#why is my autism tied to my libido this way.
here-kittykitty · 1 year
okay kinda tmi warning for under the cut (periods and Lux horny whining)
im on my period and i get really REALLY fucking horny on my periods but also I (autistic) actually hate touching bodily fluids that arent cum or blood lmao so I cant touch myself rn and I (autistic) hate touching myself in the bath/shower and I (paranoid) can't wear tampons so I'm stuck rubbing myself through this stupid fucking pad and everything hurts but it hurts less when i cum but i CANT because i cant TOUCH MYSELF PROPERLY and HEY TURNS OUT EDGING ISNT FUN WHEN YOURE ACTUALLY BITING YOUR PILLOW FROM FRUSTRATION.
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gayhenrycreel · 7 days
amatonormativity can only be defeated if society learns that people can have different needs.
most people need sex. i need sex to stay mentally healthy, but not everyone is the same. i also need gluten, but some people get really sick from it. a lot of people need romantic love for emotional fulfillment, which i will never understand and find very strange, but thats okay, because people are different.
ableism is also tied into this. i need things to be explained very clearly, often multiple times, otherwise i dont understand. sometimes im literally unable to process sound enough to understand what people are saying. most people dont need basic sentences explained multiple times to understand, so i have a need that others dont have.
a lot of amatonormativity is similar to ableism. i theorize this is because society views both lack of attraction and disability as biological inferiorities that need "curing". this is why historical queerphobia is extremely ableist. electro conversion therapy is exactly the same thing one of my dead relatives suffered for being mentally ill (note that this form of... well, torture, literally cooks brain cells, eventually having similar effects as a lobotomy).
intersex people are often forced on hrt that makes them sick, because perisex society believes that "normalcy" is what people need.
ive heard of asexuals being forced on libido meds because asexuality is assumed to be a medical condition.
all of these are forms of conversion therapy (if your country has not banned igm, conversion therapy is still legal, sorry).
again with the inherent ableism, i used to have problems with anxiety induced meltdowns, and my psychiatrist assumed it was because of my already treated adhd. he forced me on ritalin, which i already had a record of it not working for me. my adhd meds that work were taken from me and i had to take whats basically mild meth. for 3 days straight, i had a panic attack. singular. it continued for days without stopping. as soon as this started happening my mum took me off ritaln, against that doctors orders. for a week i had no adhd meds, so i microdosed magic mushrooms and my anxiety (and adhd) caused no problems for that whole week.
all of these are medical assumptions, assumptions that a non existent problem needs curing. my adhd was fine. i was treated with a med that had worked since i was 5.
theres a huge similarity between gay men being forced on testosterone to try to make them more masculine, and me being forced on ritalin to treat a medical issue that didn't exist in an attempt to make me normal. (the problem i had was much more about my autism not being accommodated btw).
queerphobia and ableism have been intertwined since western society came up with eugenics.
i dont need to be fixed, i need to be loved instead of treated like a problem. people always think my autism is "worse" when they abuse me, and its just because i cant mask when im scared. it becomes a cycle of me being abused for not masking, and not masking because im scared. in the same way, things like psychosis are made infinitely worse by psych wards. can you imagine having a delusion that the government is hunting you and then actual cops throw you in a cell and drug you? thats reality for many psychotics! it happened to me, and everytime i became more convinced that i was being tracked.
queerness is treated how disabilities are treated, because to the medical system they are the same: disorders, and disorders are inferior.
in both cases people just need to be cared for. we may be totally different, but we have so many similarities in our experiences.
a society that sees us as the same will treat us the same.
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