#wiener roast
hottdoggblogg · 2 years
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chmerical-a · 2 years
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❝ wait, don't tell me you're actually gonna wear that ? ❞ oh yeah, she's absolutely judging. gretchen wieners expects nothing less than perfection and this ensemble ? it's clearly not.
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vintagecamping · 2 years
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Moonlight wiener roast in the Arizona Desert.
Tucson, Arizona
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losertownz · 1 year
People so easily brushing aside Cartman's antisemitism doesn't sit right with me. The argument that he's not really antisemitic and is just parroting what he must hear his mom say doesn't hold water. I can't recall Liane ever being shown to hold those kinds of beliefs.
"But she made him that Halloween costume!"
Liane has been shown to bend over backwards to make Cartman happy, especially in the early seasons. If her son wanted to be Hitler for Halloween, of course she's gonna oblige.
Cartman IS antisemitic. Y'all will roast Butters on a spit for the Wieners Out thing but will make excuses for Cartman trying to recreate the Third Reich.
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jdotsodomite · 1 year
love how this show is like. ok we have the misters trust issue mcgee². we have the most bottom4bottom relationship youll ever see. also a guy who roasts wieners but like a girl needs hobbies u kno
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zumpietoo · 2 months
Snortee Shows Quite a Bit....
Apparently the election (an historic one, with one guy being unfairly forced out, but turning THAT into a total win, the prospect of the first lady (second black, first Asian) prez AND trying thwart the other side's attempt to turn us into a Christofacist dictatorship---with the sideshow of a clown performing the role of "embarrassing presidential family member" utterly flawlessly---except, El Donaldo already has a whole battalion of those, as well.....and himself) is of no interest to Snortster, she's merely attempting to distract herself with the Olympics (I guess she's REALLY old?) and then musing out gross Cabana Pee fanfics for hot romance in Cologne....
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I tend to suspect you'll be waiting a fair while to see anything (let alone "appreciate", cuz what/why???)----I mean, any word on Horn and Hardart being finally bought to "entertain" peeps at the base in Antarctica, maybeee????
And you seriously are into their food vids? Dude.....maybe you like JD Vance, cuz you can relate to really weird dumb kinks, huh????
(also they're both adults, not children....it ends....)
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Thanks for confirming the Olympics are sooooperr boring, despite being in one of the greatest cities in the world, I guess?
This is just....okay....
Like the ultimate "ugly American" porn, right here....plus (as I'm informed by an actual German person), "classic German dishes" are all really heavy/fatty (as those of us who have seen a cookbook, visited a restaurant NOT truck stop coffee already been knew, anywayyy)....
I do love how it's the stereotypical/cliche bad romcom scene, too. Plus, yes, I tend to imagine IN Germany, there are, in fact, no shortage of "lovely little German restaurants" (love how patronizing she is, as well)....
Naturally this includes ignorance (wiener schnitzel is apparently AUSTRIAN) and both of them also being ugly, jingoistic, juvenile Americans is sooooo heelarious and charming....
Lastly (on this), LBR...they'd go to Mickey D's, while PP frowned, showed her pimple and then pose for a pee arr selfie, before resuming sulking....
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Oh myyyy, Snortee is supremely jelly, huh? Is it because "grimy wife beater/skeezy hat" (I have no idea how Cole's many trucker hats are remotely "skeezy" and it's quite obvious his clothes are perfectly clean, buuuut....) or no, vacays are the mark of $$$ (and what Snortster views as the ultimate virture???).
What's Cole "resentful or desperate" about and, again, I thought he was a subhuman Poor??? I see we're back to Ari's a prostitute, as we approach 4 full years together, huh?
Dude, if this applies to anybody, it's CabanaBoi---cuz PP is, unquestionably both "resentful and desperate" (to say nothing of a complete asshole) and this is entirely for SweatBoi about increasing fame. To be fair, she doesn't pay his $$$, cuz she can't afford it and he still lives in his shitty apartment with his "roomie"....
I love that Snorty has no idea about the specifics of the vacation (we do!) AND now, apparently, having lots of friends is also evvollll (plus I thought Ari and Cole were so despised?)....too bad PP has none (or rather 2 kinda dependent on her) and only gets to take one, short getaway per year----to pimp a resort, since that's all they'll pay for.
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Yes, Snorty.....you should DEFINITELY follow your own advice!
As should SweatBoi....
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as he resumes mocking and belittling working people, cuz snide, bourgeois elitist....
Psstt....CabanaBoi, I seem to recall you persuaded yourself (as a fucking college freshman) that being a line level volunteer for the Clinton campaign would translate to you "working in the White House" (and then abandoned all interest in politics, because "too hard" and instead decided acting, cuz Entourage/your endless white boi entitlement)....you know who else thinks that way?
Yep, Couchfucker....and you guys, actually, have a shit ton in common (as does PP, buuutt....), in four years, after his (hopefully) failed run and El Donaldo roasting in hell, I'm sure he'll be looking to "make America fascist again"----you can go help! Shillbilly turned to politics to avoid working, you should reconsider....your acting career will be totally ded at that point.
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shamelessrabbithole · 5 months
Any thoughts about the ending of the video Cameron posted? Interpretations seem mixed. Do you lean more towards it being intended to be seen only as "looking traumatized" or do you think the swallow and nod was supposed to be seen as a "yes" response?
That's a good question. I hadn't thought about it before now. I guess to me, the whole reel is homoerotic and deliberately so. The two roasting wieners are for sure symbolic. Cam appearing like a cartoon villain is beyond and then the voice he puts on when he says "right here" is next level. Once he makes his "intentions" clear, that mayo will be used as lubricant, both on those dogs and on Noel, I think Noel's face conveys fear, shock, reluctance, and then, of course, acceptance. His fate has been sealed and it's the best thing I've seen all year. 🌭 🥵🔥🏡🇩🇪 🤣
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kin-eats · 2 years
Hello! May i please request a few recipes with meats? Im a dragonkin if that helps find any!
Also if you can find at least one non spicy recipe that would be great!!^^
Not a problem!
Jerky Roast Turkey
Creamy Slow Cooker Potato Cheese Soup
Salisbury Steak
Almost White Castle Hamburgers
Cocktail Wieners
Bangers and Mash with Onion Gravy
I hope you enjoy! ~Shadow
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heronstill · 2 years
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Tucson. Arizona 1955
Moonlight wiener roast in the desert
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kabillieu · 2 years
Because Dominic was sick this past weekend, he didn't do a grocery run. Anyone who has met me in person and spent even a small amount of time with me has probably heard me complain about the linked chores of meal planning / grocery shopping / cleaning out the fridge to make room for groceries / putting groceries away / washing the dirty containers that old food was in / cooking dinner. I don't have great executive function, so I get overwhelmed easily by the way all these chores are interrelated, how they cascade into each other, how doing one chore (meal planning) makes another chore (grocery shopping) which makes another chore (cleaning out the fridge) which makes another chore (dishes), and I haven't even gotten to the cooking a meal part! Anyway, I'm doing a little better with all these chores and have gotten into a rough routine to keep them moderately separated.
Except grocery shopping.
Grocery shopping has always been sensory hell for me, but the pandemic really underscored how torturous I find it. I don't ever want to go back to regularly doing this chore. Luckily, Dominic doesn't mind. So rambling story short, Dominic was sick and didn't grocery shop, so we don't have a lot of food in the house. Or, to be more accurate, we have tons of food but not a lot that makes a good dinner. And I barely tolerate breakfast foods for breakfast (this is probably one of the sketchiest things about me; but I've been like this since a child), so that's out. I thought about making hot dogs since we have frozen wieners and buns, but that made me so grouchy I wanted to weep. (I believe hot dogs are outside food.) So I thought about it some more, and I realized we had sweet potatoes, black beans, and Conecuh sausage, and all the fixings for soft tacos. So I diced and roasted the sweet potatoes with seasonings and opened up two cans of beans and seasoned those, fried some sausage rounds, and then we ate them with flour tortillas, sour cream, salsa verde, and shredded mozzarella (goat cheese or cotija would have been better but that's what we had).
It was very, very good. And it's a dinner I'll make again because it was easy and healthy (sausage aside) and everyone liked it.
Also, if you ever see Conecuh sausage in the grocery store you have to get it because, to me, there is simply no other smoked sausage. Conecuh is such a superior sausage that it has ascended and is in a class of food all on its own. I don't know why it's so good. What are they putting into sausage in Evergreen, Alabama? Who knows. Who cares. It's Conecuh. It's divine.
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skarletterambles · 1 year
I'm dreaming of some red lava Just like the Nar we used to know Where moss fires flicker And tourists snicker To roast wieners on the glow
I'm dreaming of some red lava With every webcam I reload May the flow stay away from the road And may the eruption be in friendly mode
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sevilemar · 2 years
Soup really is magical when you're sick. I just made myself some, with ginger and garlic and what I think is thyme but could be other herbs that look similar because I came across this post yesterday that said they're healing, and also a lot of other stuff because I need to have a bit more substance than just aromatics. And lo and behold, suddenly my throat doesn't feel as raw any more, and I feel a lot more stable temperature wise. Magic 🍜
One thing that's a little bit sad about improvising meals is that you can't recreate it when it tastes really good. I have probably already forgotten an ingredient or two, I don't know how much of it I put in, and even if I did, I cannot put down in a recipe 'that weird wrinkly orange bell pepper from the back of your fridge' or 'two jars of dodgy homemade broth from two years ago with no labels (probably beef)'. Ah wait, I can^^
First Day of Covid Soup
some ginger a clove of garlic
some parsley a bay leaf
half an onion some pepper
two sausages (Wiener) some coconut oil
that weird wrinkly orange bell pepper from the back of your fridge
two jars of dodgy homemade broth from two years ago with no labels (probably beef)
Roast the onion, the chopped bell pepper, the ginger and the garlic in the coconut oil until theres a bit of the tasty black stuff at the bottom. Put in the broth and let simmer for as long as it takes to clean up whatever dirty dishes you got lying around. Puree. Put in the bay leaf, the pepper, the probably thyme, the chopped wieners and the chopped carrot (oops, forgot to list it), and let simmer for 25 minutes. Put in the parsley, turn off the heat, and let rest for another 5-10 minutes.
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gonefishing712 · 2 years
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1.) "You don't have to be crazy to camp with us we can train you." | Sheriff Stanton 2.) "Life rocks when your home rolls." | Ezekiel 3.) "Either you like camping or you are wrong." | Chase 4.) "I sleep around." | Dodge 5.) "Where you spend a small fortune to live like you're homeless." | Mayor Edwards 6.) "Life is fine with camping and wine." | Melanie 7.) "What happens around the campfire gets laughed at all year." | Finn 8.) "This is how we roll." | Elliot 9.) "Life is more beautiful when you go camping." | Hunter 10.) "Once a camper always a camper." | Harlow 11.) "WTF - Where's the flashlight." | Daphne 12.) "Camping is where friends and marshmallows get toasted at the same time." | Raleigh 13.) "Just another wine drinker with a camping problem." | Peyton 14.) "I don't need therapy I just need camping." | Maverick 15.) "Campfire drinking whiskey team."  | Scott 16.) "We are more than just camping friends, we are like a really small gang." | Ryker 17.) "Queen of the camper." | Katharina 18.) "I don't always drink when I'm camping, oh wait, yes I do." | Grace 19.) "RV there yet?" | Calla 20.) "I tried to be good but then the bonfire was lit and there was beer." | Damien 21.) "What happens at camp stays at camp." | Adah 22.) "You're never too old to play outside." | Astrid 23.) "I camp because punching people is frowned upon." | Alexis 24.) "Camp more, work less." | Alice 25.) "I'd rather be camping." | Bowie 26.) "Camping is my happy place." | Catherine 27.) "Making memories one campsite at a time." | Presley 28.) "Campfires get me hot." | Zachary 29.) "Weekend forecast, camping with a chance of drinking." | Cassandra 30.) "Making s'more memories." | Aurora 31. ) "Don't come knocking if the camper is rocking." | Fiona 32.) "It's all fun and games until someone loses a wiener." | Teagan 33.) "Happy Glamper." | Vanessa
Camping This or That!
Part 2 1.) Fishing or Hiking 2.) Hot springs or Cold Lake 3.) Sunrise or Sunset 4.) Family or Friends 5.) Stargazing or birdwatching 6.) Camp days or Camp nights 7.) Chocolate or Marshmallows 8.) Start a fire or Pitch a tent 9.) Coffee or Hot chocolate 10.) Spring or Fall 11.) Scary stories or Play games 12.) Beach or Mountains 13.) Cabin or Tent 14.) Campground or Deep in the woods 15.) Roast marshmallows or Grill hamburgers 16.) A long walk or Short climb 17.) Flashlights or Candles 18.) Sleep in late or Go to bed early 19.) Cornhole or Cards 20.) S'mores or Pie 21.) Boots or Barefoot 22.) Portable potty or Behind a tree 23.) Camping or Glamping 24.) Bear or Mountain Lion 25.) Campfire food or Sneak in takeout
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luckyxcharm · 2 years
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1.) "You don't have to be crazy to camp with us we can train you." W ~ Mayor Edwards 2.) "Life rocks when your home rolls." T ~ Hunter 3.) "Either you like camping or you are wrong." BB ~ Ryker 4.) "I sleep around." N ~ Elliot 5.) "Where you spend a small fortune to live like you're homeless." B ~ Alexis 6.) "Life is fine with camping and wine." Y ~ Peyton 7.) "What happens around the campfire gets laughed at all year." X ~ Melanie 8.) "This is how we roll." Q ~ Fiona 9.) "Life is more beautiful when you go camping." FF ~ Vanessa 10.) "Once a camper always a camper." J ~ Chase 11.) "WTF - Where's the flashlight." L ~ Daphne 12.) "Camping is where friends and marshmallows get toasted at the same time." EE ~ Teagan 13.) "Just another wine drinker with a camping problem." F ~ Bowie 14.) "I don't need therapy I just need camping." G ~ Calla 15.) "Campfire drinking whiskey team." CC ~ Scott 16.) "We are more than just camping friends, we are like a really small gang." P ~ Finn 17.) "Queen of the camper." D ~ Astrid 18.) "I don't always drink when I'm camping, oh wait, yes I do." V ~ Maverick 19.) "RV there yet?" R ~ Grace 20.) "I tried to be good but then the bonfire was lit and there was beer." M ~ Dodge 21.) "What happens at camp stays at camp." E ~ Aurora 22.) "You're never too old to play outside." C ~ Alice 23.) "I camp because punching people is frowned upon." DD ~ Sheriff Stanton 24.) "Camp more, work less." AA ~ Raleigh 25.) "I'd rather be camping." I ~ Catherine 26.) "Camping is my happy place." U ~ Katherina 27.) "Making memories one campsite at a time." S ~ Harlow 28.) "Campfires get me hot." GG ~ Zachary 29.) "Weekend forecast, camping with a chance of drinking." O ~ Ezekiel 30.) "Making s'more memories." Z ~ Presley 31. ) "Don't come knocking if the camper is rocking." H ~ Cassandra 32.) "It's all fun and games until someone loses a wiener." K ~ Damien 33.) "Happy Glamper." A ~ Adah
1.) Fishing or Hiking 2.) Hot springs or Cold Lake 3.) Sunrise or Sunset 4.) Family or Friends 5.) Stargazing or birdwatching 6.) Camp days or Camp nights 7.) Chocolate or Marshmallows 8.) Start a fire or Pitch a tent 9.) Coffee or Hot chocolate 10.) Spring or Fall 11.) Scary stories or Play games 12.) Beach or Mountains 13.) Cabin or Tent 14.) Campground or Deep in the woods 15.) Roast marshmallows or Grill hamburgers 16.) A long walk or Short climb 17.) Flashlights or Candles 18.) Sleep in late or Go to bed early 19.) Cornhole or Cards 20.) S'mores or Pie 21.) Boots or Barefoot 22.) Portable potty or Behind a tree 23.) Camping or Glamping 24.) Bear or Mountain Lion 25.) Campfire food or Sneak in takeout
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nobertsales · 16 days
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National Wiener Schnitzel Day
A law in Austria requires this dish to made strictly with veal. Chefs make #WienerSchnitzel by tenderizing a thin slice of veal and then lightly salting and breading it. It is then deep-fried in clarified butter. The term “Wiener Schnitzel” was first used in the early 1830s, though similar recipes appear earlier.
Wiener Schnitzel is traditionally served with lettuce salad, cucumber salad, or potato salad. Some people serve it with parsley potatoes. A slice of lemon may also be served with the schnitzel. Rice, roasted or mashed potatoes and French fries have also become popular side dishes to Wiener Schnitzel lately.
Variations of the dish exist in many cultures throughout the world including making it with pork rather than the traditional veal. Sometimes, restaurants offer Wiener Schnitzel as a sandwich. Layed with lettuce or cucumber slaw and a sauce on a pretzel bun, the sandwich makes for a satisfying meal.
#NationalWienerSchnitzelDay #FoodOfTheDay #NobertSales @NobertSales #Food #FoodSolutions #FoodService #FoodServiceSolutions #FoodSales #WeKnowFood #FoodConsultant #FoodDude
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adculinary24 · 1 month
Steak Butchery
Week 2
Amuse Bouche: Steak Tartare                        Appetizer: Meatballs                                Entrée:  Steak dishes - 1. Beef (Filet Mignon) or 2. Veal (Rack), Vegetables, Potato, Sauces: Compound Butter, Bearnaise, Au Poivre
Part 1 Introductions
Method of cooking/technique to discuss:
Sear Vs Char Grill
Learning Objectives:
Compare and contrast different dry heat methods for cooking beef tenderloin steaks and veal
Produce a variety of advanced sauces - compound butter, bearnaise, and pan sauce
Prior Knowledge:
Primary Ingredient of the week:
Veal, in particular Veal Rack
Beef Tenderloin
I have cut some beef tenderloin before, but I need more experience before I would be willing to hack into one myself unsupervised. The filet mignon is the round cut at the softer end of the tenderloin. 
When I worked as a garde manger at Acre I made a lot of steak tartare. Their dish uses the scrap from the steaks, it has the yolk mixed in, and it is topped with fried capers and thinly sliced radishes. The black round bowl is frozen with a smear of blue cheese sauce on about a third of the rim and the tartare is shaped inside a ring. The rest of the recipe is pretty similar to the one provided.
Veal is something I have not prepared before. Veal is usually the meat from a young male dairy cow (no good for dairy). I am familiar with breading and pan frying. Veal is very $$$$
Part 2 Background Information
The USDA recommends cooking whole muscle veal cuts like veal steaks, roasts and chops to 145 degrees F (medium rare), 160 degrees F (medium), or 170 degrees F (well done). Since this meat is so expensive, compromising on ingredients or making a mistake in the cooking process is a bad idea. Tenderizing the meat with a mallet and removing stringy connective tissue will make the veal softer in texture.
Searing- “The Maillard reaction is an interaction between amino acids and reducing sugars that browns food and gives it that roasty, toasty flavor. This process is essential to cooking, not only because it lends color, but because it creates hundreds of ester molecules that give rise to an array of aromas and flavors.” 
Meyer, J. (2018, July 27). Science of searing: How to Pan Sear Proteins. Hestan Cue. https://hestancue.com/blogs/blog-recipes/the-science-of-searing.
Char Grilling- The difference between searing and grilling is that searing is direct heat while grilling is indirect. Char grilling is where the heated metal chars or burns the outside of the food leaving dark lines from the contact points with the grill surface.
Primary Ingredient:
Filet Mignon is often the most tender and lean cut. It is also pretty expensive because it is in a limited quantity on the cow. Filet mignon often has a milder flavor than other cuts of meat and as such is often garnished with a sauce like we are doing in our lab with the Bearnaise or Au Poivre.
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Veal is the meat from young cows, 3 to 14 weeks old. The meat is lean and has a bit of white fat on the outside. It is desirable for it to have a gray color. To do this, the farmers will sometimes deprive the animals of their natural sources of iron to give the meat a gray color. In Europe, it is cooked rare while in the US it is cooked more fully. The veal cutlet can be pan fried with breadcrumbs to make a veal schnitzel. 
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Part 3 Recipe R&D
Chosen Recipes:
Panko Breaded Veal Rack- This recipe I intend to mostly follow. It is “Chef Thomas Keller’s Wiener Schnitzel Recipe” found on the website Masterclass. The recipe asks for veal top round which I do not have, however I watched a video demonstration of someone pan frying some veal rack; he just tenderized it with a mallet to get it to a lesser thickness. As long as we remove the sinew and connective tissue it should be tender. I chose it of course because the chef is a famously good chef and the recipe seemed easy to follow with the resources available.
Chef Thomas Keller’s Wiener Schnitzel Recipe - 2024. MasterClass. (n.d.). https://www.masterclass.com/articles/chef-thomas-kellers-wiener-schnitzel-recipe#2snWmni7k0EQ40Ue0QgGWS
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Vegetables- Roasted Asparagus and German Potato Salad- Well the asparagus will go great with the bearnaise and we would love to get some char flavor on it since there will not be that same flavor in the breaded veal. The potato salad was linked with the veal schnitzel recipe and since they are both German recipes and suggested to be together. 
Compound Butter- Take some softened good quality butter, chop some herbs, roll them together into a log that can then be sliced. I got the flavor combinations from the blog Love and Lemons. I chose it because the photography was elegant and looked modern.
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Provided Recipes:
Steak Tartare- The instructions say to get the meat colder so it's easier to cut. From there it is blending up some punchy flavors like shallot and mustard as well as some umami. The fat comes from the egg yolk on top and I guess most people know they should mix it in for the best effect. Capers add a burst of salty and sour for a nice surprise. Personally I would like the texture to be dippable on the bread so I would prefer the dice to be tiny, maybe a knife to spread it. 
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Meatballs- Chef Eric Rivera’s personal recipe that he loves. No intended modifications. I see that the meat and the bread crumbs do not get blended together and that they are instead combined by hand probably for a less homogenous texture.
Au Poivre- This is a French sauce not super common in the US but popular in Europe. The sauce is made in the pan after searing the steak so you can deglaze the meat browning and flavors. DAMN that looks tasty
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Bearnaise- The recipe involves egg yolks which have a thickening power, however they are temperamental and will curdle if too hot, and loosen if not heated up to 185F due to the enzymes that break it down still being active up to that temp. This temp thankfully coincides with the nappe texture for the most part so you do not need a thermometer. Good on top of meat and in our case asparagus.
Part 4 Recipes
Provided Recipes:
Au Poivre
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Bearnaise Sauce
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Steak Tartare
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Recipes Researched
Breaded Veal- Chef Thomas Keller’s Wiener Schnitzel Recipe
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Vegetables- grilled asparagus Potatoes- Chef Thomas Keller’s Recipe for German Potato Salad
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Compound Butter-
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Plan of Work
Start 1pm, demos until 1:20-1:30, no ingredients requests after 2 Get the butter to room temp Trim the meats, need for meatballs and tartare Watch meatball demo, work tartare all the way Boil the taters Mix dressing for the taters and finish that salad let sit room temp, Meanwhile compound butter Au poivre can work any time, keep warm and reduce Set up dredging station for veal Boil water for double boiler (bearnaise) Finals steps: Fry veal, grill asparagus, bearnaise
Plate up at 5. discussion and out by 5:50
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