#why i cant see the world in colors other than monochrome
yunwnya · 3 months
when this cycle finally ends
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
Plumed audits wiggle with evident amusement whilst Kinnara cradles her visage into the warmth of her palms ; she has always enjoyed the self - gratifying sensation that came from teaching the basic notions of her celestial music to those willing to listen and seeing how fast her new "student" was learning every single technique and every single movement literally filled her heart with immeasurable glee. ❛ This is good, really good! You will be able to play on your own very soon. ❜ A pause, head slightly canting to one side. ❛ I hope I'm not prying too much, but... Is there someone you think about while you play or sing? ❜ (for obey me!zarina 👀)
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Music is a balm for the soul, a delightful soothing hobby that continues to help one remain the present, remain human, be here. The music makes life become just a bit more beautiful. Maybe not people,  but the landscapes and the art has always been delightful to look at. As much as the cynic within her lived and bloomed in monochrome colors, her enjoyment of others things within the world were not duller and not worse off. The studying given by the angelic beauty would be taken with appreciation, even if she did not trust anyone who seemed so holy and good. Simeon and Raphael were those who she did not trust as much solely because they seemed far faker than the demons who were presenting the sins that in the Bible were told to make Adam and Eve fall off from God's grace. The fruit of knowledge consumed and the punishment to Eve was granted… Since then, religion would deem so many women witches, seductresses, evil if they do not obey. It sickens her, but she would continue the lessons while thinking about those who truly matter: her family. Perhaps, celestial music might be a fun one for them to hear and indulge in if they wish for it. Music was music, its divine quality had never disappeared, but it was a new skill that she was grasping onto quite fast. Studying and learning were her forte, easy to grasp and adapt. The ‘genius’ title for the twins wasn’t just for show and spoken out of spoiled nature.  
Kinnara’s glow of excitement isn’t ignored, but it’s carefully set away to not mess with the concentration. As much as she feels proud to learn such delicate songs and techniques, one must not held their nose too high or they will eventually set themselves for downfall. This is why they said pride was the downfall of Lucifer. Pride always sets others on the path of downfall, be it short path or a long path, but downfall would eventually come. It makes sense, but Kinnara makes it seem like learning such melodies is far more than just a teacher being happy with a student. It seems that these techniques and songs are more intimate to her personality and her soul rather than just a wish to extend the craft. The look in her eyes is gleaming, her smile makes it quite obvious that she is happy because she sees that these skills would continue on one way or another. With such a teacher, learning craft certainly becomes a more enjoyable thing. She always liked artists, they saw the world differently and they were devoting themselves to craft. A beautiful and pristine path, not many would be able to follow it through but those who could were worthy of respect and praise. 
That is why she decided to answer the question with honesty while continuing to try to create new melodies. 
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“ My family, ” she responds rather shortly but with a small, soft smile on her face. “ My brothers, my mother, my father, my grandparents. All of them, I miss dearly. They are the sole reason I even stepped onto the path I am on now, the reason I am doing my best to survive here is to see them again. ” 
But still, her pride did not allow her to beg to go home. It would show weakness; thus, she would be resilient and adaptable. Perhaps, Kinnara would understand the longing for family. Or maybe not. She didn’t know the other too well yet. 
“ What about you? What do you think about when you play these songs? Judging by your words, your teaching, and your expressions, it must be something close to your heart, too. ”
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peachy-beomie · 3 years
Yellow <TAEGYU>
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Genre: Light Angst
Pairings: Taegyu (Kang Taehyun x Choi Beomgyu)
Word Count: 1,829
Warnings: None!
Synopsis: In a world where you cant see color until you meet your soulmate, Kang Taehyun lives his life in monochrome. He’s never experienced color. But one particular boy makes him realize that maybe color isn’t all about what you see.
A/N: This is one of my FAVORITE ideas I’ve ever come up with. It was intended to be much longer but I struggled to write the whole thing and this actually turned out really good! I might write a second part so maybe be on the lookout for that 👀
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29409198
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Taehyun’s POV
People tend to take for granted that which they have no fear of losing. Things so constant and ordinary in life, like hope and freedom. But some people are not blessed with the luxuries of consistency, and even those who are can learn just how quickly things can be ripped away. In this world of soulmates and colorless lives, people learn very quickly to cherish what they have.
Color, a word which here means: varying pigments and shades; is a concept unknown to me, as it is to many others. Everyone has a soulmate, our ‘perfect match’ or ‘other half’, the person who will complete us. It’s said that when you and your soulmate first lock eyes, the world explodes with colors, vibrant and dazzling. My parents used to tell me stories of blazing sunsets that would leave them breathless, and of endless fields filled to the brim with flowers who’s hues outmatch the very sun. They talked on and on about colors, and they’d always tell me: “One day, you’ll see them too, with someone you’ll love more than life itself.” 
As a kid, I’d dream of meeting the person who’d make my world come alive with countless tones and hues. But as I grew up, I began to worry less about finding my soulmate, though I never stopped dreaming of a world beyond the monochrome I’m all too familiar with. 
And as I’m sitting at my desk at 3 am, nose buried deep in the history texts I’m memorizing, color, soulmates, and all their mystery are the last thing on my mind. 
Nonetheless, my thoughts are interrupted by the pale white light of my screen revealing a text from Choi Beomgyu, my best friend.
3:48 a.m.
gyu the annoying hyung
are you awake?
i can’t sleep
gyu the annoying hyung
just thinking too much. you?
homework. are you ok?
gyu the annoying hyung
it’s nothin hyunnie-bunny don’t worry your pretty lil head about it :)
Ignoring the slight flutter of my stomach at the nickname (and the fact he called me pretty), I continue to mull over Beomgyu’s texts. Despite his protests, I can’t help but worry a little bit. Beomgyu is the least sad person I’ve ever met, always full of ear splitting grins and melodious giggles. It’s what makes him so endearing. The warmth of his smile, and the brightness in his eyes, it’s unmatched in its beauty and splendor. I have never met anyone as refreshingly themself. Beomgyu lives as though he has nothing to hide, and no shame to carry.
you cannot stop me, i will worry if i want to.
gyu the annoying hyung
well if you’re going to worry anyway, can you at least come over?
I can practically see Beomgyu’s pouty face and puppy eyes through the screen. I sigh almost defeatedly, knowing instantly I’ll never be able to say no to the charming boy.
you’re lucky we’re friends
gyu the annoying hyung
love you toooooo <3
I groan lightly as I grab my coat and exit the building. It’s not like his apartment is too far away, only about a 10-minute walk from my own. I quite enjoy the serenity of the streets at 4 am. It’s quiet, save the soft bustling of stray cars, the cool air wafts towards me in light bursts. I take in the city and all its wonders, giving into the quiet mystery.
It should be odd that I gave into Beomgyu’s requests so easily, but truthfully this is just habitual at this point. Even though we’ve only known each other a couple months, we’ve fallen into an easy routine. Friendship with Beomgyu is just that: easy. He makes me feel comfortable
My phone buzzes sharply in my pocket.
gyu the annoying hyung
hurry uppppp >:(
I giggle quietly at his impatience but quicken my pace all the same.
Upon arriving at Beomgyu’s door I only get to knock once before Beomgyu appears before me, grabs my hand, and walks pointedly out the door with me in tow.
“Beomgyu wha-” I try to ask as I’m dragged to the stairs. I’m met with no answer .as we trudge up the narrow stairway to the roof. As we burst through the door, the crisp night air envelops us. Beomgyu calmly walks towards a desolate corner of the wide expanse of roof and motions for me to follow.
“Come stargaze with me,” he says as he lays down to look at the sky. I take my place beside him and stare at the stars. I’ve never been good at astrology but I can spot a few constellations. Andromeda, Orion, and Cassiopeia smile down at me from their perch up in the boundless night. It’s calming, finding the constellations. Knowing each star has a purpose, instead of just being placed in the sky at random. I imagine I’m one of those stars, lost in the infinite infinity of space. I think about how I too will find my constellation, my purpose, my home, and I’m placated by this knowledge. 
Beomgyu and I sit like this for what feels like hours, comfortably silent; aware of each other’s presence without really acknowledging it. This is one of the best things about Beomgyu and me: though we talk consistently, we don’t need to say or do anything to feel comfortable with each other. 
Beomgyu is the first to break our silence. 
“The stars remind me a lot of my soulmate.” I turn my head sharply to face him, ignoring the way my stomach sinks at this news.
“You’ve found your soulmate?” Beomgyu nods quietly.
“Yeah, a long time ago. His name was Zhong Chenle. He loved astronomy and he’d always make me come out to view the stars with him,” Beomgyu smiles slightly at the memory. “I met him when we were kids. He was so bright and energetic, he used to bounce around a lot because he just couldn’t sit still. He made the whole world seem less dull. Not only because I could see colors, but his existence simply made me happier. He was like the sun in my universe. But then-” Beomgyu hesitates, tears falling silently from dejected eyes onto tanned cheeks. I grab his hand and give it a light squeeze, trying my best to let him know that I’m here and it’s okay. He stutters a bit before continuing, “It didn’t happen all at once, but the colors just began fading. First the yellows, then reds, each one dissipated until I was only left with black and white. I tried calling his house for hours but got no response. Finally, his mom called me, in tears, saying that he and his father had been in a car accident. His father sustained a lot of injuries, but Chenle died before they even arrived at the hospital.” Tears are now streaming down Beomgyu’s cheeks. He closes his eyes tightly as if it’s all too much. My thumb rubs soothing circles on the back of his hand.
“The worst part,” he says suddenly. “...is that later I realized his favorite colors were the first to go, as if his soul had died before his body even gave out.” Beomgyu looks at me, and my heart just breaks. He looks so empty. I open my arms for him and he all but jumps into them, burying his head in my chest. I feel his tears soaking through the fabric.
The quiet returns after that, but this time it’s far less comfortable. I try my best to comfort Beomgyu as he sobs into my chest. I feel each light gasp he takes as he struggles for air. His body shakes like a leaf and his fists curl tightly in the fabric of my black sweater.
I eventually hear his breathing steady and I pull away to look at his face. His cheeks shine from leftover tears, but his eyes shine brightly in the dim starlight. A strange warm feeling nestles itself in my chest, and I find myself at a complete loss for words. 
Beomgyu pulls away and returns his gaze to the stars. My mouth opens and closes like a fish as I continue to struggle for words.
“I’m sorry.” I blurt out because it seems like the only fitting thing to say. Beomgyu smiles at me, though it doesn’t quite reach his eyes like it usually does.
“It’s okay. I miss him, and I’ll always love him, but I have you now. You make life brighter, despite the greys and blacks. You make me happier than you could ever know.” I look down, hoping he won’t notice the blush on my cheeks.
“You do the same for me you know,” I meet his eyes. “You make me happy too. I’ve never met someone who can make me laugh like you can.” He smiles again, a little wider this time, and it makes my heart flutter.
“Do you miss seeing color?” I ask suddenly.
Beomgyu shakes his head almost immediately. “Not really. Colors were cool and all, but they’re just superficial. I think the world can be beautiful in black and white, you just need to look for the hidden wonder.”
“Did you have a favorite?” Beomgyu chuckles.
“Yellow,” He states simply. But noticing my confusion. “It’s a lighter color, the color of the sun actually. But to me, it means warmth and safety. Yellow is like laughter and smiles with friends or a happy ending. Yellow is simply: happiness and light.” 
I spend the rest of the night pondering Beomgyu’s words. They resonate within me as we return to our comfortable silence. They continue to fill my brain even as I hug Beomgyu goodbye at 5 am, they remain while I walk home, and they’re still bouncing around in my head as I climb into bed back at my apartment.
I’m still thinking them over when I hear my phone buzz on my bedside table.
gyu the annoying hyung
thank you for being here with me. you’re truly a blessing kim taehyun, i hope you know that.
That simply text ignites a new and unfamiliar feeling in my body, one I couldn’t begin to describe. It starts in my toes and gradually moves up until each part of my body is engrossed with this strange new sensation. It wraps my bones in warmth and slithers it’s way into my stomach making butterflies erupt inside of me. It continues to my heart making it beat slightly faster in the best way possible. It fills my lungs with air much fresher than any I’ve ever inhaled. When it finally reaches the top of my head, my body is relishing in this amazing feeling. My senses are alive with wonder and lust and I just keep wanting more and more and more and more. I try and try to think of what this feeling is but all I can think of is: yellow.
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The only taegyu pic ever 😌✨
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