#why give authority to those that have repeatedly shown they are unfit and unqualified for it?
hadesoftheladies · 10 months
"we need more men in--"
no. no we do not. we do not need more fathers, we do not need more men in healthcare, we do not need more men in universities, or boys in school or whatever
we do not need more men PERIOD
what we actually need is more women in all these fields getting paid their fucking dues
the less men there are, the less war, the less violence, the less terrorism, the less economic collapses, the more we have a chance at fixing these worldwide catastrophes and healing the earth (this has the entirety of human history's worth of documented and observable evidence)
women and girls are not only healing society but the earth; the fact that boys and men hate that school is no longer boy's club, the fact that they have made themselves useless if not destructive without their precious fabricated masculinity, the fact that they keep expecting a parade in their name for doing the barest of minimums isn't our problem, it isn't a human crisis, it is a crisis of the male identity
no one needs to resuscitate it; let it die a natural, deserved, overdue death
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