#why couldn't brannagh do a few more movies?
jasminedragonart · 3 years
I feel like I’m going to get so much shit for posting this, but, well, I kind of want to do a Loki project, and I’ve even set up a separate tumblr so I won’t be spamming this one with it, and I feel like, I don’t know, I just want to put this out there anyway, especially with the show now trending so much.
Also I seem to be posting a lot of rants lately for which I apologise to anyone who actually even spends time reading them because I do sometimes just like to share an opinion and don’t care if people read it or not.
The thing is, while I do enjoy marvel, I don’t like Loki. 
If you want to know more before you condemn me, please read below the keep reading (also don’t criticise my spelling, I’m writing this in a rush and I don’t care at this point)
No, let me put it a different way. I enjoy the show, I enjoy the character they’ve made, but he just doesn’t feel like Loki to me. I don’t know if it’s because I’m really into mythology, and everything that entails, as well as a history buff, but, yeah I do agree with some people out there that this isn’t Loki, and in terms of marvel’s Loki, it’s not the Loki they first presented to us.
I’ll go down the marvel Loki route first. 
So, first things first, I have an Masters. I have a masters in English and a bachelors in english and creative writing, meaning, I know good writing when I see it, and I believe anything creative people put out into the world is allowed to be criticised and analysed.
With that in mind, the Loki we’re first presented with in Thor 1 is, honestly, great. Thor 1 as a whole is great. In terms of marvel anyway- I’m not getting into my personal opinion on myths right now and how marvel squandered their opportunity to include them in their films. 
Back to the film. The director for Thor 1 is Kenneth Branagh, who, I just love. He’s great. He does a lot of Shakespeare, both acting and directing (I think), meaning he knows his shit when he’s writing tragedies. Which is what Thor 1 is. While it’s a redemption arc for Thor, it’s a tragedy for Loki, both of these stories running side by side gives us a compelling movie that’s light hearted enough we don’t really realise the tragic elements of the movie- which is how marvel wanted it, I’m guessing since they had such a rousing success with Iron Man. 
Bouncing off that, if Iron Man hadn’t been so successful, I bet anything Thor 1 would have been much darker and much better than what it already is. But people loved Tony Stark (who I’m not so keen on. He’s not my favourite), meaning all films afterwards had to follow in his comedic footsteps. 
I digress. Let’s focus on Thor. For Thor, his life is essentially a simple redemption arc. He’s flawed, he’s arrogant, he’s ready to fall and he does so. Literally. While on earth he learns the error of his ways and manages to overcome his original horrible traits in order to become the hero of the piece. We may not have liked Thor in the beginning, but we do by the end. He’s earned his happy ending and the rewards that come with that.
Loki, on the other hand, is a tragedy waiting to happen. He is a tragic hero. In terms of tragedies, a hero usually starts in some sort of low, propelled to a high which inevitably leads to some sort of horrific end- usually death. All of which Loki goes through. He starts off a prince, the second born prince too. Then he becomes king because Thor is banished to earth, and because of his fatal flaw, his own anger, not even anger, his own fear and hatred of himself, he eventually kills himself by the end of the movie. It’s a classic tragedy and it’s beautiful to watch because Brannagh knows his stuff and he’s able to execute it perfectly.
Also Tom Hiddleston played Loki in that first film amazingly. You can tell he has a Shakespeare background too. Just the ability to understand what’s expected of him, the nuances in character he brings even in the background, it’s great. It really makes you feel for his character, which is what gained him popularity in the first place. 
The point I’m making with all of this is that the character of Loki in the first Thor film is a tragic hero. If they were going to continue with his character they should have bounced off that and explored it even more. A tragic hero can fall as much as you want them to, and since Loki didn’t die at the end of Thor, there was ample opportunity to essentially torture Loki some more. It certainly would have made him a better villain. Avengers was weak, let’s be honest. I enjoy it as a movie, but the writing is weak. The possibilities that could have been explored weren’t, and everything was just a mess. It’s like whoever wrote Avengers hadn’t seen the previous movies, or even read any comics. They just decided hey, let’s make a film with as many jokes as we can squeeze in as possible. 
What’s worse in all of this is that they essentially reduced Thor and Loki to nothing. Actual nothing. These people are meant to be Gods. I don’t care if they’re aliens, because they’re not, they’re Gods, and reducing them to what they are after Thor 1 is cowardly. Also, I hate the idea of infinity stones. It’s just, he’s a God, he has powers and what, he never uses them? Loki’s meant to have practiced magic for over a millennia. Where is this millennia studied magic? Where marvel? Show me? Because I haven’t seen it yet.
Oh, so he can make doubles? Great. What else? He can invade people’s minds? Oh, only in Ragnarok, forget all about that when it comes to his TV show and he’s actually asking his alternate self how she managed to enchant someone when he did something remarkably similar two movies back. 
He’s a freaking shapeshifter! Use it. He knows spells, potions, make him use it, not just fling knives around and rely on stupid rocks when he should have just as much power as one. 
It pains me when I see shows like Legion do a better job of showing a chaotic powerful being better than a multibillion dollar franchise. Legion was amazing and leagues ahead of Loki and we are still not worthy of that first season because wow, honestly, if you haven’t seen it, that’s the kind of power I expect Loki to have, not what they give him in the MCU.
Also Wanda? They did her so dirty. Yet still she’s shown to have more power than Loki.
Also, why, just why, is Loki not more powerful than simple human beings? He’s a giant. He’s been trained by Asgardians. He’s Thor’s brother and playmate and had to suffer being wrestled with for hundreds of years. He went toe to toe with multiple frost giants in that first film and came out fine. Yet suddenly he can’t even fight off a Hulk? the Hulk is enhanced, but he’s not that enhanced. If Loki can defeat Steve Rogers he can defeat the Hulk, I’m sorry, I’m right about this.
The MCU is inconsistent, mostly written for laughs and honestly far different from what it started out as and while I do enjoy their content, I can’t help but worry what they’re going to do with these characters from here on out. They’ve destroyed any chance of Loki being an actual God, which is what he’s supposed to be, and it’s just painful these days to see it when they could do so much better with him.
Speaking of Gods and myths, what kind of bugs me, but I guess I understand, is that they don’t paint anything related to Thor as they should in regards to history or mythology. Thor as a whole too, like the realms and everything pertaining to that. 
I get that they’re trying to in keep with the comics but, I would much rather see a more viking vibe than whatever was going on. Like, Vikings were good farmers and sailors, and if Asgard is advanced then surely there should be more boats around. More farms. Also I did not like the gold, I didn’t care for it on the Einherjar either. It made everything a bit too... bleh. I feel like the Thor movies should have been treat like a LOTR project. A lavish LOTR project. I guess I was expecting like a bougie Vikings (TV show) vibe but still with a fantasy feel. It just didn’t feel fantasy enough for me. 
Also we know Loki’s a fire giant right? Like, we know this collectively as a human race. I didn’t just make this up in my head? Like he’s the God of mischief because fire is a metaphor for loss of control and Loki’s the embodiment of an out of control fire.
Just checking.
Also if you’ve made it to the end, pat yourself on the back. Well done.
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