yeracsej · 5 years
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Elephants! Such a special moment watching these giants enter the water hole, the young one playfully dousing itself to cool down and as they left they formed a protective circle around the little one as a jackal was squatting in the grass. I couldn't help but think that I was witnessing a moment that in the future might become quite rare. Apparantly elephants used to roam thick in the area we are now living in Kericho, Kenya. With the clear cutting of the great forests to plant perennial tea plantations (farmers only receive 14ksh per kilo of hand picked tea which is then shipped to Mombasa for processing- petrol is over $4 a gallon here) Now non native Eucalyptis speckle the landscape. This fast growing trees soak up more water from theblandsxape than any indigenous tree could ever hope to. This leads to water shortages and depletion of the soils moisture and therefore fertility. This is what happened to parts of California in Big Sur where neighbors covet and hoard water like its gold- because there is no more. What do Elephants have to do with Biocrafting? So much! Elephants are suffering due to lack of access to water just like many humans. Do you know how this happens? Lets start from the beginning. Alongside riparian zones, trees and plants are being removed Massive deforestation is happening around the world- this leads to desertification and to wild fires. Tress create weather (rain) which protects the soil and maintains this living sponge (earth) which is soil. When non-native trees replace indigenous ones there are repercussions that can change the entire ecosystem forever! This is a super oversimplified way of saying we need healthy soil to grow healthy trees, so that not only elephants can survive (over 200 elephants just perished in Zimbabwe due to drought), but also humans. . . . . . . . . . . . #elephants #bullelephant #babyelephant #elephantfamily #matriarch #waterhole #safari #mammoryglands #drinkwater #waterforelephants #waterislife #maasaimara #maa #chef #village #harmony #dreamday #specialmoments #biocraftloveselephants #savethelephants #planet #earth #ecotravel #explore #natgeo #whyfire #desertification #savesoil (at Maasai Mara Game Reserve) https://www.instagram.com/p/B463fc8lKLS/?igshid=eg5mkbhqixzx
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