myymi · 7 months
Thought you'd like this HC but i love the idea of if someone is attacking Tails, Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, and Shadow in a way where they have to go into the defensive rather than the offensive then the pincushions will crowd around Tails because he's the only one whos not got quills so they do it so they can't get hits on him
safety circle of pincushions
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myymi · 7 months
"he looks it up when Sonic leaves. and then he keeps that information to himself because if Sonic knew then he would make the effort of coming over every time and he can't ask Sonic to do that"
imagine Tails instantly stopping Sonic or basically anyone from brushing his fur after that he feels too guilty knowing that if they ever found out that it was the only thing taking his sadness away then they would all instantly start putting in the effort brush his fur at least once or twice a day
and of course, since he's now insisting on being the one to brush himself even when he's asked it just makes the loneliness and sadness so much more intense. it gets to the point that if Sonic asks he just lies and says he's done it already
but since he touch starved it gets to the point that brushing his own fur starts to feel to overwhelming so he just stops doing it and it gets to the point that his fur is so matted that everyone can notice.
they let him do it alone with no questions because they assume it's just soemthing he wants to do by himself. they assume it's one of those things he just wants to have done his way, and that's fine
but then they noticed his fur is really tangled... maybe sonic tries to muse his bangs but his fingers get caught on tangles when he pulls away,,
maybe knuckles gives him a small pat on the back and he can feel all the tangles and small matts that have built up
maybe amy tries to comb her fingers through his tails but they snag and pull so much she stops so she doesn't accidentally hurt him
maybe shadow gives him a quick pat to tell him he did a good job but it's so matted he ends up just patting a club of fur rather than the kid's head
and now they're all concerned.. because tails said he wanted to do it himself, but he's not. is it because he can't reach some areas?? is he getting too caught up in his work to remember???
so maybe one day they sit him down and ask about it. they ask why his fur is so matted because there's no way that's comfortable
he tries to make excuses but each one falls flat on his face so maybe he has to tell them about how sad and lonely he is over something as stupid as being brushed.
maybe he hides away to avoid telling them that them not grooming him genuinely makes him sad because that's pathetic. it shouldn't make him sad or lonely. it's just brushing, it's something everyone does it shouldn't be so hard and depressing
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myymi · 7 months
“and they'll ask why he never said anything and he just. explicitly states that he could burden them with something he should be able to do on his own”
I can just imagine how absolutely devastating that would be for the older sibs because dude this little kid is only eight and instead of his first thought when learning this information being to come to them rather it was to hide it so that he didn’t become a burden to them. Tails is only a little kid he shouldn’t have to worry about that kind of stuff.
They would take him to the couch and gentle settle him down on it with lots of pillows and blankets, shadow would bring him something to eat because knowing tails he probably hasn’t fed himself in a long while. As tails ate they’d all probably start getting to work on dematting tails fur.
After leaving it so long it would probably be so overstimulating whether in a good way or a bad way I don’t really know. I’m sure he would be relieved and try to relish in every single second him them brushing out his fur but at the same time he had isolated himself so much the change would be jarring.
I like to imagine they’d take it slow, maybe space it out over a few days so tails could have breaks, sit on the couch watching tv and talking. Instantly tails is feeling better and the depressive feeling is basically completely gone. He’d probably get lots of nuzzles and stuff while they get rid of all the matting
it's so depressing how an 8yo has been so hurt and traumatized that when faced with a problem he thinks he has to take it on alone.
he thinks he has to shoulder all his burdens on his own because he was told that for years. and it breaks their hearts because they can't get him to learn he doesn't have to do that anymore
so they try a new tactic. they try to show him that he doesn't have to take everything alone because obviously just saying it isn't enough
they settle him down and pile up all his comfort items. his favorite hoodie that smells like mint, his blanket he keeps in his workshop that's covered in oil stains, anything that'll comfort him
and then sonic will speed off to grab four brushes for each of them while shadow brings in a plate of chili dogs since they're tails' comfort food.
sonic and knuckles each get one tail, since they've know tails the longest and he trusts them most, then sonic moves to tails' head as knuckles carefully untangled the mess that is his back fur. amy is tasked with his chest and arms while shadow gets his legs and stomach
they're so gentle and patient with him, stopping every time there's the slightest sniffle to ask if he's okay. he can't do anything but tearfully nod, speaking is far too hard for him right now.
he's overwhelmed with love and care that he never expected to receive because he was always told he didn't deserve it for the way he looked and he doesn't know what to do about it
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myymi · 7 months
"maybe he hides away to avoid telling them that them not grooming him genuinely makes him sad because that's pathetic. it shouldn't make him sad or lonely. it's just brushing, it's something everyone does it shouldn't be so hard and depressing"
dude imagine Tails hiding himself away like literally locking himself away in his room so that he doesn't have to deal with them confronting him like maybe they confronted tails and he got really defensive about it. because he knows if he tells them the truth that they would start to try and help him which would just make tails feel worse because he thinks it would be a hassle. like imagine he yelled at them that he didn't need help and wasn't a baby.
i like to imagine sonic, shadow, knuckles and Amy kind of hung around taiks house for a few days because the kid has to come out of his room eventually.
maybe after a while they decide that they just cant wait any longer because something is obviously wrong only to go into tails room to find him pathetically trying to brush his fur while crying. because he's so overwhelmed and its so much. cause he's an eight year old he maybe starts to do the frustrated thing kids do where they just start harshy brushing it to the point it hurts.
he's only 8 emotions are hard and confusing
sonic has to gently tug the brush away because he can't let tails hurt himself like that
but maybe that doesn't help. maybe tails turns to trying to rip through his tangles with his nails because he has to do it. he doesn't want ot burden his siblings with something as small as brushing his fur
so knuckles and amy take a hand each and keep them from his fur. not holding tight enough to where he can't get away or feels trapped, but enough so he'll stop hurting himself
and shadow leaves the room, because if his fur is in this state god only know how long it's been since he's eaten something
they have to use soft words to get him to calm down and stop crying. and then it's at the point where he can't run or hide away so he has to explain what's happening to him
he's forced to explain how sad he's been because his siblings don't brush him. he has to explain how foxes get depressed when they're not groomed by loved ones and they need to socialize
and they'll ask why he never said anything and he just. explicitly states that he could burden them with something he should be able to do on his own
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myymi · 7 months
For the character ask thing;
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
imm assuming tails for this? lol
12) auugh well. i have sooo many, but one of the ones i don't mention very often is him telling his feelings through songs rather than outright saying them
like sonic, he has learned to bottle up and throw away his emotions, but he's a bit easier to read if you know his music
7) i love it when people allow him to be scared but still capable
tails is 8 years old and has been surviving from something his whole life. bullies, the battle kuku, eggman, etc. he's absolutely desensitized to the things that happen, but he can still be scared when things get bad. however, being scared doesn't mean he can't hold his own in a fight
its usually one or the other when it comes to the fandom portraying tails in a battle, but it should be both most of the time. especially when it comes to forces rewrites and tails faces off with chaos.
he's allowed to be scared. he can still put up a fight. let him.
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myymi · 3 months
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myymi · 2 months
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myymi · 4 months
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
triceratops!!! they're funky little guys, i love them 💜💜💜
ask game
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myymi · 4 months
Happy birthday!!!!!! :D
thank youuu!! 💜💜
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