#why we still singing these lullabies // askbox
moodymisty · 2 months
In one of the Lorgar fanfics you wrote it was mentioned how the reader recently found out she was pregnant with Lorgar’s child… Now why don’t we combine that with the temporary wife steal idea?
The only reason He stopped hurting you was because of the later stages of your pregnancy, He didn’t care for the child, it was just that you were supposed to be brought back (relatively) unharmed. Honestly He was surprised that His son even had the ability to make one in the first place. He especially didn’t care for it after He found out it was going to be a girl (not His offspring, not His problem). Plus, it meant that there was one less problem causing tool child for Him to deal with.
When your nine months are over and your child is born (with the help of the best healthcare in the galaxy. honestly Lorgar should be thankful to Him for providing you with that) the Emperor demands to hold her, to always be around her. He would’ve straight up named her if you didn’t constantly insist that Lorgar wished to be the one to choose it (and you always say it’s what Lorgar wants, because He’ll never take what you want into account).
But still, you can’t object to Him carrying her around the palace, gently holding her tiny form in his arms. He’s The Emperor, He’s her grandfather. He’s allowed to do whatever He wishes, and you’re left with the abysmally low bar of being glad that He decided to let her live. He promises to return you and her to Lorgar (you as agreed upon, and her as an extra gift). You really hope He truly means what He says to you, because you can’t handle seeing Him sing her centuries old lullabies, kissing her tiny forehead and softly cooing at her like He’s her father, like He has any right to act like he could ever be her father.
Emperor Of Mankind unhinged father in law arc when.
this is unhinged, i love it. I also love how when these random plotlines take off all of you guys clearly have super specific headcanons and ideas that you all throw into my askbox and i think it's super cute how we all build off of eachother. I dunno i just had to say i think it's sweet
And you know damn well Emps would hold the fact that he made sure his child was birthed ok over Lorgar, referring to perhaps Lorgar's homeworld's lack of top of the line medical care. He provided that for her, and for that lorgar should thank him.
Also what would hurt of this even worth is if neither or at least Lorgar didn’t know that you were pregnant at the time, and that it's a horrifying surprise for Lorgar when Emps tells him you had his child. Because you know he would take away that sort of intimate moment that Lorgar would find so dear from both of you.
Lorgar is fuming because you had to deal with all that alone, as well as he never got those moments to do what a good husband does for his pregnant wife, he wasn't there say that first hello, meanwhile Emps is just carrying her around not giving a shit.
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kritischetheologie · 2 years
director’s commentary of any part you’d like of sing myself a lullaby, please!! and enjoy your holidays!
I let this linger in my askbox waiting for the muse and the muse put this gifset on my dash.
March 2016, Australia
There’s never been a better way to start a season than a win in Australia [A callback to the 2014 season opener, which was a good race for Nico and a terrible night for brocedes. The longer the Silver War goes on, the more Nico's focus ends up entirely on racing.]. Nico doesn’t let it get to him [a statement that is always false by nature of having been said, up there with "doesn't let himself think about" on the top Lies To Tell Yourself of all time.] that when Lewis and Sebastian mock him before the podium ceremony, Sebastian miming throwing his Pirelli cap at Lewis and Lewis cowering in simulated fear [I could never get this sentence right and apparently edited it so many damn times it ended up un-grammatical. fuck, lmao. anyway I think the problem here was that I was trying to do justice to one of the sewis moments of all time from Nico's pov which was just HARD. one of the weaknesses of this story overall, I think, is the frequency with which things happen Because They Really Happened And Are Iconic rather than Because It Makes Sense in Plot and Character in This Moment. If I ever do a serious re-write of the fic, those fandom darlings are the first against the wall.] Let them play their stupid alpha games. He’s the one on the top step today, and as they play the German national hymn [usually I don't fuck around much with language in people's interior monologue-- they're thinking in a language they're fluent in, you know?-- but I consistently used the false cognate "national hymn" instead of "national anthem" in nico's interior narration as a way of gesturing towards the fact that he's thinking in German that won't be particularly alienating to english-language readers.] in his honor, he vows that this time, he won’t let the season slip away from him.
Sky Sports has Mark Webber doing the podium interviews, and half of Sebastian’s champagne bottle ends up getting dumped over his head, the older alpha throwing back his head like a happy dog [:pleading_face:] and soaking it in as he lets Seb ruin a perfectly nice suit. [Nico is such a little bitch, but there's also a whole thing here of resenting people who are happier than you, etc.]
It’s the type of shit Sebastian would never be able to get away with if he weren’t an alpha [this is one of those moments where Nico's bitterness about sexism blinds him to the difficulties of homophobia, basically. he's frustrated about the way he can't avoid being seen as a sex object--by jenson, by michael, maybe even by lewis, he worries-- but the reason seb is able to flirt without getting caught is because of how stigmatized an alpha4alpha relationship is, especially in the motorsport. nico learning that seb doesn't have it easier, just differently hard, is one of his most important growth arcs in this fic.], but he is, so Nico is sure the captions on the photos will talk about former teammates reunited and fences mended instead of third place finisher desperate to get railed tonight. [nico's own internalized omegaphobia looping back around to manifest as shaming seb for wanting to get fucked, etc. anyway don't quote me on this but i'm pretty sure I... never actually answered the question of "who tops in the martian relationship"... ANYWAY]
(Then again, if Mark’s sheepish smile is anything to go by, desperate to get can be bumped up to definitely getting.) [I didn't flesh out too much of the specific timeline of the Martian relationship, which is literally why I am writing this director's commentary. the last we heard from martian, in this timeline, Hanna was pregnant again and Mark wasn't speaking to Seb. This is a silly, cheery podium, but also an extremely pivotal moment in their relationship. it's not smooth sailing from here-- seb is still going to get married in 2019-- but it's a rekindling that marks the end of mark trying to put space between himself and seb. not to put on my Analyzing Body Language hat here but since I literally wrote and described the body language I get to do it... mark's entire body language here is one giant submission gesture. he's giving up fighting against his connection to seb, even if it hurts (seb is seriously partnered! seb has children! etc). from now on, mark is all-in, in whatever way seb will have him, which we see in the last chapter when he even goes to seb and hanna's wedding. and that utterly devoted self-sacrifice, that willingness to be anything and everything that seb will let him be, no matter how much it hurts, is the biggest difference between mark and hanna, who we meet secondhand in the moment she has finally made the great ultimatum and forced seb to choose.]
But Nico won today, so he answers Mark’s questions cheerfully, and Lewis answers them dourly, before it’s Sebastian’s turn with the microphone.
Nico tries to recall the last time he saw them interact. He knows that Seb’s wife had another kid a few months back—Jenson had been right about that, like he always is about paddock gossip [Jenson literally just exists to deliver exposition in the sleaziest way possible]—but that doesn’t seem to have put a damper on Seb’s feelings for Mark. His face is lit up with the widest smile Nico has ever seen, cow-eyed like an omega in heat as he flirts, [again, the Who Tops question is way over Nico's head. see what I said above about Mark's body language. anyway the language used here is very nico's internalized-omegaphobia-to-homophobia pipeline strikes again etc.] inviting Mark to drink more of his champagne and bringing up some stupid inside joke that’s only barely not an innuendo. [sebastian vettel voice: when YOU get drunk you start singing summer of SIXty-NINE]
Nico just smiles. Sebastian can have his fun. Nico has the rest of the season ahead of him, has carried over his winning streak from the end of last season [extremely ham-fisted exposition but let's just all take a moment to appreciate the seven-race win streak Nico Rosberg went on between the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016], and doesn’t need to get knotted to feel like he’s celebrating. [again: not to keep beating this drum, but Nico is so drenched in self-loathing, has convinced himself that his being an omega is the problem, is abusing his heat suppressants... he's doing everything he can to neutralize that side of himself.] There’s no one’s shoes he’d rather be in than his own. [he said, lying to himself like a lying liar who lies.]
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thezomblr-blog1 · 6 years
💋 + kissing and biting that patch of exposed flesh on Brian's neck
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Been a bit too long since I’ve written some shameless smut on this blog. Luckily I had the perfect prompt from forever ago just sitting in my ask box ♥
They were on the couch – Brian inDamien’s lap with his legs bare and held spread open while theyquivered with want. The ghoul’s toes curled as he hooked hisfeet around Damien’s ankles and squirmed helplessly in the devil’slap with a desperate whine. The kind of sound that surprised himevery time when Damien managed to pull it out of him. It was sofucking foreign to him.
Yet, here they were.  
Brian breathlessly panting out hisneed. Stress melting from his shoulders as he gave into the waves ofpleasure taking hold of his body. Already coming undone thanks to thesweet torture the devil was putting him through. It was a struggle tokeep his legs spread the way his lover wanted them but didn’t want tofind out how he’d be left if he didn’t.
All he could think about was how badlyhe needed that mind numbing release.
Brian’s cock throbbed painfully –standing fully erect and weeping in the open air for attention itwasn’t receiving. Just the feeling of pre dripping down his lengthwas driving him crazy. His blunt nails digging into the couchso he didn’t try touching himself or Damien again. Anotherrule to follow if he’d wanted to be touched again this centuryevening. The AP Torture class must have put ideas into Damien’s headbecause normally he didn’t drag out the teasing this long. Orwas it that Brian was the impatient one this time? Had it really beenthat long? It’s felt like hours – time didn’t have any damnmeaning anymore. His brain felt like it was fucking melting from thepressure building up in his core.
All thanks to one damnable spot.
A spot that the demon had become alltoo acquainted with. The TV show they’d been watching togetherforgotten, Damien was far more occupied with burying his face intothe back of Brian’s neck. His lips attacking a very specific andparticularly sensitive patch of skin with burning kisses and deepbites. Currently, he was lazily flicking his tongue over the raw,bloodied flesh in taunting, irregular intervals. Clearly savouringeach needy whimper, gasp and shudder he could pull out of the ghoulas he turned to putty.
“Fuck, Rotface. You’re such aslut.” the sound of a chuckle was pressed into his skin, as hisforked tongue ran across seared flesh. The devil had him right wherehe wanted him and he knew it, “Haven’t even touched you yet andyou’re ready to burst.”
A moan and a series of heady pants wasall Damien received in response as red hands started to rub and rollBrian’s nipples in between his fingers. Damien’s lips leave morebrands in their wake as he sucks and licks the blackened bloodpooling at the nasty wound he was making. The sweeps of his forkedtongue relentless like he knew the stimulation was slowly waking upevery nerve in his numbed body and setting it on fire.It was getting hard for Brian to feel like he was dragging enoughoxygen into his lungs like this. He wasn’t sure how much more hecould take without going insane.
But that’s just what his lover wantedwasn’t it?  
“Goddammit, Dames!” Brian pantedout, his statement punctuated with the writhing of his hips, “Justfuckin’ do it already.”
“That’s how you’re gonna ask nice?”he could feel the sneer against his skin, could picture thosepredatory eyes glowing like wicked embers, “Forgotten what you arealready, huh? Too bad – Mrrh.. Now you got to work for it.”
The spade-tipped tail slithered overBrian’s hipbone the tip of it flicking just under the ghoul’s navelprompting a snicker when his body reacted with a twitch paired withthe hitching of his breath. The devil was playing him like a damnfiddle. Gods, he wanted it. No he needed it. Briangroaned when the tail finally coiled at the base of his cock and allalong his length. He quivered against Damien’s chest trying hishardest not to just start fucking the coils with all the  fervour hecould muster.  
The ghoul was holding his breath inanticipation – just waiting for the tail to grant him thatglorious friction that would finally grant him release. One ofDamien’s hand came up to grip tightly, possessively at Brian’sthroat – threatening to cut off what little oxygen he had left andheld him in place. He thought this was it – only for a desperatewhine, boarding on a sob to be pulled out of him when the coils ofDamien’s tail instead tightened. Denying Brian any hope of release –only for the tail tip to cruelly rub at the weeping cock head.
“Aah– shiiit… Dames.C'mon– fuckfuckfuck…”
“You want to cum?” Sharp teethteased the shell of his ear, tone barely above a snarl, “then tellme you’re a filthy slut.”
Drool was leaking from the hole in hismouth, his whole body melting against the heat against his back thatDamien provided. Brian leaned his head back to rest on Damien’sshoulder eyes pressed closed and mouth agape while the demon prince’sclaws dug into his fully exposed throat that was rewarded withanother moan. His own face heated with shame. The humiliation onlyadding to the intensity of his desire. There was no resistanceanymore – Damien had broken it again as Brian submitted himself tothe pleasure that only the devil could provide.
“…I’m a filthy slut.”
The sentiment even sounded genuine. Inthat moment he felt like if all his life amounted to was beingDamien’s cumdump he’d be more than okay with that. If he had to havethis feeling of pure bliss extend forever he’d fucking happy. Therewas nothing else in his brain anymore. Empty save for the need to befucked into oblivion by his lover.
“Whose filthy slut?”
Damien’s free hand had slipping frommolesting Brian’s chest to replace his tail at his tip. A single claw teasing him by swirling around the slit and occasionally dippinginto it the slightest amount.
“Yours– haa..haa– I’m yours..”
“Sorry? I said whose filthyslut?”
The pleased growl at his ear was hisonly warning before Damien’s tail starting unravelling from him andhis hand started to pump at him lazily. Just enough to edge him tothe point of insanity.
“I’m your filthy slut,” Hewas reaching his peak. Tone breathless and desperate, “I’m Damien’sfilthy fuckin’ slut!! …Aah–!! PleasePlease.. ha–Dames…please..”
“Damn right you are.”
Without another word Damien, started tojack him off in earnest with long hard strokes in rapid succession.Brian cracked his eyes open as he panted and moan loudly to catch aglimpse of the devil now leaning his face over his shoulder with alewd sneer to admire the view of Brian loosing himself completely.
Not that it took long for his cock tostart shooting off its load into Damien’s hand. Brian’s whole bodytwitching in release as he came so hard he thought for a moment heforgot how to breath, or how to keep his heart beating. There wasnothing but black and white spots dotting his blurred vision as hemade a mess of his stomach and Damien’s hand.
The devil leaned back again, rollinghis hips up once against the ghoul in his lap while he lifted hissoiled hand in front of those hazy silver eyes. Smearing the thick,dripping fluid between his fingers to show off the mess beforewhispering harshly,
“Clean it.”
He didn’t even hesitate. Entirely lustdriven and not coming down from the submissive high Damien had givenhim – like the most potent drug – there was no thinking involved.Just doing. Damien was holding his hand in such a way that Brian hadto lean forward to greedily lick himself off the devil’s palm. Onlyprompting a chuckle from the prince at the other’s eagerness to obeyas he other hand went right to groping the green ass in his lap.
Brian was utterly transfixed by suckingoff the devil’s clawed finger tips that he didn’t notice the tensingof the other. Damien was starting to grind himself between the cleftin the ghoul’s ass when he withdrew his hand from Brian’s lips. Brianonly had enough time to look over his shoulder before he was shovedroughly off Damien’s lap and onto all fours on the floor with thedevil leering down at him.
Oh, this was far from over.
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supergenial · 5 years
[Translation and Lyrics] 蒼月オラトリオ by Ariabl’eyeS
The last song in the album and damn dude, what the fuck, how is it not on youtube? This vid is the more recent ballad version which is still cool but what the hell, this song’s a classic, what a travesty. Usually when it comes up in my car I’m flabbergasted at the sheer longitude of the intro, which is actually only about 50 seconds but while driving that’s like, a whole year or so. TURNS OUT it’s so long because the beta/original version of the song there’s a poem in that part and just, what the hell, why remove it, it’s not a bad instrumental intro or anything but are you hearing this stuff? Why leave it out. As for my comments on that version, it’s pretty damn cool. Even though it’s only Luna she pulls her weight entirely and having two versions for stuff you like is always cool, unless the only difference is whether you can get Arcanine or Ninetails, fuck you game freak, what the hell.
Almost forgot to rate the album. Unironically a strong 9, maybe 10 if calendula grows on me a bit more, it’ just really damn solid all around. After reimei sinfonia I thought my addiction was getting better but it was just going through a hiccup. By the time this post goes up they should’ve also released a whole new album, and get this: this time they have a male singer joining them for the first time, now that’s hype. I won’t comment on the crossfade, just really, really hope they upload the booklet along with the album or else I’ll be waiting for lyrics until I get it on the mail which could very well be ages. Anyway, hope the anon from that day sees these posts and see you all next time.
You know. Since gesshoku oratorio has the exact same lyrics except for the intro, I might as well just throw that intro here so the post works for both songs, let’s do that
蒼月オラトリオ (sougetsu oratorio, Pale-Moon Oratorio)
月蝕オラトリオ(gesshoku oratorio, Oratorio of the Eclipse)
lyrics: luna compose: lyse vocal: luna, rena
(minamo wo naida yurameita chikai no oratorio tsuioku wo kakiatsume sora ni watasu keredo yume no naka ni maiorita gensou no omokage keshisame nai watashi wa ai no... shirabe wo kanadete)
(the calm water wavers faced with the pledge of this oratorio which tells of my recorded memories and carries them across the sky but amidst my dream I am visited by the traces of a mirage that will not leave me alone making me sing a lullaby... for love)
tsuki no kyuu wo se ni ukete kaze wo naderu katarenai urei dake tsunorase nemuru
the moon's shrine is hit by the wind of an unspeakable sorrow violently waking up from it's slumber
aoi kami wo nabikasete anata wa warau yozora wo aoi de wa hoshikuzu ni te wo nobasu
with your blue hair fluttering in the wind as you laugh contemplating the night sky reaching out to the stardust
ah... meguru rasen wa tsumugareru sadame mamorubeki ai no tame utau no
the circling spiral entwines this (tragic) fate singing for the love of that which has to be protected
omoi wa sekai wo koete kagayaku asu wo mukaete shijima no yamiyo ni hibiku kane no ne wo mune ni
these feelings will reach through the planet taking back the sparkling tomorrow quietly resonating in the darkness is the beating in my chest
todokete watashi no koe wo anata ni seiza no uta wo tsukiyo ni yorisou hana ni na wo sakaseru you ni
let my voice reach whatever constellation you might be in in this moonlit night get close to a flower and watch as it blooms
utsukushiki hikari tayasu to iu nara mamoritai to negauwa watashi wa
so that the beautiful light isn't extinguished I'll be the one protecting that wish
ah... meguru rasen wa tsumugareru sadame mamorubeki ai no tame utau no
the circling spiral entwines this (tragic) fate singing for the love of that which has to be protected
omoi wa sekai wo koete kagayaku asu wo mukaete shijima no yamiyo ni hibiku kane no ne wo mune ni
these feelings will reach through the planet taking back the sparkling tomorrow quietly resonating in the darkness is the beating in my chest
kohaku no kanawanu yume wo kakaeta hakanaki seijo mujou no sora ni somaranu you ni namida nagashi
that pure unfulfilled dream wraps the holy maiden as the otherwise emotionless sky lets a tear flow through it
todokete watashi no koe wo anata ni seiza no uta wo tsukiyo ni yorisou hana ni na wo sakaseru you ni
let my voice reach whatever constellation you might be in in this moonlit night get close to a flower and watch as it blooms
Ok so what went on this album? Pal I’ve no clue. From what I got we can extrapolate that some sort of moon guardian is faced with the decision between his duty and his love, and is pretty thorn up about it. They chose duty for those that have to be protected, but in the song Calendula they just go on about how that decision has devastated them and how they just wish they could meet again in different circumstances, or something like that. I’m assuming it’s a male because the booklet shows the shadow of a guy. Anyway, as usual, feel free to go in my askbox and complain or explain. I’m only doing these because no one else is doing it and I think they’re really great and deserving of more people liking them, so I’d certainly like to represent them as accurately as possible. Until next time, see you all!
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thezomblr-blog1 · 5 years
𝓐𝓼𝓴𝓫𝓸𝔁 𝓚𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 - 3/3
Sleep was eluding him - had been doing so for hours on end. Each minute dragging into the next as stared at the ceiling, the absolute blackness of Hell’s night cycle the only thing keeping him company aside from the warm body at his side. Damien was sleeping soundly, the cadence of his steady breathing the white noise Brian needed to keep himself from going crazy. 
Silver eyes, opened up to look at his figure outlined by the blankets unhindered by the dark only to be hit with the sense of longing to be even closer right in the chest. Normally, he’d swallow the urge down. Pack it away tightly so Damien could get the rest he needed. The prince had enough to take care of when he was awake without dealing with a needy fucking boyfriend at night too. 
Tonight, however – the ghoul was going to be selfish. 
He didn’t want to fucking think anymore. Brian’s mind was racing with uncollected thoughts to keep himself occupied. Paired with the beginning pricks of anxiety sparking in his chest making his slow heart feel like it was skipping the occasional beat. He didn’t need to think anymore.
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Brian rolled over and pressed the line of his body against the devil’s side, automatically, by sheer instinct Damien had slipped an arm around Brian’s shoulders with a sleepy sigh. That wasn’t enough for him – he was being greedy and he knew it. He hiked his leg over Damien’s hips and ran his hand along his jawbone to guide those lips to his own. 
If the devil was annoyed by Brian waking him up with a demanding kiss he didn’t show it in the low, tired groan that was pulled from him and the way he kissed back. Brian lost himself in that slow, simmering pace that made his mind go comfortably numb. He couldn’t bring himself to care how needy he looked when he finally pulled Damien on top of him. The solid weight of his body trapping the ghoul between him and bed offering a comfort nothing else in the damn universe could provide - not daring to be parted from those warm lips for even a second.
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thezomblr-blog1 · 5 years
I see a small silhouette of a man.
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“Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango…”
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thezomblr-blog1 · 5 years
"Hey Fuckface, you owe ice cream for not burning the laundry this time." Damien affectionately punched Brian's shoulder as they were walking down the hallway. "Or at least help me track down the Ice Cream Wizard."
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Naturally, Brian returned the punch to the shoulder with jabbing his elbow into Damien’s ribs, 
“Oh yeah – cause er’ryone totally needs a goddamn gold star for managing to do something simple like putting clothing into two machines without setting them on fire.”
Brian snickered, shooting Damien a deviant look as he whipped a hand out to muck up the devil’s hair on purpose, “But I guess I’m bored enough to help ya mug ‘im, Princess.”
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thezomblr-blog1 · 5 years
is Vicky on the list of people that could calm down a devastated Brian?
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Potentially, yes. If she caught him soon enough, or had help from others that could help wrangle him while she appealed to his emotional side. Although considering the fact that he is directly responsible for this situation himself that would be fairly difficult for her due to the sheer level of guilt involved. 
Brian blames himself for most things that happen to his friends as he feels he’s personally responsible for the group’s safety and protection. 
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Which is how I interpret this look of grief here at Miranda’s funeral. This is a look of guilt which makes sense if you play Brian for that ending. But if you don’t…. then this look of guilt and quiet vengeance is still very much there. Which to me means he feels this way regardless. So to be personally responsible for the death of his soul mate? Would be truly something hard for him to come back from. Added onto the fact that I personally believe that Brian is actually the most emotional out of the PCs. He’s just better at hiding it and playing it lowkey.
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After all, he is the only one out of the PCs that actively cries when he’s rejected for Prom. Which I don’t think is something he’s playing up especially when Scott takes the very same pose at Miri’s funeral.
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ANYWAY, I know that went off on a completely different tangent – but yes. Vicky is someone who has a chance at stopping Brian but she might need help from others if he’s already too out of control.  
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thezomblr-blog1 · 5 years
Tell us about your dogs!
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“I mean, whatever. Fine. Suppose I can tell ya about all of ‘em. Dames n’ I have about 6 dogs in total right now.”
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“My first was Ugly. She honestly jus’ started followin’ me around one day when she was a lot fuckin’ smaller back in Freshmen year when I didn’t have anyone else. Eventually I started letting her into my apartment. Would feed her occasionally. Sometimes she’d fuck off weeks n’ come back. Still kinda like that now but she lingers a lot closer t’home. She’s a Barghest so she’s got a role to play outside of bein’ jus’ someone’s pet. - She can be a bit of a Diva, but she’s real fuckin’ sweet. Useful too - tell her to chase some poor fucker down? They ain’t  gettin’ away from her.”
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“Fuzzbutt is the next one of mine. Jus’ decided I was his one-day n’ wouldn’t leave me the fuck alone. He’s a clingy, pain in the ass, but he kept me company when Ug was away doing shit. I think he’s a Chruch Grim but I ain’t sure. It’ll get easier to tell when he fills out and grows a bit. Cupcake ( @youngsouthey ) keeps kiddnappin’ him to put him in these ridiculous outfits. Still go awhile to go to train him up the way I want but he’’ be ready to come on jobs with Shuck n’ Ugly soon.”
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“Shuck is Dame’s ( @hellrager ) childhood dog and he’s fuckin’ AWESOME. He’s a Cerberus that’s bigger than most houses. She shifts to be smaller so he can stay in the house with us n’ play with Ugly. Fuck Shuck and Ugly cuddling n’ shit is so goddamn cute. That fucker is a solid damn tank and dogs only get better the more heads and teeth they have. He’s badass - Not t’mention he breathes fire. Loyal as fuck - n’ wont think twice before swallowing a noob whole.”
“Sharknado n’ Gremlin are two dogs that Dame got for his birthday this year. Ones a SHARKDOG, pretty much one of the most badass combos ever. Good job on Vicky ( @electrifyingstitches ) for that call. He’s great. Little shit will literally eat everything under counter height though so we’ve hadta lock a bunch of shit away. The other one I ended up naming Gremlin. She’s a … firepug or somethin’ like that. Don’t know who the hell gave it to him ( @doviilove ) but the stupid fucker’s only good for two things. Making ridiculous goddamn sounds and racket – and getting stuck in places I didn’t even know existed. This thing would’ve been DEAD by now if it hadn’t been for me rescuin’ her all the fuckin’ time.”
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“Our last one don’t have a real name yet.Fuzz found ‘em when I was takin’ the dogs out for a walk in a pile of trash. He was far too young to even identify as any particular breed. If I ever find the asshole that abandoned ‘im like that I’ll fuckin’ blow their brains out. Been bottle feedin’ him n’ he’s in the process of being weened now that he’s strong enough but it was a bit touch n’ go when I first found ‘im.”
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“Oh n’ I pretty much consider my Cousin’s ( @zombfear ) dog, Mangle, mine too. Love that dog. Good temperament t’keep my cuz company when I can’t be there.”
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thezomblr-blog1 · 5 years
mun, should we be worried about what Brian is gonna do when/if Damien dies.....?
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In the event that Damien dies everyone should be very afraid. The whole Damien being bitten in the first place was a very, very short glimpse at the other factors at play when it comes to Brian’s personal story line. If Damien were to die the list of people that would have a chance at stopping what occurred next would be very small.
In the most vague terms? The extent of Brian’s utter devastation would be felt in more ways than one. 
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thezomblr-blog1 · 6 years
Fucking Show-Off
“Dames!Are you fuckin’ serious?” Brian looked incredulous as he hissed atthe other, casting his silver-eyed gaze around them, “Right now??”
“Don’tthink I stuttered, Fuckface.” The sneer on Damien’s lips said itall. He hadn’t even needed to say anything, “pretty sure I’ve stillgot 37 hours in the bank.”
Atthe mention of the damnable deal he’d made to get his lover to studyhis eye twitched. Brian thought he’d been so fucking clever too, heshould’ve known this is what it would have turned into. Thirtyseconds worth of head per page didn’t seem like that muchuntil he realized just how much studying he’d missed out on….
“Ifyou think I’m gettin’ on my knees in the middle of the damnhallway–”
Brianbristling was cut short by Damien snickering, a sneer curling on hisdemonic features.
“Justhow kinky do you think I am, Cockbite?” The ghoul soon foundhimself being dragged by the collar of his parka towards him.Damien’s tone lowering tauntingly as he pressed his next words intoBrian’s ear, “Not like you aren’t already hard thinking about meusing your mouth with an audience. I’ve seen your browsing history. Iknow exactly how hard you’d get off.”
“I’mchanging my goddamn password.”
Theflustered growl that was uttered from Brian’s chest was exactly whatDamien was looking for and they both knew it. The ghoul after allknew exactly what videos the other was referring to. Wasn’t like hecould fucking deny it.His breath hitched with something close to annoyance as Damien’stongue darted out to tease his earlobe right before he punched him inthe shoulder.
“Pfft,whatever. C'mon. Hurry up.” the devil was already trotting towardsthe bathroom, and Brian didn’t even entertain the thought of walkingin the other direction just to spite his lover. Just to tease him andshow him he could.
Butno. Not this time. He swore Damien knew just how damn bad he wantedit today. How needy the scenario playing out in his fucking head hadmade him. How this fucking idiot made him feel like he was in somekind of heat- drowning in raw desire. That couldn’t have been moreobvious than how fast the ghoul was on his knees after they enteredthe furthest stall attached by the lips.
Justwhen he was he was about to press his face into the already obviousbulge in Damien’s pants he had two fingers push him back by theforehead. Silver eyes flicked upwards with irritation and confusionas his own fingers kneading into the devil’s thighs and ass.
“Heh.Eager today, babe? Notso fast,” there was a clear hunger in those glowing molten eyes.The lighting in here was shitty as fuck but the way things darkenedaround them the warmer Damien’s body got was no coincidence, “Pickone.”  
“You’resuch a fucking show off.”
“Fuckingpick already.” Damien’s hand curled tightly into his hair finallyyanking him into to grind his groin against Brian’s face betrayinghis own impatience. To the point where they were both distracted fromtheir verbal back and forth. Brian’s eyes immediately taking on alidded appearance as he mindlessly nuzzled in. For all his protestsand growling the ghoul was in a rare mood– he wanted to submit tohis lover’s whims. To just relax and give in. Already halfsuppressing a groan at the smell of him while the devil bit his lip.
“Fine.Gimme the twins.”
Damienhardly had time to shift before Brian was dragging his pants andboxers down by his ankles like a child on their damn birthday. He hadto stare at the sight for a moment, tongue darting out to lick hislips without thinking. Taking in that fucking magnificent sight ofthick twin cocks covered in textured nubs and smooth ridges. This wasa first – even forhim and for the briefest second Brian was worried he’d bitten offmore than he could chew.
Thatwas until he felt Damien nudge against his lips. A groan leaving hislover when his torn lips started suckling on one of the tips. Slowlyrunning his tongue across the head of one while swirling a callousedthumb along the head of the other. Those slow steady flicks of histongue didn’t last long between Damien rocking his hips, pulling hishead down onto his cock mixed with the ghoul’s own  heady desire.
Itfelt like he blinked and his dick was hitting the back of his throatwhile he moaned needily against the base. Sucking hard in long,rewarding strokes while the other length curled up from under hischin and left generous streaks of pre along his cheek. Brian entirelyuncaring of how he was being marked and made a mess of as his handheld and pumped one cock against his face and lashed the other withhis tongue.
Moansand pleased growls aside, the ghoul’s expression alone was all thatwas needed to tell just how much he was enjoying this. He lookedutterly consumed by lust – like he was happy to do nothing butindulge in this set of dicks all afternoon. When he switched tacticsand started deep throating the lower length instead – letting theother rub against his face – his tongue reached out to just barelytease his sack whenever he hit the base. Taking his sweet time savouring him, everyfucking moment of having him in his mouth.
Whenthe demon started take more control, Brian let him. Damien’s hipsbeginning to buck into his lips and fuck his face in earnest. Molteneyes looking damn near predatory as he looked down
Damien’shand tugging and tightening in his hair was the first sign his loverwas getting close. His head leaning back to hit the stall wall, mouthagape with drool starting to form at the corner of his lips. Afucking beautiful sight he’d never get tired of causing.
Inwas then, when he felt Damien’s body tighten with impending releasethat he pinned his hips with a slam against the wall his lover wasusing as support. All so he could attempt to shove both tips into hismouth at once. Tongue and fingers leaving no inch of those texturedlength’s untouched. The moment Damien reached his edge he used bothhands to pump the twin lengths hard. He popped one tip of of hismouth so he could focus on swallowing the hefty load from one whilethe other painted his face with warm, slick release.
He’dpretend later to be embarrassed maybe. Right now he clearly wasmaking a show of being absolutely shameless.
Therehe was. On his knees in front of Damien in the bathroom, face andchest dripping with infernal cum. Looking damn near drunk from thehigh. Well, until he jerked when the bell for lunch rang. In a matterof moments this bathroom would be full of people on lunch break –and Brian has stood up with the intent to clean himself in a hurry.
Apparentlyhis boyfriend had otherplans.
“You’renot going anywhere.”Damien had him up against the door of the stall in an instant,lifting Brian’s muscular frame up off the ground effortlessly asBrian’s legs naturally hooked around his waist, “We’re so not donehere.”
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thezomblr-blog1 · 5 years
So I was wondering If you sent an e-mail, posted a comment on kick starter, or sent an ask on tumblr to the creators of Monster prom about your impressions of the monster camp? They seem pretty chill.
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I haven’t myself but they are aware of the commentary as someone else has brought it to their attention. Out of respect, I won’t re-post any past or current DM chatter I have had with the dev regardless of content or professional conduct within said DMs.
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thezomblr-blog1 · 5 years
(Can I just take a moment OOC to say that you and hellrager are absolutely killing it with this storyline? ^^ - half-reverse-wereray)
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This is the representation of me screaming every time I make a post! So thank you!! Hope you are having as much fun as we are! This, as always is just the tip of the iceberg for what we have planned. We’re definitely trying to make this easy for people to follow so anyone can join in or comment as things are unfolding!
@hellrager @half-reverse-wereray
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thezomblr-blog1 · 5 years
A tentacle ensnared the predator's arm from behind. It was none other than Zoe, who had both a look of confusion, astonishment, and fear. "Brian! Damien's your friend! We're all very worried about you, please s̰̞̲̗̼̗t̸̠͖̻̭o̞̲̥̰̩p̞!͍̺̺̹̬͜" She wasn't letting go, and that grip was tight.
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“Shut up! Never asked for yer fuckin’ opinion.” It was his voice - but there was something truly wrong about it’s tone, it’s pitch, it’s everything. Just slightly off.
When he whipped around to face her, his irises were so dilated they’d nearly eclipsed the entirety of eyes. Leaving nothing behind but that moon-like silver sharpened to glimmering steel. He’d looked almost more animal that human and the moment they made eye contact maybe Zoe would notice something a fraction darker there. Something others would find unsettling.
Or maybe it’s that disembodied, feminine whisper curdling at her ear. wklv wlpholqh lv qrw brxuv, eudw
Either way, Brian’s bloodstained snarl bares his teeth as he captures the old godling’s throat and slams her against the nearest solid object. There’s no recognition of a friend in his eyes – just a threat to be eliminated. An obstacle. If she would not let go, he’d beat her until she did. No clear regard for his own safety, his own well being when going against a goddess that had once ended worlds. There not even a flicker of consideration that she could swallow him whole. Or  – although his own strikes were harder than any ghoul or zombie’s had any right being. 
Again and again, he would strike relentlessly, and take blows given to him in kind if they were in fact given. However the moment that tentacle released him – the ghoul would back off and continue on his destructive path. He knew what he needed – and it wasn’t her. Not this time.  
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thezomblr-blog1 · 5 years
"If you don't eat Damien now you won't to be able to say that you've ever done it. Are you going to pass that opportunity up?"
He was covered in a thin sheen ofsweat, his blood running far colder than normal as he tried to breaththis sickness out of him. Brian couldn’t grasp what was going on –that intoxicating scent was like trying to navigate through a fog.There was something familiar about it – just on the tip of histongue.
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Something that only Damien the ₮₳Ɽ₲Ɇ₮ had. Something he had to rip at, tear at, consume, devour–
–No… No that wasn’t right. …. Hedidn’t want that… Damien and him didn’t hurt each other like that..He took another breath of cool air like he’d been drowning in thissensation of need. Nothing about this was right – the smell of damprot suddenly in his nose granted him a brief moment of clarity –even with that whispering tone at his ear turning into a deafening,shrill ringing.
This was so wrong. Off. There was afoul, bitter taste in his mouth – like he’d been eating mold.
Where was he? Fuck.. He’d been loosinggaps of time recently but this wasn’t anything like that. He wantedto go lay down maybe – he felt like he’d been running in amarathon. Looked it too. But… he couldn’t do that… Therewas something he had to do-- what was it again…?
Luckily, Vera wasright there to remind him. Those dialated silver eyes stared at herfor a long moment, seemingly stupefied by her words. That crooningvoice echoing back to him as a whisper.
‘Librx grq'w hdw Gdplhq qrz brx zrq'w wr eh deoh wr vdb wkdw brx'yh hyhugrqh lw. Duh brx jrlqj wr sdvv wkdw rssruwxqlwb xs?’
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He began to droolagain, eyes sharpening with killing intent. … That’s right … heneeded to track down the ₮₳Ɽ₲Ɇ₮ and devour him…
“You’re sofuckin’ right. I can’t let that happen.”
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thezomblr-blog1 · 5 years
what is it that your smelling?
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“I …. I don’t know….” a small growl falls from his torn lips…
                                                                               “but ł ₦ɆɆĐ ł₮”
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