#why must everything cost money
In my professional opinion everything i want and need should cost little to no money, and the same should apply to my lovely friends and mutuals and their lovely friends and mutuals and so on
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itsays · 5 months
i want to redo my little office space in my room. i deserve a nice office space after working from home in an improv space for 2 years.....
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transgnckon · 8 months
I’m so insane about this damn figure I need it like I need air
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very jealous of stem majors because they don't have to spend two hours trying to find a pdf of some niche book because I'm absolutely not spending money on a book when all I need is one chapter.
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szczek · 1 year
like 3hrs ago i remembered that i have to go to the hospital tomorrow to have my blood taken for the endo visit next week And later go with my dog to the vet to get his shots and i’ve just been sitting stressed here ever since
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rosesvioletshardy · 11 months
i wanna go to more games but i can only go to san jose, anaheim, or la and all the games with my fave teams are either days i work which is bad traveling wise, or important dates when i can’t make it at all :/
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fvkvrodani · 1 year
i need new glasses bc my vision has changed & the ones i have currently are starting to hurt.......... but barely any money...
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butch4maryoliver · 2 months
i have got to make more queer art
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chiefguideandcentre · 11 months
Crazy to me how humans have literally made life so difficult for ourselves for no reason at all. Like why do we have to pay for water monthly when it literally falls from the sky? Why is a super simple one bed, one bath “house” (cheaply made of course) easily between $250k-$400k and someone would have to pay a high monthly payment with a 20% interest rate to have it? Why did we choose these numbers? When did we make prices for food so high, create mortgages, student loans, and car payments? Who created interest rates? Why does my entire future depend on a credit score? A number we ourselves made up. Why did we go the extra mile and decide to tax ourselves? For what purpose? When did we decide that we need to have a certain level of education to succeed and if you don’t have it you are obviously a failure at life. When did we say “yes, this seems good, I want to pay astronomical amounts of money for literally everything and make everything as stressful as possible for no reason at all?” Why do I owe money for having money (taxes)? Why can’t I pay for stuff with rocks? That cat I see sleeping in a warm beam of sunlight (and living a happier life than I) doesn’t have a credit score, it doesn’t have to pay extreme amounts of money for a home, it doesn’t have to pay for water that falls from the sky, it doesn’t have to worry about interest rates, it doesn’t know what the Pythagorean theorem is, it doesn’t have a car payment, a set of tires doesn’t cost it easily $1,000 in one go, it didn’t make applying for a home or a car an exhausting endeavor, it doesn’t have to work 40+ hours a week working on stuff that we made up all for a check that doesn’t even reasonably cover any expenses (that once again we forced on ourselves). So why are we?? Why can’t we help ourselves out and make rent $10 a month? Why can’t a good credit score be a 10 instead of 700-800? Why can’t a mansion be $10,000 instead of a million? Let’s make grocery shopping easier by trading cool rocks and pieces of clay pottery and buttons and other neat things for food. What’s stopping us from doing that? Why did we create the most complicated system? “The entire system would collapse, there would be anarchy, everything would shut down, society would explode!!!” Why?? Over numbers and problems we made up ourselves? It’s all made up!! Why did we make it so hard? We could have made things so easy and have a perfectly workable society. We could have the most bonkers system and could all be schooling life right now if we paid for stuff with pretty things we find in abundance and made houses cost like one pretty vase and a loaf of bread you bought with your cool acorn stash and made cars only cost a packet of tomato seeds with no interest rates in sight, didn’t make the production of goods and supplies so expensive, and if we simply didn’t tax ourselves, and if education/the school system was literally just learning all sorts of things that could help you live a happy, self sufficent, simple, productive life the way you want to live it (if you want to learn about history, languages, how to work on cars, or build robots, or cooking, or music, making pottery, or conducting science experiments, learning about medicine, or playing sports or whatever you could do so) and it wouldn’t cost you your first born child, and if we didn’t have mind numbing jobs trapped in windowless buildings doing things that shouldn’t actually matter or exist but we made them so. Why did we make it so hard??
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ashtonsunshine · 1 year
My laptop is so old and shitty that if I set the quality of a YouTube video to 1080p, it chokes.
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poppythetoppy · 1 year
if I shamelessly asked if anyone would like to spoil me with a steam gift card how bad would that make me f;alkjsdfkj
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interrogatethecat · 26 days
hate college. hate money. why is it like this.
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t4tdanvis · 1 year
You have to pay for gacha club??? I thought it just had microtransactions
on the amazon appstore its like 20 dollars but on everything else its free
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jakemoogle · 1 year
Keen to travel to Melbourne tomorrow but starting to dread the 10 hour train ride there from Sydney
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dcfontaines · 2 years
dudes feeling BAD
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whimsyprinx · 2 years
Someone needs to give me money because I really want skulltimate secrets series 2 draculaura and frankie and clawdeen with all my heart and soul
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