#why do I care about scones in my medieval fantasy setting? I HAVE scones!
ace-and-ranty · 5 months
Saw a post going around about Legend & Lattes, talking about its genre of origin and how skill progression is a staple of it, but then L&L swaps out "You gained the Extra Cool Murder Skill!" with "You gained scones!" and that's why it's so "painfully boring"
No hate to that post, they're having fun nagging and God knows I have fun nagging, which is why I'm doing this on my own post rather than pooping on their fun, LOL
But I gotta say. I think they're underestimating the existence of a crowd that genuinely prefers scones to the Extra Cool Murder Skill. Have they ever heard of Stardew Valley?.
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timeless - 04
PAIRING: medieval!james “bucky” barnes x reader
WARNINGS: sexual themes (18+) 
A/N: alright children, shield ur eyes on this one. other than that, people over 18, have fun xx
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Y/N wasn’t entirely sure when she had fallen asleep but the grogginess present in her eyes as they opened to the sort of silent chambers where she was standing, still dressed in her gowns from last night. Looking at the clock hanging in the wall standing in front of her she realised she had overslept in a fantastic fashion meaning breakfast was already occurring and she was still dressed in last night’s clothing.
Quickly she got dressed in the first dress she came across, not worrying too much about fixing her hair and powdering her face as she started to run down the halls down towards the dinning area where most people were already happily sat, munching away at the beautiful treats set on the table by the staff. Luckily, everyone seemed to be more interested in a conversation going on which allowed the lady in waiting to sit down next to her princess and Eliza without much attention being called upon her. Odette gave her a warm smile, handing her a plate before happily continuing the chat she was having with her fiancé to be which gave Y/N the chance to yet again get lost in her own mind, eyes randomly wandering around the table, or at least she would tell herself it was randomly as in all honesty all her eyes wanted to settle on were on the Duke. Yet, differently from all other occasions were her gaze had graced him, he wasn’t looking at her or lost in his own mind, he was happily in a conversation with a rather beautifully dressed woman. Y/N had to admit that even her who didn’t give much thought to materialistic possessions, was jealous of how precious her gown and adorning jewels were, almost making her look like a angelic version of the ladies in poets’ and painters’ fantasies.
      - That’s the King’s younger daughter, Princess Rosaline. - Eliza spoke almost with a whisper like quality, noticing how intent Y/N was on the happily speaking pair. - Whenever the Duke is on castle grounds she always comes to make a visit. I guess murder doesn’t scare her. 
      - Eliza. - Odette called out. - Don’t spread rumours around. 
      - You have to admit if there is someone who’s close to becoming Grand Dutchess of Addia it is Rosaline. She’s the only one whom he happily speaks with.
      - It is not our business to comment on the Duke’s choices. - Odette gave her the gaze fit of a queen which made everyone and anyone shut up. Nevertheless, Y/N keep an unnoticeable gaze upon the duo, something she shouldn’t have done as once she looked, Rosaline’s hand was standing on top of his bicep as they chatted away. She felt her a burning feeling climb up her throat and if she didn’t know herself better, she would say she was jealous of the Princess of the Genoa. - Y/N, don’t listen to Eliza. Duke Barnes has never been linked to anyone since the death of his wife.
     - Which he caused. - Eliza added, sipping on her tea. - And that was 5 years ago. Men can’t go 5 years without sticking it somewhere.
     - Language. - Odette widened her eyes, looking around to see if anyone had heard them. - No more gossiping. 
     - Well, they certainly are ... friendly. - Y/N grabbed one of the knifes left of her plate to open the scone in her right hand. However, one shouldn’t try to look at what they’re trying to cut least not harm themselves. Y/N didn’t do that and in a flash of a second the fleshly sharpened knife sliced through the skin of her finger. She hissed as she let go of the knife and the pastry, holding onto her fingers to stop the small bleeding that came from her hand. 
All eyes were on her, specially Duke Barnes who seemed to have been the first to look her way the moment the knife hit the porcelain of her dish. Odette and Eliza turned to look at her too but it was too late as she was already up on her feet, rushing out of the dinning hall filled with embarrassment. First she came in late and then she cut her finger with a small knife. 
    - Y/N! - James went after her, a fast pace that quickly caught up to her. - Are you alright?
   - No, I’m not. I made a complete fool of myself, I disappointed my mother ... it just can’t get any worse can it?
   - Come on, let’s clean that up. - with one arm tightly wrapped around her frame and his free hand clutching the handkerchief he had placed on her bloody hand, he guided the young woman towards one of the many bathrooms of the castle. 
    - Shouldn’t you be with Princess Rosaline? - she whispered, fretting someone would hear her while watching him sit down in front of her and leaning forward. Gently, he pulled her hand towards him, elbows on his knees, each muscle bending and flexing and relaxing , making it look like an hypnosis show if she wasn’t paying attention.
     - She’s a smart woman but that’s where her charms end. - James muttered and she had forgotten that he was done cleaning the open wound until she felt the soft cotton of the bandages wrap around her finger slowly and tenderly as if it was full of love and care. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed and creased with concentration and his strong defined jaw stood tense due to something which Y/N couldn’t put her finger on making her rather anxious, mostly due to Eliza’s gossiping. However all seemed to fly out of the window when she looked at him and how handsome he appeared in the daylight that shun through the window, casting upon his face the perfect colour of the yellow sun which peeked from the cloudy skies which graced Genoa. - If I’m hurting you, please tell me.
His hand moved through her garments, making a ruffling noise as he spread her legs the slightest, moving them apart until V shape was created. With that he slipped his hand under her skirts in search for her untouched and virgin cunt to ram his fingers in, taking his very long time to slither in between her trembling legs as if he were the the snake that tempted Eve thus casting her out out of Paradise, dooming the Earth and it’s inhabitants for the rest of time. Maybe he was dooming her too.
Y/N found herself gasping as if air had been stolen from her lungs once two of his gloved, thick fingers stretched her entrance and pushed beyond it, making her gasp and hold onto the sink behind her with such force she believed she could break the porcelain from her strength alone.
The way he stretched her hurt but it hurt in a sort of way cracking one’s bones feels, slightly discomforting but oh so pleasurable. It’s sinful, however, so divine, and she can’t help but let out a choked whimper, moaning like a common painted lady, as he moves them in and out of her with a thumb rubbing against her clit, making filthy noises as his fingers move in and out of her wet heat underneath her full ruffled skirt.
    - It hurts but, but it hurts so good, milord. - she admitted mid moan, lips quivering. Yet it’s when she open her eyes that she found herself not with his hand under her skirt but with his hand on her jaw, thumb caressing it, and a very worried look on his ruggedly handsome face.
    - Are you alright, milady? You spaced out for a moment, should I call a healer for you?
    - Oh my god ... - she moved away from her, hands gripping her skirt so she wouldn’t fall as she ran away from him and from the bathroom. What was wrong with her? Was she really daydreaming such filthy scenarios with a man she barely knew, a murderer in the eyes of the crowd? No, she had to be sick, delirious even. Nevertheless, she continued to run away to a place she didn’t even know, ignoring the calls of her name coming from him. She kept on with her pace, gaze on the floor, cheeks heated, shame hugging her whole being. Perhaps if she had looked up she wouldn’t have bumped against the last person she would’ve liked to speak with. 
   - Oh my, aren’t we clumsy? - two hands in her arms held her from collapsing as Y/N came face to face with Princess Rosaline. Even she had to admit she was beautiful with her tightly curled jet black hair and tinted lips. - Where are you going in such a hurry?
   - I’m so sorry, your royal Highness but I ...
   - James. - she called out making Y/N mutter a tiny “fuck” under her breathe. She was wrong, of course it can get worse. - There you are, you left so abruptly we wondered if you were feeling sick. 
   - I just went to tend to Lady Y/N. - his stare fell on her but she was much more interested in looking at her shoes rather than him, the memory of ... of what she had just seen in her mind too clear. 
   - Well, you’ve missed the good news. My father is hosting a tournament in my honour. 
    - A tournament? - Y/N was much to interested in the news not to make a question. 
     - You know, a tournament with fencing and other activities. If my memory doesn’t fail me, you’re a big fan aren’t you Bucky? - Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at the nickname. Maybe Eliza was right, maybe they were very close as this was possibly the very first time she had heard someone has high up as the two of them were refer to each other so ... intimately. Yet again, why was she worrying? 
    - I’m afraid my enjoyment of tournaments and other festivities die down each year that passes by. - he seemed uncomfortable, hands behind his back and feet moving almost as if he was trying to escape the conversation. - Besides, I am not one to win those affairs.
    - Nonsense. Lady Y/N you might not know but Lord Barnes is an expert swordsmen. Aided in the war efforts of Genoa and all. You must participate.
    - If it would make you happy, milady. 
    - Wonderful. 
tag list: @lookiamtrying​​​​ @kmuir1​​​​ @anxiousdreamersworld​​​​ @tinymalscoffee​​​​ @navegandoaciegas​​​ @cinnabanuxoxo
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