#why must the Garthim wars exist
thanatasia · 3 years
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I haven’t posted my IG questions on here in a while. I have more but I want to draw all the other answers before organizing them into separate posts.
Here we have two very contrasting pieces.
The first is a little story on how Sera and Ortun met and fell for each other. I don’t think I’ve shared a full body piece of them but Ortun is shorter than her. They “kinda” give me Kiliel (Kili x Tauriel) vibes, mostly because of the height difference and being from two very different lifestyles. I was also a huge Hobbit trilogy fan.
Ahhh their meet-cute is so fluffy. I’m a sucker for ship moments where one character could be rambling or telling a story, and the other is just so enamored. Like, they’re listening with the sharpest ears and enjoying the look of their partner glow as they share a story.
The second is Maeve being very angry. Maeve never had super strong positive feelings about the Skeksis but after certain events happen she definitely wants to take revenge like Tavra. I believe out of all my Ocs, Maeve has some of the worst things happen to her. Other characters eventually get a taste of what life is like during the Garthim Wars but I don’t have anything solidified.
Sera is a close second for other reasons prior to the events of AoR. Yeah, Maeve “almost” becomes another Gelfling while she’s processing things. I hate the Garthim Wars.
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fandomsonmysleeve · 5 years
I know many like to constantly rag on Jen from The Dark Crystal (1982) and accuse him for doing nothing to help Thra. I personally am a huge fan of Jen, and don’t agree with these statements. I’m also a huge fan of Kira, she’s a complete badass and I love that they met, and that Kira aided him on his journey to save Thra, but please don’t count Jen out and say he didn’t do anything.
- The biggest thing to consider when it comes to Jen, his character arc, and why he was so confused with everything, is because he literally found out about a life changing prophecy in a matter of a minutes. Not because he was “dumb” and couldn’t figure anything out. His caretaker urSu told him about A crystal shard, the prophecy, a woman named Aughra, and that the story he was originally told about his parents getting killed by Skeksis was more complicated than Jen truly knew, with a few major details left out, like what the purpose of the shard was for, before urSu passed away.
With only bits and pieces of information, Jen had to figure it out step by step. Naturally it would’ve taken some time.
- The series of events had to happen like this, because if Jen found out any more information, or alternatively figured it out all in one sitting, Jen wouldn't have taken the journey he went on and the prophecy wouldn’t have been fulfilled. Jen couldn’t know that, thought, so of course anyone would be feeling confused and stressed. Everything now weighed on his shoulders. He had to go off and save Thra alone (or so he thought.)
- Yes, Jen lost his parents as a childling, just like Kira, but please remember they grew up very differently.
- Jen was raised by The Mystics (The urRu) while Kira was raised by the Podlings. The urRu had to stay safe, hidden from the Skeksis, and remain unharmed until the Third Great Conjunction, when they would set out to the Crystal Chamber where the prophecy could be fulfilled. They had to stay out of danger, and keep everything a secret from Jen until he was at the right age to properly learn/go on his journey. The only thing Jen ever found out was that there were evil creatures called Skeksis, and they killed his parents. urSu told him about a crystal shard, but how was Jen supposed to know what to do with it? He never knew a crystal even existed. Everything sounded like a riddle to him.
- Kira on the other hand found out much about Skeksis, Garthim, The Dark Crystal, etc. thanks to the Podlings, who shared their knowledge on personal experiences with Skeksis and Garthim due to the horrible mistreatment of Podlings as slaves.
- I personally believe Jen and Kira were kept unbeknownst to each other for a reason. I think both The urRu, and Podlings who survived the Garthim Wars knew there were two Gelflings alive, not just the one they were each secretly looking after, but Jen and Kira had to be separated until a certain point so the prophecy could come into fruition.
Jen was born the savior because that’s the way the prophecy always intended it to be.
Kira couldn’t have been the savior, she had to be the driving force.
- After meeting, both Gelflings were shocked and elated to have someone else in Thra just like them. They got attached immediately, and with no questions asked, agreed to help each other. Kira was kind, and shared all the information she knew from the Podlings once Jen mentioned the prophecy. Since Kira learned about the outside world and other creatures of Thra, this worked out in Jen’s favor. Without Kira, Jen wouldn’t have known where to go or who to trust after Aughra. She had to be the one to help guide him through the unknown territory of Thra.
- One of the key moments that deserves mass appreciation is Jen not being fooled by The Chamberlain’s begging.
Jen knew Skeksis were evil, because of what happened to his parents, but he had never met one before. Just because Chamberlain looked scary, or Skeksis did something horrific in the past, not all were evil. Jen had a kind heart and didn’t want to assume all Skeksis were evil (ahem, The Heretic, anyone?) However, this manipulative Skeksis was. Kira’s instincts kicked in and she warned Jen that Chamberlain was tricking him. Jen could’ve easily believed Chamberlain’s cries about wanting to help them and have Skeksis make peace with Gelflings... but he didn’t. Jen knew in his heart Chamberlain wasn’t genuine. A smart move. He wasn’t that naive.
- A scene people often tease Jen about is when he throws the crystal shard. I’d like to mention that he did this action out of frustration. He felt guilty for putting Aughra, Kira, and the Podlings in danger. The poor thing blamed himself, even though he never asked to be the savior. He never realized he’d have to grow up and have to save the world of Thra.
- Despite the pressure, Jen sheer determination carried him through. Throughout the entire film of trials and tribulations, Jen pushed forward, and never gave up. He wasn’t going to let anyone down. He loved the world he lived in, he wanted to avenge his parents so that their deaths wouldn’t be in vain, he wanted to honor urSu... and meeting Kira, another Gelfling, gave him hope and something else to fight for.
- The next day, he got up, and discovered ruins which used to be houses of the old ones. urSu taught him how to read, and in doing so Jen figured out what the prophecy meant. He realized he must make the crystal whole again, with the shard, and it was only meant to be done by Gelfling hand. Jen quickly jumped into action and raced towards the castle with Kira. When Kira was frightened (rightfully so) about going into the Skeksis castle, Jen understood but also knew they had gone too far to give up. It was his turn to motivate her.
- The last thing I’d like to mention is Jen’s heart.
When Kira was captured and getting her essence drained, he yelled and told her to hold on, keep fighting.
Now as far as we know, unless Kira had mentioned how Skeksis drained essence off screen, Jen never knew about this twisted operation. He had no idea what the Skeksis were doing to her (unlike in The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance where this very action is what had the Gelflings rally and vow to take down the Skeksis power). Jen just wanted Kira to be safe.
- When Jen realized Kira had been surrounded by The Skeksis just as he was about to reattach the crystal shard, he got scared for her and tried to reason with them. Kira begged him not to worry and attach the shard, but Jen insisted they let Kira go instead. This wasn’t stupid of him. He would’ve done anything to protect her.
Wouldn’t you do the same for someone you loved?
- As tragic as it was for Jen to see Kira captured, tortured, and then stabbed by The Skeksis, it had to be done. Kira was Jen’s driving force. Her death sent him into a rage. Pushed him to carry out the prophecy. Jen shot his head up, made sure the three suns were aligned, and jammed the shard back into the crystal. The Skeksis ruined his life from the start by killing his parents, and then had the audacity to take the last good thing in his life away from him. Jen was over it.
- While the Mystics arrived at the castle and Skeksis were running around screaming, Jen paid no attention. He didn’t care what happened at that point. All he wanted to do was hold Kira in his arms. He just sat with her and cried, wishing she would come back to life. Jen did what was asked of him, even though again he never asked to be put in the position where he was born to be the savior.
In The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, not only do Rian, Deet, and Brea have each other to lean on, but there are 7 Clans of Gelfling which consisted of family, friends, and allies to love and fight beside each other.
It was different for Jen and Kira. As far as they knew, and we know as of right now, they were the only two surviving Gelfling.
Jen had lost everything, he only had Kira. They needed each other. All he wanted was to live a happy peaceful life. He had missed out on so much while having to stay secluded from all Thra had to offer. He saw a new future with Kira.
- In return for fulfilling the prophecy and saving Thra, thanks to Jen’s courageous and loving heart, his wish came true. The urSkeks were one again, and revived Kira.
Whoever his parents were (perhaps we will find out/already know who they are from Age of Resistance) would’ve been proud. Thra could prosper again. A whole new world awaited Jen and Kira.
My point is, Jen’s journey was full of intensity, loss, heartbreak, new discoveries, friendship, love, and he handled it all brilliantly. He prepared himself to venture out alone to fulfill a prophecy he learned about in just a matter of days, that had been foreseen and set up for him many trine ago. A brave, selfless, kind act. He was intelligent, and did the best he could with the situation he was thrown into.
Right as Jen set off on his journey he said “I’m not ready to go alone,” and then a few seconds later he said “All right, alone then.” Without any further contemplation. That is strength.
Then, almost as if fate had decided, he ended up meeting a Gelfling who changed his world forever, and together Jen and Kira were able to do what their ancestors and parents fought so hard for in the first place. Unity.
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Dark Crystal Age of Resistance ep 9 liveblog
“The Crystal Calls”
Could you construct a crystal call, like a duck lure? Is it something that the Skeksis know in the cockles of their heart or do they just recognize the tone? Could you create a Skeksis lure? I need to know, for science reasons.
Just a stream of thoughts.
Ok so the episode starts off on a good note. Deet is alive. Somehow she and Rian escaped the doom caves. She’s surrounded by family. Clearly everything is going to be good forever.
Rian carried her to safety. It had to happen off-screen because it’d probably look silly in puppets.
Maudra “Fine she says. Fine perhaps she is. But also………………….. Changed.”
And then she starts smashing her walking stick. It was the Dual Glaive all along.
I guess the plot device was the friends we made all along.
“Be careful with this. Its older than I am. And twice as sharp! Hee hee hee” I like you, Maudra.
Dual Glaive looks pretty alright.
Uh oh, Brea gonna get drained. She’s an important character. Surely some contrivance will save her?
Gourmet: “What if the Hunter dies?”
Ornamentalist, who has been apparently been waiting for this forever: “Then I shall accept the somber task of honoring SkekMal’s treasures with a proper display!”
Gourmet: “Ugh, those trophies?”
Ornamentalist: “Anything can be made beautiful!”
Oh, they’re going to call the rest of the Skeksis to the castle! SkekSa and SkekNa I think are new to me and they’re useful in a fight. That’s two whole new pieces of information!
-google- Ohhhh SkekSa is the pirate Skeksis!
And I completely forgot SkekNa is the Slave-master. Although I imagine he has a different role at this point when the slavery was kinda buried under a couple layers of feudalism or whatever.
Huh. Hadn’t even noticed him missing.
SkekUng is the future Garthim-Master. Wonder what he’s called now.
And what of SkekLi? No, seriousli, what of SkekLi?
-google- The Skeksis Satirist? Why isn’t he here already??
Probably got kicked out for making fun of the others too much, huh?
I bet. Because Chamberlain points out that more Skeksis about means more squabbling.
And then the Skeksis immediately turn on him saying that SkekMal’s injuries are his fault. Because Nobody Likes SkekSil.
But, I guess, at least he’s not that fuckin Satirist.
Nice of the Emperor to wait for this conversation to be over before getting to the draining which let Aughra show up.
Also, hi Aughra!
Just kind of strolling in like you own the place, which isn’t technically far off.
The Skeksis tells the sewed-mouth Gruenak to seize her but she has a good retort for that.
“Touch me and Thra will swallow you where you stand” -bap-
Very good.
Aughra says she’s here to pay her respects. Like its a eulogy roast.
“SkekMal was always the most beautiful of you shriveled lot.”
You make the audience feel better about the impending death by making them angry at you. Makes a lot of sense.
She also makes them mad by saying the Hunter is going to die. Unless she helps.
“Gelfling essence cannot restore the Hunter. What you need is essence of Thra itself? And who is Thra, HM?”
Aughra is offering her essence to free the Gelfling locked in the castle.
The Skeksis are like ‘uh can’t we just strap you down and take it?’
Aughra is like ‘nuh uh I have to give it willingly, the crystal won’t take it from me’
And she’s rubbing existentialism in their faces. Everything from Thra returns to Thra when it dies but the Skeksis are not of Thra. What happens to them? The Skeksis tried to find out but couldn’t. Its the same thing that the Chamberlain had a rant about to Rian. The Skeksis are terrified of death because they don’t know what will happen to them. They’ll happily live a vampiric hollow shambling existence just to cling to life.
Vaguely reminded of the Ssi’Ruuk from Star Wars Legends who were also reptile-y and also stole life force and also were afraid of what would happen if they died away from home and uh…. ….. Did Star Wars ripoff the Skeksis and make them dinosaurs? With spaceships?
Slightly less blatant than when Warcraft ripped them off.
Aughra: “Maybe nothing is all that waits for you.”
So she’s emotionally blackmailing them. Sentence one of their own to oblivion or free the Gelflings and let the Hunter drink Aughra.
She also gives them like five seconds to consider it and then is like “WELP I TRIED” and goes to walk off to make them make a decision.
So the Emperor agrees. He tries to get in her face and intimidating about it but I mean, she won this confrontation. 
Brea: “Mother Aughra, please don’t do this! We’re not worth it!”
Aughra: “Of course you are”
Annnnd the Emperor tells the General to make sure that he gets the Gelflings dead before they can leave. Because: spite.
Its the purest motivator. 
I wonder if thats how events stacked up or what.
Aughra: ‘hey brea you have more plot to do get lost’
Oh and no thats not how events stacked up. The truce Rian and Deet made with the Ascendency happened before Tavra!Spider strapped her sisters down. But she had to make it believable because sudden spider revolution wouldn’t help.
So now Tavra is a willing? host of the spider and they’re working together.
“HERE COMES THE GENERAL” Thats not even the right movie you’re quoting!
The General tells the other Skeksis what has happened in the chamber of life and then tells the Collector that they have a job to do.
SkekLach: “Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?”
Hah, mood. 
But the General says it’ll be fun.
SkekLach: “Oh, I doubt that =( ” hah
Chamberlain hearing whats going on: -chamberlain noise-
Oh, Tavra is stuck with spider because they’ve been merged so long that they can’t disentangle their minds. But she’s pretty chill about it. “We want the same things. JUSTICE.”
I’m here for Spider-Tavra.
And then the General and Collector show up surrounding the escaping Gelflings.
Collector, waving around a knife: “You were right, this will be fun!”
Less mood.
Brea complains that Aughra made a deal and General does the Vader “I have altered the deal” but Spider-Tavra blocks him and tells him a thing or two about altering deals.
Like how the arathim’s deal with the Skeksis was for the Caves of Grot and dangit the Skeksis forgot to mention that it was simply infested with the Darkening.
Spider-Tavra: “A poison fly… IS NO GIFT AT ALL!”
And then she stabs him.
Peter Parker would not approve. But I do.
Collector: “The Gelfling must pay!”
Spider-Tavra: “ARATHIM ARISE!”
Arathim Spitter: ‘hiiiiii’ -does a dilophosaurus-
This has been a bad ambush for the Skeksis. They should really invest in some sort of mindless troops that they can have wade into danger for them. Something scary and nigh unstoppable. Like a fleacrab that makes terrifying noises.
Spider-Tavra stays behind while the other Gelflings flee and Brea and Seladon decide not to leave her behind because Sister Solidarity, Finally!
The General is shocked to find that getting stabbed makes you bleed. Guess he was a backline kind of general.
And when Spider-Tavra shows up to finish the job, the General begs for his life.
Spider-Tavra: “We have waited long enough. This is for the Arathim… FOR THE ALL-MAUDRA!”
CHAMBERLAIN WITH THE SAVE! “Leave friend….. Alone!”
General: ‘ugh this fucking guy’
In fairness, he’s expecting Chamberlain saved him just to finish him off himself.
Chamberlain: “Skeksis squabble but are not enemy. Gelfling are enemies.”
And look he saved General some essence to heal him. The last of the remaining essence! How kind of SkekSil!
Oh and its the real stuff! I was expecting it to be the sugar water again. General’s wound actually glows and heals up.
General: “I have misjudged you, Chamberlain!”
Chamberlain: “Hmmmm am used to it”
Wow I was really expecting him to betray the General and was just giving him a hope spot before he did it.
But he hurries him off on some plan that the General will supposedly like. Luckily in time that Brea and Seladon can arrive and whisk off Spider-Tavra.
Meanwhile at the circle of the suns, the Heretic and the Wanderer are watching the Archer slowly die and philosophizing.
Wanderer: “Both halves. Are not long for Thra.”
Heretic, in his inside voice: “I wonder… in the next place… will we be joined once again?”
Wanderer: “Or rent further……………………. Asunder.”
And back to the castle where the Scientist is strapping Aughra into the draining machine.
You know, there was a bit of the movie novelization relevant to this. Where the Scientist mused about how much essence he could get from her. Or at least her eye since the rest of her was sulking in a cage without much energy and her eye kept glaring at him.
Aughra: “Are you proud? To build a machine that will be the death of Aughra?”
Scientist: “Not as proud as Mother Aughra throwing her life away in a desperate bid for redemption”
Wow Scientist, finally someone you can try to dunk on.
Aughra tries to pull the ‘we were friends once’ card and the Scientist may have gone for it if the Emperor was not hovering right over his shoulder.
Scientist: “Another world. Another time.”
Emperor: “Now we shall see how powerful Aughra truly is!”
Aughra: “Oo! Well, spinning chairs now? Isn’t this fancy?”
I wonder if the Scientist refined the designs over the years or whether he stopped bothering when they ran out of Gelflings. The chairs in the movie aren’t nearly so fancy and are without additional things like things that jam into your skull.
Annnnd Aughra is generating no essence. 
Scientist: “I am stupefied, Emperor. She withers away but does not drain.”
Emperor: “Cheat! I gave you your Gelflings, now where is my essence?”
Aughra: “You... are doomed. You and all of your kind. Parasites. Thieves. In the end… you are nothing… but… dust.”
Emperor: “I… will… never… be… dust!”
And then he kicks the Crystal up to eleven because surely he knows how to operate- oh its working.
Essence is coming out of her and going into SkekMal. And he’s responding. I guess the Emperor does know how to operate stuff.
Annnnnnd Aughra exploded. This is really going to fuck up the movie events.
I thought she was safe!
And the Hunter is spasming and screaming so Scientist shuts the machine down.
Annnnnnd the Hunter is dead. Welp.
The Emperor is taking it well. (That’s a lie. He’s having a panic attack. And smashing stuff.)
I guess kicking the machine up to eleven was a mistake. Or maybe trusting Aughra was a mistake? Mistakes were made. But the Emperor didn’t negotiate in good faith anyway.
OH HI KYLAN! I missed you my dude.
He was off trying to rally the Spritons but they told him to fuck off. Maudra Mira is a big Skeksis fan.
For shame. People named Mira should be cool.
Seladon, maybe finally getting it: “Maudra Fara, the gelfling have always been strongest when they’ve stood together. Not apart.”
Maudra Argot: “I know you must take the Dual Glaive, but it made a fine cane! Oh, I’ll miss that cane”
OH SHIT RIGHT the dual glaive is still going on. I keep forgetting that’s a plot point whenever they stop focusing on it. Maybe because it came out of nowhere in the last third of the show and feels like an afterthought.
Even finding it, as hilarious as I found that, was kind of like ‘oh the plot device? Yup it was here all along, you only had to ask.’
Oh right, Dual Glaive. Two parts. They have to find the other half. Maudra Argot left it in Stone-in-the-Wood during the Arathim War.
The battle was lost until a soldier named Ordon took up the Dual Gl- WAIT THAT’S RIAN’S DAD
Its a little late to try to build up the Dual Glaive AND Rian’s dad! Especially as some legendary hero who had a legendary magical sword! And who split it in two so that it would have to be reassembled to use again!
Why did he do that??
Maudra Argot dreamfasts with Rian to show him his dad’s retroactive cool backstory.
And then, since they need to get to Stone-in-the-Wood fast, she trills to call a landstrider.
I approve, verily. I love these funky guys.
Deet: “You can call them?”
Maudra Argot: “I still remember a trick or two from my trine overground.”
And then Rian helps Deet onto the Landstrider. And it lingers on that moment. I reeeeally feel as if something is building between them.
Oh, hey, Stone-in-the-Wood is where the Brea/Tavra/Seladon plot is. The plots are joining back up!
Seladon: “It should have been me! … Aughra told me I was making a terrible mistake but I wouldn’t listen. This is my terrible price to pay, not hers. I’m so sorry for everything.”
Oh so she did finally get it. That’s good.
Spider-Tavra: “I wish you could see each other as I do…. You’re so… beautiful” -dies-
She was too beautiful for this Thra.
Tavra-Spider: ‘welp time to mosey’ -mosies-
Good plot paralleling. Brea and Seladon dealing with their sister’s death and having the rite to return her to Thra at the same time that the Emperor is dealing with the death of the Hunter.
Ritual-Master: “But there is no rite, no ceremony. No Skeksis has died in a thousand trine. Not since… the beginning.”
And then the General comes in and reports that the Arathim have double-crossed the double-crossing Skeksis and sided with the Gelfling.
Collector: “Its a good thing I was there!” -accomplished zero things-
General: “Not all is lost! The Chamberlain has a plan”
Emperor: “I thought you had enough of the Chamberlain’s plans”
General: ‘but he my bff now’
And then the Chamberlain comes in dragging something. And mister i think declaring open war was a mistake Chamberlain now decides that total war wipe out the gelfling no peace while they live is the best option. Oh how the turns have tabled.
He also blames the Gelfling for being too entitled.
Chamberlain: “Loyalty cannot be bought. Has to be built.” So he proposes that they make unstoppable loyal soldiers. Instead of relying on people with wants and needs.
The Scientist thinks he can probably do it but can’t build something out of nothing. So Chamberlain slides in the giant dead arathim he’s been dragging in, just to be extra. “Here is your something.”
So the Garthim (or GIANT ARATHIM) are Frankenstein spiders. Yes. The Scientist is going to weld a couple spider corpses together to make a fleacrabthing.
Not sure how I feel about it being Chamberlain’s plan. 
Chamberlain planned it, General endorsed it, Scientist actually did it, and SkekUng ends up in charge of it?
Of course, I was always unclear how someone uhhhh more brute than brain like Ung was supposed to have been responsible for them to begin with.
I guess Chamberlain is a good idea person and just says things around people who can actually accomplish his pie in the sky. Provided the other Skeksis are listening and not making blah blah blah motions everytime he talks.
Thra is lucky that half of the time, the other Skeksis tune out SkekSil.
And by coming up with a good idea that someone else will accomplish, Chamberlain has earned his place back at the court.
And now? The body?
Emperor: “The Hunter will not be buried. Or burned like some common carcass. The Hunter will be clad in our finest armor and placed in our throne room so that SkekMal might rule by our side… FOREVER!!!”
God. That’s morbid. The other Skeksis seem to be into it. But I’m glad that Skeksis start crumbling when they die later on because that would have gotten macabre fast. A court of the dead.
All your dead friends hanging around and staring. 
Does this mean Scientist has to learn taxidermy now in addition to frankensteining? Doesn’t he have enough to do? Is there any other Skeksis who actually-
Oh. They’re getting together as a group to prep the corpse.
That’s. Something.
Just slapping makeup on Hunter’s dead face.
Ornamentalist: “Life is my paint! Death is my canvas!”
Okay, yes, I should have figured that Ornamentalist would be all over this.
So. They prop up the Hunter. And he looks lifelike. In that he’s a puppet and I don’t think I could tell the difference between him living and dead?
And the Skeksis seem thrilled at having a corpse hanging up forever if it means they don’t have to think about death. And to be honest, they never really talked to the Hunter anyway.
Their relationship is essentially unchanged.
Back to Deet and Rian.
Wow, its funny that the Gelfling like to ride on landstriders. They’re so tall and the Gelflings are so short. Its like using a giraffe as a standard mount.
Oh and geez, I forgot that Rian didn’t know what happened to Stone-in-the-Wood. He doesn’t dwell on it long but I can tell on his puppet emotions how shook he is.
I also forgot about the Crucible! That thing full of swords. Yes, that would be a good place to hide a sword.
BUT HOW WILL HE KNOW WHICH ONE IS THE ½ Dual Glaive?? Maybe he should play flutes at it.
Rian: “Once a battle is done, the warriors of Stone-in-the-Wood place their weapons in the forge in the hope that we’ll never need them again.”
I find that a good philosophy for the Warrior Gelfling Tribe to have.
Geez, that’s just so much sword. And its on fire.
Although Rian can see the other half of the Dual Glaive just peeking in. And he can open it up and reach inside with no problem. That was easy! But we’re on episode 9 so it can’t be too complicated.
The halves glaive sing to each other and Rian and Deet join them together and SUDDENLY ALL FIRE EVERYWHERE TURNS BLUE AND NON BURNY
I know because a Gelfling sticks her hand in the fire and wonderously states “it doesn’t burn!”
You dingus!
Wow this sword really is magic. Its making a lot of sky light pillars, like this is a marvel movie.
The Scroll-Keeper: ‘fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff’ “They’re uniting against us!”
The Crystal apparently has something to add in so it chimes and all the Skeksis run off to the Crystal CHAMBERRRR
HEY the dead Hunter corpse just twitched. Maybe the Skeksis are just really bad at checking life signs…
So apparently the blue fire is fire skype.
I guess not only Firelings can do fire skype.
Apparently the Dual Glaive lets the wielder talk to every Skeksis all at once. Good way to finally get around to uniting the clans against the Skeksis.
Whoops, the Crystal is picking up the signal.
I get why that would happen. Especially if the Dual Glaive was meant to unite Thra.
Rian: ‘hey the skeksis suck lets do a revolution’
So the Crystal picking up the message is kind of bad. Because Rian just told the Gelflings where to meet up for the rebellion.
The Emperor can apparently hijack the fire skype? The security on this blue fire is bad. What is it, Fire Zoom?
Emperor: “Silence! Your pathetic rebellion can only end in ruin!”
Rian: “Then why do you tremble?”
Emperor: “Disrespectful peon! Your lives are but a speck waiting to be swept away! Be assured any Gelfling that stands with you in battle will join you in the grave.”
Rian: “Bring your weapons. Bring your Skeksis. And meet your destiny!”
And apparently stabbing the Crucible with the Dual Glaive is how you turn off the chat.
The Other Skeksis: ‘ugh that fuckin Heretic giving away legendary weapons’
Emperor: “COWARDS! Let the chattel have their toy! Let them think they stand a chance against us! But hear me, Lords of the Crystal, Regents of Thra, all-powerful Skeksis. At dawn, we descend on their pitiful village. We will crush their nascent rebellion before it takes root, grind these defiant Gelfings to dust. Destroy the Dual Glaive and feast upon their essence!”
Pretty good motivational speech, the Emperor. I can see why you’re the Emperor, the Emperor.
I’m sure the Scientist will be fine having to do a rush order on a bunch of frankenstein spiders, a process he’s never done before and still has to figure out. I’m sure they’ll be ready by tomorrow.
Aw Deet and Rian having another moment.
Deet: “Do you think all Gelfling heard you?”
Rian: “Yes. But will they come?”
-Deet puts her hand on Rian’s-
Hope this ends better than the transition between Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker.
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