I’ve really enjoyed my time here so far! What started as me looking up Italian study tips on my breaks between lifeguarding has turned into such a great place to go for help and advice and motivation and I’m glad I’m here ^_^
Moving foward on this blog, I want to be a little more active, and I’ve got a lot planned! I realized I haven’t done a monthly goals update since April so I have two of those going up soon! I've been writing my bujo, but I haven’t done any sort of decorating or fancy spreads in it so I want to update that today and share some pictures of that. I have photos of all my art stuff that I share sporadically so I might try to put up more of that because I am teaching myself and that counts as Educational Content. I also have the queue running with study tips, I’m going to try to set up some #aesthetic photoshoots around my house, and maybe I’ll do a reading recap?
If you made it to the end of this post, then thank you so much for reading! Again, feel free to leave any suggestions for what you want to see on this blog in the comments/asks. I hope you’re all doing well and staying healthy. :) <3
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the professor layton series is a series of games for the ds/3ds (with the exception of one movie, an anime about laytons daughter [katrielle], and an app) that focus both on their storyline and puzzle solving. it follows professor hershel layton, a professor in archaeology who i have never seen actually teach, and his self proclaimed apprentice luke triton who layton like basically stole from his dad because clark sucks lol. (1/?)
the first game in the series chronologically is professor layton and the last specter, which is set in the fictional town of misthallery england. its lukes hometown and its where the professor and luke meet. layton gets a letter calling him to the town because they need help with a specter that has been destroying the town. luke can predict when the specter appears. so layton and his newfound assistant emmy altava the kickass lesbian (2/?) 
go to misthallery to help but then they find out luke actually wrote the letter somehow despite being literally 7 and like yeah. the rest is basically spoilers so we’re moving on to the games i actually know about (bc the next game chronologically is the one im on rn) so professor layton and the curious village is the most boring of all the games imo but its the game where luke and layton meet flora. people have been disappearing around town (3/?) 
 the town name i have forgotten whoops. and also theres a huge family dispute bc some old dude left a fortune behind in his will to whoever found it and supposedly some guy got murdered. so what do they do? they call upon our ARCHAEOLOGY PROFESSOR here because hes totally qualified to solve crimes and shit. so basically layton and luke get pulled in to finding the golden apple (the treasure thing) and then people get kidnapped and shit and its p wild (4? i think/?) 
 the rest is spoilers but they almost get ran over by a ferris wheel. the next game is the diabolical box/pandoras box which has multiple settings being two towns and a train. supposedly there is this mysterious ass box that kills whoever opens it and the professors old mentor like fucking died from it apparently (not really it was a heart problem thing but shhh) so layton takes this like 10 year old boy (luke) along to to find a fucking death box (5/?)
nd theyre on a train for a while and flora is also on the train bc she didnt wanna get left behind. so they go off to find this box but it takes fucking FOREVER and then they pass out on the train (the first town wasnt rly important so) and wake up in the second town and also im pretty sure they get basically high or something and theres a vampire i guess and they have to find the goddamn murder box??? idk (6/?)
the next game is my favourite game. the unwound future. luke recieves a letter from his future self urging them to go to a clock shop in london where they get transported 10 years into the future and eventually go meet future luke at a casino run by a mob which is apparently run by future layton. they make a cool coin machine gun and then future luke challenges the professor to a battle of wits! which is where my queue tag is from (7/?)
and then they like adventure and shit and are trying to stop future layton from building a time machine to go save the missing scientists and prime minister + his girlfriend from the original time machine explosion which i totally forgot to explain. so like they spend a lot of time in future london trying to find the guy and stop him from making this mistake again and theres an epic showdown and shit and then the rest is spoilers and also CLIVE. i think im done now
omg that sounds rlly interesting!!!!!!!!!! i wish i hadt he money to buy the games ajdsflsjdflskd
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chickenkooks · 7 years
P and U for the ask game !! Also I just wanted to say that tra is by far the best series I've ever read,, you really have a talent in writing with humour and purpose (I appreciate the lack of purple prose) how many chapters are u planning tra to have??
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
i think i’m half and half!!!!! for tra ofc i had to plot it at least somewhat. have an idea how i want it to end. little scenes here and there. but for the most part. when i write parts. im always trying to think ahead. if i insert a certain scene, how will it affect the story later on. do i want that to happen. and i try to foreshadow a lot. but for stories that are one shots or just shorter. i usually just write a vague outline for major scenes and fill in the rest!!!!!! so im an architecting gardener!!!! this is an interesting question though :-D
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
dammit i was hoping someone wouldnt ask me this LOL not to make u feel bad ofc because thank u for asking n this means u value my opinion of writers!!!!! i just have so many that can i list just three??? can i do it???? ill go ahead anyway and tag: @blueagust, @chinnychimchim, and @hobiemin!!!!! those are in no particular order and i love other writers as well but those are the first three that came to mind!!!!!! LMFAO I FORGOT TO MENTION WHY I LIKE THEM SO MUCH WHOOPS i was trying to speedily queue this post BUT i love kat because her ideas are so interesting!!!!!! i love lou because her style is so beautiful and smutty!!!!!! and i love addie because i can never just PUT DOWN one of her fics theyre so addicting!!!!!!! the plots are so good!!!!!!!
send me a writing ask!!!!!
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